Unit 2 CH 7
Unit 2 CH 7
Unit 2 CH 7
II. Labs
In this chapter we continue to describe other basic features and modeling concepts of ProModel. In Section L7.1 we show an application with multiple locations and multiple entity types. Section L7.2 describes modeling of multiple parallel locations. Section L7.3 shows various routing rules. In Section L7.4 we introduce the concept of variables. Section L7.5 introduces the inspection process, tracking of defects, and rework. In Section L7.6 we show how to assemble nonidentical entities and produce assemblies. In Section L7.7 we show the process of making temporary entities through the process of loading and subsequent unloading. Section L7.8 describes how entities can be accumulated before processing. Section L7.9 shows the splitting of one entity into multiple entities. In Section L7.10 we introduce various decision statements with appropriate examples. Finally, in Section L7.11 we show you how to model a system that shuts down periodically.
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Layout of Pomona Electronics.
arrive (Figure L7.1). Assume each of the assembly areas has innite capacity. The layout of Pomona Electronics is shown in Figure L7.2. Note that we used Background Graphics Behind Grid, from the Build menu, to add the Pomona Electronics logo on the simulation model layout. Add the robot graphics (or something appropriate). Dene three entities as PCB1, PCB2, and PCB3 (Figure L7.3).
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The three types of circuit boards.
The arrival process for all circuit boards.
Processes and routings for Pomona Electronics.
Dene the arrival process (Figure L7.4). Assume all 1500 boards are in stock when the assembly operations begin. The process and routing tables are developed as in Figure L7.5. Run the simulation model. Note that the whole batch of 1500 printed circuit boards (500 of each) takes a total of 2 hours and 27 minutes to be processed.
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Single unit of multicapacity location.
Multiple units of single-capacity locations.
Multiple single-capacity locations.
Problem Statement At San Dimas Electronics, jobs arrive at three identical inspection machines according to an exponential distribution with a mean interarrival time of 12 minutes. The rst available machine is selected. Processing on any of the parallel machines is normally distributed with a mean of 10 minutes and a standard deviation of 3 minutes. Upon completion, all jobs are sent to a fourth machine, where they queue up for date stamping and packing for shipment; this takes ve minutes normally distributed with a standard deviation of two minutes. Completed jobs then leave the system. Run the simulation for one month (20 days, eight hours each). Calculate the average utilization of the four machines. Also, how many jobs are processed by each of the four machines? Dene a location called Inspect. Change its units to 3. Three identical parallel locationsthat is, Inspect.1, Inspect.2, and Inspect.3are thus created. Also, dene a location for all the raw material to arrive (Material_Receiving). Change the capacity of this location to innite. Dene a location for Packing (Figure L7.9). Select Background Graphics from the Build menu. Make up a label San Dimas Electronics. Add a rectangular border. Change the font and color appropriately.
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Arrivals of PCB at San Dimas Electronics.
Dene an entity called PCB. Dene the frequency of arrival of the entity PCB as exponential with a mean interarrival time of 12 minutes (Figure L7.10). Dene the process and routing at San Dimas Electronics as shown in Figure L7.11. In the Simulation menu select Options. Enter 160 in the Run Hours box. Run the simulation model. The average utilization and the number of jobs processed at the four locations are given in Table L7.2.
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Process and routing tables at San Dimas Electronics.
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Probabilistic: Select based on the probability specied (such as .75). User condition: Select the location that satises the Boolean condition specied by the user (such as AT2>5). Conditions may include any numeric expression except for location attributes, resource-specic functions, and downtime-specic functions. CONTINUE: Continue at the same location for additional operations. CONTINUE is allowed only for blocks with a single routing. As ALTERNATE to: Select as an alternate if available and if none of the above rules can be satised. As BACKUP: Select as a backup if the location of the rst preference is down. DEPENDENT: Select only if the immediately preceding routing was processed. If only one routing is dened for a routing block, use the rst available, join, load, send, if empty, or continue rule. The most available, by turn, random, longest unoccupied, until full, probabilistic, and user condition rules are generally only useful when a block has multiple routings. Problem Statement Amar, Akbar, and Anthony are three tellers in the local branch of Bank of India. Figure L7.12 shows the layout of the bank. Assume that customers arrive at the bank according to a uniform distribution (mean of ve minutes and half-width of four minutes). All the tellers service the customers according to another uniform FIGURE L7.12
Layout of the Bank of India.
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Locations at the Bank of India.
Queue menu.
distribution (mean of 10 minutes and half-width of 6 minutes). However, the customers prefer Amar to Akbar, and Akbar over Anthony. If the teller of choice is busy, the customers choose the rst available teller. Simulate the system for 200 customer service completions. Estimate the tellers utilization (percentage of time busy). The locations are dened as Akbar, Anthony, Amar, Teller_Q, and Enter as shown in Figure L7.13. The Teller_Q is exactly 100 feet long. Note that we have checked the queue option in the Conveyor/Queue menu (Figure L7.14). The
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Process and routing tables at the Bank of India.
customer arrival process is shown in Figure L7.15. The processes and routings are shown in Figure L7.16. Note that the customers go to the tellers Amar, Akbar, and Anthony in the order they are specied in the routing table. The results of the simulation model are shown in Table L7.3. Note that Amar, being the favorite teller, is much more busy than Akbar and Anthony. If the customers were routed to the three tellers in turn (selected in rotation), the process and routing tables would be as in Figure L7.17. Note that By Turn was selected from the Rule menu in the routing table. These results of the simulation model are also shown in Table L7.3. Note that Amar, Akbar, and Anthony are now utilized almost equally.
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Process and routing tables for tellers selected by turn.
L7.4 Variables
Variables are placeholders for either real or integer numbers that may change during the simulation. Variables are typically used for making decisions or for gathering data. Variables can be dened to track statistics and monitor other activities during a simulation run. This is useful when the built-in statistics dont capture a particular performance metric of interest. Variables might be dened to track The number of customers waiting in multiple queues. Customer waiting time during a specic time period. Customer time in the bank. Work-in-process inventory. Production quantity.
In ProModel two types of variables are usedlocal variables and global variables. Global variables are accessible from anywhere in the model and at any time. Global variables are dened through the Variables(global) editor in the Build menu. The value of a global variable may be displayed dynamically during the simulation. It can also be changed interactively. Global variables can be referenced anywhere a numeric expression is valid. Local variables are temporary variables that are used for quick convenience when a variable is needed only within a particular operation (in the Process table), move logic (in the Routing table), logic (in the Arrivals, Resources, or Subroutine tables), the initialization or termination logic (in the General Information dialog box), and so forth. Local variables are available only within the logic in which they are declared
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and are not dened in the Variables edit table. They are created for each entity, downtime occurrence, or the like executing a particular section of logic. A new local variable is created for each entity that encounters an INT or REAL statement. It exists only while the entity processes the logic that declared the local variable. Local variables may be passed to subroutines as parameters and are available to macros. A local variable must be declared before it is used. To declare a local variable, use the following syntax:
INT or REAL <name1>{= expression}, <name2>{= expression}
INT HourOfDay, WIP REAL const1 = 2.5, const2 = 5.0 INT Init_Inventory = 170
In Section L7.11 we show you how to use a local variable in your simulation model logic. Problem StatementTracking Work in Process and Production In the Poly Casting Inc. machine shop, raw castings arrive in batches of four every hour. From the raw material store they are sent to the mill, where they undergo a milling operation that takes an average of three minutes with a standard deviation of one minute (normally distributed). The milled castings go to the grinder, where they are ground for a duration that is uniformly distributed (minimum four minutes and maximum six minutes) or U(5,1). After grinding, the ground pieces go to the nished parts store. Run the simulation for 100 hours. Track the work-in-process inventory and the production quantity. The complete simulation model layout is shown in Figure L7.18. The locations are dened as Receiving_Dock, Mill, Grinder, and Finish_Parts_Store (Figure L7.19). Castings (entity) are dened to arrive in batches of four (Qty each) every 60 minutes (Frequency) as shown in Figure L7.20. The processes and routings are shown in Figure L7.21. Dene a variable in your model to track the work-in-process inventory (WIP) of parts in the machine shop. Also dene another variable to track the production (PROD_QTY) of nished parts (Figure L7.22). Note that both of these are integer type variables. In the process table, add the following operation statement in the Receiving location (Figure L7.21).
WIP = WIP + 1
Add the following operation statements in the outgoing Finish_Parts_Store location (Figure L7.21):
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Layout of Poly Casting Inc.
Locations at Poly Casting Inc.
Arrival of castings at Poly Casting Inc.
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Variables for the Poly Casting Inc. model.
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Simulation model layout for Poly Castings Inc. with inspection.
Variables for the Poly Castings Inc. with inspection model.
The last four locations are dened with innite capacity. The arrivals of castings are dened in batches of four every hour. Next we dene ve variables (Figure L7.24) to track work in process, production quantity, mill rework, grind rework, and scrap quantity. The processes and routings are dened as in Figure L7.25.
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Processes and routings for the Poly Castings Inc. with inspection model.
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The locations are dened as Ply_Cutting, LayUp, Oven, Order_Q, Ship_Clerk, and Ship_Q. The layout of El Segundo Composites is shown in Figure L7.26. The processes and the routings are shown in Figure L7.27. A variable WIP is dened to keep track of the amount of work in process in the shop. The WIP value history over the simulated 1000 hours is shown in Figure L7.28. Note that the average WIP in the shop has been around 7, although on rare occasions the WIP has been as much as 23.
Layout of El Segundo Composites.
Process and routing tables for El Segundo Composites.
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Locations at the Calcutta Tea Company.
Process and routing tables at the Calcutta Tea Company.
Layout of the Calcutta Tea Company.
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Arrival of monitors and empty boxes at Shipping Boxes Unlimited.
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Processes and routings for Shipping Boxes Unlimited.
A snapshot of the simulation model for Shipping Boxes Unlimited.
Figure L7.34. The plot of the work-in-process inventory for the 100 hours of simulation run is shown in Figure L7.35. Note that the work-in-process inventory rises to as much as 12 in the beginning. However, after achieving steady state, the WIP inventory stays mostly within the range of 0 to 3.
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The locations at Shipping Boxes Unlimited.
Boxes loaded on pallets at Shipping Boxes Unlimited.
arrivals of monitors, empty boxes, and empty pallets are shown in Figure L7.39. The processes and routings are shown in Figure L7.40. Note that comments can be inserted in a line of code as follows (Figure L7.40):
/* inspection time */
The plot of the work-in-process inventory for the 100 hours of simulation run =1200 is presented in Figure L7.41. Note that after the initial transient period ( minutes), the work-in-process inventory drops and stays mostly in a range of 02.
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Arrival of monitors, empty boxes, and empty pallets at Shipping Boxes Unlimited.
Process and routing tables at Shipping Boxes Unlimited.
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Time-weighted plot of the WIP inventory at Shipping Boxes Unlimited.
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Layout of California Adventure Park.
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cartons (10 per case) are stored in the refrigerator for distribution to students during lunchtime. The distribution of milk cartons takes triangular(.1,.15,.2) minute per student. The time to split open the cases takes a minimum of 5 minutes and a maximum of 7 minutes (uniform distribution) per case. Moving the cases from receiving to the refrigerator area takes ve minutes per case, and moving the cartons from the refrigerator to the distribution area takes 0.2 minute per carton. Students wait in the lunch line to pick up one milk carton each. There are only 100 students at this high school. Students show up for lunch with a mean interarrival time of 1 minute (exponential). On average, how long does a carton stay in the cafeteria before being distributed and consumed? What are the maximum and the minimum times of stay? Simulate for 10 days. The layout of the San Dimas High School cafeteria is shown in Figure L7.44. Three entitiesMilk_Case, Milk_Carton, and Studentare dened. Ten milk cases arrive with a frequency of 480 minutes. One hundred students show up for lunch each day. The arrival of students and milk cases is shown in Figure L7.45. The processing and routing logic is shown in Figure L7.46.
Layout of the San Dimas High School cafeteria.
Arrival of milk and students at the San Dimas High School cafeteria.
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Process and routing logic at the San Dimas High School cafeteria.
causes the program to take action1 if condition is true and action2 if condition is false. Each action consists of one or more ProModel statements. After an action is taken, execution continues with the line after the IF block. Problem Statement The Bombay Restaurant offers only a drive-in facility. Customers arrive at the rate of six each hour (exponential interarrival time). They place their orders at the rst window, drive up to the next window for payment, pick up food from the last window, and then leave. The activity times are given in Table L7.4. The drive-in facility can accommodate 10 cars at most. However, customers typically leave
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Control statements available in ProModel.
and go to the Madras Caf across the street if six cars are waiting in line when they arrive. Simulate for 100 days (8 hours each day). Estimate the number of customers served each day. Estimate on average how many customers are lost each day to the competition. An additional location (Arrive) is added to the model. After the customers arrive, they check if there are fewer than six cars at the restaurant. If yes, they join the line and wait; if not, they leave and go across the street to the Madras Caf. An IF-THEN-ELSE statement is added to the logic window in the processing table (Figure L7.48). A variable (Customer_Lost) is added to the model to keep track of the number of customers lost to the competition. The layout of the Bombay
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Layout of the Bombay Restaurant.
Restaurant is shown in Figure L7.49. Note that Q_1 and Q_2 are each 100 feet long and Q_3 is 200 feet long. The total number of customers lost is 501 in 100 days. The number of customers served in 100 days is 4791. The average cycle time per customer is 36.6 minutes.
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An example of the WHILE-DO logic for Shipping Boxes Unlimited.
Problem Statement The inspector in Section L7.7.2 is also the supervisor of the shop. As such, she inspects only when at least ve full boxes are waiting for inspection in the Inspect_Q. A WHILE-DO loop is used to check if the queue has ve or more boxes waiting for inspection (Figure L7.50). The loop will be executed every hour. Figure L7.51 shows a time-weighted plot of the contents of the inspection queue. Note how the queue builds up to 5 (or more) before the inspector starts inspecting the full boxes.
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An example of a DO-WHILE loop.
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A plot of the value of WIP at Poly Castings Inc.
The layout of the Indian Bank.
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Process and routing logic for the Bank of India.
Time-series plot of Teller_Q at the Bank of India.
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the day; then, after the front door is locked at the fth hour (300 minutes) into the simulated day, customers remaining in the queue are processed and the queue length decreases (down to zero in this particular simulation run). The queue length picks back up when the bank reopens the front door at simulation time 6.5 hours (390 minutes). The histogram of the same queue (Figure L7.58) shows that approximately 49% of the time the queue was empty. About 70% of the time there are 3 or fewer customers waiting in line. What is the average time a customer spends in the bank? Would you recommend that the bank not close the door after 5 hours of operation (customers never liked this practice anyway)? Will the average customer stay longer in the bank?
L7.12 Exercises
1. Visitors arrive at Kids World entertainment park according to an exponential interarrival time distribution with mean 2.5 minutes. The travel time from the entrance to the ticket window is normally distributed with a mean of three minutes and a standard deviation of 0.5 minute. At the ticket window, visitors wait in a single line until one
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of four cashiers is available to serve them. The time for the purchase of tickets is normally distributed with a mean of ve minutes and a standard deviation of one minute. After purchasing tickets, the visitors go to their respective gates to enter the park. Create a simulation model, with animation, of this system. Run the simulation model for 200 hours to determine a. The average and maximum length of the ticketing queue. b. The average number of customers completing ticketing per hour. c. The average utilization of the cashiers. d. Whether management should add more cashiers. 2. A consultant for Kids World recommended that four individual queues be formed at the ticket window (one for each cashier) instead of one common queue. Create a simulation model, with animation, of this system. Run the simulation model for 200 hours to determine a. The average and maximum length of the ticketing queues. b. The average number of customers completing ticketing per hour. c. The average utilization of the cashiers. d. Whether you agree with the consultants decision. Would you recommend a raise for the consultant? 3. At the Kids World entertainment park in Exercise 1, the operating hours are 8 A.M. till 10 P.M. each day (all week). Simulate for a whole year (365 days) and answer questions a d as given in Exercise 1. 4. At Southern California Airlines traveler check-in facility, three types of customers arrive: passengers with e-tickets (Type E), passengers with paper tickets (Type T), and passengers that need to purchase tickets (Type P). The interarrival distribution and the service times for these passengers are given in Table L7.5. Create a simulation model, with animation, of this system. Run the simulation model for 2000 hours. If separate gate agents serve each type of passenger, determine the following: a. The average and maximum length of the three queues. b. The average number of customers of each type completing check-in procedures per hour. c. The average utilization of the gate agents.
TABLE L7.5 Interarrival and Service Time Distributions at Southern California Airline
Type of Traveler Type E Type T Type P Interarrival Distribution Exponential (mean 5.5 min.) Exponential (mean 10.5 min.) Exponential (mean 15.5 min.) Service Time Distribution Normal (mean 3 min., std. dev. 1 min.) Normal (mean 8 min., std. dev. 3 min.) Normal (mean 12 min., std. dev. 3 min.)
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d. The percentage of time the number of customers (of each type of customer) waiting in line is 2. e. Would you recommend one single line for check-in for all three types of travelers? Discuss the pros and cons of such a change. 5. Raja & Rani, a fancy restaurant in Santa Clara, holds a maximum of 15 diners. Customers arrive according to an exponential distribution with a mean of 5 minutes. Customers stay in the restaurant according to a triangular distribution with a minimum of 45 minutes, a maximum of 60 minutes, and a mode of 75 minutes. Create a simulation model, with animation, of this system. The restaurant operating hours are 3 P.M. till 12 P.M. Run the simulation model for 50 replications of 9 hours each. a. Beginning empty, how long (average and standard deviation) does it take for the restaurant to ll? b. What is the total number of diners (average and standard deviation) entering the restaurant before it lls? c. What is the total number of guests (average and standard deviation) served per night? d. What is the average utilization of the restaurant? 6. Woodland Nursing Home has six departmentsinitial exam, X ray, operating room, cast-tting room, recovery room, and checkout room. The probabilities that a patient will go from one department to another are given in Table L7.6. The time patients spend in each department is given in Table L7.7. Patients arrive at the average rate of 5 per hour (exponential interarrival time). The nursing home remains open 24/7. TABLE L7.6 Probabilities of Patient Flow
From Initial exam To X ray Operating room Recovery room Checkout room Operating room Cast-tting room Recovery room Checkout room Cast-tting room Recovery room Checkout room Recovery room X ray Checkout room Operating room X ray Checkout room Probability .35 .20 .15 .30 .15 .25 .40 .20 .30 .65 .05 .55 .10 .35 .10 .20 .70
X ray
Operating room
Cast-tting room
Recovery room
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However, every seven hours (420 minutes) the front door is locked for an hour (60 minutes). No new patients are allowed in the nursing home during this time. Patients already in the system continue to get served. Simulate for one year (365 days, 24 hours per day). a. Figure out the utilization of each department. b. What are the average and maximum numbers of patients in each department? c. Which is the bottleneck department? d. What is the average time spent by a patient in the nursing home? 7. United Electronics manufactures small custom electronic assemblies. Parts must be processed through four stations: assembly, soldering, painting, and inspection. Orders arrive with an exponential interarrival distribution (mean 20 minutes). The process time distributions are shown in Table L7.8. The soldering operation can be performed on three jobs at a time. Painting can be done on four jobs at a time. Assembly and inspection are performed on one job at a time. Create a simulation model, with animation, of this system. Simulate this manufacturing system for 100 days, eight hours each day. Collect and print statistics on the utilization of each station, associated queues, and the total number of jobs manufactured during each eight-hour shift (average). 8. In United Electronics in Exercise 7, 10 percent of all nished assemblies are sent back to soldering for rework after inspection, ve percent are sent back to assembly for rework after inspection, and one
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percent of all assemblies fail to pass and are scrapped. Create a simulation model, with animation, of this system. Simulate this manufacturing system for 100 days, eight hours each day. Collect and print statistics on the utilization of each station, associated queues, total number of jobs assembled, number of assemblies sent for rework to assembly and soldering, and the number of assemblies scrapped during each eight-hour shift (average). 9. Small toys are assembled in four stages (Centers 1, 2, and 3 and Inspection) at Bengal Toy Company. After each assembly step, the appliance is inspected or tested; if a defect is found, it must be corrected and then checked again. The assemblies arrive at a constant rate of one assembly every two minutes. The times to assemble, test, and correct defects are normally distributed. The means and standard deviations of the times to assemble, inspect, and correct defects, as well as the likelihood of an assembly error, are shown in Table L7.9. If an assembly is found defective, the defect is corrected and it is inspected again. After a defect is corrected, the likelihood of another defect being found is the same as during the rst inspection. We assume in this model that an assembly defect is eventually corrected and then it is passed on to the next station. Simulate for one year (2000 hours) and determine the number of good toys shipped in a year. 10. Salt Lake City Electronics manufactures small custom communication equipment. Two different job types are to be processed within the following manufacturing cell. The necessary data are given in Table L7.10. Simulate the system to determine the average number of jobs waiting for different operations, number of jobs of each type nished each day, average cycle time for each type of job, and the average cycle time for all jobs. 11. Six dump trucks at the DumpOnMe facility in Riverside are used to haul coal from the entrance of a small mine to the railroad. Figure L7.59 provides a schematic of the dump truck operation. Each truck is loaded by one of two loaders. After loading, a truck immediately moves
TABLE L7.9 Process Times and Probability of Defects at Bengal Toy Company
Assembly Time Center 1 2 3 Mean .7 .75 .8 Standard Deviation .2 .25 .15 Inspect Time Mean .2 .2 .15 Standard Deviation .05 .05 .03 P(error) .1 .05 .03 Correct Time Mean .2 .15 .1 Standard Deviation .05 .04 .02
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Truck travel and unload
Schematic of dump truck operation for DumpOnMe.
Job Type 1 2
Number of Batches 15 25
to the scale to be weighed as soon as possible. Both the loaders and the scale have a rst-come, rst-served waiting line (or queue) for trucks. Travel time from a loader to the scale is considered negligible. After being weighed, a truck begins travel time (during which time the truck unloads), and then afterward returns to the loader queue. The distributions of loading time, weighing time, and travel time are shown in Table L7.11. a. Create a simulation model, with animation, of this system. Simulate for 200 days, eight hours each day. b. Collect statistics to estimate the loader and scale utilization (percentage of time busy). c. About how many trucks are loaded each day on average?
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12. At the Pilot Pen Company, a molding machine produces pen barrels of two different colorsred and bluein the ratio of 3:2. The molding time is triangular (3,4,6) minutes per barrel. The barrels go to a lling machine, where ink of appropriate color is lled at the rate of 20 pens per hour (exponentially distributed). Another molding machine makes caps of the same two colors in the ratio of 3:2. The molding time is triangular (3,4,6) minutes per cap. At the next station, caps and lled barrels of matching colors are joined together. The joining time is exponentially distributed with a mean of 1 min. Simulate for 2000 hours. Find the average number of pens produced per hour. Collect statistics on the utilization of the molding machines and the joining equipment. 13. Customers arrive at the NoWaitBurger hamburger stand with an interarrival time that is exponentially distributed with a mean of one minute. Out of 10 customers, 5 buy a hamburger and a drink, 3 buy a hamburger, and 2 buy just a drink. One server handles the hamburger while another handles the drink. A person buying both items needs to wait in line for both servers. The time it takes to serve a customer is N(70,10) seconds for each item. Simulate for 100 hours. Collect statistics on the number of customers served per hour, size of the queues, and utilization of the servers. What changes would you suggest to make the system more efcient? 14. Workers who work at the Detroit ToolNDie plant must check out tools from a tool crib. Workers arrive according to an exponential distribution with a mean time between arrivals of ve minutes. At present, three tool crib clerks staff the tool crib. The time to serve a worker is normally distributed with a mean of 10 minutes and a standard deviation of 2 minutes. Compare the following servicing methods. Simulate for 2000 hours and collect data. a. Workers form a single queue, choosing the next available tool crib clerk. b. Workers enter the shortest queue (each clerk has his or her own queue). c. Workers choose one of three queues at random. 15. At the ShopNSave, a small family-owned grocery store, there are only four aisles: aisle 1fruits/vegetables, aisle 2packaged goods (cereals and the like), aisle 3dairy products, and aisle 4meat/sh. The time between two successive customer arrivals is exponentially distributed with a mean of 5 minutes. After arriving to the store, each customer grabs a shopping cart. Twenty percent of all customers go to aisle 1, 30 percent go to aisle 2, 50 percent go to aisle 3, and 70 percent go to aisle 4. The number of items selected for purchase in each aisle is uniformly distributed between 2 and 8. The time spent to browse and pick up each item is normally distributed: N(5,2) minutes. There are three identical checkout counters; each counter has its own checkout
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line. The customer chooses the shortest line. Once a customer joins a line, he or she is not allowed to leave or switch lines. The checkout time is given by the following regression equation: Checkout time = N(3,0.3) + (#of items) * N(0.5,0.15) minutes The rst term of the checkout time is for receiving cash or a check or credit card from the customer, opening and closing the cash register, and handing over the receipt and cash to the customer. After checking out, a customer leaves the cart at the front of the store and leaves. Build a simulation model for the grocery store. Use the model to simulate a 14-hour day. a. The percentages of customers visiting each aisle do not add up to 100 percent. Why? b. What is the average amount of time a customer spends at the grocery store? c. How many customers check out per cashier per hour? d. What is the average amount of time a customer spends waiting in the checkout line? e. What is the average utilization of the cashiers? f. Assuming there is no limit to the number of shopping carts, determine the average and maximum number of carts in use at any time. g. On average how many customers are waiting in line to checkout? h. If the owner adopts a customer service policy that there will never be any more than three customers in any checkout line, how many cashiers are needed?
I. The store manager is considering designating one of the checkout lines as Express, for customers checking out with 10 or fewer items. Is that a good idea? Why or why not? II. In reality, there are only 10 shopping carts at the ShopNSave store. If there are no carts available when customers arrive they leave immediately and go to the more expensive ShopNSpend store down the street. Modify the simulation model to reect this change. How many customers are lost per hour? How many shopping carts should they have so that no more than 5 percent of customers are lost? 16. Planes arrive at the Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose International Airport, Calcutta with interarrival times that are exponentially distributed with a mean time of 30 minutes. If there is no room at the airport when a plane arrives, the pilot ies around and comes back to land after a normally distributed time having a mean of 20 minutes and a standard deviation of 5 minutes. There are two runways and three gates at this small airport. The time from touchdown to arrival at a gate is normally distributed having a mean of ve minutes and a standard
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deviation of one minute. A maximum of three planes can be unloaded and loaded at the airport at any time. The times to unload and load a plane are uniformly distributed between 20 and 30 minutes. The pushoff, taxi, and takeoff times are normally distributed with a mean of six minutes and a standard deviation of one minute. The airport operates 24/7. Build a simulation model and run it for one year. a. How much will adding a new gate decrease the time that airplanes have to circle before landing? b. Will adding a new gate affect the turnaround time of airplanes at the airport? How much? c. Is it better to add another runway instead of another gate? If so, why?