Mandar Resume
Mandar Resume
Mandar Resume
PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY: Five plus (5+) years of experience in the IT industry with skills in analysis, design, modeling, da a!are"ousing and re#or ing. Four Plus (4+) years of experience in desi nin the lo ical and physical $a a Modeling%ER&Modeling usin !"win tool 4.5#4.$#%.5#%.$ and desi nin the data warehouse usin star sche&a#snow'flake sche&a and di&ensional &odelin . S rong e'#erien(e in )usiness O*+e( s $esigner, Su#er,isor, User, -e* In elligen(e and )road(as Agen Modules. E'#erien(e in de,elo#ing a )usiness In elligen(e Re#or ing sys em /rom s(ra (" using )usiness O*+e( s 0i and de#loying in In/o ,ie!. !xperienced in (esi nin the )* +niverses, (evelopin the 1anned Re#or s, S("eduling "e )O re#or s usin )roadcast - ent. !xpertise in retrievin data usin )usiness O*+e( s Uni,erses, #ersonal da a /iles, s ored #ro(edures and free hand ./0 ðods. Four Plus (4+) years of experience in )usiness Intelli ence tools like )usiness*12ects 3.5#3.$#5.4, 5e1 Intelli ence 6.5, )usiness*12ects (esi ner, )usiness*12ects (eveloper .uite ()roadcast - ent, .upervisor, (esi ner, Info 7iew, 8-)*), )usiness*12ects +niverse (eveloper and )usiness*12ects "eportin . .olid experience in developin 9rystal reports (:.$, 4$ ; 44). Five plus (5+) years of experience usin *racle :i#<i#=i, *racle "eport 5riter, ./0, P0#./0, ./0>Plus, ./0>0oader, ?. -ccess 6$$$, (eveloper 6$$$, 5indows :5#:<#6$$$#@P, 5in AT 4.$ and .un .olaris. !xperienced in loader utilities includin ./0 0oader.
2E13NI1AL SKILLS: Re#or ing 2ools: )usiness*12ects 3.5#3.$#5.4#5.$ (5e1'Intelli ence 6.5, (esi ner 5.$ ; (eveloper .uite), )* (esi ner, )* (eveloper .uite 3.$#5.$ ()roadcast - ent, (esi ner, Info 7iew, 5e1 Intelli ence, 8-)*), .upervisor. 9rystal "eports (:.$, 4$ ; 44) !"win 4.5#4.$#%.5#%.$, 0o ical ?odelin , Physical ?odelin , "elational ?odelin , !" (ia ra&s, (i&ensional (ata ?odelin (.tar .che&a ?odelin , .nowFlake .che&a ?odelin , F-9T and (i&ensions Ta1les), !ntities, -ttri1utes, 9ardinality, *racle (esi ner 6$$$. *racle :i#<i#=.% and ?. -ccess =.$#:=#6$$$. +AI@, 5indows :<#6$$$#@P.
$a a Modeling B
$a a*ases : En,ironmen :
PROFESSIONAL E4PERIEN1E: ME2LIFE, N5 )usinessO*+e( s Re#or $e,elo#er Se# 6778 9 Fe* 6770
?et0ife is one of the reputed Insurance providers for -uto, 0ife, Co&e, and )usiness. The data warehouse was 1ein desi ned for the life insurance roup. The data warehouse was to provide the &ana ers of ?et0ife, the .lice and (ice capa1ility to analyDe the data they have.
Res#onsi*ili ies:
In,ol,ed in re:uiremen s ga "ering, /un( ional% e("ni(al s#e(i/i(a ion, and de,elo#men , de#loying and es ing. Interacted with )usiness users for the )usiness "eportin "eEuire&ents and prepared reportin specifications ; report prototypes. $esigned "e )usiness O*+e( s Uni,erse. +se of )* (esi ner ?odule to create +niverses, linka es 1etween ta1les, creatin pro&pts and Eueries, parsin the +niverses, applyin contexts and alias ta1les to re&ove cyclic dependencies. 9reated .che&a o12ects like Indexes, 7iews, and .eEuences. 9reated link o12ects usin o#en do(umen /un( ion to link reports within ; outside repository ; deployed the& onto info view. (eveloped the .ecurity .trate y (O*+e( and Ro! le,el se(uri y) for ?etlife. (eveloped %$ 9anned "eports, which included (rill'(own "eports, (rill across "eports and pu1lished the& as 9orp (ocu&ents. Involved in the develop&ent of reports 1y usin 9rystal "eports 44 and *racle :i as data1ase. (eveloped various 9harts and Fraphs like )ar 9hart (.ide 1y .ide, .tacked), 0ine raphs, Pie 9harts etc 1y usin 9hart expert of 9rystal "eports 44. I&proved report response ti&e 1y tunin )* Eueries. Involved in up radin the entire application into thin client technolo y usin G in/o,ie!H a feature for we1 1ased reportin in )usiness *12ects. 9reated "eport Te&plates for consistency in the look ; feel of the reports. 5rote test plans ; test cases to test reports. +sed Re#or migra ion u ili y to &i rate reports fro& )usiness *12ects (.rep) to 5e1 intelli ence (ocu&ents (.wid). Trained the key users for usa e of ?etlife +niverse.
En,ironmen : )usiness*12ects 3.5, 9rystal "eports 44, !"win 4.5, *racle :i, ./0, P0#./0, 5indows @P, .El>0oader, T*-(. 1API2AL ONE SER;I1ES, ;A )usinessO*+e( s 1onsul an Mar 677< 9 Aug 6778
9apital *ne Financial 9orporation is a pu1licly held 1ank holdin co&pany. Its principal su1sidiaries, 9apital *ne )ank and 9apital *ne, F...) are a&on the lar est providers of ?aster9ard and 7isa credit cards in the world. (ata analysis technolo ies are used at 9apital *ne to identify profita1le credit card holders fro& a vast data1ase of potential and existin custo&ers. +nder its IInfor&ation')ased .trate yI, 9apital *ne can address a &uch wider roup of potential credit card custo&ers, offerin credit facilities to individuals who traditional card co&panies re ard as hi h risk. To do so, it a re ates as &uch data as possi1le on custo&ers ' fro& credit checkin infor&ation to lists of peopleIs ho11ies. This strate y is 1acked 1y lar e'scale invest&ent in data warehousin , 1usiness intelli ence and analytics technolo ies. Res#onsi*ili ies: In,ol,ed in re:uiremen s ga "ering, /un( ional% e("ni(al s#e(i/i(a ion, and de,elo#men , de#loying and es ing. Fenerated )usiness *12ects "eports 1y usin Free hand ./0 as a data provider. Involved in the develop&ent of reports 1y usin 9rystal "eports and *racle :i as data1ase. (eveloped various 9harts and Fraphs like )ar 9hart (.ide 1y .ide, .tacked), 0ine raphs, Pie 9harts etc 1y usin 9hart expert of 9rystal "eports.
(eveloped Cierarchies to support drill down reports. 1rea ed 1on e' s and Aliases for resolvin 0oops and 2oin pro1le&s in the +niverses. )uilt the Aggrega e S ra egy and used Aggrega e A!areness in )usiness *12ects to &ake use of - re ate Ta1les. !xported the +niverses to the "epository to &ake availa1le resources to the users. 9reated the reports for the various Portfolios usin the +niverses as the &ain (ata Providers. 9reated ?aster (etail, charts and 9ross Ta1 reports. *r aniDed data in the reports 1y usin Filters, .ortin , "ankin and hi hli hted data with -lerter. 9reated co&plex reports usin user defined functions, condition o12ects and a re ate awareness functions for ./0 enhance&ent. For&atted the reports as per the 1usiness reEuire&ents. +sed ./0 0oader to populate ta1les, to write procedures on how data should 1e 1rou ht into the ta1les or views. Fenerated reports for we1 users usin 5e1 Intelli ence.
En,ironmen : )usiness *12ects 5.4.<, 9rystal "eports :.$, *racle:i, P0#./0, ./0Tools, 5e1i ; 5indows 6$$$. RO13E P3ARMA1EU2I1ALS, N5 )usiness O*+e( s 1onsul an Fe* 6776 9 Fe* 677<
"oche Phar&aceuticals is one of the worlds leadin provider of hi hest'Euality phar&aceuticals and health care products. The pro2ect "oche (ata?art ("F?) deals with the .ales ; ?arketin . The data is then consolidated into the data &art which is used for the report eneration. Res#onsi*ili ies: Involved in the Ar("i e( ure design for decidin the data structures for the warehouse. Participated in designing "e S ar s("ema for the (ata warehouse. (esi ned and developed new +niverses, 9lasses and *12ects for (isaster "ecovery .yste&. 9reated 9ontexts, Joins, and -liases for resolvin loops and checked the Inte rity of the +niverses. !xported the +niverses to the "epository to &ake resources availa1le to the users. I&proved report response ti&e 1y tunin )* Eueries ; validated the reports data usin T*-(. 9reated the reports for the various Portfolios usin the +niverses as the &ain (ata Providers. !xtensively used the .upervisor &odule to &ana e user roups, users and for creatin "epositories. Involved in *12ects 0evel .ecurity, Password .ettin s, (ata "estrictions and "ow "estrictions, (isa1lin and (eletin +sers. 9reated ?aster (etail and 9ross Ta1 reports. -nalyDed reports usin .lice and (ice, .cope of -nalysis and (rill function. *r aniDed data in the reports 1y usin Filters, .ortin , "ankin and hi hli hted data with -lerter. 9reated co&plex reports usin user defined functions, condition o12ects and a re ate awareness functions for ./0 enhance&ent. Involved in the develop&ent of reports 1y usin 9rystal "eports :.$ and *racle :i as data1ase. +sed 9rystal repository to store eneraliDed for&ulas for reusa1ility. (eveloped 9ross Ta1 "eports, .u1 "eports 1y usin 9rystal "eports version 4$.$. For&atted the reports as per the 1usiness reEuire&ents.
.cheduled reports throu h )roadcast - ent for auto&ation. Involved in testin the developed +niverses and "eports for final deploy&ent.
En,ironmen B )usiness *12ects 5.4.=, 9rystal "eports 4$.$, *racle:i, P0#./0, ?.'!xcel, Toad, 5e1i, )roadcast - ent ; 5indows 6$$$. ALL2EL, =A )usiness O*+e( s $e,elo#er 5un 677> 9 5an 6776
-lltel provides wireless, local telephone, lon distance, internet and 1road1and services to 1usiness and residential custo&ers nationwide. The pro2ect is involved in &aintainin a *(.#(ata 5arehouse for the custo&ers who su1scri1ed for the 7oice, Internet#(.0 services. (ata is sourced fro& several disparate data sources includin &ainfra&e and le acy *racle data1ase. Freatly involved in the order reEuest an order processed &odule of a (.0 service. Res#onsi*ili ies: (esi ned and developed new universes accordin to the depart&ent reEuire&ents and specifications. Tuned &ultiple universes and resolved loops 1y creatin aliases and contexts. Fathered reEuire&ents fro& the &ana e&ent for functionality, display and effectiveness of the reports. -nalyDed reports .lice and (ice, (rill ?ode, .cope of -nalysis. 9reated ?aster (etail and 9ross Ta1 reports. *r aniDed data in the reports 1y usin Filters, .ortin , "ankin and hi hli hted data with alerts. 9reated co&plex reports usin user defined functions, condition o12ects and a re ate awareness functions for ./0 enhance&ent. For&atted the reports as per the 1usiness reEuire&ents. Fenerated reports for we1 users usin 5e1 Intelli ence and Info7iew. 9reated 5e1 Intelli ence docu&ents and pu1lished the& to corporate docu&ents.
En,ironmen B )usiness *12ects 5.4.6, 5e1Intelli ence6.5, *racle <i, ()6, Toad ; 5indows 6$$$. NOR$S2ROM, -A )usiness O*+e( s $e,elo#er%Analys No, 6777 9 A#r 677>
Aordstro& is one of the nationIs leadin fashion retailers with the headEuarters located at 5ashin ton. The pro2ect at Aordstro& involved &aintainin the custo&er infor&ation in the data warehouse availa1le at all locations to analyDe the trends in product sales. I was &ainly involved in eneratin reports usin )usiness *12ects 5.4. Res#onsi*ili ies: -nalyDed the data1ase desi n, understandin the relationships 1etween data1ase o12ects and 1uildin +niverses for deploy&ent. "esolvin 0oops, 9has& Traps and Fan Traps in the process of 1uildin +niverses. !xtensively used co&plex varia1les, 1reaks, sortin , calculations, and alerts for creatin )usiness *12ects "eports. -nalyDed and exported reports in different perspectives usin .lice and (ice and (rill &ode. -pplied .ecurity Features of )usiness *12ects like row level, o12ect level and report level to &ake the sensitive data secure.
(eveloped )usiness *12ects reports usin &ultiple data providers. 9reated raphical representation of reports such as )ar charts, Pie charts etc. .cheduled and distri1uted reports usin )9-. (eployin )usiness *12ects "eports over 5e1 and Testin of "eports. Trained and &entored the user co&&unity to work with +niverses and "eports. (esi ned and developed Technical +ser (ocu&entation and involved in trainin the !nd +sers.
En,ironmen : )usiness *12ects 5.4, 5e1 Intelli ence 3i, )roadcast - ent, *racle <i, 5indows 6$$$.