Class Piano Syllabus

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The key takeaways are that this is a four part class piano course aimed at teaching non-piano majors keyboard skills and using the piano to reinforce music theory concepts. Skills taught will include scales, chords, sight reading and more.

By the end of the course students will be able to perform piano technique and scales, assess music theory concepts, play chords and transpose pieces to all major/minor keys, perform repertoire, and play cadences in any key.

The required materials are Alfred's Group Piano for Adults book 1, a portable headphone, pencil, folder, and manuscript paper which is available for free online.

Course Syllabus

MVK 1111: Class Piano I (1 credit hour) Dr. Ayako Yonetani Graduate Assistant: Mr. John Olearchick email: [email protected] Fall 2013

Office Phone: (407) 823-6190 Office Location: PAC 127 Office Hours: TBA Email: [email protected]

Class Meeting Times: M/W 9:30-10:20am; M/W 10:30-11:20am; T/TR 9-9:50am; T/TR 10:30-11:20am Class Location: M-132

Course Description: Class Piano I is the first course in a four-part sequence designed to teach nonpiano majors keyboard skills. You will find that while many of the techniques you will learn in this class are specific to the piano, there are other concepts that will parallel your studies in Music Theory and EarTraining/Sight-Singing. The goal of the Class Piano sequence, thus, is not only to teach you how to play the piano, but also to use the keyboard as a practical application of Theory as you progress through both disciplines. All of this will culminate in the final semester of Class Piano IV with the Keyboard Skills Proficiency that you must successfully pass in order to satisfy the core curriculum of Class Piano. There are no prerequisites for this course and you are not expected to be able to play the piano upon entry into Class Piano I.

Additional aspects of this course will include, but certainly not be limited to, the introduction of scales, minor technical exercises, chord progressions, improvisation, sight-reading, playing extended works, and harmonization and transposition.

Course Goals: By the end of this course, you will be able to: -perform general aspects of piano technique -assess general concepts of music theory

-play all major/minor five-finger patterns -harmonize short works -transpose pieces to all twelve major/minor keys -perform various works in the piano repertoire -play cadences and transpose them to any given key -play any major, minor, diminished, and augmented chord in both hands

Required Course Materials E.L. Lancaster, Alfreds Group Piano for Adults, Book I. (Alfred Publishing, 2nd ed., 2006) A portable headphone for your own use. Other useful items for you to bring to each class will be a pencil, folder and manuscript paper. The latter item is available to for free at

Grading: 10% =Attendance and participation and homework 10% times FOUR individual playing quizzes =40% 25% Mid-term 25% Final Exam You will be notified about each exam/quiz a minimum of ONE WEEK before you are to take it. I will always email you the specific areas on which you will be assessed. I expect you to dedicate time outside of class to practice and prepare for quizzes and exams. Please come prepared to class every day with the materials we have worked on during previous sessions. Consistent daily piano practice is required for this course. You should plan at least 30 minutes of practice time per day. Attendance: I will take attendance EVERY DAY and you will be expected to contribute to the class discussions I hope to have. You are allowed to miss TWO classes (the equivalent to one weeks worth of class) before the attendance portion of your grade is affected negatively. If you are more than TEN minutes late to class, you will be marked absent for that day. Here is a breakdown of how I will penalize your grade for absences:

Number of Penalties Absences

0-2 3

6 7 or more

No Penalty, extra credit worth 10 points Deduction in this manner: an A will become an A-; a B+ will become a B, and so on. Deduction in this manner: an A will become a B+; a B+ will become a B-, and so on. Deduction of a full letter grade (e.g., an A will become a B; a B becomes a C, etc. Deduction of TWO full letter grades (e.g., an A becomes a C) Deduction of THREE letter grades. You can expect to fail the class with 7 or more absences.

Here is a simple breakdown of my course grading scale: A: 93-100% A-: 90-92%

B+: 87-89% B: 83-86% B-: 80-82%

C+: 77-79% C: 73-76% C-: 70-72%

D+: 67-69% D: 63-66% D-: 60-62%

F: 59% and below

Make-up Policies: There will be no make-up exams for any unexcused absence. If you miss a scheduled exam for any reason other than the circumstances listed below, you will not be permitted to take a make-up exam. I cannot impress upon you how strict I am with this rule. Furthermore, if you decide to withdraw from my class, please make sure that you are aware of the withdrawal deadline posted by the UCF Registrar. I do not withdraw students from my roster and should you stop coming to class after the withdrawal deadline, you will remain on my grade sheet and you will receive the grade you earned until the point at which you stopped attending. 1. Death in the immediate family that occurred within the 7 days preceding the scheduled exam. 2. Personal illness (any type), for which you will need to provide a doctors note. 3. Any college-related activity that can be documented by another professor, coach, or administrator. 4. Personal observance of a recognized religious holiday

Classroom Policies: In addition to attending class regularly and participating in discussions, I do not have many rules for the classroom. You are expected to behave professionally during lectures and discussions in order to foster a positive learning environment for all students. If you are to bring a laptop to class in order to take notes, please feel free to do so. However, you may not use your computer to IM, text, play games, do work for another class, surf the net, etc. Please be sensible about this to avoid losing the privilege. Cell phone use is an entirely separate matter, however. TURN OFF OR SILENCE ALL PHONES PRIOR TO ENTERING CLASS. If your phone happens to go off or if you are caught texting during a lecture, you will be asked to leave. Rules for E-mailing me: 1. You may only email me regarding this course from your "Knights" email. Do not email me from any other email account that you have (Hotmail, Gmail, AOL, etc.). 2. Be patient. Dont expect an immediate response when you send a message. Generally, one day is considered reasonable amount of time to receive a reply. I am usually VERY good about answering emails right away (except for the weekends), so please grant me that extension. 3. Include "Subject" headings: use something that is descriptive and refer to a particular assignment or topic. 4. ALWAYS SIGN YOUR EMAILS WITH YOUR NAME, PID NUMBER, AND THE COURSE IN WHICH YOU ARE ENROLLED WITH ME. This will help me address your needs more immediately.

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