Surah Qalam PDF
Surah Qalam PDF
Surah Qalam PDF
Makkan Surahs in particular, after learning them , have a
different enjoyment listening to them being recited, its
very powerful. We can learn about the Quran in dars,
experiencing the Quran happens in Salah, thats the place
where its suppose to happen.
Ayah 1
Nouman Ali Khan
Nun [hurooful muqat-ta-aa3ti], ALLAH swears by the pen and
swears by whatever they continuously write.
This is the last Surah that has
. The object
to the oath is the pen and whatever is written by it, the tool
by which they write is the pen and everything that theyre
writing is with the pen. The question is who is writing
down? When a pronoun is mentioned in the Arabic
language in the third person, theres an expectation that the
noun to which it refers should have been mentioned
before. But this Surah begins by I swear by the pen and
what they write. They hasnt been answered, which
means that ALLAH purposely left it open, he left it for
interpretation. Some say, what the angels write on the side
of our shoulders, others say what the angels are writing
when they document revelation from Lohe-Mehfuz to
bring it down to Messenger , others say what
the tribes of Bani-Israel and the scholars of the previous
book, because the way they transmitted the book wasnt
hifdh they were transmitting the book by writing the
revelation down, they wrote the torah and the Injeel. So
its open ended. But this is the object of the oath, and the
object goes on to prove the subject of the oath which is the
second Ayah.
Ayah 2
Nouman Ali Khan
You by the special favor of your master are not insane at all.
ALLAH says that he swears by the pen and what they write
as proof that you arent insane at all.
In the past tense, it means that what the Jews, the
Christians, theyre scriptures and whatever theyve
documented has enough proof already that what your
saying is conformation that youre not insane.
How many books of scholarship, how many documents,
how many books of fiqh, how many books of tafsir, how
many books of Aqeeda are going to be produced as a result
of this revelation. Your history will prove that youre not
insane at all.
Some scholars argue that the first seven Ayah of this Surah
was the second revelation. In the first revelation also Qalam
was there. So, when he came and declared the revelation,
some close to him thought he might have lost his mind,
and so ALLAH sent him a conformation in these first two
Ayah. The prophet had to have faith in
himself too that he was chosen as the prophet.
Ayah 3
Nouman Ali Khan
And you absolutely are going to have compensation without any
ALLAH says youre going to have a compensation that
cant be stopped. We cant even imagine the praise station
that ALLAH has given him. Beyond that, every time
somebody says , his Ajar increases, every
time somebody says the shahada, his ajar increases, every
zikr we make in our life, he has a share in it, his ajar keeps
increasing because hes the teacher. We get to contribute
to that Ajar, thats our honor.
Ayah 4
Nouman Ali Khan
And you no doubt are truly committed to an amazing character.
This Ayah is a proof that ALLAH himself is impressed with
the characteristics, personality, morals of the Prophet
before wahi. ALLAH praises all his characters,
before wahi and uses that as one of his proofs for his
truthfulness. The fact that he is not insane is further
validated by his awesome character as a person as a human
being. Muslims are missing the character that they are
supposed to have; now all our economic, social dealings are
missing moral character.
Ayah 5
Nouman Ali Khan
And soon youre going to see, and they will see also.
Ayah 6
Nouman Ali Khan
Youll see which one of you is the one thats lost theyre minds.
comes from
means all the plants are cut from their roots. So all
the investment, overnight disappeared.
Ayah 21
Nouman Ali Khan
Then they started calling each other early in the morning, they
didnt know what happened.
It was like a mile away from theyre home. They woke up
and started calling each other.
Ayah 22
Nouman Ali Khan
And March forward in the later part of the morning towards
your crop, if you want to get this done, better get this done
earlier in the morning.
Because theyre calling each other in the morning implies
they got up late. They were supposed to be cutting
Ayah 46
Nouman Ali Khan
Are you asking them for money when you give dawah to them or
you recite Quran to them, and out of the penalty that you have to
pay, the penalty they are burdened so much by it.
The burden is so much that you ask that in exchange for
your performance?
Ayah 47
Nouman Ali Khan
Or is it the case that they own some part of the unseen, then they
get to write whats going to happen?
Ayah 48
Nouman Ali Khan
Then you just remain patient until the verdict of your master
comes and dont be like the accompanier of the whale when he
made a call he was completely swallowed by the whale
Yunus(as) is being referred here. His other name is Dhun-
Nun. Nun is one of the old words on Arabic for whale.
The Surah began and ends with Dhun-Nun. There is a
consistency where it begins and where it ends too.
Ayah 49
Nouman Ali Khan
Had it not been from the favor from his master that took care of
him that let him come down from the belly of the whale he would
have definitely been thrown in the nakedness[The land he would
have been thrown in, would have been barren with no food or
water meaning the whale could have dropped him off at some
deserted island] And even then he would have been blame
Ayah 50
Nouman Ali Khan
But his master chose him for the good qualities that he had. Then
he made him from among those that are righteous.
Ayah 51
Nouman Ali Khan
And its almost as though those who disbelieve they want to
make you slip with their eyes when they hear the ultimate
reminder and they say, No doubt hes Insane.