10 Minute Lesson
10 Minute Lesson
10 Minute Lesson
"his demonstration ill emphasi#e $%ILing and un$%ILing using &ractions' "he learner ill understand ho to $%IL and un$%IL binomials b( connecting dra ing pictures ith algebra' %&''&1 : Appl( properties o& operations as strategies to &actor and e)pand linear e)pressions ith rational coe&&icients' I e)pect this lesson to be 1+ minutes long'
-hite paper. pencil. noteboo/. colored pens optional "he teacher must ha0e hite paper read( &or the students to use and an e)ample binomial &or them to use in the second hal& o& the arm1up' "o get the students attention. I ill ha0e them ta/e a piece o& hite paper and &old it into &our hori#ontal sections' 2ach student ill rite their name and a sentence in the &irst section o& the paper' $or e)ample. I dran/ orange juice and m( hair turned orange' "hen the( ill pass this to the person on their right &or the person to then dra a picture o& the sentence' "hen that person ill pass it to the right a&ter &olding do n the &irst section so onl( the picture is being sho n' "he ne)t person ill rite a sentence &or the picture that the( see' "he students then return the paper to the original o ner and the o ner can see i& the t o sentences ere the same' "his acti0it( mo0es into algebra' -e ill then do this ith the binomial: *) 3 4 ,*) 3 5 ,' -e ill $%IL it &irst then un$%IL it to loo/ li/e the original binomial' Formati#e I ill chec/ &or understanding b( loo/ing to see i& S"26 7 goes ith S"26 1 and S"26 8 goes ith S"26 7' I ill al/ around the classroom to see i& there are an( 9uestions or struggles' Summati#e "his assessment ill not be used because it is a arm1up acti0it('
Pro"edures: +ssessment: For mini lessons, at least one type of assessment must be present. For longer lessons, it varies. Units, must have a plethora of assessments.
'(tension / differentiation: Transition and Tea"*er Ti)s: -esour"es: If the idea did not originate with you, cite it! +ddressing uni.ue "lass:
I& the students ha0e alread( seen this demonstration. I ill &irst chec/ to see i& the( did both steps right then later on I ould gi0e them harder binomials to or/ on' :a/e sure to onl( gi0e the students 8+ to ;< seconds to rite the sentence or dra the picture other ise it ill get too dra n out' Gi0e the students about a minute to do the $%IL and un$%ILing o& the binomial in the second acti0it(' http:// 'unpracticalmath'com/teacher=7+resources/$oil=7+and=7+Un&oil=7+6ractice'html
"his addresses se0en out o& the t el0e people ho ha0e been struggling ith this standard' "his ill help to re0ie $%ILing and un$%ILing &or the students ho alread( ha0e a grasp on it as ell'