Trend Micro
Trend Micro
Trend Micro
printed: 11/12/2013
UP Summary
Log Book
Trend Micro Enterprise Security Suite (TMES-S) Enterprise Security Suite (EAMMMM_1W/X) replaces NeatSuite_Advanced to include the following: o OfficeScan Superkey (AV+SW+DC+FW) English ver 10.x o Trend Micro Mobile Security for Enterprise v5.0 Standard Edition - English o Intrusion Defense Firewall ver 1.x o Trend Micro Security for Macintosh No Firewall English ver 1.x o SMEX- & SMLD-Suite (Win/Linux) o SP Filer (Win/Linux) o TMCM_Adv o IWSVA_Adv (AV+AAXS+URL) o IMSVA_Adv (IMSVA+SPS) Trend Micro Enterprise Security for Endpoints and Mail Servers (TMES-EM) Enterprise Security for Endpoints & Mail Servers (EBMMMM_1W/X) replaces CSM to include the following: o OfficeScan Superkey (AV+SW+DC+FW) English ver 10.x o Trend Micro Mobile Security for Enterprise v5.0 Standard Edition - English o Intrusion Defense Firewall ver 1.x o Trend Micro Security for Macintosh No Firewall English ver 1.x o SMEX- & SMLD-Suite (Win/Linux) o SP Filer (Win/Linux) o TMCM_Adv Trend Micro Enterprise Security for Gateways (TMES-G) Enterprise Security for Gateway (GPZZVSEXX) replaces IMSS/IWSS_Std Bundle to include the following: o ARM o IMSVA_Adv o IWSVA_Adv (AV+AAXS+URL) Trend Micro Encryption for Email Gateway Add-on to IMSVA, TMES-S, TMES-G Global PID: EEOGVSE5X sold only to customers with IMSVA, TMES-Suite or TMES for Gateways Trend Micro Enterprise Security for Endpoints (TMES-E) Enterprise Security for Endpoint (ENOVWW_AX) replaces OfficeScan_Advanced v10 to include the following: o OfficeScan Superkey (AV+SW+DC+FW) English ver 10.x o ServerProtect (Win/Linux) o TMCM v5 Advanced Edition - English o Trend Micro Mobile Security for Enterprise v5.0 Standard Edition - English o Intrusion Defense Firewall ver 1.x o Trend Micro Security for Macintosh No Firewall English ver 1.x Core Protection for Virtual Machines (CPVM) Reactivate CPU-based pricing for CPVM controlled availability program until the end of December 2010. This will allow you to register additional opportunities for CPVM standalone revenue in 2010. Enterprise Security for Communication & Collaboration (TMES-CC) => renamed CCS with name change only, keeps Global PID: COZZWWEZZ InterScan Messaging Security Suite Advanced (IMSS_Adv) renamed into InterScan Messaging Security Suite (IMSS): drop Advanced InterScan Messaging Security Virtual Appliance Advanced (IMSVA_Adv) renamed into InterScan Messaging Security Virtual Appliance (IMSVA): drop Advanced Email Reputation Service_Advanced renamed into Email Reputation Service: drop Advanced InterScan Web Security Virtual Appliance Advanced (IWSVA_Adv) renamed into InterScan Web Security Virtual Appliance (IWSVA): drop Advanced Trend Micro Email Encryption Client (TMEEC) renamed into Trend Micro Encryption for Email: keep PID 'EEECWWE5X' Trend Micro Email Encryption Gateway (TMEEG) renamed into Trend Micro Encryption for Email Gateway: keep PID EEGGVSE5X Trend Micro Email Encryption Hosted (TMEEH) renamed into Trend Micro Hosted Email Encryption : keep PID 'EEHSZZE5X' Trend Micro LeakProof Advanced renamed into Data Loss Prevention for Endpoint with added functionality: Data Loss Prevention Fingerprint Module PSP Renewal Order Type ending ...LIUSR to identify existing PSP customer extending their contract. Scan Mail for MS Exchange Suite v10 (SMEX-Suite) replaces v8 => in TMES-CC; CSM_EX; NS_Adv; NFR_Full Trend Micro Message Archiver (TMMA): also deleted as sub-component from NFR_Light and NFR_Full Data Protection Pack (Add-On to NS_Adv or CSM_EE for 100-2500 User): DLZZMME1X SPS / ERS_Std / IMSS_Std / IMSVA_Std / IMSS_Crossbeam / IWSS_Crossbeam Applets and ActiveX Security (AAXS) for IWSS: IHMC_____ InterScan Web Security Suite (IWSS) URL Filtering: IHUF_____ 50% XXL Competitive swap out offer: The 50% XXL Competitive swap out offer (DealCode 08-M0L-2855-A) will be deactivated from the price list by 15JAN2010. Please be aware that this DealCode will not be accepted any longer after 15JAN2010. Trend Micro Email Encryption (TMEE) annual subscription pricing for Email, as well as for Gateway Trend Micro LeakProof Standard (TMLP_Std): DLZZWWE5X & DLVPZAE5X Trend Micro Mobile Security (TMMS) v3 Two Year HW Warranty-Extension IGSA: SGSBARE1XH3ASR End Of Lifecycle (EOL) plan
18 January 2010
18 January 2010
18 January 2010 18 January 2010 18 January 2010 18 January 2010 18 January 2010 18 January 2010 18 January 2010 18 January 2010 18 January 2010 18 January 2010 18 January 2010 18 January 2010 18 January 2010 15 January 2010 15 January 2010 15 January 2010 15 January 2010 15 January 2010 15 January 2010 15 January 2010 15 January 2010 15 January 2010
Log Book
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printed: 11/12/2013
Trend Micro Enterprise Security (min. 26 User ...)
ClientServer Suite_EE (CS_EE), Polish ClientServerMessaging Suite_EE (CSM_EE) for MS Exchange, Polish ClientServerMessaging Suite_EE (CSM_EE) for Lotus Domino, Polish NeaTSuite_Advanced (NS_Adv), Polish InterScan Messaging Security Suite (IMSS_Advanced) InterScan Web Security Suite (IWSS_Advanced) ScanMail Suite for MS Exchange ScanMail Suite for Lotus Domino EPS Bundle InterScan Messaging Security Virtual Appliance (IMSVA_Adv) InterScan Web Security Virtual Appliance (IWSVA_Adv) Enterprise Security for Gateways (TMES-G) Enterprise Security for Endpoints Light (TMES-E Light) Enterprise Security for Endpoints (TMES-E) Enterprise Security for Endpoints and Mail Servers (TMES-EM) Enterprise Security Suite (TMES-S) Enterprise Security for Communication & Collaboration (TMES-CC) CAZZMMW1A CCEXWWW1A CCLNMMW1A NSMMMMW3X IXZZMME7X IHZAMME3X SSEXWW SLLN__ EPZZZZE1X IBZZMME7V IHZAVSE3X GPZZVSEXX ENOTWW_AX [_EFGRS] ENOVWW_AX [_EFGRS] EBMMMM_1W [_ES] and EBMMMM_1X [_FGR] EAMMMM_1W [_ES] and EAMMMM_1X [_FGR] COZZWWEZZ
Back to INDEX
= OfficeScan (Client/Server Edition), Polish + ServerProtect (Filer & Storage) + TMCM_Std = OfficeScan (Client/Server Edition), Polish + ServerProtect (Filer & Storage) + SM-Suite (MS EX) + TMCM_Std = IMSS_Std OfficeScan Edition), Polish + ServerProtect & Storage) + SP SM-Suite (Lotus Domino) + TMCM_Std = +(Client/Server IWSS_Std + AAXS + OfficeScan (Client/Server(Filer Edition), Polish + (Filer & Storage) + SM-Suite (both MS Exchange & Lotus Domino) + TMCM_Adv + OPS. = IMSS_Std + SPS v7.x = IWSS_Std, IWSS (AAXS), IWSS (URL) = SMEX + eManager = SMLD + eManager (For customers using Domino 6.x on Linux with SMLN 2.6 we have re-activate 'SMLNLZE2X' (Non PR-compliant) for int & ext systems SMLD 3 for Domino 7 on Linux for x86(Intel) is planned to be released in late February 2008.) =TMCM_Adv + OPS + DCS agent-less = IMSVA_Std + SPS for virtual appliance = IWSVA (AV)+ IWSVA (AAXS)+ IWSVA (URL) = SPS; IWSVA; IWSVA_AAXS; ARM; IWSVA_URL; IMSVA = TMMS_Std; OfficeScan Superkey (AV+SW+DC+FW); ServerProtect Linux; ServerProtect NT/NW; TMCM Standard = OS10_Advanced Plug-in subscription; TMMS_Std; OfficeScan Superkey (AV+SW+DC+FW); ServerProtect Linux; ServerProtect NT/NW; TMCM Advanced = OS10_Advanced Plug-in subscription; TMMS_Std; OfficeScan Superkey (AV+SW+DC+FW); SMLD-Suite (Linux / Windows); ServerProtect (Linux & NT/NW); SMEXSuite TMCM Advanced = SPS; OS10_Advanced Plug-in subscription; IWSVA; IWSVA_AAXS; IWSVA_URL; IMSVA; IMSS; TMMS_Std; OfficeScan Superkey (AV+SW+DC+FW); SMLD-Suite (Linux / Windows); ServerProtect (Linux & NT/NW); SMEX-Suite; TMCM Advanced; ISVW = IMS for MS OCServer; Portal Protect; SMEX-Suite; TMCM Advanced
SMB License
TREND MICRO SMB Licensing (5-250 Nodes) is based on machines/computer "Nodes" (PC & Server)
InterScan VirusWall v7.0 Worry-Free Business Security Standard (WFBS_Std) Worry-Free Business Security Advanced Bundle (WFBS_Adv_Bundle) VWSCMMZ7X CSSBWW_6X CMSBWW_6Y Additional Threat Protection; All-In-One Gateway Security; Easy to Manage and Deploy; Effective, Early Protection (max. 2500 User ) Protection for Small businesses with Microsoft PCs, file servers. (Formerly known as CS_SMB) WFBS_Adv Software, IMHS_Adv (Formerly known as CSM_SMB)
After License Expiration Date (LED) renewal fee is calculated 30% of SRP. With regards to the merge of licenses by way of notification to Trend Micro: In each case Trend Micro under the License agreement request that Licensee gives us notice of any such change and asks our approval of the same. Individual licenses must expire the same License End Date before these can be merged together.
R of existing OS Client Edition (Polish) R of existing CS customer > 250 seats (Polish) R of existing CSM customer >250 seats (Polish) R of existing IMSS_Adv or IMSA_Adv R of existing IWSS_Adv or IWSA_Adv R of existing NS_Std R of existing NS_Adv customer wanting IxSVA_Std R of existing SPS or IMSS_Std or IMSVA_Std R of existing IWSS_Std or IWSVA_Std R of existing ERS_Std R of existing ServerProtect for File-Server (Windows NT / Linux) R of existing OSCE v8 or OS10_Standard R of existing OS10_Advanced R of existing IMSS/IWSS_Standard Bundle R of existing TMLP_Standard 30% renewal-fee on 30% renewal-fee on 30% renewal-fee on 30% renewal-fee on 30% renewal-fee on 09-M0L-3955-A 08-M0L-4712-A 30% renewal-fee on 30% renewal-fee on 30% renewal-fee on 30% renewal-fee on 30% renewal-fee on 30% renewal-fee on 30% renewal-fee on 30% renewal-fee on OfficeScan Client/Server Suite Standard (Polish) CS_EE pricing (Polish) CSM_EE pricing (Polish) IMSVA_Adv (free cross grade on renewal) IWSVA_Adv (free cross grade on renewal) Renewal (NSMMMME3XLIULR) + ISVW v7(IMZZMME7VLIULR) (VWSCMME7XLIULR) with DealCode 09-M0L-3955-A Order the NS_Adv 50% discounted Renewal of IMSVA_Std / IWSVA_Std (IHZZVSE3XLIULR) within the NS_Adv Renewal PO with this dealcode 08-M0L4712-A IMSVA_Adv (free cross grade on renewal) IWSVA_Adv (free cross grade on renewal) ERS_Adv (free cross grade on renewal) TMES-E_Standard TMES-E_Standard TMES-E (Trend Micro Enterprise Security for Endpoint) TMES-G (Trend Micro Enterprise Security for Gateway) DLP_Endpoint (Data Loss Prevention for Endpoint)
new RK compliant products do not need new AC
TREND MICRO Cross-Grades (from one single TM point product to another single TM point product in same product-functionality). Cross-Grade -fee 30% of wanted product, with LED of initial license. To be charged only for a switch within valid maintenance time (within a multi-year license, the first 12months of existing license are covered by CrossGrade-fee ). At anniversary date (LED) the customer pays 30% renewal fee pa. on the full SRP of the product that they have migrated to.
SMEX-Suite SMLD-Suite OfficeScan Client/Server Suite v10 Standard OfficeScan Plug-in: IDF, TMMS_Std [TMS for Mac] SP for File-Server WFBS_Std license WFBS_Adv Bundle license NS_SMB license IMHS_Std IMSS or IMSA to to to to to to to to to to SMLD-Suite, for changing the Application, if following year of maintenance is not to be renewed. The License applies either to MS Exchange or Lotus Notes / Domino Application. SMEX-Suite, for changing the Application, if following year of maintenance is not to be renewed. The License applies either to MS Exchange or Lotus Notes / Domino Application. OfficeScan Client/Server Suite v10 Advanced (charge difference from OS_Std to OS_Adv) OfficeScan Client/Server Suite Advanced ( 67% of CrossGrade price from OS10_Std to OS10_Adv) SP for Storage-Server (vice versa) CS_EE (Polish) (26-250 user volume) CMEX_EE (Polish) (26-250 user volume) NS_Adv (Polish) (26-250 user volume) IMHS_Adv (No SW maintenance or HW warranty is charged, instead 1/3 of full service fee is charged to keep original LED.) IMHS (Free Cross-grade on renewal at IMHS subscription pricing)
TREND MICRO Cross-Upgrades (From a TM point product or a TM Suite ---> to another TM Suite ). 10% discount per valid component in same user# (max.3 components) on Suite_SRP they are migrating to. Includes 12 new months of maintenance for the new Suite. At anniversary date (LED) the customer pays 30% renewal fee pa. on the full SRP of the product they are migrating to. Cross-Upgrades can only be applicable for those products which have a maximum 12 months maintenance timeframe left. In all other cases please contact your VAD or Account Manager. In some cases it might be beneficial to purchase the additional product separately, instead of an Cross-Upgrade to a bundle!
IMSS_Std / IMSVA_Std or IWSS_Std / IWSVA_Std OS Client/Desktop Edition v8 (Polish) TMAS_EE Server Protect for File-Server SM-Suite (either MS Exchange or Lotus Notes/Domino) CS_EE/OS10_Std or TMES-E Light /OSCE v8 (except Polish) CSM_EE (either MS Exchange or Lotus Notes/Domino) ISVW or ISVW_Suite or IMSS_Std & IWSS_Std Bundle WFBS_Std IMSS_Std or IWSS_Std SMEX Suite or PP or IMS TMEEC or TMEEG IMSS/IWSS_Std Bundle or TMES-G IMSS_Adv / IMSVA_Adv or IWSS_Adv / IWSVA_Adv OSCE v8 (except Polish) or OS10_Std or CSS or TMES-E_Light OS10_Adv or TMES-EM CSM_EE (either MS Exchange or Lotus Notes/Domino) NS_Adv or NS_Std 10% discount to Cross-Upgrade to 10% discount to Cross-Upgrade to 10% discount to Cross-Upgrade to 10% discount to Cross-Upgrade to 10% discount to Cross-Upgrade to 20% discount to Cross-Upgrade to 10% discount to Cross-Upgrade to 20% discount to Cross-Upgrade to to to to to 20% discount to Cross-Upgrade to 20% discount to Cross-Upgrade to 50% discount to Cross-Upgrade to 30% discount to Cross-Upgrade to 50% discount to Cross-Upgrade to 50% discount to Cross-Upgrade to TMES-G or TMES-S TMES-EM or TMES-S or WFBS_Std or WFBS_Adv Bundle OfficeScan TMES-E Light; TMES-E; TMES-EM; TMES-S TMES-EM or TMES-S TMES-EM or TMES-S TMES-S (Trend Micro Enterprise Security Suite) TMES-S (Trend Micro Enterprise Security Suite) WFBS_Adv Bundle (allows a 30% discount) ISVW v7.x TMES-CC => this Cross-Upgrade allows a 35% discount for existing customers of SMEX Suite or PP or IMS TMEE_Suite (TMEEC + TMEEG) => this Cross-Upgrade is offered at a fixed SRP TMES-S (Trend Micro Enterprise Security Suite) TMES-G or TMES-S TMES-E (Enterprise Security for Endpoints) TMES-EM or TMES-S TMES-EM TMES-S (Trend Micro Enterprise Security Suite)
Cross-Upgrade Discount
TREND MICRO Discount Types (for <= 1000 User): not applicable to TM Internet Security PC-cillin (except Competitive Discount)
Competitive Discount requires DealCode NGO / NPO (Non-Governmental- / Non-Profit-Organizations) EDU (Academic discount) eGovernment max.20% discount on SRP max.40% discount on SRP max.40% discount on SRP max.30% discount on SRP Competitive License must be under maintenance and the document must be attached within PO. Non-Governmental- / Non-Profit-Organizations like churches, registered associations etc. which can approve their sicialism ie. DRK, IOC, UNICEF). If the allocation is not clearly enforceable, please contact your partner responsible before delivering an offer. A proof of the customer status must be furnished. State (federal & local) or state-approved general education or vacational schools and colleges, institutions of adult education. Governmental Oragnizations (Hospitals & Authorities on country, regional, local or federal level). Who is eligible for NFR Light: All Affinity Partners What is NFR Light: 25 user licenses of WFBS_Adv + IMHS_Adv + ISVW_SMB + TMMA free of charge for 12 months. How to order NFR Light: When you register for the Affinity Partner Program via the Affinity Partner Portal an NFR Light Registration Key (RK) will be automatically emailed to you after your first Trend Micro purchase. Activate the RK online via the Online Registration (OLR) web site which will activate the NFR Light components for 12 months. How to renew your NFR Light: Renewal is free you sell four or more products during the previous 12 months prior to expiration. Who is eligible forifNFR Full: AffinityONE and AffinityPLUS Partners What is NFR Full: 25 user license overall TM software solutions (no appliances/boxes) free of charge for 12 months; 50, 75, or 100 user license of NFR Full at a discounted price for 12 months. How to order NFR Full: Order product Item Code 'NXZAZZE1ELIUNN' through distribution. An NFR Full Registration Key (RK) will be automatically emailed to you. Activate the RK online via the Online Registration (OLR) web site which will active the NFR Full components for 12 months. How to renew your NFR Full: Who is eligible for NFR Appliances : Affinity Partners What is an NFR Appliance: One appliance (per product) is offered to you for your internal use and is non-transferable. The following NFR appliances available at a discount: o NVWE2500 for 250-User (NEZEZEZBEH3ANN) How to order NFR Appliances : Affinity Partners can order the product Item Code listed above through distribution. How to renew your NFR Appliances : Affinity Partners can renew NFR appliances at a discount through distribution using the Item Codes listed below. o NVWE2500 for 250-User (NEZEZEZBELIUNR) Free 12 months IMHS as NFR to Affinity Partner & Reseller Who: Affinity Reseller, Affinity Plus, Affinity One When: since Q1 2008 How: Visit Affinity
To show our continued commitment to helping partners securely grow their business, Trend Micro has flexible NFR options available to Affinity Partners. We encourage all our partners to protect their organization with Trend Micro security solutions using the NFR program. Trend Micro offers three NFR programs for our partners to take advantage of, NFR Light, NFR Full, and NFR Appliance. The rules around NFR are detailed
NFR Appliances
TREND MICRO Promotions: for further details please refer to the appropriate FAQ. Please note that Promotions must not be doubled up - 2 promotions cannot apply to same deal. No additional discount should be given on top of promotion except Governmental and Academic discount.
What: 10% Kick-Back Who: 100-2499 User License When: since 17AUG2007 until further notice What: Free WFRM up to end 2009 Who: registered Affinity Reseller When: Q42007 (minimum 2* SMB orders), extended. No pre-requisite any more in 2009
EMEA Reseller visit Affinity: CEUR Reseller visit Affinity:
AC Extension
AC Extension: Today when customers renew or add seats with Trend Micro they receive new Registration Keys. This requires them to follow the registration process on the Online Registration (OLR) website each time they renew or add seats in order to receive an Activation Code that will update the license details in the product. This has been a major complaint of customers & channel as it is a redundant process from their perspective (as they would have already registered their details in the initial purchase year). Activation Code Extension enables our Order Management team to retain the same activation code(s) for customers at point of renewal or adding seats, thus improving the customers experience.
1. Can Activation Code Extension be used when a customer is cross upgrading/cross grading? No. When a customer cross upgrades/cross grade they are changing the physical product installation as well. In this case new activation codes are needed to activate the new product. Like a new sale (i.e. initial purchase) the customer will be issued with a Registration Key and required to register this on OLR website to receive an Activation Code. 2. Does Activation Code Extension work even if the customer only renews AFTER their grace period has passed? Yes it still works. 3. Is it possible not to use Activation Code Extension when renewing or adding seats? Yes. If, for whatever reason, the customer wants a new set of keys at the point of renewing/adding seats they can make this request when submitting the order to Trend Micro. Order Management will generate a new set of Registration Keys for the customer. In this case, the customer will be required to register the keys on OLR website to receive Activation Codes and place it in the product. 4. When will Activation Code Extension be launched? From Monday 19th February, 2007 this facility will be available. 5. If a customer initially purchases a box product and later renews via the channel (i.e. license), will Activation Code Extension work? Yes. All customers (regardless of box or license) will be able to extend their activation code(s) at point of renewal/add. 6. If the license key (e.g. registration key or activation code) is not provided in the renewal or add order by the distributor, will this impact Activation Code Extension? Highly likely. If Order Management are not able to 100% locate the existing activation code then they will not extend it. Instead a registration key will be issued. To ensure this does not happen, distributors should submit the correct license key with the renewal or add order.
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Trend Micro Security Solutions for Small & Medium Business (SMB, 5-250 Nodes)
Trend Micro Security Solutions for SMB InterScan VirusWall (ISVW for SMB Userband 5-250)
Trend Micro InterScan VirusWall v7 is the most comprehensive Internet gateway software security solution available.
Trend Micro Security for Macintosh (TMSM) Plug-in for OS10 Endpoint Security
Trend Micro Security for Macintosh 1 leverages Trend Micro Smart Protection Network to proactively limit exposure to threats. Real-time, in-the-cloud Web Reputation databases prevent
InterScan Messaging Security Virtual Appliance (IMSVA_Adv = IMSVA_Std + SPS for Virtual Appliance)
InterScan Messaging Security Virtual Appliance delivers comprehensive email protection at the gateway, integrating anti-spam and reputation filtering with anti-virus, anti-spyware and content compliance. drop "Advanced" drop "Advanced"
InterScan Messaging Hosted Standard (IMHS_Std) Keep email threats completely off your Service network with Trend Micros InterScan Messaging Hosted Security. This hosted service integrates powerful anti-spam and antiphishing with award-winning antivirus and anti-spyware. You can choose the service level that best suits your security strategy with either streamlined management for complete security with minimal administration or granular access and control with content filtering to enforce compliance and prevent data leakage. Both service levels offer comprehensive hosted email security to block threats before they can touch the network, securing the network and saving bandwidth, storage, and other resources. InterScan Messaging Hosted Advanced (IMHS_Adv) Keep email threats completely off your Service network with Trend Micros InterScan Messaging Hosted Security. This hosted service integrates powerful anti-spam and antiphishing with award-winning antivirus and anti-spyware. You can choose the service level that best suits your security strategy with either streamlined management for complete security with minimal administration or granular access and control with content filtering to enforce compliance and prevent data leakage. Both service levels offer comprehensive hosted email security to block threats before they can touch the network, securing the network and saving bandwidth, storage, and other resources. IM Security for Microsoft Office Communications Server (IMS for OCS)
Trend Micro IM Security for Microsoft Office Communications Server delivers instant protection against fast-moving IM attacks designed to spread malware, lure victims to malicious sites, and steal data.
InterScan Web Security Standard (IWSS_Std), Linux v3.1 on Crossbeam: AV scanning + AAXS
Trend Micro InterScan Web Security Suite and Crossbeam Systems provide high performance web content protection for large enterprises requiring simplified management and best-of-breed security optimized for resiliency, scalability and availability. EOSales 15JAN2010; Renewable until 15JUN2010; EOSupport 01JULY2011
Management / EPS
Management Services / Enterprise Protection Strategy (EPS) Outbreak Prevention Service (OPS)
Trend Micro Outbreak Prevention Services (OPS) help deliver outbreak prevention policies that provide early warning to help IT managers prevent or contain outbreaks before patches, pattern files, or network signatures are deployed.
Email Reputation Services (ERS) Email Reputation Services Standard (previously Network Reputation Services RBL+)
Trend Micro RBL+ Service verifies the IP addresses against a comprehensive reputation database before spam can be delivered.
Email Reputation Services (previously Network Reputation Services Network Anti-Spam Service (RBL+ & QIL))
Trend Micro Network Anti-Spam Service (NASS) combines the services of RBL+ with dynamic real-time spam blocking, ideal for botnet and zombie attacks.
replaced by ESG; EOSale 15JAN2010; Renewal only until 15JUN2011, EOSupport 01JULY2012 drop "Advanced" drop "Advanced"; EOSales 15JUN2010; Renewable until 15JUN2011; EOSupport 01JULY2012
InterScan Web Security Advanced Bundle (IWSS_Adv) Linux v3.1 on Crossbeam,: AV+URL+AAXS
Trend Micro InterScan Web Security Suite and Crossbeam Systems provide high performance web content protection for large enterprises requiring simplified management and best-of-breed security optimized for resiliency, scalability and availability. EOSales 15JAN2010; Renewable until 15JUN2010; EOSupport 01JULY2011 for Polish only replaced by ESEM; EOSale 15MAR2010; Renewable until 15JUN2011; EOSupport 30JUN2012
optional NVWE2500 Fiber Dual Gigabit Ethernet, 1000Base-LX Single-Mode fiber (supports Hardware fail-open) optional NVWE2500 Fiber Dual Gigabit Ethernet, 1000Base-SX Multimode fiber (supports Hardware fail-open) optional NVWE2500 Copper Gigabit Ethernet, 1000Base-T (supports Hardware fail-open) Network VirusWall Enforcer 2500 (NVW-E 2500)
Trend Micro Network VirusWall Enforcer is an agent-less NAC appliance targeted at the mobile workforce.
InterScan Web Security Suite Appliance 2500 (IWSA) IWSA2500 Standard package
InterScan Web Security Appliance (IWSA) stops spyware, worms, viruses, and phishing at the Internet gateway. It prevents spyware downloads, blocks access to malicious spyware sites, and detects spyware activity on clients to trigger agent-less cleanup.
printed: 11/12/2013
Back to INDEX
Trend Micro Internet Security 2010, English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian,
This is a new license key. 12 months pattern & engine updates, support and upgrade to higher product versions included.
Language : E - English, F - French, G - German, I - Italian, S Spanish, D - Dutch, H - Swedish, O - Norwegian, A - Danish
User TIS EMEA [12 mths]
3 5 6-10 11-25 30-50 55 - 100 105 - 250
New $13.99 $13.99 $13.64 $13.29 $12.59 $12.17 $11.78 $11.26 $10.75 $10.17
This is a renewal key incl. 12 months pattern & engine updates, support included. Only to be sold as a renewal for existing customers. Upgrade to higher product version included, a new licence key will be issued. Renewal/Upgrade Item Code $8.39 PCCIWW_H5LIULR $8.39 PCCIWW_H5LIULR $8.18 PCCIWW_H5LIULR $7.97 PCCIWW_H5LIULR $7.55 PCCIWW_H5LIULR $7.30 PCCIWW_H5LIULR $7.07 PCCIWW_H5LIULR $6.76 PCCIWW_H5LIULR $6.45 PCCIWW_H5LIULR $6.10 PCCIWW_H5LIULR
Trend Micro Internet Security 2010, English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian,
This is a new license key. 24 months pattern & engine updates, support and upgrade to higher product versions included. This is a renewal key incl. 24 months pattern & engine updates, support included. Only to be sold as a renewal for existing customers. Upgrade to higher product version included, a new licence key will be issued. Renewal/Upgrade Item Code $11.75 PCCIWW_H5LIZLR $11.75 PCCIWW_H5LIZLR $11.46 PCCIWW_H5LIZLR $11.17 PCCIWW_H5LIZLR $10.58 PCCIWW_H5LIZLR $10.22 PCCIWW_H5LIZLR $9.90 PCCIWW_H5LIZLR $9.46 PCCIWW_H5LIZLR $9.03 PCCIWW_H5LIZLR $8.54 PCCIWW_H5LIZLR
Language : E = English, F - French, G - German, I - Italian, S Spanish, D - Dutch, H - Swedish, O - Norwegian, A - Danish
User TIS EMEA [24 mths] LICENSE
3 5 6-10 11-25 30-50 55 - 100 105 - 250 260 - 500 510 - 750 760 - 1000
New $19.59 $19.59 $19.10 $18.61 $17.63 $17.04 $16.49 $15.77 $15.05 $14.24
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printed: 11/12/2013
Trend Micro Internet Security Pro 2010, English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian,
This is a new license key. 12 months pattern & engine updates, support and upgrade to higher product versions included. TIS Pro EMEA [12 mths] EMEA EN, FR, DE, IT, ES, NL, SE, NO, DA
Language : E - English, F - French, G - German, I - Italian, S Spanish, D - Dutch, H - Swedish, O - Norwegian, A - Danish
3 5 6-10 11-25 30-50
This is a renewal key incl. 12 months pattern & engine updates, support included. Only to be sold as a renewal for existing customers. Upgrade to higher product version included, a new licence key will be issued. Renewal/Upgrade Item Code $10.07 PCCEWW_H5LIULR $10.07 PCCEWW_H5LIULR $9.82 PCCEWW_H5LIULR $9.57 PCCEWW_H5LIULR $9.07 PCCEWW_H5LIULR
Trend Micro Internet Security Pro 2010, English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian,
This is a new license key. 24 months pattern & engine updates, support and upgrade to higher product versions included. TIS Pro EMEA [24 mths] This is a renewal key incl. 24 months pattern & engine updates, support included. Only to be sold as a renewal for existing customers. Upgrade to higher product version included, a new licence key will be issued. Renewal/Upgrade Item Code $13.43 PCCEWW_H5LIZLR $13.43 PCCEWW_H5LIZLR $13.10 PCCEWW_H5LIZLR $12.76 PCCEWW_H5LIZLR $12.09 PCCEWW_H5LIZLR
Language : E - English, F - French, G - German, I - Italian, S Spanish, D - Dutch, H - Swedish, O - Norwegian, A - Danish
3 5 6-10 11-25 30-50
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printed: 11/12/2013
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Deep Security Manager ver 6.x: Maintenance Deep Security Manager (Back-up/fail-over lab test pre-production) ver 6.x: Maintenance Upgrade from Deep Security Manager Express to Deep Security Manager: Maintenance
AL3CVSE6XLIULN Deep Security Agent - Deep Packet Inspection - Virtual Platform ver 6.x: New
Deep Security Agent - Deep Packet Inspection - Virtual Platform ver 6.x: Maintenance
AL3DVSE6XLIULN Deep Security Agent - Integrity Monitoring - Virtual Platform ver 6.x: New
Deep Security Agent - Integrity Monitoring - Virtual Platform ver 6.x: Maintenance
Deep Security Agent - Log Inspection - Virtual Platform ver 6.x: New
Deep Security Agent - Log Inspection - Virtual Platform ver 6.x: Maintenance
Third Brigade Deep Security Software Agent - Deep Pakcet Inspection + Firewall
Third Brigade Deep Security Software Agent - Deep Pakcet Inspection + Firewall (includes firewall capabilities and vulnerability, exploit and smart Deep Packet Inspection rules for protecting the servers from attacks): Deep Packet Inspection required! RPID AL3CWWE6XLIULN Deep Security Agent - Deep Packet Inspection ver 6.x: New
Price band per Server 1-99 per Server 99-499 per Server 500-999 per Server 1000+
Maintenance SRP Deep Packet Inspection $225.00 + Firewall $180.00 $150.00 $120.00
RPID AL3CWWE6XLIULR Deep Security Agent - Deep Packet Inspection ver 6.x: Maintenance
Price band per Server 1-99 per Server 99-499 per Server 500-999 per Server 1000+
RPID AL3DWWE6XLIULR Deep Security Agent - Integrity Monitoring ver 6.x: Maintenance
Back to INDEX
CPU band (Limited to 12 cores per cpu) 1-10 11-25 26-50 51-100 101-250 251-500 501-1000
Product Registration (PR) compliant No standard discount (Gov / Edu /Competitive) to be applied! Annual subscription (100%)
TDZCVSE2XLIUSN Threat Discovery Services: New TDZCVSE2XLIUSR Threat Discovery Services: Extension TDZCVSE2XLIUSA Threat Discovery Services: Add.Seats # of users Annual subscription (100%) at 8% margin. up to 1000 $15,000.00 up to 2500 $20,000.00 up to 5000 $30,000.00 up to 10000 $45,000.00 up to 25000 $70,000.00 up to 50000 $105,000.00 up to 100000 TBD 1 Spare-Unit for Threat Discovery Appliance (HW) price per 1 Spare-Unit HW-Warrenty Extension pa
These SKUs can not be stacked (the maximum number of years of HW coverage is 3 = one ye Warranty covers unit replacement upon hardware 1 Year Warranty Extension (can be purchased each year for activ
TLZEVSE2XLIUSN Threat Remediation Services: New TLZEVSE2XLIUSR Threat Remediation: Extension TLZEVSE2XLIUSA Threat Remediation: Add.Seats Annual subscription (100%) at 8% margin. $23,000.00 $42,000.00 $48,000.00 $70,000.00 $105,000.00 $150,000.00 TBD $10,000.00 $1,500.00
cked (the maximum number of years of HW coverage is 3 = one year included with appliance plus Two year extension). Warranty covers unit replacement upon hardware failure. 1 Year Warranty Extension (can be purchased each year for active units and for spares).
TLZCVSE2XLIUSN Threat Lifecycle Management Services: New TLZCVSE2XLIUSR Threat Lifecycle Management Services: Extension TLZCVSE2XLIUSA Threat Lifecycle Management Services: Add.Seats Annual subscription (100%) at 8% margin. $50,000.00 $60,000.00 $75,000.00 $120,000.00 $170,000.00 $250,000.00 TBD TDZAZZE2XH3APN TDZAZZE2XH3APR
s 3 = one year included with appliance plus Two year extension). on hardware failure. year for active units and for spares).
Trend Micro Certified Assessment Partner (TMCAP) => TDS through partner
TDZCVSE2XLIZSN Trend Micro Certified Assessment Partner: New TDZCVSE2XLIZSR Trend Micro Certified Assessment Partner: Extension TDZCVSE2XLIZSA Trend Micro Certified Assessment Partner: Add.Seats Annual price (100%) for Number of assessments per Quarter. 8% margin. Please contact "All of Solution Services EMEA"
printed: 11/12/2013
PREMIUM SUPPORT SERVICES CONTRACT (PSP) Premium Support PSP Silver [PSSSZZZZZLIUSN,PSSSZZZZZLIUSR] Premium Support PSP Silver Trial: 15 Incident tickets for 60-day [PSSSZZZZZLITSN, PSSSZZZZZLITSR] Premium Support PSP Bronze (up to 6000 licenses) [PSBBZZZZZLIUSN, PSBBZZZZZLIUSR] Premium Support PSP Gold [PSSGZZZZZLIUSN, PSSGZZZZZLIUSR] Premium Support PSP Platinum [PSSTZZZZZLIUSN, PSSTZZZZZLIUSR] Premium Support PSP Diamond [PSSDZZZZZLIUSN, PSSDZZZZZLIUSR] Premium Support Standalone Virus Response SLA [VLZZZZZZZLIZSN, VLZZZZZZZLIZSR] Premium Support PSP Additional Contact, price 2000 per contact, max. 2 [PSACZZZZZLIUSN, PSACZZZZZLIUSR] Premium Support PSP Incident, price 500 per incident, pack of 5 [PSZZZZZZZLIYSN, PSZZZZZZZLIYSR] All Prices are for a one-year subscription.Customer must be current on maintenance to purchase PSP. Premium Support is sold "per account" per year.
PP PRIORITY SUPPORT Misc. Onsite Support [SRZZZZEZZLIZSN] price per day (***) $1,200.00 PPP to Premium Partner: 30 Premium Support Incidents at TAM [SRSPZZZ1XLIZSN] by arrangement EMEA only: Contract required, direct access to TM Support, during office hours, via eMail, 2 dedicated contacts (L3 certified Support Engineers). "Affinity One", "Affinity Plus" are accredited in our PartnerLocator. (***) Misc. Onsite Support: If Affinity One Partner orders a day we will recognize him the official discount only if our SE will work together with a Affinity One Partner Technicians otherwise the Affinity One must pay the full price. price per pack PREMIUM TICKETS Premium Tickets to Affinity One Partner, pack of 5 Premium Support Incident tickets [PKZAZZEP5LIYSN] $2,500.00 Premium Tickets to Affinity One Partner, pack of 10 Premium Support Incident tickets [PKZAZZEP5LIYSN] $5,000.00 Premium Tickets to Affinity One Partner, pack of 25 Premium Support Incident tickets [PKZAZZEP5LIYSN] $10,000.00 Premium Tickets to Affinity One Partner, pack of 50 Premium Support Incident tickets [PKZAZZEP5LIYSN] $17,500.00 Premium Tickets to Customers, pack of 7 Premium Support Incident tickets [PKZBZZEC7LIYSN] $7,000.00 Premium Tickets to Customers, pack of 25 Premium Support Incident tickets [PKZBZZEC7LIYSN] $15,000.00 Premium Tickets to Customers, pack of 50 Premium Support Incident tickets [PKZBZZEC7LIYSN] $25,000.00 EMEA only: Vouchers enabling direct support of isolated incidents outside office hours. Price per pack ""Affinity One", "Affinity Plus" are accredited in our PartnerLocator.
NFR_FULL License pa. / User ESS+SP Storage+SMLD-Suite (non-Windws / Linux)+WFBS_Adv+IMHS_Adv+TMEE+IMS for OCS NXZAZZE1ELIUNN PriceGroupID
NFR_FULL License pa. / total ESS+SP Storage+SMLD-Suite (non-Windws / Linux)+WFBS_Adv+IMHS_Adv+TMEE+IMS for OCS NXZAZZE1ELIUNN PriceGroupID
NFR Light
NFR_Light License pa. / User WFBS_Adv + IMHS_Adv + ISVW_SMB (delete TMMA) NCZZWWE3ZLIUNN PriceGroupID 131
NFR SecureSite
NFR_SecureSite pa. / 1 sub-domain TMSS One year cost for SecureSite and one sub domain WAMMWSE1XLIUNN PriceGroupID 435
$555.00 NA NA NA NA NA NA
NA NA NA NA NA NA $135.00
Only Affinity One and Affinity Plus Partners are eligible to receive a 25-User NFR Full free of charge. All Prices are for a one-year subscription.
14 / 18
printed: 11/12/2013
Product Category
InterScan VirusWall for 12 months
Worry-Free Business Security, Standard for 12 months
Promo bundle TIS and WFBS_Standard
Worry-Free Business Security, Advanced Bundle v6 for 12 months WFBS_Adv v6 for 12 mths contains WFBS_Adv v6 + IMHS_Adv
Promo bundle TIS_Pro and WFBS_Advanced
NeatSuite_SMB renewal for 12 months
Product Description
Product Abreviation
SMB Branded ISVW for WFBS_Std 12 mths 12 mths scans smtp + http/ftp + POP3 + Content + AntiSpam (Linux)
Platform / Notes
scans Desktops incl Promo Bundle valid until Serverscan Q12010 only as new (Windows) purchase (no renewal)
Promo Bundle valid until WFBS_Adv +IMHS_Std+ Q12010 only as new ISVW v7 purchase (no renewal) available as renewal ONLY for customer with for customer with Office Scan v8 or Office Scan v8 or ServerProtect or ServerProtect SMEX-Suite License License => incl. => incl. New 12 New 12 months of months of maintenance, maintenance, Renewal from Renewal from original SRP of original SRP of WFBS_Std. WFBS_Adv.
Global PID
[CSSBWWE6X] [CSSBWWF6X] [CSSBWWG6X] [CSSBWWI6X] [CSSBWWS6X] [VWSCMMZ7XLIULN] [CSSBWWW6X] => WIN & Linux for License; not as Box [CSSBWWR6X] => not as Box [CSSBWWU6X] => not as Box
ISVW v6: , - 5 User, - 250 User WFBS_Std: 5 , 250 ( =+) WFBS_Std - + WFBS_Adv: 5 , 250 (PC + Server) WFBS_Adv - + NS_SMB: 5 , -250 SMB - 3 2!!! . : WFBS_Std, WFBS_Adv, and ISVW license. SMB License! Promo bundles TIS and WFBS 31 2010 !!!
15 / 18
printed: 11/12/2013
Product Category
InterScan Messaging Security Suite & InterScan Web Security Suite Bundle
Web Security
InterScan Messaging Hosted Security (IMHS) Standard
Endpoint Security
Data Protection
Trend Micro Encryption for Trend Micro Trend Micro Trend Micro Email Hosted Encryption for Email Gateway AddEmail Email Encryption on to IMSVA, Encryption Gateway Suite TMES, TMESG Client Server Messaging Suite_ Enterprise Edition
Product Description
InterScan VirusWall
InterScan WebProtect
Email ServerProt Enterprise ServerProt OfficeScan OfficeScan Reputation ect for Security for ect for File Client/Server Client/Server Services Storage Endpoints_L Server Standard Advanced Advanced Server ight
NeatSuite_ Advanced
NeatSuite_ Standard
Outbreak Prevention
Product Abreviation
IWSS Standard IWSVA Standard IWSS_Std on Crossbeam (AV+AAXS) IWSS_Std / IWSVA_Std => EOSales 15JAN2010; Renewable until IHZZMME3X (Win / Linux/Solaris ) IHZZLLE3C {Crossbeam} IHZZVSE5X {Virtual Appliance}
Platform / Notes
Global PID
EOSale ESG has 15JAN2010; new PID & WIN for Microsoft Renewal only SKU & Name Linux ISA Server until to replace 15JUN2011, IMSS&IWSS EOSupport GPZZVSEX _Std-Bundle X inlcudes: ASZZMME7 V SPS 7.0 for Virtual VWSCMME WPMMWW IGZZMMEXX Appliance 7X E50 IHHTVSE5X InterScan Web
IWSS (AV+URL+A IMSS AXS) => Standard EOSales IMSS on 15JUN2010; Advanced Crossbeam Renewable Reporting Standard until Module IMSVA_Stan 15JUN2011; dard EOSupport 01JULY2012 IWSS Adv IWSS_Cross EOSales beam => 15JAN2010; EOSales Renewable for IWSx 15JAN2010; until Renewable 15DEC2012; until EOSupport IHZAMME3X (Win/Linux/S olaris) IMZZMME7X IHZALLE3C IHRMVSE1X IMZZMME7C (Crossbeam) IMZZMME7V IHZAVSE5X (Virtual Appliance)}
IMSS IMSS on Crossbeam IMSVA (IMSS/IMSV A_Std v7.X + SPS v7.x) WIN Linux SUN Solaris Linux on Crossbeam Vitrual
IMHS Standard
IMHS Advanced
SMLD-Suite PortalProtect
OS10_Std => EOSale Email SP 15MAR2010 Reputation SP for FileforStorage ; Renewal Services Server Server 15JUN2011; Advanced EOSupport 30JUN2012 contains: OSONWWE AX OfficeScan Superkey (AV+SW+D SPYYMM OTONWWE E1X AX SPYYMM OTONWWF SPZZECE F1X AX 5X SPYYMM OTONWWG SPZZNPE G1X AX 5X SPYYMM OTONWWR S1X AX SPYYMM OTONWWS WIN/NW Linux EMC Celerra NetApp Filer
WIN for includes: EOSales Email Linux SharePoint ILLCWWE 15JAN2010; Reputation SUN Solaris Portal Server 1X IM Renewable Service is IBM S/390 2007 and Security for until based on a zOS Windows Microsoft 15DEC2011; yearly IBM SharePoint Office EOSupport recurring SLLNWWE 5X name SLLNLLE3X IXZZMME7X change !!! SLLNUSE3 SSEXWWE PPPSWWE1 SBTRMMZ10 STTLMMZ IXZZMME7C NMZBZZE10 NMZCZZE10 ILLCWWE1X Keep X AX 7 LIULR 10 IBZZMME7V COZZWW SLLNIFE26 EZZ SLLNIGE3X SLLNUBE3 X WIN WIN
ESE_Light has new PID & SKU & Name to replace OS10_Std ENOTWW_ AX [_EFGRS] includes: OSONWW_ AX OfficeScan Superkey (AV+SW+D
contains: ESE has new OfficeScan PID & SKU & Superkey Name to (AV+SW+D replace C+FW) OS10_Adv English ver OTOMWWE ENOVWW AX _AX OTOMWWF [_EFGRS] AX OTOMWWG includes: AX EIONMM_ OTOMWWR ZZ AX OfficeScan OTOMWWS
Windows Mobile 5.0 / 6.0 PocketPC / Classic / Professional Windows MSZAMME5X MSZAMMF5X MSZAMMG5 X MSZAMMR5 X MSZAMMS5X MSZAMMW5 X
perpetual pricing
perpetual pricing
perpetual pricing
perpetual pricing
contains OS [C&S] + SP + SM-Suite + TMCM_Sta ndard languages (except Polish) EOSale 15MAR201 0; Renewable until 15JUN2011
contains EOSale ESEM has ESS has new DCDAZZE3 14AUG2009; new PID & PID & SKU & X Damage Renewal only SKU & Name Name to Cleanup until to replace replace Services 15JUN2011; CSM NS_Adv AgentEOSupport EBMMMM_1 languages EAMMMM_1 NSMMZZZ1X W [_ES] and (except W [_ES] and LIULA / EBMMMM_1 Polish) EAMMMM_1 NSMMZZZ1X X [_FGR] EOSale X [_FGR] LIULR includes: 15MAR2010; includes: inlcudes: EIONMM_ZZ Renewable ASZZMME7V DCDAZZE3X OfficeScan until SPS 7.0 for Damage Client-Server 15JUN2011; Virtual Cleanup Suite EOSupport Appliance Services
per User / per User / renewal renewal fee is 30% fee is 30% pa pa
16 / 18
printed: 11/12/2013
Network Security
NVW Software incl. TMCM_Adv, DCS, OPS
TMCM Advanced
17 / 18
printed: 11/12/2013
Client Server Suite_ Enterprise Edition / OS10 Standard
Client Server Messaging Suite_ Enterprise Edition
Enterprise Security for Communicati on & Collaboration
Trend Micro Mobile Security v5.0 Advanced
OfficeScan Client Server Suite v10 Advanced
Trend Micro Email Encryption Suite
Client Server Suite_ Enterprise Edition
Client Server Messaging Suite_ Enterprise Edition
Client Server Messaging Suite_ Enterprise Edition
Enterprise Security for Endpoints and Mail Servers
Enterprise Security for Endpoints and Mail Servers
Enterprise Security for Endpoints and Mail Servers
Enterprise Security for Endpoints and Mail Servers
CrossCrossUpgrade Upgrade
Product Category
NeatSuite_ Advanced
NeatSuite_ Advanced
NeatSuite_ Advanced
NeatSuite_ Advanced
Product Description
SMEX-Suite Cross-Grade
SMLN-Suite Cross-Grade
CrossUpgrade to TMES-G
CrossUpgrade to TMES-G
CrossUpgrade to TMES-CC
CrossUpgrade to TMEE_Suite
CrossUpgrade to TMES-E
CrossUpgrade to TMES-E
CrossUpgrade to TMES-EM
CrossUpgrade to TMES-EM
CrossUpgrade to TMES-EM
CrossUpgrade to TMES-EM
CrossUpgrade to TMES-S
CrossUpgrade to TMES-S
CrossUpgrade to TMES-S
CrossUpgrade to TMES-S
Product Abreviation
for for customer customer with EPSwith bundle => incl. TMCM_Ad New 12 v or DCS months of or OPS => maintenance.
for customer for customer for for customer with SMEX or with SMEX or customers with SMLN => SMLN => with WFBS_Std, anniversary anniversary as IMHS_Std CS_SMB (LED) as original => No SW license => original product maintenanc anniversary
GPZZVSEX XLIULC from IMSS_Stand ard or IMSVA_Stan dard or SPS; from IWSS_Stand ard or IWSVA_Sta
customer EEOGMME5 with GPZZVSEX IWSS_Std or COZZWWEZ MSZBMME5 OTOMWW_ XLIULC CAZZMMW1 XLIULC ZLIULC XLIULC AXLIULC perpetual ALIULC IMSS_Std or pricing URL receive a 30% from for customer for customer for customer for customer for IMSS_Adva with one or with with Antiwith customers ServerProtec nced or more TMMS_Std Spyware or IMSVA_Adv products of v5 or v3 => TMCM_Adv with TMEEG t => incl. 12 VWSCMME7 or anced; IMS or PP or incl. 12 new or SP for new months XLIULC from SMEX Suite months of Storage => TMEEC=>P of erpetual IWSS_Adva or maintenance incl. 12 new maintenance. pricing nced or TMCM_Adv . Renewal months of Renewal IWSVA_Adv => incl. 12 from original maintenance. from original
ENOTWW_ ENOVWW_ AXLIULC AXLIULC for customer with ServerProte ct => incl. 12 new months of maintenanc e. Renewal
NSMMMMW3 NSMMMMW3 NSMMMMW XLIULC XLIULC 3XLIULC for customer with 3 components => incl. New 12 months of maintenance , Renewal from original SRP of
EAMMMM_1 EAMMMM_1 EAMMMM_1_ EAMMMM_1_ _LIULC _LIULC LIULC LIULC for customer for customer with with OSCE ServerProtec v8 / t Filer or OS10_Std / SMEX-Suite / ESE_Light SMLD-Suite or (Win / Linux) IMSS/IWSS or IxSS_Std / _Standard IxSVA_Std= Bundle or
Platform / Notes
for customer for with customer ServerProte with ct Filer => OSCEv8 or incl. 12 new OS10_Std months of or maintenance ESE_Light . Renewal => incl. 12 from original new
for customer for for customer for customer for for for customer for customer with 1 customer with with OSCEv8 customer customer with 1 with 2 component with 2 ServerProte or OS10_Std with with CSM component => components => incl. New component ct Filer or or ESE_Light OS10_Adv (Exchange incl. New 12 => incl. New 12 months of s => incl. SMEX-Suite => incl. 12 => incl. 12 or Lotus months of 12 months of maintenance, New 12 or SMLDnew months new months Domino Win maintenance, maintenance, Renewal months of Suite (Win / of of / Linux) => Renewal from Renewal from from original maintenanc Linux) => maintenance. maintenanc incl. 12 new original SRP original SRP SRP of e, Renewal incl. 12 new Renewal from e. Renewal months of of NS_Adv of NS_Adv
for customer for customer for customer for with with NS_Adv with 1 customer OS10_Adv / or NS_Std => component with 2 ESE or CSM incl. 12 new => incl. New component => incl. 12 months of 12 months s => incl. new months maintenance. of New 12 of Renewal from maintenance months of maintenance. original SRP , Renewal maintenanc Renewal from of TMES-S from original e, Renewal
Global PID
18 / 18