What Is The Difference Between Bus and Mains Mode On The Dse Range of Mains Synchronising Controllers
What Is The Difference Between Bus and Mains Mode On The Dse Range of Mains Synchronising Controllers
What Is The Difference Between Bus and Mains Mode On The Dse Range of Mains Synchronising Controllers
DSE7520 and DSE7560s have the ability to parallel the generator with the mains supply. When in parallel we can choose what function the generators will perform. There are two selections, Bus/Generator mode and mains mode.
In this mode, the generator(s) are used to provide a fixed amount of active power (kW), this is configured into the Load parallel power parameter. How much reactive power is provided depends upon the kVAr/pf selection : : kVAr The generator(s) will provide the number of KVAr configured into the Load Parallel Var parameter. The power factor is variable in order to acheive this. : pf The generator(s) will product power at the power factor configured into the Load power factor parameter. The kVAr is variable in order to acheive this. With Bus mode (7560) or Generator mode (7520), care must be taken with the settings if export to the mains supply is to be avoided. For instance if the Load parallel power is set to 100kW and the site load is 75kW, the generator(s) will be exporting 25kW to the mains supply.
In this mode, the generator(s) are used to provide a variable amount of active power (kW), to maintain the mains import/export levels at the configured values. this is configured into the Load parallel power parameter. How much reactive power is taken from or exported to the mains depends upon the kVAr/pf selection : : kVAr The generator(s) will be used to provide enough kVAr to keep the mains import/export VAr at the level configured into the Load Parallel Var parameter. The mains power factor is variable in order to acheive this. : pf The generator(s) will be used to provide enough kVAr to keep the mains import/export at the power factor configured into the Load power factor parameter. The mains kVAr is variable in order to acheive this.
Mains mode
While there are many possible permutations of settings to serve various applications, the most common are detailed below. o Short term parallel the recommended setting is bus mode, with zero kW configured. During the modules o
parallel run timer, the mains will supply all the load. After the parallel run timer has expired, the load ramp begins (if required) after which the relevant breaker is opened, leaving the load supplied by only one source. Peak lopping/peak shaving. Configure mains mode and set the kW load level to the maximum amount of power you want to use from the mains. Configure an input for Remote Start on Load. Make the input active. When the mains power reaches the configured level, the generator will start and be used to keep the mains usage at the configured level. Minimum mains usage. Where it is required to run the generator in parallel, leaving the mains usage as low as possible, but without possibilty of exporting power to the mains, select mains mode, and configure a nominal amount of kW for mains import. The generator is used to hold the mains usage at this figure. Care must be taken when choosing the kW import level as selecting too low a value could result in short time export to the mains if the load level is reduced suddenly.