Floyd Jessica 1959 Hawaii PDF
Floyd Jessica 1959 Hawaii PDF
Floyd Jessica 1959 Hawaii PDF
Dear Friends,
I am writing this letter during one of our most encouraging times* We have felt dis couraged during the years because we couldn't report numbers of converts, I am sure each
Ginny and Ronny Templeton, two faithful young people who had been wanting to become Christ
ians since our Christmas Camp, and Connie Roth, daughter of the Donald Roths, came forward
and were baptized in the Central Oahu Christian Church that afternoon. I have never seen a more radiant face than Ginny's when she came up out of the waters of baptism. In July, Pggy Sprankles was baptized and on August 2 we experienced a joy seeing a father, Ifr, George Osborne, holding Jon and Evy by the hands, coming to make their confession of faith. Jon and Svy have been students in our school for 3 and 4 years. We watched them buried in baptism in our large bapistry, the Pacific Ocean, that afternoon. Another thrill came
On Easter Sunday,
when one of our graduates this year, a Filipino girl, Pat Pao, decided to become a Christ ian and leave Catholj.cism, She surprised everyone when at the last service of the Palolo Valley Evangelistic Meeting, where Mr, G3en Powell was preaching, she came forward. It that sone of these are results of our Bible teaching in our
took courage to come home and tell her parents, but her mother seemed^le'^ed. We believe
The Sunset Beach Christian Sdiool mil begin its 7th ^j&afwith about 70 diildren
enrolled. There will be two new teachers, AUene Miller//from San Jose Bible College and Carolyn Hart from Ozark Bible College. Guen Griffith, who had to give up teaching last February because of a serious illness, is quite well now aid able to resume teaching. The VBS of the Canton, Ohio Christian Qiurch, Mr, Arant directing, sent us an offering of 1173.00 and a church in Columbus, Ohio sent us a large offering. Together it was enough to purchase a used Air Force - 29 passenger bus. We are thrilled to have been able to buy
what we needed.
Our old yellow bus couldn't have lasted another year so we started a bus project.
The Sunset Beach Church of Christ VBS oiffering went to the Davao Bible Seminaiy on
It amounted to |27.60 for the two weeks.
Hawaiian Christian Camp News
There were two weeks of wonderful Christian training and atmosphere when O Juniors ^ ^^om Pearl Harbor, Palolo Valley, Kaimuki, Maile, Makaha, Wahiawa and Sunset ^ ^ ^ \ 'Unset Beach Christian School grounds. There were 2 baptisms during
Makaha Church had 8 baptisms in July.
baptized at their home churdies, some of the other members of the family were baptized, too*
I read m one boy's Bible - "Given to Roland for bringing the most new pupils." We stress bringing Bibles and daily reading at home. After 6 years of teaching Beginners, I am now teaching children and one of our contest rules is that they carry their Bibles. n f Abe,^ a Japanese "to see little boys and come th he thestudies Word ofhis God Bible to Church* David student, enlists hisgirls parents to armed help m when lesson.
relaxing restful regardless of at camp and Church vacation Bible b^ool. I had time ^to enjoy aand visit with summer the Harold Bumsides Maile during
^ ^ forced stay in Waialua Hospital with the "flu". In ChtZl M I pleasure of being with two Christian onurch.,. I-Irs.vena Sandefur and Mrs. Patricia Wood. friends ftt^m San Bernardino, California
in sch^l and church that an award will be a Bible, they work hard for the Bible. I presented Bibles to the children who had perfect attendance at school all year. At camp
Boys and girls the world ever love to own their own Bibles. When I tell the children
hnw ,i being in each how we feel about having ourbuilt own kitchenI
grateiul to ^ for prayers as well as offerings. As the candidates in the recent State election would say - 'iMahalo Nui Loa" (Thaik you much). I say it to you. Love for one pother IS sweet. Paul coirmsnds the Christian in several places for this feeling. I see
aboundeth"-(II Thessalonians 1:3)
^ one another
Continue to pray that we will see even more results of teaching and preaching, living
^ Sincerely,
Sm S yo^^afo^ Christ. Then-a prayer that the lord will bless you richly as you serve
Financi^ report for January 1959 to August 1959 Receipts ^085.75 Church and supplies
.Expenditures 936.75 $345.29
Box 362 a
Dear Friends,
It impels
us to
the Gospel. At Christmas when we think of peace and love, our hearts
are filled to overflowing with grat
proclaim to "t^e
because you have upheld us in this work through prayers and financial
tories effort
tW -LuKi J.'33
that each soul won t6 Christ through our efforts, will be an eternal vie*,
tory, won through hardships. May we all endure to see His kingdom increasei The Sunset Beach Christian School started its 7th year with an enrollment of 68 students.
Hie majority are local and the others are children of military families and our own miss
older children l:B.ve an organized Junior Police Officer tJnit,homemaking class for the girlsj gardening for the boys. Del and Maurice Saito (Japanese)have been students in our school since the first year, Mrs. Saito says they don't like to think of ever leaving this school.
Burt is in Grade 1 and there are tJ-ro more boys at homefuture students. faithful to church and Del takes up the morning offering each Lord*s Day,
work will be held at our annual Christmas program.
ionaries* children.
Our children have the best school spirit and attitudes this year. The
An Art Club, with Guen Griffith as Instructor, has been foimed for children who show exceptional talent. Fifteen children meet every Tuesday afternoon. An exhibit of their
Junior Choir is made up of boys and girls whc love to sing and who are willing to TOjik one hour each Thursday afternoon. Thirty children have become members since October, We
are going to learn to sing "Gospel Bells" in Hawaiian.
Sunset Beach is a rural community that stretches for 4 miles along the Pacific, The nearest towns are Haleiwa and Kahuku, 5 or 6 miles away. The people of the community have will probaloly be within a mile
Christian School frr
Bible as their basic textbook,
those who want their children to have a Christian education with the
Guen Giiffith, our 5th grade teacher, is planning on being in the States on a furlough
'from April to August. I hope many of you can meet her.
Since October, 2 new churches have been started on Oahuthe Stills have started the
Kalihi Church (the north side of Honolulu) in the home of Mrs, Haleloa and the Nichols have
started one in Kaneohe (east side of Oahu), Eleanor Otake helps in that work. Our newest member at Sunset Church is Mr. George Osbome aiid he has been selected by our Board of Directors to serve as one of the 8 directors. Ifcw we need local leaders in our
Viy 1st grade, Toni, told the class,"! wrote a letter to hqt Grandma."
I was enthusiastic to think she could do it, so I asked^ "What did you say?" She answered,"! don't know. ! haven't read it yetl"
have 5 children who have to travel the 15 miles from Hauula to Sunset Beach by car,
May each of us be drawn closer to one another in the bonds of love through Christ Jesus.
Jessica Floyd
$630.66 54^,56
$298.33 ,
^ A
" Miss Jessica Floyd, who teaches fifst grade and is principal of Sunset Beach
Christian School, Haleiwa, Hawaii, jSreports that 68 studen^ enrolled for the 7th
year of the school-"the majority are local and the others are children of militaty
families and of our own missionaries,"
She also said that Guen Griffith, who teaches the 5th gradejwill be 6n the
Bainland during the sbhool holiday April to August 1960 -- those who wish speaking
engagements may write to her at Route 1, Box 362, Haleiwa, Oahu, Hawaii#
Miss Floyd also reported that the Owen Still,Sb, family whiJ^^ave been working
in Hawaii since August 1946, have started the Kalihi church on the north side of
Honolulu; and that Edgar and Mrs. Mabel Nichols, who arrived in Hawaii for a new
term of service August 1959, have started a new church on the east side of Oahu
at Kaneohe. Addresses of all these missionaries and other independent missionaries
laboring around the world are contained in the 12th edition of The Missionary
Prayer List which may be obtained from Mission Services, Box 968, Joliet, Illinois
for 25c or five for $1 postpaid: