Outlook Newspaper, 6 December 2005, United States Army Garrison Vicenza, Italy
Outlook Newspaper, 6 December 2005, United States Army Garrison Vicenza, Italy
Outlook Newspaper, 6 December 2005, United States Army Garrison Vicenza, Italy
6, 2005
Vicenza mourns
loss of warrior
By Spc. Justin Nieto accomplished in Afghanistan,” said
SETAF Public Affairs Pier. “He was constantly prepared for
each and every patrol.
he Vicenza military “He wanted to help out as much as
community gathered to he could with every civil affairs mission
honor a fallen Soldier in the they undertook, in every village
Caserma Ederle Chapel Tuesday. visited.”
Cpl. Matthew P. Steyart, an Pier said the Soldiers of Legion
infantryman with 1st Battalion, 508th Company grew close in Afghanistan and
Infantry (Airborne), made the ultimate developed nicknames for each other,
sacrifice for his country while serving which lead to the creation of “Sunshine”
in Operation Enduring Freedom VI in – Steyart’s nickname.
Afghanistan. “He would never let his comrades go
“Most people test the water first to without a smile and never let them feel
see how cold it is,” said Staff Sgt. down,” said Pier. “He always brought
Joseph Pier, who served with Steyart in out the best in them, and they know he
1st Platoon of Legion Company in is looking down, smiling on them all.”
Afghanistan. “Corporal Steyart jumped Steyart is survived by his mother,
right in with both feet.” Nancy Steyart, his sisters, Denise Lloyd
Pier praised Steyart for his and Cathy Tuggle and his brother
preparedness and professionalism as Robert.
well. A photo of Cpl. Matthew Steyart, 1st
“He proved over and over again that Battalion, 508th Infantry (Airborne), is
he belonged in Legion Company. He, displayed during his memorial
on countless occasions, showed to his service Tuesday at the post chapel.
leadership that he had what it took to (Photo by Barbara Romano, 7th ATC
make sure that every mission got Photo Lab)
Young lieutenant gets his star Using What God Gave You
By Spc. Justin Nieto it was too late, he bled out right there,” said
SETAF Public Affairs McDougall. “After the event, the chain of The USAG Vicenza Chaplain’s None of this happens in a vacuum.
command looked at what happened and Family Life Office, in partnership with Our faith, in its various forms, but
1st Lt. David Bernstein may have been wanted to award him the Silver Star for bravery deployed SETAF and 173d Airborne mostly our freely chosen experience of
killed in action two years ago, but the Army in action.” Brigade chaplains, is writing a series of our personal relationship with God,
and his fellow Soldiers never forgot about him Two years after that day, Bernstein’s family devotional articles based on the best- reminds us we are not alone. We let
or his actions the day of his passing. received a Silver Star award on his behalf in a selling book, “The Purpose-Driven ourselves, whatever situation we are in,
Capt. John McDougall, 1st Battalion, 508th small ceremony held at his parent’s home in Life,” by Pastor Rick Warren. speak to us of God and point us towards
Infantry (Airborne), served with Bernstein, Vonore, Tennessee. The intent of these articles is to offer God – often in ways that are surprising.
who was the executive officer of Charlie McDougall joined Lt. Col. Harry Tunnell, deployed Soldiers and their family In war we experience the level of
Company in Iraq and related the story of what Bernstein’s battalion commander in Iraq, for members a devotional meditation, depravity to which any of us can
happened. the ceremony and presentation of the award. which they can use for weekly discussion descend. When we lose our sense of
“On the 18th of October in 2003, Charlie The community showed their support for and to hopefully deepen their spiritual connectedness with someone beyond
Company responded to what they believed the Bernstein family by turning out in force connection during the separation. us; when we begin to see ourselves as
was a rocket firing point based on a calculated for the event, including retired officers and separate from everyone else, we can do
trajectory,” said McDougall, who said the even the local chapter of the American Legion Chaplain (Maj.) Jim Sheil terrible things to each other.
company believed the rocket fire was to perform as the Color Guard for the ceremony. Vicenza Community Catholic Pastor When we are somehow in touch with
originating from a town just south of Kirkuk. “The family was very pleased, I believe,” the good that is hidden in each of us, we
“The Charlie Company commander, along with said McDougall about the family’s reaction to What has God given us? are capable of the greatest acts of
his men and Bernstein went to investigate.” the event. “I think they were very grateful that Everything – life, family, talents, compassion and courage. One of the
On the way to the suspected site, Charlie we would make this trip to do the abilities, freedom to choose – the list is things Soldiers are very good at is
Company was ambushed by insurgents using presentation.” long. helping people who cannot help
small arms fire, which resulted in Bernstein’s McDougall said presenting the Silver Star What we do with what God has given themselves. While we might feel a bit
vehicle flipping over on a berm and throwing two years after Bernstein’s death made it us, how we use it, is pretty much up to uncomfortable in putting it in these
the driver out and pinning him underneath. possible to celebrate the actions of their son, us. Each of us in our own way is made words, we are making good use of what
Bernstein’s gunner was also shot in the instead of it being presented during the for greatness, although what this God gives us. When we try to help
back. funeral while the grieving process was just greatness is might be open to others without counting the cost to
“Lt. Bernstein, already shot in the leg, gets beginning. discussion. There is no doubt that each ourselves, we are making profoundly
out of the vehicle while still taking fire and “The one thing I told them was ‘Sir, ma’am, of us is called to live by some pretty high good use of what God gives us. This is
came around the side to attempt to free the there are dozens of [Soldiers] who would love standards, and just how we respond to a way of life for us. When we truly try to
pinned driver,” said McDougall. “Bernstein to be here if they could,’” said McDougall. this call is our choice. When we are living live the highest ideals of our profession,
revved the engine, got the vehicle up the berm “But they’re all in Afghanistan, and I was the in a manner that, deep in our hearts, we we are making very good use of what
and freed the driver.” one who had the privilege to do this. I know know is right, we are at peace with God gives us.
Meanwhile, the other vehicle in the convoy those men would do anything to be able to be ourselves, even though we might be in God is “really real” and each of us
put down the attack. here today. situations that are anything but peaceful. shares in his life. We believe we are alive
“They called a medivac for Bernstein, but “Dave is not forgotten.” To every situation, every relationship because God is creating us, something
that we face, we bring what is deep within we share with all humanity and all
us – our fundamental attitudes, our creation. We believe none of us is an
values, our goals. These have a strong accident, that each of us is the
influence on how we face what is going consequence of a thought in the mind of
on around us. God.
While our values begin when we are Some have never learned this, and
If you have any information pertaining very young, we constantly evaluate and suffer so greatly that they have to inflict
to the following individual, please contact develop them as we go through life. How their suffering on the rest of us. We are
the Criminal Investigation Division at 634- we deal with each situation we face not called to judge, but to accept, and do
7723 or via email at influences how we deal with what comes what has to be done in each situation we
[email protected]. next. face.
DESCRIPTION – AGE: 20-30 years, We can also make serious changes in In our profession we are called to
HEIGHT: Approximately 6 feet, BUILD: our values, especially when we face higher standards than the rest of society.
Thin, HAIR: Dark, EYE COLOR: Unknown, situations that are dangerous or even life- Each of us bears a tremendous
COMPLEXION: Tan/Olive, RACE: threatening. These provide us with the responsibility to make the best use of
Unknown, VEHICLE DATA: Rides an old and corduroys. Suspect was in the area of opportunity to take a serious look at how what God gives us, to do our best to face
black bicycle, vintage model. OTHER the walking tunnel adjacent to Pale Contra we are living and choosing, and where every situation with honesty, integrity
INFORMATION: Suspect wore a “hoody” Della Caimperta, Vicenza. we are headed. and courage.
Action Issue: UTEP Payment Notification – deployments must provide copy of orders to on the football field until the other field is up to
Presently there is no procedure for me (the the TRO. standard.
customer) to let them know I’ll not be here Additionally, the TRO will initiate a payroll Response from DMWR: We’ve been very
(Leave, TDY, etc.) for a short time. A bill arrives deduction, at no cost, for military personnel aggressive in our attempt to preserve our multi-
This forum is to discuss issues that affect and if the timing is just right, you end up with with balances exceeding 90 days. Customers purpose field due to the fact that during this
the community. a late fee upon your return. wishing to take full advantage of the grace period past fiscal year our community spent close to
If you have an issue that you wish to submit, Recommendations: Have a form (like the during temporary absences may make $80,000 to get the field up to a safe playing
visit the USAG Vicenza Web site at hold mail form) that you fill out ahead of time payments via telephone using a credit card or condition/standard. As you are probably aware,
www.usag.vicenza.army.mil and click on the so when you come in to pay your bill they can arrange for an online transfer using Global up until these improvements were made, our
Community Action Council link. This link check and waive the late fee. Federal Credit Union (only GFCU members). multi-purpose field was in a sorry state of affairs.
provides you the opportunity to review issues Response from the Directorate of Morale, Customers may request account balances, But even with that said, we have allowed the
that have been previously submitted and Welfare and Recreation: Tax Relief Office billing make payments or obtain information regarding entire high school football team to practice on
responded to by post agencies. There is also a is based on a monthly cycle that begins on the their accounts by contacting the following the field one day a week (their discretion) and
form available for you to submit any new issue first calendar day and ends on the last calendar numbers or email address: their kicking teams are allowed to practice at
you would like addressed. If you have day of each month. Bills are forwarded to each Phone: 634-8663/7080/7905 - Commercial any time the field is available. This gives the
questions, call 634-5222 or 0444-71-5222 from customer between around the 15th of the 0444-71-XXXX; Fax:: 634-8738 - Commercial field less wear and tear, more time to recuperate
off post. following month. Example: Bills for the month 0444-71-8738; Email: [email protected] and our high school teams and post teams a
The command encourages you to identify of October are forwarded on Nov. 15. Bills are Issue: Use of Football Field – Why can’t the quality, safe field to play on when their hosting
yourself when submitting a CAC issue in order due for payment by the end of the month football team practice on the football field? The games.
to be able to answer your concern directly. The (approximately two weeks after having received high school football team has been told that In coordination with the high school’s
command also reminds the community that CAC the bill). A late fee of $10 is applied to all they can’t practice on the football field because administration, this was a mutually agreed upon
issues submitted containing vulgar, derogatory delinquent accounts and is intended to motivate they are tearing it up. They were told to practice decision and the high school teams are welcome
or inflammatory language will not be addressed. customers to make timely payments in order to on the baseball fields. Those fields have many to use the North 40 flag football/soccer field.
Childcare is offered during the CAC at $4 manage and reduce accounts receivables and holes in them and are uneven. This resulted in Our grounds crew, facility manager and
per hour, per child, for children ages 6 weeks bad debt write-offs. This is consistent with six sprained ankles in three weeks. When I asked contracted sports officials inspect this field
old through kindergarten from 8:45-11:15 a.m. business practices. Late fees are not removed the field manager/keeper about this he was very frequently throughout the week. It is used on a
Preregistration is required. Children will be cared for short term absences (less than 30 days). rude to me. His solution was that I mark the daily/weekly basis by our post teams and Youth
for in the Child Development Center, building Military or civilian personnel that will be holes and he’ll fix them. I tried to show him the Sports teams. To date we have not received a
395. Children must be registered with Child and absent for extended periods of time due to many holes and he didn’t want anything to do report of any injuries that have taken place on
Youth Services Central Registration. Call 634- mission requirements (deployment, TDY, etc.) with it. As a coach I think the safety of our that field.
7219 or stop by their location in the Davis Family will not be assessed late fees. Deployment children is more important than keeping the Hopefully this has answered your concerns
Readiness Center. rosters are provided by command for large scale field pretty. Six sprains in three weeks is and rest assured that if any of our fields are in
Due to the holiday break, the next CAC deployments. Civilian employee or military unacceptable. Next time it might be a break. an unsafe playing condition we will remedy the
meeting is Jan. 25, at 9 a.m. in the Ederle Theater. personnel that are not involved in large scale Recommendations: Let the team practice problem immediately.
Dec. 6, 2005 THE Outlook 3
Purple Hearts
Purple Heart recipient Staff Sgt.
Michael Welch, left, stands with his
wife and son and fellow Soldier,
combat engineer and now Purple
Heart recipient, Pfc. Dustin Muse,
during an award ceremony held Nov.
23 at the 1st Battalion, 508th Infantry
(Airborne) headquarters building.
Both Soldiers were awarded the
medal for receiving wounds from
enemy fire in Afghanistan. Welch
was assisting a vehicle hit by an
improvised explosive device when
another exploded close to him. Muse
was in a vehicle hit directly by an
explosive device detonated by a
cellular phone. Both Soldiers have
from their injuries.
(Photo by Spc. Justin Nieto,
SETAF Public Affairs)
Dec. 6, 2005 Vol. 38, Issue 48
nza, Italy. DSN 634-7000, FAX 634-
7543, civilian telephone 0444-71-
7000, fax 0444-717-543.
Email: [email protected].
The Outlook is published weekly
SETAF Commander b y t h e USAG Vicenza PAO, U n i t
Maj. Gen. Jason Kamiya 31401, Box 10, APO AE 09630. It is
printed by Centro Stampa Editoriale
SETAF Rear Commander SRL, Grisignano (VI) 0444-414-303.
Maj. Gen. David T. Zabecki Editorial publication is an autho-
rized section for members of the
USAG Vicenza Commander/Publisher U.S. Army overseas. Contents of
Col. Virgil S. L. Williams the Outlook are not necessarily the
official views of, or endorsed by,
Editor the U.S. government, Department
Ms. Kelli Covlin of Defense, Department of the
A r m y, I n s t a l l a t i o n M a n a g e m e n t
Agency-Europe, U.S. Army Garrison
The Outlook is an unofficial publi- Vicenza or the U.S. Army Southern
cation authorized and provided by AR European Task Force.
360-1. All editorial content of the Out- The editor reserves the right to
look is prepared, edited, provided and edit all submissions for style, brev-
approved by the U.S. Army Garrison ity and clarity.
Vicenza Public Affairs Office in Build- Circulation is 2,500.
4 THE Outlook Dec. 6, 2005
A health clinic
A health clinic paramedic, center,
paramedic checks “patient”
supervises some of Caporal Maggiore Scelto
the 21 members of Giorgio Marcucci who
the 152d Regiment, sits while Caporal
Sassari Brigade, Maggiore Scelto Alessio
that participated in Mucelli holds an IV.
the five-day Combat Combat Lifesaver is
Lifesaver Course new in the Italian Army,
held on Caserma explained one of the
Ederle. In the participants in the
picture, the Italian course, Primo Caporal
Soldiers learn the Maggiore Luca Mureu.
immobilization of a “The experience with
patient and air-way the American team was
management. really positive and rich
with information,” said
Mureu. “During the
course we were asking
Primo Caporal
all sorts of questions,
Maggiore Roberto
but we always found a
Soru, is transferred to
very professional
a military ambulance
response from the
after receiving first aid
on the field.
Good preparation by the
During the five-day
American staff may
course, the attendants
have been part of the
learned skills including
successful result since
giving intravenous
at the end of the course, all the participants
injections and treating
passed their final tests.
“In the medical field, there is always something
At the end of the class,
new to learn including techniques, therapies
they completed a
and equipment,” said Scudeler, one of the two
written test with
instructors for the course. Scudeler has been
questions pertaining to
working in this field for the past 21 years.
the classwork.
“During the course, we talked about all the
experiences that we have, and we saw how
interested they [participants] were in learning.”
Military children face many challenges with their moves. They include, but
are not limited to, adjusting socially, academically and meeting different
graduation requirements. The Military Child Education Coalition has organized
a program to help both DoDDS and stateside schools to better support families
as they transition into their new communities.
One of the many transition programs is the Interactive Counseling Center; it
provides face-to-face video conferencing among schools, students, parents,
teachers and counselors. Another program just initiated and growing among
DoDDS-Europe schools is the Student 2 Student program (S2S). This program
involves a team of volunteer students trained by MCEC and supervised by a
school staff member and the school liaison officer.
A team from Vicenza has been trained to provide leadership in training other
students on methods to support students transitioning to or from their school.
The focus is student centered and is student led. The Vicenza team is currently
organizing, recruiting new members and developing local lesson plans
customized specifically for implementation at Vicenza.
For more information contact: John Zaborek, counselor, Vicenza High School,
at 634-7656 or email [email protected].
Sheena Anderson performs the women’s fancy
shawl dance at the South of the Alps Dining
Facility as part of the program presented by
“Great Plains Dancers” to celebrate the
contributions of Native Americans Friday. The
group formed by five dancers descendants of
different tribes, performed several dances
wearing authentic costumes.
Chere Harper, who is part Cherokee and part
Comanche, and the guest speaker at the event,
danced along with the “Great Plains Dancers.”
At the end of the performance Staff Sgt. Ricky
Wise, 173d Support Battalion, talked about the
hard work and determination of Native Americans
who helped to protect and defend their nation.
Left: John Keel, Comanche, performs a “Fancy
Dance” during the celebration. (Photos by Laura
Kreider, Outlook Staff)
6 THE Outlook Dec. 6, 2005
Adopt a Pet
designed by Leonardo da Vinci in 1502. During this festive will be an international dog show. In the Piazza Bra area
period, it provides a backdrop to a floating nativity, which the Santa Lucia market will be held Dec. 10-13 with over
has it’s grand opening on Dec. 4. The nativity scene, 360 stalls from 9 a.m. - 11 p.m. each day.
The Veterinarian Clinic has a cat up for adoption.