GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: 1. This test questionnaire contains 100 questions. 2. This exam is for 1 hour and 30 minutes only. You must pass your answer sheet when the time allotted has elapsed. Answer sheets that will be passed after the allotted time will NOT BE ACCEPTED. 3. Read the questions carefully and choose the BEST response. Shade only one (1) circle for each question on your answer sheets. Two or more circles shaded will invalidate your answer. 4. Do not put any unnecessary markings on the answer sheet. Doing so will invalidate your answers. 5. Keep the answer sheets neat and clean. DO NOT MUTILATE.
1. Breastfeeding is an effective method of contraception under the following condition: A. Menses have not returned C. Full breastfeeding is practice B. Within 6 months, postpartum D. All of the above 2. This procedure made use of special instrument to puncture the scrotal sac when doing vasectomy: A. Standards incision C. Non scalpel vasectomy B. Vas consultation D. Single incision technique 3. Constipation in pregnancy is best relieved by: A. Increase cellulose/fluid in diet B. Maintenance of good posture
4. Drugs which are used for short-term treatment of constipation are: A. Antihypertensive C. Laxative B. Emetics D. Antibiotics 5. When doing enema, the irrigating can should be placed haw many inches from the level of insertion? A. 3-5 C. 20 inches B. 5-7 D. Any of the above 6. All but one is an example of an objective data. A. Vomiting B. Blood pressure of 140/90 mmHg
7. Temperature of 38.8 degree centigrade is considered as: A. Febrile C. Both A & B B. Afebrile D. None of these 8. To monitor the temperature of Patient Angela using an oral type of thermometer, a midwife must clean the thermometer using a; A. Cotton balls soaked with povidone iodine C. Both A & B choices B. Cotton balls soaked with alcohol D. None of these 9. To monitor the temperature of Patient Maria using an axillary type of thermometer, a midwife must; A. Clean the thermometer from the stem to the bulb B. Clean the thermometer from the bulb towards the stem C. Soaked the thermometer in a basin full of cold water D. None of these 10. A type of fever that fluctuates within a wide range over the 24 hour period but remains above normal range. A. Remittent fever C. Intermittent fever
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B. Relapsing fever D. Constant fever
11. It is considered as the most accessible and convenient method of temperature taking. A. Oral C. Axillary B. Rectal D. Tympanic 12. Which of the following are indications that guide a midwife not to take the temperature via oral route? A. History of seizures C. Presence of cough B. Presence of mouth ulcers D. All of the above 13. How many minutes that the midwife should hold in place the thermometer when using the rectal route? A. 2 minutes C. 1 minute B. 3 minutes D. 4 minutes 14. Midwife XSY should prepare which of the following materials when assessing the chest of Patient Princess for the presence of wheezes? A. Stethoscope, cotton balls, alcohol C. Medicine tray, cotton balls, alco gel B. Kidney basin, thermometer, cotton balls D. None of these 15. The physiological and physical restoration of the body is known as: A. Nap C. circadian rhythm B. Sleep D. Mental restoration 16. The stage where in the body is in the state of vivid and colored dreams: A. REM C. NREM IV B. NON REM D. NREM II 17. Mantoux Test is performed to detect; A. Exposure to Mycobacterium Tubercle bacilli B. Both a & b
18. When to collect the sputum specimen of the client for AFB staining? A. Early morning C. Late afternoon B. Mid morning D. Midnight 19. What route the midwife should use when performing mantoux test? A. Intradermal C. Subcutaneous B. Intramuscular D. None of these 20. It is the best site to monitor the temperature of a newborn. A. Rectum C. Axilla B. Oral D. Ear 21. All are contraindications of heat application EXCEPT: A. Toothache B. Inflamed joints
C. High BP D. Appendicitis
22. All of the following statements refer to Man as a unique being EXCEPT: A. Each person is different in his own unique way B. No two human beings are identical C. All human beings have the same basic needs but these needs are modified by the culture of the person D. Man as a unique being is not applied in cases of twins 23. This represents the sum total of a way of life, developed by groups of people and handed down to succeeding generations A. Culture C. Morals B. Languages D. Norms
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24. Terms that are associated with bladder emptying: A. Flatulence, tympanites B. Micturition 25. A manual method of promoting urine elimination is: A. Encouraging fluid intake B. Compressing over suprapubic area
26. Which of the following is true of determine sugar by Benedict s test? A. 5cc of urine is heated C. Yellow orange indicates B. Benedicts solution is added to the urine D. Yellow green indicates traces of sugar 27. Landmark for catheterization: A. Meatus B. Clitoris 28. The following are used for intravenous except: A. Medium cephalic and basilica artery B. Metacarpal veins
C. Urethra D. Vagina
29. The female hormonal contraceptive causes possible abortion because of which is does to the fertilized zygote: A. Progesterone only pill C. Ru 48 B. Vaginal ring D. Injectable macrosphere 30. A client come to the clinic asking for an oral pill pack as this is the method she had chosen to use: A. Give the pill packs as ask or you may loose a potential client B. Identify any contraindication C. Convince her to use the latest method available other than the oral contraceptive D. All of the above 31. Which of the following means that a drugs needs to be given immediately? A. Prn C. Stat B. O.D D. Ad lib 32. In the hierarchy of needs, this is considered to be the highest priority. These are things necessary for survival A. Physiological needs C. Self- esteem needs B. Love and belongingness needs D. Need for self actualization 33. The midwife understands the most essential physiological need of an individual when she states that the body depends on which of the following need for moment- to- moment survival? A. Fluids C. Oxygen B. Nutrition D. Shelter 34. Clients of any age may have unmet needs, but the very young and the very old have the greatest risks. Which of the following two general conditions indicate unmet fluid needs? A. Dehydration and thirst C. Dehydration and edema B. Edema and bloatedness D. Dehydration and loss of water 35. The desired position during vaginal examination is: A. Dorsal recumbent position B. Knee chest
36. When fever subsides gradually to normal it is termed as: A. Lysis C. Fastigium B. Crisis D. Invasion 37. Contraindication for taking body temperature for rectum includes the following except: A. Patient with hemorrhoids C. Patient receiving oxygen
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B. Patient with lbm and cardiac problems D. Patient with rectal surgery
38. The patient is for throat examination, the desired position is: A. Lithotomy C. Sims B. Sitting D. Dorsal recumbent 39. This is the pulse site that is used to measure blood pressure and used during cardiac arrest for infants: A. Apical C. Popliteal B. Brachial D. Radial 40. When performing bed bathing, in what order should a student midwife cleanse the patients body? A. Eyes, ears, neck, hands, back, legs C. Eyes, neck, arms, chest, legs, back B. Face, eyes, neck, ears, arms, chest, legs D. Face, neck, abdomen, chest, back, buttocks 41. All but one are examples of symptoms; A. Vertigo B. Headache 42. Steatorrhea means: A. Blood in the stool B. Bacteria in the stool
C. Tinnitus D. Pallor
43. In CPR, when giving full breaths the maneuver that must be observed must be: A. Chin lift- head tilt C. Head lift manuever B. Head lift-chin tilt D. Chin lift maneuver 44. First aid treatment for dog bites include: A. Wash the wound with soap and water B. Consult the doctor 45. All but one are factors affecting sleep A. Diet B. Cold and hot drinks
C. Bring the patient to the health center D. Place garlic on the site
46. All but one is factor that affects the result of pulse rate monitoring. A. Age C. Stress B. Sex D. None of these 47. What is the pulse pressure if the BP reading is 140/80? A. 40 C. 60 B. 50 D. 70 48. Slow, rapid or irregular pulse indicates problem in: A. Circulatory system B. Urinary system
49. Balance of heat produced and heat loss by the body is measured through: A. Respiratory rate C. Temperature B. Blood pressure D. Pain 50. Patient A complained of gas pains. Upon auscultation, what was heard was a musical/ drumlike sound. What is the sound produced upon percussion? A. Resonance C. Hyperresonance B. Tympany D. Dullness 51. The following are true for tepid sponge bath, except: 1. Temperature 70 -80 oF 2. Uses long rhythmical firm strokes towards the heart
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3. Patting strokes 4. Lower body temperature A. 1 B. 3 52. The correct perineal care procedure in bed is: A. Rotating motion B. Down-up technique 53. During assessment of the abdomen, this is done last: A. Inspection B. Palpation C. 2 D. 4
C. Percussion D. Auscultation
54. The RM uses parts of the hand to detect characteristic of pulsations, shape, temperature, texture, shape, movement in this physical assessment tool: A. Inspection C. Percussion B. Palpation D. Auscultation 55. The following are benefits of Family Planning to the child except: A. Adequate food, clothing and shelter B. A sense of achievement to provide adequate needs C. Health, body and mind D. Chances for a university education 56. Parturient is vulnerable to infection because of: A. Presence of laceration B. Genital tract is excellent medium for bacterial growth C. Germs can easily gain in entrance to the blood streams through the placental site D. All of the above 57. This refers to the shortening of the cervical canal: A. Dilatation B. Effacement 58. First stage of labor is also known as: A. Stage of cervical dilatation B. Stage of expulsion
C. Crowning D. Lightening
59. A blood pressure cuff that is too small for the patients arm may result to which of the following findings? A. A false low BP C. No significant decrease B. A false high BP D. No significant increase 60. When the radial pulse of your patient is irregular, the midwife should: A. Take the apical pulse B. Request another midwife to take the pulse C. Count the pulse for 30 sec and record D. Wait for 30 mins and count the radical pulse for one minute 61. Which of the measures listed below is most commonly carried out at every antepartal visit of a normal pregnant woman? A. Vaginal examination C. Pregnancy test B. Pelvic examination D. Weighing 62. Therapeutic communication begins with: A. Giving initial care B. Showing empathy
63. The need for love and belongingness arises only after which of the following needs are met first?
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A. Physiological B. Self- actualization C. Self- esteem D. Safety and security
64. Self-actualization is the essence of mental health. All but one are characteristics of a self- actualized person: A. Enjoys privacy C. Possesses good communication skills B. Dislikes self and others D. Seeks new experiences 65. Maslows Hierarchy of needs indicates which of the following? A. That man is constantly evolving so that he can reach his highest potential B. As a theoretical model, that is, the priorities given human needs are generally true to all people and of all individuals C. Clients entering the health care system generally have all their needs met D. Although each person has other, unique needs, these can never be shared by all 66. A cervix is said to be fully dilated when it is: A. 5 mm B. 10mm
C. 5cm D. 10cm
67. Clients should be taught that repeatedly ignoring the sensation of needing to defecate could result in: A. Constipation C. Incontinence B. Diarrhea D. Hemorrhoids 68. This type of prevention occurs when a defect or disability is permanent and irreversible: A. Primary prevention C. Tertiary prevention B. Secondary prevention D. Local prevention 69. The method of heat loss occurring when giving a febrile client a tepid sponge bath is: A. Radiation C. Conduction B. Convection D. Vaporization 70. When eliciting a clients blood pressure, all of the following should be considered except: A. Use of appropriate size of BP cuff C. Inflate and deflate BP cuff 2-3 mmHg/sec B. Ensure client is rested D. None of the above 71. The breast and axilla of both genders are to be included whenever conducting a physical examination. The methods to be used of in assessing these areas are: A. Inspection and percussion C. Inspection and palpation B. Inspection and auscultation D. Percussion and palpation 72. Suppose a person felt faint while seating in a crowded church, the first aid measure is: A. Place the person in a seated position B. Let the person remain seated and lower his head between his knees C. Allow the person to tilt his head backward while in a fowlers position D. Ask the person to stand 73. Which of the following factors can affect a patients BP? A. Activity C. Both a and b B. Weather D. None of the above 74. When using household measures to give medicines and the doctors order is 5 ml, the midwife will give: A. 1 teaspoon C. 1 tablespoon B. 2 teaspoons D. 1 cup 75. When giving subcutaneous injection, the angle of the needle should be: A. 45 degree C. 60 degree B. 15 degree D. 90 degree 76. When doing a cleansing bed bath, the correct strokes to use for the extremities is:
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A. Circular B. Patting C. Long D. Massaging
77. Suppose a colleague got a sprain of the foot when she fell down the stairs. Which first aid measure can be done to relieve the pain and prevent swelling? A. Apply warm compress C. Apply cold compress B. Give warm foot soak D. Give mefenamic acid 78. The best method to induce urination is to: A. Catheterize patient C. Give herbal medicines B. Pour alternate warm and cold water over the part D. Increase roughage diet 79. The following are characteristics of basic human needs, except; A. Needs may be met in different ways C. Priorities are uniform to all individual B. Needs are interrelated D. needs may be deferred 80. Type of lochia which appears during the first 3 days after delivery: A. Lochia rubra C. Lochia alba B. Lochia serosa D. All 81. This type of exercise is than to improve the tone of the pelvic floor: A. Push-up exercise C. Sit-up exercise B. Kegels exercise D. Stretching 82. If the women does not breastfed, menstrual flow will probably return within: A. 4-6 wks. C. 8-10 wks. B. 6-8 wks. D. 10-12 wks. 83. Postpartum check-up is usually done within: A. 4-6 wks. B. 6-8 wks.
84. This vitamin is given to the newborn to prevent hemorrhage: A. Vit. A C. Vit. C B. Vit. B D. Vit. K 85. This was done in 1880 to prevent gonorrheal opthalmia: A. Calkins prophylaxis C. Credes prophylaxis B. Caesars prophylaxis D. All of the above 86. The following methods are used for breast examination except: A. Inspection C. Percussion B. Palpation D. A & B only 87. The process of determining the health status of the individual is: A. Physical examination C. Health assessment B. Comprehensive family planning D. None of the above 88. The artery that runs on the thumb site of the inner aspect of the wrist is called: A. Apical C. Brachial B. Radial D. Carotid 89. Which of the following actions is inappropriate when taking the temperature via rectal route? A. Lubricating the thermometer with water soluble lubricant before use B. Assisting client to assume a lateral position C. Holding the thermometer in place for 2 minutes D. Instructing the client to strain upon insertion of the thermometer
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90. This type of prevention occurs when a defect or disability is permanent and irreversible: A. Primary prevention C. Secondary prevention B. Tertiary prevention D. Local prevention 91. Health promotion activities can include: A. Exercise and good nutrition B. Unsafe sex 92. The uncontrollable sleep at day time is known as: A. Somnambulism B. Narcolepsy 93. Difficulty in falling sleep means; A. Insomnia B. Narcolepsy 94. Bed which is made with the client in it. A. Closed bed B. Post operative bed
C. Soliloquy D. Bruxism
C. Hypersomnia D. Soliloquy
95. This is considered true prevention, it precedes disease or dysfunction and is applied to clients considered healthy: A. Primary prevention C. Secondary prevention B. Tertiary prevention D. Local prevention 96. This type of prevention occurs when a defect or disability is permanent and irreversible: A. Primary prevention C. Secondary prevention B. Tertiary prevention D. Local prevention 97. A state in which the body temperature alternates at regular intervals between periods of fever and periods of normal and sub- normal temperature: A. Intermittent C. Constant B. Remittent D. Relapsing 98. All but one are physiologic effects of heat application: A. Vasodilation (increase circulation) B. Increase cellular metabolism 99. All are contraindications of heat application EXCEPT: A. Toothache B. Inflamed joints 100.
Bed with the top sheet fan folded, ready for a newly admitted client. A. Closed bed C. Occupied bed B. Open bed D. None of these
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