Vacuum Energy An Electric Systems
Vacuum Energy An Electric Systems
Vacuum Energy An Electric Systems
Mass and space-time (quantum-vacuum) are phenomena which are closely related to each
other. Since mass tells space-time how to curve and space-time tells mass how to move, it is
obvious that so-called material things represent a space-time phenomenon. In modern physics
also force-fields in space and the existence of stable atoms are based on the quantum-vacuum
and its fluctuations. Mass does not represent an isolated object but a quality of space-time
Since all interactions between atoms take place in space-time, one can say that the physical
reality is created by the quantum-vacuum.
When space-time can tell mass how to move, then space-time must contain a form of energy.
A known approach to detect the presence of vacuum-energy in the seemingly empty space is
the Casimir effect. The Casimir experiment consists of two smooth plates which are
positioned close to each other. Just before they touch, an attracting force can be measured.
This force is due to a difference of the vacuum energy densities between and around the
In the absence of atoms and fields space-time is nearly perfectly symmetrical. If you place, as
mentioned above, two plates into space, these plates result in a slight break of the symmetry.
This small asymmetry, a difference between two very high energy densities, channels a tiny
amount of the vacuum energy into our observable reality. This is what we perceive as so-
called vacuum energy!
“As we have seen the uncertainty principle of the quantum theory shows, that fields even
within empty space-time are exposed to permanent ongoing quantum fluctuations and possess
an unlimited energy density. So we have to subtract an unlimited value to receive a limited
energy density. This is what we see in our universe”.
(Mathematician und Physicist Prof. Stephen Hawking, The Universe in a Nutshell, German
If a physical quantity can be measured, then it is called an observable. The vacuum energy
represents a non-observable. So the vacuum energy exists only in a virtual or potential form.
This potential represents a preliminary stage of an observable or usable energy. The quantum-
vacuum is a pure potential which can be transformed into real energy. Via the presence of an
asymmetry it is possible to transform something virtual into something observable, i.e.
potential into real energy.
„Since non observables imply symmetry, any discovery of asymmetry must imply some
(Physicist Prof. T. D. Lee, Nobel Prize in Phys. 1957. Symmetries, Asymmetries and the
World of Particles)
One possibility to extract substantial amounts from the quantum-vacuum is to break the
symmetry by active means. Such a forced asymmetry is e.g. constituted by an electric field.
“The asymmetry between opposite signs of electric charge is sometimes called particle -
antiparticle asymmetry”.
(Physicist Prof. T. D. Lee, Nobel Prize in Physics 1957. Particle Physics and Introduction to
Field Theory, Harwood New York, 1981)
“The existence of the positive charge, in some sense, distorts, or creates a ‘condition’ in
space, so that when we put the negative charge in, it feels a force. This potentiality for
producing a force is called an electric field”
(Physicist Prof. Feynman, Nobel Prize in Physics 1965, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1964,
Vol. 1, p. 2-4)
„The exchanged Photon which has carried and caused the classic electromagnetic force is in
reality a virtual photon.“
(Physicist Prof. Lisa Randall, Harvard University, - Warped Passages. Unraveling the
Mysteries of the Universe´s Hidden Dimensions- Nov. 2006, German version)
An electric field is a with light velocity propagating polarization of locally appearing virtual
photons. Some of the virtual photons decay into virtual particle pairs with opposite electric
charge. By polarization we mean the orientation of the charged virtual particle pairs.
“The meaning of quantum fluctuations is that even empty space-time is completely filled with
virtual particle pairs. These virtual particle pairs emerge from space-time, then the two
charges move a little bit from each other and then again come together. After that they
annihilate each other. One partner of the virtual particle pair has positive energy the other
partner has negative energy”
(Mathematician und Physicist Prof. Stephen Hawking, The Universe in a Nutshell, German
An electric field is a phenomenon of the quantum-vacuum. So the energy within the quantum-
vacuum plays a fundamental role within every electric system. This fact is normally not
obvious because the electric input energy, which is e.g. used to drive an ideal electric motor,
is usually equal to the mechanical output energy. Thus it appears as if the electric energy is
being directly converted into mechanical energy. That which enters at the entrance comes out
at the exit.
Actually, the electric input energy is initially “lost” into the quantum-vacuum. Subsequently,
quasi in a second step, this energy is recovered by the quantum-vacuum and then converted
into mechanical output energy. The reason why (in the case of an ideal system) the input and
output energy are equal is provided by something what the author has called “The self-
symmetrizing mechanism in electromagnetic systems”. The self-symmetrizing mechanism
enforces the conservation of the observable energies involved. The author is convinced that
the self-symmetrizing mechanism also exists in other interactions.
The first law of thermodynamics (conservation of energy) now receives a new meaning. The
energy in the quantum-vacuum must be considered. Therefore electromagnetic systems are
energetically open systems. They only appear like energetically closed systems because their
energetic exchange with the quantum-vacuum is energy-symmetric. If we want to realize an
asymmetric electromagnetic system with a coefficient of performance of higher than 100 %,
then the self-symmetrizing mechanism has to be bypassed.
A static electric charge implies the presence of a dynamic energy flow which is related to the
vacuum energy. Due to this fact electric systems extract usable energy from the quantum
The Casimir effect. It detects the presence of the vacuum energy by a measurable force
between parallel plates. Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 030401 (2008):
To extract usable energy by the Casimir effect it is necessary to add special conditions, see
e.g. the “Tunable Casimir Effect“:
E. Davis et al., “Review of Experimental Concepts for Studying the Quantum Vacuum Field”
(Space Technology & Applications Int. Forum 2006, 3rd Symposium on New Frontiers &
Future Concepts, Albuquerque), p. 8 and 19 – 25:
Dr. Harold Puthoff has pointed out that it is possible to extract energy and heat from the
Phys. Rev. E, 48, 1562 (1993):
Phys. Rev. A 40, 4857 (1989):
The Hughes Laboratory has pointed out that it is possible to extract electrical energy from the
vacuum by cohesion of charged foliated conductors.
Phys. Rev. B, 30(4), 1700, (1984):
Prof. Willis Eugene Lamb received the Physics Nobel Prize in 1955 for showing that the
vacuum energy has an effect on the fine structure of the hydrogen atom.
Nobel Lecture 1955:
Paper in Phys. Rev. 86, 1014 (1952):
Prof. Dr. C. W. Turtur´s direct conversion of vacuum energy into mechanical energy.
Concerning new energy technologies the former NASA astronaut and physicist Prof. Brian
O´Leary has pointed out to the significance of the extraction of usable energy from the
quantum vacuum. See his open letters to Al Gore and Barack Obama.