Mastering Your Income

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Hans Jakobi is an international speaker and best selling author.

His rst book, How To Be Rich & Happy On Your Income led to him being known as Australias Wealth Coach. He is a man who truly walks his talk. He has achieved the balance between his personal and business life that most people only dream about. He enjoys life on a country estate with his family and travels the world teaching wealth creation strategies and speaking about his books. Playing the money game and the game of life successfully is not a matter of luck, education, race or religion. Hans says. Its a matter of choice.

Mastering Your Income

Im flexible I want to be rich and famous, but Ill settle for rich.

by Hans Jakobi Australias Wealth Coach

Mastering Your Income

First published 2000 by Wealth Dynamics International Pty Ltd (ABN 38 081 878 499) PO Box 167 Portland NSW 2847 Australia Telephone: (02) 63 555 800 Fax: (02) 63 555 855 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Copyright Hans Jakobi 2000 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, magnetic, the Internet, recording or otherwise, without the prior written consent of the publisher. Cover design, typesetting and layout by Michael Shaw (02) 9882 3444 Colour Consultant Debourah Borg-Sayer 0414 988 876 Edited by Kay Batstone (02) 9968 4416 Printed in Australia by Central Commercial Printers Pty Ltd (02) 9439 3933 This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is published with the understanding that the publisher and author are not engaged in rendering legal, accounting or other professional services. If legal advice or other professional advice, including financial, is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought.

Its your right to be rich!

You were born into this world to be rich. It is your birthright to receive riches as a perfectly normal way of life. The material riches of the universe are at your disposal. They are lifes gifts to those who desire them, seek them out, strive for them, share them and intend to do good with them. The abundant fountain of lifes luxuries, glories and beauties never runs dry. There is more than enough to benefit all of us. The source of supply is inexhaustible. Recognise and take up your right to a fair share of natures beauty and abundance.

Riches are within you

Your desire to live in a luxurious home, drive a beautiful car, operate a successful business, travel the world, paint beautiful pictures, compose and play wonderful music, dress elegantly, become financially independent, experience a happy family relationship and lead a comfortable lifestyle can all

be fulfilled. Your first move is to condition your mind to accept the possibilities and opportunities which are within your reach, ready for you to apply everything you need to live a productive and affluent life.

Ive got some good news and some bad news for you. Firstly, the good news. If you are like the average Australian, earning between $25,000 and $35,000 a year, then in your lifetime, over $1 million will flow through your hands. Now thats a lot of money. What that means is that you are already on the road of possibility towards becoming a millionaire. Now for the bad news. If you are like most people, youll spend it all and after a lifetime of working and earning, youll end up with almost nothing. In fact, you may be heading towards a retirement dependent on government assistance. Why is this the case? The reason is that we are not taught money skills at school and we enter the workforce with a better understanding of how to borrow and spend on credit than of how to earn and manage our earnings. We absorb attitudes

Money may not buy happiness, but it surely allows you to look for it in more interesting places.

and belief systems from our parents, our friends and the media. We observe how others live their lives and we develop strategies through trial and error. Most of what we learn about money is haphazard, often out of context, and sometimes just plain wrong. Many of the books on money are overly technical and boring. Consequently many people end up being confused, overwhelmed and frustrated. The fact is that money will have a greater influence on your life than almost any other commodity you can think of. Some of lifes greatest enjoyments and most of lifes greatest disappointments stem from your decisions around money. Understanding money how to make it and keep it and how to make it work for you is absolutely essential to your life, your relationships, your health, your happiness and your future.

Choosing to be good with your money

The first step to becoming wealthy is not investing. The first step is personal money management. As Ive said on the front cover of this book: Its not about how much you earn its about how you manage what you earn. Imagine your income is like a river flowing past your house. If you could just divert a small part of that flow, you would create a tributary from this river. As the water flows along this tributary, the flow gets stronger and builds its momentum. In the same way, if you would just keep a portion of your income aside for investment, you will start to get your money working for you, rather than you working for money. The first step is to examine where you are spending your money at present and to keep track of it. Some people call it a budget. I prefer to call it a spending plan. I know that whenever I bring up the issue of budgeting,

many people will consider it to be tedious, restrictive or even old hat. Budgeting may be all of those things, yet these skills and habits need to become part of your life if you ever hope to achieve any measure of financial success. Youll find the complete details of how to organise a spending plan in Chapter 10 of the book, How To Be Rich & Happy On Your Income An Action Guide.

a business. If I were called in to give advice on a business, one of the first things I would look at would be the profit and loss statement. A profit and loss statement shows the income and expenditure of any business. Your spending plan is your profit and loss statement. You need to know how much comes in and how much goes out so that you can make choices that support the life you want to live.

Pay yourself first

Once you have worked out your figures, you need to find a way to save at least ten per cent of your income. If you already have disposable income, thats great. Congratulations. If you are really smart, and especially if you are older, you may be able to save more than ten per cent. Use this money to invest in income producing assets. You then use a part of the investment income created from these assets to pay for your luxuries. Most people who stay

From How To Be Rich & Happy On Your Income by Hans Jakobi

Think of your personal finances as you would


poor use their income to pay for their luxuries. That way they never get to have investments which will significantly increase their income in future years.

Here are some of the excuses people have given me over the years: From 18 25 years I cant save now because Im just starting my working life. I dont earn a lot yet and I want to have fun while Im young. Besides, Im saving for a new car. Ive got plenty of time. Ill wait till Im earning more and then Ill start saving. From 26 35 years I cant save now because I need to fix the brakes on the car and get it passed for registration. Ive got a young family and a mortgage to feed. That takes up all my money, you know. As soon as the kids are older and life is less expensive, Ill start saving. Besides Ive still got plenty of time before I want to retire. From 36 50 years I cant save now because the kids are in high school now and they cost a lot of money. In fact, I had to borrow money this year to keep

How much can you save?

Being careful with your money means making choices so that you can enjoy a better quality of life rather than throwing money away on things that are not really important to you, which is what most people do. Most people arent aware just how powerful saving and investing can be and how it can transform your life. In Chapter 5 of the book, How To Be Rich & Happy On Your Income, I show you 60 ways to save money. This is a valuable guide to freeing up extra money for investing.

Why you cant save now!

No matter what stage of life you are at, there are bound to be many good reasons to give yourself as to why you cant save money now.

up with the school fees and school excursions. This seems to be the most expensive time of our lives! The car also needs new tyres and the washing machine keeps breaking down. I cant save now! From 51 65 years I cant save now because things are harder now that Im older. Theres a lot of competition at work from younger people with better technological skills and its not easy for someone my age to find another job which pays more. I need to hang on to the job Ive got. The car is getting really old now and costs a lot in maintenance. Ill have to replace it soon. The refrigerator is on its last legs too! I guess Ill just have to rely on my superannuation in the future. From 65 years onwards I cant save now because weve had to move in with one of our children and their family. Our pension doesnt go far and the only real pleasure I have is to play golf on Wednesdays. I wish I had started saving

twenty years ago, but its too late now. Its hard to save on no income. As you can see, theres never a convenient time to start saving. It will always be an effort. It will always require discipline. It is now already later than you think, so start saving now! The most common reason that most people cant save is because they are overcommitted on credit. In Chapter 5 of How To Be Rich & Happy On Your Income I show you how to use credit wisely. In general, it is best to avoid borrowing for personal consumption. It is far wiser to save the money first and then go shopping. Borrowing for income producing investments makes sense when the returns from your investments are greater than the cost of borrowing.

Shop around - negotiate ask for a better deal

Before you rush out to the nearest shop or pick up the phone to buy that latest widget

you just have to have, write its name down and think about it for a week. Then ask yourself if you really want it as much. How many things do you have in your cupboards or drawers that youve only used a few times but just had to have at the time? If you decide that you still want it, shop around for the best deal before buying.

opportunities, its amazing how doors open for you. Try it! In Chapter 6 of Health, Wealth and Wisdom in the New Millennium youll read about creating abundance. This Chapter talks about the new skills we are likely to need in the future; virtual companies the changing face of business and the changing world of work. It may be helpful if you are looking for income producing opportunities that are in line with the changing direction of business as we move from the industrial age into the new idea economy.

How can you make more money?

Nowadays many families need several streams of income just to survive. Often both parents may need to work to support the family and even that may not be enough. We live in a rapidly changing world and job security is a thing of the past. We now need to develop financial security through several sources of income. As well as your income from investments, which are relatively passive in most cases, think of other ways to create extra income. Perhaps you would like to start a home based business on the side. There is a world of opportunity out there if you look for it. When you start to look for

Doing what you love

Most successful people are passionate about what they do. Money is a natural by-product of doing what you love and loving what you do. When you love what you do youll never have to work again. When you are passionate about what you do, you will ultimately reap big rewards.


Ten powerful habits of wealthy people

Spend less than you earn Save and invest at least 10% of your income Invest according to investment fundamentals, not tax benefits Use credit cards wisely pay them when due Use a list when shopping. Delay purchases of items you dont need. Shop around first before buying and negotiate Buy used when you can Take care of what you own Develop and maintain an understanding of property investment, shares and bonds Take the time to plan, research and systematically measure your results Give 10% away. What goes around comes around

Live by your passionstrust your heart

From Health Wealth and Wisdom in the New Millennium by Hans Jakobi and Stephen Skelton



Four important characteristics of wealthy people

They have a passion for what they do They are able to make decisions They are self disciplined They are patient

Do it now!
Probably the biggest mistake that most people make is that they never get started. Henry Ford once said: You cant build a reputation on what youre GOING to do. Ive often heard people say something like: When I get the energy, Ill start jogging every morning. No! You need to start first. You become more excited about doing things after you start. Once youve taken the plunge, youll feel the excitement and the energy grow. Your confidence and enthusiasm will build as you become more involved. You get the energy as a result of your activity. The secret is to make a start.
From How To Be Rich & Happy On Your Income by Hans Jakobi

One of the biggest and most valuable lessons I learnt when I started my first business was that you will never be absolutely ready for anything! There will always be something you can improve. There will always be some more research you could do. There will always be someone else you could speak to. There will always be something you can improve upon.

No matter how much planning you put into your project and no matter how long you spend preparing, you could always say to yourself: If only I had a bit more time to .. I have found that successful people prepare as best they can, take a deep breath, and then just go for it! They just take the plunge knowing that they can do the fine tuning as they go along. The important lesson is that they actually get started. They actually get their hands dirty. They start playing the game. You will never have all the answers and youll have to just take the risk. Its no use playing it safe all the time. The biggest rewards in life do not come with guarantees. Whatever it is that you want to achieve make a start! You get motivated by doing things, not by thinking about them. Action gets you excited and through your actions you will discover more opportunities. Take the plunge! Do it now!

Are you ready to take action now?

1.Here are a few exercises to work through right away. Do them now. 2.Ask yourself daily: What am I doing today that helps me achieve my goals? 3.Write down two decisions that youve been putting off, which, if you were to make them now, would improve your life. Take action now on these two decisions. Whatever you can do Or dream you can, Begin it. Boldness has genius, Power and magic in it Begin it now. Goethe



What They Say About How To Be Rich & Happy On Your Income and Hans Jakobi
This book is a goldmine of valuable and powerful money management tools which can be applied immediately. This straightforward and practical book reveals how to manage money better and enjoy a richer life. Raymond Aaron - Canadas Monthly Mentor, Toronto, Ontario, Canada The student becomes a teacher. Hans first attended one of my seminars around ten years ago and has been to several more since then. He has implemented what he has learnt to grow his own investment portfolio and now teaches wealth creation strategies to others. His book, How To Be Rich & Happy On Your Income is required reading for anyone committed to increasing the quality of their life. Stimulating and inspiring, it deals with everyday issues in a way that is thought provoking and relevant for today. Robert Kiyosaki - Professional Investor, Best-selling Author Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Teacher, Phoenix, Arizona, USA 20

This book is packed with powerful, practical and easy to understand tools to live a richer and happier life on your present income. Whats more, - this book shows you how to increase your current income and how to build real wealth. Anne Hartley International Best-Selling Author of Financially Free, Debt Free and The Psychology of Money Sydney, NSW, Australia If you want to be like most people then dont listen to Hans Jakobi, because hell teach you not only how to keep more of what you get but to get more of what there is. W Mitchell CPS CSP CPAE Santa Barbara, California, USA Powerful, practical and persuasive philosophies for people who really want to be genuinely wealthy. If you want to live the lifestyle you dream about, this is must read stuff. Then stop dreaming and start doing! This is the best investment youll ever make in your future. Winston Marsh International Business Authority Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 21

How To Be Rich & Happy On Your Income hits the nail on the head with regards taking responsibility for ones life, finances and happiness. It is the foundation for all success. Art Berg CSP Professional Speaker Author, Finding Peace in Troubled Waters & Some Miracles Take Time Highland, Utah, USA Your book is easy to read and the In Summary really encapsulates the key points. Thank you for sharing the principles of creating wealth in such a simple, logical form. This book is a must read for every small business owner. Robyn Henderson ASM APS Author, International Business Educator, Sydney, NSW, Australia Practical advice, presented in an easy to read formatOffers common sense advice to help any individual get started on their personal journey of how to be rich and happy. Catherine DeVrye 1993/94 Australian Executive Woman of the year Sydney, NSW, Australia 22

Fantastic! This is much more than a book about money its a book about your life! It shows you step by step how to take control of your life and make it as fun and financially successful as you always dreamed it would be. Inspiring and educational, its a must for everyone to read. Mark Lengies Author of Internet Marketing Secrets Kitchener, Ontario, Canada This book is indispensable for clear, simple personal development and wealth building ideas. In every chapter you will gain practical guidelines for developing prosperous attitudes and inspiring immediate actions to truly master your life and create wealth. David Wolrige - Public Accountant, Sydney, NSW, Australia How To Be Rich & Happy On Your Income is a practical, easy-to-read, nuts and bolts book. I particularly like the section on relationships and also how to teach your children about money. This is a useful, positive and profitable book to read. Cyndi Kaplan - Author of the best selling book Theres A Lipstick In My Briefcase- Sydney, NSW, Australia 23

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How To Be Rich & Happy On Your Income by Hans Jakobi $22 This book has captured the imagination of thousands of readers worldwide, inspiring them to take control of their finances and changing their attitudes to life and money. This book is much more than a book about money its a book about your life! How To Be Rich & Happy On Your Income An Action Guide by Hans Jakobi $27.50 This Action Guide is an easy to understand companion workbook to the original How To Be Rich & Happy On Your Income. With the help of handson worksheets and carefully designed exercises, you will gain a deeper understanding of yourself and the action steps needed to propel you to the wealth and happiness you desire. A practical, easy-to-follow money management workbook! BONUS OFFER: Order both books and save $4.50! When you order both How To Be Rich & Happy On Your Income and the Action Guide at the same time, you will pay only $45 for both books and save $4.50! 24

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