AlgebraicNumberTheory Question Paper PDF
AlgebraicNumberTheory Question Paper PDF
AlgebraicNumberTheory Question Paper PDF
Sc DEGREE (MATHEMATICS) EXAMINATION, JUNE 2012 (CUCSS-PG-2010) MT4E02 : ALGEBRAIC NUMBER THEORY MODEL QUESTION PAPER Time: 3 hrs. PART A (Short Answer Type Questions) Answer all the questions Each question has weightage 1 1. Let R be a ring. Define an R-module. 2. Find the minimum polynomial of i + 2 over Q, the field of rationals. 3. Define the ring of integers of a number field K and give the one example. 4. Find an integral basis for Q( 5 ) 5. Define a cyclotomic filed. Give one example 6. If K = Q( ) where = e
2 i 5
Max. Weightage: 36
, find N K ( 2 )
8. Prove that an associate of an irreducible is irreducible. 9. Define i) The ascending chain condition ii) The maximal condition 10. If x and y are associates, prove that N ( x) = N ( y ) 11. Define : A Euclidean Domain . Give an example. 12. Sketch the lattice in R 2 generated by (0,1) and (1,0) 13. Define the volume v(X) where X R n 14. State Kummers Theorem. (14 X 1 =14)
PART B (Paragraph Type Questions) Answer any seven questions-Each question has weightage 2
16. Prove that the set A of algebraic numbers is a subfield of the complex field C. 17. Find an integral basis and discriminent for Q( d ) if i) (d -1) is not a multiple of 4 ii) (d -1) is a multiple of 4 18. Find the minimum polynomial of = e
2 i p
19. Prove that factorization into irreducibles is not unique in Q( 26 ) 20. Prove that every principal ideal domain is a unique factorization domain. 21. If D is the ring of integers of a number field K, and if a and b are non-zero ideals if D, then show that N(ab)=N(a) N(b) 22. State and prove Minkowskis theorem. 23. If 1 , 2 , 3 ,............. n is a basis for K over Q, then prove that ( 1 ), ( 2 ),......... ( n ) are linearly independent over R, where is a Q-algebra homomorphism. 24. Prove that the class group of a number filed is a finite abelian group and the class number h is finite. (7 X 2 =14)
PART C (Essay Type Questions) Answer any two questions-Each question has weightage 4
25. Prove that every subgroup H of a free Abelian group G of rank n is a free of rank s n . Also prove that there exists a basis u1 , u 2 , u 3 ,.......u n for G and positive integers