Cultural Values and International Differences in Business Ethics PDF
Cultural Values and International Differences in Business Ethics PDF
Cultural Values and International Differences in Business Ethics PDF
Springer 2007
Cultural Values and International Differences Bert Scholtens Lammertjan Dam in Business Ethics
ABSTRACT. We analyze ethical policies of firms in industrialized countries and try to find out whether culture is a factor that plays a significant role in explaining country differences. We look into the firms human rights policy, its governance of bribery and corruption, and the comprehensiveness, implementation and communication of its codes of ethics. We use a dataset on ethical policies of almost 2,700 firms in 24 countries. We find that there are significant differences among ethical policies of firms headquartered in different countries. When we associate these ethical policies with Hofstedes cultural indicators, we find that individualism and uncertainty avoidance are positively associated with a firms ethical policies, whereas masculinity and power distance are negatively related to these policies. KEYWORDS: business ethics, codes of ethics, cultural values JEL: G300, L210, M140
Introduction Are there differences with respect to the ethical policies of rms that are headquartered in different countries? And are there differences among rms that belong to different industries? Chryssides and
Bert Scholtens received his Ph.D. at the Universtiy of Amsterdam. Since 1999 he has been working at the Department of Finance of the University of Groningen, the Netherlands. His research particularly looks into the interaction between nancial institutions and corporate social responsibility. He has published in, among others, Ecological Economics, Journal of Banking and Finance, Finance Letters, Journal of Investing, Sustainable Development, and Journal of Business Ethics. Lammertjan Dam is a Ph.D. student at the Universtiy of Groningen. He expects to defend his thesis about the integration of corporate social responsibility in economic valuation in Summer 2007.
Kaler (1996), Ferrell et al. (2000), and Crane and Matten (2004) discuss that the conduct of business emerges and evolves in response to religious, philosophical, societal, economical, and institutional concepts and notions. They also point out that ethical theories can help to clarify the different moral presuppositions of the various parties involved in a decision or action (e.g. Chapter 3 in Crane and Matten, 2004). As such, ethical theories are being applied to business ethics (see also De George, 1999; Ferrell et al., 2000). Then, we nd that business ethics, as part of culture, does not happen in vacuum or isolation. It takes place in a social and cultural environment that is being governed by a complex set of laws, rules and regulations, formal values and norms, codes of conduct, policies, and various organizations (see Hofstede, 1991; Scott, 2001; Trompenaars, 1993). Ethical theories can be used to analyze the (changes in) ethics and ethical policies of business in time and among countries and industries. Berkert (1995) contends that corporations differ from individual agents with respect to their susceptibility for moral responsibilities. In his view, it is a special set of values, principles and ideas which regulates behavior in business. As ethical conduct of individuals and organizations is part of and very much intertwined with culture and society, it is quite common to assume that the ethics of rm behavior too will be subject to change (see also McInnes, 1996). While various explanations have been offered to explain these societal differences, an ever-growing body of literature argues that cultural differences between countries are one of the main drivers of a nations level of economic and entrepreneurial conduct (McGrath et al., 1992; Thomas and Mueller, 2000). Recognizing the critical role that culture plays in determining corporate behavior, several scholars have called for future research
Bert Scholtens and Lammertjan Dam and sometimes also the UK. This study was complemented by Schlegelmilch and Robertson (1995) who went into the ethical perceptions of senior executives in the US, the UK, Germany, and Austria. Their study also showed that the country has a signicant impact. Kaptein (2004) investigates the content of the codes of conduct of 200 multinationals in 17 countries. He reports what elements are included in these codes and what stakeholder principles are addressed. Kaptein (2004) concludes that the companies specically differ in what they include and exclude from their codes and inthe wording that is used. There is much research that nds that country origin is an issue in the content and design of ethical codes. For example, Wood (2000) for the US, Canada, and Australia, Hood and Logsdon (2002) for the US, Canada, and Mexico, Maignan and Ralston (2002) for the US, the UK, France, and the Netherlands, Reich (2005) for Germany, Japan, and the US, Lindfelt (2004) for Finland, Singh et al. (2005) et al. for Australia, Canada, and Sweden, and Mele (2006) for Argentina, Brazil, and Spain. We will try to bring this line of research one step further by analyzing the key attributes of ethics in different countries and industries. Our purpose is to come up with an assessment of the business ethics of a large number of rms in the tradition of Langlois and Schlegelmilch (1990). To this extent, we will use data from EIRIS to nd out whether there are signicant differences in the assessment of ethical policies of rms in different countries and industries. We use data for almost 2,700 rms from 24 countries and 35 industries. In this respect, our paper differs from other quantitatively oriented approaches as that of among others Sanyal (2005) who focuses on macro (country) data. Furthermore, we investigate how culture is to be associated with ethical conduct in different countries. To this extent, we use the Hofstede (1980, 1991) data to nd out whether and how culture matters in this respect. The Hofstede database gives us detailed information about key dimensions of culture. As such, we analyze rms ethical policies on an international level from a micro perspective. We look into the different attributes of the rms relation with ethics and investigate whether and how they differ between rms operating in different countries. Hood and Logsdon (2002) and Singh et al. (2005) included Hofstedes dimensions in their analyses and found
addressing the impact of national culture on corporate activity. For example, Sethi and Sama (1998) argue that in order to investigate ethical business conduct, both corporate and industry structure has to be considered (see also Zahra et al., 1999). They assess industry sectors on the basis of their structural and institutional opportunities towards exploitation. However, they do not test their framework. Thus, it is not clear how culture is related to the ethical conduct of rms in practice. Fortunately, much empirical research in this direction already has been undertaken. For example, in an empirical study after the adoption of voluntary codes of conduct, Bondy et al. (2004) nd that there are signicant differences between the UK, Germany, and Canada. Sanyal (2005) nds bribery differs signicantly among countries and that it is both economic and cultural factors that are important explanatory factors of bribery. Many studies focus on particular aspects of ethical codes or on the use of codes in specic industries. For example, Koehn (2005) treats integrity of the rm as an important business asset (see also Pearson (1995) for a similar approach). Diller (1999) focuses on the improvement of customer relationships. As customer interaction differs per industry, this might be a determinant of the differences among industries. King and Lenox (2000) analyze the role of peer pressure in the chemical industry. Boatright (1999) goes into the role of ethics in nance (see also Statman, 2004) and Van Tulder and Kolk (2001) analyze the sporting goods industry. OHiggins and Kelleher (2005) analyze the ethical orientations of human resources, marketing and nance managers, whereas Stevens et al. (2005) investigate the impact of ethics codes on nancial executives decisions. The approach taken in our study is in line with a tradition that started with Langlois and Schlegelmilch (1990). These authors investigated codes of conduct for a large number of companies from different countries. They analyze 189 companies from the UK, (Western) Germany, and France and compare them with 174 rms from the US. Langlois and Schlegelmilch focus on large, predominantly industrial companies. They nd that US rms have more codes of ethics than rms from Europe. When going into the content of the codes, Langlois and Schlegelmilch nd various signicant differences between the US rms and those from France and Germany
Cultural Values and International Differences them relevant. However, they did not try to estimate the extent of the impact of cultural values on business ethics. As such, to our knowledge, this paper is the rst to engage in a quantitative analysis of the association between international differences in business ethics and cultural values. We build on the ndings of Langlois and Schlegelmilch (1990), Hood and Logsdon (2002), Kaptein (2004), and Singh et al. (2005). But there are some important differences. First is that we do not use a questionnaire but we base our data on an investigation that also uses other sources about the ethical codes of the rm. Second is that the quality of the codes is taken into consideration. Third is that we include more rms and more countries in our analysis. Fourth is that our rms are evenly spread across the whole spectrum of the economy. A fth difference is that we relate ethical codes to cultural values on the basis of a quantitative model. The contribution of this paper is that it not only establishes the existence of important differences in the ethical conduct of rms in a large group of countries and industries, but it also aims at advancing the theoretical discussion of the character and direction of cultural differences in business ethics. The structure of the remainder of this paper is as follows. We rst come up with a description of our dataset. Then, in Countries, we analyze rms ethical policies at the country level. In Culture and ethical conduct, we relate ethical policies at the country level to Hofstedes measures of culture. The conclusion is in last section. Data and methodology This section introduces the data about codes of ethics and cultural values that are subject to our analysis. The data about codes of ethics are derived from Ethical Investment Research Service (EIRIS). EIRIS is a charity set up in the UK in 1983. EIRIS covers over 40 different areas including animal testing, military, environmental performance and human rights. It gathers the data on the basis of a questionnaire and a survey of the rms in six different areas: Environment, governance, human rights, positive products and services, stakeholder issues, and ethical concerns. The philosophical background of EIRIS is not very clear; it argues that
we do not promote on particular view on ethical issues, but companies are judged fairly against common standards and meaningful comparisons can be made between them (see The survey was conducted in late 2004 and EIRIS analyzes independent sources of information on companies, including regulatory authories databases. For some research areas, where external sources are not available, they rely on company responses to their questionnaires. Given the nature of this paper, we focus on ethics. This is compatible with the approach proposed by (2005) who suggest a procedure for Krajnc and Glavic assessing companies on different aspects of sustainability. We nd that ethics is one of these aspects. As such, we look into the rms governance of bribery and corruption, human rights and the systems or comprehensiveness, communication, and implementation of their ethical codes. EIRIS assigns grades on specic attributes in the different areas. This procedure implies that some subjectivity is involved in assessing the ethics of the rms. However, given the ways in which the topics and questions are framed (see also below), we are convinced that the research by EIRIS results in valid measures. Furthermore, we are very well aware of the fact that rms ethical policies may differ from their performance in this respect. An ethics code itself does not guarantee ethical behavior (Kitson and Campbell, 1996; see also Svensson and Woods, 2005). However, to our knowledge, there is no database that assesses the ethical performance of a large number of rms in different industries and countries. Therefore, we stick to the information about ethical policies and will refrain from deriving conclusions about their ethical behavior. To assess the rms, EIRIS has a scoring table which consists of six scales or grades. EIRIS does not provide an overall assessment or rating of the companies. Therefore, we give a score of three to the high positive grade, 2 to med positive, 1 to low positive, )1 to low negative, )2 to med negative, and )3 to high negative. With respect to the ve key items, EIRIS answers the following questions: 1. Governance of bribery and corruption: Does the company have policies and procedures on bribery and corruption? Here, the rm can either have a clear policy and procedures, it has adopted or it has no policy disclosed.
Bert Scholtens and Lammertjan Dam Thomas and Mueller, 2000). The fact that the data are more than 30 years old is not a main concern under the assumption that culture changes very slowly over time. Another reason to use these data is that they pertain to general features of culture for the countries in the sample. This suits our research objective since we want to emphasize the role of cultural values that are general and not specic to certain markets or transactions. Hofstede (1980) denes the following societal or cultural indicators: PDI: Power distance is dened as the extent to which the less powerful members of institutions and organizations within a country expect and accept that power is distributed unequally. As such, it measures societal inequality. IDV: Individualism pertains to societies in which the ties between individuals are loose: everyone is expected to look after himself. Collectivism pertains to societies in which people from birth onwards are integrated into groups, which throughout their lives continue to protect them in exchange for unquestioning loyalty. MAS: Masculinity; this property shows the desirability for assertive behavior against the desirability of modest behavior. It appears that in some societies there are strong differences in answers given by men or women. In the modest countries the differences in gender are weak, but in assertive countries differences are strong. UAI: Uncertainty avoidance is dened as the extent to which the members of a culture feel threatened by uncertain or unknown situations. It is more general than risk avoidance, which is dened with respect to a certain object.
2. Systems of the codes of ethics: The rst question about the rms code of ethics is whether the company does have a code of ethics and, if so, how comprehensive is it. The answer is either no, limited, basic, intermediate or advanced. 3. Implementation of the codes of ethics: The second question is whether the company does have a system for implementing a code of ethics and, if so, how comprehensive is it. The answer is either no, limited, basic, intermediate or advanced. 4. Communication of the codes of ethics: The third question is whether the company has adopted a code of ethics or business principles by which it communicates to all employees. The answer is either no evidence of, has adopted, or clearly communicates. 5. Human rights policy: What is the extent of policy addressing human rights issues? The answer is either no evidence of, has adopted, or clearly communicates. In our sample, we have that most of the rms are from the US and the UK (about 25% each). Japan ranks third with about one fth of all the rms. The other 21 countries harbor the remaining 30% of the rms. Half of them are represented by less than 1% of the total number of rms. Luxembourg has only 3 rms in the sample and Portugal 8 (see Appendix 1). Firms based in Luxembourg were not assessed with respect to their human rights policy. Industries that are very well represented are the banks, media and entertainment, and support services (see Appendix 2). These three each have more than 5% of all the rms. However, it appears that our sample is quite well spread across the business sectors. There are two industries with less than 1% of all the rms: tobacco and water. Data for cultural values are derived from the Hofstede (1980, 1991) studies. His work consists of survey data about the values of people working in local subsidiaries of IBM in more than 50 countries. The actual surveys used in Hofstede (1980) date back to the 1970s. Updates and extensions have re-afrmed its main conclusions (see Hofstede, 1991). These data are used a lot in social and economic research (for example, see Garretsen et al., 2004; Licht et al., 2003; McGrath et al., 1992;
Countries In this section, we analyze whether the rms differ from one each other with respect to human rights policy, governance of bribery and corruption, and the comprehensiveness (i.e. the actual systems in place), implementation, and communication of their codes of ethics in case the rms are clustered by country. As such, we try to nd out whether there are signicant differences in ethical policies along different countries. First, we discuss the scores of the rms in the different countries.
Cultural Values and International Differences Table 1 reveals that the average EIRIS-score on the governance of bribery and corruption is 1.97. In this respect, rms from the US and Norway perform best. Companies from Australia, Italy, the Netherlands, and Finland also perform well. Firms from Luxembourg, Singapore, Hong Kong, Spain, Portugal, and Ireland perform weak on their governance of bribery and corruption. The average rm score on the extent and quality of the systems of the codes of ethics is 0.25. As to these systems, US, Australian, and Dutch rms perform best. Here, rms from Luxembourg, Singapore, and Hong Kong perform worst. With respect to the communication of the codes of ethics, the average rm score is 2.38. Here, rms from the US, Australia, and New Zealand top the ranking. Those from Luxembourg, Singapore, Hong Kong and
Ireland rank lowest. As to the implementation of the codes of ethics, it is again US rms that receive the highest ratings from EIRIS. Firms from Luxembourg, Singapore, and Hong Kong perform worst. The average rm score on human rights policies is 0.31. Here, the 3 companies from Luxembourg were not given a score. Firms from Finland, Norway, and Sweden got on average the highest score on their human rights policies. Firms from Ireland, New Zealand, Portugal, and Singapore scored lowest. In all, it appears that rms based in the US and Scandinavia, and excluding human rights policies those from Australia and New Zealand did receive the highest scores on the ve attributes of business ethics. Firms from Luxembourg, Singapore, Hong Kong, Ireland, and Portugal show the poorest results. In Culture and
TABLE 1 Mean score of rms in the 24 countries on the ve attributes of business ethics Number of rms Governance of bribery and corruption 2.30 1.69 1.87 2.11 1.80 2.25 2.09 1.87 1.60 1.26 1.50 2.30 1.64 1.00 2.26 2.17 2.46 1.50 1.10 1.42 1.88 2.09 1.82 2.49 1.97 Codes of ethics systems 0.97 0.00 0.53 0.65 0.13 )0.06 0.22 )0.39 )0.67 )1.36 )0.81 0.17 0.40 )2.00 0.84 0.43 0.77 0.38 )1.76 )0.90 )0.24 0.04 )0.18 1.04 0.25 Communication of codes of ethics Implementation of codes of ethics 1.97 0.15 0.93 1.28 0.67 1.44 0.91 0.30 )0.07 )0.98 )0.25 1.37 0.28 )2.00 1.68 1.52 1.54 1.25 )1.10 )0.08 0.81 0.98 0.33 2.17 0.88 Human rights policies )0.11 1.00 0.00 0.50 1.50 1.88 1.54 0.72 0.50 )0.85 )1.00 0.40 )0.19 1.32 )1.00 1.80 )1.00 )1.00 0.45 1.65 0.81 0.92 0.32 0.31
Australia Austria Belgium Canada Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Hong Kong Ireland Italy Japan Luxembourg Netherlands New Zealand Norway Portugal Singapore Spain Sweden Switzerland UK USA All
2.86 2.00 2.27 2.55 2.33 2.44 2.39 2.17 2.07 1.54 1.81 2.41 2.21 1.00 2.61 2.70 2.54 2.63 1.55 2.27 2.29 2.38 2.10 2.93 2.38
Bert Scholtens and Lammertjan Dam rms in 24 countries. This indeed is the case for all ve key variables; as the probability of the F-statistic in all instances points out that the rms within the various countries perform signicantly different from the populations average at the 1% condence level and we may reject the H0 that the populations are equal. To investigate how different the ethical policies are among our 24 countries, Table 2 gives the number of indicators that are at least two standard deviations away from the mean score on each indicator of all rms (i.e. condence >95%). For example, Finnish and French rms show a signicantly higher score than the average rm on their human rights policy. Table 2 shows that most
ethical conduct, we will try to nd out whether these international performance differences can be related to differences in cultural values. To nd out whether there are signicant differences in ethical policies in the different countries, we perform an ANOVA (see Pindyck and Rubinfeld, 1985). The null hypothesis with the ANOVA is that the population means are identical. Rejection of H0 tells us that not all population means are equal. The issue in this section is whether the ethical policies of the rms with respect to human rights policies, the governance of bribery and corruption, and the systems, implementation, and communication of their codes of ethics does signicantly differ among the
TABLE 2 Differences in ethical policies of rms with respect to countries (2 standard deviations above the mean = +1; 2 standard deviations below the mean = )1) Governance of Code of Communication Implementation Human Total bribary and ethics - systems of code of code rights policy corruption of ethics of ethics Australia Austria Belgium Canada Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Hong Kong Ireland Italy Japan Luxembourg Netherlands New Zealand Norway Portugal Singapore Spain Sweden Switzerland UK USA Total number of differences 2 standard deviations above / below mean +1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 )1 )1 +1 )1 )1 0 0 +1 0 )1 )1 0 0 )1 +1 11 +1 0 0 +1 0 0 0 )1 0 )1 0 0 +1 )1 +1 0 0 0 )1 )1 0 0 )1 +1 11 +1 0 0 +1 0 0 0 )1 0 )1 )1 0 )1 )1 +1 +1 0 0 )1 0 0 0 )1 +1 12 +1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 )1 0 0 )1 )1 0 0 0 0 )1 )1 0 0 )1 +1 8 0 0 0 0 0 +1 +1 0 0 )1 )1 0 )1 0 +1 0 )1 )1 0 +1 0 +1 0 10 +4 0 0 +2 0 +1 +1 )2 0 )5 )3 +1 )4 )4 +2 +2 +1 )1 )5 )3 +1 0 )4 +4 52
Cultural Values and International Differences countries consistently either outperform or underperform the average rm in the sample. Only Japanese and British rms score signicantly above the average rm on some items whereas they score signicantly below average on other items. From Table 2, we conclude that there are substantial differences indeed. Firms from Australia and the US are signicantly outperforming the other rms in most respects. Firms from Hong Kong, Singapore, Luxembourg, the UK and Japan perform worse than most other rms. Firms from Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Greece and Switzerland do not signicantly differ from the average rm in the sample. So, we nd that there are signicant differences in the characteristics of ethical policies of rms located in different countries. This nding is in line with results found elsewhere in the literature (see e.g. Bondy et al., 2004; Hood and Logsdon, 2002; Kaptein, 2004; Langlois and Schlegelmilch, 1990; Lindfelt, 2005; Maignan and Ralston, 2002; Mele et al., 2006; OHiggins and Kelleher, 2005; Reich, 2005; Singh et al., 2005; Stevens et al., 2005; Wood, 2000). But we established our conclusion on a much larger number of countries and industries and on the basis of much more rms. Therefore, we have succeeded in generalizing the existing observations. Note, however, that it may be the case that because of differences in the industrial structure of countries, the industry results are driven by the country differences. A simple Chi-square test of independence rejects the hypothesis that industry and home country are independent variables (Chi-square test statistic for independence of industry and country is equal to 209, dF = 120, p-value = 1.) Thus, indeed, there is signicant dependence between country and industry. Therefore, in the remainder of this paper, we will focus on the interaction between culture and country differences as to rms ethical conduct. This also has a very practical reason, namely the fact that our data about culture are on a country basis and, unfortunately, not available on an industry basis.
Culture and ethical conduct In this section, we investigate how culture affects rms ethical conduct. First, we will go into the ideas about the association between the two and then we will perform a simple test.
Culture is a multifaceted concept. Literally, it means to build on, to cultivate, or to foster. But many authors have given their own interpretation and various schools of thought concerning the concept culture have emerged (see Bodley, 2005, for an overview). For example, there are the concepts of mass culture and popular culture, where it relates to taste and values. Alternatively, theories evolved that regard culture as values shared among different social groups and classes. Others view culture as a set of values and characteristics of a given group, the relation of an individual to culture, and his/her acquisition of those values and characteristics (see Soley and Pandya, 2003). Hofstede (1980) refers to this vision as the collective programming of the mind. Bodley (2005) argues that a crucial feature of culture is that people learn it. A lot of aspects of life are transmitted genetically, such as the desire for food. A persons specic desire for milk and cereal or for a croissant and coffee in the morning, on the other hand, cannot be explained genetically. Culture, as a body of learned behaviors common to a given human society, has a predictable form and content and shapes behavior and consciousness within society from generation to generation. Then, according to Bodley (2005), culture resides in learned behavior as well as in some shaping consciousness prior to behavior. Language, organization, and technology are probably the most important elements of culture. Cultural differences manifest themselves in various ways. The deepest manifestation of culture is the set of values. Values are broad tendencies to prefer certain states of affairs over others. Norms are the standards for values that exist within a group or category of people. More supercial differences in culture can be found in symbols and rituals. Values are at the core of economic behavior and could help explain differences in the conduct of rms (Bodley, 2005). For example, Zaheer and Zaheer (2006) use cultural values to investigate international collaboration of business households, especially trust. Different cultures have their own mores of what is acceptable and unacceptable conduct. And each culture has methods for dealing with the violation of social norms (Svensson and Wood, 2003). Values are affected by the environment, by the cultural context. In this respect, Hofstede (1980) denes his four cultural values: uncertainty avoidance, power distance,
Bert Scholtens and Lammertjan Dam systems in place to deal with such situations which will, in our opinion, result in more attention being paid to codes of conduct and ethical policies. In order to test for these hypotheses, we use a simple linear model of the following general form: ETHICSi ai bi CULTUREi ei : Where ETHICSi is the dependent variable reecting the score of the average rm in a country on one of the indicators of ethical values (human rights, codes of ethics systems, codes of ethics communication, codes of ethics implementation, stance on corruption), ai and bi are parameters, and CULTUREi is a vector of the explanatory variables. For this vector, we take as independent variables the ones suggested by the Hofstede study (uncertainty avoidance, individuality, power distance, masculinity), and ei is an error term. Please note that this approach is a very simple and rough one in which we implicitly make a lot of assumptions about the dataset. Many of them will not hold. However, the estimations are undertaken to arrive at least at some preliminary insights into the association between the ETHICS and CULTURE variables. Table 3 gives the estimation results from our regressions of this model. All estimations have a reasonable explanatory power and the F-test shows that the models appear to be adequate descriptors. However, given the small number of observations, we have to be careful with drawing conclusions from these results. It appears that power distance and masculinity do have a negative association with the culture variables but in most circumstances, except
individualism versus collectivism, and masculinity versus feminism (see Data and methodology). Hood and Logsdon (2002) as well as Singh et al. (2005) use the Hofstede dimensions to assess the international differences in business ethics. However, both studies only investigate three countries and do not use the exact scores on the Hofstede indicators in their analysis. Now, we try to relate the Hofstede (1980, 1991) data to the rms scores with respect to ethical conduct. Given the discussion above and the description of the data in Data and methodology, we expect that Hofstedes indicators are signicantly related to the various attributes of rms ethical policies. We expect that power distance and masculinity are negatively related to rms paying a lot of attention to ethical issues. This is because power distance measures societal inequality. We assume that countries that are characterized by relatively more inequality will also be characterized by relatively little attention for ethics. As to masculinity, we expect that rms in countries that are more assertive will regard their ethical policies of little importance and that they have a lower score in this respect. On the other hand, we expect that individualism and uncertainty avoidance are positively related to ethical conduct. Individualism puts an agents own responsibility on the foreground and, therefore, we expect that in countries with a relative high score on this indicator, rms will pay more attention to their ethical policies. As to uncertainty avoidance, we expect a positive association because rms in countries that feel relatively more threatened by uncertain and unknown situations will want to have the
TABLE 3 Estimation results (17 countries) Human rights Ethics systems Ethics communication Ethics implementation Corruption
Coefcient p-value Coefcient p-value Coefcient p-value Coefcient p-value Coefcient p-value constant 1.8903 UAI 0.0151 IDV 0.0021 PDI )0.0249 MAS )0.0229 adj. R2 0.6974 F-sign. 0.0008 0.02 0.02 0.76 0.01 0.00 )1.9534 0.0111 0.0266 )0.0063 )0.0021 0.5811 0.0049 0.02 0.07 0.00 0.43 0.68 1.3768 0.0029 0.0133 0.0002 )0.0025 0.5347 0.0089 0.00 0.31 0.00 0.95 0.32 )1.5629 0.0084 0.0348 )0.0014 )0.0080 0.6126 0.0032 0.07 0.20 0.00 0.87 0.18 0.9765 0.0041 0.0146 )0.0018 )0.0036 0.5555 0.0069 0.02 0.20 0.00 0.66 0.21
Cultural Values and International Differences for human rights policies, this relation is insignicant. Uncertainty avoidance and individuality are positively associated with the ethical conduct variables. In the majority of the cases this is a signicant relationship. Individuality is highly signicant with the ethical variables, except with human rights policies. Uncertainty avoidance only is signicantly positive associated with ethical policies in the case of human rights policies and the codes of ethics systems. These results in part conrm our hypotheses. The strongest nding is for the positive association between individuality and ethical conduct, but not with human rights policies. Uncertainty avoidance has the expected positive sign and is signicant in two of the ve cases. Masculinity also has the expected negative sign but is signicant in one case only. Power distance has the expected negative sign in four of the ve cases but is signicantly negative in only one case. Power distance is positive but insignicantly associated with ethics communication. The results are in line with those found elsewhere in the literature. Especially, they conrm the ndings of, among others, Langlois and Schlegelmilch (1990) about the US, the UK, France, and Western-Germany for a much larger sample of countries and rms. More specically, our ndings extend and generalize the observation by others such as Langlois and Schlegelmilch (1990) and Bondy et al. (2004) that there are signicant differences in the codes of ethics to the observation that there also are signicant differences with respect to the quality of these codes as assessed by an external independent rating agency. Furthermore, our association between cultural values and different attributes of codes of ethics substantiates the ideas put forward by Seth and Samal (1998). The results also complement the conclusions derived from sectoral, country, and functional studies by, among others, Van Tulder and Kolk (2001), Kaptein (2004), Lindfelt (2005), and Stevens et al. (2005).
Conclusion On the basis of our analysis, we nd for our sample of almost 2,700 rms in 24 countries that the location where the rm is headquartered appears to be a signicant factor when it comes to the assessment of the rms communication, implementation and the
systems of the code of ethics (comprehensiveness), its governance of bribery and corruption, and its human rights policies. We nd that there are signicant differences between these attributes in the 24 countries and among the 35 industries investigated. For example, rms from the US, Australia and Scandinavia perform signicantly better than the average rm in the sample, whereas those from Luxembourg, Singapore and Hong Kong perform relatively poor. We can not detect a clear relation between economic development and rms ethical policies. For example, when we associate the ranks of the 24 countries on ethical policies with the countries ranks on per capita GDP, we have a correlation coefcient of only 0.24. Please keep in mind that we look into rms ethical policies, that are their human rights policies, the governance of bribery and corruption, and the systems, implementation and communication of their codes of ethics. On the basis of our dataset, it is not possible to assess the ethical performance or the true ethical behavior of the rms. Our ndings suggest that rms non-nancial conduct is shaped by a combination of rm specic, industry specic, country specic and global factors. Furthermore, each rms unique set of characteristics is seen to shape the responses of the rm to specic challenges. We also undertook a very preliminary investigation into how the ethical conduct of rms might be associated with Hofstedes societal norms and cultural values. This analysis was undertaken in a simple but novel manner. In many cases, we nd that specic cultural values can be signicantly associated with ethical policies of rms in the countries under investigation. Especially, individualism and uncertainty avoidance are positively associated with rms ethics, whereas masculinity and power distance tend to be negatively associated. These observations are in line with those found elsewhere in the literature (see Gnyawali, 1996; McGrath et al., 1992; Sanyal, 2005; Thomas and Mueller, 2000). For companies, our research implies that they should be well aware of the differences in business ethics in different countries and industries. This especially seems relevant if they want to export or invest abroad. Incongruence may lead to smaller chances of acceptance of the rms products and services and/or to higher costs with respect to acquiring human or nancial resources.
The major weakness of our study is that, so far, we lack a clear-cut theory about the exact interaction between ethics and culture. Therefore, we are unable to actually put hypotheses to the test. Rather, our research results in preliminary ndings about the associations between the two. Furthermore, the quality and timeliness of the dataset (especially the culture variables) is a matter of concern. To conclude, we have established that there are signicant international differences in ethical policies. Cultural values are an important determinant in this respect. As such, our analysis of variance has conrmed and generalized notions that have existed for long in the literature. The preliminary regression analysis suggests how different cultural values are to be associated with rms ethical conduct. Our research also gives rise to new questions. For example, a very interesting and logical question is whether rms attitude towards ethical issues is related to ethical performance. A major challenge we face is to come up with a theory of how ethics and culture interact. Also, we would love to have access to better data about societal norms and cultural values in a much larger number of countries and, especially, industries. Further research will have to shed light on these matters.
APPENDIX 2 Composition of the data sample with respect to industries Sector Number of rms 26 65 184 33 90 117 42 62 96 98 36 79 27 124 84 76 115 75 80 30 138 31 % of total 1.0 2.4 6.9 1.2 3.4 4.4 1.6 2.3 3.6 3.7 1.3 2.9 1.0 4.6 3.1 2.8 4.3 2.8 3.0 1.1 5.1 1.2
APPENDIX 1 Composition of the data sample with respect to countries Number of rms Australia Austria Belgium Canada Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Hong Kong Ireland Italy Japan 115 13 15 85 15 16 79 89 15 107 16 54 487 % of total 4.3 0.5 0.6 3.2 0.6 0.6 2.9 3.3 0.6 4.0 0.6 2.0 18.2
Aerospace & Defence Automobiles & Parts Banks Beverages Chemicals Construction & Building Materials Diversied Industrials Electricity Electronic & Electrical Equipment Engineering & Machinery Food & Drug Retailers Food Producers & Processors Forestry & Paper General Retailers Health Household Goods & Textiles Information Technology Hardware Insurance Leisure & Hotels Life Assurance Media & Entertainment Mining
Oil &Gas Personal Care & Household Products Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology Real Estate Software & Computer Services Speciality & Other Finance Steel & Other Metals Support Services Telecommunication Services Tobacco Transport Utilities - Other Water Total
We wish to thank EIRIS for sharing their data with us. We are very grateful to IMUG Hannover (Germany) for discussing the EIRIS database. We especially want to thank Silke Riedel and Kirein Franck. EIRIS nor IMUG can be held responsible for the analysis we conduct on the basis of their data. Furthermore, we thank several participants of the international workshop on CSR at London Metropolitan University, October 2005, and of on Business Ethics at the Freie Universita t Berlin, May 2006, as well as the participants in research seminars at the University of Groningen. Especially, we acknowledge the help and useful suggestions of Johanna Fernholm, Lise-Lotte Lindfelt, and Elmer Sterken. However, only the authors are responsible for all interpretations and conclusions as well as for all remaining errors and omissions.
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Lammertjan Dam E-mail: [email protected] Bert Scholtens and Lammertjan Dam Department of Finance, University of Groningen, P.O. Box 800, 9700 AV Groningen, The Netherlands, E-mail: [email protected]
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