Chp12.odt 1
Chp12.odt 1
Chp12.odt 1
form of ATP and NADH: Know the products of glycolysis fermentation, the Krebs cycle and oxidative phosphorylation and where these reactions take place in the cell. Glycolysis:
Products o! the breakdo n o! ) glucose in glycolysis and TCA: *+ C,2- .2/0 C,2 *) 1ADH2- . 2/2 1ADH2 2+ 2 *4 NADH- .23 /)4 NADH *) 5TP- . 2/2 5TP *ATP2 ATP *glycolysisUnderstand the difference between aerobic and anaerobic metabolism:
Understand that the Krebs cycle produces intermediates for several metabolic pathways -Acetyl CoA is generated by the breakdo n o! !ats" #$nter%ediates o! the &reb scycle are used to synthesi'e %any %olecules(
including nucleotides and a%ino acids" Understand how metabolic pathways are allosterically regulated Understand how energy is stored in cells #$ ATP%high energy phosphate bond &$ NADH' NADPH' (ADH& two high energy electrons and H+ )$ Acetyl "oA%high energy thioester bond Compare and contrast the use of sugar and fat in energy production ,6erall( !at is a %ore i%7ortant energy !uel than glucose" The a6erage hu%an stores enough glycogen to su77ly energy needs !or one day and enough !at stores !or ) %onth" Also( ) g o! TA5 yields 80. the ATP as )g o! glycogen" Understand where and how fats are oxidi!ed(ats are o*idi+ed within the mitocondria' Understand that mitochondria and chloroplasts produce "#$ by chemiosmotic coupling
9atri:: contains TCA en'y%es( mtDNA( riboso%es( tRNAs( !atty acid o:idation en'y%es $nter%e%brane s7ace: a !e 7roteins $nner %e%brane *cristae-: o:idati6e 7hos7horylation *,.PH,;- en'y%es ,uter %e%brane: contains 7orin and other trans7ort 7roteins *ie< T,9-" =lectrons are trans!erred !ro% NADH *or 1ADH2- through a series o! electron trans7ort chains 7roteins e%bedded ithin the inner %itochondrial %e%brane"
%raw and describe the & compartments of mitochondria and explain where oxidative phosphorylation occurs
Understand why mitochondrial density and cristae density changes in response to energy demand
,itochondria that ha-e a higher density of cristae ha-e a larger area of inner membrane and therefore a greater capacity to carry out o*idati-e phosphorylation$ Heart muscle e*pends a lot of energy during its continuous contractions' whereas skin cells ha-e a smaller energy demand$ An increased density of cristae therefore increases the ATP%production capacity of the heart muscle cell$
%escribe how electrons are transferred along the electron transport chain and why redox potential is important in this process.
=lectron carriers are arranged ithin the inner %itochondrial %e%brane so that electrons !lo !ro% 7roteins ith a lo redo: 7otential to co%7le:es ith higher redo: 7otentials *!ro% good reducers to good o:idi'ers-" This allo s the% to get easily 7icked u7 and easily dro77ed o!! at each 7rotein" 'xplain how proton pumping is coupled to electron transfer within the electron
transport chain
*)-" Co%7le: $ *NADH dehydrogenase-: 8 44 subunits( !la6ins( 1e#; *2-" Co%7le: $$$ *the bc) co%7le:-: 8 )) subunits( he%e( 1e#; *+-" Co%7le: $> *cytochro%e c o:idase-: 8 )+ subunits( he%e( co77er ato%s Co%7le: $$# succinate dehydrogenase *7art o! the &rebs cycle$n addition( there are 2 s%all %obile electron carriers: Not a protein *A-" ?biquinone: trans!ers electrons bet een co%7le: $ and co%7le: $$$ and $$ and $$$ *@-" Cytochro%e c: trans!ers electrons bet een co%7le: $$$ and co%7le: $>
'xplain what the proton motive force is and how it is used to generate "#$
.lectron transfer is coupled to proton pumping which generates an electrochemical proton gradient /proton moti-e force0 which has two components: (1). An electrical potential: The inside of the membrane is negatively charged relative to the outer (intermembrane) face. /&0$ " p( gradient: The matri* is more basic compared to the intermembrane spac
'xplain how mitochondria become uncoupled and why this is sometimes important)
Uncouplers' such as dinitrophenol /DNP0' dissipate the proton gradient by making the inner mitochondrial membrane permeable to protons$
They sto7 the 7roduction o! ATP by decreasing the storage o! 7rotons in the inter%e%brane s7ace *inhibitors o! electron trans!er- or sto7 the 7roduction o! ATP by inter!ering ith the !unction o! ATP synthase *uncou7lers o! o:idati6e 7hos7horylation-" "
1ometimes your body does not need ATP and will use uncoupling them to slow it down$
Know what reactive oxygen species are, how they are generated and why they are harmful
.lectrons leak from the electron transport chain' producing free radicals$ 2*idati-e and free radicals can damage lipids' proteins' and DNA$ "ells defend against 321 with 1upero*ide dismutase and catalase 3eacti-e o*ygen species: o*ygen ion /2&%0 and pero*ide /H&2&0