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Module: Year: Module Tutor:

Victorian Literature 2nd EnB Dr. Adrian Radu

([email protected])

Course description and aim

The aim of this module is to acquaint the students with the Victorian age in England, in general and with the main literary manifestations, writers and creations of the period, in particular. lthough the course is basically writer!oriented, the approach is thematic in the case of each author including comparati"e discussions as well. #esides theoretical considerations a number of te$ts are also included to be studied with the aim to familiari%e the students with the literary output of the age and to enable them to discern how the problems and the tendencies of those days are reflected in each particular case, the e$tent to which they met the Victorian readers& hori%on of e$pectation and how such te$ts are read by contemporary readers.

Time map
Week : Victorian En!land and t"e spirit o# t"e a!e The political and social bac'ground of Victorian England. The (ndustrial )e"olution and aftermath. *ueen Vic! toria and the )oyal +amily. ,cientific disco"eries, economic progress and prosperity- the .reat E$hibition of /01/2 real access to culture and education- public system of instruction, publication of cheap editions, seriali%a! tion, lending libraries2 the modern newspaper. (nadequacy, po"erty, unemployment and social unrest- the 3ungry +orties, the system of warehouses, the 4eople&s 5harter. The cultural bac'ground and the spirit of the age. +orm! ati"e theories- 6tilitarianism and 7arwinism. The crisis of belief. The tendencies of the age- discipline, reason and balance, and restlessness, di"ergence and reno"ation. The fin-de-sicle spirit. $e%&ords and 'asic concepts- (ndustrial )e"olution, 6tilitarianism, 7arwinism, laissez faire, 3ungry +orties, wor'houses, 5hartist 8o"ement, the Peoples Charter. Critical 'i'lio!rap"%- )adu (1!0), +ord (19!//9), #augh (/:;9!0<, /==0!1=), .alea (9!1>). Week 2: T"e mec"anics o# Victorian literature The literature of the age as meeting ground for traditionalism and modernism. The no(el as the dominant Vic! torian literary genre- critical realism, chronological construction of the plot, serialisation, modes of representa! tion. +orms of Victorian no"els (cf. #a'htin)- the monologic (7ic'ens, Eliot, 3ardy) and dialogic (Thac'eray ? partially, E. #ront@) form. The alternati"e ending (7ic'ens). Aarrati"e techniques- omniscience (5h. 7ic'ens, B. 8. Thac'eray- Vanity Fair), 5h. #ront@- Shirley, .. Eliot), /st person narration and the pseudo!autobio! graphy (5h. #ront@- Jane Eyre), effects of using narrators (E. #ront@), the combined technique- /st person and >rd person narration (5h. 7ic'ens- Bleak House), omniscience and narrators (5h. #ront@- Shirley). 5h. #ront@&s and B. 8. Thac'eray&s omniscience and implied readers. The self!refle$i"e te$t (Thac'eray). 7irections in Vic! torian poetr%- restraint of mind and obedience of form, poetry and 6tilitarianism, marginalisation and elitism, continuators and inno"ators, the problem of content and form, Victorian genres- the idyll and the dramatic mono! logue (Tennyson and #rowning). $e%&ords and 'asic concepts- critical realism, chronology, serialisation, instalments, omniscience, partial omniscience, desacralisation of the omniscient author, autobiography, narrator, implied reader, self!refle$i"e te$t, neo!classicism, elitism, idyll, dramatic monologue, monodrama, allegory. Critical 'i'lio!rap"%- ()adu (/C!/1), ,hires in 7a"id (</!;<), +lint in 7eirdre (/;!><), +raser in #ristow (//=!><), 4earsall in #ristow (<;!00), 8acsiniuc (:;!=0),. Te)ts- 7ic'ens- reat E!pectations- Estella ()adu =:)2 5h. #ront@- Shirley- The )iot ()adu =0)2 .. Eliot- "he #ill on the +loss- 7orlcote 8ill ()adu 9/)2 Thac'eray- Vanity Fair- The 8anager of the 4erformance ()adu 1/), 4ri"ate and 5onfidential ()adu 1:), 3istory and Vanities (1;). Week *: T"e #rame o# mind T"omas Carl%le- the lesson of history and the epic in prose, didacticism "s. docudrama, "itality of presentation and cinematic technique ("he French $e%olution and &n Heroes the credit of power and leadership, the hero as di"inely appointed 8essiah' a"atars of the hero (Hero-(orship and the Heroic in History). Matt"e& Arnoldthe condition of the critic, education and the goals of poetry (DThe +unction of 5riticism at the 4resent Time& and

Victorian Eiterature- ,yllabus DThe ,tudy of 4oetry&), society and awareness, the role of culture and education (Culture and )narchy). +o"n Ruskin- mannerism "s. natural world and representation, greatness in art (#odern Painters), morality and the idea of moral art, return to Aature and natural forms, "isionary ecologism ("he Stones of Venice and "he Se%en *a+ps of )rchitecture). $e%&ords and 'asic concepts- docudrama, cinematic technique, 7i"ine Fustice, hero, 8essiah, 3ebraism, 3ellenism, #arbarians, 4hilistines, 4opulace, art and "irtue, morality and moral art, .othic, ecologism. Critical 'i'lio!rap"%- )adu (9!/C, /<, :/, /1/), +ord (19!//9, :9=!>C0, >C9!:>), #augh (/:;9!0<, />C9!:/, /=/:!1=), (.alea (9!1>), Te)ts- Thomas 5arlyle- "he French $e%olution ()adu /;!/0), 8athew rnold- Culture and )narchy ()adu /11!<), Fohn )us'in- #odern Painters ()adu :=). Week ,: Late romanticism and neo-classicism: Matt"e& Arnold and Al#red Tenn%son )omanticism "s. reason, discipline and balance. Matt"e& Arnold- neo!classicism and the poetry of meditation (D7o"er #each&). Al#red Tenn%son- the disciplined and rational romantic2 e$istential dilemmas, the condition of the poet, acti"ism "s. retreat (DThe 4alace of rt& and DThe Eady of ,halott&)2 e$istence "s. life, commitment "s. withdrawal (DThe Eotos Eaters& and D6lysses&)2 the heroic e$pectation and the Victorian mould2 the English idyll (,dylls of the -in.- DThe 4assing of rthur&)2 the significance of life and death (,n #e+oria+ and D5rossing the #ar&). $e%&ords and 'asic concepts- neo!classicism, eclogue, meditation, loss of faith, pastoral elegy, English idyll, acti"ism, withdrawal, condition of the poet, monodrama, allegory. Critical 'i'lio!rap"%- +ord (::;!==), 7aiches (991!/CC:), #augh (/>0:!9/), 8acsiniuc (/C>!:=, =9! ;>), ()adu (/1/, //9). Te)ts- 8atthew rnold- D7o"er #each& ()adu /1:)2 lfred Tennyson- DThe 4assing of rthur& ()adu />>!=), ,n #e+oria+- EV( (D,o careful of the typeG& but no.&) ()adu />/)2 D5rossing the #ar&()adu />1). Week .: T"e dramatic monolo!ue: Ro'ert Bro&nin! The dominance of the dramatic monologue as Victorian form2 types of dramatic monologue (with H without an interlocutor)2 the search for objecti"ity. Ro'ert Bro&nin!- holy orders and worldly "anities (D,oliloquy of the ,panish 5loister& and DThe #ishop Irders 3id Tomb&)2 the dimensions of the artist (D+rJ Eippo Eippi& and D n! drea del ,arto&)2 the condition of the woman (D8y East 7uchess& and D4orphyria&s Eo"er&)2 "erisimilitude and the challenge of the multiple point of "iew ("he $in. and the Book). $e%&ords and 'asic concepts- dramatic monologue, soliloquy, crisis of belief, "erisimilitude, the multiple point of "iew. Critical 'i'lio!rap"%- 4earsall in #ristow (<;!00), +ord (:=1!11), 7aiches (/CC:!;), 8acsiniuc (;1! /CC), )adu (/>1!<). Te)ts- )obert #rowning- D,oliloquy of the ,panish 5loister& ()adu />9), D8y East 7uchess& ()adu />;), D4orphyria&s Eo"er& ()adu /=:). Week /: 0re-Rap"aelitism and a#termat": Dante 1a'riel Rossetti and Al!ernon C"arles 2&in'urne 7i"ergence and reno"ation2 the need for reju"enation and )omanticism reloaded. T"e 0re-Rap"aelite Mo(ement and the re!disco"ery of early medie"alism. The search for detail, colour and form in painting and poetry. Dante 1a'riel Rossetti, sensuality and tone ("he House of *ife- DAuptial ,leep&), painting and poetry (DThe #lessed 7amo%el&). Al!ernon C"arles 2&in'urne- pagan beauty and forbidden joys (DThe Triumph of Time&, DThe .arden of 4roserpine&, D7olores&). $e%&ords and 'asic concepts- medie"alism, mannerism and natural representation, prosody, assonance, alliteration, repetition. Critical 'i'lio!rap"%- l'alay!.ut in #ristow (::0!:1=), #augh (/=::!>, /=:/!<), +ord (0;!9>, >1:!;C, >1>!;=, 9C!>), 8acsiniuc (/:1!=;), )adu (/:!/>, /<>!=). Te)ts- 7. .. )ossetti- DAuptial ,leep& ()adu /<C), KThe #lessed 7amo%el& (/</!>)2 ,winburne- DThe Triumph of Time& ()adu /<9!;C). Week 3: T"e prosodic reno(ation: 1erard Manle% 4opkins Al!ernon C"arles 2&in'urne- Te$tual music and poetic patterns of aural representation and effects2 content "s. form. 1erard Manle% 4opkins/ )eligious dogma, .od and power, the redisco"ery of form and new prosodic :

Victorian Eiterature- ,yllabus techniques- Dinscape&, Dinstress& and Dsprung rhythm&2 the re!moulding of the language, obscurity and distorted synta$2 the a"atars of the 8essiah- DThe ,tarlight Aight&, DThe Bindho"er&2 e$istential dilemmas and the condi! tion of the cleric (D5arrion 5omfort&). $e%&ords and 'asic concepts- prosody, obscurity, re"elation, assonance, alliteration, repetition, inscape, instress, sprung rhythm. Critical 'i'lio!rap"%- ,linn in #ristow (=<!<<), ,cheinberg in #ristow (/19!;9), 7aiches (/C=:!0), 8acsiniuc (/1/!<0), )adu (/9>!1). Te)ts- 3op'ins- DThe ,tarlight Aight& ()adu /9;), DThe Bindho"er& ()adu /90). Week 5: T"e condition o# En!land no(el: C"arles Dickens (ndustrial )e"olution and industrial culture. The industrial no"el (5h. 7ic'ens- Hard "i+es, 5h. #ront@- Shirley, E. .as'ell- 0orth and South, #. 7israeli- Sy1il). C"arles Dickens- 5ritical realism and entertainment, the com! edy of life2 Hard "i+es- (ndustrial re"olution and 6tilitarianism, the no"el of Dhard facts men&2 8rs .radgrind and the principles of 6tilitarianist education- methodology and effects, industrialism and ecology, 5o'etown as dystopic representation of the city. $e%&ords and 'asic concepts- condition of England, industrial re"olution, ecologism, 6tilitarianism, philosophy of facts, education. Critical 'i'lio!rap"%- )adu (:<!0), llen (/19!;=), .alea (;>!00), +ord (/>1!;), 7aiches (/C=9!19). Te)ts- 5h. 7ic'ens- Hard "i+es (the whole no"el and the te$t e$tracts- )adu >/). Week 6: T"e "uman comed%: William Makepeace T"ackera% Vanity Fair- the fair, puppets and the show!master and the #a'htinian concept of carni"al and the Dgrotesque body&, typology of characters, the portrait of the upstart, games of lo"e and "anity, matrimony, inheritance and marital triangles- #ec'y and melia "s. )awdon 5rawley and .eorge Isborne, 7obbin, the odd man out2 the no"el Dwithout a hero&. 7ic'ens and Thac'eray and perspecti"es of character treatment. $e%&ords and 'asic concepts- ustarts, arri"ism, (partial) omniscience, desacralisation, metafiction, self! refle$i"e te$t, history, story, fiction. Critical 'i'lio!rap"%- )adu (1C!/), llen (/;=!0:), .alea (09!/C<), +ord (/=;!1>), 7aiches (/C19!<=). Te)ts- B. 8. Thac'eray- Vanity Fair (the whole no"el and the te$t e$tracts- )adu 1/). Week 7: T"e !ender de'ate: C"arlotte Bront8 The position of the woman and the need for emancipation and equality. +emale and feminine attitudes- the wo! man as writer and character. The e"olution of the cultural feminine identity (cf. ,howalter)- the feminine, femin! ist and the female stages). C"arlotte Bront8- Jane Eyre- romantic imagery and the new .othic2 the home as re! pressi"e space- the motif of the red room, the recurrent sequence of enclosure and escape, Eowood ,chool and Thornfield 3all as dominant habitats2 the comple$ of the Dmadwoman in the attic2&Fane&s initiatic life and e$peri! ence towards assertion of her own female self. Shirley- regionalism, economic troubles and historical e"ents, strategies of the omniscient writer, feminism and power. $e%&ords and 'asic concepts- feminism, passion, reason, Dred room&, enclosure and escape, the madwoman in the attic, the condition of the woman, regional no"el, first!person narration, autobiography. Critical 'i'lio!rap"%- )adu (19!<C), llen (/0C!9C), .alea (//=!/:<), 7aiches (/C<=!<), +ord (:1<!0) Te)ts- 5h. #ront@- Jane Eyre (the whole no"el and the te$t e$tracts- )adu <C). Week : A(atars o# pro(incial li#e: 1eor!e Eliot

1. Eliot- #iddle+arch- ruralism and microcosm of English life in the pre!industrial age2 local community and social networ's2 omniscience, multiplot structure and gallery of characters2 feminism, female assertion and the woman&s condition, 7orothea #roo'e&s case- intellect "s. passion2 Tertius Eydgate and the intellectual tension2 "he #ill on the Floss- lights and shadows of brotherly lo"e, passion "s. social con"entions2 $e%&ords and 'asic concepts- ruralism, microcosm, condition of the woman, ,t Theresa, intellect, passion, structure, psychological no"el, en"ironment, unhistoric acts, social networ'. Critical 'i'lio!rap"%- )adu (09!9C), llen (:>C!=), .alea (/=:!/<>), 7aiches (/C<<!;:), +ord (:;<!9>). Te)ts- .. Eliot- #iddle+arch (the whole no"el and the te$t e$tracts- )adu /CC).


Victorian Eiterature- ,yllabus Week 2: T"e tempest in t"e soul: Emil% Bront8 (utherin. Hei.hts- the tempest in the soul, setting and cosmic order, condition of man and new cosmogony. The .ondal heroes re"isited- 5atherine and 3eathcliff ? a story of destructi"e lo"e and passion, 3eathcliff and the drama of the misfit. Buthering 3eights and Thrushcross .range- home or dwellings2 the setting as atemporal and non!dimensional space2 the threshold and the window as archetypes of crossing!o"er2 the after!life space. Aarrati"e technique- effects of using narrators. $e%&ords and 'asic concepts- myth, a!chronology, a!temporal space, interior time, disruption of chronology, multiple narrators, character narrator, enclosure, prison(er). Critical 'i'lio!rap"%- )adu (;/), llen (/9=!0), .alea (/:0!/=/), 7aiches (/C<=!<), +ord (:<C!;>) Te)ts- Emily #ront@- D)emembrance& ()adu ;/)2 (utherin. Hei.hts (the whole no"el and the te$t e$tracts- )adu ;>). Week *: T"e condition o# man: T"omas 4ard% The anti!Victorian reaction- beyond mechanicist and materialist standards. 7estiny and the tragic condition of man, .ree' drama and the principle of fate and predestination2 unity of space- Besse$, nature as correlati"e of the human mind and condition. "ess of the d3r1er%illes- destiny and tragedy of human flaws. Tess, a Dpure wo! man& (G). Jude the &1scure and the conflict between flesh and spirit, instinct and ci"ilisation. $e%&ords and 'asic concepts- pessimism, fatalism, casualty, predestination, (mmanent Bill, fate, #lind 7estiny, Besse$, (ancient) tragedy, catharsis, sacrifice, nature symbolism, flesh, spirit. Critical 'i'lio!rap"%- )adu (/;/!>), .alea (/0C!:C/), 7aiches (/C;>!0:), +ord (=C<!/9), #augh (/=<=! ;=). Te)ts- Th. 3ardy- "ess of the d3r1er%illes (the whole no"el and the te$t e$tracts- )adu /0C). Week ,: 0resentation o# researc" pro9ects

end!of!term e$amination

1eneral 'i'lio!rap"%
Literar% te)ts ny edition is accepted. The te$ts preceded by an asteris' (L) represent core reading. The te$ts assigned for class discussion can be found "he 0orton )ntholo.y and drian )adu, Te$t E$tracts (see abo"e). 8atthew rnold- LD7o"er #each&. lfred Tennyson - DThe 4alace of rt&, DThe Eady of ,halott&, DThe Eotos Eaters&, D6lysses&, D,dylls of the -in.LDThe 4assing of rthur&, ,n #e+oria+- LEV( (DD,o careful of the typeG& but no.&), LD5rossing the #ar&. )obert #rowning- D,oliloquy of the ,panish 5loister&, DThe #ishop Irders 3is Tomb&, D+rJ Eippo Eippi, D ndrea del ,arto& LD8y East 7uchess&, LD4orphyria&s Eo"er&. 7ante .abriel )ossetti- LDThe #lessed 7amo%el&, "he House of *ife- LDAuptial ,leep&. lgernon 5harles ,winburne- D7olores&, DThe .arden of 4roserpine&, LDThe Triumph of Time&. 5harles 8anley 3op'ins- DThe ,tarlight Aight&, LDThe Bindho"er&. 5harles 7ic'ens- LHard "i+es, Bleak House. Billiam 8. Thac'eray- LVanity Fair. 5harlotte #ront@ - LJane Eyre, Shirley. Emily #ront@ - L(utherin. Hei.hts. nne #ront@- "he "enant of (ildfell Hall. Eli%abeth .as'ell- 0orth and South. .eorge Eliot- "he #ill on the Floss, L#iddle+arch. Thomas 3ardy- L"ess of the d3r1er%illes. Critical 'i'lio!rap"% le$ander, 5hristine and 8argaret ,mith. "he &!ford Co+panion to the Bront4s. I$ford- I$ford 6ni"ersity 4ress, :CC<. llen, Balter. "he En.lish 0o%el. Eondon- 4enguin, /910. rmstrong, (sobel. Victorian Poetry/ Poetry' Poetics and Politics. Eondon- )outledge, /99>.

Victorian Eiterature- ,yllabus #augh, lfred 5., ed. ) *iterary History of ,econd edition. Vol. =- "he 0ineteenth Century and )fter. #y ,amuel 5. 5hew and )ichard 7. ltic'. Eondon- )outledge and Megan 4aul Etd., /9<;. = "ols. #owra, 5. 8. DThe 3ouse of Eife&. Bright :=0!<;. #radford, )ichard. ) *in.uistic History of En.lish Poetry. Eondon- )outledge, /99>. #ristow, Foseph, ed. "he Ca+1rid.e Co+panion to Victorian Poetry. 5ambridge- 5ambridge 6ni"ersity 4ress, :CCC. #uc'ley, Ferome 3amilton. DVictorianism&. Bright >!/1. 5ardwell, 8argaret. Aotes. Charles 5ickens/ reat E!pectations. =9/!1C>. 5hew, ,amuel 5. and )ichard 7. ltic'. "he 0ineteenth Century and )fter. #augh Vol. =. 5hilders, Foseph, B. D(ndustrial culture and the Victorian Ao"el&. 7eirdre ;;!9<. 5utitaru, 5odrin Ei"iu. "he Victorian 0o%el. (asi- D l. (. 5u%a& 6ni"ersity 4ress, :CC=. 7ahl, 5urtis. DThe Victorian Basteland&. Bright >:!=C. 7aiches, 7a"id. ) Critical History of En.lish *iterature. ,econd edition. Vol. =. Eondon- ,ec'er N Barburg, /9<9. = "ols. 7eirdre, 7a"id, ed. "he Ca+1rid.e Co+panion to the Victorian 0o%el. 5ambridge- 5ambridge 6ni"ersity 4ress, :CC/. 7elaney, 7enis, 5iaran Bard and 5arla )ho +iorina. Fields of Vision/ *iterature in the En.lish * Vol. :. 3arlow, Esse$- 4earson Education H Eongman, :CC>. : "ols. Easson, ngus. (ntroduction. .as'ell. "he *ife of Charlotte Bront4. "ii!$$iii. Ebbatson, )oger. eor.e Eliot/ "he #ill on the Floss. Eondon- 4enguin, /99/. E"ans, (for. En.lish Poetry in the *ater 0ineteenth Century. :nd ed. Eondon- 8ethuen, /9<<. +lint, Mate. DThe Victorian no"el and its readers.& 7eirdre /;!><. +ord, #oris, ed. "he Pelican uide to En.lish Eiterature. Vol. <- Fro+ 5ickens to Hardy. Eondon- 4enguin #oo's, /9<9. ; "ols. +orster, ,hirley. (ntroduction. .as'ell. 0orth and South. "ii!$$"i. .alea, (leana. Victorianis+ and *iterature. 5luj!Aapoca- 7acia, :CCC. .e%ari, Fanet. (ntroduction. #ront@, 5harlotte. Shirley. "ii!$$ii. .ill, ,tephen. (ntroduction. 7ic'ens. Hard "i+es. "ii!$$i. 3andley, .raham. "ho+as Hardy/ "ess of the d3r1er%illes. Eondon- 4enguin #oo's, /99/. 3ar"ey, 5hristopher. D)e"olution and the )ule of Eaw&. 8organ =/9!<:. 3awlin, ,tefan. $o1ert Bro6nin.. Eondon- )outledge, :CC:. 3orsman, lan. "he Victorian 0o%el. I$ford- I$ford 6ni"ersity 4ress, /99C. Fames, Eouis. "he Victorian 0o%el. I$ford- #lac'well 4ublishing, :CC<. Fedr%ejews'i, Fan. eor.e Eliot. Eondon- )outledge, :CC;. Fen'ins, lice, ed. "he Poe+s of erard #anley Hopkins. Eondon- )outledge, :CC<. Mlingopoulos, .. 7. D3ardy&s Tales ncient and 8odern&. +ord =C<!/9. EOgouis, Emile and Eouis 5a%amian. ) History of En.lish *iterature. )e"ised edition. Eondon- 7ent, /9;/. Ee"ine, .eorge. Ho6 to $ead the Victorian 0o%el. I$ford- #lac'well, :CC0. Eootens, Tricia. DVictorian 4oetry and patriotism2. #ristow ::1!;9. Eucas, +. E. D8atthew rnold&. Bright 1=!</. 8ac'erness, E. 7. DThe Voice of prophecy- 5arlyle and )us'in&. +ord :9=!>C0. 8acsiniuc, 5ornelia. )n ,ntroduction to Victorian Poetry. ,ucea"a- Editura 6ni"ersitatii ,ucea"a, :CC>. 8atthew, 3. 5. .. DThe Eiberal ge&. 8organ =<>!1::. 8engham, )od. E+ily Bront4/ (utherin. Hei.hts. Eondon- 4enguin, /900. 8organ, Menneth, ed. "he &!ford ,llustrated History of Britain. I$ford- I$ford 6ni"ersity 4ress, :CCC. Aeale, 5atherine. eor.e Eliot/ #iddle+arch. Eondon- 4enguin #oo's, /909. Auno'awa, Feff. D,e$uality in the Victorian no"el&. 7eirdre /:1!=0. 4earsall, 5ornelia 7. F. DThe dramatic monologue&. #ristow <;!00. )ichard #radford. ) *in.uistic History of En.lish Poetry. Eondon- )outledge, /99>. ,ampson, .eorge. "he Concise Ca+1rid.e History of En.lish *iterature. 5ambridge- 5ambridge 6ni"ersity 4ress, /9;:. ,hires, Einda. DThe aesthetics of the Victorian no"el- form, subjecti"ity, ideology&. 7eirdre </!;<. ,mith, 8argaret. (ntroduction. #ront@, nne i$!$$i". Tra"ersi, 7ere'. DThe #ront@ ,isters and (utherin. Hei.hts&. +ord :1<!;>. Turner, 4aul. Victorian Poetry' 5ra+a and #iscellaneous Prose/ 789:-78;<. I$ford- I$ford 6ni"ersity 4ress, /909. Barwic', ,linn E. DE$perimental +orm in Victorian 4oetry&. #ristow =<!<<. Batson, F. ). "he Poetry of erard #anley Hopkins. Eondon- 4enguin #oo's, /90;. Billiams, )aymond. Culture and Society. Eondon- The 3ogarth 4ress, /99>. Bright, ustin, ed. Victorian *iterature/ #odern Essays in Criticis+. Eondon- I$ford 6ni"ersity 4ress, /9</.

Victorian Eiterature- ,yllabus :nternet Resources The Victorian Beb. P www." Q.


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