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Earthquake and Tsunami Smart Manual: A Guide For Protecting Your Family

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Earthquake and Tsunami Smart Manual

A guide for protecting your family

Earthquake and Tsunami Smart

Earthquakes are common in BC and more than 1,200 are recorded each year across the province. Most are too small to be felt, but an earthquake capable of causing structural damage is expected to occur somewhere in the province about once every decade. There is a real risk that one of these could be the big one. Tsunamis can be associated with earthquakes. Sometimes a large earthquake beneath the ocean oor will produce a series of large sea waves or tsunamis. Damaging tsunamis are a rare, but serious event. If you live in or near a coastal region of our province, there is a possibility that you may have to respond to a tsunami threat one day. Preparation is the key to survival in the event of an earthquake or tsunami. However, for some of us, putting together an emergency supplies kit and creating a family disaster plan can seem overwhelming. Following these Earthquake and Tsunami Smart guidelines is simple and takes little time. Sharing what you have learned with neighbours, family and friends may save lives. Take the time now to prepare.

Unreinforced masonry structures may sustain signicant damage from earthquakes.


Know the Risks - Earthquakes

The BC coast is considered a high risk earthquake zone. In this region, tectonic plates on the earths surface (including those on the ocean oor) are moving apart, sliding past one another and colliding. It is the movement of these plates that causes small earthquakes (daily), potentially damaging earthquakes (decades apart), and some of the worlds largest earthquakes (centuries apart).

Earthquakes are an unavoidable natural hazard, but proper planning and a wellinformed and well-prepared public can reduce their impact.

3 types of earthquakes
Crustal earthquakes Deep earthquakes Subduction zone earthquakes

The shaking motion of an earthquake is due to this sudden release of energy. The rst sign of an earthquake may be a loud bang or a roar. The ground may start to pitch and roll like a ship for several seconds to several minutes. Over the following hours or days, aftershocks smaller earthquakes can follow.


Know the Risks - Tsunamis

Like earthquakes, tsunamis can happen at any time of the day or night, under any kind of weather conditions, and in all seasons. Beaches open to the ocean or by bay entrances, as well as tidal ats and the shores of coastal rivers or inlets exposed to the open ocean are especially vulnerable to tsunamis. The force of tsunami waves can cause great destruction. The rst wave of a tsunami is often not the largest. Other waves may follow every few minutes, for a period of hours. Tsunami waves can kill and injure people and cause great property damage where they come ashore. Understanding what a tsunami can do, and how to react during its approach, is vital to local communities and people along BCs coast.

Following an earthquake far away in the Pacic Ocean, it may take hours for waves to reach coastal BC. However, a closer earthquake could generate a tsunami capable of reaching the shore in a matter of minutes. There is a Tsunami Warning and Alerting Plan in place to pass the warning to coastal communities as quickly as possible, but sometimes there is not enough time to reach everyone especially in more remote communities.

This logo has been adopted as the tsunami hazard symbol for British Columbia

It is important to remember that tsunamis are rare events and not all earthquakes will generate a tsunami. However, it is also critical to know what to do as a precaution if you live in a vulnerable area.

The rst wave of a tsunami may not be the largest. Other waves may follow every few minutes, for a period of hours.

The potential power of a tsunami is illustrated here. A shing boat has been tossed on shore and a re truck has been destroyed by debris.



Around the home:

Assemble emergency supply kits for your home, car and work Know your communitys emergency and evacuation plans Install latches on cupboards and secure water tanks, top-heavy furniture, appliances or computers and other items against movement Know the location of your gas shut o, electricity panel and water valves Know ahead of time where the safest spots are at home, school or work and in the case of a tsunami, know how to get to higher ground (above 10 metre safe zone) Decide in advance on a family meeting place, in case you are separated Identify an out-of-area phone contact person to call Keep sturdy shoes beside all household members beds; and Take an approved rst aid course.

Take the First Critical Step Toward Personal Preparedness

Imagine that a major earthquake has occurred, causing widespread damage, cutting power and gas lines. Or, you have just been warned that a tsunami is on its way towards your community. If your home is no longer safe you must leave immediately. You cannot gather food from the kitchen, ll bottles with water, grab a rst-aid kit from the closet and snatch a ashlight and a portable radio from the bedroom quickly enough. You need to have these items packed and ready in one place before disaster strikes.

Emergency supply kit:

A three-day supply of food and water (choose non-perishable foods that are easy to carry, nutritious and ready-to-eat) Cutlery, plastic plates, large plastic bags Prescription medicines First aid kit Portable radio, ashlights and extra batteries Whistle Important papers Personal toiletries Money and matches in a waterproof container Blankets (aluminum foil ones take less space) Infant and small childrens needs (if appropriate)

It makes sense and doesnt take much time to be prepared. This checklist will get you started.

Manual can opener Pet needs (leash, food); and Shovel and other useful tools.

Suggested places to store emergency supply kits at home are: under a bed, in a closet, behind drapes, in a garage or in a garbage can any place that is cool, dry and dark, but easily accessible.


When an Earthquake Happens Remember to Drop, Cover and Hold

Its 7:00 p.m. and an earthquake strikes. Each family member is in a dierent room do you know how to protect yourselves? By planning ahead, all members of a family will know what to do during an earthquake. Knowing what to expect can reduce panic and ensures you think clearly and act quickly. Its a good idea when forming an earthquake preparedness plan, for families to walk from room to room choosing the best places to be during a quake. Or discuss what to do if you are away from home.

Indoors, the safest places are beneath sturdy furniture, beside a solid inside wall or in a corner or inside an inner hallway. Hold on tight to heavy furniture if you are using it as cover to keep it from moving around. Avoid windows.

Having a family plan in case of emergency will help reduce panic and enable all of your family members to think quickly and clearly.

If youre outdoors, stay in the open, away from trees, buildings and power lines. You could be driving when a quake hits. Stop your car away from overpasses, bridges and power lines and stay inside your vehicle. Once youre in a safe place, protect your head and hold on until all motion stops.

Stay away from heavy objects that can fall from ceilings, shelves and cupboards or top-heavy furniture that could tip over. Do not leave the building when you feel shaking. This is the time to Drop, Cover and Hold.


When an earthquake is over, its important to stay calm and move cautiously, checking for unstable objects and other hazards above and around you. You or others may be injured. Treat yourself rst and then assist others. Check gas, water and electrical lines. Also be aware that there may be other types of hazards caused by earthquakes including re, landslides, highway damage, dike failures, liquefaction, cracks etc. Check around your residence. If there are any concerns about leaks, shut o valves. Be aware of other possible hazards, such as broken glass, falling objects and weakened foundations or walls. If you and your family are okay, place a large OK sign in your window to let emergency workers know. OK and HELP signs are available for downloading at www.pep.bc.ca

Always anticipate aftershocks. Drop, Cover and Hold during aftershocks as well.

This turn-of-the-century wooden residence sustained major damage when it moved o its foundation during an earthquake.

If your house has suered considerable damage and is unsafe, you may need to leave immediately. Gather your emergency supplies together and listen to a battery-operated radio or car radio for instructions by emergency ocials through the news media. Evacuation reception centres may be opened to help with food and lodging and medical centres may be opened for those who have been injured.




Tsunami Warning Head for High Ground

The Pacic Tsunami Warning System is an international program to detect tsunamis and provide notication and warnings to all countries bordering the Pacic Ocean. BCs Provincial Emergency Program receives alerts and advises: >> BC coastal communities in the risk areas (municipalities and regional districts) >> RCMP >> Canada Coast Guard, the Canadian Forces and Nav Canada >> media networks and outlets, and other provincial and federal ocials NEVER go to the coast to watch a tsunami. NEVER go down to the water if you see it start to recede as this could be an indication that a tsunami may follow. A tsunami moves faster than a person can run. HEAD for high ground immediately! If a large undersea earthquake takes place near the BC coast, the rst tsunami waves may reach the shore minutes after the ground stops shaking. The best warning is the earthquake itself and residents in tsunami risk areas should be prepared to evacuate to high ground or inland immediately (at least 10 metres above sea level).

Depending upon an earthquakes origin, a tsunami could reach the BC coast in as little as 15 minutes or over 15 hours later. Little can be done to warn of local tsunamis because their travel time is so short.

A tsunami struck B.C.s west coast in 1964, causing extensive damage to Port Alberni and other communities in the area.




If you are near the ocean and you feel a large earthquake, you should go inland or to higher ground immediately do not wait for an ocial warning. Know your local communitys suggested evacuation routes to safe areas, and proceed immediately. Be aware that damaged roads and bridges and debris caused by the earthquake may prevent driving. If you are camping on a beach or near the ocean, you may have to abandon your belongings in order to save your life.

Remember: you cannot outrun a tsunami so dont go down to the water if you see it start to recede.

Once a community is alerted that the arrival of a distant tsunami is (or may be) expected; residents will be warned in a number of dierent ways. In some locations, a siren is used, while others depend on a telephone fan-out or a door-to-door or loud hailer system. Once you have the initial warning, listen to your radio for updates.

If you are on a boat when a tsunami is coming, you should leave the harbour for the open water. Tsunamis are scarcely noticed when they pass under a boat in deep water. If you are in a oat plane in a harbour, take o for a safe landing area on a lake or on land, or away from areas at risk.

Be prepared to survive on your own for at least three days this means when you leave, take your emergency supplies kit from your home, work or car with you.




Following a tsunami that reaches our shores do not return to the area after the rst wave. Tsunamis generally involve several powerful waves. Wait for emergency management ocials to give the all clear before you return to your home. Stay tuned to your radio or marine radio during a disaster. Bulletins will be issued by emergency ocials providing updates on the situation. Call 911 only for life-threatening emergencies.

For Additional Information

Preparedness and awareness information is available through the Provincial Emergency Program www.pep.bc.ca Information about current earthquake activity and past events can be found at Natural Resources Canada www.pgc.nrcan.gc.ca/ seismo/table.htm Information about tsunamis can be found at Fisheries and Oceans Canada www-sci.pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca Toll-free message line with personal preparedness information: 1-888-811-6233

Remember, taking the time to prepare now can save lives in the future

Many highways and roads could be made impassable by cracks and landslides following an earthquake.


The aftermath of a tsunami can be devastating. The debris at this location was about one metre deep.


EARTHQUAKE AND TSUNAMI SMART MANUAL This material has been prepared in cooperation with:

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