Automatic Vehicle Locator
Automatic Vehicle Locator
Automatic Vehicle Locator
K.PAVANKUMAR Department of ECE,3 Year SRIKALAHASTEESWARA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY E-mail: [email protected] ph no:9966609036
Is your car or a vehicle stolen or is it not visible in the thickest snow or is one among the several cars present? Do you wa nt to know the arrival of the bus for which you are waiting? Are your children going alone in a vehicle and you want to track the ir moments? Does your cargo consists of costly load and want to protect them? Do you want to keep track of your little playing kids about where they are?
GPS technology in tracking not only vehicles, but even children and
to protect precious goods. So this technology has gained a lot of importance in the recent years. This paper tells us how this technology works, its applications. It is still under research and development stage.
Automated Vehicle Locator (AVL) systems use satellite and land communications to display each vehicle's location, status, heading, and speed on the computer's
screen. AVL systems use one of four types of navigation technology, or may combine two of these technologies to
position of each vehicle is determined and relayed to a control center. Actual position determination and relay techniques vary, depending on the needs of the transit
system and the technologies employed. Transit agencies
often incorporate other advanced system features in conjunction with AVL system implementation. Simple
AVL systems include: computer -aided dispatch software, systems are: mobile data terminals, emergency alarms, and digital communications. More sophist icated AVL Systems may integrate: real-time passenger information, automatic passenger counters, and automated fare payment systems.
2. Dead-Reckoning System
3. Signpost/Odometer Systems
Other components that may be integrated with AVL systems include automatic stop annunciation, automated destination signs, Vehicle component monitoring, and Traffic signal priority.
4. Radio Navigation/Location
There are two types of tracking systems.
AVL technology allows improved schedule adherence 3.1. PASSIVE TRACKING: The Passive Tracking System and timed transfers, more accessible passenger modality refers to stand-alone GPS Receivers, which store information, increased availability of data for transit data for further process. Passive systems are typically
management and planning, efficiency/productivity
limited to vehicle tracking only. When a Passive Tracking improvements in transit services . Device is installed in a vehicle, the location, time, velocity and heading data is usually stored in the unit or transferred
to a handheld device and downloaded from the vehicle when the vehicle returns to their base station.
Real Time Tracking Systems are based on mobile sending out GPS signals to be picked up by vehicles GPS stand-alone terminals which combine GPS and GSM UNITS. The GPS unit in the vehicle absorbs the signals
technology to determinate and transmit their position. A
and gives radio signals to the RADIO system. two-way wireless communication link connects the unit with the control center at all times. A portable GPS tracking device can be used as an emergency cellular
phone with speed dialing for two -way voice
sends this to dispatch stations and other stations for further software for dispatch. The communication system is analysis of the information either through wire line or usually a cellular network similar to the one used by wireless networks. cellular phone. Currently all kind of communications networks permit Real-Time Tracking for mobile assets.
positions, differential GPS can be employed. These analyze and provide traffic information for other road way systems normally employ the transmission of correction driver. information to the GPS receiver; this correction information has corrections for each satellite in view. This is done because each satellite has its own error; the error in GPS is not simply an X -Y error which will be the sa me for all receivers. The error on any two given receivers will
only be the same if those receivers are using the SAME
Figure3. Working of a GPS based AVL
satellites. This cant normally be guaranteed as satellites may be obscured at one location, making the error slightly
The global positioning system (GPS) was specifically engineered so that at least four of the 24 sat ellites would be positioned on the horizon at all times. There are six different orbiting patterns that the GPS satellites follow, making a complete trip around the earth every 12 hours. The information regarding the location of the transit
systems; using buses to automatically communicat e traffic speed; and reporting of roadway incidents by transit vehicle operators.
vehicle is calculated by TRILATERATION method. With this information, the receivers can, by a process similar to triangulation, tell the user the exact location in latitude, longitude, and sometimes altitude too
is measured by Passenger Miles or Vehicle Revenue Miles). Benefits have been documented to varying degrees for all of the following categories.
8.2. Communications:
Improved communications
At any control station, data is normally required to be
viewed on a map. Maps allow a tangible, understandable
view of a vehicles location, and will also allow operators to apply local knowledge.
Aids in effective bus stop placement (when combined with
The two most common methods of transmitting
vehicle location data to dispatch are through polling and exception reporting via wireless communications. Many agencies use a combination.
driver and traveler (particularly when coupled with silent alarm technology).
The most extensive and rigorous research into the
benefits of AVL has found that this technology has lead t o
1. 2. Vehicle location display in real-time. Recording of arrival and departure times (proof of delivery etc).
3. 4.
Monitoring of driving practices (speed). Alerts if vehicle leaves or enters a defined area .
installation of small, hidden GPS receivers in kids cars. Parents can then use simp le computer software and have their kids movements plotted on a map. Many parents
It is clear how useful this technology would be for the dont even tell the kids about this little extra. Armed Forces. Before small GPS receivers were available,
troops in the field depended on the same technology for
10.2. Geo-Caching
Figure5. Track anything
This is for people who have liking towards searching hidden things or participating in scavenger hunts. With GPS, comes the new twist: geo -caching. Geo-catchers hide
10.4. In Cargo
Some containers of cargo are more valuable than others. A
a little treasure in a box public place, for example, a shoe small GPS receiver inside the cargo can know exactly box with a used book inside, taped under the seat of a bus where it is, how far it is from the destination, and where to stop. They then go to geo -caching websites and post simple find even it if it is stolen.
latitude and longitude, to as much accuracy as they like. Then other geo-catchers search for these boxes with their
GPS data. The fun is looking for a strange box in what could be an area with a 25 -foot radius. When the
successful geo-catcher finds the box, he or she keeps the little treasure and replaces it with another, for the next
Figure6. GPS in Cargo
12. BIBLIOGRAPHY ch/Automatic_v ehicle_location/automatic_vehicle_location_summary.html 2. sp?id=102387