CH 4 Fundamentals of Vector Control
CH 4 Fundamentals of Vector Control
CH 4 Fundamentals of Vector Control
from (2.2)
(4. )
The +as%c mach%ne structure %s a s%& !%nd%n( un%t as sho!n %n F%(ure 4. , !%th three stator !%nd%n(s ( 2,o apart), 2 rotor damper !%nd%n(s and a rotor f%eld !%nd%n(. Th%s %s ade-uate to represent +oth s.nchronous motors as !ell as %nduct%on mach%nes.
b 5
a 3 4
Reference axis
The stator !%nd%n(s of th%s mach%ne are transformed %nto a rotat%n( d)- a&%s representat%on to s%mpl%f. the anal.s%s, as sho!n %n F%(ure 4.2, us%n( the phase po!er %n/ar%ant transformat%on e&press%ons (%/en %n (4.0) and (4.4).
Reference axis
Figure 4.2: d-q equivalent Five winding Salient Pole Machine
1 2
1 2
1 2
s- 2
ia . ib ic
= C . I abc
ia I abc = ib ic
= 3 2
1 2 1 2 1 2
i0 . i ds = C -1. I 0dqs i qs
e =
f%eld tor-ue reluctance tor-ue For an %nduct%on mach%ne (a(a%n !%thout damper !%nd%n(s),
#o! cons%der %a %n terms of %ts components %ds and %-s, as sho!n %n F%(ure 4.0
Figure 4.3: Relationship between ia, ids and iqs 7h%ch can +e e&pressed as" ia = cos s . ids - sin s . iqs
5uppos%n( %a %s at %ts rated ma&%mum. 7hat are the poss%+le /alues of % ds and %-s 9 Clearl., %f s $ :,o , %ds could +e %nf%n%te, +ut %n do%n( so, %t !ould produce too h%(h a current %n the other phases. From earl%er, !e ha/e %n phasor form,
I a = I ds + jI qs
Therefore, the ma(n%tude of ;a %s d%rectl. related to the ma(n%tude of ;ds and ;-s +."
2 2 I a2 = I ds + I qs
(4. ,)
5o, %f the motor rated current %s ;m, then the cond%t%on for the stator current rema%n%n( !%th%n rat%n(s %s"
2 Im
2 2 I ds + I qs
e =
(4. 2)
and hence the ma&%mum tor-ue at rated current %s ach%e/ed +. ma&%m%<%n( th%s e&press%on under the constra%nt of (4. ,).
. iqs . L ds - L qs = %s usuall. small compared to =L af. if. iqs 5%nce the component =ids =, the
p 3 . . L af. if. ia 2 2
(4. 0)
;f %f $ ,, !hat !ould the opt%mum %ds and %-s +e 9 7hat mach%ne does th%s represent 9
(4. 4)
Earl%er !or' has sho!n that under stead. state cond%t%ons, % dr $ , and therefore the tor-ue onl. responds to %ds. Hence %t m%(ht seem that for ma&%mum tor-ue per un%t current, %a $ %ds. >ut %-r %s not an %ndependent -uant%t., +ut %s related to % -s and %ds throu(h the select%on of the d?- a&%s as e&pressed +. the motor sl%p relat%onsh%p, %.e"
ids = iqs
s. L !! ,
r! s
iqr = -
Lm . iqs L !!
(4. 4) (4. 4)
p L 2 = 3 . . m . ids . iqs 2 2 L !!
Hence for a (%/en stator current ma(n%tude, the tor-ue %s ma&%m%sed +. ma&%m%s%n( the ma(n%tude of %ds%-s.
2 2 also, from (4. ,), and hence the ma&%mum /alue of % % #o!, ia2 = ids + iqs ds -s occurs
i ids = iqs = a 2
(4. 6) (4. 8)
i 2 ids . iqs = a 2
!h%ch (%/es"
e (max = 3 .
p L m2 2 . . ia 2 2 L !!
for a (%/en %a
(4. :)
4.' Steady State O%eration Of A Synchronous Motor For a s.nchronous motor operat%n( at a constant /olta(e and fre-uenc. (!%thout /ector control), %t %s useful to 'no! !hat le/els of %d and %- !%ll result. 5tart%n( a(a%n !%th (4.4), and %(nor%n( sal%enc. for s%mpl%c%t. (%.e. A ds $ A-s), (%/es"
e =
iqs = 2 .2 . e p 3 L af. i f
(4.2 )
Th%s does not (%/e an. %nformat%on a+out % ds, !h%ch %s not tor-ue produc%n(, +ut could st%ll +e non <ero. #o!, from earl%er (chapter 0),
di + L af. f dt di qs vqs = ra. iqs + s. L ds . ids + s. L af . if + L qs . dt dids dif 3 vf = rf. if + . L af. + L ff. 2 dt dt vds = ra. ids dt
and %n the stead. state, all der%/at%/e terms are <ero, ))*
vds = ra. ids - s. L qs . iqs vqs = ra. iqs + s. L ds . ids + s. L af. if vf = rf. if ids = vds + s. L qs . iqs vqs - ra. iqs - s. L af. if = ra s. L ds
))* #o!"
2 = r 2. i 2 + 2. L 2. i 2 - 2. r . i . . L . i vds a ds s qs qs a ds s qs qs 2 = r 2. i 2 + 2. L 2. i 2 + 2. L 2. i 2 vqs a qs s ds ds s af f
2. s2. L ds . L af. if
s2 L ds2. ra2. iqs2 + L qs2. ra2. iqs2 - L ds2. vap2 + ra2. L af2. if2 2 - r 2. v 2 - s 2. ra3. L af. i f - ra!. iqs a ap 2 2 2 ra2 + s . L ds
s2. L qs2. e2
L .i ids = - af f L ds
Therefore, for a (%/en tor-ue e, f%eld current %f, suppl. /olta(e /a and fre-uenc. s, %ds %s determ%ned +. 4.2:. Hence, %f e/ else constant, / ap can +e set to the correct ma(n%tude to ma'e %ds $ ,, %.e"
2 = vap
s2. L qs2. e2
"p2 . L af2. if2 1#
and thus re-u%re m%n%mum current to ach%e/e the des%red tor-ue. &uestion" . 2. For an %deal s.nchronous motor, !%th no load, !hat %s %d and %- 9 As the s.nchronous motor %s loaded, !hat happens to % d and %- 9
(4.0 )
5%nce Va $ Vds 1 BV-s, the pea' /alue of the appl%ed stator /olta(e %s"
2=v 2+v 2 = vap ds qs
s. L af. if 2
s =
vap L af. if
from !h%ch the ma&%mum unloaded motor speed %n rpm (n ma&) can +e determ%ned as"
nmax = (max #0 . = #0 . vap s p p . if 2. . 2 2. . 2 L af
s2 ))*
L .i The denom%nator of (4.08) %s m%n%m%<ed for a (%/en %-s +. sett%n( ids = - af f , to (%/e" L ds
2 vap 2. i 2 L qs qs
Th%s %s the speed ma&%m%<ed !%th respect to % ds. #ote that as %-s approaches <ero, s approaches %nf%n%t.. The tor-ue and C-C a&%s /olta(e under these cond%t%ons are (%/en +."
(4.4,) (4.4 )
L ds
vqs =
L .i from !h%ch %t can +e seen that +. sett%n( ids = - af f , /-s +ecomes <ero. Ho!e/er,
the ma&%mum tor-ue under these cond%t%ons %s reduced +ecause % -s %s l%m%ted +. the stator current constra%nt (4. ,). 5o, essent%all. the a%r(ap mmf across the d%rect a&%s has +een reduced to <ero +. creat%n( an %ds such that %t opposes the mmf produced +. the f%eld !%nd%n(. Hence, the +ac' emf reduces to <ero and the mach%ne speeds up. Controll%n( %ds to perm%t h%(her speeds %s called flu& !ea'en%n(, !h%ch for a (%/en suppl. /olta(e allo!s the motor to %ncrease %n speed, +ut for l%(ht loads onl.. #ote that %ts eff%c%enc. and ma&%mum tor-ue !%ll reduce, s%nce no! %t has a non tor-ue produc%n( component of current. ;f the motor %s to +e often used at such h%(h speeds that %t needs flu& !ea'en%n(, a more econom%cal to solut%on !ould +e to ha/e a mach%ne !%th a smaller f%eld. E%ther use less f%eld current, or %n the case of a permanent ma(net mach%ne, use smaller or !ea'er ma(nets. #ote that ma'%n( % f $ ,, !%ll s%m%larl. speed up the motor. &uestion" For a s.nchronous motor, !hat %s the most econom%cal !a. of %ncreas%n( %ts no load speed for a (%/en suppl. /olta(e9
4.4 Steady State O%eration Of An *nduction Motor For an %nduct%on motor operat%n( at a constant /olta(e and fre-uenc. (!%thout /ector control), the determ%nat%on of % d and %- %s more d%ff%cult than for a s.nchronous motor. For the %nduct%on motor, from (4. 4), !e ha/e that the tor-ue %s (%/en +."
p L 2 = 3 . . m . ids . iqs 2 2 L !!
sL !!
r! s
idr = 0
iqr = -
Lm . iqs L !!
The +as%c e-uat%ons for the %nduct%on motor %n the s.nchronous frame of reference !ere de/eloped %n chapter 4 (e-uat%on 4.6) as"
di di L ds . ds + L m. dr dt dt di qs di qr vqs = ra. iqs + s. L ds . ids + s. L m. idr + L ds . + L m. dt dt di ds di 0 = r!. idr - s. s. L m. iqs - s. s. L !!. iqr + L m. + L !!. dr dt dt di qs di qr 0 = r!. iqr + s. s. L m. ids + s. s. L !!. idr + L m. + L !!. dt dt vds = ra. ids -
!h%ch %n stead. state reduce to" (t%me /ar.%n( terms d%sappear %n the rotat%n( frame of reference)
vds = ra. ids - s. L ds . iqs - s. L m. i qr vqs = ra. iqs + s. L ds . ids + s. L m. idr 0 = r!. idr - s. s. L m. iqs - s. s. L !!. iqr 0 = r!. iqr + s. s. L m. ids + s. s. L !!. i dr
#o!, %f the tor-ue %s 'no!n, the product of % ds and %-s %s 'no!n from (4.40). Also, sl%p %s def%ned as"
s =
s - r s
so that %f the suppl. fre-uenc. and rotor speed are 'no!n, the sl%p can +e calculated.
4. ,
and hence"
ids =
p L 2 = 3. . m . 2 2 L !!
s. L !!
s .i 2 qs
3 . p . L 2.s. m s 2 2
e. r!
iqs =
3 . p . L 2. r m ! 2 2
e. L !!2.s. s
E-uat%on (4.4:) can +e alternat%/el. e&pressed %n terms of the stator current % a +. reco(n%s%n( that"
2 2 ia2 = ids + iqs 2 = ids 1+ 2 = iqs
sL !!
r! s r! s 2
sL !! 2
!h%ch (%/es"
ids =
sL !! 2
r! s
i a2
iqs =
i a2
sL !!
r! s 2
(4.4 )
#ote that +ecause of the s-uare root operat%on, %t %s not clear !hat s%(ns are %n/ol/ed, +ut %f the s%(n of the tor-ue %s 'no!n, then the s%(n of the product of % ds and %-s !%ll +e 'no!n. For the s%(n of the tor-ue, %t %s necessar. for the d%rect%on of the rotat%on to +e 'no!n. From th%s anal.s%s, %t %s not poss%+le to determ%ne !h%ch of %ds and %-s ha/e the ne(at%/e s%(n, or !hether the. are +oth ne(at%/e, or +oth pos%t%/e. Ho!e/er, under normal c%rcumstances, % d and %- are +oth pos%t%/e or
ne(at%/e, so unless unusual cond%t%ons are +e%n( encountered, % ds and %-s can +e ta'en as pos%t%/e. #o!, the stator /olta(e %s (%/en +."
2=v 2+v 2 vap ds qs
s. L ds. ids
r! s -
L !!
sL !!
s L ds -
vqs = ra +
L ds . r! s i qs L !! r! s -
L m2 iqs L !!
2 = vap
sL !!
s L ds -
L m2 L !!
+ ra +
L ds . r! s 2 2 iqs L !!
and hence"
iqs = ra.
2 vap
sL !!
r! s
s L ds. iqs -
L m2 L !!
+ ra +
L ds . r! s 2 L !!
s2. L ds -
2 L m2 L . r! 2 + ds s L !! L !!
s2. L !! 2. L
r! s
ds -
L m2 2 + s2. L ds L !!
As C /apC %s /ar%ed !%th a (%/en load tor-ue and suppl. fre-uenc., +oth the sl%p and the d?- a&%s stator currents chan(e %n response, to f%nd a ne! e-u%l%+r%um cons%stant !%th (4.4:), (4.4 ) and (4.46). The m%n%mum current pos%t%on to ach%e/e the re-u%red tor-ue %s !hen %ds $ %-s as de/eloped +efore. Th%s of course also def%nes the sl%p throu(h the sl%p relat%onsh%p, %.e.
s(max = r! sL !!
p L 2 2 = 3 . . m . i qs 2 2 L !!
2 = vap
L m2 . e L !!
"p2 .L m2 1#
4. 2
e =
(4. )
!h%ch has onl. 0 un'no!ns ) %f, %-s, %ds. Dnder f%eld or%ented cond%t%ons, the stator current %s controlled to +e perpend%cular to the rotor mmf, !h%ch means that %ds $ ,. hence"
e =
%f %s a dc current, l%m%ted +. the res%stance of the f%eld !%nd%n(, !hereas % -s represents a s%nuso%dal ac current. 5%nce % -s needs an %n/erter %n an. case to control %t, or e/en to l%m%t %t, %t %s not common to add%t%onall. control % f. Rather, %f %s usuall. left constant at %ts rated /alue and onl. %-s %s controlled. The result %s that, %n the stead. state, to control e, onl. %-s needs to +e controlled. 5o, for a (%/en e, %-sF can +e calculated, %.e.
& = iqs
p 3 . . L af. if 2 2
Ho!e/er, %n real terms %t %s %a,+,c that %s re-u%red rather than %-s, !h%ch re-u%red the use of the %n/erse transformat%on of"
& .cos - i & .sin ia& = ids s qs s & & 2 & ib = ids .cos s - iqs .sin s - 2 3 3 & & 2 & ic = ids .cos s + - iqs .sin s + 2 3 3 & .sin = - iqs s & .sin = - iqs
s - 2
!here s %s the an(le of the (rotor) d%rect a&%s !%th the a+c stat%onar. frame of reference. #ote also the s%mpl%f%cat%on of the transformat%on under f%eld or%entated cond%t%ons of %ds $ ,. &uestion" Geterm%ne the phase relat%onsh%p +et!een these reference currents and the +ac' emf.
p L m2 = 3. . i ds . i qs 2 2 L !!
r! s ids = iqs sL !!
Dnder f%eld or%ented cond%t%ons, the d%rect and -uadrature currents are made e-ual, %.e. %ds $ %-s, so that the re-u%red d%rect a&%s current %s"
4. 4
& = ids
L !!. e 3.p . L 2 m 2 2
& = i qs
and the tar(et currents %a,+,c that are re-u%red for /ector control are"
& .cos - i & .sin ia& = ids s qs s & & 2 & ib = ids .cos s - iqs .sin s - 2 3 3 & .cos + 2 - i & .sin + 2 ic& = ids s qs s 3 3 & .sin = 2 ids
s + s
! !
#o!, s %s the an(le +et!een the rotor mmf and the a phase armature current, !h%ch runs ahead of the rotor pos%t%on all the t%me +. the sl%p fre-uenc.. 7%thout us%n( ma(net%c f%eld sensors, %t %s not d%rectl. poss%+le to measure th%s mmf or%entat%on, and %t must +e %mpl%c%tl. calculated %n real t%me us%n( the sl%p relat%onsh%p as follo!s"
s =
sL !!
s - r s
r! L !!
(4.8) (4.:)
r! dt L !!
(4. ,)
E-uat%on (4.4) depends onl. on the rotor self and mutual ma(net%<%n( %nductances, !h%ch can +e measured and are reasona+l. constant. E-uat%on (4. ,) depends on an accurate 'no!led(e of the rotor res%stance, !h%ch %s a d%ff%cult parameter to measure and /ar%es cons%dera+l. as the motor load%n( /ar%es. Ho!e/er, th%s parameter %s cr%t%cal to the effect%/eness of f%eld or%ented control, and there has +een cons%dera+le research effort de/oted to esta+l%sh%n( alternat%/e !a.s of %mplement%n( a f%eld or%ented controller !h%ch e%ther a/o%ds us%n( th%s parameter, or adapt%/el. re/%ses an est%mate on l%ne.
&uestion" Ho! does one determ%ne the parameters of the s.nchronous and %nduct%on motors %n the d)- a&%s model9
4. @