Case Studies - Concrete Mixed Use Buildings - Infinity Tower, Dubai, UAE - Portland Cement Association (PCA) PDF
Case Studies - Concrete Mixed Use Buildings - Infinity Tower, Dubai, UAE - Portland Cement Association (PCA) PDF
Case Studies - Concrete Mixed Use Buildings - Infinity Tower, Dubai, UAE - Portland Cement Association (PCA) PDF
Case Studies: Concrete Mixed Use Buildings: Infinity Tower, Dubai, UAE | Portland Cement Association (PCA)
Buildings Hom e O ve rvie w De sign Aids Building Pre se ntations Software Solutions R e source s Te chnical Support
Infinity Tower
Dubai, UAE
Buildings Hom e > C ase Studie s: Mix e d Use > Infinity Towe r, Dubai, UAE
< Owner / Project Managers : C ayan Investment & Development Architect/Engineer: Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP, Khatib & Alami C EC LLC General Contractor: Arabtec C onstruction LLC Concrete Supplier: Unimix LLC & Austrian Arabian Ready Mix Formwork Supplier: BRM C onstruction LLC & MFE Formwork Technology (formerly Mivan Formwork)
Case Studies: Concrete Mixed Use Buildings: Infinity Tower, Dubai, UAE | Portland Cement Association (PCA) the construction cycle time. Also, this system leads to residential floor layouts which are repetitive at each level despite the twisting nature of the building form.
The circular central core walls, which ascend purely vertically, are cast using a slip-forming system operating through incremental but not continuous advancement, in order to remain ahead of, but in phase with the construction of the perimeter frame of the Tower. The circular nature of the central core walls made slip forming an attractive option in order to avoid the potential difficulties in adjustment of the formwork panels towards the inside of the circular core walls as would be the case with jump-form operations. The perimeter concrete tube frame (columns and spandrel beams) and slabs are cast using an interlocking metal formwork system by MFE (Mivan) Formwork. The perimeter column stacking configuration means that the forms are identical at each story, simplifying the formwork erection operation. A construction cycle time of 6 to 7 days per story is consistently being achieved Due to the unique twisting geometry of the Tower, the structure has a natural tendency to undergo additional horizontal twist movement under gravity loads, a significant portion of which results from the self-weight of the cast-in-place structure. Additional movement is expected during construction and over the life of the structure due to creep and shrinkage effects of the cast-in-place concrete. In order to understand the potential movement of the structure, a detailed analysis was performed taking into account the anticipated construction sequence, and time dependent variables; such as creep, shrinkage, and variation in concrete material properties. A comprehensive and continuous building movement surveying program has been implemented in order to track the behavior of the Tower during construction. This information is used by the engineers in order to confirm the expected behavior of the structure, and by the contractor in order to plan for the appropriate construction alignment compensation. C ast-in-place reinforced concrete was selected as the primary construction material for this project primarily due to its ideal mass and stiffness characteristics, which aid in the reduction of wind-induced movement of the Tower, a governing factor in the design of tall, slender towers. In addition, castin-place concrete is a cost-effective and practical option for construction in Dubai. Authors 1) William F. Baker, Partner, Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP, C hicago: [email protected] 2) Bradley S. Young, Associate, Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP, C hicago: [email protected]
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