Survey of education system in EGypt published by the UNESCO Bureau of Education. It's a detailed analysis of the education system with tables of subjects divided according to Preparatory or Primary levels.
Survey of education system in EGypt published by the UNESCO Bureau of Education. It's a detailed analysis of the education system with tables of subjects divided according to Preparatory or Primary levels.
Survey of education system in EGypt published by the UNESCO Bureau of Education. It's a detailed analysis of the education system with tables of subjects divided according to Preparatory or Primary levels.
Survey of education system in EGypt published by the UNESCO Bureau of Education. It's a detailed analysis of the education system with tables of subjects divided according to Preparatory or Primary levels.
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World Data on Education
Donnes mondiales de lducation
Datos Mundiales de Educacin
VII Ed. 2010/11
IBE/2012/CP/WDE/UA World Data on Education. 7th edition, 2010/11 Egypt Revised version, May 2012. Principles and general objectives of education The National Strategic Plan for Pre-university Education Reform 2007-20012 stipulates that the Ministry of Education is committed to reform the pre-university education system in order to promote equity and serve as an innovative model in the region, through: providing high quality education for all, as a basic human right; preparing all children and youth for healthy and enlightened citizenship in a knowledge-based society, under a new social contract based on democracy, freedom, and social justice; and adopting a decentralized educational system that enhances community participation, good governance, and effective management at the school level as well as at all administrative levels. The Ministry of Education fosters equal opportunities for all Egyptian students to realize quality education that empowers them to become creative, life-long learners who are tolerant critical thinkers with strong values and a wide range of skills for active citizenship and dynamic participation in an ever-changing global society. The key principles and values upon which the Strategic Plan is based are: social justice, excellence, student and school empowerment, human development, citizenship, creativity, participation, public-private partnership, tolerance, enhancing civil society and cooperative sector, democracy, accountability and transparency, and decentralization. The three fundamental policy goals of the Plan are: ensuring high levels of quality education performance; ensuring efficient system of management, effective community participation, and decentralization; and ensuring equal access to education for all. (MOE, 2007). Laws and other basic regulations concerning education Article 18 of the Constitution of 1971 stipulates that education is a right guaranteed by the State. The primary education cycle is compulsory and the State shall work to extend compulsory education to other cycles. The State supervises the whole education system and guarantees the independence of universities and scientific research centres. The Constitutional Declaration of 2011 by the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces does not make any reference to education. Pre-university education is regulated by Law No. 139/1981, modified by Law No. 233/1988, Law No. 2/1994 and Law No. 23/1999. Article 3 of the Law No. 23 stipulates that pre-university education is a right to all citizens and is provided free of charge in the state schools Article 4 indicates that pre-university education includes nine years of compulsory basic education, divided into a six-year primary stage and a three-year preparatory stage, and three years of secondary education. The Ministerial Decree No. 209 of 1988 provided for the establishment of vocational schools at the preparatory level, open to primary school graduates, pupils who have not completed primary education as well as those pupils who failed twice in the first or second preparatory year. Compiled by UNESCO-IBE ( World Data on Education. 7th edition, 2010/11 Law No. 155 of 2007 amended several items of the Law 139/1981, particularly with regard to the educational staff, and provided for the establishment of the Professional Academy for Teachers. Law No. 49/1972 and subsequent amendments provide for the organization of public universities. According to this law, universities are public authorities of a scientific and cultural nature. Each of them stands as a corporate person. Law No. 101/1992 regulates the establishment of private universities; the organization of private higher institutes is regulated by Law No. 52/1970. Law No. 103/1961 on the re-organization of Al-Azhar and its bodies specifies that there are two types of Al-Azhar institutes: establishments providing basic education in Islamic and Arab culture as well as general education; and the qualitative Azharitte Institutes preparing students from abroad to learn religious and Arab sciences, as well as institutes preparing Quran rectors. Law No. 8/1991 considers literacy and adult education as a national duty and stipulated the establishment of the General Authority for Eradicating Illiteracy (now the General Authority for Literacy and Adult Education), defining its functions and responsibilities. Law No. 12/1996 on child protection, the bylaw Decree No. 3452 of 1997 and its Amendment No. 151 of 2000, focus on the development of pre-primary education and early childhood education and development. The Ministerial Decree No. 65 of 23 March 2002 amended by the Ministerial Decree No. 15 of 19 J anuary 2003 provide for additional regulations regarding kindergartens. Law No. 528 of 2003 regulates technical colleges. The Ministerial Decree No. 2655 of 2006 reorganized the system of technical institutes under eight technical colleges and established their Boards of Trustees. Law No. 82 of 2006 provides for the establishment of the National Authority of Educational Quality Assurance and Accreditation, under the authority of the Prime Minister. Law No. 139 of 1981 provided for eight years of compulsory education covering primary education, lasting five years, and the three-year preparatory cycle. In accordance with Law No. 23 of 1999, compulsory basic education lasts nine years (age group 6-15) and covers the six-year primary education cycle and the three-year preparatory cycle. (NCERD, 1999). Administration and management of the education system The Ministry of Education (MOE) is responsible for all matters concerning educational policy, planning, budgeting, implementation and supervision, except for higher education. It is responsible for determining curricula, textbooks and educational materials and approving the necessary qualifications of teaching staff. The Ministry coordinates its activities with various universities, higher education Compiled by UNESCO-IBE ( World Data on Education. 7th edition, 2010/11 institutes, as well as other ministries, organizations and state institutions, in order to ensure that the educational plans are consistent with the plans of these organizations. The MOE is also responsible for the compilation of statistics and the assessment of the educational process in the country. The Curriculum Centre for Instructional Materials Development (CCIMD) is responsible for the development of textbooks, workbooks, and teacher guides for all areas of the curriculum. The National Centre for Educational Research and Development undertakes research and also assists in the task of developing curricula. The CCIMD was established by Ministerial Decree No. 176 of 4 J une 1990, to design, prepare, field test, revise, monitor, and evaluate curricula and instructional materials as well as train teachers to use revised curricula and instructional materials. The CCIMD also monitors and evaluates curricula and instructional materials to ensure their effectiveness and their availability, and offers new alternative instructional materials, such as learning kits and audio and video materials that suit classrooms with large numbers of students. Structurally, in 2007 the CCIMD consisted of the five sections: curriculum design, instructional materials, field testing and design, teacher training, and technological monitoring. (MOE, 2007). The monitoring and evaluation system within the education system is based on external supervision or inspection. A number of different departments within the MOE provide this function: the Central Administration for Inspection, the National Centre for Examinations and Educational Evaluation, the subject counselors and supervisors, and the financial and management inspectors. (UNESCO, 2008). The Professional Academy for Teachers, established in 2007, is a specialized entity responsible for designing, planning, coordinating, monitoring, and evaluating professional development activities for teachers and educational leaders. It is also responsible for implementing the system of granting licenses and validity certificates for teachers, trainers, and evaluators, as well as accrediting training programmes promotion standards. (NCERD, 2008). Educational Directorates in the governorates are responsible for all practical matters pertaining to the schools in their areasincluding appointment and placement of staff, school health care issues, etc. They take into account the governorates environment and its educational needs, and suggest the projects that are consistent with these needs. They also implement the educational policy in the governorates and supervise the educational process at the pre-university level in their areas. They participate in developing administrative, technical and communication structures. They look after youth education, and develop the athletic spirit within and outside schools, and cooperate with both governmental and non-governmental organizations and bodies. Educational Directorates participate in literacy campaigns, coordinate the enrolment policy and are responsible for the establishment and general management of general and technical secondary schools. They also open new schools, determine the dates of vacation periods and school timetables and supervise the application of Compiled by UNESCO-IBE ( World Data on Education. 7th edition, 2010/11 the curricula approved by the MOE. Finally, they administer the centrally-set examinations at the end of primary and preparatory education within the governorate. The Supreme Council of Al Azhar Institutions supervises Al Azhar (religious) schools, colleges and university, where Islamic studies are given more emphasis. The Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) supervises the higher education system, coordinates postsecondary education policy and planning, and oversees teacher training for basic education. Technical and vocational education and training (TVET) is provided through the MOE (technical and vocational schools) and the MOHE (intermediate institutes and technical colleges). There are other ministries that run vocational centres, such as the Ministry of Trade and Industry, Housing, Manpower and Emigration, Agriculture, Culture, and Health. The central coordinating and regulatory body for public universities is the Supreme Council of Universities (SCU), while private universities are under the jurisdiction of Supreme Council for Private Universities established in 2002. Technical colleges are under the supervision of the Supreme Council for Technical Colleges. Students can apply for a place in higher education institutions through the Central Placement Office; the process of admission is centrally coordinated by the Admission Coordination Bureau of Egyptian Universities. (OECD & World Bank, 2010). The main responsibilities of SCU include: defining criteria and quality guidelines for establishing academic programmes, new faculties, universities, and higher education institutions and controlling the application of such criteria and guidelines; approving academic programmes based on a reference to an academic framework; forming teams from the academic community to act as external examiners in all disciplines to ensure equal quality of students in the final year of study and graduation projects and works; proposing and deciding on the admissions policy, criteria and the number of students admitted into each discipline, faculty, and university; setting up the modalities of equivalence of academic degrees; establishing and implementing the framework and system of promoting the academic staff in higher education institutions and universities. (Ibid.). The National Authority of Educational Quality Assurance and Accreditation is an independent entity established in 2007 under the Law No. 82- 2006 as the accrediting body for all types and levels of education in the country. Its main role is to verify institutional self-evaluations with regard to institutional capacity and educational effectiveness. The National Council for Childhood and Motherhood (NCCM), an independent body established in 1989 under the authority of Prime Minister, serves as the coordination mechanism for early childhood care and education and the ministers of social affairs, health, culture, education, employment and training, planning, information, youth and professionals are members of this council. The main function of the NCCM is to prepare policy plans for children and mothers as part of the National Development Plan. (UNESCO, 2008). The Industrial Training Council (ITC) was established in 2006 in the Ministry of Trade and Industry with a mandate to improve coordination and direction Compiled by UNESCO-IBE ( World Data on Education. 7th edition, 2010/11 of all training-related entities, projects, and policies in the Ministry. More recently, two other councils have already been created: the Tourism Training Council and the Construction Training Council. (INP & UNDP, 2010). Structure and organization of the education system Arab Republic of Egypt: structure of the education system (2007)
Source: MOE, 2007. Pre-school education Pre-school education (kindergarten) is an independent educational stage lasting two years for children aged 4-5 years. While early childhood education is not yet considered as part of the education system, providing access to early childhood programmes is a priority. Early childhood schools charge relatively high fees. Compiled by UNESCO-IBE ( World Data on Education. 7th edition, 2010/11 Primary education Compulsory basic education starts at age 6 and covers primary and preparatory education. Between 1988 and 1999, primary education lasted five years, divided into two levels, of three and two years duration respectively. In accordance with the Law No. 23 of 1999, compulsory basic education now lasts nine years and covers the six- year primary education cycle and the three-year preparatory cycle. At the end of primary education, pupils who successfully passed the exam receive the completion certificate. At the end of the three-year preparatory cycle, students sit a centrally-set examination and if successful are awarded the basic education completion certificate. Pupils who are not able to complete the preparatory cycle can opt for a vocational programme offered in vocational schools; trainees who successfully complete the programme receive the certificate of completion of basic education and vocational preparation. Secondary education General and technical secondary education lasts three years. Technical education (mainly in the areas of industry, agriculture and commerce) is offered at two levels: three-year programmes preparing middle-level technicians; and five-year programmes preparing high-level technicians. Students who pass the exams at the end of general secondary education are awarded the General Secondary Education Certificate. Students who pass the exams at the end of three-year technical programmes receive the Secondary School Technical Diploma (in commerce, industry, agriculture); those who pass the centrally-set examinations at the end of the five-year programme are awarded the Diploma of Advanced Technical Studies. Al-Azhar (religious) education schools place more emphasis on Islamic studies. Upon completion of the programme, students are awarded the Al-Azhar Secondary School Certificate. Intermediate technical institutes offer two-year, postsecondary programmes leading to the award of diplomas in several areas (social services, health sciences, industry, and commerce), giving access to a higher institute or a university programme in a similar specialization. Higher education Higher education is provided by universities and non-university higher education institutes and is accessible to all students holding the general secondary education certificate, a technical diploma with high scores, or a diploma of advanced technical studies. Higher institutes offer four-year professional programmes leading to the award of a diploma equivalent to a bachelors degree; an additional two years lead to the award of a masters degree. A few higher institutes of technology also offer three- year programmes leading to a higher diploma of technology. Universities offer both academic and professional programmes. The duration of programmes leading to a bachelors degree or a licence is generally four years (five years in the case of dentistry, pharmacy, veterinary medicine, engineering and fine arts; six years in the case of medicine). Programmes leading to a diploma of higher studies take one or two years to complete after the bachelors degree; a masters degree is usually awarded after two years of study. The duration of programmes leading to a doctoral degree is normally three years and shall be completed within a maximum of five years. (See also: NUFFIC, 2010). Compiled by UNESCO-IBE ( World Data on Education. 7th edition, 2010/11 The school year consists of 34 working weeks divided into two semesters. The academic year is divided into two terms separated by a mid-year vacation lasting two weeks. The school year 2011/12 extended from September to J une; it consisted of 36 weeks for general education including one week reserved for examinations at the end of each semester (e.g. 34 working weeks or 204 working days), and 37 weeks for technical education including two weeks for examinations (e.g. 35 working weeks). Technical education students also had a three-week stage during the summer. The educational process T Since 1990, educational policy has been formulated within a democratic framework. Thus, many individuals, particularly through conferences, were given an opportunity to take part in the decision-making process concerning education. Developing educational materials is the responsibility of the Curriculum Centre for Instructional Materials Development, established in the early 1990s. This Centre plays an important role in the process of preparing, revising, modifying and developing the content of the different curricula. The parties involved in developing curricula work in cooperation with consultative committees consisting of teachers, supervisors, and university professors specialized in the various disciplines as well as education. Both the National Centre for Educational Research and Development and the National Centre for Examinations and Educational Evaluation assist in the task of developing curricula. The organizations mentioned above work together and collaborate to develop the educational content delivered through school curricula according to the following procedures: (i) conducting comparative studies to identify and describe curriculum development processes and efforts in other advanced countries; (ii) evaluating the existing curricula at various levels; (iii) articulating a vision for the different school curricula (often through conferences); and (iv) revising and modifying school curricula in the light of the recommendations made at these national conferences. The first conference for developing curricula was the National Conference for Developing Primary Education Curricula held in 1993. It was then followed by the National Conference for Developing Preparatory Education Curricula in 1994, the National Conference for Developing Teachers Preparation, Training and Caring in 1996, and finally the National Conference for Gifted and Talented Pupils in 2000. Before holding these conferences, the views of teachers, parents, pupils, inspectors, and other stakeholders were surveyed and taken into account for educational decision- making. In terms of teaching and learning strategies, recent curricular reforms included the following: focusing on the acquisition of skills rather than the acquisition of information; replacing memorization and rote learning by understanding and analysis; encouraging pupils to develop the ability for independent learning and self- instruction; imparting the skills, experience, knowledge and abilities necessary for the job market. Furthermore, the recommendations of the national conferences for primary education in 1993, and preparatory education in 1994, stressed that it is Compiled by UNESCO-IBE ( World Data on Education. 7th edition, 2010/11 necessary for teachers in different specializations to follow up-to-date teaching and learning strategies, such as discussion, games, problem solving, cooperative work, etc. In terms of content, recent efforts for changing the curriculum included: modernizing the scientific knowledge presented in school curricula in a way that it keeps in line with the most recent scientific and technological developments; reducing the quantity of information and emphasizing the acquisition of basic scientific concepts; including contemporary issues within the school curricula in a way that develops students feelings of citizenship. Within the framework of the National Strategic Plan for Pre-university Education Reform 2007-2012, a set of challenges relates to the production of a standards-based curriculum framework from the early childhood level to grade 12 that reflects recent research and best global practices. Currently, not all curriculum documents for grades 1-12 and/or subjects are standards-based; for the early childhood level, national standards and the curriculum still need to be set. Furthermore, all curriculum documents must be revised to integrate new theories of learning, ICT, and comprehensive assessment. Another set of challenges relates to revamping the entire process by which textbooks are designed, produced, delivered, and used by teachers. The new approach to learning and teaching must also be reflected in the authoring and production of textbooks. (MOE, 2007). The current process of producing textbooks by individual authors or content experts either in-house by the Curriculum Centre for Instructional Materials Development (CCIMD) or via textbook contests is no longer adequate. Textbooks must be produced using teams that include instructional designers: pedagogic, ICT and assessment designers, editors, and textbook illustrators. The CCIMD should be responsible for leading the design and development of all instructional materials. The curriculum and textbook development process is fragmented. Currently, the CCIMD (1) produces curriculum documents that guide the writing of textbooks; (2) designs and produces some textbooks in-house; and (3) evaluates textbook manuscript entries that are received as a result of textbook writing contests. At the same time, the Technology Development Center (TDC) on its own produces CD-ROMs and web- based materials to support the curriculum with no oversight from CCIMD, while the National Center for Educational Evaluation and Examinations independently produces assessment guides for each grade with no input from CCIMD. The result is that there is no integration or coherence among textbooks, ICT, and assessment instructional materials since three different MOE entities produce these materials with little or no coordination or oversight. Therefore, it is necessary to restructure CCIMD and redefine its role and functions in order to improve the quality of curriculum and textbook development. The following are the main issues that need to be addressed: Develop a curriculum framework that: is standards-based with clear performance indicators and learning outcomes/objectives; reflects the shift from a traditional rote memorization approach with a strong focus on content, to one that is focused on application of skills and critical thinking and problem solving; integrates ICT; and integrates a continuous and comprehensive Compiled by UNESCO-IBE ( World Data on Education. 7th edition, 2010/11 assessment system that is not solely based on tests that focus on memorization of facts. Develop textbooks and instructional materials that: integrate ICT and comprehensive assessment with content that focuses on critical thinking and problem-solving activities; and are produced by publishers to enhance private and cooperative sectors participation in instructional materials production and printing. Enhance the performance of teachers, supervisors, and school administrators in implementing the new curriculum integrating active learning, comprehensive assessment, and ICT Revise printing procurement processes and procedures in order to: rationalize printing of textbooks and instructional materials; and establish an efficient and effective mechanism to ensure that textbooks and teacher guides are delivered in a timely manner to all schools. Restructure the CCIMD to ensure an integrated and coherent production of curriculum framework, textbooks, teacher guides, ICT, and web-based materials. Train qualified cadres of textbook design teams who have expertise in various areas: pedagogy, ICT, assessment, computers, page layout, and graphic design to produce texts that are visually and academically interesting and effective. In line with the paradigm shift, curricula in all subjects shall be standards- based. Such a strategy improves student achievement by setting clear expectations for performance in academic subjects. A curriculum that supports active and informed citizenship should provide students with opportunities to develop a set of knowledge and skills which will prepare them for success in the global knowledge-based economy and society. This curriculum approach implies the integration of literacy, ICT, and thinking skills across all subjects with a significant emphasis on the Arabic language. Curriculum delivery shall be based on a constructivist philosophy. The adoption of such a philosophy means that teachers use strategies that encourage student engagement and provide a learning environment that empowers students to take responsibility for their own learning. A variety of instructional materials should be used, including textbooks, workbooks, teacher guides, assessment guides, CDs, and web-based materials. The integration of ICT and assessment in the curriculum are major factors in the creation of a learning environment where students are active, engaged, and challenged. The model for organizing the educational process shall be the following: for early childhood education, a focus on activities based on the childrens interests and organized by two classroom teachers; in basic education, integrated and complementary study fields taught by a classroom teacher in grades 1-3 and by subject teachers in grades 4-9 using an interdisciplinary approach; in general and technical secondary education, a curriculum based both on disciplines and interdisciplinary subjects consisting of core subjects (50%), specialized subjects (40%) and electives (10%). The approach to curriculum described above requires the transformation of schools into learning organizations. The new role of schools is to challenge and support student learning and to provide professional development for teachers. Schools shall become institutions which are continuously monitoring themselves, and Compiled by UNESCO-IBE ( World Data on Education. 7th edition, 2010/11 following-up new developments in the field of learning and pedagogy. In line with the modern education paradigm, a student-centered teaching model is to be adopted, where students are active learners and develop themselves through activities which bring solutions to problems they face in real life. Effective school and classroom practices will ensure that students achieve the outcomes included in the curriculum framework. (MOE, 2007 and 2008). The redesign of primary education curricula, especially for grades 1-3, focusing on reading, writing, and mathematics, and adopting of a student-centered active learning methodology and a comprehensive assessment system, has been completed in September 2006. The MOE has also undertaken a revision of the overall curriculum for all subjects in grades 1-12 in the general education stream and the design of teacher guides and resource books for the science subjects in general secondary education. It was also decided to reduce the number of subjects in the first year of the secondary level to 16 subjects. Finally, the MOE established a High Committee for Curriculum Development (HCCD) that will oversee the curriculum development policies and reform strategies. The curriculum framework will provide the MOE with greater flexibility in producing and developing different blueprints for books and instructional materials. The framework will enable the MOE to develop different blueprints of books that will meet the needs of the community and specific needs of the students in the different governorates. Furthermore, the framework will give the governorates, districts, and schools flexibility and ownership of the curriculum in a global environment that is continuously changing. The HCCD will approve the curriculum framework while CCIMD will be responsible for producing a list of approved blueprints or books for each subject that meet the requirements specified in the curriculum framework. Such policy principles will ensure that all curricula, from early childhood through grade 12, are standards-based with integrated ICT. The policy framework of the MOE is to ensure a comprehensive reform in curriculum and instruction that covers all related aspects of the learning process. The policy framework describes the learning outcomes and performance standards, strategies for curriculum development, the pedagogic model, scope and launching of the curriculum reform, the curriculum and instructional technology model, ICT access and standards for use, and the pedagogic use of ICT. The framework of the new curriculum emphasizes that the education reform will result in the development of: the values of democracy, good citizenship, and ability to dialog; basic life skills that enable learners to deal with changes in practical life and society; learners ability to effectively participate in the community; learners research and lifelong learning skills; and communication skills. The framework will also include performance standards. Applying these standards of performance will have impact in six key areas: curriculum, assessment, educational media and school equipment, professional development, infrastructure, and budgets. Performance standards will be characterized as follows: pre-defined levels of adequate performance in terms of competent (integrated) use of skills, knowledge, and attitudes in required realistic roles and contexts; performance types and levels will be defined in standards of performance for learners, teachers, and organizations (management). The guiding pedagogic model adopts a pragmatic, eclectic approach, making good use of proven Compiled by UNESCO-IBE ( World Data on Education. 7th edition, 2010/11 practice with other models, and is based on the following four key values: learners define their own learning questions; learning occurs by discovery; learners transfer learning into real life contexts; and learners reflect on (i.e. assess) process and products. According to the National Strategic Plan 2007-2012, the curriculum reform covering early childhood education and grades 1-12 was to be prepared and announced in 2007 and implemented as of 2008/09. Within the Strategic Plan, curriculum is understood as a course of study pursued in educational institutions. It consists of selected bodies of knowledge, skills, and attitudes organized into a planned sequence that are conveyed by educational institutions, primarily schools, to facilitate the interaction of educators and learners to achieve specific intellectual and social objectives. The curriculum framework provides a general overview of all subjects, levels, time plans, and general instruction on how to deliver learning, how to organize assessment, and how ICT can support learning and assessment. (MOE, 2007). Pre-primary education Pre-school education (kindergarten) is an independent educational stage lasting two years for children aged 4-5 years. Early childhood education is not yet considered as part of the education system. Pre-primary education (kindergarten) aims at achieving the comprehensive development of children and preparing them for school. Official bodies in charge of supervision or coordination include the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Insurance and Social Affairs (MISA), the Ministry of Health, and the National Council for Childhood and Motherhood (NCCM, an independent body established in 1989 under the authority of Prime Minister). A Committee at the governorate level (under the umbrella of NCCM) monitors the provision of early childhood education and submits evaluation reports to the governorate. The Nurseries Affairs Committee functions at the governorate level and is chaired by the governor. The Committee includes members of all related sectors. Kindergarten (KG) refers to pre-primary classes for 4-5 years old children, prior to entry to primary school. Kindergarten programmes are a form of early childhood education that takes place in a formal classroom setting, with a teacher, a curriculum, and a group of approximately 25 children. Preschool or nursery school programmes are usually tailored for younger children, aged 2 to 4 years, and can also take place in a formal classroom setting. The total number of nurseries supervised by MISA was 10,434 in J une 2004. The NGO sector operates 55% of nurseries, while the private sector 42%. The remaining 3% is affiliated to local government units, youth centers, companies, and universities. Formal early childhood education provision is divided between the public sector (slightly less than 50%) and the NGO and private sector (slightly over 50%). Concerning the kindergarten curriculum, teachers rely on a collection of 23 books, authorized by the Ministry of Education, that cover a series of topics: general teacher guides; a selection of guides on personality development, child behavior development, and music education; subject guides for the promotion skills in language, art, mathematics, storytelling, and writing. The remaining ten are workbooks for the children, five each for KG1 and KG2. Compiled by UNESCO-IBE ( World Data on Education. 7th edition, 2010/11 There is not a clear, well-identified plan for early childhood curricula and daily programmes. Rather, traditional academic curricula have been adopted. These curricula overload children with textbooks, syllabi, and homework instead of focusing on their interests and developmental needs. It had been assumed that such academic subjects would best prepare children for the next educational levels. (MOE, 2007). Most programmes in the private sector are developed and managed by NGOs, religious schools in the Al-Azhar system, workplace childcare centers, and non formal childcare in private homes. About two-thirds of nursery services are provided by NGOs, with the balance covered by an active private sector. There is also an extensive public nursery system that enrols thousands of 4- and 5-year-olds, providing custodial childcare. The MISA has responsibility for 7,525 nurseries that care for over 600,000 children. Seventy-three percent of nurseries are located in Upper and Lower Egypt, in poorer, rural areas. Although nurseries are intended to cater for children until 4 years of age, it has been estimated that as much as 40% of nursery enrollments may be 4- and 5-year-olds or approximately 252,000 children. The nursery programme of the MISA is tailored to provide care for poor children. According to a World Bank assessment team that reviewed the nursery system, the quality of the current programme should be improved to promote early stimulation and education. (World Bank, September 2002) Faculties of education have developed pre-service training programmes for non-specialized kindergarten teachers, and university faculties have prepared in- service packages. New applicants for public kindergarten teacher positions are required to have at least a bachelors degree with specialization in education and early childhood development. In 2001, the government announced its intention to promote the improvement of childrens health and education by increasing the enrolment rates for kindergarten programmes, and reforming early childhood education. The specific aims were to provide a place for each child in a preschool institution; integrate preschool into the compulsory education system for the age group 4-5; and increase the percentage of children in preschool from 13 to 60% by 2010. In 2005/06, the intake rate was estimated at 16.5%; 62.2% of the children were enrolled in public institutions, 28.8% in private entities, and the remaining in the Al- Azhar education sector. It is important to note that there are disparities in enrolment rates among different governorates with the highest enrollment rate in the New Valley governorate (46.9%) and the lowest enrollment rate in Minia (7.2%). The percentage of children enrolled in urban areas was 65.4%, while in poor and remote areas it was 34.6%. There were 16,194 teachers (mainly female teachers) in the public early childhood classes; of these, 13,712 were permanent staff and 2,482 contractual staff. There were 821 supervisors (i.e. inspectors), 132 of whom were trained specifically in early childhood. Overall, in 2005/06 the early childhood sector comprised 6,259 schools, 17,945 classrooms, 22,971 teachers, and a total enrolment of 413,725 children, of whom 196,539 were girls. The number of qualified teachers was 17,317. Class size varied across governorates. In Alexandria, there was an average of 43.6 children per class, while there were 18.7 per class in the New Valley and 18.5 in North Sinai. (MOE, 2007). Compiled by UNESCO-IBE ( World Data on Education. 7th edition, 2010/11 Enrolment in early childhood programmes did not exceed 17.9% in 2006/07. Enrolment rates showed a disparity between urban and rural areas, where the percentage of preschool children in urban areas (63.3%) was significantly higher than that in rural areas (36.7%). (UNESCO, 2008). The enrolment rate in early childhood care and education (ECCE) increased to 24.4% in 2007/08 with a total enrolment of 835,297 children. The early childhood education enhancement project supported by the World Bank and other donors has been an important initiative for improving the quality and institutional capacity of ECCE. Whereas more than 70% of youth aged 18-29 in the highest quintile have attended kindergarten, the percentage falls sharply along the wealth group where it reaches only 11% for the lowest quintile. (INP & UNDP, 2010). According to MOE statistics, in 2009/10 the early childhood sector comprised 8,212 schools, 24,237 classrooms and a total enrolment of 727,835 children, of whom 346,617 were girls. The total enrolment in government kindergartens was 529,696 children, of whom 251,227 were girls, and the number of teachers was 13,879 (including 119 male teachers). The total enrolment in Al-Azhar kindergartens was 59,624 children, of whom 29,038 were girls, and the number of teachers was 2,813 (including 353 male teachers). (CAPMAS, 2011). Primary education (basic education) As mentioned, compulsory basic education starts at age 6 and covers primary and preparatory education. Between 1988 and 1999, primary education lasted five years, divided into two levels, of three and two years duration respectively. In accordance with the Law No. 23 of 1999, compulsory (basic) education now lasts nine years and covers the six-year primary education cycle and the three-year preparatory cycle. At the end of primary education, pupils who successfully passed the examination receive the completion certificate. At the end of the three-year preparatory cycle, students sit a centrally-set examination and if successful are awarded the basic education completion certificate. Pupils who are not able to complete the preparatory cycle and pupils who fail twice in the first and second preparatory year, can opt for a vocational programme offered in vocational schools; students who successfully complete the programme receive the certificate of completion of basic education and vocational preparation. Primary education aims at developing pupils abilities and potentialities, satisfying their needs and interests, and helping them to acquire the necessary values, behaviors, and knowledge. With a focus on science, foreign languages, health, nutrition and the environment, basic education aims to prepare the individual to become a productive citizen in his or her environment and society. It is a priority for the State to provide basic education for all children aged 6. Governors have the right to take decisions that are necessary for regulating and implementing this obligation, and distributing children over the governorates basic education schools. In case there are vacant places, children aged 5 years and six months may be enrolled without increasing the assigned class size. Compiled by UNESCO-IBE ( World Data on Education. 7th edition, 2010/11 The weekly lesson timetables for the first and second cycles of basic education in 2001 are shown below: Egypt. Primary education (first cycle of basic education): weekly lesson timetable Subject Number of weekly periods in each grade 1 2 3 4 5 6
Total weekly periods 35 35 35 39 39 39 Source: NCERD, 2001. Each teaching period lasts 45 minutes. The sixth grade was reintroduced in 1999. According to the Ministerial Decree No. 99 of 8 J une 2003, the teaching of English was to be introduced starting from the first grade in 2003/04. Egypt. Preparatory education (second cycle of basic education): weekly lesson timetable
Subject Number of weekly periods in each grade 7 8 9
Religious education 2 2 2 Arabic language 7 7 7 Arabic calligraphy 1 1 1 Foreign language 5 5 5 Mathematics 3 3 3 Social sciences 4 4 4 Art education 2 2 2 Physical education 2 2 2 Music 1 1 1 Maintenance 1 1 1 Technology 3 3 3 Library 1 1 1 Practical areas 2 2 2 Additional subjects 5 5 5
Total weekly periods 39 39 39 Source: NCERD, 2001. Each teaching period lasts 45 minutes. Compiled by UNESCO-IBE ( World Data on Education. 7th edition, 2010/11 In grades 1 to 3 children acquire the basic skills of reading, writing, mathematics and religious education. In grades 4 to 6 children develop the functional use of the basic skills in everyday life activities. To achieve the aim of this cycle, the Ministry of Education has focused on evaluation tools with due attention to the overall development of pupils. Evaluation should not be confined to achievement tests only, but it should also include oral performance tests according to the nature of educational experiences offered. Examinations should not be confined to measuring the information content learnt by heart, but go beyond that to the measurement of the pupils ability to deduce, relate, synthesize and criticize. In the preparatory cycle pupils are assessed through two written examinations. Such summative tests are held at the level of the educational administration. There are no activities marks throughout the school year. At the end of the cycle, students are assessed through a written examination held at the governorate level. No marks are awarded to students for their effort throughout the months of the school year. Students having successfully completed the preparatory cycle are awarded the basic education completion certificate. Vocational preparatory schools are viewed as inefficient due to poor or unavailable facilities. School buildings are inadequate and ill-equipped. Some schools use existing general preparatory school facilities in the afternoon without preparing the school for vocational training. The workshops and tools are of very low quality or nonexistent. Attendance is very low. Vocational subjects make up only 34% of the curriculum, with the rest being general subjects. (MOE, 2007). In 1998/99, the total enrolment at the primary level (age group 6-11 years) was 8,921,605 pupils for a gross enrolment ratio (GER) of 103%. At the preparatory level, the total enrolment was 2,931,329 pupils and the GER was estimated at 62%. (MOHE, 2001). With regard to primary education, in 2005/06 there were 16,412 schools with 205,389 classrooms and the total enrolment was 8,784,289 pupils (of whom 4,225,182 were girls). The average class size was estimated at 42.7 pupils per class (up to a maximum of 50.1 in Alexandria). In addition, there were 1,010,302 pupils enrolled in Al-Azhar schools. Overall, 82.5% of pupils were enrolled in public schools, 7.2% in private schools, and 10.3% in the Al-Azhar system. Out of the 16,412 schools, 45.6% were operating the full day, 47.8% (or 7,135 schools) were operating one shift in the morning (e.g. four to five hours per day), 7.63% one shift in the evening, and 3.3% were double-shift schools. In the public sector, dropout rates varied from a minimum of 0.6% in grade 1 to a maximum of 4.8% in grade 5; repetition rates varied from 3.4% in grade 3, to 4.7% in grade 4 and up to 13% in grade 6. The GER was estimated at 96% (95.6% for girls and 96.3% for boys) and the net enrolment rate (NER) at 87.1% (87.5% for girls and 86.7% for boys) (possibly the GER in Al-Azhar schools is not included). In thirteen governorates the GER was below the national average. In the same school year, there were 497 special needs schools with a total enrolment of 24,481 pupils. The pass rate for the 2004/05 primary certificate exam reached 90.2% for boys and 94.8% for girls, with an overall percentage of 92.4%. (MOE, 2007). Compiled by UNESCO-IBE ( World Data on Education. 7th edition, 2010/11 At the preparatory level, in 2005/06 there were 8,958 schools including 7,650 public general education schools, 272 public vocational schools, and 1,036 schools in the private sector. Out of the 8,958 schools, 4,329 were operating the full day, 3,449 were operating one shift in the morning (e.g. four to five hours per day), 932 one shift in the evening, and 248 were double-shift schools. The total enrolment was 3,144,089 pupils, distributed as follows: 2,561,738 pupils in public general education schools, 119,538 in public vocational schools, 129,851 in private schools, and 332,962 in Al- Azhar preparatory schools. The average class size was estimated at 38.9 pupils per class in public schools and 29.2 in private schools. The GER was estimated at 96.9% in general, vocational and private schools and 7.1% in Al-Azhar schools, for a total of 104%. In fifteen governorates the GER was below the national average (a minimum 57.9% in South Sinai and 70.5% in Red Sea). The NER was estimated at 78.8%. In 2004/05 the overall dropout rate was estimated at 2.9%. The number of qualified teachers in 2005/06 amounted to 146,773; the number of unqualified teachers was 53,776. In other words, out of a total of 205,506 of teachers 73.2% were graduates from faculties of education while 26.8% were graduates from other faculties without pre-service training in education. The pass rate on the general preparatory certificate examination was 79% for boys and 85% for girls in 2004/05, giving an average of 81.5%. Despite the achievements in terms of universal basic education enrolment, it is estimated that 27% of young people aged 18-29 do not complete basic education: 17% have dropped out of school before completing basic education and 10% have never enrolled in school. According to the Survey of Young People in Egypt (SYPE), those who come from the poorest households are distributed among three main groups: those who never enrolled (29%), those who dropped out before finishing basic education (24%), and those who completed technical secondary education (29%). Children whose families are in the middle and upper wealth quintiles are more likely to perform better in certificate examinations and to join the higher education system. Those who come from poor households constituted 5.3% of achievers in the primary education stage, 3% of achievers in the preparatory stage and only 0.5% of achievers in the general secondary education stage. (INP & UNDP, 2010). According to MOE statistics, in 2009/10 there were 16,951 primary schools, 242,676 classrooms and a total enrolment of 9,334,322 pupils, of whom 4,508,380 were girls. The total enrolment in government primary schools was 8,550,513 pupils, of whom 4,130,932 were girls, and the number of teachers was 302,062 (including 166,308 female teachers). The total enrolment in 3,423 Al-Azhar primary schools was 1,205,712 pupils, of whom 536,385 were girls, and the number of teachers was 66,337 (including 28,843 female teachers). (CAPMAS, 2011). In 2009/10, there were 9,854 preparatory schools (including 279 vocational schools and 34 sports schools), 110,760 classrooms and a total enrolment of 4,041,072 pupils, of whom 1,991,163 were girls. The total enrolment in government preparatory schools was 3,804,391 pupils, of whom 1,881,144 were girls, and the number of teachers was 201,347 (including 95,696 female teachers). The total enrolment in 3,024 Al-Azhar preparatory schools was 433,064 pupils, of whom 181,276 were girls, and the number of teachers was 41,918 (including 14,649 female teachers). (Ibid.). Compiled by UNESCO-IBE ( World Data on Education. 7th edition, 2010/11 Secondary education As mentioned, general and technical secondary education lasts three years. Technical education (mainly in the areas of industry, agriculture and commerce) is offered at two levels: three-year programmes preparing middle-level technicians; and five-year programmes preparing high-level technicians. Students who pass the exams at the end of general secondary education are awarded the General Secondary Education Certificate. Students who pass the exams at the end of three-year technical programmes receive the Secondary School Technical Diploma (in commerce, industry, agriculture, etc.); those who pass the centrally-set examinations at the end of the five-year programme are awarded the Diploma of Advanced Technical Studies. Al-Azhar (religious) education schools place more emphasis on Islamic studies. Upon completion of the programme, students are awarded the Al-Azhar Secondary School Certificate. Intermediate technical institutes offer two-year, postsecondary programmes leading to the award of diplomas in several areas (social services, health sciences, industry, and commerce), giving access to a higher institute or a university programme in a similar specialization. Secondary education aims at preparing students for practical life and for higher and university education, as well as enhancing citizenship with a view to deep- rooting identity and developing students loyalty to motherland. Efforts have been exerted to develop and support the technical secondary education curricula, in particular the industrial secondary education, to raise its quality level by new curricula and specialties; introducing computers in the technical schools; and concentrating on marketing services. At the general secondary level, in the first year students have two written exams, one at the end of the first semester and the other at the end of the second semester. There are no yearly marks for students. In addition, there are practical tests for some subjects (i.e. chemistry, biology, physics and practical fields). These exams are held at the level of the educational administration. In the second and third years, students sit the General Secondary Education Certificate examination, which is administered at the end of each year; the total scores in both exams determine the students overall result, which is taken into account for admission to higher education institutions. Students who pass the examinations are awarded the general secondary education certificate. Most teachers use traditional teaching methods: lectures, demonstrations, and simplification of the textbook content. Students hardly ever participate in what takes place during the lesson, and even the questions they raise are all requests for further explanations of ambiguous points not adequately covered by the teacher. These teaching methods based on rote memorization are consistent with other secondary curriculum constituents, which are all driven by the final exam. Apparently, with the predominance of these outdated methods imposed by the exam system, there is no room for incorporating teaching methods such as learner-centered methods and research-based methods. In this context, it is unrealistic to tackle the teachers role in developing students critical and creative thinking, or their problem solving skills. (MOE, 2007). Compiled by UNESCO-IBE ( World Data on Education. 7th edition, 2010/11 In 2005/06 the total enrolment was 3,480,314 students, distributed as follows: 1,145,174 students in public general secondary education, 1,961,162 in technical education, 94,015 in private general education schools, and 279,963 in the Al-Azhar system. Concerning general secondary, there were 2,239 schools of which 1,641 were public and 598 private. The share of rural areas in the number of secondary schools reached 33.4% or one-third of all secondary schools, even though approximately 55% percent of Egypts population lives in rural areas. The average class size was estimated at 38.6 students per class; the class size in ten governorates exceeds the national average. Out of the number of schools, 61.3% were operating the full day (e.g. seven hours per day), 30.1% were operating one shift in the morning (four to five hours), 3.5% one shift in the evening, and 5.1% were double-shift schools. The enrolment rate was estimated at 78.4%. Access to general secondary education is not the same in all governorates; there are discrepancies as far as educational opportunities are concerned. In Cairo, such opportunities are available to 47.4% of the age group concerned, while in Fayoum the percentage is 17.3% and in Sohag is 19.5%. The average dropout rate in general education was estimated at 4.3% in 2005/06 (5.4% for boys and 3.2% for girls). The total number of teachers in general education was 101,135, of whom 93,728 were in public schools and 7,407 in private schools. The number of qualified teachers was 69,822. In 2004/05, about 2.2% of the students failed the first year secondary exams, 8% failed the second year exam, and 7.7% failed the third year exams, giving an aggregate percentage of 17.9%. Adding this percentage to the dropout rate in the same year (4.3%), a wastage percentage of 22.2% is obtained. In other words, of every 100 students who enrol in the secondary school, only 77.8% complete it successfully. As regards technical secondary education, in 2005/06 the total number of schools was 1,810, of which 1,571 in the public sector and 239 in the private sector; 874 were industrial schools, 172 agricultural schools, and 764 commerce schools. Out of the total number of students enrolled in technical education (1,961,162 students, of whom 919,038 were girls), 992,057 students were in industrial schools (including 374,437 girls), 223,386 in agricultural schools (of whom 51,225 were girls), and 745,719 in commerce schools (of whom 493,376 were girls). The number of teachers was 147,006, of whom 93,091 in industrial schools, 13,997 in agricultural schools and 39,918 in commerce schools. Finally, there were a number of schools established with the aim of preparing a skilled labor force. These schools admit students holding preparatory vocational certificates as well as those with basic education completion certificates. These students pursue their vocational agricultural and industrial study for three years. There were 256 vocational industrial schools, with 2,112 classrooms and 22,171 students enrolled, and 56 vocational agricultural schools with 404 classrooms serving 14,190 students. These schools are attached to technical secondary schools. (Ibid.). In 2005/06, the transition rate to higher education was 80.3% in the case of general secondary education graduates and 6.8% for technical secondary education graduates. (OECD & World Bank, 2010). According to MOE statistics, in 2009/10 there were 2,414 general secondary schools, 27,750 classrooms and a total enrolment of 862,147 students, of whom 459,410 were girls. The total enrolment in government general secondary schools was 792,251 students, of whom 425,997 were girls, and the number of teachers was 90,373 (including 34,648 female teachers). The total enrolment in 1,999 Al-Azhar Compiled by UNESCO-IBE ( World Data on Education. 7th edition, 2010/11 secondary schools was 277,858 students, of whom 106,955 were girls, and the number of teachers was 36,665 (including 10,824 female teachers). In the same year, there were 1,801 technical secondary schools, 40,168 classrooms and a total enrolment of 1,260,793 students, of whom 560,795 were girls. Out of the total number of students enrolled in technical secondary education, 667,075 students were in industrial schools, 468,254 in commerce schools, and 125,464 in agricultural schools. (CAPMAS, 2011). Assessing learning achievement nationwide While achievement tests between 1997 and 2001 do not show significant progress according to a recent Education Enhancement Programme (EEP) study, the government is working to improve student outcomes. The EEP study surveyed 5,940 students in the fifth grade and 4,440 students in the eighth grade, in four governorates: El-Sharkia, El-Fauyoum, El-Behira, and Qena. Standardized and pilot tested instruments in Arabic, mathematics, and critical-thinking skills were used to establish baseline scores in 1997. A follow-up test (using the same instrument) was carried out among grade 5 and 8 students in 2001 in the same schools of El-Fauyoum governorate. 75. In 1997 none of the fifth and eighth graders in the four governorates achieved mastery levels in any subject. In critical thinking the range in grade 5 was between 50 and 52 (pass but less than satisfactory) and in grade 8 between 54 and 56 (between fail and less than satisfactory). In mathematics, student achievement for both grades in all governorates was less than pass. In Arabic, only El-Sharkia fifth graders and El-Sharkia and El-Behira eighth graders had pass grades. On average, both grades (in all governorates and in all subjects) had less than satisfactory scores. Overall, the results also showed that there was little difference in the achievement of boys and girls in the three areas studied. In addition, and as expected, students in Lower-Egypt governorates (El-Sharkia) performed slightly better that those in Upper- Egypt governorates (Qena). The results of the follow-up test conducted in 2001 in Al-Fayoum governorate showed that few improvements had been made as a result of the teacher training and other interventions carried out during the past several years. Tests were carried out to assess differences between the pretest results discussed above and the post-test results. For critical-thinking skills, out of the four domains investigated for grades 5 and 8, only one domain (inference and reasoning) showed improvement for grade 5. All others showed significant difference in favor of pre-test scores or showed no difference at all. For mathematics, out of the two domains studied for grades 5 and 8, one domain (geometry and measuring) showed improvement for grade 5, and one (statistics and algebra) showed improvement for grade 8. Other domains showed no significant difference between pre-test results and follow-up test results. Tested in grade 8 only, Arabic language listening showed improvement, writing showed decline in performance, and reading showed no difference at all. Overall the results are mixed. (World Bank, October 2002). Egypt participated in the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 2003 and 2007. Students scores in mathematics declined from 406 in 2003 to 391 in 2007; girls achievement scores declined from 407 to 397, while boys achievement passed from 406 to 384. Students scores in science declined from 421 in Compiled by UNESCO-IBE ( World Data on Education. 7th edition, 2010/11 2003 to 408 in 2007 on average. In TIMSS 2007, 53% of Egyptians students did not reach the low international benchmark (400-475) in mathematics, and 45% in science. With regard to TIMSS 2003, Egyptian eighth graders scored below international averages in mathematics and science (467 and 474, respectively), as well as below J ordan (424 and 475); they scored on par with Indonesia (410 and 420) and Tunisia (410 and 404), and ahead of the Philippines (378 and 377) and all participants from Sub-Saharan Africa. On the other hand, the results in a group of experimental public schools as well as private schools were on par with or above international averages. Students from public experimental language schools scored above international averages (509 in mathematics and 506 in science), which are well. Both experimental language schools and private schools are better housed and equipped than the regular schools. Instructional time is longer and they pay incentives to recruit better teachers. All of these findings combine to indicate that the main focus of the public education system should be on the equal distribution of quality as well as on the provision of quality education. (MOE, 2007). Teaching staff T A 1989 policy mandated that all primary education teachers must be holders of a university degree, specializing in education (e.g. usually a bachelors of education awarded after four years of study). At the kindergarten level the majority of teachers are secondary school graduates. Most of secondary school teachers are university graduates with an education background. Graduates from the basic education programme offered in the faculties of education are appointed as class teachers and subject teachers in basic education schools. Graduates from language departments (English and French), and from industrial education departments are also appointed as soon as they graduate, due to a shortage of teachers in these specialties. Until recently, the MOE was committed to appoint all education faculty graduates as soon as they graduated, but this commitment receded lately as a result of growth in the number of teachers, particularly in such subjects as mathematics, science, and social studies. The Ministry also upgraded the level of primary education teacher preparation, which now falls under the umbrella of university faculties and other higher education institutes, although the preparation of certain types of teachers still falls short of higher education. Examples of these are teachers of practical activities, typing and certain practical subjects in industrial education. The training of kindergarten female teachers is provided at two faculties, in Cairo and in Alexandria. Training is also offered in kindergarten divisions at faculties of education, and the department of childhood studies at the girls college, Ain Shams University. The duration of studies is four years. Teachers of the second cycle of basic education and general secondary education teachers are trained at the faculties of education in the different governorates, including the faculty of education, Al-Azhar University. Students must hold a General Secondary Education Certificate to be admitted, and the duration of the programme is four years. The training of teachers of technical education, special Compiled by UNESCO-IBE ( World Data on Education. 7th edition, 2010/11 education, arts, music, physical education, etc., is provided by specialized faculties. The enrolment requirements are the same as for other teachers. In-service training is organized by the Central Directorate for In-service Training (CDIST) through 14 regional training sites. Such training can also be decentralized in departments of outlying directorates. A number of bodies and agencies work side by side with the CDIST to provide in-service training. Furthermore, teachers can be sent abroad to be trained, through grants offered by some agencies and institutes. Some incentives are provided to teachers wanting to improve their training. Between 2003 and 2007, a total of 55,434 trainees attended training programmes organized by the CDIST. (NCERD, 2008). The teachers workload differs from one stage to another as follows: at the basic education level, 24 class sessions per week in grades 1-6 and 21 class sessions per week in grades 7-9 for assistant teachers and teachers (22 and 19 sessions respectively for senior teachers; 20 and 18 sessions respectively for lead senior teachers; 18 and 17 sessions for expert teachers; and 16 and 15 sessions for lead expert teachers). At the secondary level, the required number of sessions per week is as follows: 18 sessions for the assistant teachers and teachers, 17 for senior teachers, 16 for lead senior teachers and expert teachers, and 14 for lead expert teachers. (Ibid.). Promotion to the position of preparatory school headmaster, preparatory school director, secondary school vice-principal, or secondary school headmaster, requires the candidate to obtain a high pedagogical qualification, or an appropriate higher qualification, together with spending three years in the lower position, and attending a given training programme. Promotion to the position of a secondary school director requires spending one year at least in the first bracket, level C, together with obtaining the high, or appropriate, educational qualification. The distribution of teachers to educational zones is done centrally to satisfy the needs of every governorate in accordance with the numbers of pupils in each stage. Yet the distribution of teachers to the administrations and divisions within the governorate is done at the governorate level. Teachers salaries are based on the regular salary scale. Increase in salary is wholly related to years of experience and to qualifications. Salaries increase with higher qualifications and years of service. The total number of pre-university education teachers amounted to 807,385 at the end of 2003 (including 18,924 teachers at the pre-primary level and 7,842 special education teachers). The Ministry set a plan for the professional development for teachers and is striving to promote training centers and increase their capacity. During the years 2002 and 2003, a total of 712,133 teachers were trained in basic skills (some of these teachers attended more than one session). A total of 242,000 teachers were trained in advanced technology skills and diverse applications (the computer and its uses). The total number of teachers who were trained through the videoconferencing neetwork in the period between 2004 and 2007 amounted to more than 932,000 through 63 centres covering all governorates. The total number of pre-university education teachers was 809,892 in 2006/07 (including 23,370 teachers at the pre-primary level and 8,447 special education teachers). In terms of qualifications, 415,028 teachers were holders of a university Compiled by UNESCO-IBE ( World Data on Education. 7th edition, 2010/11 degree in the field of education, 138,293 were university degree holders (not in the field of education), 5,713 had a postgraduate degree (not in education), and 3,529 had a postgraduate degree in education. (NCERD, 2008). References Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS). Egypt Statistical Yearbook 2011. Cairo, September 2011. Institute of National Planning and UNDP. Egypt Human Development Report 2010. Cairo, 2010. Ministry of Economic Development and UNDP. Egypts progress towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals 2010. Cairo, 2010. Ministry of Education. National strategic plan for pre-university education reform in Egypt 2007/08-2011/12. Cairo, 2007. Ministry of Higher Education. Project Implementation Unit. Higher education in Egypt. J anuary 2001. National Centre for Educational Research and Development. The development of education in Egypt 2004-2008. A national report. Presented at the 48th session of the International Conference on Education, Geneva, 2008. National Centre for Educational Research and Development. Development of education in Arab Republic of Egypt 2000-2004. Presented at the 47th session of the International Conference on Education, Geneva, 2004. National Centre for Educational Research and Development. Education Development: National report of the Arab Republic of Egypt from 1999 to 2000. (Under the coordination of N.G. El-Din). Presented at the 46th session of the International Conference on Education, Geneva, 2001. National Centre for Educational Research and Development. Education For All 2000 Assessment: country report of the Arab Republic of Egypt. (Under the coordination of N.G. El-Din). Cairo, 1999. National Centre for Educational Research and Development. Development of education in Arab Republic of Egypt 1994-1996. Presented at the 45th session of the International Conference on Education, Geneva, 1996. National Centre for Educational Research and Development. Reinforcement of teachers role in a changing world. Response to the questionnaire prepared for the International Conference on Education, 45th session, Geneva, 1996. NUFFIC (Netherlands Organization for International Cooperation in Higher Education). Country module: Egypt. Evaluation foreign degrees and qualifications in the Netherlands, The Hague, 2010. Compiled by UNESCO-IBE ( World Data on Education. 7th edition, 2010/11 OECD and The World Bank. Review of national policies for education. Higher education in Egypt. Paris, April 2010. UNESCO Cairo Office. UNESCO National Education Support Strategy (UNESS). The Arab Republic of Egypt. Prepared in collaboration with the UNESCO Regional Bureau for Education in the Arab States. Cairo, October 2008. United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Egypt Human Development Report 1998/99. UNDP, 1999. World Bank. Arab Republic of Egypt. Strategic options for early childhood education. Report No. 24772-EGT, Human Development Sector, Middle East and North Africa Region. Washington DC, September 2002. World Bank. Arab Republic of Egypt Education Sector Review: Progress and priorities for the future. Report No. 24905-EGT, Human Development Sector, Middle East and North Africa Region. Washington DC, October 2002. Web resources Egyptian Universities Network: [In Arabic and English. Last checked: May 2012. Site under maintenance.] Information Technology Institute: [In English. Last checked: May 2012. Site under maintenance.] Ministry of Education: [In Arabic. Last checked: May 2012.] Ministry of Education Portal: [In Arabic. Last checked: May 2012.] Ministry of Higher Education: [In Arabic and English; some information in French. Last checked: May 2012.] National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education: [In Arabic and English. Last checked: May 2012.] National Centre for Examinations and Educational Evaluation: [In Arabic. Last checked: May 2012.] Professional Academy for Teachers: [In Arabic. Last checked: May 2012.] Supreme Council of Universities: [In Arabic. Last checked: May 2012. Site partially under construction.] For updated links, consult the Web page of the International Bureau of Education of UNESCO: Compiled by UNESCO-IBE (
Global Education Reform: The Universe Is Governed by a Sequence of Realms; Hence, Global Education Reform Is a Dignified Path to Peace and Unity, a Promised Corridor for the Eradication of Lingering Human Prejudice, Discrimination, Injustice, and Language Barriers.