Tip For IELTS at Task 1
Tip For IELTS at Task 1
Tip For IELTS at Task 1
Adj sharp dramatic rapid steep (tng) huge enormous marked significant sudden considerable steady gradual moderate slight slow Line graph Bar chart
Adv sharply dramatically rapidly steeply hugely enormously markedly significantly suddenly considerably steadily gradually moderately slightly slowly
to peak to improve to recover to fall to decrease to decline to reduce to go down to dive to plunge to plummet
a fluctuation a variation
to fluctuate to vary
Pie chart
a plateau = stay at level off the same level, level out after increase
to accounted for to constitute to make up to comprise to be made up of to be composed of to consist of to include to remain the same to remain stable to remain unchanged to remain steady to reach a plateau to stay constant to level out to level off there was no change
The bao gm
line graph bar chart pie chart flow chart table diagram graphs
gi n nh
In the (first) step In the (final) stage After that Next On the other hand Furthermore And then
an upward trend a downward trend some fluctuation highest level top position highest point a dip a trough a peak
fall to reach