Man Is The Architect of His Own Fnjte
Man Is The Architect of His Own Fnjte
Man Is The Architect of His Own Fnjte
It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves. Man is the architect of his own fortune You believe it or not but it is absolutely true that man is the architect of his own fortune. Now many people search for how to become a successful person. If you do hard work then you must become successful person. If you want to be rich then you have to work more than others with dedication. One of the great people has said that a man can make or mar himself as her wishes. If a man puts his whole heart into his work and makes the best use of this talent, is sure to succeed. Apart from this only a fool can think that wealth, fame and power will come to him for the mere asking. A person must try hard to become a successful person. He must refuse to accept defeat if he wants to build his own fortune. Every man gets the result to his own actions. If he is hardworking, he will be rewarded for it. If he is idle, he will have to suffer for his idleness. It is not the stars that decide our fate. It is we who are responsible for what we are. Any man is free to have a desire to raise high in the life. Or, one may desire to do lots of things or have enormous wealth. A small child may desire to drip a car in the sky. Thus, there can be no limit to ones desires. But here are conditions for the fulfillment of human desires. If a student wastes his time and energy in gossips, he cannot achieve a good result of wishing. For example, an idler cannot be wealthy. The fulfillment for a desire is always in proportion to ones worth or ability one is to be first sure that he possesses the necessary quality or merit. Only then one should desire anything. It is rightly said, First deserve, then desire. These are the few examples but best for those who really want to become a successful person. It proves that man is the architect of his own fortune. Man is the architect of his own fate. Human beings should not believe in fatalism. Belief in predestination is the act of cowards. So man should not indiscriminately belief in predestination. He should cross the hindrance of life and should face the odds of life courageously. Man has the reasoning power. So he can differentiate good and evil and choose the right way to live a correct life. Thus he can make the plan of his life and can implement that. Man is the architect of his own fate. If he makes proper division of his time and does his duties accordingly he is sure to prosper in life. But if he does otherwise, he is sure to repent when it is too late. Our life is nothing but the sum total of hours, days and years. Youth is the golden season of life. In youth mind is soft and can be molded in any form we like. If we waste the previous time of our youth we shall have to suffer afterwards. Youth is called the seed time of life. If we sow good seeds in our early life, we shall reap good harvest when we grow up to manhood.
Destiny, fate, future, luck all such things are considered unachievable, untouchable, something supernatural, something miraculous. But logic dictates that they are not. So is logic wrong or the traditional concepts misleading! If we put some thought to it, its our own attitude which is to blame. As the saying goes if you cant change your fate, change your attitude. In every possible frame of mind in which we may choose to think we will find it to be true. Each man with his unique capabilities has the power to choose, that is the only thing that matters for achieving everything. Life is tough for those who think it is tough. We might not want to change our job to a better one solely for the fear of adjustments we would have to make. The risk factor is also the stopping factor. So does it make human life stagnant? Does a scientist will stop working on a miracle drug from the fear that it may not lead to perfect results? People who dont try dont usually get anywhere. Man has the inherent tendency of being manipulated by his own mind. So why not divert it into something useful. Manipulating ones own self to stay positive and be determined, to be hopeful and dream, to be brave and choose. God has given us the ability to desire and to long not in vain. If we lose, it is not due to fate, its just that we overlooked something small and significant; we forgot to do some important chore; or we didnt work hard enough. Even a building cant stand perfectly if some bricks are not in the right place. All the intellectuals and successful people in the world are the same as us; its only what they choose to become that made them different. Bill Cullen for example, is among the top 50 wealthiest and most successful persons of Ireland. He started from selling apples on a cart when he was a boy. But he had a positive attitude, the will power and sheer determination to create his own future. He now runs his own company and is the founder of the national youth foundation of Ireland. Another picture is that of Newton. An idea came to his mind and he decided to find the reason for the falling of apple. Although many people before him may have thought of the same thing about falling bodies but they didnt put their idea into action. They chose not to! Thats what makes the successful and happy people different because they chose to achieve their destiny. Man is superior because only he can create his own destiny. He is the architect of his own future unlike any other being, this being the greatest blessing for him. No one can think for you, no one can work for you, no one can dream for you and no one can turn those dreams into reality for you. Only you can feel for yourself and only you can do it!
There is a class of men who think that everything is pre-determined in life and, however much you may try, you cannot get out of that groove. So even your best efforts cannot yield more gains than those God has already settled for you, for fate rules supreme. Even great Shakespeare had said there is a divinity that shapes our will. Man cannot change this fortune. What is lotted cannot be blotted or avoided. But there is another school of opinion, that is more reasonable in this age of science, that a man has powers and parts to build his own career. The efforts of a resolute and steadfast worker are sure to be crowned will success in the long run. If the students who get plucked once discontinues his effort with the belief that it is his settled lot not to pass this examination, wells to him destiny is supreme. But if he tries again and again with greater determination and devotion to his studies, he will certainly pass next time. Fate has certainly endowed every man with some powers. His duty is to turn to use those powers. It is quite likely that in Gods good time he will come out successful. Indeed, fortune favours the brave, the active and diligent man. So Rastra Guru Surendranath Banerjee used to say knock and the door will open for you, suffer that you can prosper. There is a class of men who think that everything is pre-determined in life and, however much you may try, you cannot get out of that groove. So even your best efforts cannot yield more gains than those God has already settled for you, for fate rules supreme. Even great Shakespeare had said there is a divinity that shapes our will. Man cannot change this fortune. What is lotted cannot be blotted or avoided. But there is another school of opinion, that is more reasonable in this age of science, that a man has powers and parts to build his own career. The efforts of a resolute and steadfast worker are sure to be crowned will success in the long run. If the students who get plucked once discontinues his effort with the belief that it is his settled lot not to pass this examination, wells to him destiny is supreme. But if he tries again and again with greater determination and devotion to his studies, he will certainly pass next time. Fate has certainly endowed every man with some powers. His duty is to turn to use those powers. It is quite likely that in Gods good time he will come out successful. Indeed, fortune favours the brave, the active and diligent man. So Rastra Guru Surendranath Banerjee used to say knock and the door will open for you, suffer that you can prosper. Man is the architect of his own fortune. Man is the architect of his own fortune. That is an old well known English maxim and the good fortune that the man has evolved out for him at the present moment can be amply verified as soon as we receive our morning newspapers. The sample good news that we are receiving now in every morning are as follows: (1) Bihar Government Deny starvation death. (A.B.P. 23.45)
(2) Rice selling at 55 and salt at 80/- per (?). (3) People living on cotton & Potato leaves. (4) 600 Viet Minh Troops Taken Prisoner. (5) 500 mounds of food burnt in granary. (6) Famine conditions in such and such places. (7) Progressive decontrol urged in Conferences....
Man is the architecture of his own fate No man is great by imitation. All the world leaders are ordinary person. God has given paramount boons for each and every single hair dwelling in the world. So how dare anyone can tell that fate has concocted his life in this and that way? If we dive deep down the ocean of reality we can notice that even the ant has the capability to earn and live independently as human or any other living creatures do. No one is to blame but myself, yourself,himself and so forth. The shape of life we assume presently reflects the mode of life we had led in the past,for the present is the son of the past. Man can be what he wants to be but most of us surrender the covetous aspirations to fear, guilt and social criticism.Every human being is born to be someone based on the way he tune the melody of his life. I can feel and see the wind of sarcasm howling and buzzing through my ear when someone blame all the happening for the karma,the fate, when its intentionally performed. We can rightly say that these are the people who are really immuned to humilation and embarrastment. How pridely they raise the voice on the top of the lung to say "its fated not bloated". Remember no dog will follow if goddamn bitch does not wag and wiggle its tail. I disdain this word sorry. Its damn shit term that flow freely from the snarling mouth of the shit who has cause the blood to ooze out from someone's heart. How can a shit tell sorry when he has already inflicted unbearable pain? Sometimes I wonder why the world is so glutinous and voracious to tell the truth in lieu of telling lies that ends with hazarduous repurcussion on others? How can a world takes away the peace and happiness, and leave unwanted bullshit misery on others? Its a source of nuisance when profound advice is given,its damn boring to listen to the
discourse on any matters and its the source of uneasiness when lots of stuffs is taken. Let me just pen down here with, we are what we think not what fate does on us. Anything, good or bad, beautiful or ugly,success and failure,happiness and sorrow and what not, all are the products of our creation. It is true that man is architect of his own fate. He can achieve what he desires to achieve. It is wrong to think that mans life on earth is decided by fate. It is not fate but sincere efforts and indomitable courage that would his fate. There may ups and downs but he should not lose heart. He may face innumerable odd situations and adversities but he should not allow them to damp his spirit. Tather he should be courageous to fight against the misfortunes of life. All his attemps may not be crowned with success but today or tomorrow he is sure to succeed. The human history is replete with glaring examples of men rising to the peack of glory from a humble beginning merely by dint of therir hard labour and sincere efforts. On the contrary those who waste time in sheer idleness and lack in courage and sprit and depend on fate can not do anything noble but stumble in the way of life. The quoted example of Robert Bruce is worth mentioning here. He did not submit to his fate but tried his main and might and thus reached his destination. So it can be said that man is the architect of his own career but not fate that shape his future. It is fact that destiny of man depends upon his own self. Most of the people are fatalistic, who believe in external factors to make or ruin their destiny. Whether it is good luck or jinx they strongly believe in external factors in shaping their fortune. Actually it is the man himself who makes his destiny; destiny does not make the man. Man is blessed with a lot of qualities that are a prerequisite to destiny. It is a common observation that those who work hard succeed; those who remain idle fail. It means success depends upon the will and efforts of a man. There are four ingredients of success. First of all, one must identify his talent. One cannot do everything; people have interest for one thing and not for the others. The second thing is to find resources for achieving the goals. The third important thing is to work hard with consistency. These all three ingredients of success depend upon ones own efforts. But the last thing which is also very important and that also contributes to success is luck. It is not in anybodys control. It means in the broader context, success depends upon ones own efforts and rest upon destiny. As it is said, fortune favors the brave. Brave in this context means the one who excels his efforts with consistency. Certainly, such people will be rewarded accordingly. Thus it is clear that man is the architect of his own destiny. There are so many examples in history which tells about the success of people based on hard work like Einstein, Newton, Jabir bin Haryan, Karl Marx, Christopher Columbus, M. Ali Jinnah, etc. The problem does not lie with luck; the problem lies with oneself. Its up to the man the way he moulds his destiny.
Essay On Man Is The Architect Of His Own Fortune Essay On Man Is The Architect Of His Own Fortune.The maxim means in plain English that the fortune of a man depends upon his own self; he can make or mar according as he wishes. In other word, the destiny of a man lies in his own hands,and he can be successful if he only wills it. Man has been sent out to this world by God endowed with all those qualities which are essential for greatness. It is up to man to utilise these qualities. If he puts his whole heart into his work and makes the best use of his talents, he cannot but be successful in life. He only courts failure, if he does not do this. A man who possesses a strong will and a firm determination finds all difficulties solved. To him there are a thousand ways open to steer clear of all dangers and difficulties. Such a man goes on working hard with a strong resolution and an unshaken will, who achieves success and makes his fortune. It is the height of folly to suppose that wealth, fame or power comes to a man by his sitting at home and only asking for it. A person must be persevering and must exert himself, if he wants to shape out his destiny. He who fails to bring strength of mind and industry to bear upon his work in life has nothing but suffering and troubles as his lot. If a man cannot achieve wealth and fortune unless he works hard and unless he has a powerful will, it follows that he is the builder of his own fortune, He can make his fortune if he wishes to do so, by being industrious and persevering. He call also bring misery and suffering upon himself if he has not the wish to labour. The well-known story of the carpenter-boy shows how even impossible thing are made possible and how one's destiny can be completely changed by an iron will. A carpenter-boy was one day found hard at work in repairing a chair and polishing it. One of his neighbours, who was watching him at his work, ridiculed him for his taking so much pains. The boy replied to his neighbour's ridicule by saying that there was a motive behind his action. He was polishing it so carefully because he would one day sit upon it. The neighbour laughed at his idea, but what was his surprise when he found that the boy, by dint of perseverance and strength of will, rose to be a magistrate and actually sat upon the chair, which he had himself mended. The carpenter-boy by his own efforts changed his destiny of remaining a poor carpenter all his life. Every man reaps the result of his own actions. If he is active, he will be rewarded for his activity and if he is idle, he will haye to suffer for his idleness. Many men have a tendency to
sit idle. for they say it is impossible to do anything against Fate. But there can be nothing so foolish as to believe that luck or destiny makes one's fortune. We all known that "Fortune favours the brave, and there is no exaggeration in this. Fortune comes only to those who have the capacity to face dangers without shrinking and who are not disheartened by failure. In other words, those who are active and work with a determination can only come by fortune. This is the same as saying that only those who have a strong desire to win fortune can be favoured by it. To trust to fate and remain inactive is nothing but cowardice, and it is idle to expect that fortune will ever favour such cowards. To suppose that other persons or powers can be of help to promote one's well being or give one a fortune only proves one's weakness. This is never possible. It rests entirely with every individual to shape his own ends. It is thus clear that man cannot improve his condition in life or get fame and fortune, unless he wills it and acts in accordance with his wish. It is out of the question to hope for success by doing nothing and only dreaming of wealth and renown. It is only the weak and feeble hearted who lay blame at the door of their failures, for which their own idleness and negligence alone are responsible. Those who exert their will are sure to find that fortune is theirs, and their examples as also of those who are fatalists will prove beyond the shadow of doubt that it depends upon every man to improve his position in life or spoil it according as he wishes. "Every man is the architect of his own future". I honestly believe that we ourselves determine our future and that we are not limited by anything but ourselves. With the right principles, family, and courage I trust that any person can achieve success. We are greatly influenced, both positively and negatively, by the people around us and it is our job to distinguish between the two. I have realized that my strength, both moral and mental, have derived from my mother who has always told me it is better to endure than to give up. She also told me that strength is not measured by muscles or weight, yet by personal ethics and honestly. My mother encouraged me to set my own morals rather than to follow other's. She nudged me in the right direction when she saw I was straying to determine what is good and bad. She also taught me to never look the other way when someone needs help. It is because of her that I decided to become an active volunteer in my community by volunteering with Habitat for Humanity, United Way, March of Dimes, and other groups to help people that need it. My father proves that the quest for knowledge never ends. He is eager to learn about anything and he passed this trait to me. Ever since elementary school, I had a passion
for learning and art because of my father. Ever since I received my first box of crayons at age 4, I became obsessed with drawing and knew that this is something that I will do forever. Though I do understand that I am no Picasso, I love art in its many forms from painting, photography, and sculptures and I understand that you do not have to be great at something to love it. To quench my thirst for knowledge I decided to enter the International Baccalaureate program as my father hoped I would. Here I became immersed with knowledge, culture, independence, and free thinkers that all loved this pursuit of knowledge.. Though neither of my parents had the money to attend college, they greatly impacted my educational and moral career. They have instilled in me morals and sense of individualism that I will carry on into my college career at Florida State Unisersity and throughout my entire life. Both Vires and Artes impacted me and made me the independent, free thinking, and moral person that I am today. Though it is only me that controls my future, my family has greatly influenced my life. There are men who just resign to whatever comes they say it was so destined, it was so fated. This is the defeatists attitude. True that there are turns of fortune and they determine our life. But efforts can change the direction of the wind. Will can move mountains. Man should keep on with his efforts; he should not succumb or surrenders but should keep fighting on if winter comes can spring be far-behind so sang the poet Shelley Faith in one; in ones capacities and capabilities can turn the tide. Nothing is impossible for a man who possesses self-confidence and self-reliance. Misfortunes, if they come, should be treated as test times, they test your endurance, your forbearance, your fortitude and the dusk always turns into the dawn. If one sits holding his head that there is all darkness, whither to go, let him take steps forward and there would be light at the end of the tunnel. Man can make or mar ones life fame and fortune is there but nothing is impossible to be achieved for a man of a strong will. Man is the maker of his fate and God also helps those who help themselves. There are trials and tests God presents them but he also rewards them with results which results are won by ones own efforts. Man makes his fate not fate the man. Every man is not only the designer of his own future, but also the builder...
Our past decisions, thoughts and actions are what makes us who we are and those combined with our present ones would definitely contribute to who we become. Circumstances do play a major role in shaping our future It would be rather foolish to give ourselves completely over to destiny. Rather, we should make our own destiny. Khalil Gibran once wrote 'Bread baked without love is bitter bread that feeds but half the hunger of a man'. Similarly, work done half-heartedly will half help us achieve our goals. We need to believe in ourselves and work whole-heartedly to achieve a desired result. We shouldn't completely give ourselves over to fate, at the same time, we need to remember that even the slightest turn of events could hinder our progress.
Most of us say that God, or destiny or whatever superior force may exist in this universe are that which make our future, that guide us throughout our futile existence. I don't claim there isn't a force which guides us, which takes care of us, but the main element that helps us build up our future is our way of being. Our personality, our character, our way of perceiving reality and everything that surrounds us are the elements which may bring us to the top, or on the contrary, make us miserable. It's simply your own choice if you don't want to study, to go to college, to have a career. It really doesn't matter if your parents threaten you, they punish you, scold you all the time. If you are stubborn and you think you know it all then all these are useless. You are the one who decides what job to have, in what city or what country. It's your choice and your responsibility. The moment you get hurt or something goes wrong, you blame yourself, and you start everything from the very beginning. You consider that you can't find your place in your own country, so you risk the comfortable but modest life you have living with your parents and you go abroad. Maybe there will be moments when you can't stand anymore the loneliness, the strangers around you, or your job. But you remember nobody made you take that decision, so you take a deep breath, and you go on, as it's very difficult to find a guilty person when you know it well you the only one to be blamed. If you fall in love with a man from the very first moment you set your eyes on him and you don't want to meet somebody else, to see how they are it's your wish. If you get married and the marriage ends in a year's time, you can't blame the rest as they all had told you to be careful and never to take hasty decisions.
You play the lottery each day and there are two options: either you hit the jack pot and your life changes radically or you lose and you have to start it from the very beginning. On the contrary, it's well known that if you don't risk you can't win so the best solution is always to think over and over again your decisions, to see what they could represent in your future and only afterwards to make up your mind. You are the only architect of your future. The rest are only workers who help you create your own dream.
When we takes up many things in hand and fail in the most of them we bewail our lot and try to console by saying that we were fated to achieve this and fail in that. But fate is a figment of mans imagination, it is refuge only for those who are cowardly and lack in determination. Because nothing is impossible in the world. Man is architect of his own fate. He can make himself if he has the will. He can also mar himself if he wavers and submits to opposing forces. A man of determination never fails. His unshaken determination coupled with this unflinching endeavour carries him to the goal and makes him thoroughly successful man. But a man who trembles of every step and has no confidence in himself, can never reach the goal and dies an inglorious death. Robert Bruce could never have regained his mother land from clutches of the enemy if he submitted to the so called fate and gave up the attempts. If Mahmood Ghaznavi has lost the hope, he could not have conquered the Somnath temple. No pilot can reach his destination if loses courage in the face of dangerous waves. When a person thinks that he can achieve his goal he succeeds. Because nothing is impossible in this world. As it has been said that impossible is the word found in the dictionary of fools. Fate is nothing and nothing can ever do any thing. It is therefore, foolish to depend on fate. In order to attain success we are to depend on ourselves alone. God has endowed man with facilities of thinking of feeling and willing. He has also bestowed him with ability for action. It is thus man alone to workout his fate when will and endeavour are combined together, success is assured. It is said that a man who sticks to his gun and works wins the battles which to a wavering man having little or no confidence in himself appears as an impossibility. If we look at the little child he falls and stands then starts walking and running if he has not taken first step he had been creeping whole the life. As he sees every thing with hope and considers every difficult thing possible then the high ways of progress come before him. Infact a man can achieve what he believes to achieve. As a poet has said the man who wins is the man who thinks the he can.
From the above stated facts it is evident that every thing is possible in this world and nothing is impossible. Every man has his own destiny: The only imperative is to follow it, to accept it, no matter where it leads him. As students, we often visualize our future as a great movie, with ourselves playing the lead role. As the good guy, the hero, the main character, the perfect person that we always wanted to be. Yet, just like in the movies, we are always faced with trials, problems and sacrifices that hinder us from accepting our loss. We always dream, but sometimes we lose faith in those dreams and so as the courage to face every step of our outgoings. Not all dreams may be worth pursuing, but it is not wrong to risk and follow them, and see what results after. Destiny is a funny thing. It is not like a recipe with a perfect ingredients and procedure. They may say that god is the architect of our destiny, yet I disagree because I believe that we are the shapers and designers of our own life. It is that, we are the masters of our own existence, and our destiny depends on our choices. It is our choices that define our future. It is them that mold us on who we are and what we will have in store. Fate can give meaning to everything. Our failures and success are part of lifes curriculum for learning. It is them that give us the wisdom to climb up whenever we fall in the depths of despair and to rise above trials over and over again. Fate may lead us to a rough road or bring forth gust and storms hence it is when our true potentials come out, the talents that we suppress and believed we dont possess. Only through our downfalls can we realize who we really are. It is when our mask fades and our true self reveals. Destiny is a big piece of a labyrinth. A maze filled with crisscrossing and complicated passages that leads to places that we know nothing about. An individual crusade for a paradise that each of us is searching. A journey with a thousand possible roads that leads to two simple goals and that is contentment and happiness. ...wit have set a limit beyond which such a family may not go. The intelligent family has some sort of a history which it is their privilege and duty to perpetuate. Members of the intelligent family are moral sponsors for one another, the mother for the daughters, the father for the sons, the brothers and sisters for one another. They find their own best interests in the interests of one another. The intelligent
family is not superstitious. They act upon the wisdom of the ancient poet,
one is the architect of his own fortune. " They look to cause and condition for results. They spell "luck" with a "p" before it. The intelligent farmer plants his crop in the ground, rather than in the moon, and looks for his harvest to the seed and the toil. The intelligent merchant locates his business on the street of largest travel and makes the buying of his goods his best salesman. The intelligent man of letters thrives at first by making friends of poverty and want, until one day his genius places his name in the... Every man is the architect of his own future. Today many people are pessimist, they are dissatisfied with life, they think that everything is unjustly ,they always complain. But also many of people who are selfcontented they achieve happiness, they enjoy life, they also are enthusiastic about small things. In my view everyone is they architect of his own future and the people shouldn`t think negative about own future and people shouldn`t also to look ... everything with a critical eye. Personally I very often think about my future . Now I go to the secondary school. I would like to past exams then I would like to take the entrance examination to high school then I would like to study maybe something about films . I want to have a good job,this is very important for me I know that I must be strong, intelligent,to be full of optymism, and I must hard work then in the future will be better for me. We and natural environment. We all enjoy the sun, the freshness of air and the cleanliness of water. However these can no longer be taken for granted in our country.For example 90 % of Polish rivers are so badly polluted that the water is not only unfit for bathing on drinking but even for washing or cooling systems in factories. Moreover still it seems that the greatest environmental problem in Poland is the pollution of the atmosphere. Heavy smog which hangs over such industrial areas as Silesia,d or Cracow is a result of an foreseeing communist policy which totally disregarded ecology. Next when we go for a walk through the streets of a big city we notice at once how dirty they are. Litter ,scarps of paper ,cans ,bottles and plastic containers are scottered almost everywhere. I know that we must do something with that , we shouldn`t do that. We have to always care of our environment because this is very important for all people animal and plants. The mistakes I shall try not to make if or when I become a parent.
In children `s life parents are very important and play a big role. First of all, I think that parents shouldn`t yell at children because this is not a very good method to bring up children. I know that sometimes when there is no other way we must yell but without reasons this is unnecessary. Second of all, parents shouldn`t beat children and I don`t support any kind of corporal punishment . Third of all parents should talk much with the children about their problems, then the atmosphere between parents and children will be better. I don't advocate strict discipline but children should feel respect for parents .Moreover parents should avoid putting to much pressure on their children as for as school, free time, activities , hobbies are concerned. I believe that the relationship between parents and children should be built on solid principles of understanding and tolerance. In my view parent -children relationship should be more like friends. Parents should always love their children and take good care them .
Men and women should be allowed to do the same jobs. What do you think? Nowadays there are jobs that either man an woman should be allowed to do. I know men who like helping clean up, wash up, cook bring up the children. I think that today there are more and more man who can do many things in the house. Women shouldn`t do this all days. We must remember that women can also do many interesting things and work as a motor mechanics, police officers, pilots. Women can work as well as men. Needless to say women usually work as a baby sitters. Broadly speaking I believe that there is nothing wrong that people work where they want to. They should do that what then like. The world as a global village. Nowadays is very popular to use internet to communicate with people by computers. This thinks makes that world is a global village. By internet or phone we can communicate with people ine the whole world easy and quickly. TV provide people many information about another country ,about what is happening in the world or about wars, cultural event , catastrophes ,accidents and many things. Very important is also development means of transport such us car , planes ,we can quickly go there where we want, to almost every corner in the world. In general this all things make easier people`s life . English is becoming 1world language.