Beacon2 Idea PDF
Beacon2 Idea PDF
Beacon2 Idea PDF
6230 120th Ave. Ph.# (616) 875-8224 Email [email protected]. Web Site: Mission Statement: To provide a quality, Christ-centered education which will prepare Christians for lives of service.
November 7 2013
School Theme: 10 Commandments -We are thankful for the guidelines God gives us to follow His ways. What a great and loving God we serve! We are also thankful for the Geurinks who came to share at our chapel today. THANK YOU -A few of our students were able to visit with Ryan last week aturday. !hey played some games with Ryan and shared some laughs during their visit at " of #. We also delivered a check of $%&'' to them from the (ray and Walk-a-!hon. )n #onday* Ryan+s sister dropped off a picture of the entire family which is posted outside the office door. ,!hank you )- for your generous and caring support!. !he Attema /amily Thank You to all those who came and shopped at our -raft01endor how. We hope you found what you were looking for. #any thanks to 2aren 1anden3osch for all the work she did to put this together and to those who helped on the day of the sale and0or donated baked goods* (raise God for a successful event. Hot Lunch Reminde : !hose who ordered will be en4oying a !lim"ie lunch tomorrow* 5ov. 6. Snacks fo #ieu$ina7we will have 8affy !affy available tomorrow* /riday* 5ov. 6 for 9% cents each. %i&'in'the'$lankets -!hanks to those who helped make pigs #onday night. )ur ne:t night to make pigs will be No() 1* ; &pm. +f an, e-t a "eo"le $esides ou committee .ould like to /oin us0 .e .ould lo(e to ha(e ,ou) 1e a e makin& a hu&e $atch to " e"a e fo Holida, sales) The Sou" Su""e is TO#AY0 !hursday* No(em$e 2 f om 3:4052:00 "m) -ome on out for great soups* sandwiches and desserts. All proceeds to support outh )live -hristian chool. What a great night 5)! to cook! YeeHah6 !omorrow* /riday* 5ov. 6 will be 1este n #a,* so get out those hats* boots* belt buckles* etc< %a ent7Teache Confe ences fo K'* will be held on !ues. 5ov. =9 from %>?'-6>?'* and on !hurs.* 5ov. =@ from =9>='-=>='pm. AAA!he special !eachersB panish* #usic* (hys Cd* D -omputer will be available in the gym on !ues. from &>?'-6>''pm. Reminder> the students get done with school at noon on !hurs.* 5ov. =@ and there is 5) school on /riday* 5ov. =%. !usin& U"date: No() 25NO A8 !us No() 925NO !us #ec) 115NO A8 !us :an) 9 ; 45NO !us
A Look Ahead November 7-Soup Supper 8-Western Day 12-Conferences - evening 14-NOON Dismissal Conferences - afternoon 15-NO SCHOOL 18-Pig-in-the-blankets 19-Picture Retakes 22-Thanksgiving Feast 25-Promotions Mtg. 7pm Board Mtg. 27-NO Bus 28&29-NO SCHOOL
Sports-Basketball December 2-Girls scrimmage @ Allendale Chr. 3-Scrimmage home vs Hudsonville Hornets 5-@ New Era 10-@ Grant 12-@ Lamont January 7-Boys scrimmage home vs Holland Waves 9-home vs. Lamont 14-home vs. New Era 16-home vs Grant 25 -Tournament
<east7%asto A"" eciation -!his year+s feast is being held on /riday* 5ov. 99 ; ==>?'am. )ur feast is open to all 2-6 students and their pastors. The cost fo this .onde ful hot lunch .ill $e =9)00 "e student) >%l ease etu n the attached fo m .ith "a,ment $, 1ed)0 No() 14?) !he following people are signed up to help> Clsie 8evandoski* 2aren 1anden3osch* Eenny 1anderFwaag D 8aura 1anderFwaag. Helpers* please plan on being here at ==am to get things ready. !hank you!
+t@s !ASKAT!ALL SAASON -Any %th through 6th grade girls D boys are invited to play basketball with )- . )ur practices are from ?>?'%>'' on the following days. !o,s % actices: 5ov. ==* =?* =6* 9'* 9% D 9& Gec. 9* @* H* ==* =& D =6 Ean. 9* &* 6* =?* =%* 9'* 99 D 9? Bi ls % actices: 5ov. ==* =?* =H* 9'* 9% D 9I Gec. @* H* ==* =&* =6 D 9' Ean. 9* &* 6* =?* =%* 9= D 9? TR+% Ne.s -/or a limited time only small denomination gifts cards from some of your favorite retailers are available while supplies last. !a nes ; No$le =C %iDDa Hut =C Ta &et =10 %ane a ! ead =C 1alma t =10 !hese small denomination gift cards make thoughtful* easy gifts for babysitters* coworkers* and all the other special people in your life. 3e sure to place your order A A( before they+re sold out! Ya d Si&ns No. A(aila$le -Help us promote our school by picking up a outh )live -hristian chool yard sign to display in your yard* or maybe a grandparent+s yard* etc< We 4ust got a new order of yard signs that can be picked up from school. top in the office or call (hyllis to get your sign today! We also have SOCS 1indo. #ecals that can be picked up from (hyllis. <o& #ela,s -Jf West )ttawa chools have a two hour delay* so do we. KLou might not see our school name listed separately on !1.M -ome to school or your bus stop two hours after your regular time. +f the e is a t.o hou dela, the e .ill $e NO th ee'school o " eschool) !o- To"s7What a great fundraiser for the school. Lou 4ust simply look for the ,bo: tops for education. on many of the products you buy* cut them out* and save them. !here is a basket in the office you can 4ust drop them in at your convenience. !hank you for participating! Cam"$ell@s Sou" La$els -(lease continue to save your labels for -ampbell+s products and turn them into the office when convenient. !hese are great ways to get free items for our school. !hank you! EEE%A%AR BATOREEE (lease continue to recycle your paper products in our (aper Gator. Reminde 7please do not put cardboard into the paper gator* We can however take hard and soft covered books as well as magaNines. !hank you! !his is a great fundraiser for the school.
SOCS !lo& -check it out! Go to our websiteB and go to 5ews to keep up on what+s happening around )- . EEE ATTN: SOCS Alumni !asket$all %la,e s ' 1A #ON@T AFAN HAFA ANOUBH %LAYARS S+BNA# U% <OR A TAA8 YAT51HAT@S U%GGG SAFA THA #ATA)))don@t miss this one6 Satu da,0 :anua , 110 90130 2"m Co'ed Alumni !asket$all Bame6 South Oli(e Ch istian Cou&a s >BO0 !LUA6? (s) !o culo Ch istian !o$cats >BO0 BRAAN6? H !CS6 pread the word! Jnvite your alumni family members D classmates to play D relive your basketball glory years! Jnvite your family D friends to come cheer you on! Wear your school colors! Amail o call the school office if ,ou .ould like to si&n u" to "la,. Gepending on how many sign up* we will organiNe players by age into Ouarters> oldest graduates play first* working our way to youngest graduates playing the final Ouarter. !his event will also serve as a fundraiser for our athletic funds. !wo cans will be placed on a table for donations> one can for )athletic fundB and another can for 3- athletic fund. We encourage you to give as the 8ord leads. Getails Kinvolving food* etc.M for this event are taking shape D we will keep you posted. Jf you are a graduate of either school and you don+t intend to play* but you+d love to help with this event* we thank you ; ask that you please call or email the office of your desire to help. Jn the meantime* START %RACT+C+NB ; .e .ill SAA YOU AT THA BA8A6