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Technical Committee On Autogenous Healing in Cementitious Materials - TC075B - tcr09

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Tedmical Ccrumittee Re

Digd Editim 91-1I Cyn2an CoInstJ.tute


Committee Report : JCI TC075B

Technical Committee on Autogenous HealingCementitious Materials



le Committee on Autogenous Healing in Cementitious Materials (chainnan: Shin-ichi Igarashi Kanazawa University) has carried out its activitiesreorganlze pt studies one self-healing!-repairingnction of concrete over two years (2007-2008). A survey of E literature inc1uding the latest research'ends of the committee members was conducted with a particar focus one mechanism of self-healing!repairing in order to classid define the phenomena. The Committee also held a workshop/panel discussion duringe annual convention of JCI in 2008 at which valuable knowledgeom researchers in various spheres was accumulated with discussions made on the required direction of future sdy.


activated technique


autonomic healing







Self-healing of cracks in concreis a generic term for phenomena including re-hydration of unhydrated cement which has been recognized as a phenomenon for a long tirne as 1 mentioned by A. M. Neville ) asautogenous healing.' However daaccumulationd quantitative evaluation have not been sufficient for engineers to consideris phenomenon at e design stae. T herefore it has not become available for design and use as a method of repair. JCI Technical Committon Autogenous Healing in Cementitious Marials

(JCITC075B chainnan: Shin-ichi Igarashi Kanazawa University) has carried out activities to review past studies on self-healing!repairing of concrete over the last two years (20072008). le committee members who are listed in Table 1 nduc d a literature survey including their latest research results and held discussions with the aim of achieving e quantification of self-healing on various scales. Specificallese inc1ude a microscopic level (modeling using cement hydration models) mesoscopic level (evaluation on a level of constitutive models) and macroscopic level (utiliz.tion methods on a concremember level). At a workshop/panel discussion held during the Annual Convention of JCI in 2008 valuable knowledge of researchers om various fields

accumulated with discussions held


S Igaraohi M KWlia and T. Niohiwaki ! Tecical Ccrumittee Reports 20:

Dil';est Editim 91-102

regardinge required direction of fure sdy.

Table 1: Members ofthe Committee

Chrman Sey Shln-ichl IGARASlll Minoru KUNIEDA Tomoy.NISIWAKI Memb Yukio ASANO T..HoAHN roiINADA Tetsushi KANDA TakaIoSAGAWA Tokto SlllRASAKA denoriHAMADA Hiroshi lllRAO AkiraHOSODA Ippei MAR UY AMA Kanaz.aw.UVsty Na;oya University Y.gata University Gifu University The UnivlofTokyo Shlmizu Cooration Kajima Corporon Nittetsu Cement Taiheiyo Cement Cooration Kyushu University Taiheiyo Cement Cooration Yokoha.Nona1 University Naa University

Table 2 givese draft table of conts ofle State-ofe-Art report. Chapter 2 defmes

scopd terms of self-healing!repairing phenomena dealt wi.e report. Th phenomena which include the latent autogenous healing pability of cementitious materials the use of supplementary cementitious materials for autogenous healing ande addition of functional elements for activated repring were classified by the means (mechanisms) to achieveselhealing!repairing effect. The terms were then defmed for each phenomenon and technique. Chapter 3 introduces e latestends of ongoing studies for each

function-restoring phenomenon defined in Chapter 2. Chapter 4 describes the possibility of modeling self-healing!-repairing and Chapter 5 induces an experimental investigation evaluateeffect of self-healing!ag. Chap6 introduces the eto incorate the self-healing!repairing phenomena into the design stage including application examples Chapter 7 inducese efforts relatedself-healing!-repairing phenomena in sec>rs other than concrete and cementitious materials. Assoc. Prof. Kohji T:ashi of Yokoharna National University who works on cutting-edge research in the ceramics domain contributes to Chapter 8 particularly regarding these phenomena in the ceramics field. Chapter 9 introduces the workshop State-of-the-art self-healing!repairing of concrete" held by the Committee during the Annual Convention of JCI in 2008.le discussion wi1 panelists who are active in theontlines of areas partilarly related to cementitious materials is described in detail.

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1rable 2: Draft table of contents of tbe report

Chapter 1 Chapr 2 Chapter 3 Chapter4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chaptr7 Chapter 8 Chaptr 9 Chapter 10 Appendix Introduction Self. healing/repairing phenomena and definitions Self. healing/repiring mechanisms and current state of technology Marial n.odels of self. healing/repairing Experiental evaluation of self. healinepairing ects Application examples of self. healing/repairing functions 'reatment of self. healing/repiring in other filds Self. healing phenomena of ceramic materials (Special contribution) JCI workshop in Fukuoka Conclusions


Classification of phenomena and deons ofterms

The Committee categorized tbe concept of self-hea1ingt.repairing as shown in Fig. 1d

Table 3 focusing on respective phenomena. Table 4 gives examples of studies in each

ca:gory. The cgoion a:nd differences of mecha:nisms betwn.e cgonea:re expla:ined in tbe following pa:ra;raphs: Recovery' which covers tbe entire a:rea shown in Fig. 1 is defined as a:n event in genera1 in which at least one function of concrete rovers by whatever mea:ns. Conventiona1 repair/sengtbening corresponds tois while it is expectedat self-hea1ingtrepairing of concrete dea1t wimis report will be rega:rded as a feasible mea:ns for recovery. Self-hea1ingt-repairing' is defmeda:n event in genera1 in which at least one function of concrete recovers by mecha:nisms inherent1y provided in concrete wil0ut tbe need for repau or snglening. Notehea1ing' a:ndreping' a:re differentiated from each otber as follows: tbe fonner refers to clogging of cracks by phenomena found in conventiona1 concrete as well suchre-hydration of cement a:nd deposition of ca1cium ca:rbona: whereas e la:er refers to mea:ns clog cracking by tbe addition of a:n a:rtificia1 device as a substitute for conventiona1 repair/snglening. In otber words hea1ing' makes cracking of a cementitious materia1 clogged by itself uti1izing its innate mecha:nisms. Addition of a supplementa:ry cementitious materia1 for insta:nce at a:n appropria: proportion to accelerate such a crack-clogging mecha:nism is a1so included inhea1ing.'1le otber ha:ndrepairing' adds devices suchmicrocapsu1es a:nd heat-generating devicesat a:re outside ofE category of conventiona1 supplementa:ry cementitious materia1s to impa:rt a crack-clogging capability as a new function.


S. IgarashiM. Kunieda and T. Nishiwi / Technical Committee Reports 2009 - Digest Edition91-102

Table 3: Mechanisms and classification of phenomena

Natural healing: A phenomenon in which cracks in concrete are naturally clogged in an environment involving moisture for instance without any special arrangement in the material design etc. Autonomic healing: A phenomenon in which cracks are clogged in concrete made with special material design such as the use of an appropriate supplementary cementing material in expectation of its effect of clogging or accelerating the clogging of cracks in the concrete in an environment involving moisture etc. Activated repairing: A phenomenon in which cracks are clogged in concrete by a mechanism of devices embedded in the concrete beforehand for the purpose of autonomically repairing cracks. Autogenous healing: A concept encompassing natural healing and autonomic healing; the whole phenomenon of cracks in concrete being clogged in an environment involving moisture etc. Engineered healing/repairing: A concept encompassing autonomic healing and activated repairing; a phenomenon in which cracks in concrete are clogged by the use of the concrete made with special material design to clog/repair cracks. Self- healing/repairing: The whole phenomenon of clogging of cracks in concrete not by human hand.

Autogenous Healing

Recover Self HealinglRepairing

Autonomic Healing Ac

Figure 1: Classification and Venn diagram of self-healinglrepairing of cracking

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Table 4: Study cases corresponding to the classification of self-healinglrepairing

pe Study case Re. hydration of residual unhydratedent in low concrete Re. hydration of cracks found in hydraulic structures Healingl repalrmg Healing Inherentl engineered Inherent

Natural healing



Autonomic healing

Use offly ash


ECC containing tly ash

Use of special additive (expansive additive) Use ofbacteria


Activated repairing

Inclusion of microcapsules etc Use ofbrittle pipe network Use of heat.generating devices Use of shape.memory alloys Fusion with monitoring techniques


As stated abovee scope of healing' includes two directions.le


crak clogging by

conventionally known phenomena such as cement re-hydration and CaC:! deposition in hydraulic structures. The other is healing by adding chemical admixtures and/or

supplementary clentitious malssuch.pansive additive flyh uncured epoxy concreteexact ilatent pontialor by including short fibers in concrete to suppress the widening of crack wids. The latter direction also includes a methodat utilizes bacteria living organismshaving them deposit CaC03 in cracks to clog them le former direction is defined here asnaral healing' with no artificial means. This corresponds to area A in Fig. 1.le latter direction is defined here asautonomic healing' in view ofe factatough supplementary cementitious materials and/or reinforcing fibersadded to concretethese have been nventionally added to concrete not for self-healing/-repairing but to be an ingral part ofle sJCre constituting conc.le rmautonomic' was adopted express concrete's own healing effect because the suct'e of concrete itself accelerates clogging of cracks. This corresponds to area B in Fig. LAutogenous healing' is defmed as the concept encompassing areas A and
B. It

refers a










mechanisms/capabilities possessed by the structure of concrete itself regardls of whe'er or not any supplementary cementitious materiallchemical admre is added In the entire area ofrecover' shown in Fig. 1the area outside of the category of healing' representsrepairing.' Area C ine figure is definedactivad repnngJ emphasizing e pointthe healing function is developed by a stimulusom outside. This


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area includes study cases attempting aumatic clogging of cracks by incorporating something dirent from conventiona1 concrete sCre such as concrete wan embedded devifor automatic repairing by a specific trigger including artificia1 ones to actively imparting a selrepairing effect as a new function. Specifica11yis inc1udes the instances of embedding mlcrocapss or glass pipesntninge above-mentionrepr maia1s as well as these combined with a heating device. In addition sinceautonomic hea1ing' and activated repaing' are investigated inc sarne direction of adding a newnctionle area inc1uding bodefmed with a term engineered hea1ing!repring.'

3. 3.1

Examples of self-healingl-repairing Natural healing Figure 2 shows an exarnple of natura1 hea1ing in concre:2). This is a conete specimen

having artificia1 cracking induced and then exposed to a tida1 zone enviromnent for 15 years. Most cracks with a sma11 width (around 0.5

or less) have been natura11y hea1ed. The

substances c10gging the cracks are reported be primarily etmgrwith needle-like crysta1s and magnesium hyloxide.

s. Igarruhi M. Kunieda and T. Nishiwj / Technical Cnmittee Reports 3:)09

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(a )

Ettringite and magnesium hydroxide depositing near cracking (courtesy of H. Hamada)

" CO2 i n the




Mechanism of natural healing3)

Figure 2: Example of natural healing in hydraulic structures


Autonomic healing 4 3 Concretes containing an expansive additive ) and fly ash ) are introduced in this section as

rpical exarnples of autonomic healing. Figure 3 shows clogging of cracks in an autonomic-healing concrete containing an 4) expansive additive at a slightly higher dosagean usual . It has been confumedat a crack width of up to 0.4

can be sufficiently clogged byage of 28 days. Active research is

conducted onis type of concrete with the aim of reducing water leakage by crack clogging. Figure 4 shows an exarnple of autonomic-healing ncrete utilizing the sustained hydration of fly ash. This study was conducted as a joint research by the Hokkaido Northem Regional Building Research Institute Muroran Institute ofTechnology and other intions.


S. IgarashiM. Kunieda and T. Nishiwi / Technical Committee Reports 2009 - Digest Edition91-102

This type of healing is also characterized by the cracks to be healed - microcracks induced by frost damagewhich are not as large as macroscopic cracks due to bending. Autonomic healing of cracks after undergoing deterioration due toeezing and thawing action has been evaluated based on compressive strength relative dynamic modulus of elasticity carbonation depth pore volumeand visual cracking information. Re-curing for four weeks at 400C has been carried out to enhance fly ashs potential capability of autonomic healing proving a high autonomic healing effect of fly ash cement.

Figure 3: Example of healing of a crack with a width of around 0.4 mm (courtesy of . Hosoda)

Durability factor: 70%

Durability factor: 90%

Impart an effect of autonomically healing damage to concrete by long-lasting pozzolanic reaction of fly ash positively utilizing its slow reaction. Select a replacement ratio that keeps the freeze-thaw resistance high at later ages (FAreplacement ratio of 10 to 15% with a W/C of 50 to 55%). Figure 4: Combination of freeze-thaw deterioration and autonomic healing 5)

s. Igarashi M. Kllllieda an d T. Nishiwaki I Technical Cnnittee Rept 29

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Activated repairing

Concrete in which a glass pipe enpsulating a repair material and a heat-generating 6) device are embedded as shown in Fig. 5 is a representative example of activated repairing. The occurrence of a crack activates a mechanismselectively heats theea near the crack thereby automatically supplying the repair materialom the pipe embedded in the concrete


New crack due to re-Ioading

Figure 5: Activated repairing by supplying a repair material (courtesy ofT. Nishiwaki)


Summary of experimental investigation Table 5 gives representative examples of existing methods of introducing damage and

eving self-healinglrepairing as well as evaluion indices. Since selhealinglrep is generally relevant to cracks' most experiments induce tensile or bending cracks in concrete to a specified crack width. Then the concrete is re-curedd subjected to slilar tests to confirmrestoration ofSng rigidity and absorbed energy (thea under 9) load-displacement curvet .lere are also many examples in which microcracks within concrete induced byeezing and thawing tts are c10gged by autonomic healing for insnce which is evaluated by relative ratios of dynamodulus of eltici 10) and those in which


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3 11 changes in the water permeability according to changing crack width are measured ) Examples of evaluating the resistance to mass transferougb clogged cracks other lan 12 wa:r inc1udeose evalunge resistance chloride ionsfer ). However mot of these investigations current1y remain on a research level. Furthermore it is also hoped self-healing of other types of damage will be investigated and that existing nondesuctive test methods will be applied toe evaluation of self-healing

Table 5: Types of damage restoron mechanisms and evaluation methods/indices relevant to self-healing (examples) Method of inducing damage Restoration mechanism (shown above) Loading test {tensile flexuraD Freezm( and thawim1 test Natural healing Autonomic healing (Fly ash expansive additive fly ash + short.ber reinforcement etc.) Activated repairing {Resin capsule glass pipe + repar materia Microscope Water permeability illtrasonic pulse velocity Capillary absorption Depth of chloride ion penetration Flexural strength Absorbed energy Rigidity Relative dynamic modulus

Evaluation method/index


Outline ofworkshop A workshop tit1ed the Cutting-edge Thniques of Concrete Self-repairing' which was

held on the second day of the JCI Annual Convention at Fukuoka in 2008 whighly successfu1 with 123 participants accordinge executive

(see Fig. 6).

At frrst the committee chairman Shin-ichi Igarashi of Kanazawa University introdud e purposes and background ofEmmitteed the workshop. Then the secretary Minoru Kunieda of Nagoya University summarizede discussions ate committee inc1uding the get scope and defmitions of terms. Afto.er committee members indud cutting-edge information related to self-healing/-repairing as foll: Hidenori Hantada of Kyushu University reported natural healing found in marine suctures; Tiro Sagawa ofNiu Cement repod on au nomic healing utilizingle pozzolanic reaction of fly ash; Akira Hosoda of Yokohanta National University and Tiho Ahn ofe University of Tokyo reported on autonomic healingncrete using an eansive additive; and

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Tomoya Nishiwaki of Yamagata University introduced sdy cases on self-repairing concrete designed to gorough activated repairing using glass pipes and heat-generating devices. This briefing session was followed by a panel discussion coordinated by Prof Hirozo Mihashi of Tohoku Universiwithe following panelists: Prof. Toyoaki Miyazawa ofKyoto University Assoc. Prof Toshiharu Kishi of e University of Tokyo and Dr. Kuo Yamada of e Central Research Institute Taiheiyo Cement. In the discussion initiated by Prof. Mihashi the panelists talked about the backgrounds toeir study and new ideas expectation for the establishment of guidelines based on qutitative evaluation and the importance of control actively exchanging views including questions from participants.

(a) Panelists

(b) Panelists

(c) The audience Figure 6: JCI workshop in Fukuoka


Summary As stated above the review of the current state of self-healing/repairing clarified matters

necessary for puttingis technology to practical use. JCI plans to organiza new committee


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one systernatization of self-hea1ing technology for cernentitious rnateria1s chaired by Prof. Shin-ichi Igarashi ofKanazawa University for 2009 and 20 1 0 to deve1oprnenta11y take over e activities ofe present cornrnitteele new cornrnittee particularly intends to transrnit research inforrnation and accurnulate don self-hea1ing/-repairing technology.

1) 2) 3) A. M. Nevil1e: Properties of Concrete Pitm1973 Mohammed T. u. H. HAMADA : Hea1ing of'oids Cracks and Joints in ConExposed under Mar.eEnvironments Concrete Joa1 Vo1.46 No.3 pp.25-30 2008 (Jape) Cvardsen : Water permeabi1ityd autogenous hea1ing of cracks in concrete ACI Mat. J. Vo1.96 pp.4484541999. e. g.A. HosoT. Kishi H. Ari Y. Tiuwa : Se1f Hea1ing of Crack and Water Permeabi1ity ofExpansive ConcreteProc. of the 1st Intemationa1 Conference on Se1fHea1ing Materia1s 2007. 5) e. g. Y. Haa M. 11chi O. Katsura : Se1f-hea1ing Propies of Concrete Using Mixed Cement High-ear1y-engpe ad Low-heat Type or F1yash Summaries of Technica1 Papers of Annua1 Mee.g ArchiCra1 Institute of Japan A-l Materia1s and Consction pp.51 5-516 2006 (Jape) 6)


T. Nishiwi H. Mihashi B. Jag M. Sugita: Development of Self-Hea1ing Concrete with

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M. Li M. Smar d V C. Li: Eof cracking and hea1ing on durabi1ity of engired cementitious composites under marine enronmentPeormFiber Reinfmd Cement Composites (HPFRCC5) RILEM PRO 53 pp. 3 1 3-322 2007

1 0) S. Jacobsen and E.J. Sel1evold : Self hea1ing of high strength concrete after deterioration by eeze/thawCement and Concrete ResearchVol. 26 No. 1 pp. 55-621 996. 1 1 ) H.W Reinhardt and M. Jooss: Permeabilitiy d self-hea1ing of crked concretection of temperature and crack width Cement and Concrete Research Vol. 33 pp. 981 -9852003 1 2) S. Jacobsen J. Marchand and L. Boisvert : Effect of cracking and hea1ing on ch10ride trsport in OPC concrete Cement and Concrete ResearchVol. 26 No. 6 pp.869-881 1 996

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