15 - Hot Stamped Bumper Design PDF
15 - Hot Stamped Bumper Design PDF
15 - Hot Stamped Bumper Design PDF
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Bumper Technology and Customer Portfolio The Hot Stamping Process
- Material, Process, Performance, Design
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1)UHSS UHSSHot HotFormed FormedBumper Bumper 1) 2)UHSS UHSSCold ColdFormed FormedBumper Bumper 2) 3)Aluminium AluminiumBumper BumperExtruded Extruded 3) 4)TRB TRBBumper Bumper 4) 5)UHSS/HSS UHSS/HSSRoll RollFormed FormedBumper Bumper 5) 6)Magnesium MagnesiumBumper Bumper 6) (CustomerProject) Project) (Customer 7)Tube TubeBumper Bumper 7) 8)Plastic Plasticor orHybrid HybridBumper Bumper 8) (R&Dproject) project) (R&D
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direct process
indirect process
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Bumper Technology and Customer Portfolio The Hot Stamping Process
- Material, Process, Performance, Design
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ied f i d mo
AZT changes new 10 Driver + pasDriver side senger side 0 10 1000kg 1400kg Driver + pasDriver side senger side old 0
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Due to the 10 barrier angle, the barrier directly hits the crash box. The function of the crash box has increased, resulting in more energy taken over by the crash box. The function of the beam is solely to connect the left and the right side rail. The total dimension of the beam has decreased due to the loss of function. The test can be done on driver and passenger side - non symmetric design has no longer benefit Rear test only: The increase of mass leads to 40% more energy input
Remark: Thatcham and AZT are discussing to place a low speed test - similar to the IIHS criteria ECR 42 Pendulum test with only 4.0km/h for center and 2.5km/h for corner testing and only one pendulum layer has no big effect on the bumper design and is even not needed to release the car in the market.
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Bumper Technology and Customer Portfolio The Hot Stamping Process
- Material, Process, Performance, Design
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Mismatch Example
Source: Thatcham
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ified d o m
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Don t mi ss p laye endulum r CM VSS overlap Stiff bumper is needed to reduce risk of under or over run. 215 test for 2 Due to this requirement, the weight will increase.
Shape and density of foam have a big influence on the system performance. Weak crash box/bumper connection can cause problems in deformation performance. Different results between full car models and component models possible. - movement of component cart could be more than 30mm in Z-direction. More than 60% coverage between bumper and barrier is necessary. Bumper front cover height proposal: between 110 and 130mm minimum. Complete car model to be taken for FE analysis or - add damping systems values to crash cart - add outer skin and foam to crash cart along with repair to the car - exact definition of position between bumper and barrier - Center of gravity, inertia tensor, axle position
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