Prudential Regulations For Corporate / Commercial Banking: State Bank of Pakistan
Prudential Regulations For Corporate / Commercial Banking: State Bank of Pakistan
Prudential Regulations For Corporate / Commercial Banking: State Bank of Pakistan
PART-A Definitions. 6
PART-B Regulations. 11
Annexures 33-62
It may further be noted that any financing facility, other than the one defined
under the SMEs, Consumer, Agriculture and Micro Financing, shall be
governed by the Prudential Regulations for Corporate / Commercial Banking.
However, in case of international operations, the Prudential Regulations of
host country shall prevail.
1. Account Holder means a person who has opened any account with a bank or is a holder
of deposit / deposit certificate or any instrument representing deposit / placing of money
with a bank / DFI or has borrowed money from the bank / DFI.
2. “Alternate Director” means a person who has been designated by a director during his
absence, as per provisions of the sub-section (2) of section 192 of Companies Ordinance,
3. Bank means a banking company as defined in the Banking Companies Ordinance, 1962.
4. Borrower means a person on whom a bank / DFI has taken any exposure during the
course of business.
5. "Chief Executive Officer (CEO)", in relation to bank/DFI means an individual who, subject
to the control and directions of the directors, is entrusted with the whole, or substantially the
whole, of the powers of management of the affairs of the bank/DFI occupying the position of
Chief Executive Officer and include President, acting President, Managing Director, Country
Head of Foreign bank, Executive assuming charge of the bank for interim period or by
whatever name called, and whether under a contract of service or otherwise.
7. Corporate Card means credit card issued to the employees of an entity where the
repayment is to be made by the said entity.
8. DFI means Development Financial Institution and includes the Pakistan Industrial Credit
and Investment Corporation (PICIC), the Saudi Pak Industrial and Agricultural Investment
Company Limited, the Pak Kuwait Investment Company Limited, the Pak Libya Holding
Company Limited, the Pak Oman Investment Company (Pvt.) Limited, Investment
Corporation of Pakistan, House Building Finance Corporation and any other financial
institution notified under Section 3-A of the Banking Companies Ordinance, 1962.
9. Documents include vouchers, cheques, bills, pay-orders, promissory notes, securities for
leases / advances and claims by or against the bank / DFI or other papers supporting
entries in the books of a bank / DFI.
10. Director includes any person occupying the position of a director on the Board of a bank/DFI and
includes sponsor, nominee and alternate director or by whatever name called.
11. Executive Director means a paid employee or executive in the concerned bank / DFI or
employee or executive in a company / group where sponsor shareholders of the bank / DFI
have substantial interest.
12. Equity of the Bank / DFI means Tier-I Capital or Core Capital and includes paid-up capital,
general reserves, balance in share premium account, reserve for issue of bonus shares
and retained earnings / accumulated losses as disclosed in latest annual audited financial
statements. In case of branches of foreign banks operating in Pakistan, equity will mean
capital maintained, free of losses and provisions, under Section 13 of the Banking
Companies Ordinance, 1962.
For the purpose of Regulation R-1, reserve shall also include revaluation reserves on
account of fixed assets to the extent of 50% of their value. However, for this purpose
assets must be prudently valued by valuators on the panel of Pakistan Bank Association
(PBA), fully taking into account the possibility of price fluctuations and forced sale value.
Revaluation reserves reflecting the difference between the book value and the market
value will be eligible up to 50%.
13. Equity of the Borrower includes paid-up capital, general reserves, balance in share
premium account, reserve for issue of bonus shares and retained earnings / accumulated
losses, revaluation reserves on account of fixed assets and subordinated loans.
The Preference Shares, only with the following features, will also be included in the equity
of the borrower:
• There should not be any provision for redemption or the redemption should be at the
option of the issuer.
• In case the issuer is given an option to redeem the preference shares, as per agreed
terms and conditions, the issuer will redeem the share only through a sinking fund
created out of the profits of the company. Further, the sinking fund created for this
purpose would not be calculated towards the equity of the issuer.
• The terms and conditions should not give rise to a contractual obligation on the part of
the issuer to deliver another financial asset or exchange another financial instrument
under conditions that are or can be potentially unfavourable to the issuer. However, an
option to convert preference shares into common shares may be included in the
features of the preference shares.
• The terms and conditions of the preference shares should not be such as to compel
the issuer economically, financially or otherwise to redeem the shares.
• Payment and distribution of dividend to the holders of preferred shares, whether
cumulative or non-cumulative, should be at the discretion of the issuer.
Revaluation reserves will remain part of the equity for first three years only, from the date
of asset revaluation, during which time the borrower will strengthen its equity base to
enable it to avail facilities without the benefit of revaluation reserves. However, if a
borrower gets revaluation during the three years period, the borrower will be allowed the
benefit from fresh revaluation, to the extent of increase in revaluation reserves, but
restricting the benefit of such incremental value to 3 years only. Similarly, if after 3
years, the borrower again gets revaluation of the assets with resultant addition in their
value, the benefit of such revaluation may also be allowed for the next 3 years, again to
the extent of increase in revaluation reserves.
The revaluation reserves to be eligible for benefit should be calculated by the valuers on
the approved panel of the PBA. If the bank / DFI obtains copy of accounts as per
requirement in Prudential Regulation R-3, then such revaluation reserves should appear in
the said accounts, and in such case, no parallel calculation by the banks / DFIs for
amortization purposes will be required. In case of no requirement of copy of accounts, the
borrower may still be given the benefit of revaluation reserves in the way mentioned
above, but the bank / DFI will calculate the amortization of the same independently.
14. Exposure means financing facilities whether fund based and / or non-fund based and
(i) Any form of financing facility extended or bills purchased/ discounted except ones
drawn against the L/Cs of banks / DFIs rated at least ‘A’ by Standard & Poor,
Moody’s, Fitch-Ibca, Japan Credit Rating Agency (JCRA) or credit rating agency on
the approved panel of State Bank of Pakistan and duly accepted by such L/C issuing
banks / DFIs
(ii) Any financing facility extended or bills purchased/discounted on the guarantee of the
(iii) Subscription to or investment in shares, Participation Term Certificates, Term
Finance Certificates or any other Commercial Paper by whatever name called (at
book value) issued or guaranteed by the persons.
(iv) Credit facilities extended through corporate cards.
(v) Any financing obligation undertaken on behalf of the person under a letter of credit
including a stand-by letter of credit, or similar instrument.
(vi) Loan repayment financial guarantees issued on behalf of the person.
(vii) Any obligations undertaken on behalf of the person under any other guarantees
including underwriting commitments.
(viii) Acceptance/endorsements made on account.
(ix) Any other liability assumed on behalf of the client to advance funds pursuant to a
contractual commitment.
15. Financial Institutions mean banks, Development Financial Institutions (DFIs) and NBFCs.
16. Forced Sale Value (FSV) means the value which fully reflects the possibility of price
fluctuations and can currently be obtained by selling the mortgaged / pledged assets in a
forced / distressed sale conditions.
17. Government Securities shall include such types of Pak. Rupee obligations of the Federal
Government or a Provincial Government or of a Corporation wholly owned or controlled,
directly or indirectly, by the Federal Government or a Provincial Government and guaranteed
by the Federal Government as the Federal Government may, by notification in the Official
Gazette, declare, to the extent determined from time to time, to be Government Securities.
18. Group means persons, whether natural or juridical, if one of them or his dependent family
members or its subsidiary, have control or hold substantial ownership interest over the other.
For the purpose of this:
(a) Subsidiary will have the same meaning as defined in sub-section 3(2) of the
Companies Ordinance, 1984 i.e. a company or a body corporate shall deemed to be
a subsidiary of another company if that other company or body corporate directly or
indirectly controls, beneficially owns or holds more than 50% of its voting securities
or otherwise has power to elect and appoint more than 50% of its directors.
(b) Control refers to an ownership directly or indirectly through subsidiaries, of more
than one half of voting power of an enterprise.
(c) Substantial ownership / affiliation means beneficial shareholding of more than 20%
by a person and/or by his dependent family members, which will include his/her
spouse, dependent lineal ascendants and descendants and dependent brothers and
sisters. However, shareholding in or by the Government owned entities and financial
institutions will not constitute substantial ownership/affiliation, for the purpose of
these regulations.
19. Independent Director means such a person who is not linked directly or indirectly with bank
/ DFI or its sponsor or strategic shareholders. For the purpose of such determination, an
"independent director" is a director who:
Has not been employed by Bank/DFI within the last five years;
Has not been an employee or affiliate of any present or former external auditor /
consultant / legal advisor of Bank/DFI within the last three years;
Has not been an executive officer or employee of a subsidiary or associate company
of the bank / DFI or where Directors of the bank / DFI has substantial beneficial
interest (20% or more shareholding of director’s own or combined with family
Has not been employed by a company of which an executive officer of Bank/DFI has
been a director within the last three years;
Is not affiliated with a not-for-profit entity that received contributions from Bank/DFI
exceeding the greater of 10 million or 2 percent of such charitable organization's
consolidated gross revenues during the current fiscal year or any of the last three
completed fiscal years.
(Note: An independent director shall submit a declaration for his / her independence to
SBP at the time of his / her appointment.)
20. Key Executive means key executives of banks/DFIs and includes the list given at Section-E
of G-I Regulation.
21. Liquid Assets are the assets which are readily convertible into cash without recourse to a
court of law and mean encashment / realizable value of government securities, bank
deposits, certificates of deposit, shares of listed companies which are actively traded on the
stock exchange, NIT Units, certificates of mutual funds, Certificates of Investment (COIs)
issued by DFIs / NBFCs rated at least ‘A’ by a credit rating agency on the approved panel of
State Bank of Pakistan, listed TFCs rated at least ‘A’ by a credit rating agency on the
approved panel of State Bank of Pakistan and certificates of asset management companies
for which there is a book maker quoting daily offer and bid rates and there is active
secondary market trading. These assets with appropriate margins should be in possession of
the banks / DFIs with perfected lien.
Guarantees issued by domestic banks / DFIs when received as collateral by banks / DFIs will
be treated at par with liquid assets whereas, for guarantees issued by foreign banks, the
issuing banks’ rating, assigned either by Standard & Poors, Moody’s or Fitch-Ibca, should be
‘A’ and above or equivalent.
The inter-branch indemnity / guarantee issued by the bank’s overseas branch in favor of its
sister branch in Pakistan, would also be treated at par with liquid assets, provided the bank is
rated ‘A’ and above or equivalent either by Standard & Poors, Moody’s, Fitch-Ibca or Japan
Credit Rating Agency (JCRA). The indemnity for this purpose should be similar to a
guarantee i.e. unconditional and demand in nature.
22. Major Shareholder of a bank / DFI means any person holding 5% or more of the share
capital of a bank / DFI either individually or in concert with family members. Family members
have the same meaning as defined in the Banking Companies Ordinance, 1962.
23. Medium and Long Term Facilities mean facilities with maturities of more than one year and
Short Term Facilities mean facilities with maturities up to one year
24. NBFC means Non-Banking Finance Company and includes a Modaraba, Leasing Company,
Housing Finance Company, Investment Bank, Discount House, Asset Management
Company and a Venture Capital Company.
25. Nominee Director means a person nominated on the board of a bank/DFI by sponsor(s),
persons, company, institution etc. by virtue of his/their shareholding in a bank/DFI.
28. Person means and includes an individual, a Hindu undivided family, a firm, an association or
body of individuals whether incorporated or not, a company and every other juridical person.
29. Readily Realizable Assets mean and include liquid assets and stocks pledged to the banks /
DFIs in possession, with ‘perfected lien’ duly supported with complete documentation.
30. Secured means exposure backed by tangible security and any other form of security with
appropriate margins (in cases where margin has been prescribed by State Bank, appropriate
margin shall at least be equal to the prescribed margin). Exposure without any security or
collateral is defined as clean.
The banks / DFIs may also take exposure against Trust Receipt. They are, however, free to
take collateral / securities, to secure their risks / exposure, in addition to the Trust Receipt.
Banks / DFIs will be free to decide about obtaining security / collateral against the L/C
facilities for the interim period, i.e. from the date of opening of L/C till the receipt of title
documents to the goods.
31. Sponsor shares mean 5% or more paid-up shares of a bank, acquired by a person(s)
individually or in concert with his family members (including his spouse, lineal ascendants
and descendents and dependent brothers and sisters), group companies, subsidiaries, and
affiliates/associates. Such acquisition of shareholding will include all the shares acquired by
aforesaid person(s) including, interalia, through (a) as original subscriber / promoter of the
bank; (b) subsequent right/bonus issues; (c) market based acquisition deal; (d)
reconstruction/restructuring of a bank carried out by SBP; (e) strategic sale through
privatization (f) amalgamation of banking companies; or (g) any other mode of acquisition. All
shares acquired by common shareholders, who are also sponsor shareholders, of
amalgamating banking companies in amalgamation transaction shall be considered Sponsor
32. Sponsor Shareholders mean all those shareholders of a bank holding sponsor shares. The
members of the Board of Directors of a bank holding sponsor shares will be considered
Sponsor Directors. Sponsor Shareholder also means an individual, company or any other
person whose shares are held in safe custody with SBP or in a blocked account maintained
with Central Depository Company of Pakistan Limited.
33. Strategic Investment is an investment which a bank / DFI makes with the intention to hold it
for a period of minimum 5 years.
34. Subordinated Loan means an unsecured loan, extended to the borrower for a minimum
original maturity period of 5 years, subordinate to the claim of the bank / DFI taking exposure
on the borrower, and documented by a formal sub-ordination agreement between provider of
the loan and the bank / DFI. The loan shall be disclosed in the annual audited financial
statements of the borrower as subordinated loan.
35. Tangible Security means readily realizable assets (as defined in these Prudential
Regulations), mortgage of land, plant, building, machinery and any other fixed assets.
36. Underwriting Commitments mean commitments given by commercial banks / DFIs to the
limited companies at the time of new issue of equity / debt instrument, that in case the
proposed issue of equity / debt instrument is not fully subscribed, the un-subscribed portion
will be taken up by them (commercial banks / DFIs).
The total outstanding exposure (fund based and non-fund based) by a bank / DFI to any
single person shall not at any point in time exceed 30% of the bank’s / DFI’s equity as disclosed
in the latest audited financial statements, subject to the condition that the maximum outstanding
against fund based exposure does not exceed 20% of the bank’s / DFI’s equity.
2. The total outstanding exposure (fund based and non-fund based) by a bank / DFI to any group
shall not exceed 50% of the bank’s / DFI’s equity as disclosed in the latest audited financial
statements, subject to the condition that the maximum outstanding against fund based exposure
does not exceed 35% of the bank’s / DFI’s equity.
3. Limit on exposure to a single person/Group effective from 31-12-2009 and onward would be
as under:
4. The group will cover both corporate entities as well as SMEs, in cases where such entities
are owned by the same group.
5. For the purpose of this regulation banks / DFIs are required to follow the guidelines given
at Annexure-I.
Contingent liabilities of a bank / DFI shall not exceed at any point in time 10 times of its equity.
Following shall not constitute contingent liabilities for the purpose of this regulation:
(d) Non-fund based exposure to the extent covered by liquid assets.
(e) Claims other than those related to provision of facilities (fund based or non-fund
based) to the banks’ / DFIs’ constituents, where the probability of conversion of these
claims into liabilities are remote.
2. For the purpose of this regulation, weightage of 50% shall be given to bid / mobilization
advance / performance bonds and 10% to forward foreign exchange contracts.
While considering proposals for any exposure (including renewal, enhancement and
rescheduling / restructuring) exceeding such limit as may be prescribed by State Bank of
Pakistan from time to time (presently at Rs 500,000), banks / DFIs should give due weightage to
the credit report relating to the borrower and his group obtained from Credit Information Bureau
(CIB) of State Bank of Pakistan. However, banks / DFIs may take exposure on defaulters
keeping in view their risk management policies and criteria, provided they properly record
reasons and justifications in the approval form. The condition of obtaining CIB report will apply to
exposure exceeding Rs 500,000/- after netting-off the liquid assets held as security.
2. Banks / DFIs shall, as a matter of rule, obtain a copy of financial statements duly audited
by a practicing Chartered Accountant, relating to the business of every borrower who is a limited
company or where the exposure of a bank / DFI exceeds Rs 10 million, for analysis and record.
The banks / DFIs may also accept a copy of financial statements duly audited by a practicing
Cost and Management Accountant in case of a borrower other than a public company or a
private company which is a subsidiary of a public company. However, banks / DFIs may waive
the requirement of obtaining copy of financial statements when the exposure net of liquid assets
does not exceed the limit of Rs 10 million. Further, financial statements signed by the borrower
will suffice where the exposure is fully secured by liquid assets.
3. Banks / DFIs shall not approve and / or provide any exposure (including renewal,
enhancement and rescheduling / restructuring) until and unless the Loan Application Form (LAF)
prescribed by the banks / DFIs is accompanied by a ‘Borrower’s Basic Fact Sheet’ under the seal
and signature of the borrower as per approved format of the State Bank of Pakistan (Annexure II-
A for corporate borrowers and Annexure II-B for individual borrowers).
Banks / DFIs shall not provide unsecured / clean financing facility in any form of a sum exceeding
Rs 500,000/- (Rupees five hundred thousand only) to any one person. Financing facilities
granted without securities including those granted against personal guarantees shall be deemed
as ‘clean’ for the purpose of this regulation. Further, at the time of granting a clean facility, banks
/ DFIs shall obtain a written declaration to the effect that the borrower in his own name or in the
name of his family members, has not availed of such facilities from other banks / DFIs so as to
exceed the prescribed limit of Rs 500,000/- in aggregate.
2. For the purpose of this regulation, following shall be excluded / exempted from the per
party limit of Rs 500,000/- on the clean facilities:
(a) Facilities provided to finance the export of commodities eligible under Export Finance
(b) Financing covered by the guarantee of Pakistan Export Finance Guarantee Agency.
(c) Loans / advances given to the employees of the banks / DFIs in accordance with their
entitlement / staff loan policy.
(d) Investment in COIs / inter bank placements with NBFCs, provided the investee NBFC
is rated ‘A+’, ‘A’ or ‘A-’ for long-term rating and at least ‘A2’ for short-term rating or
equivalent by a credit rating agency on the approved panel of the State Bank of
Pakistan or Standard & Poors, Moody’s, Fitch-Ibca or Japan Credit Rating Agency
3. Banks / DFIs shall ensure that the aggregate exposure against all their clean facilities shall
not, at any point in time, exceed the amount of their equity. However, investment of banks / DFIs
in subordinated and unsecured TFCs, issued by other banks / DFIs to raise Tier-II Capital as per
State Bank of Pakistan’s instructions, will be exempted from the aggregate exposure limit.
While taking any exposure, banks / DFIs shall ensure that the total exposure (fund-based and /
or non-fund based) availed by any borrower from financial institutions does not exceed 10 times
of borrower’s equity as disclosed in its financial statements (obtained in accordance with para 2
of Regulation R-3), subject to the condition that the fund based exposure does not exceed 4
times of its equity as disclosed in its financial statements. However, where the equity of a
borrower is negative and the borrower has injected fresh equity during its current accounting
year, it will be eligible to obtain finance up to 4 times of the fresh injected equity (instead of the
existing 3 times) provided the borrower shall plough back at least 80% of the net profit each
year until such time that it is able to borrow without this relaxation. After 30th June 2009, the
borrower will be eligible only upto 3 times of his fresh injected equity.
In exceptional cases, banks / DFIs may allow seasonal financing to borrowers, for a maximum
period of six months, not meeting the criteria of 4 times of fund based exposure and 10 times
total exposure, subject to the condition that fund based exposure does not exceed 8 times and
total exposure does not exceed 12 times of borrower’s equity. In case of NBFCs, the total
exposure (i.e. fund based and / or non-fund based) availed by any NBFC from financial
institutions shall not exceed 10 times of its equity, without the restriction of fund based exposure
to be 4 times as in case of other types of borrowers.
2. It is expected that at the time of allowing fresh exposure / enhancement / renewal, the
current assets to current liabilities ratio of the borrower shall not be lower than 1:1. However, in
exceptional cases, banks / DFIs may relax this ratio upto 0.65:1 if they are satisfied that
appropriate risk mitigants have been put in place or the ratio has been adversely impacted due
to the nature of the business of the borrower. After 30th June 2009, the banks / DFIs’s freedom
to relax this ratio will be upto 0.75:1.
3. For the purpose of this regulation, subordinated loans shall be counted as equity of the
borrower. Banks / DFIs should specifically include the condition of subordinated loan in their
Offer Letter. The subordination agreement to be signed by the provider of the subordinated loan,
should confirm that the subordinated loan will be repaid after that bank’s / DFI’s prior approval.
4. This regulation shall not apply in case of exposure fully secured against liquid assets held
as collateral, as well as in cases where the exposure is taken on Units / Projects revived as a
consequence of settlement under Committee for Revival of Sick Industrial Units (CRSIU),
Corporate & Industrial Restructuring Corporation (CIRC) and the State Bank of Pakistan BPD
Circular No. 29 dated October 15, 2002, for a period of five years from the date of such
settlement. Export finance and finance provided to ginning and rice husking factories shall also
be excluded from the borrowings (exposure) for the purpose of this regulation.
5. Where the banks / DFIs have taken exposure on exceptional basis as provided in para 1 &
2 above, they shall record in writing the reasons and justifications for doing so in the approval
form and maintain a file in their central credit office containing all such approvals. The
Exceptions Approval file shall be made available to the inspection team of State Bank during the
(a) take exposure against the security of shares / TFCs issued by them.
(b) provide unsecured credit to finance subscription towards floatation of share capital
and issue of TFCs.
(c) take exposure against the non-listed TFCs or the shares of companies not listed on
the Stock Exchange(s). However, banks / DFIs may make direct investment in non-
listed TFCs.
(d) take exposure on any person against the shares / TFCs issued by that person or its
subsidiary companies. For the purpose of this clause, person shall not include
(e) take exposure against ‘sponsor director’s shares’ (issued in their own name or in the
name of their family members) of banks / DFIs.
(f) take exposure on any one person (whether singly or together with other family
members or companies owned and controlled by him or his family members) against
shares of any commercial bank / DFI in excess of 5% of paid-up capital of the share
issuing bank / DFI.
(g) take exposure against the shares / TFCs of listed companies that are not members of
the Central Depository System.
(h) take exposure against unsecured TFCs or non-rated TFCs or TFCs rated below ‘BBB’
or equivalent. Exposure may, however, be taken against unsecured / subordinated
TFCs, which are issued by the banks / DFIs for meeting their minimum capital
requirements, as per terms and conditions stipulated in BSD Circular No. 12 of August
25, 2004.
(i) take exposure against shares unless the beneficiary of the facility is absolute owner of
the shares so pledged or has the necessary mandate to pledge the shares of third
party as security for availing financing facility from the bank/ DFI.
a) Banks / DFIs shall not own shares of any company / scrips in excess of 5% of their
own equity. Further, the total investments of banks in shares should not exceed 20%
of their own equity. DFIs which are not mobilizing funds as deposits / COIs from
general public / individuals will be exempt from the requirement of capping their total
investment in equities. However, DFIs which are mobilizing funds as deposits / COIs
from general public / individuals will be required to contain their investment in shares
upto 35% of their equity. The shares will be valued at cost of acquisition for the
purpose of calculating bank’s / DFI’s exposure under this regulation. The investments
of the bank / DFI in its subsidiary companies (listed as well as non-listed) and
strategic investments of the bank / DFI, shall not be included in these limits. The
shares acquired in excess of 5% limit due to the underwriting commitments will be
sold off / off loaded within a period of three months.
The condition of capping aggregate exposure shall also be applicable on Islamic banks
to the extent of 35% of their equity. For the purpose of this regulation, shares will also
include units of all forms of Mutual Funds excluding NIT units till its privatization.
b) Banks/DFIs may also take exposure in future contracts to the extent of 10% of their
equity on aggregate basis. In this connection, the 10% exposure limit for future
contracts will include both positions taken in futures buying and selling.
(c) Banks/DFIs may combine the limits for ready market and future contracts and have the
aggregate exposure in shares to the extent of 30% of their equity (in case of Islamic
Banks/DFIs upto 45% of their equity) provided that investment in future contracts shall
not exceed 10% of their equity.
(d) Banks/DFIs will obtain prior approval from the State Bank while purchasing shares of a
company in excess of 5% of their paid-up capital or 10% of the capital of investee
company, whichever is lower. These limits will be calculated as under:
• In the case of investee company, 10% limit will be calculated by taking 10% of
the number of its paid-up shares.
The bank’s/DFI's request will be considered in the light of the nature of relationship of
the investing bank and the investee company. Further, other factors, such as financial
standing of the investing bank, its aggregate investment portfolio, experience in
managing the same, efficacy of internal controls etc. will also be taken into account.
In case, shares in excess of above limit are acquired by the bank/DFI through
settlement of a facility or by any other means, the information to this effect will be
conveyed to the State Bank of Pakistan within three days of the acquisition of such
shares. Furthermore, the shares so acquired should be disposed off within one year to
comply with the limits given 2 above
Regarding strategic investment, the banks/DFIs will exercise proper diligence, as their decision
to make strategic investment carries great significance, keeping in view the implications of such
investment in terms of liquidity management and long term outlook of the investee companies. In
this regard, the banks/DFIs should take into account all relevant factors. Accordingly, the
following should be ensured:
• A committee, clearly designated/empowered by the bank, should take the decision for
strategic investment.
• All Record of transactions/decisions, taken by the committee, regarding strategic
investment should be properly maintained and kept in a separate file, for provision of
the same to the SBP Inspection Team during their visit to the bank.
• The banks/DFls will report their investment in strategic portfolio to the Banking Policy
Department, within 2 working days from the date of such investment
(e) While calculating the maximum limit for investment in shares, the amount of provisions
created against permanent diminution by debiting the Profit & Loss account, as instructed
vide BSD Circular No.10 dated July 13, 2004, may be deducted from the cost of acquisition
of such investments and the maximum limit. Further, investment in preference shares, which
fulfill the criteria of equity instrument as laid down in Part-A of these regulations, shall be
considered as part of investment in equities. Correspondingly, any investment in preference
shares that do not conform to these conditions shall not be included in the limits prescribed
under this regulation. However, such investment portfolio will be considered as part of the
maximum exposure limit as prescribed under R-1 of these regulations.
2. Banks / DFIs shall not hold shares in any company whether as pledgee, mortgagee, or
absolute owner, of an amount exceeding 30% of the paid-up share capital of that company or
30% of their own paid-up share capital and reserves, whichever is less.
3. Exposure against the shares of listed companies shall be subject to minimum margin of
30% of their current market value, though the banks / DFIs may, if they wish, set higher margin
requirements keeping in view other factors. However, banks / DFIs should not give a margin call
until the margin reaches to the level of 25%. Banks / DFIs will monitor the margin on at least
weekly basis and will take appropriate action for top-up and sell-out on the basis of their Board of
Directors’ approved credit policy and pre-fact written authorization from the borrower enabling the
bank / DFI to do this.
4. Exposure against TFCs rated ‘A’ (or equivalent) and above by a credit rating agency on
the approved panel of State Bank of Pakistan shall be subject to a minimum margin of 10% while
the exposure against TFCs rated ‘A-‘ and ‘BBB’ shall be subject to a minimum margin of 20%.
All guarantees issued by the banks / DFIs shall be fully secured, except in the cases
mentioned at Annexure-III where it may be waived up to 50% by the banks / DFIs at their own
discretion, provided that banks / DFIs hold at least 20% of the guaranteed amount in the form of
liquid assets as security.
2. The requirement of security can also be waived by the banks / DFIs in cases of guarantees
issued to Pakistani firms and companies functioning in Pakistan against the back to back /
counter guarantees of branches of guarantee issuing bank / DFI or banks / DFIs rated at least ‘A’
or equivalent by a credit rating agency on the approved panel of State Bank of Pakistan or
Standard & Poor, Moody's, Fitch-Ibca or Japan Credit Rating Agency (JCRA). Besides, in case
the counter-guarantee issuing bank is situated in a foreign country, the rating of at least 'A' or
equivalent by a local credit rating agency of the respective country shall also be acceptable,
provided the guarantee issuing bank in Pakistan is comfortable with and accepts the counter-
guarantee of such foreign bank. However, the prescribed rating requirement for banks situated in
foreign countries may be relaxed for transaction amount up to US$250,000, subject to internal
credit controls and approvals of the concerned bank / DFI in Pakistan. For transaction amounts
greater than US$250,000, banks/ DFIs may approach the State Bank of Pakistan for specific
approvals / exemption, on case by case basis, where the prescribed minimum rating requirement
cannot be complied with. The banks / DFIs are encouraged to set limits for acceptance of
guarantees issued by other banks / DFIs.
3. In case of back to back letter of credit issued by the banks / DFIs for export oriented goods
and services, banks / DFIs are free to decide the security arrangements at their own discretion
subject to the condition that the original L/C has been established by branches of guarantee
issuing bank or a bank rated at least A by Standard & Poor, Moody’s, Fitch-Ibca or Japan Credit
Rating Agency (JCRA).
4. The guarantees shall be for a specific amount and expiry date and shall contain claim
lodgment date. However, banks / DFIs are allowed to issue open-ended guarantees without
clearance from State Bank of Pakistan provided banks / DFIs have secured their interest by
adequate collateral or other arrangements acceptable to the bank / DFI for issuance of such
guarantees in favour of Government departments, corporations / autonomous bodies
owned/controlled by the Government and guarantees required by the courts.
Banks / DFIs shall observe the prudential guidelines given at Annexure-IV in the matter of
classification of their asset portfolio and provisioning there-against.
3. The rescheduling / restructuring of non-performing loans shall not change the status of
classification of a loan / advance etc. unless the terms and conditions of rescheduling /
restructuring are fully met for a period of at least one year (excluding grace period, if any) from
the date of such rescheduling / restructuring and at least 10% of the outstanding amount is
recovered in cash. However, the condition of one year retention period, prescribed for
restructured / rescheduled loan account to remain in the classified category, will not apply in case
the borrower has repaid or adjusted in cash at least 50% of the total restructured loan amount
(principal + mark-up), either at the time of restructuring agreement or later-on during the grace
period if any.
The unrealized mark-up on loans (declassified after rescheduling / restructuring) shall not be
taken to income account unless at least 50% of the amount is realized in cash. However, any
short recovery in this respect will not impact the de-classification of this account if all other
criteria (meeting the terms and conditions for at least one year and payment of at least 10% of
outstanding amount by the borrower) are met. The banks / DFIs are further directed to ensure
that status of classification, as well as provisioning, is not changed in relevant reports to the State
Bank of Pakistan merely because a loan has been rescheduled or restructured. However, while
reporting to the Credit Information Bureau (CIB) of State Bank of Pakistan, such loans /
advances may be shown as ‘rescheduled / restructured’ instead of ‘default’.
Where a borrower subsequently defaults (either principal or mark-up) after the rescheduled /
restructured loan has been declassified by the bank / DFI as per above guidelines, the loan will
again be classified in the same category it was in at the time of rescheduling / restructuring and
the unrealized markup on such loans taken to income account shall also be reversed. However,
banks / DFIs at their discretion may further downgrade the classification, taking into account the
subjective criteria.
At the time of rescheduling / restructuring, banks / DFIs shall consider and examine the requests
for working capital strictly on merit, keeping in view the viability of the project / business and
appropriately securing their interest etc.
All fresh loans granted by the banks / DFIs to a party after rescheduling/ restructuring of its
existing facilities may be monitored separately, and will be subject to classification under this
Regulation on the strength of their own specific terms and conditions.
4. Banks / DFIs shall classify their loans / advances portfolio and make provisions in accordance
with the criteria prescribed above.
a. Banks are allowed to take the benefit of 30 percent of FSV of pledged stocks and mortgaged
commercial and residential properties held as collateral against all NPLs for three years from the
date of classification for calculating provisioning requirement w.e.f. 31-12-2008. . For the purpose
of determination of FSV, revised Annexure-V of PR for Corporate/Commercial Banking shall be
b. Banks/DFIs may avail the above benefit of FSV subject to compliance with the following
i) The additional impact on profitability arising from availing the benefit of FSV against
pledged stocks and mortgaged commercial and residential properties shall not be available
for payment of cash or stock dividend.
ii) Heads of Credit of respective banks/DFIs shall ensure that FSV used for taking benefit
of provisioning is determined accurately as per guidelines contained in PRs and is
reflective of market conditions under forced sale situations.
iii) Party-wise details of all such cases where banks/DFIs have availed the benefit of FSV
shall be maintained for verification by State Bank’s inspection teams during regular
/special inspection.
c. Any misuse of FSV benefit detected during regular /special inspection of SBP shall attract
strict punitive action under the relevant provisions of the Banking Companies Ordinance, 1962.
Furthermore, SBP may also withdraw the benefit of FSV from banks/DFIs found involved in its
Investment portfolio in ‘Held for Trading’ and ‘Available for Sale’ and other assets will be subject to
detailed evaluation for the purpose of their classification keeping in view various subjective and
objective factors given as under
PTCs and TFCs will be classified on the evaluation / inspection date on the basis of default in
their repayment in line with the criteria prescribed for classification of medium and long-term
facilities. Shares will be carried at the cost. However, in cases where the breakup value of such
shares is less than the cost, the difference of the cost and breakup value will be classified as
loss and provided for accordingly by charging to the Profit and Loss account of the bank / DFI.
6. Banks / DFIs shall submit the borrower-wise annual statements regarding classified loans /
advances to the Banking Inspection Department.
7. Banks / DFIs shall review, at least on a quarterly basis, the collectibility of their loans /
advances portfolio and shall properly document the evaluations so made. Shortfall in
provisioning, if any, determined, as a result of quarterly assessment shall be provided for
immediately in their books of accounts by the banks / DFIs on quarterly basis.
8. In case of cash recovery, other than rescheduling / restructuring, banks / DFIs may reverse
specific provision held against classified assets, subject to the following:
a. In case of Loss account, reversal may be made to the extent that the remaining
outstanding amount of the classified asset is covered by minimum 100% provision.
b. In case of Doubtful account, reversal may be made to the extent that the remaining
outstanding amount of the classified asset is covered by minimum 50% provision.
c. In case of Substandard account, reversal may be made to the extent that the remaining
outstanding amount of the classified asset is covered by minimum 25% provision.
While calculating the remaining provision required to be held after cash recovery and reversal of
provision there-against, the banks / DFIs will enjoy the benefit of netting-off the amount of liquid
assets from the outstanding amount, in the light of guidelines given in this regulation. However,
the provision made on the advice of State Bank of Pakistan will not be reversed without prior
approval of State Bank of Pakistan.
9. The external auditors as a part of their annual audits of banks / DFIs shall verify that all
requirements of Regulation R-8 for classification and provisioning for assets have been complied
with. The State Bank of Pakistan shall also check the adequacy of provisioning during on-site
Banks / DFIs shall not issue any guarantee or letter of comfort nor assume any obligation
whatsoever in respect of deposits, sale of investment certificates, issue of commercial papers, or
borrowings of any non-banking finance company. Banks / DFIs may, however, underwrite TFCs,
commercial papers and other debt instruments issued by NBFCs, and issue guarantees in favor
of multilateral agencies for providing credit to NBFCs, provided the banks’ / DFIs’ such exposure
remains within the per party exposure limit as prescribed in Regulation R-1. Banks / DFIs may
also allow exposure to any of their client against the guarantee of an NBFC which is rated at
least ‘A’ or equivalent by a credit rating agency on the approved panel of State Bank of Pakistan.
The total amount of guarantees issued by an NBFC, and accepted by the banks, on the strength
of which the exposure will be allowed by the commercial bank / DFI, will not exceed per party
limit of the bank / DFI as mentioned in Regulation R-1. Before taking exposure against the
guarantee of NBFC, banks / DFIs shall ensure that total guarantees issued by an NBFC in favour
of banks / DFIs do not exceed 2.5 times of capital of the NBFC as evidenced by the latest
available audited financial statements of the NBFC and such other means as the banks / DFIs
may deem appropriate.
Banks / DFIs shall formulate a policy, duly approved by their Board of Directors, about
obtaining personal guarantees of directors of private limited companies. Banks/DFIs may, at
their discretion, link this requirement to the credit rating of the borrower, their past experience
with it or its financial strength and operating performance.
Banks / DFIs shall not pay any dividend on their shares unless and until:
(a) they meet the minimum capital requirements as laid down by the State Bank of
Pakistan from time to time;
(b) all their classified assets have been fully and duly provided for in accordance with the
Prudential Regulations and to the satisfaction of the State Bank of Pakistan; and
(c) all the requirements laid down in Banking Companies Ordinance, 1962 relating to
payment of dividend are fully complied.
While extending fund based facilities to borrowers against hypothecation of stock and / or
receivables on pari-passu basis, banks / DFIs shall obtain monthly statements from borrowers
that contain a bank-wise break-up of outstanding amounts with the total value of stocks and
receivables there-against.
Banks / DFIs are free to determine the margin requirements on facilities provided by them
to their clients taking into account the risk profile of the borrower(s) in order to secure their
interests. However, this relaxation shall not apply in case of items, import of which are banned by
the Government. Banks / DFIs are advised not to open import letter of credit for these items in
any case till such time the lifting of ban on any such item is notified by the State Bank of
2. Banks / DFIs will continue to observe margin restrictions on shares / TFCs as per existing
instructions under Prudential Regulations for Corporate / Commercial Banking (R-6). Further, the
cash margin requirement of 100% on Caustic Soda (PCT heading 2815.1200) for opening Import
Letter of Credit as advised by the Federal Government and notified in terms of BPD Circular
Letter No. 5 dated 4th May, 2002, will also continue to remain applicable.
3. State Bank of Pakistan shall continue to exercise its powers for fixation / reinstatement of
margin requirements on financing facilities being provided by banks / DFIs for various purposes
including Import Letter of Credit on a particular item(s), as and when required.
The following guidelines are required to be followed by banks / DFIs incorporated in Pakistan.
They will also follow ‘Code of Corporate Governance’ issued by the Securities & Exchange
Commission of Pakistan (SECP) so long as any provision thereof does not conflict with any
provision of the Banking Companies Ordinance, 1962, Prudential Regulations and the
instructions / guidelines issued by the State Bank of Pakistan. Foreign banks are required to
adhere to these guidelines wherever feasible and applicable. However, they need not necessarily
seek approval of their Board of Directors, as stipulated below in the case of local banks / DFIs:
The “Fit and Proper Test” (FPT) is applicable on the sponsors (both individual & companies) who
apply for a commercial banking license, the investors acquiring strategic/controlling stake in the
banks/DFIs, major shareholders of the banking companies and for the appointment of Directors,
CEO, and Key Executives of the banks/DFIs. The fitness & propriety will be assessed on the
following broad elements (Annexure VII-B):
2. First three elements are applicable to all categories of individuals, whereas the last three
elements will be considered while assessing the FPT of Directors, CEO & Key Executives of
banks/DFIs. In addition to above requirements, sponsors and strategic investors are evaluated
respectively in terms of “Guidelines & Criteria for setting up of a Commercial Bank” & “Criteria for
Establishment of Islamic Commercial Banks” issued by SBP and Code of Corporate
Governance issued by SECP.
3. The sponsors, the strategic investors, and appointment of the Directors and CEO require
prior clearance in writing from SBP. The CEO and Key Executives shall be full time employees of
the bank/DFI. The Directors and CEO will not assume the charge of their respective offices until
their appointments are approved in writing by SBP. All the requests for seeking approval of SBP
for appointment of Directors & CEO of the banks/DFIs should be routed through respective
banks/DFIs along with information on Annexure-VI-A & VI-B.
4. The appointment of Key Executives will not require prior clearance of SBP. However, the
banks/DFIs must themselves ensure while appointing Key Executives that they qualify FPT in
letter and spirit. The information on appointment of Key Executive is required to be forwarded to
SBP on prescribed format at Annexure-VII-A within seven days of assumption of the charge of
the post by the incumbent. The information submitted may be checked on post fact basis by
Banking Inspection Department of SBP during inspection.
5. The sponsors are required to seek prior approval of SBP along with the information at
Annexure- VI-B and other information as required in the “Guidelines & Criteria for Setting up a
Commercial Bank” and” Criteria for Establishment of Islamic Commercial Banks”. The strategic
investors contemplating to acquire strategic/controlling stake are required to seek prior approval
from SBP either directly or through the concerned department/Ministry of Government executing
strategic sale transaction of the bank as required and provided in the transaction structure. The
bank should also ensure to give prior intimation to SBP before dealing with any
investors/bank/institutions/person for sale/purchase of sponsors/ strategic shares and seek
approval of SBP for conducting due diligence of bank/DFI in terms of BPD Circular No. 8 of 2003.
6. The major shareholders are required to seek prior approval in writing from SBP for
acquiring 5% or more shares along-with information on Annexure- VI-B, with proper justification
for holding more than 5% shares of the paid up capital. All the banks/DFIs are required to ensure
that major shareholders have sought such an approval from SBP and place it on record.
a. All sponsor shares and subsequent right and bonus shares shall be deposited in a
blocked account with CDC. The procedure for deposit of sponsor shares in the CDC
blocked account is provided at Annexure-XI.
b. No withdrawal of the sponsor shares from the blocked account would be allowed without
prior written permission of SBP.
c. Blocked account should be opened by the sponsor shareholders of banks exclusively for
deposit of the sponsor shares and subsequent right and bonus shares issued thereon.
d. Charges for opening and operating of the blocked account with CDC will be borne by the
sponsor shareholders.
e. These instructions shall not be applicable to the shareholding of Federal and provincial
governments in banks.
8. Fit & Proper Test prescribed in the guideline is continuous in nature. All persons subject to
FPT should immediately submit any change in the information already submitted (at the time of
clearance) either through Company Secretary or Human Resources Department to Banking
Policy and Regulations Department. Violation of the instructions, circumvention, concealment,
misreporting and delay in submission of information to SBP may result in withdrawal of SBP
approval, besides penal action under the provisions of BCO.
The Board of Directors shall assume its role independent of the influence of the Management
and should know its responsibilities and powers in clear terms. It should be ensured that the
Board of Directors focus on policy making and general direction, oversight and supervision of the
affairs and business of the bank / DFI and does not play any role in the day-to-day operations, as
that is the role of the Management.
2. The Board shall approve and monitor the objectives, strategies and overall business plans of
the institution and shall oversee that the affairs of the institution are carried out prudently within
the framework of existing laws & regulations and high business ethics.
3. All the members of the Board should undertake and fulfill their duties & responsibilities keeping
in view their legal obligations under all the applicable laws and regulations. All Board members
should preferably attend at least 1-2 weeks training program(s) which will enable them to play
effective role as a director of bank/DFI, at an institution like Pakistan Institute of Corporate
Governance or other similar institution within first year of their directorship on the Board of bank/
4. The Board shall clearly define the authorities and key responsibilities of both the Directors and
the Senior Management without delegating its policy-making powers to the Management and
shall ensure that the Management is in the hands of qualified personnel.
5. The Board shall approve and ensure implementation of policies, including but not limited to, in
areas of Risk Management, Credit, Treasury & Investment, Internal Control System and Audit, IT
Security, Human Resource, Expenditure, Accounting & Disclosure, and any other operational
area which the Board and/or the Management may deem appropriate from time to time. The
Board shall also be responsible to review and update existing policies periodically and whenever
circumstances justify.
6. As regards Internal Audit or Internal Control, a separate department shall be created which
shall be manned preferably by professionals responsible to conduct audit of the bank’s/DFI’s
various Divisions, Offices, Units, Branches etc. in accordance with the guidelines of the Audit
Manual duly approved by the Broad of Directors. The Head of this department will report directly
to the Board of Directors or Board Committee on Internal Audit.
7. The business conditions and markets are ever changing and so are their requirements. The
Board, therefore, is required to ensure existence of an effective ‘Management Information
System’ to remain fully informed of the activities, operating performance and financial condition
of the institution, the environment in which it operates, the various risks it is exposed to and to
evaluate performance of the Management at regular intervals.
8. The Board should meet frequently (preferably on monthly basis, but in any event, not less than
once every quarter) and the individual directors of an institution should attend at least half of the
meetings held in a financial year. The Board should ensure that it receives sufficient information
from Management on the agenda items well in advance of each meeting to enable it to effectively
participate in and contribute to each meeting. Any advisor, if appointed by the Board member,
shall neither attend the Board meeting(s) on behalf of the Board member nor shall regularly sit in
the Board meeting(s) as an observer or any other capacity.
9. The Board should carry out its responsibilities in such a way that the external auditors and
supervisors can see and form judgment on the quality of Board’s work and its contributions
through proper and detailed minutes of the deliberations held and decisions taken during the
Board meetings.
10. To share the load of activities, the Board may form specialized committees with well-defined
objectives, authorities and tenure. These committees, preferably comprising of ‘Non-Executive’
Board members, shall oversee areas like audit, risk management, credit, recruitment,
compensation etc. These committees of the Board should neither indulge in day-to-day
affairs/operations of the bank nor enjoy any credit approval authority for transaction/limits. These
committees should apprise the Board of their activities and achievements on regular basis.
11. The Board should ensure that it receives management letter from the external auditors
without delay. It should also be ensured that appropriate action is taken in consultation with the
Audit Committee of the Board to deal with control or other weaknesses identified in the
management letter. A copy of that letter should be submitted to the State Bank of Pakistan so
that it can monitor follow-up actions.
No member of the Board of Directors of a bank / DFI holding 5% or more of the paid-up capital of
the bank/DFI either individually or in concert with family members or concerns/companies in
which he / she has the controlling interest, shall be appointed in the bank/DFI in any capacity
except as Chief Executive of the bank/DFI. Further, maximum two members of Board of
Directors of a bank/DFI including its CEO can be the Executive Directors.
2. The banks/DFIs during a calendar year may pay a reasonable and appropriate remuneration
for attending the Board or its committee (ies) meeting(s), to their non-executive directors and
chairman. However, the remuneration to be paid shall be linked to the actual number of Board or
committee meetings attended by an individual director / chairman i.e. no fixed remuneration on
periodical basis (monthly or yearly etc.) shall be paid to the non-executive directors. Furthermore,
the scale of remuneration to be paid to the non-executive directors and chairman for attending
the Board and / or committee meetings shall be approved by the shareholders on a pre or post
facto basis in the Annual General Meeting. However, no such remuneration shall be paid to the
executive directors, except usual TA/DA as per banks/ DFIs standard rules and regulations.
Banks/DFIs shall also ensure that except as mentioned above, no additional payment or
perquisites will be paid to the non-executive directors and chairman. Furthermore, no
consultancy or allied work will be awarded to the non-executive directors or to the firms /
institutions/ companies etc. in which they hold substantial interest.
3. The Directors on the Boards of banks/DFIs should not appoint, at the bank’s/DFI’s expense,
any advisor(s) to assist them in discharge of their duties / responsibilities as members of the
Board of Directors of a bank/DFI. In case any Board member feels it necessary to appoint an
advisor for his/her assistance, his/her remuneration/expenses shall be borne by the concerned
Board member himself/herself. Furthermore, the advisor so appointed by the Board member
shall be required to sign an appropriate confidentiality agreement to ensure confidentiality of
documents / information that may come to his/her knowledge, before assuming any such role.
Banks / DFIs shall put in place a Compliance Program to ensure that all relevant laws are
complied with, in letter and spirit, and, thus, minimize legal and regulatory risks. For this
purpose, the Board of Directors, or Country Manager in case of foreign banks, shall appoint /
designate a suitably qualified and experienced person as Compliance Officer on a countrywide
basis, who may be assisted by other Compliance Officers down the line. The Head of
Compliance will report directly to the President / Chief Executive Officer of the bank / DFI. The
Compliance Officers will primarily be responsible for bank’s / DFI’s effective compliance relating
2. Banks / DFIs are, however, free to add other areas of compliance under the
responsibilities of Compliance Officer and consider setting up a compliance committee under
him, as they deem fit to protect the interest of the institution.
3. The Compliance Officers will (i) serve as a contact point between President /Chief
Executive Officer and senior management, with regard to functioning of the compliance program
(ii) provide assistance in this area to branches and other departments of the bank / DFI, and (iii)
act as liaison with State Bank of Pakistan concerning the issues related to compliance.
4. Banks / DFIs are, therefore, advised to put in place, in writing, a complete program of
compliance down the line under the supervision of a Compliance Officer.
Banks / DFIs shall strictly follow the guidelines contained in the ‘Fit and Proper Test’ (FPT)
during the course of appointment of key executives particularly those having the following
functional responsibilities:
1. Any executive, acting as second to CEO including Chief Operating Officer, Deputy
Managing Director or by whatever name called
2. Chief Financial Officer / Head of Finance / Head of Accounts
3. Head of Internal Audit
4. Country Treasurer
5. Head of Credit/ Risk Management
6. Head of Operations
7. Head of Compliance
8. Head of Human Resource
9. Head of Information Technology
10. Head of Islamic Banking
2. The banks / DFIs should also develop and implement appropriate screening procedures to
ensure high standards and integrity at the time of hiring all employees, whether contractual or
Banks / DFIs shall not enter into leasing, renting and sale / purchase of any kind with their
directors, officers, employees or such persons who either individually or in concert with family
members beneficially own 5% or more of the equity of the bank / DFI. This restriction does not
apply in case of purchase of vehicles by the paid directors, officers or employees of the banks /
DFIs which remained in their own use, provided such sale is covered under the employees
service rules duly approved by the Board of Directors of the banks / DFIs and is effected by the
banks / DFIs at least at book value at the date of such transaction.
(a) take unsecured exposure on, or take exposure against the guarantee of:
(i) any of their directors;
(ii) any of the family members of any of their directors;
(iii) any firm or private company in which the bank / DFI or any of the persons referred to
in (i) or (ii) are interested as director, proprietor or partner; or
(iv) any public limited company in which the bank / DFI or any of the persons as aforesaid
are substantially interested; and
(v) their Chief Executive and shareholders holding 5% or more of the share capital of the
bank / DFI, including their spouses, parents, and children or to firms and companies in
which they are interested as partners, directors or shareholders holding 5% or more of
the share capital of that concern.
(b) take any exposure on any of their directors or to individuals, firms or companies in which
they or any of their directors, either directly in the borrowing entity or in any of its group
companies, hold key management positions, or are interested as partner, director or
guarantor, as the case may be, their Chief Executives and shareholders holding 5% or
more of the share capital of the bank / DFI, including their spouses, parents, and children
or to firms and companies in which they are interested as partners, directors or
shareholders holding 5% or more of the share capital of that concern, without the approval
of the majority of the directors of that bank / DFI excluding the director concerned. The
facilities to the persons mentioned above shall be extended at market terms and
conditions and be dealt with at arm length basis.
Banks / DFIs shall strictly observe the following rules in the matter of making any donation /
contribution for charitable, social, educational or public welfare purposes:
(i) The total donations/contributions made by the bank / DFI during the year shall not exceed
such amount as approved by their Board of Directors. It is expected that banks / DFIs
making these donations / contributions would have already met provisioning and capital
adequacy requirements.
(ii) The banks / DFIs shall develop policy / guidelines duly approved by the Board of Directors
for making donations/contributions.
2. All donations or contributions to be made during the year must be specifically approved by the
Board of Directors on pre or post facto basis as convenient.
3. Banks / DFIs are further directed to expressly disclose in their annual audited financial
statements the total donation / contribution made during the year along with names of donees, to
whom total donations/ contributions during the year were made in excess of Rs 100,000/. In the case
of donations where any director or his family members have interest in the donee, the names of such
directors, their interest in the donee and the names and addresses of all donees, shall also be given.
With a view to safeguard the interest of prospective investors, depositors and creditors, it shall
be mandatory for all banks / DFIs to have themselves credit rated by a credit rating agency on the
approved panel of the State Bank of Pakistan.
2. Foreign banks which are credit rated by M/s. Standard & Poor, Moody’s Fitch-Ibca and Japan
Credit Rating Agency (JCRA) are given a minimum rating of A3 / A- and above shall be exempt from
the application of this requirement. All other foreign banks have to go through credit rating process in
3. The credit rating will be an ongoing process i.e. credit rating should be updated on a
continuous basis from year to year, within six months from the date of close of each financial year
and the rating report complete in all respects be submitted to the State Bank of Pakistan and made
public within a period of seven days of the notification of rating by the credit rating agency. Further,
the banks / DFIs will disclose their credit rating prominently in their published annual and quarterly
financial statements.
In view of recent heightened global efforts to prevent the possible use of the banking
sector for money laundering, terrorist financing, transfer of illegal/ill-gotten monies, and as
conduit for white collar crime etc., the importance of ‘Know Your Customer (KYC) / customer due
diligence’ has increased. In line with the international best practices, as also to ensure
transparency/prudence in banking transactions while starting relationship with a new customer
and maintaining and continuing relationship with existing customers, the following minimum
guidelines are required to be followed by banks / DFIs. However, banks / DFIs are free to obtain
any further information/documents from customers/other banks / DFIs as they deem fit, provided
the same are reasonable and applied across the board.
2. Each Bank / DFI shall formulate and keep in place, in writing, a comprehensive Know-
Your-Customer policy duly approved by their Board of Directors and in case of branches of
foreign banks, approved by their head office, and cascade the same down the line to each and
every branch/office/ concerned officers for strict compliance.
3. All reasonable efforts shall be made to determine true identity of every prospective
customer. For this purpose, minimum set of documents given at Annexure-VIII must be obtained
from various types of customers/ account holder(s). While opening bank account of
“proprietorships”, the requirements laid down for individuals at serial No.(1) of Annexure-VIII
shall apply except the requirement mentioned at No.(3) of the Annexure. Banks / DFIs should
exercise extra care in view of the fact that constituent documents are not available in such cases
to confirm existence or otherwise of the proprietorships.
However, the banks/DFIs should not pass on the cost of verification of CNIC from NADRA
database to their account holder(s) (either existing or prospective).
5. Bank / DFI and their branches shall obtain satisfactory evidence duly verified /
authenticated by the branch manager which shall be placed on record in respect of (i) the true
identity of the beneficial owners of all accounts opened by a person, entity etc, (ii) the real party
in interest or controlling person/entity of the account(s) in case of nominee or minors account.
6. Banks/DFIs shall ensure that government accounts are not opened in the personal names of
the government official(s). Any such account, which is to be operated by an officer of the
Federal/Provincial/Local Government in his/her official capacity, shall be opened only on
production of a special resolution/ authority from the concerned administrative department duly
endorsed by the Ministry of Finance or Finance Department of the concerned Provincial or Local
7. Banks / DFIs are also advised that KYC/customer due diligence is not a one time exercise
to be conducted at the time of entering into a formal relationship with customer/account holder.
KYC/customer due diligence is an on-going process for prudent banking practices. To this end,
banks / DFIs are required to:
8. Banks / DFIs shall develop guidelines for customer due diligence, including a description of
the types of customers that are likely to pose a higher than average risk to a bank / DFI. In
preparing such policies, factors such as customers’ background, country of origin, public or high
profile position, nature of business, etc. should be considered. Enhanced due diligence shall be
(i) To high-risk customers such as those belonging to countries where KYC and money
laundering regulations are lax, those with links to offshore tax havens, customers in
cash based businesses in high-value items, and high net worth customers with no
clearly identifiable source of income etc.
(ii) Where they have reason to believe that the customer has been refused banking
facilities by another bank / DFI.
(iii) For opening of correspondent banks’ accounts, and taking appropriate measures to
obtain all relevant information about the respondent bank.
(iv) In dealing with non-face-to-face/ on-line customers. Adequate measures in this regard
should also be in place, e.g. independent verification by a reliable third party, client
report from the previous bank / DFI of the customer etc.
ii) For all other bank clients/customers including depositors & borrowers, banks/DFIs
shall obtain the attested copies of CNICs by June 30, 2009. Banks/DFIs shall
discontinue relationship with such customers who fail to submit a copy of their
CNIC by the above deadline.
iii) Banks/DFIs are encouraged to carry on public campaign through print/ electronic
media individually as well as through Pakistan Banks’ Association for creating
public awareness on requirement of CNIC for banking purposes. They are also
advised to confirm compliance with the subject instructions by the above extended
9. Banks / DFIs will also undertake customer due diligence measures, including identifying
and verifying the identity of walk-in-customers conducting transactions above an appropriate limit
to be prescribed by the banks / DFIs themselves.
10. State Bank of Pakistan, during the course of inspection, would particularly check the
efficacy of the KYC system put in place by the banks / DFIs and its compliance by all the
branches and the staff members. Appropriate action shall be taken against the bank / DFI and
the concerned staff members for non-compliance and negligence in this area, under the
provisions of Banking Companies Ordinance, 1962.
Banks / DFIs are advised to follow the following guidelines to safeguard themselves
against their involvement in money-laundering activities, and other unlawful trades. These will
add to or reinforce the precautions, banks / DFIs may have been taking on their own in this
(a) Banks / DFIs shall ensure that their business is conducted in conformity with high ethical
standards and that banking laws and regulations are adhered to. It is accepted that banks /
DFIs normally do not have effective means of knowing whether a transaction stems from or
forms part of wrongful activity. Similarly, in an international context, it may be difficult to
ensure that cross border transactions on behalf of customers are in compliance with the
regulations of another country. Nevertheless banks / DFIs should not set out to offer
services or provide active assistance in transactions, which in their opinion, are associated
with money derived from illegal activities.
(b) Specific procedures be established for ascertaining customer’s status and his source of
earnings, for monitoring of accounts on a regular basis, for checking identities and
bonafides of remitters and beneficiaries, for retaining internal record of transactions for
future reference. The transactions, which are out of character/inconsistent with the history,
pattern, or normal operation of the account involving heavy deposits / withdrawals /
transfers, should be viewed with suspicion and properly investigated.
(c) Banks/ DFIs are required to include accurate and meaningful originator information (name,
address and account number) on funds transfers including wire transfers and related
messages that are sent, and the information should remain with the transfer or related
message throughout the payment chain. However, banks/ DFIs may, if satisfied, substitute
the requirement of mentioning address with CNIC, Passport, Driving license or similar
identification number for this purpose.
(d) For an effective implementation of banks’ / DFIs’ policy and procedures relating to anti
money laundering / other unlawful trades, suitable training be imparted to members of staff
and they be informed of their responsibility in this regard.
Keeping in view the above principles, banks / DFIs shall issue necessary instructions for
guidance and implementation by all concerned.
The records of transactions and identification data etc. maintained by banks / DFIs occupy
critical importance as for as legal proceedings are concerned. The prudence demands that such
records may be maintained in systematic manner with exactness of period of preservation to
avoid any set back on legal and reputational fronts. Banks / DFIs shall therefore, maintain, for a
minimum period of five years, all necessary records on transactions, both domestic and
international. The records so maintained must be sufficient to permit reconstruction of individual
transactions (including the amounts and types of currency involved, if any) so as to provide, if
necessary, to SBP or law enforcement agencies for investigation or as an evidence in legal
proceedings. Banks / DFIs shall, however, retain those records for longer period where
transactions relate to litigation or are required by the Court of law or by any other competent
2. The banks / DFIs shall keep records on the identification data obtained through the
customer due diligence process (e.g. copies or records of official identification documents like
passports, identity cards, driving licenses or similar documents), account files and business
correspondence for at least five years after the business relationship is ended.
3. The records relating to the suspicious transactions reported by the bank / DFI will be
retained by the bank / DFI, even after the lapse of the period prescribed above, till such time the
bank / DFI gets permission from State Bank of Pakistan to destroy such record.
The banks / DFIs shall gather sufficient information about their correspondent banks to
understand fully the nature of their business. Factors to consider include:
• Know your customer policy (KYC)
• Information about the correspondent bank’s management and ownership
• Major business activities
• Their location
• Money laundering prevention and detection measures
• The purpose of the account
• The identity of any third party that will use the correspondent banking services (i.e. in case
of payable through accounts)
• Condition of the bank regulation and supervision in the correspondent’s country
2. The banks / DFIs should establish correspondent relationships with only those foreign
banks that have effective customer acceptance and KYC policies and are effectively supervised
by the relevant authorities.
3. The banks / DFIs should refuse to enter into or continue a correspondent banking
relationship with a bank incorporated in a jurisdiction in which it (the correspondent bank) has no
physical presence and which is unaffiliated with a regulated financial group (i.e., shell banks).
The banks / DFIs should also guard against establishing relations with correspondent foreign
financial institutions that permit their accounts to be used by shell banks.
4. The banks / DFIs should pay particular attention when continuing relationships with
correspondent banks located in jurisdictions that have poor KYC standards or have been
identified by Financial Action Task Force as being “non-cooperative” in the fight against money
5. The banks / DFIs should be particularly alert to the risk that correspondent accounts might
be used directly by third parties to transact business on their own behalf (e.g., payable-through-
accounts). In such circumstances, the banks / DFIs must satisfy themselves that the
correspondent bank has verified the identity of and performed on-going due diligence on the
customers having direct access to accounts of the correspondent bank / DFI and that it is able to
provide relevant customer identification data upon request to the correspondent bank / DFI.
6. Approval should be obtained from senior management, preferably at the level of Executive
Vice President or equivalent, before establishing new correspondent banking relationships.
The banks / DFIs should pay special attention to all complex, unusually large transactions,
and all unusual patterns of transactions, which have no apparent economic or visible lawful
purpose. Examples of such suspicious transactions are listed at Annexure-IX. However, these
are not intended to be exhaustive and only provide examples of the most basic ways in which
money may be laundered. The back ground and purpose of such transactions should, as far as
possible, be examined, the findings established in writing, and be available to help the relevant
authorities in inspection and investigation.
2. If the bank / DFI suspects, or has reasonable grounds to suspect, that funds are the
proceeds of a criminal activity or terrorist financing, it should report promptly, its suspicions,
through Compliance Officer of the bank / DFI to Director General, Financial Monitoring Unit,
Karachi. The report should contain, at a minimum, the following information:
(a) Title, type and number of the accounts.
(b) Amounts involved.
(c) Detail of the transactions.
(d) Reasons for suspicion.
State Bank has been encouraging banks / DFIs to make use of technology and upgrade their
systems and procedures in accordance with the changing profile of various risks. Accordingly, all
banks / DFIs are advised to implement systems which could flag out of pattern transactions for
reporting suspicious transactions.
The existing list of examples of suspicious transactions as Annexure-IX is supplemented with the
enclosed list of characteristics of financial transactions that may be a cause for increased
scrutiny as Annexure-X.
3. The employees of the banks / DFIs are strictly prohibited to disclose the fact to the
customer or any irrelevant quarter that a suspicious transaction or related information is being
reported for investigation.
Banks shall not undertake any business of cash payments, other than the authorized place
of business, except through the installation of Automated Teller Machine (ATM). Banks desirous
of providing the facility of withdrawal through Authorized Merchant Establishments at various
Points of Sale (POS) may do so upto a maximum cash limit of Rs 10,000/- For this purpose,
adequate and suitable security measures should be put in place for cash feeding and safety of
the machines.
2. Banks may do collection and payment of cash for their prime customers through cash
carrying companies registered with concerned Government department. This facility should,
however, be provided through designated branches of the banks and after the banks have
devised procedures including necessary security measures.
Banks / DFIs shall refrain from adopting any measures or practices whereby they would
either artificially or temporarily show an ostensibly different position of bank’s / DFI’s accounts as
given in their financial statements. Particular care shall be taken in showing their deposits, MCR,
non-performing loans/assets, provisioning, profit, inter-branch and inter-bank accounts, etc.
All entries outstanding in the Inter-Branch Accounts (by whatever name called) and / or
Suspense Account must be reconciled / cleared and taken to the proper head of account within a
maximum period of 30 days from the date the entry is made in the above-named accounts.
2. Entries made in Suspense Account on account of tax at source, advance tax paid, tax
recoverable, advance expense on new branches, advance rent paid, legal expenses, mark-up /
service charge recoverable, Qarze Hasna for marriage, and forward cover fee, may be classified
as “Other Assets” and the above instructions shall not be applicable to the foregoing items.
Besides, entries relating to frauds and forgeries, cash theft and looted, payments against equity,
scrips / debt instruments and contributory payments of capital nature to be capitalized at a later
stage shall also be excluded from the purview of the said regulation. The exclusion of entries
relating to frauds and forgeries, cash theft and looted will, however, be subject to the condition
that the same are cleared immediately on receipt of insurance claims. Further, outstanding
amount of the premium on Crop Loan Insurance Scheme (CLIS) receivable from Government of
Pakistan (GoP) shall also be classified in other assets. The outstanding amount shall, however,
be reconciled/cleared immediately on reimbursement of premium amount from the GoP
3. Banks / DFIs shall institute an effective internal control system for the operations of Inter-
Branch and Suspense Accounts, which ensures reconciliation / clearing of the entries in shortest
possible time and also clearly fixes the responsibilities on the official(s) for neglecting the timely
reconciliation and clearance.
Every bank / DFI shall maintain in Pakistan not less than 80% of the assets created by it
against such time and demand liabilities as specified in Part-A of Form X (prescribed under Rule
17 of the Banking Companies Rules, 1963). Accordingly, assets held abroad by any bank / DFI
shall not, at any point in time, exceed 20% of its time and demand liabilities specified in the said
Form X. All other assets financed from sources other than time and demand liabilities specified in
the said Form X shall be held within Pakistan.
Banks shall not invest FE 25 deposits in foreign currency / local currency denominated
instruments below investment grade. Neither, shall they invest / place such deposits in fund
management schemes of other banks / DFIs / NBFCs whether in Pakistan or abroad.
2. Banks shall be required to maintain the prescribed ratio of Cash Reserve/Special Cash
Reserve against FE 25 deposits in US Dollars.
3. Placement of funds of FE-25 deposits with any one bank / financial institution, whether in
Pakistan or abroad, shall be subject to the following conditions:
(a) The investing bank shall comply with Regulation R-1 (Annexure-1 Para F), which
mentions different weightages according to credit ratings of financial institutions.
(b) The investing bank will not place in a single institution an amount exceeding 25% of
the total investable funds, available with the investing bank, under the FE-25 Deposit
The conditions above shall, however, not be applicable on placement of funds by the bank with
its own branches overseas. Furthermore, compliance with all other relevant Prudential
Regulations shall also be ensured.
4. Banks shall be free to decide the rate of return on deposits mobilized under FE-25.
5. Banks shall be free to use such deposits for their trade-related activities provided the
exchange risks are adequately covered and a square position is maintained.
6. Foreign currency deposits mobilized under FE 25 scheme, after netting-off the deposits
utilized to finance trade related activities such as financing against Import and Export documents,
should not at any point exceed twenty percent of the local currency deposits of the banks at the
close of business on the last working day of the preceding quarter. Banks/DFIs may also exclude
FE-25 Deposits in the form of the Foreign Direct Investment and funds received for social and
economic uplift through international donor agencies / welfare organizations from the calculation
of limit on FE-25 Deposits prescribed in Para 6 of Regulation O-5. This will, however, be subject
to the condition that the banks / DFIs will obtain an undertaking from the Account Holder that
such funds are remitted from abroad and would be used for poverty alleviation and socio-
economic uplift. The genuineness of all such exclusions will be verified by the SBP Inspectors
during the subsequent inspections.
7. Banks will report the equivalent Pak Rupee amount (with a foot note on $ equivalent) of
FE 25 deposits utilized for trade related activities under newly created code No.80-05 of their
Weekly Statement of Position submitted to the Banking Supervision Department.
A) 100% of the deposits placed with lending bank / DFI, under perfected lien and in the
same currency, as that of the loan, shall be excluded.
D) 50% of listed Term Finance Certificates held as security with duly marked lien shall
be deducted. The TFCs to qualify for this purpose should have been rated at least
‘A’ or equivalent by a credit rating agency on the approved panel of State Bank of
The banks / DFIs shall, however, ensure that the overall limit for each financial
institution in respect of inter-bank placements is invariably approved by their
Board of Directors.
2. For the purpose of this regulation, exposure shall not include the following:
(i) Loans and advances (including bills purchased and discounted) given to the Federal
Government or any of their agencies under the commodity operations program of
the Federal Government, or guaranteed by the Federal Government.
(ii) Obligations under letters of credit and letters of guarantee to the extent of cash
margin held by the bank / DFI.
(iii) Letters of credit, which do not create any obligation on the part of the bank / DFI (no
liability L/C) to make payments on account of imports.
(v) Facilities provided to commercial banks / DFIs through REPO transactions with
underlying SLR eligible securities.
(vii) Letters of credit established for the import of plant and machinery.
Date of Request._______________
Name Address
Name Address
Name Address CNIC # Phone #
Name Address CNIC # Phone #
Sole Proprietorship Partnership Public / Private Limited Company
Industrial Commercial Agricultural Services Any other
Amount Tenor
Fund Based
Non-Fund Based
Imports Exports Remittances effected (if any)
Names of Institutions/persons to Amount of Validity NIC # NTN Net-worth
the whom Guarantee given Guarantee Period
21. Latest Audited Financial Statements as per requirements of Regulation R-3 to be submitted with the LAF (Loan
Application Form).
22. Memorandum and Articles of Association, By-laws etc. to be submitted by the borrower alongwith the request.
Date of Request._______________
Name Address
Amount Tenor
Fund Based
Non-Fund Based
I certify and undertake that the information furnished above is true to the best
of my knowledge.
For bid bonds issued on behalf of local consultancy firms bidding for international contracts
where the consultancy fees are to be received in foreign exchange, and including Bid Bonds
issued on behalf of all contractors of goods and services bidding against International Tenders.
(i) Guarantees issued should contain clause that the mobilization advance and other
proceeds under the contract shall be routed by the beneficiary/project owner through
the account of the contractors maintained with the guaranteeing bank / DFI.
(ii) At the time of issuing such guarantee the Construction Company/contractor shall sign
an agreement with the bank / DFI that cash proceeds out of mobilization advance will
be released as per satisfaction of the bank / DFI about the progress of the contract.
4. While issuing guarantees to the exporters of cotton in terms of F.E. Circular No. 77 dated
December 4, 1988, banks / DFIs may settle the type and quantum of security with their
5. Issue of performance bonds/bid bonds and guarantees issued for mobilization advances
on behalf of the manufacturers of engineering goods. The term ‘engineering goods’ shall have
the same meanings as are given to locally manufactured machinery in State Bank of Pakistan
scheme for financing locally manufactured machinery. Such condition may, however, not be
necessary in case of guarantees issued by the International Banks.
Notes :
1) Classified loans / advances that have been guaranteed by the Government would not require
provisioning, however, mark up / interest on such accounts to be taken to Memorandum Account
instead of Income Account.
2) FSV shall be determined in accordance with the guidelines contained in Annexure-V to these
Only liquid assets, pledged stock, and residential & commercial property having registered or
equitable mortgage shall be considered for taking benefit for provisioning provided no NOC for
creating further charge to another bank / DFI /NBFC has been issued by bank / DFI. The
aforesaid assets having pari-passu charge shall be considered on proportionate basis of
outstanding amount.
2. Hypothecated assets, industrial land and building together with plant and machinery thereon,
and assets with second charge and floating charge shall not be considered for taking the benefit
for provisioning.
3. Valuations shall be carried out by an independent professional evaluator who should be listed
on the panel of evaluators maintained by the Pakistan Banks’ Association (PBA) for this purpose.
PBA shall lay down the minimum eligibility criteria with the prior approval of the State Bank of
Pakistan for placement of evaluators on the panel to be maintained by it. The evaluator while
assigning any values to the pledged stock and mortgaged residential and commercial property
shall take into account all relevant factors affecting the salability of such assets including any
difficulty in obtaining their possession, their location, condition and the prevailing economic
conditions in the relevant sector, business or industry. The values of pledged stock and
mortgaged residential and commercial property so determined by the evaluators must have to be
a reasonably good estimate of the amount that could currently be obtained by selling such assets
in a forced / distressed sale condition. The evaluators should also mention in their report the
assumptions made, the calculations / formulae /basis used and the method adopted in
determination of the values i.e. the forced sales value (FSV).
4. The valuation process will include conducting a ‘Full-scope Valuation’ of the assets in the first
year and then followed by ‘Desktop Valuations’ in the second and third year. Full scope
valuation shall be valid for three years from the date of last valuation; and, at the time of
classification, the Full scope valuation shall not be more than one year old.
5. The following may be noted in respect of the Desktop and Full-scope Evaluations:
• Desktop Evaluation is defined as “an Interim Brief Review of Full-scope Evaluation, so that any
significant change in the factors, on which the full-scope valuation was based, is accounted for
and brought to the notice of the lending bank / DFI.”• In case the loans exceed Rs 100 million,
the Desktop valuation will be done by the same evaluator, who had conducted the full-scope
evaluation (the evaluator should be on the approved panel of the PBA) whereas for loans below
this threshold, the Desktop evaluation may be done by the banks / DFIs themselves or by the
approved evaluators. For conducting Desktop evaluation, the evaluators will pay a short visit to
the bank / DFI and the borrower’s site. The bank’s / DFI’s responsibility in this respect will be to
ensure that the evaluation is contacted for conducting Desktop Evaluation, and will provide all
necessary information to the evaluators, which are materially important for the interim review
(Desktop Evaluation).
• The Desktop Evaluation shall be used for determining any additional provisioning requirement
and thus the same shall not result in reducing the provisioning requirement, assessed on the
basis of full-scope evaluation.
• In cases where the evaluators are not allowed by the borrowers to enter in their premises, the
full-scope evaluation, conducted as such, will not be accepted for provisioning benefit.
6. State Bank may check the valuations of the mortgaged assets through an independent
evaluator, on random basis, to verify the reasonableness of the valuations. The unjustified
differences in the valuations of the banks / DFIs and State Bank of Pakistan shall render the
concerned bank/DFI and evaluator to penal actions including, interalia, withdrawal of FSV
7. The categories of pledged stock and mortgaged residential and commercial property to be
considered for valuation along with discounting factors to be applied would be as under (no other
assets shall be taken into consideration):
a) Liquid Assets:
Valuation of Liquid Assets shall be determined by the bank / DFI itself and verified by the
external auditors. However, in the case of pledged shares of listed companies, values should be
taken at market value as per active list of Stock Exchange(s) on the balance sheet date.
Moreover, valuation of shares pledged against loans/advances shall be considered only if these
have been routed through Central Depository Company of Pakistan (CDC), otherwise these will
not be admissible for deduction as liquid assets while determining required provisions.
c) Pledged Stocks:
In case of pledged stocks of perishable and non-perishable goods, forced sale value should be
provided by evaluators, which should not be more than six months old, at each balance sheet
date. The goods should be perfectly pledged, the operation of the godown(s) or warehouse(s)
should be in the control of the bank/DFI and regular valid insurance and other documents should
be available. In case of perishable goods, the evaluator should also give the approximate date
when these are expected to be of no value.
If you have changed your name, state previous name and reason for change
Academic Education
Qualification Name & Address of Degree Date of Completion
Awarding Institution
Professional Education
Qualification Name & Address of Institution/ Date of Completion
Professional Body
Training(s); if any
Existing Employment
Official Address
Please provide complete and true particulars of all business(es), including proprietary
concern/partnership firms, companies, in which you have been associated as a proprietor,
partner or a director thereof during the last ten years and the accounts maintained by them:
Name of the Proprietary Name of Bank and/or NBFIs Account Number(s)
Concern/Partnership Firm/ Together with Name of
Company Branches
Position held during the last ten years (along with name and address of company / institution/
body where appointment held, nature of the company/institution/body and dates of
Position of the shares held in the bank Number of shares held as of _________
As a Sponsor Shareholder
• Own name
• In name of your company
• In name of your family member
Other than Sponsor Shareholder
• Own name
• In name of your company
• In name of your family member
(On Non-Judicial Stamp Paper)
b. that the deponent undertake that the State Bank of Pakistan may seek additional information
from any third party it deems necessary in view of assessing “Fit and Proper Test”
c. that the deponent undertake to bring to the attention of the State Bank of Pakistan any matter
which may potentially affect my status as being someone fit and proper as and when it crops
up; and
d. that whatever is stated above is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing
has been concealed therefrom.
The Deponent is identified by me
Signature _______________________
(Name and Seal)
(Name and Seal)
Please answer the following questions by entering a tick (9) in the appropriate box. If
answer of any of these questions in YES and need explanation, use a separate sheet with
proper reference to the question.
Yes No
name/designation called) of a Exchange Company (firm or sole
proprietorship), member of a Stock Exchange, Corporate Brokerage
17. Are you owing/controlling any Exchange Company or Corporate Entity?
18. Have you been or are you working as consultant or adviser of bank/DFI
in which you intend to become a director?
19. Are you employee of the bank/DFI?
20. Are you employee of a company/entity/organization where sponsor
shareholders of bank/DFI have substantial interest?
21. Are you a member/office bearer of any political party or member of
Senate/National/Provincial Assembly/Local Body?
22. If independent director, have you enclosed declaration in this behalf?
23. Any other information that is relevant for the purpose of SBP and needs
to be mentioned?
Signature _____________________
Name _____________________
Position _____________________
Date _____________________
Father’s Name
Academic Qualification
Qualification Name & Address of Degree Date of Completion
Awarding Institution
Professional Qualification
Qualification Name & Address of Degree Date of Completion
Awarding Institution
Training(s); if any
Has ever been censured or penalized by any financial regulator (local or Yes No
If yes, reasons for adverse findings and amount of penalty imposed (if any)
ii) Has not been subject to any adverse findings or any settlement in
civil/criminal proceedings particularly with regard to investments, financial
matters/business, misconduct, fraud, formation or management of a
corporate body etc by SBP, other regulatory authorities (within or outside
Pakistan), professional bodies or government bodies/agencies.
iii) Has not contravened any of the requirements and standards of SBP or the
equivalent standards/requirements of other regulatory authorities (outside
Pakistan as well), professional bodies or government bodies/agencies.
iv) Has not been involved with (management or conduct of the affairs of) a
company/firm or any other organization that has been refused
registration/licence to carry out trade, business etc.
v) Has not been involved with (management or conduct of the affairs of) a
company/firm whose registration/licence has been revoked or cancelled or
gone into liquidation or other similar proceedings due to mismanagement of
affairs, financial misconduct or mal practices.
vi) Has not been debarred for being Chief Executive, Chairman, Director,
Controlling Shareholder/Sponsor or Key Executive of a company/firm or in
similar capacity.
vii) The person must have an impeccable track record in the companies served
either in the capacity of an employee or director/Chief Executive or as
viii) Has not been demoted, dismissed or forced to resign from employment by
the bank/DFI, or has not been removed by any regulator or government
body, in the capacity of employee, director, chairman or key executive of the
company/firm or any other position of trust.
i) Has not been associated with any illegal activity concerning banking
business, deposit taking, financial dealing and other business.
ii) Has not been in default of payment of dues owed to any financial institution
and/ or default in payment of any taxes in individual capacity or as proprietary
concern or any partnership firm or in any private unlisted/listed company.
iii) Has not been associated as director and/or chief executive with the corporate
bodies who have defaulted in payment of Government duties/taxes etc.
This section shall apply separately for Directors, CEO and Key Executives of Banks/DFIs
as under: -
i. The CEO is not a Chairman of the Board of Directors of the same bank/DFI .
ii. The Directors on the Board should avoid conflict of interest in their activities with,
and commitments to, other organizations.
iii. Is not a director (including as a nominee director of the Government) of any other
bank/DFI. However, this clause will not be applicable in case of Managing
Director and other employees of National Investment Trust (NIT) nominated on
the Board of banks/DFIs, till its privatization.
i. Not more than 25% directors of the same family are permitted to be on the Board
of a bank/DFI.
ii. Maximum two members of Board of Directors of a bank/DFI including its CEO
can be the Executive Directors.
v. No Key Executive shall head more than one functional area. Furthermore, he/she
shall not hold directorship in his /her personal capacity: (a) in a business concern
which is also a client of the bank/DFI, and (b) in any other financial institution.
Stock Company.
VI Trust Account (i) Attested photocopy of identity cards of all the trustees.
(ii) Certified copy of ‘Instrument of Trust’ or Trust Deed.
Note: * In case where the depositor / borrower has not yet obtained Computerized National Identity Card (CNIC),
the banks / DFIs may obtain attested copies of Old National Identity Card and receipt of National
Database Registration Authority (NADRA) (evidencing that the client has applied for CNIC) alongwith an
undertaking in writing that a copy of CNIC will be submitted immediately on receipt of the same. Further,
banks / DFIs may accept an attested copy of valid “Alien Registration Card” issued by National Aliens
Registration Authority (NARA) instead of CNIC in case of registered aliens who wish to open a bank
account in Pakistan in Pak. Rupees only. Likewise, banks / DFIs may also accept attested copy of
National Identity Card for Overseas Pakistani (NICOP) and Pakistan Origin Card (POC) issued by
NADRA from their holders for opening bank accounts in Pakistan both in local and foreign currency in
lieu of CNIC.
** The condition of obtaining Board Resolution and Certificate of Commencement of Business for opening
bank account has been relaxed for only such foreign companies / entities belonging to countries where
said requirements are not enforced under their laws / regulations. However, such foreign companies
will have to furnish the following documents in lieu of resolution passed by BOD for opening of account
and Certificate of Commencement of Business to the satisfaction of their banks.
a. Power of Attorney from the competent authority for opening bank accounts.
b. A certificate from the company Secretary, duly authorized by the Board, that the entity started
its business from certain date and that certificate of Commencement of Business is not issued
in that country.
1. General Comments
The list of situations given below is intended mainly as a means of highlighting the basic
ways in which money may be laundered. While each individual situation may not be sufficient to
suggest that money laundering is taking place, a combination of such situations may be
indicative of such a transaction. Further, the list is by no means complete, and will require
constant updating and adaptation to changing circumstances and new methods of laundering
money. The list is intended solely as an aid, and must not be applied as a routine instrument in
place of common sense.
It is justifiable to suspect any customer who is reluctant to provide normal information and
documents required routinely by the bank in the course of the business relationship. Banks
should pay attention to customers who provide minimal, false or misleading information or, when
applying to open an account, provide information that is difficult or expensive for the bank to
2. Transactions Which Do Not Make Economic Sense
i) A customer-relationship with the bank that does not appear to make economic sense,
for example, a customer having a large number of accounts with the same bank,
frequent transfers between different accounts or exaggeratedly high liquidity;
ii) Transactions in which assets are withdrawn immediately after being deposited, unless
the customer's business activities furnish a plausible reason for immediate withdrawal;
iii) Transactions that cannot be reconciled with the usual activities of the customer, for
example, the use of Letters of Credit and other methods of trade finance to move
money between countries where such trade is not consistent with the customer's usual
iv) Transactions which, without plausible reason, result in the intensive use of what was
previously a relatively inactive account, such as a customer's account which shows
virtually no normal personal or business related activities but is used to receive or
disburse unusually large sums which have no obvious purpose or relationship to the
customer and/or his business;
vii) Back-to-back loans without any identifiable and legally admissible purpose.
3. Transactions Involving Large Amounts of Cash
i) Exchanging an unusually large amount of small-denominated notes for those of higher
ii) Purchasing or selling of foreign currencies in substantial amounts by cash settlement
despite the customer having an account with the bank;
iv) Frequent withdrawal of large cash amounts that do not appear to be justified by the
customer's business activity;
v) Large cash withdrawals from a previously dormant/inactive account, or from an
account which has just received an unexpected large credit from abroad;
vi) Company transactions, both deposits and withdrawals, that are denominated by
unusually large amounts of cash, rather than by way of debits and credits normally
associated with the normal commercial operations of the company, e.g. cheques,
letters of credit, bills of exchange, etc;
vii) Depositing cash by means of numerous credit slips by a customer such that the
amount of each deposit is not substantial, but the total of which is substantial;
viii) The deposit of unusually large amounts of cash by a customer to cover requests for
bankers' drafts, money transfers or other negotiable and readily marketable money
x) Large cash deposits using night safe facilities, thereby avoiding direct contact with the
xi) Customers making large and frequent cash deposits but cheques drawn on the
accounts are mostly to individuals and firms not normally associated with their
xii) Customers who together, and simultaneously, use separate tellers to conduct large
cash transactions or foreign exchange transactions.
4. Transactions Involving Bank Accounts
i) Matching of payments out with credits paid in by cash on the same or previous day;
ii) Paying in large third party cheques endorsed in favour of the customer;
iv) High velocity of funds through an account, i.e., low beginning and ending daily
balances, which do not reflect the large volume of funds flowing through an account;
vi) An account opened in the name of a moneychanger that receives structured deposits;
vii) An account operated in the name of an offshore company with structured movement of
5. Transactions Involving Transfers Abroad
i) Transfer of money abroad by an interim customer1 in the absence of any legitimate
ii) A customer which appears to have accounts with several banks in the same locality,
especially when the bank is aware of a regular consolidated process from such
accounts prior to a request for onward transmission of the funds elsewhere;
iii) Repeated transfers of large amounts of money abroad accompanied by the instruction
to pay the beneficiary in cash;
iv) Large and regular payments that cannot be clearly identified as bona fide transactions,
from and to countries associated with (i) the production, processing or marketing of
narcotics or other illegal drugs or (ii) criminal conduct;
v) Substantial increase in cash deposits by a customer without apparent cause,
especially if such deposits are subsequently transferred within a short period out of the
account and/or to a destination not normally associated with the customer;
vi) Building up large balances, not consistent with the known turnover of the customer's
business, and subsequent transfer to account(s) held overseas;
vii) Cash payments remitted to a single account by a large number of different persons
without an adequate explanation.
6. Investment Related Transactions
i) Purchasing of securities to be held by the bank in safe custody, where this does not
appear appropriate, given the customer's apparent standing;
ii) Requests by a customer for investment management services where the source of
funds is unclear or not consistent with the customer's apparent standing;
iv) Buying and selling of a security with no discernible purpose or in circumstances which
appear unusual.
7. Transactions Involving Unidentified Parties
iii) Payment orders with inaccurate information concerning the person placing the orders;
vi) Customers who wish to maintain a number of trustee or clients' accounts that do not
appear consistent with their type of business, including transactions that involve
nominee names.
8. Miscellaneous Transactions
A. Accounts:
(1) Accounts that receive relevant periodical deposits and are dormant at other periods.
These accounts are then used in creating a legitimate appearing financial
background through which additional fraudulent activities may be carried out.
(2) A dormant account containing a minimal sum suddenly receives a deposit or series of
deposits followed by daily cash withdrawals that continue until the sum so received
has been removed.
(3) When opening an account, the customer refuses to provide information required by
the financial institution, attempts to reduce the level of information provided to the
minimum or provides information that is misleading or difficult to verify.
(4) An account for which several persons have signature authority, yet these persons
appear to have no relation among each other (either family ties or business
(5) An account opened by a legal entity or an organization that has the same address as
other legal entities or organizations but for which the same person or persons have
signature authority, when there is no apparent economic or legal reason for such an
arrangement (for example, individuals serving as company directors for multiple
companies headquartered at the same location, etc.).
(6) An account opened in the name of a recently formed legal entity and in which a
higher than expected level of deposits are made in comparison with the income of the
promoter of the entity.
(7) The opening by the same person of multiple accounts into which numerous small
deposits are made that in aggregate are not commensurate with the expected
income of the customer.
(8) An account opened in the name of a legal entity that is involved in the activities of an
association or foundation whose aims are related to the claims or demands of a
terrorist organization.
(2) Large cash withdrawals made from a business account not normally associated with
cash transactions.
(3) Large cash deposits made to the account of an individual or legal entity when the
apparent business activity of the individual or entity would normally be conducted in
cheques or other payment instruments.
(4) Mixing of cash deposits and monetary instruments in an account in which such
transactions do not appear to have any relation to the normal use of the account.
(5) Multiple transactions carried out on the same day at the same branch of a financial
institution but with an apparent attempt to use different tellers.
(6) The structuring of deposits through multiple branches of the same financial institution
or by groups of individuals who enter a single branch at the same time.
(7) The deposit or withdrawal of cash in amounts which fall consistently just below
identification or reporting thresholds.
(8) The presentation of uncounted funds for a transaction. Upon counting, the
transaction is reduced to an amount just below that which would trigger reporting or
identification requirements.
(9) The deposit or withdrawal of multiple monetary instruments at amounts which fall
consistently just below identification or reporting thresholds, if any, particularly if the
instruments are sequentially numbered.
C. Wire Transfers:
(1) Wire transfers ordered in small amounts in an apparent effort to avoid triggering
identification or reporting requirements.
(2) Wire transfers to or for an individual where information on the originator, or the
person on whose behalf the transaction is conducted, is not provided with the wire
transfer, when the inclusion of such information would be expected.
(3) Use of multiple personal and business accounts or the accounts of non-profit
organizations or charities to collect and then funnel funds immediately or after a short
time to a small number of foreign beneficiaries.
(4) Foreign exchange transactions that are performed on behalf of a customer by a third
party followed by wire transfers of the funds to locations having no apparent business
connection with the customer or to countries of specific concern.
(2) Shared address for individuals involved in cash transactions, particularly when the
address is also a business location and/or does not seem to correspond to the stated
occupation (for example student, unemployed, self-employed, etc.).
(3) Stated occupation of the transactor is not commensurate with the level or type of
activity (for example, a student or an unemployed individual who receives or sends
large numbers of wire transfers, or who makes daily maximum cash withdrawals at
multiple locations over a wide geographic area).
(5) A safe deposit box is opened on behalf of a commercial entity when the business
activity of the customer is unknown or such activity does not appear to justify the use
of a safe deposit box.
(6) Unexplained inconsistencies arising from the process of identifying or verifying the
customer (for example, regarding previous or current country of residence, country of
issue of the passport, countries visited according to the passport, and documents
furnished to confirm name, address and date of birth).
(2) Deposits are followed within a short time by wire transfers of funds, particularly to or
through a location of specific concern (for example, countries designated by national
authorities, FATF non-cooperative countries and territories, etc.).
(3) A business account through which a large number of incoming or outgoing wire
transfers take place and for which there appears to be no logical business or other
economic purpose, particularly when this activity is to, through or from locations of
specific concern.
(4) The use of multiple accounts to collect and then funnel funds to a small number of
foreign beneficiaries, both individuals and businesses, particularly when these are in
locations of specific concern.
(6) The opening of accounts of financial institutions from locations of specific concern.
Following procedure shall be followed by banks for deposit / transfer of sponsor shares into CDC
1. The existing sponsor shareholders who have already deposited their shares with SBP BSC
shall :
a) Open account (sub-participant account or investor account) at CDC exclusively for depositing
sponsor shares and subsequent bonus and right shares.
b) Confirm the account number to SBP through company secretary of the bank.
c) On receipt of above confirmation, SBP will allow the withdrawal of shares deposited with SBP
BSC for deposit with CDC.
d) The bank shall confirm the deposit of sponsor shares in the CDC account within 15 days of
release of shares by SBP.
2. The prospective sponsor shareholders shall open CDC account (sub participant
account or investor account) and confirm the account number to SBP through Company
Secretary of the bank at least 15 days prior to issuance/transfer of shares. Further, they shall
arrange for confirmation of submission of shares in CDC account within 3 days of issuance of
3. For those sponsor shareholders who are yet to deposit their sponsor shares in a blocked
account with CDC, shall either open a new account or identify an existing account.