Customer Satisfaction Study

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Report Customer satisfaction study

Commercial & Residential

In accordance with its commitments and responsibilities to customers, the Regulation & Supervision Bureau (RSB) commissioned a study to determine the extent of customer satisfaction and awareness in relation to the services provided by Abu Dhabi Distribution Company (ADDC), Al Ain Distribution Company (AADC) and Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services Company (ADSSC). Undertaken on behalf of the Bureau by YouGov, the study comprised interviews with more than 1,000 residents and over 400 commercial/industrial customers in Abu Dhabi and Al Ain. Commercial/industrial customers The general level of satisfaction with the services of ADDC and AADC among commercial/industrial customers was high (92% for ADDC and 79% for AADC). These customers were found to have had extensive interaction with both companies, mostly via the telephone or in person.
Figure 1: Overall commercial/industrial customer satisfaction (%)

Residential customers The study revealed that the majority of residents were familiar with ADDC and AADC (76% and 77%, respectively) but many were unaware of the services they provide. Customers who had interacted with either company in the past 12 months were generally satisfied with the standard of the services they had received (74% in Abu Dhabi and 67% in Al Ain). The respondents were also generally satisfied with complaint management systems (60% for ADDC and 59% for AADC), and exhibited a preference for the toll-free number as the main means of communication with both companies (74% in Abu Dhabi and 85% in Al Ain). However, more than one-third were indifferent or dissatisfied with how their complaints were handled, most of which related to unplanned electricity and water supply interruptions, low water pressure, meter faults, billing and customer service.
Figure 2: Overall satisfaction with ADDC/AADC services amongst residential customers (%)


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At least 50% of commercial/industrial customers did not raise any major complaint concerning water and electricity services in the preceding 12 months.

Somewhat Neither Somewhat Extremely satisfied satisfied nor dissatisfied dissatisfied dissatisfied

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REPORT Water and electricity consumption by residential customers

A majority of Abu Dhabi customers (60%) had not experienced any problems dealing with ADDC in the past 12 months. However, in Al Ain only 43% of AADC customers claimed not to have experienced any difficulties over the same period. AADC customers expressed general satisfaction with emergency services, service reliability and billing transparency, but were less satisfied with staff knowledge/helpfulness, punctuality of personnel and the general availability of information. Only one-third of residential customers were aware of ADSSC. Familiarity with the companys services was highest regarding the provision of recycled water for watering public spaces, and lowest regarding the companys education programmes. While blockages and unpleasant sewerage odours were the events most often reported by residents, two-thirds of respondents who were aware of ADSSC had not experienced any sewerage-related incidents in the past 12 months. Most of those who had dealt with ADSSC during this period were satisfied with the standard of service received (73% in Abu Dhabi and 84% in Al Ain).
Figure 3: Satisfaction with standard of service amongst customers dealing with ADSSC



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