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30 Days of Thanksgiving

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30 Days of Thanksgiving Copyright 2013 by Jon Morgan.

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Update on the 30 Days of Thanksgiving Campaign

The First 15 Days of Thanksgiving
There is always Something to be thankful for


Update on the 30 Days of Thanksgiving

Although it got off to a late start, the 30 Days of Thanksgiving
Challenge has picked up speed over the last week, and Im confident
that it will finish strong by the time we reach the end of November.
My goal for this group activity is to compile together everybodys
notes of Thanksgiving praise and publish them all inside an ebook that
will be free to download. The project is already a work-in-progress
here. Ive also expanded the campaign for 30DOT to include Twitter,
LinkedIn, Scribd, Google+, and Eventbrite. There is also a blog. Im
open to suggestions on how to improve this campaign. Feel free to
contact me via email or submit suggestions online.
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The First 15 Days of Thanksgiving

Day 5
Jon Morgan Im thankful for my parents who helped me in ways that
Im only now beginning to understand.
SY Taylor Friends and family they have helped me to become
who I am today and have helped me through some tough times!!
Day 6
Jon Morgan Im going to be making a drive on Wednesday to Flint
on my own, so it seemed fitting to give thanks for my Cobalt which for
the most part has been relatively dependable during the last two years
that weve owned it. Also, that we have money for gas so that I will be
able to get there and get back home without worrying about running
SY Taylor I dont know how I skipped this day! I guess I am
thankful that alzheimers hasnt set in, totally
Day 7
Jon Morgan I wanted to say that Im thankful for my good health. My
tune might change the next time I come down with a bad cold, but I
always know that for the most part I have been very fortunate.
SY Taylor I am thankful that I have a car that runs. Nuff said!!
Day 8
Jon Morgan I am thankful for my kids. My oldest son, Josh, celebrates
his 11th birthday next Monday.
SY Taylor I am thankful for my health!! Even though I am in my
fifties I can still throw down!!
Day 9
Jon Morgan Im thankful that the Internet and the web took off
when it did, because without it the jobs Ive gotten wouldnt have

2 30 Days of Thanksgiving

existed. The timing was impeccable, too, because I got started as a

web designer before companies could expect candidates with lots of
experience with web development. It was perfect for someone like me
who was fresh out of college and had only built one website!
SY Taylor Definitely thankful for the internet!!!
Jon Morgan Can you imagine how we would have managed
this kind of thing in the 80s or 90s? Probably would have been
waiting for letters to go back and forth. Or, would be on the
phone a lot.
SY Taylor No doubt!!! I remember sticking that phone into
the rubber thingie in order to get on the internet!!
Jon Morgan Thats funny you mention that, because I was
watching War Games, and Mathew Broderick had to do the
same thing in order to dial into a computer. Even funnier is
that I never had to use that kind of device..Ive only known an
internet connection made possible via modems, at the very least.
SY Taylor Im showing my age.!!
Jon Morgan Thats okay..the majority of kids who use the
internet now probably dont even know what a modem is or
that we used to get our internet over the telephone lines.
Day 10
Jon Morgan Im thankful for my son, Joshua, who reminded me of
the benefits of taking chances and introduced me to Minecraft.
SY Taylor I am thankful for my husband, who introduced me
to Long John Silvers and Red Lobster!! Boy, these days sure are flying
byseems like it was only an hour ago that we lived thru days 8 and
Day 11
SY Taylor I am thankful that other people are as confused and
forgetful as I am sometimes, even to the point of getting days mixed
up! (see also, Day 12)
Jon Morgan I am thankful that I survived Day 11 (Ha!)

The First 15 Days of Thanksgiving 3

Day 12
Jon Morgan Im thankful that I live in a world where someone can
invent a fictional device like a handheld computer, or a life saving
medical procedure, and then 30 years later we are actually seeing
something like that come into fruition. Even amazing is that our
imaginations are still thinking up new stuff that could be invented 20
or 40 years down the road.
SY Taylor I dont know what I would do without my sense of
humor it has gotten me through many a rough day, so I am very
thankful for that!
Day 13
Jon Morgan Im thankful for both of my older kids Kayla Morgan and
Josh who helped to keep me centered when I was unemployed and
looking for work. Once in Lansing and twice while weve been living
in Shepherd. Hated being jobless, but liked the opportunity to spend
some quality time with the kids.
SY Taylor I am very thankful for my mother, who has supported
me in all of my endeavors, successful or otherwise! Love you, Ma!
Day 14
Jon Morgan Im thankful for my parents.
SY Taylor Is it Day 14 already? I just did 11 and 13?! I am
thankful for the great guidance I have had in my life from friends and
family!! (see Days 11 and 12)
Day 15
Jon Morgan Im thankful to my wife Theresa Morgan for carrying
and then delivering three beautiful babies.
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There is always Something to be thankful


When this graphic came across my feed, I thought it would be a perfect

quote to share with the 30DOT page. There is always something to be
thankful for. I think that its true that no matter how bad things might
seem, its almost always possible to find a way to look on the bright side.
Lost your job? Well, now you can explore a new career or pick up a
new hobby. What are some things that you do to stay positive?
I wrote in one of my thankfulness posts that Ive gone through
several periods of unemployment. I find that as stressful and
uncomfortable as those times were, being without a job actually

6 30 Days of Thanksgiving

opened up some new opportunities that I wouldnt have expected.

First of all, while I was in between jobs back in 2000 my wife went
back to work and I stayed home with our daughter, Kayla, who was
right around a year old at the time. I think that the time I spent
taking care of Kayla really helped us bond as father and daughter. I
also used the extra time I had to produce a series of birthday videos
for Kaylas first birthday, which also gave me a chance to dabble in
video production without the stress of having to meet someone elses
schedule or standards.
While I was unemployment and hunting for a job in 2007, I was
able to dabble a little bit more in web design. I became involved by
developing a website for the Shepherd Sesquicentennial. I later joined
the villages Planning commission, a position that I am still serving.
I was never happy about any of my job changes, but as I look
back Ive grown to understand that it might have all been for a specific
reason. There is no other way that I could have gained the combination
of skills and experience that I have now, other than holding those
different jobs. If I could have known then what I know now, I might
have been able to relax a little bit more and feel thankful for the
opportunities that were being offered to me.
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140 The First 15 Days of Thanksgiving
Here is a summary of the responses that have come in so far for
the 30 Days of Thanksgiving Challenge. There is still time to join
the page and share something that you are thankful for.
View Article
141 There is always Something to be thankful for
When this graphic came across my feed, I thought it would be
a perfect quote to share with the 30DOT page. There is always
something to be thankful for. I think that its true that no matter how
bad things might seem, its almost always possible to find a way to look
on the bright side. Lost your job? Well, now you can explore a new
career or pick up a new hobby. What are some things that you do to
stay positive?
View Article
142 Update on the 30 Days of Thanksgiving Campaign
Although it got off to a late start, the 30 Days of Thanksgiving
Challenge has picked up speed over the last week, and Im confident
that it will finish strong by the time we reach the end of November.
View Article

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