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(Embedded SQL) : What SQL Provides To AS/400 ?

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0* 1* 2* 3* 4*


What SQL provides to AS/400 ? SQL run-time support SQL pre-compilers SQL interactive interface Run SQL Statements CL command DB2/ !! Quer" Mana#er

SQL run-time support

SQL run-time parses SQL statements and runs an" SQL statements$ %S/ !! supports t&is in a'sence of DB2 Quer" Mana#er ( SQL Development )it$ *t is an inte#ral part of %S/ !!$

SQL pre-compilers
SQL pre-compilers support pre-compilin# em'edded SQL statements in &ost lan#ua#es$ +&e SQL &ost lan#ua#e pre-compilers prepare an application pro#ram containin# SQL statements$ +&e &ost lan#ua#e compilers t&en compile t&e pre-compiled &ost source pro#rams$

SQL interactive interface

SQL interactive interface allo,s "ou to create and run SQL statements$

Run SQL statements CL command

R-.SQLS+M allo,s "ou to run a series of SQL statements/ ,&ic& are stored in a source file$ +&e R-.SQLS+M command is part of t&e DB2/ !! Quer" Mana#er and SQL Development )it$

D !/400 Quer" #ana$er

DB2/ !! Quer" Mana#er provides a prompt-driven interactive interface t&at allo,s "ou to create data/ add data/ maintain data/ and run reports on t&e data'ases$ Quer" Mana#er is part of t&e DB2/ !! Quer" Mana#er and SQL Development )it$

Steps in Creatin$ Application pro$ram


%ser source code mem&er

0 source code is ,ritten in R12LE alon# ,it& SQL statements in a source mem'er usin# SE-$


'emporar" Source (ile #em&er

+&is source is pre-compiled usin# CR+SQLR12* command/ ,&ic& creates a

temporar" source file QSQL+EM13 in Q+EM1 ,&ic& is deleted after 4o' completion$ +&is mem'er t&en contains 5

Calls to the SQL run-time support, which have replaced embedded SQL

Parsed and syntax checked SQL statements 7*


0 module is created usin# command CR+R12M%D$ Modules contain information a'out t&e SQL statements6 &o,ever/ t&e SQL
access plans are not created until t&e modules are 'ound into eit&er a pro#ram or service pro#ram$



0 pro#ram is t&e o'4ect ,&ic& "ou can run t&at is created as a result of t&e
compile process for non-*LE compiles or as a result of t&e 'ind process for *LE compiles$

0n Access plan is a set of internal structures and information t&at tells SQL 0ccess plans are stored and maintained in t&e pro#ram o'4ect for nondistri'uted SQL pro#rams and in t&e SQL pac7a#e for distri'uted SQL pro#rams$

&o, to run an em'edded SQL statement most effectivel"$ *t is created onl" ,&en t&e pro#ram &as 'een created successfull"$


9* 10* 11*

0 cursor provides a ,a" to access a ta'le$ *t is used ,it&in an SQL pro#ram to maintain a position in t&e ta'le$

SQL uses a cursor to ,or7 ,it& t&e ro,s in t&e ta'le and to ma7e t&em availa'le to t&e pro#ram$ +&e pro#ram can &ave several cursors/ alt&ou#& eac& must &ave a uni8ue name$


'"pes of Cursors


Serial Cursor ( Scrolla'le Cursor

Serial Cursor

14* 15*

0 Serial cursor is one defined ,it&out t&e SCR%LL 7e",ord$

9or a Serial cursor/ eac& ro, of t&e ta'le can 'e fetc&ed onl" once per %1E. of t&e cursor$

16* 17* 18*

:&en t&e Serial cursor is opened/ it is positioned 'efore t&e first ro, in t&e ta'le$ :&en a 9E+C; is issued/ t&e Serial cursor is moved to t&e ne<t ro, in t&e ta'le$ +o use t&e Serial cursor a#ain/ "ou must first close it and t&en re-issue t&e %1E. statement$

Scrolla&le Cursor

19* 20* 21* 22*

0 Scrolla'le cursor is one defined ,it& t&e SCR%LL 7e",ord$ 9or a Scrolla'le cursor/ t&e ro,s of t&e ta'le can 'e fetc&ed man" times$

:&en t&e Scrolla'le cursor is opened/ it is positioned 'efore t&e first ro, of t&e ta'le$ :&en a 9E+C; is issued/ t&e cursor is positioned to t&e ro, of t&e ta'le t&at is specified '" t&e 1%S*+*%. option$

9ollo,in# scroll options are used to position t&e cursor ,&en issuin# a 9E+C; statement$ +&ese positions are relative to t&e current cursor location in t&e ta'le5

NEXT 1R*%R 9*RS+ L0S+ BE9%RE 09+ER C-RRE.+ REL0+*=E n

1ositions t&e cursor on t&e ne<t ro,$ (Default value) 1ositions t&e cursor on previous ro,$ 1ositions t&e cursor on t&e first ro,$ 1ositions t&e cursor on t&e last ro,$ 1ositions t&e cursor 'efore t&e first ro,$ 1ositions t&e cursor after t&e last ro,$ Does not c&an#e t&e cursor position$ Evaluates a &ost varia'le or inte#er >n? in relations&ip to t&e cursor@s current position$

%sin$ Cursors Step 35 Step 25 Step A5 Define t&e Cursor %pen t&e Cursor Specif" :&at to Do :&en End-of-Data *s Reac&ed Step 5 Step B5 Step C5 Step D5 Retrieve a Ro, -sin# a Cursor -pdate t&e Current Ro, Delete t&e Current Ro, Close t&e Cursor

Step *+

Define the Cursor

EEEC SQL (Serial) DECL0RE cursor-name C-RS%R 9%R SELEC+ column-3/ column-2 /$$$ 9R%M ta'le-name / $$$ 9%R -1D0+E %9 column-2 /$$$

E.D-EEEC$ -------------------------------------------------------------EEEC SQL (Scrollable) DECL0RE cursor-name DF.0M*C SCR%LL C-RS%R 9%R SELEC+ column-3/ column-2 /$$$ 9R%M ta'le-name /$$$ :;ERE column-3 G e<pression $$$ E.D-EEEC$

Step !+

,pen the Cursor

EEEC SQL (Serial/Scrollable) %1E. cursor-name E.D-EEEC$

Step -+

Specif" What to Do When .nd-of-Data /s Reached 0Serial/Scrolla&le1

*9 SQLC%DE G3!! 2%+% 5E%9 or *9 SQLS+0+E G@!2!!!@ 2%+% 5E%9 Alternatel" 2e can use EEEC SQL :;E.E=ER .%+ 9%-.D 2%+% symbolic-address E.D-EEEC$

Step 4+

Retrieve a ro2 usin$ Cursor

EEEC SQL (Serial) 9E+C; cursor-name *.+% 5&ost varia'le-3H/ 5&ost varia'le-2I $$$ E.D-EEEC$ -------------------------------------------------------------EEEC SQL (Scrollable) 9E+C; REL0+*=E inte#er 9R%M cursor-name *.+% 5&ost varia'le-3H/ 5&ost varia'le-2I $$$ E.D-EEEC$

Step 3+

%pdate the Current Ro2

EEEC SQL (Serial/Scrollable) -1D0+E ta'le-name SE+ column-3 G value H/ column-2 G valueI $$$ :;ERE C-RRE.+ %9 cursor-name E.D-EEEC$

Step 4+

Delete the Current Ro2

EEEC SQL (Serial/Scrollable) DELE+E 9R%M ta'le-name :;ERE C-RRE.+ %9 cursor-name E.D-EEEC$

Step 5+

Close the Cursor

EEEC SQL (Serial/Scrollable) CL%SE cursor-name E.D-EEEC$

+&e cursor is closed '" t&e s"stem automaticall" ,&en

23* 24* 25* 26* 27* 28*

0 C%MM*+ ,it&out ;%LD statement is issued and t&e cursor is not declared usin# t&e :*+; ;%LD clause A R,LL AC6 2ithout 7,LD statement is issued +&e 4o' ends

+&e activation #roup ends ( CL%SQLCSR(JE.D0C+2R1) ,as specified on t&e pre-compile +&e first SQL pro#ram in t&e call stac7 ends and neit&er CL%SQLCSR(JE.DK%B) or CL%SQLCSR(JE.D0C+2R1) ,as specified ,&en t&e pro#ram ,as pre-compiled$ 0n JR-: C%..EC+ occurred$

Because an open cursor still &olds loc7s on referred-to-ta'les or vie,s/ "ou s&ould e<plicitl" close an" open cursors

#ultiple-Ro2 (.'C7

29* 30* 31* 32*

Sin#le 9E+C; statement to retrieve multiple ro,s (Ma<$ A2DCD) 0fter retrieval/ cursor is positioned at last ro, read Can 'e used ,it& Serial ( Scrolla'le cursors

0fter eac& multiple-ro, 9E+C;/ information is returned to pro#ram t&rou#& SQLCA (SQL Communication Area)

SQLCA contains SQLC%DE/ SQLS+0+E ( SQLERRDA SQLERRD SQLERRDB 5 .o of ro,s retrieved 5 Len#t& of eac& ro, 5 0n indication t&at t&e last ro, in t&e ta'le ,as fetc&ed

+o define t&e stora#e/ ,&ere fetc&ed ro,s are placed a &ost structure arra" or a ro, stora#e area ,it& an associated descriptor is used$

#ultiple-Ro2 (.'C7

%sin$ a 7ost Structure Arra"

33* 34* 35*

1ro#ram &as a ;ost Structure 0rra" and an associated *ndicator 0rra"

+&e ;ost Structure 0rra" consists of an arra" of structures ( eac& structure corresponds to one ro, of t&e ta'le Bot& t&e arra"s &ave same dimension

%sin$ a Ro2 Stora$e Area

36* 37* 38*

1ro#ram &as a Ro, Stora#e 0rea and an associated Descriptor Area (SQLDA) Ro, Stora#e 0rea is a &ost varia'le ( can 'e JC;0R t"pe ( enou#& to &old all t&e ro,s fetc&ed SQLD0 contains SQL+F1E ( SQLLE.

)ro$rammin$ considerations

39* 2eneral 2uidelines 40* *nde< Considerations 41* Codin# 0lternatives 42* Loc7in# 0nd Concurrenc"

8eneral 8uidelines


0void .umeric Conversions SELEC+ 0 *.+% 5B

L:;ERE 0 G 5B


Select %nl" t&e columns .eeded 0void SELEC+ J

-se 9%R -1D0+E %9 $$$


Se8uence %nl" :&en .ecessar"

0void %RDER BF$$ Consider an *.DEE

/nde9 Considerations

46* 47* 48* 49* 50*

SQL maintains t&e *.DEE SQL decides ,&et&er to use t&e *.DEE *.DEE 'ased retrieval is usuall" more efficient t&an +0BLE SC0. *nde<es add to s"stem over&ead 9or eac& statement/ SQL determines5
Do inde<(es) e<ist for t&e ta'leM *s an inde< usa'le for t&is access to t&e dataM :ill t&e use of an inde< improve performanceM

51* 52* 53*


SQL t&en decides to eit&er5

-se an e<istin# inde< Create a temporar" inde< Scan t&e entire ta'le

55* 56* 57*

Codin$ Alternatives

58* 59* 60*

R%: SELEC+*%. is faster t&an pro#rammin#

C%-.+/M0E/M*./0=2/S-M/ and 2R%-1 BF are more efficient t&an pro#rammin# SQL ,ill not use an inde< for +:% 1RED*C0+ES ,&ic& use an %R

0 G B %R BGD (no inde< used) (0GB or 0GA) and BND (inde<ed on B) (0GB or 0GA) %R 0ND (no inde< used)


SQL ,ill not use an inde< for L*)E

1RED*C0+ES ,it& leadin# O or P L*)E >0BCP? (inde< :*LL 'e used) L*)E >P0BC? (inde< :*LL .%+ 'e used)


SELEC+ L :;ERE C3G 5;= Q 3!! CANN ! use index, but ;= G ;= Q3!!

SELEC+ L :;ERE C3 G 5;= CAN use "N#$%


SELEC+ L 9R%M +EM1L :;ERE DE1+ G >032?

%R DE1+ N >B32? CANN ! use "N#$% , &'! SELEC+ L 9R%M +EM1L :;ERE DE1+ G >032? -.*%. 0LL SELEC+ L 9R%M +EM1L :;ERE DE1+ G >B32? CAN use "N#$%

Loc:in$ ; Concurrenc"

64* 65* 66*

0 mec&anism to ensure data inte#rit" 1revents access to inconsistent data

0n" data 'ein# c&an#ed '" "our pro#ram is not availa'le to ot&ers until "ou release it

+&ree levels of loc7in# in SQL/ !! REC%RD +R0.S0C+*%. 9*LE LOCK TABLE >>-------- LOCK TABLE ---table_name --IN-----SHARE------MODE----->< [EXCLUSIVE - C%MM*+(J.%.E) - C%MM*+(J0LL) - L%C) +0BLEL EECL-S*=EL

Codin$ SQL statements in /L. R)8

67* 68* 69* 70*

SQLCA 0SQL Communication Area1

+&e SQL pre-compiler automaticall" places t&e SQLC0 in t&e definition specifications of t&e *LE R12/ !! pro#ram prior to t&e first calculation specification %nl" 3 SQLC0 per pro#ram (3AC len#t&) SQLC0 #ives SQLC%DE of last statement retrieved
SQLC%DE G !/ successful operation SQLC%DE R !/ error SQLC%DE N !/ ,arnin# SQLC%DE G 3!!/ end of data

71* 72* 73* 74*

75* 76* 77* 78* 79*

SQLDA 0SQL Descriptor Area1 Multiple SQLD0s per pro#ram (S! len#t&) SQL 'uilds SQLD0 at runtime SQL pre-compiler allocates static stora#e to SQLD0

*f t&e called pro#ram also contains SQL statements/ it s&ould 'e ended ,it& SE+%. R+ and not SE+%. LR as t&e later initialiTes t&e static stora#e and SQLD0

9ollo,in# statements re8uire SQLD0 EEEC-+E$$$ 9E+C;$$$ %1E.$$$ DESCR*BE -S*.2 DESCR*1+%R descriptor-name -S*.2 DESCR*1+%R descriptor-name -S*.2 DESCR*1+%R descriptor-name statement-name *.+% descriptor-name

DESCR*BE +0BLE &ost-varia'le *.+% descriptor-name 1RE10RE statement-name *.+% descriptor-name

7ost varia&les

80* 81*

0ll &ost varia'les must 'e preceded '" a colon (5)

Date and +ime &ost varia'les are assi#ned to correspondin# Date and +ime su'-fields in su'structures #enerated '" SQL pre-compiler$ 2enerated su'-fields are declared usin# some date format$ *f D0+9M+ is in s"stem format/ (JMDF/JFMD/JDMF/JK-L)/ valid values for &ost varia'les are 'et,een 3U ! and 2!AU$ 9or an" value outside t&is limit/ use *BM SQL format (J*S%/ J-S0/ JE-R/ JK*S)$ 9ollo,in# t"pe of varia'les are not allo,ed as ;ost varia'les$


Pointer, !ables, '#A!$, '#A(, ') N!*, '($A+, Named constants, )ultidimension arrays

Data structure as 7ost varia&le

!"""#""""$""""%""""$""""&""""$""""'""""$ D EM(LO)EE D EM(NO D ,NAME D MIDINT D LNAME D DE(TNO C C2EXEC S3L C$ SELECT ! C$ ,ROM C$ 5HERE C2END-EXEC INTO 4 EM(LO)EE DS *# *#/ %* &0 *+A #.A #/A &'A &-A EM(NO

MOVE 1***%%*1


Data structure Arra" as 7ost varia&le

!"""#""""$""""%""""$""""&""""$""""'""""$ DDE(ARTMENT D DE(TNO D DE(TNM D M9RNO DS *# *' && OCCURS7#*8 *&A &%A &.A



OCCURS7#*8 &B * DIM7&8






%sin$ .9ternal (ile Descriptions

!"""#""""$""""%""""$""""&""""$""""'""""$""""0""""$""""+""""$""""-""" ,DE(ARTMENTI( E DISK RENAME7ORI9REC4DE(TREC8

Code t&e file on 9-Specs onl" if it is to 'e used '" R12LE statements/ else define file(ta'le) as e<ternal Data structure$

!"""#""""$""""%""""$""""&""""$""""'""""$""""0""""$""""+""""$""""-""""$"" D TDE(T D DE(TNM D MANA9ER E DS E E EXTNAME7DE(ARTMENT8 EXT,LD7DE(TNAME8 EXT,LD7DE(TM9R8

Codin$ SQL statements in /L. R)8

83* 84*

Ever" SQL statement starts ,it& EEEC SQL and ends ,it& E.D-EEEC EEEC SQL must occup" positions S t&rou#& 3C ( ma"

continue 'e"ond t&at 'ut 3D t&rou#& S! positions after E.D-EEEC must 'e 'lan7 *""#""""$""""%""""$""""&""""$""""'""""$ C/EXEC S3L UPDATE DEPARTMENT C+ C+ C/END-EXEC SET MANA9ER 6 4M9RNUM 5HERE DE(TNO 6 4INTDE(

.9ception handlin$

SQLC%DE #ives t&e status of last operation$ /EEEC SQL :;E.E=ER condition action /E.D-EEEC Conditions 5SQLERR%R SQL:0R.*.2 .%+ 9%-.D 0ctions 5 2%+% 5ERR C%.+*.-E *n case ,e use 2%+%/ +02 statement can precede an SQL statement$

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