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Ever wonder where the term "Work Smarter...Not Harder" originated? Allan F. Mogensen, the creator of Work Simplification, coined the phrase in the 1930s. A more modern equivalent term for the current era is probably "Business Process Reengineering." Frederick Taylor, the "Father of Scientific Management," and an "efficiency expert," is generally acknowledged to be the first true Industrial Engineer. He conducted studies at Midvale and Bethlehem steel plants. One of Mr. Taylor's famous experiments had to do with increasing the output of a worker (named "Schmidt") loading pig iron to a rail car. With time and motion study, he increased the worker's output from 12 to 47 tons per day! Taylor used improved methods plus rest periods of specific interval and duration to improve the output. One fact not frequently mentioned was that Schmidt was a prime physical specimen who jogged to and from work each 12 hour day! Not exactly an average operator! Did you know that one of today's operating room procedures was developed by Frank Gilbreth (along with Frederick Taylor, one of the founders of Industrial Engineering), in an efficiency study of medical operations? The next time you see a surgeon extend an opened hand and a nurse place an instrument into it, think of Industrial Engineering. Prior to this change in method, doctors wasted much time (frequently while the patient bled) searching for the right tool. Early in his career Frederick Taylor spent a great deal of time developing methods and time formulas for metal cutting operations. One little-known contribution of his and an associate was the development of high-speed tool steel (HSS), still used today in many machine shop cutting tools. One of Frank Gilbreth's first "motion studies" concerned the age-old craft of bricklaying. Bricklayers stooped over to pick up every brick and then stooped again to get mortar. Mr. Gilbreth designed and patented special scaffolding to reduce the bending and reaching, increasing output over 100%. At the time, unfortunately, unions resisted his improvements, and most workers persisted in using the old, fatiguing methods. Ever wonder why typewriter or computer keyboards are arranged in the so-called "QWERTY" pattern? It was because, in the early days of mechanical typewriters, proficient typists could type so fast that the keys frequently

jammed against each other. In an effort to space often-used keys apart to prevent jamming, the familiar but illogical QWERTY pattern was developed. Speaking of typing, one of Frank Gilbreth's clients in the early 1900s was the Remington Company, then a famous typewriter manufacturer. Mr Gilbreth was enlisted to help train a fast typist to help Remington win a world-wide typing competition, then a public relations coup. He trained the typist to continually focus on the copy, not the keys. The world champion typist in 1916 typed 150 words per minute, from strange copy, with no mistakes! Along the way, he also helped develop the Dvorak keyboard, a more efficient way of arranging keys (in contrast to the QWERTY arrangement above). Frank Gilbreth studied the body motions of individuals performing work, in order to develop the most effective motion paths. After the outbreak of World War I, he was able, as an Army officer, to tell which military conscripts were faking body ailments (such as limps) to avoid service. He also used his expertise to produce training films and procedures. One example was a procedure to disassemble and reassemble a machine gun while blindfolded. Frank Gilbreth's partner in both life and business was Lillian Moeller Gilbreth, who was a scientist in her own right. Lillian lived for many years after Frank's relatively early death, and carried on his career works in industrial productivity. A trained psychologist, she achieved national acclaim and was recognized by Congress for her work. Among other things, she patented an electric food mixer and a trash can with a step-on lid opener. A popular book and 20th-Century Fox movie, "Cheaper By The Dozen," tells the story of their marriage and family. A sequel, "Bells On Their Toes," was written by one of the Gilbreth daughters. A final story about Frank Gilbreth.. In the course of studying manufacturing methods, Mr. Gilbreth developed his own system of "shorthand" to describe motions. Each motion had a symbol, somewhat like Egyptian hieroglyphics. He used about 40 distinct symbols, many of which were later adapted into commercial predetermined method/time systems. As an example, his symbol for focusing the eyes was a sketch of an eyeball, viewed from the side. He named a unit of time the "Therblig", his name spelled backwards (with two letters reversed for practicality).

The origins of industrial engineering can be traced back to many different sources. Fredrick Winslow Taylor is most often considered as the father of industrial engineering even though all his ideas where not original. Some of the preceding influences may have been Adam Smith, Thomas Malthus, David Ricardo and John Stuart Mill. All of their works provided classical liberal explanations for the successes and limitations of the Industrial Revolution. Another major contributor to the field was Charles W. Babbage. a mathematics professor. One of his major contributions to the field was his book On the Economy of Machinery and Manufacturers in 1832. In this book he discusses many different topics dealing with manufacturing, a few of which will be extremely familiar to an IE. Babbage discusses the idea of the learning curve, the division of task and how learning is affected, and the effect of learning on the generation of waste. In the late nineteenth century more developments where being made that would lead to the formalization of industrial engineering. Henry R. Towne stressed the economic aspect of an engineer's job. Towne belonged to the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) as did many other early American pioneers in this new field. The IE handbook says the, "ASME was the breeding ground for industrial engineering. Towne along with Fredrick A. Halsey worked on developing and presenting wage incentive plans to the ASME. It was out of these meetings that the Halsey plan of wage payment developed. The purpose was to increase the productivity of workers without negatively affecting the cost of production. The plan suggested that some of the gains be shared with the employees.. This is one early example of one profit sharing plan. Henry L. Gantt belonged to the ASME and presented papers to the ASME on topics such as cost, selection of workers, training, good incentive plans, and scheduling of work. He is the originator of the Gantt chart, currently the most popular chart used in scheduling of work. hat would Industrial Engineering be without mentioning Fredrick Winslow Taylor. Taylor is probably the best known of the pioneers in industrial engineering. His work, like others, covered topics such as the organization of work by management, worker selection, training, and additional compensation for those individuals that could meet the standard as developed by the company through his methods. The Gilbreths are accredited with the development of time and motion studies. Frank Bunker Gilbreth and his wife Dr. Lillian M. Gilbreth worked on understanding fatigue, skill development, motion studies, as well as time studies. Lillian Gilbreth had a Ph.D. in psychology which helped in understanding the many people issues. One of the most significant things the Gilbrethss did was to classify the basic human motions into seventeen types, some effective and some non-effective. They labeled the table of classification therbligs. Effective therbligs are useful in accomplishing work and non-effective therbligs are not. Gilbreth concluded that the time to complete an effective therblig can be shortened but will be very hard to eliminate. On the other hand non-effective therbligs should be completely eliminated if possible.

In 1948, the American Institute for Industrial Engineers (AIIE), was opened for the first time and began to give a professional authenticity for the practicing engineers. Up to this time industrial engineers really had no specific place in the hierarchy of a company. The ASME was the only other society that required its members to have an engineering degree prior to the development of the AIIE. What is the future for Industrial Engineers? With analytical methods and the advancing technologies for the computer, modeling complex production and service systems will become more and more an every day task. Performing a motion study. Every job can be broken down into its' fundamental work elements. The Gilbreth family found that there are seventeen of these motions. The time to complete each motion does not change. Jobs can be studied visually or through the assistance of a camera for micro-motion studies. The environment for the workers also needs to be set up to promote efficiency of work. Tools should be placed in fixed locations to eliminate the search and selection therbligs. Work surfaces and chairs should be adjusted to the correct working heights to eliminate stress. Whenever possible, gravity feeders should be used to deliver parts to the correct location. The worker's tools should be designed to eliminate multiple cuts. Adjustment handles should be designed to maximize the operator's mechanical advantage. Performing a time study. Without a standard the company will find it hard to estimate lead-time on their products. Times very greatly when the employee does not know what the expectation of company is. In order to correct this problem the IE will develop a fair standard expectation for each operation. It has been estimated that 12% of a company's total cost comes from direct labor. Another 43% of cost comes from the material cost. The other 45% is spent in overhead. So the idea that the largest productivity gains can be felt on the floor does not hold up in this light. A good time study will take into account the unavoidable delays, fatigue, and to an extent, outside interferences. Time for wasteful steps, such as searching for tools, will not be included in the final standard. The expectation is that the workplace will be designed to accommodate the work and will be free from this type of waste. Set-Up Times Set up time is the amount of time it takes to begin producing different parts on a machine. If set-up times remain large the company will operate with high levels of work in progress and finished goods tying up the companies valuable capital. Companies that fail to reduce their set-up times have a tendency to look sluggish in regards to their customers. Cost An IE will generally be responsible for coming up with a cost analysis on the equipment purchase. There are a several ways of coming up with this. Lifehow long the machine is expected to last when developing the cost analysis. Efficiency The traditional way of looking at efficiency was to keep the machine running at a 100% The idea was the cost of the machine could be spread out over the amount of time it was kept running. The higher the machines efficiency, time running / time available, the better the accounting numbers looked in regards to machine cost.

Material The IE is concerned with the delivery and flow of material throughout the plant, often the plant has evolved as the company has. Lot size To allow the manufacturer to stay flexible the production lot sizes should be minimalized. This will only be economical after the reduction of machine set-ups have been achieved. Inventory Levels Since inventory is capital that cannot be converted until finished and purchased by a consumer, it should be kept to a minimal. Inventories not only tie up capital but if the customer requests a change then the inventory runs the risk of becoming obsolete. Quality The quality of the material can affect all parts of the system. Poor quality material often introduces excessive amounts of rework into each of the processes. A typical job for an IE would be to work with the quality department to set up a Quality Management system QMS. Maintenance The amount of maintenance that the machine is going to require is a variable that must be considered. Another issue about maintenance is whether or not the staff on hand will need to be retrained.

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Youve probably heard the expression "build a better mousetrap." Industrial engine out how to do things better. They find ways that are smarter, faster, safer, and eas more efficient, productive, and profitable, and employees have work environments rewarding. You might think from their name that industrial engineers just work for but they are employed in a wide range of industries, including the service, entertai fields. For example, nobody likes to wait in a long line to get on a roller coaster rid hospital. Industrial engineers tell companies how to shorten these processes. The better-finding ways to do more with less is their motto.

Key Requirements

Wide interests in both engineering and business, excellent math, logic, and comm the big picture, but still able to analyze small details

Minimum Degree

Bachelor's degree

Subjects to Study in High School

Biology, chemistry, physics, computer science, geometry, algebra II, pre-calculus, statistics, business.

Industrial Engineer $77,240 US Mean Annual Wage $45,230 Min Wage $15,080

Median Salary
$0 $10,000 $20,000 $30,000 $40,000 $50,000 $60,000 $70,000 $80,000 $90,000

Projected Job Growth (2010-2020) More Slowly than Average (3% to 6%)


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