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Sub: Environmental Engineering

Topic : Drinking water treatment

Basic unit processes and operations for water treatment. Drinking water standards, water requirements



A water treatment plant is designed to treat 1 /s of raw water. It has 14 sand filters. Surface area of each filter is 50 . What is the loading rate in /(day ) with two filters out of service for routine backwashing? __________ A settling tank in a water treatment plant is designed of for /(day a surface overflow rate 5.

(RSF). The order of these unit processes (first to last) in a conventional water treatment plant is (A) PS --- RSF --- F --- RM --- SS --- C (C) PS --- F --- SS --- RSF --- RM --- C (B) PS --- F --- RM --- RSF --- SS --- C (D) PS --- RM --- F --- SS --- RSF --- C A horizontal flow primary clarifier treats wastewater in which 10%, 60% and 30% of particles have settling velocities of 0.1mm/s, 0.2mm/s, and 1.0mm/s respectively. What would be the total percentage of particles removed if clarifier operates at a Surface Overflow Rate (SOR) of 43.2m3/m2.d? (A) 43% (B) 56% (C) 86% (D) 100%

). Assume specific gravity of

sediment particles = 2.65, density of water () = 1000 kg/m3, dynamic viscosity of water ()=0.001 N.s/ , and Stokes law is valid.

The approximate minimum size of particles that would be completely removed is: (A) 0.01mm mm 3. (B) 0.02 mm (C) 0.03 6.

(D) 0.04 mm /min of raw

A town is required to treat 4.2

A water treatment plant is required to process 28800 m3/d of raw water (density = 1000 kg/m3, kinematic viscosity = 10-6m2/s). The rapid mixing tank imparts a velocity gradient of 900s-1 to blend 35mg/l of alum with the flow for a detention time of 2 minutes. The power input (W) required for rapid mixing is (A) 32.4 324 (B) (D) 36 32400

water for daily domestic supply. Flocculating particles are to be produced by chemical coagulation. A column analysis indicated that an overflow rate of 0.2 mm/s will produce satisfactory particle removal in a settling basin at a depth of 3.5 m. The required surface area (in ) for settling is

(A) 210 (B) 350 (C) 1728 (D) 21000 4. Consider the following unit processes 7.


commonly used in water treatment; rapid mixing (RM), flocculation (F), primary

sedimentation (PS), secondary sedimentation (SS), chlorination (C) and rapid sand filtration

A plain sedimentation tank with a length of 20m, width of 10 m, and a depth of 3 m is used in a water treatment plant to treat 4 million litres of water per day (4 MLD). The average temperature of water is 20C. The dynamic


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Sub: Environmental Engineering

viscosity of water is 1.002 x N.s/ m2 at 20C. Density of water is 998.2 kg/ m3. Average specific gravity of particles is 2.65. a. What is the surface overflow rate in the sedimentation tank ? (a) 20 m3/ m2/day (c) 67 m3/ m2/day (b) 40 m3/ m2/day (d) 133 m3/ m2/day b. (a) (c) a.

Topic : Drinking water treatment

The surface area required for the rapid 210 m2 216 m2 215 m2 218 m2

sand filter will be (a) (c) (b) (d)

The number of filters required shall be 3 6 (b) (d) 4 8

b. What is the minimum diameter of the particle which can be removed with 100% efficiency in the above sedimentation tank? (a) 11.8 mm (b) 16.0 mm (c) 50 mm (d) 160 mm 8. In a rapid sand filter, the time for reaching particle breakthrough (T B) is defined as the time elapsed from start of filter run to the time at which the turbidity of the effluent from the filter is greater than 2.5 NTU. The time for reaching terminal head loss (T H) is defined as the time elapsed from the start of the filter run to the time when head loss across the filter is greater than 3m. a. The effect of increasing the filter depth

10. The design parameter for flocculation is given by a dimensionless number G t, where G is the velocity gradient and t is the detention time. Values of G t ranging from 104 to 105 are commonly used, with t ranging from 10 to 30 mm. The most preferred combination of G and t to produce smaller and denser floccus is (a) (b) (c) large G values with short t large G values with long t

small G values with short t

(d) small G values with short t 11. Zero hardness of water is achieved by (a) (b) (c) (d) lime soda process excess lime treatment iron exchange treatment excess alum and lime treatment

(while keeping all other conditions same) on TB and TH is (a) (b) (c) (d) b. TB increases and TH decreases both TB and TH increase TB decreases and TH increases both TB and TH decreases The effect of increasing the filter

12. An ideal horizontal flow setting basin is 3m deep having surface area 900m2. Water flows at the rate of 8000 m3/d, at water temperature 200C (m=10-3 kg/m.s) and p= 1000 kg/m3). Assuming Stokes law to be valid, the proportion (percentage) of spherical sand particles (0.01 mm in diameter with specific gravity 2.65), that will be removed, is (a) (c) 32.5 87.5 (b) (d) 67 95.5 Use
3 2

loading rate (while keeping all other conditions same) on TB and TH is (a) (b) (c) (d) 9. TB increases and TH decreases both TB and TH increases TB decreases and TH increases both TB and TH decreases the sedimentation tanks. the

A city is going to install the rapid sand filter after

following data. Design loading rate to the filter 200 m /m d Design flow rate Surface area per filter box 0.5 m /s 50m
2 3

13. Match the following: Group I (Type of water impurity) P Q Hardness Brackish water from sea


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Sub: Environmental Engineering

R S Residual MPN from filters Turbidity

Topic : Drinking water treatment

of the particles having a settling velocity of 0.12 cm/sec is (A) 120 (B) 111 (C) 90 (D) 100

Group II (Method of treatment) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Filtration Reverse Osmosis Chlorination Zeolite Treatment Coagulation and Flocculation Coagulation, Flocculation and 18. The following chemical is used for coagulation (A) Ammonium Chloride Codes: P (a) (b) (c) (d) 1 3 2 3 Q 2 2 1 1 R 4 2 3 2 S 5 4 5 5 (C) Aluminium Sulphate (D) Copper Sulphate 19. A town has an existing horizontal flow sedimentation tank with an overflow rate of 17 14. A water treatment plant treating 10 mld of water requires 20mg/l of filter Alum, /day/ particles , and it is desirable to remove that have settling velocity of (B) Aluminium Chloride 17. Aeration of water is done to remove (A) Suspended impurities (B) Colour (C) Dissolved Salts (D) Dissolve Gases

Al2 (SO4)3. 18 H2O. The water has 6 mg/l of alkalinity as CaCO3 (Al = 26.97, S=32, O=16, H=1, Ca=40, and C=12).

0.1mm/sec. Assuming the tank is an ideal sedimentation tank, the percentage of particles removal is approximately equal to (A) 30% (B) 50% (C) 70% (D) 90%


Total alkalinity requirement (10 mg per 20. Use of coagulants such as alum (A) Results in reduction of pH of the treated water. (B) Results in increase of pH of the treated

day as CaCO3) matching filter Alum, shall be (a) (c) 180 90 (b) (d) 120 60


Quantity of Quick Lime required

water. (C) Results in ho change in pH of the treated water (D) May cause and increase or decrease of pH of the treated water. 21. The disinfection efficiency of chlorine in water treatment

(106 mg per year as CaO) shall be (a) (c) 2132 4132 (b) (d) 3000 6132

15. In disinfection, which of the following forms of chlorine is most effective in killing the pathogenic bacteria? (A) Cl (B) OCl (C) NCl (D) HOCl 16. For a water treatment plant having a flow rate of 432/hr, what is the required plan area ( of a Type I setting tank to remove 90%

(A) Is not dependent on pH value. (B) Is increase by increased pH value.


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Sub: Environmental Engineering

(C) Remains constant at all pH value. (D) Is reduced by increased pH value. 22. The following characteristics pertain to the sand filters used in water industry. I. Filtration rate is 1 to 4 /day/

Topic : Drinking water treatment

II. Typical duration of operation in one run is 24 to 72 hours. III. Operating cost is low. Which of the above characteristics pertain to slow sand filters? (A) I, II and III (B) I and II (C) II and III (D) I and III 23. A solids sphere (diameter 6 mm) is rising through oil (mass density 900 kg/m3, dynamic viscosity 0.7 kg/ms) at a constant velocity of 1 cm/s. What is the specific weight of the material from which the sphere is made? (Take g = 9.81 m/s2) (a) 4.3 kN/m3 (b) 5.3 kN/m3 3 (c) 8.7 kN/m (d) 12.3 kN/m3 24. A soil is composed of solid spherical grains of identical specific gravity and diameter between 0.075 mm and 0.0075 mm. If the terminal velocity of the largest particle falling through water without flocculation is 0.5 mm/s, that for the smallest particle would be (A) 0.005 mm/s (B) 0.05 mm/s (C) 5 mm/s (D) 50 mm/s 25. A settling tank in a water treatment plant is designed for a surface overflow rate of 30 . Assumespecific gravity of sedimentparticles = 2.65, density of water () = 1000 kg/m3, dynamicviscosity of water ()=0.001 N.s/m2,and Stokes lawisvalid.The approximate minimum size ofparticles that would be completely removed is: (A) 0.01mm (B) 0.02 mm (C) 0.03 mm(D) 0.04 mm


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