Enders Game
Enders Game
Enders Game
Chapter 1 -- Third
"I' e !atched thro"#h his eyes$ I' e %istened thro"#h his ears$ and te%% yo" he's the one& Or at %east as c%ose as !e're #oin# to #et&"
"The brother tested o"t i'possib%e& (or other reasons& Nothin# to do !ith his abi%ity&"
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"Sa'e !ith the sister& And there are do"bts abo"t hi'& )e's too 'a%%eab%e& Too !i%%in# to s"b'er#e hi'se%* in so'eone e%se's !i%%&"
"So !hat do !e do+ S"rro"nd hi' !ith ene'ies a%% the ti'e+"
"I* !e ha e to&"
"I* the b"##ers #et hi'$ they'%% 'a,e 'e %oo, %i,e his *a orite "nc%e&"
"A%% ri#ht& -e're sa in# the !or%d$ a*ter a%%& Ta,e hi'&"
The 'onitor %ady s'i%ed ery nice%y and to"s%ed his hair and said$ "Andre!$ I s"ppose by no! yo"'re /"st abso%"te%y sic, o* ha in# that horrid 'onitor& -e%%$ I ha e #ood ne!s *or yo"& That 'onitor is #oin# to co'e o"t today& -e're #oin# to /"st ta,e it ri#ht o"t$ and it !on't h"rt a bit&"
Ender nodded& It !as a %ie$ o* co"rse$ that it !o"%dn't h"rt a bit& 0"t since ad"%ts a%!ays said it !hen it !as #oin# to h"rt$ he co"%d co"nt on that state'ent as an acc"rate prediction o* the *"t"re& So'eti'es %ies !ere 'ore dependab%e than the tr"th&
"So i* yo"'%% /"st co'e o er here$ Andre!$ /"st sit ri#ht "p here on the e1a'inin# tab%e& The doctor !i%% be in to see yo" in a 'o'ent&"
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The 'onitor #one& Ender tried to i'a#ine the %itt%e de ice 'issin# *ro' the bac, o* his nec,& I'%% ro%% o er on 'y bac, in bed and it !on't be pressin# there& I !on't *ee% it tin#%in# and ta,in# "p the heat !hen I sho!er&
And 2eter !on't hate 'e any'ore& I'%% co'e ho'e and sho! hi' that the 'onitor's #one$ and he'%% see that I didn't 'a,e it$ either& That I'%% /"st be a nor'a% ,id no!$ %i,e hi'& That !on't be so bad then& )e'%% *or#i e 'e that I had 'y 'onitor a !ho%e year %on#er than he had his& -e'%% be-- not *riends$ probab%y& No$ 2eter !as too dan#ero"s& 2eter #ot so an#ry& 0rothers$ tho"#h& Not ene'ies$ not *riends$ b"t brothers-- ab%e to %i e in the sa'e ho"se& )e !on't hate 'e$ he'%% /"st %ea e 'e a%one& And !hen he !ants to p%ay b"##ers and astrona"ts$ 'aybe I !on't ha e to p%ay$ 'aybe I can /"st #o read a boo,&
0"t Ender ,ne!$ e en as he tho"#ht it$ that 2eter !o"%dn't %ea e hi' a%one& There !as so'ethin# in 2eter's eyes$ !hen he !as in his 'ad 'ood$ and !hene er Ender sa! that %oo,$ that #%int$ he ,ne! that the one thin# 2eter !o"%d not do !as %ea e hi' a%one& I'' practicin# piano$ Ender& Co'e t"rn the pa#es *or 'e& Oh$ is the 'onitor boy too b"sy to he%p his brother+ Is he too s'art+ Got to #o ,i%% so'e b"##ers$ astrona"t+ No$ no$ I don't !ant yo"r he%p& I can do it on 'y o!n$ yo" %itt%e bastard$ yo" %itt%e Third&
Ender nodded&
"It's desi#ned to be re'o ed& -itho"t in*ection$ !itho"t da'a#e& 0"t there'%% be so'e tic,%in#$ and so'e peop%e say they ha e a *ee%in# o* so'ethin# 'issin#& 3o"'%% ,eep %oo,in# aro"nd *or so'ethin#& So'ethin# yo" !ere %oo,in# *or$ b"t yo" can't *ind it$ and yo" can't re'e'ber !hat it !as& So I'%% te%% yo"& It's the 'onitor yo"'re %oo,in# *or$ and it isn't there& In a *e! days that *ee%in# !i%% pass&"
The doctor !as t!istin# so'ethin# at the bac, o* Ender's head& S"dden%y a pain stabbed thro"#h hi' %i,e a need%e *ro' his nec, to his #roin& Ender *e%t his bac, spas'$ and his body arched io%ent%y bac,!ard4 hi head str"c, the bed& )e co"%d *ee% his %e#s thrashin#$ and his hands !ere c%enchin# each other$ !rin#in# each other so ti#ht%y that they ached&
"Deedee5" sho"ted the doctor& "I need yo"5" The n"rse ran in$ #asped& "Got to re%a1 these '"sc%es& Get it to 'e$
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So'ethin# chan#ed hands4 Ender co"%d not see& )e %"rched to one side and *e%% o** the e1a'inin# tab%e& "Catch hi'5" cried the n"rse&
Ender *e%t a need%e enter his bac, /"st abo e the nec, o* his shirt& It b"rned$ b"t !here er in hi' the *ire spread$ his '"sc%es #rad"a%%y "nc%enched& No! he co"%d cry *or the *ear and pain o* it&
Andre! co"%d not re'e'ber ho! to spea,& They %i*ted hi' onto the tab%e& They chec,ed his p"%se$ did other thin#s4 he did not "nderstand it a%%&
The doctor !as tre'b%in#4 his oice shoo, as he spo,e& "They %ea e these thin#s in the ,ids *or three years$ !hat do they e1pect+ -e co"%d ha e s!itched hi' o**$ do yo" rea%i7e that+ -e co"%d ha e "np%"##ed his brain *or a%% ti'e&"
"8eep hi' here *or at %east an ho"r& -atch hi'& I* he doesn't start ta%,in# in *i*teen 'in"tes$ ca%% 'e& Co"%d ha e "np%"##ed hi' *ore er& I don't ha e the brains o* a b"##er&"
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)e #ot bac, to Miss 2"'phrey's c%ass on%y *i*teen 'in"tes be*ore the c%osin# be%%& )e !as sti%% a %itt%e "nsteady on his *eet&
)e nodded&
"I'' O8&"
)e started to!ard his seat$ b"t stopped& No! !hat !as I %oo,in# *or+ I can't thin, !hat I !as %oo,in# *or&
)e sat do!n$ b"t it !as so'ethin# e%se he needed$ so'ethin# he had %ost& I'%% *ind it %ater&
Andre! shr"##ed&
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Andre! reached "p and *e%t his nec,& There !as a bandaid& It !as #one& )e !as /"st %i,e e erybody e%se no!&
"-ashed o"t$ Andy+" as,ed a boy !ho sat across the ais%e and behind hi'& Co"%dn't thin, o* his na'e& 2eter& No$ that !as so'eone e%se&
Miss 2"'phrey ta%,ed abo"t '"%tip%ication& Ender dood%ed on his des,$ dra!in# conto"r 'aps o* 'o"ntaino"s is%ands and then te%%in# his des, to disp%ay the' in three di'ensions *ro' e ery an#%e& The teacher !o"%d ,no!$ o* co"rse$ that he !asn't payin# attention$ b"t she !o"%dn't bother hi'& )e a%!ays ,ne! the ans!er$ e en !hen she tho"#ht he !asn't payin# attention&
In the corner o* his des, a !ord appeared and be#an 'archin# aro"nd the peri'eter o* the des,& It !as "pside do!n and bac,!ard at *irst$ b"t Ender ,ne! !hat it said %on# be*ore it reached the botto' o* the des, and t"rned ri#ht side "p&
Ender s'i%ed& )e !as the one !ho had *i#"red o"t ho! to send 'essa#es and 'a,e the' 'arch-- e en as his secret ene'y ca%%ed hi' na'es$ the 'ethod o* de%i ery praised hi'& It !as not his *a"%t he !as a Third& It !as the #o ern'ent's idea$ they !ere the ones !ho a"thori7ed it-- ho! e%se co"%d a Third %i,e Ender ha e #ot into schoo%+ And no! the 'onitor !as #one& The e1peri'ent entit%ed Andre! -i##in hadn't !or,ed o"t a%ter a%%& I* they co"%d$ he !as s"re they !o"%d %i,e to rescind the !ai ers that had a%%o!ed hi' to be born at a%%& Didn't !or,$ so erase the e1peri'ent&
The be%% ran#& E eryone si#ned o** their des,s or h"rried%y typed in re'inders to the'se% es& So'e !ere d"'pin# %essons or data into their co'p"ters at ho'e& A *e! #athered at the printers !hi%e so'ethin# they !anted to sho! !as printed o"t& Ender spread his hands o er the chi%d-si7e ,eyboard near the ed#e o* the des,
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and !ondered !hat it !o"%d *ee% %i,e to ha e hands as %ar#e as a #ro!n-"p's& They '"st *ee% so bi# and a!,!ard$ thic, st"bby *in#ers and bee*y pa%'s& O* co"rse$ they had bi##er ,eyboards-- b"t ho! co"%d their thic, *in#ers dra! a *ine %ine$ the !ay Ender co"%d$ a thin %ine so precise that he co"%d 'a,e it spira% se enty-nine ti'es *ro' the center to the ed#e o* the des, !itho"t the %ines e er to"chin# or o er%appin#& It #a e hi' so'ethin# to do !hi%e the teacher droned on abo"t arith'etic& Arith'etic5 :a%entine had ta"#ht hi' arith'etic !hen he !as three&
"3es$ 'a'a'&"
Ender nodded and #ot "p& The other ,ids !ere #one& They !o"%d be !aitin#$ tho"#h$ the bad ones& )is 'onitor !asn't perched on his nec,$ hearin# !hat heard and seein# !hat he sa!& They co"%d say !hat they %i,ed& They 'i#ht e en hit hi' no!-- no one co"%d see any'ore$ and so no one !o"%d co'e to Ender's resc"e& There !ere ad anta#es to the 'onitor$ and he !o"%d 'iss the'&
It !as Sti%son$ o* co"rse& )e !asn't bi##er than 'ost other ,ids$ b"t he !as bi##er than Ender& And he had so'e others !ith hi'& )e a%!ays did&
")ey$ Third&"
")ey$ Third$ !e're ta%,in to yo"$ Third$ hey b"##er-%o er$ !e're ta%,in to yo"&"
Can't thin, o* anythin# to ans!er& Anythin# I say !i%% 'a,e it !orse& So !i%% sayin# nothin#&
")ey$ Third$ hey$ t"rd$ yo" *%"n,ed o"t$ h"h+ Tho"#ht yo" !ere better than "s$ b"t yo" %ost yo"r %itt%e birdie$
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"Are !e #oin# to %et hi' thro"#h+ Sho"%d !e %et hi' thro"#h+" They a%% %a"#hed& "S"re !e'%% %et yo" thro"#h& (irst !e'%% %et yo"r ar' thro"#h$ then yo"r b"tt thro"#h$ then 'aybe a piece o* yo"r ,nee&"
The others chi'ed in no!& ";ost yo"r birdie$ Thirdie& ;ost yo"r birdie$ Thirdie&"
Sti%son be#an p"shin# hi' !ith one hand$ so'eone behind hi' then p"shed hi' to!ard Sti%son&
This !o"%d not ha e a happy endin#& So Ender decided that he'd rather not be the "nhappiest at the end& The ne1t ti'e Sti%son's ar' ca'e o"t to p"sh hi'$ Ender #rabbed at it& )e 'issed&
Ender did not *ee% %i,e %a"#hin#$ b"t he %a"#hed& "3o" 'ean it ta,es this 'any o* yo" to *i#ht one Third+"
"-e're peop%e$ not Thirds$ t"rd *ace& 3o"'re abo"t as stron# as a *art5"
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0"t they %et #o o* hi'& And as soon as they did$ Ender ,ic,ed o"t hi#h and hard$ catchin# Sti%son s<"are in the breastbone& )e dropped& It too, Ender by s"rprise he hadn't tho"#ht to p"t Sti%son on the #ro"nd !ith one ,ic,& It didn't occ"r to hi' that Sti%son didn't ta,e a *i#ht %i,e this serio"s%y$ that he !asn't prepared *or a tr"%y desperate b%o!&
(or a 'o'ent$ the others bac,ed a!ay and Sti%son %ay 'otion%ess& They !ere a%% !onderin# i* he !as dead& Ender$ ho!e er$ !as tryin# to *i#"re o"t a !ay to *oresta%% en#eance& To ,eep the' *ro' ta,in# hi' in a pac, to'orro!& I ha e to !in this no!$ and *or a%% ti'e$ or I'%% *i#ht it e ery day and it !i%% #et !orse and !orse& Ender ,ne! the "nspo,en r"%es o* 'an%y !ar*are$ e en tho"#h he !as on%y si1& It !as *orbidden to stri,e the opponent !ho %ay he%p%ess on the #ro"nd4 on%y an ani'a% !o"%d do that&
So Ender !a%,ed to Sti%son's s"pine body and ,ic,ed hi' a#ain$ icio"s%y$ in the ribs& Sti%son #roaned and ro%%ed a!ay *ro' hi'& Ender !a%,ed aro"nd hi' and ,ic,ed hi' a#ain$ in the crotch& Sti%son co"%d not 'a,e a so"nd4 he on%y do"b%ed "p and tears strea'ed o"t o* his eyes&
Then Ender %oo,ed at the others co%d%y& "3o" 'i#ht be ha in# so'e idea o* #an#in# "p on 'e& 3o" co"%d probab%y beat 'e "p pretty bad& 0"t /"st re'e'ber !hat I do to peop%e !ho try to h"rt 'e& (ro' then on yo"'d be !onderin# !hen I'd #et yo"$ and ho! bad it !o"%d be&" )e ,ic,ed Sti%son in the *ace& 0%ood *ro' his nose spattered the #ro"nd nearby& "It !o"%dn't be this bad$" Ender said& "It !o"%d be !orse&"
)e t"rned and !a%,ed a!ay& Nobody *o%%o!ed hi'$ )e t"rned a corner into the corridor %eadin# to the b"s stop& )e co"%d hear the boys behind hi' sayin#$ "Gee7& ;oo, at hi'& )e's !asted&" Ender %eaned his head a#ainst the !a%% o* the corridor and cried "nti% the b"s ca'e& I a' /"st %i,e 2eter& Ta,e 'y 'onitor a!ay$ and I a' /"st %i,e 2eter&
Chapter = -- 2eter
"3o" %i e inside so'ebody's body *or a *e! years$ yo" #et "sed to it& I %oo, at his *ace no!$ I can't te%% !hat's #oin# on& I'' not "sed to seein# his *acia% e1pressions& I'' "sed to *ee%in# the'&"
"Co'e on$ !e're not ta%,in# abo"t psychoana%ysis here& -e're so%diers$ not !itch doctors& 3o" /"st sa! hi' beat the #"ts o"t o* the %eader o* a #an#&"
")e !as thoro"#h& )e didn't /"st beat hi'$ he beat hi' deep& ;i,e Ma7er Rac,ha' at the--"
"Most%y& ;et's see !hat he does !ith his brother$ no! that the 'onitor's o**&"
")is brother& Aren't yo" a*raid o* !hat his brother !i%% do to hi'+"
"3o" !ere the one !ho to%d 'e that this !asn't a no-ris, b"siness&"
"I !ent bac, thro"#h so'e o* the tapes& I can't he%p it& I %i,e the ,id& I thin, !ere #oin# to scre! hi' "p&"
"O* co"rse !e are& It's o"r /ob& -e're the !ic,ed !itch& -e pro'ise #in#erbread$ b"t !e eat the %itt%e bastards a%i e&"
"I'' sorry$ Ender$" :a%entine !hispered& She !as %oo,in# at the bandaid on his nec,&
Ender to"ched the !a%% and the door c%osed behind hi'& "I don't care& I'' #%ad it's #one&"
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"-hat's #one+" 2eter !a%,ed into the par%or$ che!in# on a 'o"th*"% o* bread and pean"t b"tter&
Ender did not see 2eter as the bea"ti*"% ten-year-o%d boy that #ro!n-"ps sa!$ !ith dar,$ thic,$ to"s%ed hair and a *ace that co"%d ha e be%on#ed to A%e1ander the Great& Ender %oo,ed at 2eter on%y to detect an#er or boredo'$ the dan#ero"s 'oods that a%'ost a%!ays %ed to pain& No! as 2eter's eyes disco ered the bandaid on his nec,$ the te%%ta%e *%ic,er o* an#er appeared&
:a%entine sa! it too& "No! he's %i,e "s$" she said$ tryin# to soothe hi' be*ore he had ti'e to stri,e&
0"t 2eter !o"%d not be soothed& ";i,e "s+ )e ,eeps the %itt%e s"c,er ti%% he's si1 years o%d& -hen did yo" %ose yo"rs+ 3o" !ere three& I %ost 'ine be*ore I !as *i e& )e a%'ost 'ade it$ %itt%e bastard$ %itt%e b"##er&"
This is a%% ri#ht$ Ender tho"#ht& Ta%, and ta%,$ 2eter& Ta%, is *ine&
"-e%%$ no! yo"r #"ardian an#e%s aren't !atchin# o er yo"$" 2eter said& "No! they aren't chec,in# to see i* yo" *ee% pain$ %istenin# to hear !hat I'' sayin#$ seein# !hat I'' doin# to yo"& )o! abo"t that+ )o! abo"t it+"
Ender shr"##ed&
S"dden%y 2eter s'i%ed and c%apped his hands to#ether in a 'oc,ery o* #ood cheer& ";et's p%ay b"##ers and astrona"ts$" he said&
"8eep yo"r *at *ace o"t o* it$ *art 'o"th$" said 2eter& "Co'e on "pstairs and choose yo"r !eapons&"
It !o"%d not be a #ood #a'e$ Ender ,ne! it !as not a <"estion o* !innin#& -hen ,ids p%ayed in the corridors$ !ho%e troops o* the'$ the b"##ers ne er !on$ and so'eti'es the #a'es #ot 'ean& 0"t here in their *%at$ the #a'e !o"%d start 'ean$ and the b"##er co"%dn't /"st #o e'pty and <"it the !ay b"##ers did in the rea% !ars& The b"##er !as in it "nti% the astrona"t decided it !as o er&
2eter opened his botto' dra!er and too, o"t the b"##er 'as,& Mother had #ot "pset at hi' !hen 2eter bo"#ht it$ b"t Dad pointed o"t that the !ar !o"%dn't #o a!ay /"st beca"se yo" hid b"##er 'as,s and !o"%dn't %et yo"r ,ids p%ay !ith 'a,e-be%ie e %aser #"ns& The better to p%ay the !ar #a'es$ and ha e a better chance o* s"r i in# !hen the b"##ers ca'e a#ain&
I* I s"r i e the #a'es$ tho"#ht Ender& )e p"t on the 'as,& It c%osed hi' in %i,e a hand pressed ti#ht a#ainst his *ace& 0"t this isn't ho! it *ee%s to he a b"##er$ tho"#ht Ender& They don't !ear this *ace %i,e a 'as,$ it is their *ace& On their ho'e !or%ds$ do the b"##ers p"t on h"'an 'as,s$ and p%ay+ And !hat do they ca%% its+ S%i'ies$ beca"se !e're so so*t and oi%y co'pared to the'+
)e co"%d bare%y see 2eter thro"#h the eyeho%es& 2eter s'i%ed at hi'& "S%i'y$ h"h+ -e%%$ b"##er-!"##er$ %et's see ho! yo" brea, that *ace o* yo"rs&"
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Ender co"%dn't see it co'in#$ e1cept a s%i#ht shi*t o* 2eter's !ei#ht4 the 'as, c"t o"r his periphera% ision& S"dden%y there !as the pain and press"re o* a b%o! to the side o* his head4 he %ost ba%ance$ *e%% that !ay&
Ender be#an to ta,e o** the 'as,& 2eter p"t his toe a#ainst Ender's #roin& "Don't ta,e o** the 'as,$" 2eter said&
Ender p"%%ed the 'as, do!n into p%ace$ too, his hands a!ay&
2eter pressed !ith his *oot& 2ain shot thro"#h Ender4 he do"b%ed "p&
";ie *%at$ b"##er& -e're #onna i isect yo"$ b"##er& At %on# %ast !e' e #ot one o* yo" a%i e$ and !e're #oin# to see ho! yo" !or,&"
"2eter$ stop it& :ery #ood& So yo" b"##ers can #"ess o"r na'es& 3o" can 'a,e yo"rse% es so"nd %i,e pathetic$ c"te %itt%e chi%dren so !e'%% %o e yo" and be nice to yo"& 0"t it doesn't !or,& I can see yo" *or !hat yo" rea%%y are& They 'eant yo" to be h"'an$ %itt%e Third$ b"t yo"'re rea%%y a b"##er$ and no! it sho!s&"
)e %i*ted his toot$ too, a step$ and then ,ne%t on Ender$ his ,nee pressin# into Ender's be%%y /"st be%o! the breastbone& )e p"t 'ore and 'ore o* his !ei#ht on Ender& It beca'e hard to breathe&
"I co"%d ,i%% yo" %i,e this$" 2eter !hispered& "6"st press and press "nti% yo"'re dead& And I co"%d say that I didn't ,no! it !o"%d h"rt yo"$ that !e !ere /"st p%ayin#$ and they'd be%ie e 'e$ and e erythin# !o"%d be *ine& And yo"'d be dead& E erythin# !o"%d be *ine&"
Ender co"%d not spea,4 the breath !as bein# *orced *ro' his %"n#s& 2eter 'i#ht 'ean it& 2robab%y didn't 'ean
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"I do 'ean it$" 2eter said& "-hate er yo" thin,& I 'ean it& They on%y a"thori7ed yo" beca"se I !as so pro'isin#& 0"t I didn't pan o"t& 3o" did better& They thin, yo"'re better& 0"t I don't !ant a better %itt%e brother$ Ender& I don't !ant a Third&"
"Oh$ yes$" said :a%entine& "They'%% be%ie e that& 'I didn't ,no! it !o"%d ,i%% Andre!& And !hen he !as dead$ I didn't ,no! it !o"%d ,i%% :a%entine too&'"
"So& Not today& 0"t so'eday yo" t!o !on't be to#ether& And there'%% be an accident&"
"3o"'re a%% ta%,$" :a%entine said& "3o" don't 'ean any o* it&"
"I don't+"
"And do yo" ,no! !hy yo" don't 'ean it+" :a%entine as,ed& "0eca"se yo" !ant to be in #o ern'ent so'eday& 3o" !ant to be e%ected& And they !on't e%ect yo" i* yo"r opponents can di# "p the *act that yo"r brother and sister both died in s"spicio"s accidents !hen they !ere %itt%e& Especia%%y beca"se o* the %etter I' e p"t in 'y secret *i%e$ !hich !i%% be opened in the e ent o* 'y death&"
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"It says$ I didn't die a nat"ra% death& 2eter ,i%%ed 'e$ and i* he hasn't a%ready ,i%%ed Andre!$ he !i%% soon& Not eno"#h to con ict yo"$ b"t eno"#h to ,eep yo" *ro' e er #ettin# e%ected&"
"3o"'re his 'onitor no!$" said 2eter& "3o" better !atch hi'$ day and ni#ht& 3o" better be there&"
"Ender and I aren't st"pid& -e scored as !e%% as yo" did on e erythin#& 0etter on so'e thin#s& -e're a%% s"ch !onder*"%%y bri#ht chi%dren& 3o"'re not the s'artest$ 2eter$ /"st the bi##est&"
"Oh$ I ,no!& 0"t there'%% co'e a day !hen yo" aren't there !ith hi'$ !hen yo" *or#et& And s"dden%y yo"'%% re'e'ber$ and yo"'%% r"sh to hi'$ and there he'%% be per*ect%y a%% ri#ht& And the ne1t ti'e yo" !on't !orry so '"ch$ and yo" !on't co'e so *ast& And e ery ti'e$ he'%% be a%% ri#ht& And yo"'%% thin, that I *or#ot& E en tho"#h yo"'%% re'e'ber that I said this$ yo"'%% thin, that I *or#ot& And years !i%% pass& And then there'%% be a terrib%e accident$ and I'%% *ind his body$ and I'%% cry and cry o er hi'$ and yo"'%% re'e'ber this con ersation$ :a%%y$ b"t yo"'%% be asha'ed o* yo"rse%* *or re'e'berin#$ beca"se yo"'%% ,no! that I chan#ed$ that it rea%%y !as an accident$ that it's cr"e% o* yo" e en to re'e'ber !hat I said in a chi%dhood <"arre%& E1cept that it'%% be tr"e& I'' #onna sa e this "p$ and he's #onna die$ and yo" !on't do a thin#$ not a thin#& 0"t yo" #o on be%ie in# that I'' /"st the bi##est&"
2eter %eaped to his *eet and started *or her& She shied a!ay& Ender pried o** his 'as,& 2eter *%opped bac, on his bed and started to %a"#h& ;o"d$ b"t !ith rea% 'irth$ tears co'in# to his eyes& "Oh$ yo" #"ys are /"st s"per$ /"st the bi##est s"c,ers on the p%anet earth&"
"No! he's #oin# to te%% "s it !as a%% a /o,e$" :a%entine said&
"Not a /o,e$ a #a'e& I can 'a,e yo" #"ys be%ie e anythin#& I can 'a,e yo" dance aro"nd %i,e p"ppets&" In a phony 'onster yoice he said$ "I'' #oin# to ,i%% yo" and chop yo" into %itt%e pieces and p"t yo" into the #arba#e
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Ender stood there !atchin# hi' %a"#h and tho"#ht o* Sti%son$ tho"#ht o* ho! it *e%t to cr"nch into his body& This is !ho needed it& This is !ho sho"%d ha e #ot it&
2eter s"dden%y ro%%ed to the side$ *%ipped o** the bed$ and #ot in position *or a *i#ht& "Oh$ yes$ Ender$" he said& "Any ti'e$ Ender&"
Ender %i*ted his ri#ht %e# and too, o** the shoe& )e he%d it "p& "See there$ on the toe+ That's b%ood$ 2eter&"
"Ooh& Ooh$ I'' #onna die$ I'' #onna die& Ender ,i%%ed a capper-ti%%er and no! he's #onna ,i%% 'e&"
There !as no #ettin# to hi'& 2eter !as a '"rderer at heart$ and nobody ,ne! it b"t :a%entine and Ender&
Mother ca'e ho'e and co''iserated !ith Ender abo"t the 'onitor& (ather ca'e ho'e and ,ept sayin# it !as s"ch a !onder*"% s"rprise$ they had s"ch *antastic chi%dren that the #o ern'ent to%d the' to ha e three and no! the #o ern'ent didn't !ant to ta,e any o* the' a*ter a%%$ so here they !ere !ith three$ they sti%% had a Third&&& "nti% Ender !anted to screa' at hi'$ I ,no! I'' a Third$ I ,no! it$ i* yo" !ant I'%% #o a!ay so yo" don't ha e to be e'barrassed in *ront o* e erybody$ I'' sorry I %ost the 'onitor and no! yo" ha e three ,ids and no ob io"s e1p%anation$ so incon enient *or yo"$ I'' sorry sorry sorry&
)e %ay in bed starin# "p!ard into the dar,ness&&& On the b"n, abo e hi'$ he co"%d hear 2eter t"rnin# and tossin# rest%ess%y& Then 2eter s%id o** the b"n, and !a%,ed o"t o* the roo'& Ender heard the h"shin# so"nd o* the toi%et c%earin#4 then 2eter stood si%ho"etted in the door!ay&
2eter !a%,ed to the bed$ and s"re eno"#h$ he did not %i*t hi'se%* "p to his bed& Instead he ca'e and stood by
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Ender's head&
0"t he did not reach *or a pi%%o! to s'other Ender& )e did not ha e a !eapon&
)e !hispered$ "Ender$ I'' sorry$ I'' sorry$ I ,no! ho! it *ee%s& I'' sorry$ I'' yo"r brother& I %o e yo"&"
A %on# ti'e %ater$ 2eter's e en breathin# said that he !as as%eep& Ender pee%ed the bandaid *ro' his nec,& And *or the second ti'e that day he cried&
"I ,no!& She can "ndo it a%%$ *ro' the start& )e !on't !ont to %ea e her&"
"2ers"ade hi' that he !ants to co'e !ith "s 'ore than he !ants to stay !ith her&"
"Then I'%% te%% the tr"th& -e're a%%o!ed to do that in e'er#encies& -e can't p%an *or e erythin#$ yo" ,no!&"
Ender !asn't ery h"n#ry d"rin# brea,*ast& )e ,ept !onderin# !hat it !o"%d be %i,e at schoo%& (acin# Sti%son a*ter yesterday's *i#ht& -hat Sti%son's *riends !o"%d do& 2robab%y nothin#$ b"t he co"%dn't be s"re& )e didn't !ant to #o&
2eter ca'e into the roo'& "Mornin#& Ender& Than,s *or %ea in# yo"r s%i'y !ashc%oth in the 'idd%e o* the sho!er&"
Ender he%d o"t his !rists$ a #est"re that said$ So *eed it to 'e thro"#h a need%e&
":ery *"nny&" Mother said& "I try to be concerned$ b"t it 'a,es no di**erence to 'y #eni"s chi%dren&"
"It !as a%% yo"r #enes that 'ade "s$ Mo'&" said 2eter& "-e s"re didn't #et any *ro' Dad&"
"I heard that$" (ather said$ not %oo,in# "p *ro' the ne!s that !as bein# disp%ayed on the tab%e !hi%e he ate&
(ather th"'bed a ,ey and a 'an appeared on hts ideo& )e !as !earin# the on%y 'i%itary "ni*or' that 'eant anythin# any'ore$ the I($ the Internationa% (%eet&
(ather coded the door open and #ot "p *ro' the tab%e& "I'%% see to it$" he said& "Stay and eat&"
They stayed$ b"t they didn't eat& A *e! 'o'ents %ater$ (ather ca'e bac, into the roo' and bec,oned to Mother&
"3o"'re in deep poo$" said 2eter& "They *o"nd o"t !hat yo" did to Sti%son$ and no! they're #onna 'a,e yo" do ti'e o"t in the 0e%t&"
:a%entine ca'e in$ her hair in a s%eepy ha%o aro"nd her *ace& "-here's Mo' and Dad+ I'' too sic, to #o to schoo%&"
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"3o" sho"%d re%a1 and en/oy it$" said 2eter& "It co"%d be !orse&"
Instincti e%y she %oo,ed at Ender& A*ter a%%$ *or years they had e1pected so'eone to co'e and te%% the' that Ender had passed$ that Ender !as needed&
"That's ri#ht$ %oo, at hi'$" 2eter said& "0"t it 'i#ht he 'e$ yo" ,no!& They 'i#ht ha e rea%i7ed I !as the best o* the %ot a*ter a%%&" 2eter's *ee%in#s !ere h"rt$ and so he !as bein# a snot$ as "s"a%&
The door opened& "Ender$" said (ather$ "yo" better co'e in here&"
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Ender *o%%o!ed (ather into the par%or& The I( o**icer rose to his *eet !hen they entered$ b"t he did not e1tend a hand to Ender&
Mother !as t!istin# her !eddin# band on her *in#er& "Andre!$" she said& "I ne er tho"#ht yo" !ere the ,ind to #et in a *i#ht&"
"The Sti%son boy is in the hospita%$" (ather said& "3o" rea%%y did a n"'ber on hi'& -ith yo"r shoe$ Ender$ that !asn't e1act%y *air&"
Ender shoo, his head& )e had e1pected so'eone *ro' the schoo% to co'e abo"t Sti%son$ not an o**icer o* the *%eet& This !as 'ore serio"s than he had tho"#ht& And yet he co"%dn't thin, !hat e%se he co"%d ha e done&
"Do yo" ha e any e1p%anation *or yo"r beha ior$ yo"n# 'an+" as,ed the o**icer&
Ender shoo, his head a#ain& )e didn't ,no! !hat to say$ and he !as a*raid to re ea% hi'se%* to be any 'ore 'onstro"s than his actions had 'ade hi' o"t to be& I'%% ta,e it$ !hate er the p"nish'ent is$ he tho"#ht& ;et's #et it o er !ith&
"-e're !i%%in# to consider e1ten"atin# circ"'stances$" the o**icer said& "0"t I '"st te%% yo" it doesn't %oo, #ood& 8ic,in# hi' in the #roin$ ,ic,in# hi' repeated%y in the *ace and body !hen he !as do!n-- so"nds %i,e yo" rea%%y en/oyed it&"
"Te%% 'e !hy yo" ,ept on ,ic,in# hi'& 3o" had a%ready !on&"
"8noc,in# hi' do!n !on the *irst *i#ht& I !anted to !in a%% the ne1t ones$ too$ ri#ht then$ so they'd %ea e 'e a%one&" Ender co"%dn't he%p it$ he !as too a*raid$ too asha'ed o* his o!n acts? tho"#h he tried not to$ he cried a#ain& Ender did not %i,e to cry and rare%y did4 no!$ in %ess than a day$ he had done it three ti'es& And each ti'e !as !orse& To cry in *ront o* his 'other and *ather and this 'i%itary 'an$ that !as sha'e*"%& "3o" too, a!ay the 'onitor$" Ender said& "I had to ta,e care o* 'yse%*$ didn't I+"
0"t the o**icer stood "p and stepped across the roo' to Ender& )e he%d o"t his hand& "My na'e is Gra**& Ender& Co%one% )yr"' Gra**& I'' director o* pri'ary trainin# at 0att%e Schoo% in the 0e%t& I' e co'e to in ite yo" to enter the schoo%&"
"The *ina% step in yo"r testin# !as to see !hat !o"%d happen i* the 'onitor co'es o**& -e don't a%!ays do it that !ay$ b"t in yo"r case--"
"And I passed+"
Mother !as incred"%o"s& "2"ttin# the Sti%son boy in the hospita%+ -hat !o"%d yo" ha e done i* Andre! had ,i%%ed hi'$ #i en hi' a 'eda%+"
"It isn't !hat he did$ Mrs& -i##in& It's !hy&" Co%one% Gra** handed her a *o%der *"%% o* papers& ")ere are the re<"isitions& 3o"r son has been c%eared by the I( Se%ecti e Ser ice& O* co"rse !e a%ready ha e yo"r consent$ #ranted in !ritin# at the ti'e conception !as con*ir'ed$ or he co"%d not ha e been born& )e has been o"rs *ro'
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then$ i* he <"a%i*ied&"
(ather's oice !as tre'b%in# as he spo,e& "It's not ery ,ind o* yo"$ to %et "s thin, yo" didn't !ant hi'$ and then to ta,e hi' a*ter a%%&"
"It !asn't a charade$ Mrs& -i##in& @nti% !e ,ne! !hat Ender's 'oti ation !as$ !e co"%dn't be s"re he !asn't another-- !e had to ,no! !hat the action 'eant& Or at %east !hat Ender be%ie ed that it 'eant&"
"M"st yo" ca%% hi' that st"pid nic,na'e+" Mother be#an to cry&
"I'' sorry$ Mrs& -i##in& 0"t that's the na'e he ca%%s hi'se%*&"
"-hat are yo" #oin# to do$ Co%one% Gra**+" (ather as,ed& "-a%, o"t the door !ith hi' no!+"
"On !hat+"
Mother's !eepin# t"rned to bitter %a"#hter& "Oh$ so it's o%"ntary a*ter a%%$ ho! s!eet5"
"(or the t!o o* yo"$ the choice !as 'ade !hen Ender !as concei ed& 0"t *or Ender$ the choice has not been 'ade at a%%& Conscripts 'a,e #ood cannon *odder$ b"t *or o**icers !e need o%"nteers&"
"O**icers+" Ender as,ed& At the so"nd o* his oice$ the others *e%% si%ent&
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"3es$" said Gra**& "0att%e Schoo% is *or trainin# *"t"re starship captains and co''odores o* *%oti%%as and ad'ira%s o* the *%eet&"
";et's not ha e any deception herc5" (ather said an#ri%y& ")o! 'any o* the boy's at the 0att%e Schoo% act"a%%y end "p in co''and o* ships5"
"@n*ort"nate%y$ Mr& -i##in$ that is c%assi*ied in*or'ation& 0"t I can say that none o* o"r boys !ho 'a,es it thro"#h the *irst year has e er *ai%ed to recei e a co''ission as an o**icer& And none has ser ed in a position o* %o!er ran, than chie* e1ec"ti e o**icer o* an interp%anetary esse%& E en in the do'estic de*ense *orces !ithin o"r o!n so%ar syste'$ there's honor to be had&"
Ender a%'ost said$ I !ant to& 0"t he he%d his ton#"e& This !o"%d ,eep hi' o"t o* schoo%$ b"t that !as st"pid$ that !as /"st a prob%e' *or a *e! days& It !o"%d ,eep hi' a!ay *ro' 2eter-- that !as 'ore i'portant$ that 'i#ht be a 'atter o* %i*e itse%*& 0"t to %ea e Mother and (ather$ and abo e a%%$ to %ea e :a%entine& And beco'e a so%dier& Ender didn't %i,e *i#htin#& )e didn't %i,e 2eter's ,ind$ the stron# a#ainst the !ea,$ and he didn't %i,e his o!n ,ind either$ the s'art a#ainst the st"pid&
"I thin,$" Gra** said$ "that Ender and I sho"%d ha e a pri ate con ersation&"
"I !on't ta,e hi' !itho"t %ettin# yo" spea, to hi' a#ain$" Gra** said& "And yo" rea%%y can't stop 'e&"
(ather #%ared at Gra** a 'o'ent %on#er$ then #ot "p and %e*t the roo'& Mother pa"sed to s<"ee7e Ender's hand& She c%osed the door behind her !hen she %e*t&
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"Ender$" Gra** said$ "i* yo" co'e !ith 'e$ yo" !on't be bac, here *or a %on# ti'e& There aren't any acations *ro' 0att%e Schoo%& No isitors$ either& A *"%% co"rse o* trainin# %asts "nti% yo"'re si1teen years o%d-- yo" #et yo"r *irst %ea e$ "nder certain circ"'stances$ !hen yo"'re t!e% e& 0e%ie e 'e$ Ender$ peop%e chan#e in si1 years$ in ten years& 3o"r sister :a%entine !i%% be a !o'an !hen yo" see her a#ain$ i* yo" co'e !ith 'e& 3o"'%% be stran#ers& 3o"'%% sti%% %o e her$ Ender$ b"t yo" !on't ,no! her& 3o" see I'' not pretendin# it's easy&"
"I ,no! yo"$ Ender& I' e been !atchin# the 'onitor dis,s *or so'e ti'e& 3o" !on't 'iss yo"r 'other and *ather$ not '"ch$ not *or %on#& And they !on't 'iss yo" %on#$ either&"
Tears ca'e to Ender's eyes$ in spite o* hi'se%*& )e t"rned his *ace a!ay$ b"t !o"%d not reach "p to !ipe the'&
"They do %o e yo"$ Ender& 0"t yo" ha e to "nderstand !hat yo"r %i*e has cost the'& They !ere born re%i#io"s$ yo" ,no!& 3o"r *ather !as bapti7ed !ith the na'e 6ohn 2a"% -iec7ore,& Catho%ic& The se enth o* nine chi%dren&"
"3es$ !e%%$ peop%e do stran#e thin#s *or re%i#ion& 3o" ,no! the sanctions$ Ender-- they !ere not as harsh then$ b"t sti%% not easy& On%y the *irst t!o chi%dren had a *ree ed"cation& Ta1es steadi%y rose !ith each ne! chi%d& 3o"r *ather t"rned si1teen and in o,ed the Nonco'p%yin# (a'i%ies Act to separate hi'se%* *ro' his *a'i%y& )e chan#ed his na'e$ reno"nced his re%i#ion$ and o!ed ne er to ha e 'ore than the a%%otted t!o chi%dren& )e 'eant it& A%% the sha'e and persec"tion he !ent thro"#h as a chi%d-- he o!ed no chi%d o* his !o"%d #o thro"#h it& Do yo" "nderstand+"
"-e%%$ no one !ants a Third any'ore& 3o" can't e1pect the' to be #%ad& 0"t yo"r *ather and 'other are a specia% case& They both reno"nced their re%i#ions-- yo"r 'other !as a Mor'on-- b"t in *act their *ee%in#s are sti%%
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"They're asha'ed o* ha in# co'e *ro' nonco'p%iant *a'i%ies& They concea% it& To the de#ree that yo"r 'other re*"ses to ad'it to anyone that she !as born in @tah$ %est they s"spect& 3o"r *ather denies his 2o%ish ancestry$ since 2o%and is sti%% a nonco'p%iant nation$ and "nder internationa% sanction beca"se o* it& So$ yo" see$ ha in# a Third$ e en "nder the #o ern'ent's direct instr"ctions$ "ndoes e erythin# they' e been tryin# to do&"
"0"t it's 'ore co'p%icated than that& 3o"r *ather sti%% na'ed yo" !ith %e#iti'ate saints' na'es& In *act$ he bapti7ed a%% three o* yo" hi'se%* as soon as he #ot yo" ho'e a*ter yo" !ere born& And yo"r 'other ob/ected& They <"arre%ed o er it each ti'e$ not beca"se she didn't !ant yo" bapti7ed$ b"t beca"se she didn't !ant yo" bapti7ed Catho%ic& They ha en't rea%%y #i en "p their re%i#ion& They %oo, at yo" and see yo" as a bad#e o* pride$ beca"se they !ere ab%e to circ"' ent the %a! and ha e a Third& 0"t yo"'re a%so a bad#e o* co!ardice$ beca"se they dare not #o *"rther and practice the nonco'p%iance they sti%% *ee% is ri#ht& And yo"'re a bad#e o* p"b%ic sha'e$ beca"se at e ery step yo" inter*ere !ith their e**orts at assi'i%ation into nor'a% co'p%yin# society&"
"-e 'onitored yo"r brother and sister$ Ender& 3o"'d be a'a7ed at ho! sensiti e the instr"'ents are& -e !ere connected direct%y to yo"r brain& -e heard a%% that yo" heard$ !hether yo" !ere %istenin# care*"%%y or not& -hether yo" "nderstood or not& -e "nderstand&"
"They %o e yo"& The <"estion is !hether they !ant yo" here& 3o"r presence in this ho"se is a constant disr"ption& A so"rce o* tension& Do yo" "nderstand+"
"Not anythin# yo" do$ Ender& 3o"r %i*e itse%*& 3o"r brother hates yo" beca"se yo" are %i in# proo* that he !asn't #ood eno"#h& 3o"r parents resent yo" beca"se o* a%% the past they are tryin# to e ade&"
":a%entine %o es 'e&"
"-ith a%% her heart& Co'p%ete%y$ "nstintin#%y$ she's de oted to yo"$ and yo" adore her& I to%d yo" it !o"%dn't be easy&"
")ard !or,& St"dies$ /"st %i,e schoo% here$ e1cept !e p"t yo" into 'athe'atics and co'p"ters '"ch 'ore hea i%y& Mi%itary history& Strate#y and tactics& And abo e a%%$ the 0att%e Roo'&"
"-hat's that+"
"-ar #a'es& A%% the boys are or#ani7ed into ar'ies& Day a*ter day$ in 7ero #ra ity$ there are 'oc, batt%es& Nobody #ets h"rt$ b"t !innin# and %osin# 'atter& E erybody starts as a co''on so%dier$ ta,in# orders& O%der boys are yo"r o**icers$ and it's their d"ty to train yo" and co''and yo" in batt%e& More than that I can't te%% yo"& It's %i,e p%ayin# b"##ers and astrona"ts-- e1cept that yo" ha e !eapons that !or,$ and *e%%o! so%diers *i#htin# beside yo"$ and yo"r !ho%e *"t"re and the *"t"re o* the h"'an race depends on ho! !e%% yo" %earn$ ho! !e%% yo" *i#ht& It's a hard %i*e$ and yo" !on't ha e a nor'a% chi%dhood& O* co"rse$ !ith yo"r 'ind$ and as a Third to boot$ yo" !o"%dn't ha e a partic"%ar%y nor'a% chi%dhood any!ay&"
"A%% boys+"
"A *e! #ir%s& They don't o*ten pass the tests to #et in& Too 'any cent"ries o* e o%"tion are !or,in# a#ainst the'& None o* the' !i%% be %i,e :a%entine$ any!ay& 0"t there'%% be brothers there$ Ender&"
";i,e 2eter+"
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"2eter !asn't accepted$ Ender$ *or the ery reasons that yo" hate hi'&"
"A*raid o* hi'& -e%%$ 2eter isn't a%% bad$ yo" ,no!& )e !as the best !e'd seen in a %on# ti'e& -e as,ed yo"r parents to choose a da"#hter ne1t they !o"%d ha e any!ay hopin# that :a%entine !o"%d be 2eter$ b"t 'i%der& She !as too 'i%d& And so !e re<"isitioned yo"&"
"A' I+"
"As *ar as !e can te%%& O"r tests are ery #ood$ Ender& 0"t they don't te%% "s e erythin#& In *act$ !hen it co'es do!n to it$ they hard%y te%% "s anythin#& 0"t they're better than nothin#&" Gra** %eaned o er and too, Ender's hands in his& "Ender -i##in$ i* it !ere /"st a 'atter o* choosin# the best and happiest *"t"re *or yo"$ I'd te%% yo" to stay ho'e& Stay here$ #ro! "p$ be happy& There are !orse thin#s than bein# a Third$ !orse thin#s than a bi# brother !ho can't 'a,e "p his 'ind !hether to be a h"'an bein# or a /ac,a%& 0att%e Schoo% is one o* those !orse thin#s& 0"t !e need yo"& The b"##ers 'ay see' %i,e a #a'e to yo" no!$ Ender$ b"t they da'n near !iped "s o"t %ast ti'e& 0"t it !asn't eno"#h& They had "s co%d$ o"tn"'bered and o"t!eaponed& The on%y thin# that sa ed "s !as that !e had the 'ost bri%%iant 'i%itary co''ander !e' e e er *o"nd& Ca%% it *ate$ ca%% it God$ ca%% it da'n*oo% %"c,$ !e had Ma7er Rac,ha'&"
"0"t !e don't ha e hi' no!$ Ender& -e' e scraped to#ether e erythin# 'an,ind co"%d prod"ce$ a *%eet that 'a,es the one they sent a#ainst "s %ast ti'e see' %i,e a b"nch o* ,ids p%ayin# in a s!i''in# poo%& -e ha e so'e ne! !eapons$ too& 0"t it 'i#ht not be eno"#h$ e en so& 0eca"se in the ei#hty years since the %ast !ar$ they' e had as '"ch ti'e to prepare as !e ha e& -e need the best !e can #et$ and !e need the' *ast& Maybe yo"'re not #oin# to !or, o"t *or "s$ and 'aybe yo" are& Maybe yo"'%% brea, do!n "nder the press"re$ 'aybe it'%% r"in yo"r %i*e$ 'aybe yo"'%% hate 'e *or co'in# here to yo"r ho"se today& 0"t i* there's a chance that beca"se yo"'re !ith the *%eet$ 'an,ind 'i#ht s"r i e and the b"##ers 'i#ht %ea e "s a%one *ore er then I'' #oin# to as,
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Ender had tro"b%e *oc"sin# on Co%one% Gra**& The 'an %oo,ed *ar a!ay and ery s'a%%$ as i* Ender co"%d pic, hi' "p !ith t!ee7ers and drop hi' in a poc,et& To %ea e e erythin# here$ arid #o to a p%ace that !as ery hard$ !ith no :a%entine$ no Mo' and Dad&
And then he tho"#ht o* the *i%'s o* the b"##ers that e eryone had to see at %east once a year& The Scathin# o* China& The 0att%e o* the 0e%t& Death and s"**erin# and terror& And Ma7er Rac,ha' and his bri%%iant 'ane" ers$ destroyin# an ene'y *%eet t!ice his si7e and t!ice his *irepo!er$ "sin# the %itt%e h"'an ships that see'ed so *rai% and !ea,& ;i,e chi%dren *i#htin# !ith #ro!n-"ps& And !e !on&
"It's !hat I !as born *or$ isn't it+ I* I don't #o$ !hy a' I a%i e+"
Gra** nodded& "3o" can chan#e yo"r 'ind& @p "nti% the ti'e yo" #et in 'y car !ith 'e$ yo" can chan#e yo"r 'ind& A*ter that$ yo" stay at the p%eas"re o* the Internationa% (%eet& Do yo" "nderstand that+"
Ender nodded&
Mother cried& (ather he%d Ender ti#ht& 2eter shoo, his hand and said$ "3o" %"c,y %itt%e pinheaded *art-eater&"
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There !as nothin# to pac,& No be%on#in#s to ta,e& "The schoo% pro ides e erythin# yo" need$ *ro' "ni*or's to schoo% s"pp%ies& And as *or toys-- there's on%y one #a'e&"
"Good-bye$" Ender said to his *a'i%y& )e reached "p and too, Co%one% Gra**'s hand and !a%,ed o"t the door !ith hi'&
And as he #ot into the car that !aited si%ent%y in the corridor$ he heard :a%entine's an#"ished cry& "Co'e bac, to 'e5 I %o e yo" *ore er5"
Chapter A -- ;a"nch
"-ith Ender$ !e ha e to stri,e a de%icate ba%ance& Iso%ate hi' eno"#h that he re'ains creati e-- other!ise he'%% adopt the syste' here and !e'%% %ose hi'& At the sa'e ti'e$ !e need to 'a,e s"re he ,eeps a stron# abi%ity to %ead&"
"%t isn't that si'p%e& Ma7er Rac,ha' co"%d hand%e his %itt%e *%eet and !in& 0y the ti'e this !ar happens$ there'%%
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be too '"ch$ e en *or a #eni"s& Too 'any %itt%e coats& )e has to !or, s'ooth%y !ith his s"bordinates&"
"I'%% ha e hi' co'p%ete%y separated *ro' the rest o* the boys by the ti'e !e #et to the Schoo%&"
"I ha e no do"bt o* it& I'%% be !aitin# *or yo" to #et here& I !atched the ids o* !hat he did to the Sti%son boy& This is not a s!eet %itt%e ,id yo"'re brin#in# "p here&"
"That's !here yo"'re 'ista,en& )e's e en s!eeter& 0"t don't !orry& -e'%% p"r#e that in a h"rry&"
"There is an art to it$ and I'' ery$ ery #ood at it& 0"t en/oy+ -e%%$ 'aybe& -hen they p"t bac, the pieces a*ter!ard$ and it 'a,es the' better&"
"3o"'re a 'onster&"
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They say that !ei#ht%essness can ca"se disorientation$ especia%%y in chi%dren$ !hose sense o* direction isn't yet sec"re& 0"t Ender !as disoriented be*ore he %e*t Earth's #ra ity& 0e*ore the sh"tt%e %a"nch e en be#an&
There !ere nineteen other boys in his %a"nch& They *i%ed o"t o* the b"s and into the e%e ator& They ta%,ed and /o,ed and bra##ed and %a"#hed& Ender ,ept his si%ence& )e noticed ho! Gra** and the other o**icers !ere !atchin# the'& Ana%y7in#& E erythin# !e do 'eans so'ethin#$ Ender rea%i7ed& The' %a"#hin#& Me not %a"#hin#&
)e toyed !ith the idea o* tryin# to be %i,e the other boys& 0"t he co"%dn't thin, o* any /o,es$ and none o* theirs see'ed *"nny& -here er their %a"#hter ca'e *ro'$ Ender co"%dn't *ind s"ch a p%ace in hi'se%*& )e !as a*raid$ and *ear 'ade hi' serio"s&
They had dressed hi' in a "ni*or'$ a%% in a sin#%e piece4 it *e%t *"nny not to ha e a be%t cinched aro"nd his !aist& )e *e%t ba##y and na,ed$ dressed %i,e that& There !ere T: ca'eras #oin#$ perched %i,e ani'a%s on the sho"%ders o* cro"chin#$ pro!%in# 'en& The 'en 'o ed s%o!%y$ cat%i,e$ so the ca'era 'otion !o"%d be s'ooth& Ender ca"#ht hi'se%* 'o in# s'ooth%y$ too&
)e i'a#ined hi'se%* bein# on T:$ in an inter ie!& The anno"ncer as,in# hi'$ )o! do yo" *ee%$ Mr& -i##in+ Act"a%%y <"ite !e%%$ e1cept h"n#ry& )"n#ry+ Oh$ yes$ they don't %et yo" eat *or t!enty ho"rs be*ore the %a"nch& )o! interestin#$ I ne er ,ne! that& A%% o* "s are <"ite h"n#ry$ act"a%%y& And a%% the !hi%e$ d"rin# the inter ie!$ Ender and the T: #"y !o"%d s%in, a%on# s'ooth%y in *ront o* the ca'era'an$ ta,in# %on#$ %ithe strides& (or the *irst ti'e$ Ender *e%t %i,e %a"#hin#& )e s'i%ed& The other boys near hi' !ere %a"#hin# at the 'o'ent$ too$ *or another reason& They thin, I'' s'i%in# at their /o,e$ tho"#ht Ender& 0"t I'' s'i%in# at so'ethin# '"ch *"nnier&
"Go "p the %adder one at a ti'e$" said an o**icer& "-hen yo" co'e to an ais%e !ith e'pty seats$ ta,e one& There aren't any !indo! seats&"
Ender !as near the %ast$ b"t not the ery %ast& The T: ca'eras did not #i e "p$ tho"#h& -i%% :a%entine see 'e disappear into the sh"tt%e+ )e tho"#ht o* !a in# at her$ o* r"nnin# to the ca'era'an and sayin#$ "Can I te%%
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:a%entine #ood-bye+" )e didn't ,no! that it !o"%d be censored o"t o* the tape i* he did$ *or the boys soarin# o"t to 0att%e Schoo% !ere a%% s"pposed to be heroes& They !eren't s"pposed to 'iss anybody& Ender didn't ,no! abo"t the censorship$ b"t he did ,no! that r"nnin# to the ca'eras !o"%d be !ron#&
)e !a%,ed the short brid#e to the door in the sh"tt%e& )e noticed that the !a%% to his ri#ht !as carpeted %i,e a *%oor& That !as !here the disorientation be#an& The 'o'ent he tho"#ht o* the !a%% as a *%oor$ he be#an to *ee% %i,e he !as !a%,in# on a !a%%& )e #ot to the %adder$ and noticed that the ertica% s"r*ace behind it !as a%so carpeted& I a' c%i'bin# "p the *%oor& )and o er hand$ step by step&
And then$ *or *"n$ he pretended that he !as c%i'bin# do!n the !a%%& )e did it a%'ost instant%y in his 'ind$ con inced hi'se%* a#ainst the best e idence o* #ra ity& )e *o"nd hi'se%* #rippin# the seat ti#ht%y$ e en tho"#h #ra ity p"%%ed hi' *ir'%y a#ainst it&
The other boys !ere bo"ncin# on their seats a %itt%e$ po,in# and p"shin#$ sho"tin#& Ender care*"%%y *o"nd the straps$ *i#"red o"t ho! they *it to#ether to ho%d hi' at crotch$ !aist$ and sho"%ders& )e i'a#ined the ship dan#%in# "pside do!n on the "nders"r*ace o* the Earth$ the #iant *in#ers o* #ra ity ho%din# the' *ir'%y in p%ace& 0"t !e !i%% s%ip a!ay$ he tho"#ht& -e are #oin# to *a%% o** this p%anet&
)e did not ,no! its si#ni*icance at the ti'e& ;ater$ tho"#h$ he !o"%d re'e'ber that it !as e en be*ore he %e*t Earth that he *irst tho"#ht o* it as a p%anet$ %i,e any other$ not partic"%ar%y his o!n&
"Oh$ a%ready *i#"red it o"t$" said Gra**& )e !as standin# on the %adder&
"I don't "s"a%%y co'e do!n *or recr"itin#$" Gra** said& "I'' ,ind o* in char#e there& Ad'inistrator o* the Schoo%& ;i,e a principa%& They to%d 'e I had to co'e bac, or I'd %ose 'y /ob&" )e s'i%ed&
Ender s'i%ed bac,& )e *e%t co'*ortab%e !ith Gra**& Gra** !as #ood& And he !as principa% o* the 0att%e Schoo%& Ender re%a1ed a %itt%e& )e !o"%d ha e a *riend there&
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The other boys !ere be%ted in p%ace$ those !ho hadn't done as Ender did& Then they !aited *or an ho"r !hi%e a T: at the *ront o* the sh"tt%e introd"ced the' to sh"tt%e *%i#ht$ the history o* space *%i#ht$ and their possib%e *"t"re !ith the #reat starships o* the I(& :ery borin# st"**& Ender had seen s"ch *i%'s be*ore&
E1cept that he had not been be%ted into a seat inside the sh"tt%e& )an#in# "pside do!n *ro' the be%%y o* Earth&
The %a"nch !asn't bad& A %itt%e scary& So'e /o%tin#$ a *e! 'o'ents o* panic that this 'i#ht be the *irst *ai%ed %a"nch in the history o* the sh"tt%e& The 'o ies hadn't 'ade it p%ain ho! '"ch io%ence yo" co"%d e1perience$ %yin# on yo"r bac, in a so*t chair&
Then it !as o er$ and he rea%%y !as han#in# by the straps$ no #ra ity any!here&
0"t beca"se he had a%ready reoriented hi'se%*$ he !as not s"rprised !hen Gra** ca'e "p the %adder bac,!ard$ as i* he !ere c%i'bin# do!n to the *ront o* the sh"tt%e& Nor did it bother hi' !hen Gra** hoo,ed his *eet "nder a r"n# and p"shed o** !ith his hands$ so that s"dden%y he s!"n# "pri#ht$ as i* this !ere an ordinary airp%ane&
The reorientations !ere too '"ch *or so'e& One boy #a##ed4 Ender "nderstood then !hy they had been *orbidden to eat anythin# *or t!enty ho"rs be*ore the %a"nch& :o'it in n"%% #ra ity !o"%dn't be *"n&
0"t *or Ender$ Gra**'s #ra ity #a'e !as *"n$ And he carried it *"rther$ i'a#inin# that Gra** !as act"a%%y han#in# "pside do!n *ro' the center ais%e$ and then pict"rin# hi' stic,in# strai#ht o"t *ro' a side !a%%& Gra ity co"%d #o any !hich !ay& )o!e er I !ant it to #o& I can 'a,e Gra** stand on his head and he doesn't e en ,no! it&
Gra**'s oice !as sharp and an#ry& -hat did I do !ron#$ tho"#ht Ender& Did I %a"#h o"t %o"d+
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Oh yes& This is the be#innin# o* the trainin# ro"tine& Ender had seen so'e 'i%itary sho!s on T:$ and they a%!ays sho"ted a %ot at the be#innin# o* trainin# be*ore the so%dier and the o**icer beca'e #ood *riends&
"I tho"#ht o* yo" han#in# "pside do!n by yo"r *eet& I tho"#ht it !as *"nny&"
It so"nded st"pid$ no!$ !ith Gra** %oo,in# at hi' co%d%y& "To yo" I s"ppose it is *"nny& Is it *"nny to anybody e%se here+"
M"r'"rs o* no&
"-e%% !hy isn't it+" Gra** %oo,ed at the' a%% !ith conte'pt& "Sc"'brains$ that's !hat !e' e #ot in this %a"nch& 2inheaded %itt%e 'orons& On%y one o* yo" had the brains to rea%i7e that in n"%% #ra ity directions are !hate er yo" concei e the' to be& Do yo" "nderstand that$ Sha*ts+"
"No yo" didn't& O* co"rse yo" didn't& Not on%y st"pid$ b"t a %iar too& There's on%y one boy on this %a"nch !ith any brains at a%%$ and that's Ender -i##in& Ta,e a #ood %oo, at hi'$ %itt%e boys& )e's #oin# to he a co''ander !hen yo"'re sti%% in diapers "p there& 0eca"se he ,no!s ho! to thin, in n"%% #ra ity$ and yo" /"st !ant to thro! "p&"
This !asn't the !ay the sho! !as s"pposed to #o& Gra** !as s"pposed to pic, on hi'$ not set hi' "p as the best& They !ere s"pposed to be a#ainst each other at *irst$ so they co"%d beco'e *riends %ater&
"Most o* yo" are #oin# to ice o"t& Get "sed to that$ %itt%e boys& Most o* yo" are #oin# to end "p in Co'bat Schoo%$ beca"se yo" don't ha e the brains to hand%e deep-space pi%otin#& Most o* yo" aren't !orth the price o*
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brin#in# yo" "p here to 0att%e Schoo% beca"se yo" don't ha e !hat it ta,es& So'e o* yo" 'i#ht 'a,e it& So'e o* yo" 'i#ht be !otth so'ethin# to h"'anity& 0"t don't bet on it& I'' bettin# on on%y one&"
S"dden%y Gra** did a bac,*%ip and ca"#ht the %adder !ith his hands$ then s!"n# his *eet a!ay *ro' the %adder& Doin# a handstand$ i* the *%oor !as do!n& Dan#%in# by his hands$ i* the *%oor !as "p& )and o er hand he s!"n# hi'se%* bac, a%on# the ais%e to his seat&
";oo,s %i,e yo"' e #ot it 'ade here$" !hispered the boy ne1t to hi'&
)e *e%t a sharp pain on the top o* his head& Then a#ain& So'e #i##%es *ro' behind hi'& The boy in the ne1t seat bac, '"st ha e "n*astened his straps& A#ain a b%o! to the head& Go a!ay$ Ender tho"#ht& I didn't do anythin# to yo"&
A#ain a b%o! to the head& ;a"#hter *ro' the boys& Didn't Gra** see this+ -asn't he #oin# to stop it+ Another b%o!& )arder& It rea%%y h"rt& -here !as Gra**+
Then it beca'e c%ear& Gra** had de%iberate%y ca"sed it& It !as !orse than the ab"se in the sho!s& -hen the ser#eant pic,ed on yo"$ the others %i,ed yo" better& 0"t !hen the o**icer pre*ers yo"$ the others hate yo"&
")ey$ *art-eater$" ca'e the !hisper *ro' behind hi'& )e !as hit in the head a#ain& "Do yo" %i,e this+ )ey$ s"per-brain$ this is *"n+" Another b%o!$ this one so hard that Ender cried o"t so*t%y !ith the pain&
I* Gra** !as settin# hi' "p$ there'd be no he%p "n%ess he he%ped hi'se%*& )e !aited "nti% he tho"#ht another b%o! !as abo"t to co'e& No!$ he tho"#ht& And yes$ the b%o! !as there& It h"rt$ b"t Ender !as a%ready tryin# to
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sense the co'in# o* the ne1t b%o!& No!& And yes$ ri#ht on ti'e& I' e #ot yo"$ Ender tho"#ht&
6"st as the ne1t b%o! !as co'in#$ Ender reached "p !ith both hands$ snatched the boy by the !rist$ and then p"%%ed do!n on the ar'$ hard&
In #ra ity$ the boy !o"%d ha e been /a''ed a#ainst Ender's seat bac,$ h"rtin# his chest& In n"%% #ra ity$ ho!e er$ he *%ipped o er the seat co'p%ete%y$ "p to!ard the cei%in#& Ender !asn't e1pectin# it& )e hadn't rea%i7ed ho! n"%% #ra ity 'a#ni*ied e en a chi%d's stren#th& The boy sai%ed thro"#h the air$ bo"ncin# a#ainst the cei%in#$ then do!n a#ainst another boy in his seat$ then o"t into the ais%e$ his ar's *%ai%in# "nti% he screa'ed as his body s%a''ed into the b"%,head at the *ront o* the co'part'ent$ his %e*t ar' t!isted "nder hi'&
It too, on%y seconds& Gra** !as a%ready there$ snatchin# the boy o"t o* the air& De*t%y he prope%%ed hi' do!n the ais%e to!ard the other 'an& ";e*t ar'& 0ro,en& I thin,$" he said& In 'o'ents the boy had been #i en a dr"# and %ay <"iet%y in the air as the o**icer ba%%ooned a sp%int aro"nd his ar'&
Ender *e%t sic,& )e had on%y 'eant to catch the boy's ar'& No& No$ he had 'eant to h"rt hi'$ and had p"%%ed !ith a%% his stren#th& )e hadn't 'eant it to be so p"b%ic$ b"t the boy !as *ee%in# e1act%y the pain Ender had 'eant hi' to *ee%& N"%% #ra ity had betrayed hi'$ that !as a%%& I a' 2eter& I'' /"st %i,e hi'& And Ender hated hi'se%*&
Gra** stayed at the *ront o* the cabin& "-hat are yo"$ s%o! %earners+ In yo"r *eeb%e %itt%e 'inds$ hayen't yo" pic,ed "p one %itt%e *act+ 3o" !ere bro"#ht here to be so%diers& In yo"r o%d schoo%s$ in yo"r o%d *a'i%ies$ 'aybe yo" !ere the bi# shot$ 'aybe yo" !ere to"#h$ 'aybe yo" !ere s'art& 0"t !e chose the best o* the best$ and that's the on%y ,ind o* ,id yo"'re #oin# to 'eet no!& And !hen I te%% yo" Ender -i##in is the best in this %a"nch$ ta,e the hint$ pinheads& Don't 'ess !ith hi'& ;itt%e boys ha e died in 0att%e Schoo% be*ore& Do I 'a,e 'yse%* c%ear+"
There !as si%ence the rest o* the %a"nch& The boy sittin# ne1t to Ender !as scr"p"%o"s%y care*"% not to to"ch hi'&
I a' not a ,i%%er$ Ender said to hi'se%* o er and o er& I a' not 2eter& No 'atter !hat he says$ I !o"%dn't& I'' not& I !as de*endin# 'yse%*& I bore it a %on# ti'e& I !as patient& I'' not !hat he said&
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A oice o er the spea,er to%d the' they !ere approachin# the schoo%4 it too, t!enty 'in"tes to dece%erate and doc,& Ender %a##ed behind the others&
They !ere not "n!i%%in# to %et hi' be the %ast to %ea e the sh"tt%e$ c%i'bin# "p!ard in the direction that had been do!n !hen they e'bar,ed& Gra** !as !aitin# at the end o* the narro! t"be that %ed *ro' the sh"tt%e into the heart o* the 0att%e Schoo%&
"I tho"#ht yo" !ere 'y *riend&" Despite hi'se%*$ Ender's oice tre'b%ed&
"0eca"se yo"--" 0eca"se yo" spo,e nice%y to 'e$ and honest%y& "3o" didn't %ie&"
"I !on't %ie no!$ either$" said Gra**& "My /ob isn't to be *riends& My /ob is to prod"ce the best so%diers in the !or%d& In the !ho%e history o* the !or%d& -e need a Napo%eon& An A%e1ander& E1cept that Napo%eon %ost in the end$ and A%e1ander *%a'ed o"t and died yo"n#& -e need a 6"%i"s Caesar$ e1cept that he 'ade hi'se%* dictator$ and died *or it& My /ob is to prod"ce s"ch a creat"re$ and a%% the 'en and !o'en he'%% need to he%p hi'& No!here in that does it say I ha e to 'a,e *riends !ith chi%dren&"
"So+ -hat !i%% yo" do abo"t it+ Cra!% into a corner+ Start ,issin# their %itt%e bac,sides so they'%% %o e yo" a#ain+ There's on%y one thin# that !i%% 'a,e the' stop hatin# yo"& And that's bein# so #ood at !hat yo" do that they can't i#nore yo"& I to%d the' yo" !ere the best& No! yo" da'n !e%% better be&"
"-hat i* I can't+"
"Then too bad& ;oo,$ Ender& I'' sorry i* yo"'re %one%y and a*raid& 0"t the b"##ers are o"t there& Ten bi%%ion$ a
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h"ndred bi%%ion$ a 'i%%ion bi%%ion o* the'$ *or a%% !e ,no!& -ith as 'any ships$ *or a%% !e ,no!& -ith !eapons !e can't "nderstand& And a !i%%in#ness to "se those !eapons to !ipe "s o"t& It isn't the !or%d at sta,e$ Ender& 6"st "s& 6"st h"'an,ind& As *ar as the rest o* the earth is concerned$ !e co"%d be !iped o"t and it !o"%d ad/"st$ it !o"%d #et on !ith the ne1t step in e o%"tion& 0"t h"'anity doesn't !ant to die& As a species$ !e ha e e o% ed to s"r i e& And the !ay !e do it is by strainin# and strainin# and$ at %ast$ e ery *e! #enerations$ #i in# birth to #eni"s& The one !ho in ents the !hee%& And %i#ht& And *%i#ht& The one !ho b"i%ds a city$ a nation$ an e'pire& Do yo" "nderstand any o* this+"
"No& O* co"rse not& So I'%% p"t it b%"nt%y& )"'an bein#s are *ree e1cept !hen h"'anity needs the'& Maybe h"'anity needs yo"& To do so'ethin#& I thin, h"'anity needs 'e-- to *ind o"t !hat yo"'re #ood *or& -e 'i#ht both do despicab%e thin#s$ Ender$ b"t i* h"'an,ind s"r i es$ then !e !ere #ood too%s&"
"Indi id"a% h"'an bein#s are a%% too%s$ that the others "se to he%p "s a%% s"r i e&"
"That's a %ie&"
"No& It's /"st a ha%* tr"th& 3o" can !orry abo"t the other ha%* a*ter !e !in this !ar&"
"I hope yo"'re !ron#$" said Grai%& "0y the !ay$ yo" aren't he%pin# yo"rse%* at a%%$ ta%,in# to 'e& The other boys are no do"bt te%%in# each other that o%d Ender -i##in is bac, there %ic,in# "p to Gra**& I* !ord once #ets aro"nd that yo"'re a teachers' boy$ yo"'re iced *or s"re&"
In other !ords$ #o a!ay and %ea e 'e a%one& "Goodbye$" Ender said& )e p"%%ed hi'se%* hand o er hand a%on# the t"be !here the other boys had #one&
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One o* the teachers near hi' said$ "Is that the one+"
"God ,no!s$" said Gra**& "I* it isn't Ender$ then he'd better sho! "p soon&"
"Maybe& 0"t i* that's the case$ Anderson$ then in 'y opinion God is a b"##er& 3o" can <"ote 'e on that&"
"I !i%%&"
"I ,no!&"
Anderson !as de*iant& "-e're #oin# to 'a,e hi' the best 'i%itary co''ander in history&"
"And then p"t the *ate o* the !or%d on his sho"%ders& (or his sa,e$ I hope it isn't hi'& I do&"
"Cheer "p& The b"##ers 'ay ,i%% "s a%% be*ore he #rad"ates&"
Chapter B -- Ga'es
"It's too stron#& It 'a,es that other %itt%e bastard into a hero& It co"%d scre! "p trainin# *or a %ot o* ,ids& I tho"#ht he 'i#ht ca%% *or he%p&"
"Ca%% *or he%p+ I tho"#ht that !as !hat yo" a%"ed 'ost in hi' that he sett%es his o!n prob%e's& -hen he's o"t there s"rro"nded by an ene'y *%eet$ there ain't #onna be nobody to he%p hi' i* he ca%%s&"
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"-ho !o"%d ha e #"essed the %itt%e s"c,er'd be o"t o* hs seat+ And that he'd %and /"st !ron# a#ainst the b"%,head+"
"6"st one 'ore e1a'p%e o* the st"pidity o* the 'i%itary& I* yo" had any brains$ yo"'d be in a rea% career$ %i,e se%%in# %i*e ins"rance&"
"-e' e /"st #ot to *ace the *act that !e're second rate& -ith the *ate o* h"'anity in o"r hands& Gi es yo" a de%icio"s *ee%in# o* po!er$ doesn't it+ Especia%%y beca"se this ti'e i* !e %ose there !on't be any criticis' o* "s at a%%&"
"See ho! Ender hand%es it& I* !e' e a%ready %ost hi'$ i* he can't hand%e this$ !ho ne1t+ -ho e%se+"
"I to%d yo"& )is iso%ation can't be bro,en& )e can ne er co'e to be%ie e that anybody !i%% e er he%p hi' o"t& e er& I* he once thin,s there's an easy !ay o"t$ he's !rec,ed&"
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The other boys had a%ready chosen their b"n,s !hen Ender arri ed& Ender stopped in the door!ay o* the dor'itory$ %oo,in# *or the so%e re'ainin# bed& The cei%in# !as %o! Ender co"%d reach "p and to"ch it& A chi%dsi7e roo'$ !ith the botto' b"n, restin# on the *%oor& The other boys !ere !atchin# hi'$ corner!ise& S"re eno"#h$ the botto' b"n, ri#ht by the door !as the on%y e'pty bed& (or a 'o'ent it occ"rred to Ender that by %ettin# the others p"t hi' in the !orst p%ace$ he !as in itin# %ater b"%%yin#& 3et he co"%dn't ery !e%% o"st so'eone e%se&
So he s'i%ed broad%y& ")ey$ than,s$" he said& Not sarcastica%%y at a%%& )e said it as sincere%y as i* they had reser ed *or hi' the best position& "I tho"#ht I !as #oin# to ha e to as, *or %o! b"n, by the door&"
)e sat do!n and %oo,ed in the %oc,er that stood open at the *oot o* the b"n,& There !as a paper taped to the inside o* the door&
2%ace yo"r hand on the scanner at the head o* yo"r b"n, and spea, yo"r na'e t!ice&
Ender *o"nd the scanner$ a sheet o* opa<"e p%astic& )e p"t his %e*t hand on it and said$ "Ender -i##in& Ender -i##in&"
The scanner #%o!ed #reen *or a 'o'ent& Ender c%osed his %oc,er and tried to reopen it& )e co"%dn't& Then he p"t his hand on the scanner and said$ "Ender -i##in&" The %oc,er popped open& So did three other co'part'ents&
One o* the' contained *o"r /"'ps"its %i,e the one he !as !earin#$ and one !hite one& Another co'part'ent contained a s'a%% des,$ /"st %i,e the ones at schoo%& So they !eren't thro"#h !ith st"dies yet&
It !as the %ar#est co'part'ent that contained the pri7e& It %oo,ed %i,e a spaces"it at *irst #%ance$ co'p%ete !ith he%'et and #%o es& 0"t it !asn't& There !as no airti#ht sea%& Sti%%$ it !o"%d e**ecti e%y co er the !ho%e body& It !as thic,%y padded& It !as a%so a %itt%e sti**&
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And there !as a pisto% !ith it& A %aser#"n$ it %oo,ed %i,e$ since the end !as so%id$ c%ear #%ass& 0"t s"re%y they !o"%dn't %et chi%dren ha e %etha% !eapons--
"Not %aser$" said a 'an& Ender %oo,ed "p& It !as one he hadn't seen be*ore& A yo"n# and ,ind-%oo,in# 'an& "0"t it has a ti#ht eno"#h bea'& -e%%-*oc"sed& 3o" can ai' it and 'a,e a three-inch circ%e o* %i#ht on a !a%% a h"ndred 'eters o**&"
"One o* the #a'es !e p%ay d"rin# recreation& Does anyone e%se ha e his %oc,er open+" The 'an %oo,ed aro"nd& "I 'ean$ ha e yo" *o%%o!ed directions and coded in yo"r oices and hands+ 3o" can't #et into the %oc,ers "nti% yo" do& This roo' is yo"r ho'e *or the *irst year or so here at the 0att%e Schoo%$ so #et the b"n, yo" !ant and stay !ith it& Ordinari%y !e %et yo" e%ect yo"r chie* o**icer and insta%% hi' in the %o!er b"n, by the door$ b"t apparent%y that position has been ta,en& Can't recode the %oc,ers no!& So thin, abo"t !ho' yo" !ant to choose& Dinner in se en 'in"tes& (o%%o! the %i#hted dots on the *%oor& 3o"r co%or code is red ye%%o! ye%%o!-- !hene er yo"'re assi#ned a path to *o%%o!$ it !i%% be red ye%%o! ye%%o!$ three dots side by side-- #o !here those %i#hts indicate& -hat's yo"r co%or code$ boys+"
":ery #ood& My na'e is Dap& I'' yo"r 'o' *or the ne1t *e! 'onths&"
";a"#h a%% yo" %i,e$ b"t ,eep it in 'ind& I* yo" #et %ost in the schoo%$ !hich is <"ite possib%e$ don't #o openin# doors& So'e o* the' %ead o"tside&" More %a"#hter& "Instead /"st te%% so'eone that yo"r 'o' is Dap$ and they'%% ca%% 'e& Or te%% the' yo"r co%or$ and they'%% %i#ht "p a path *or yo" to #et ho'e& I* yo" ha e a prob%e'$ co'e ta%, to 'e& Re'e'ber$ I'' the on%y person here !ho's paid to be nice to yo"$ b"t not too nice& Gi e 'e any %ip and I'%% brea, yo"r *ace$ O8+"
They %a"#hed a#ain& Dap had a roo' *"%% o* *riends$ (ri#htened chi%dren are so easy to !in&
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"O8$ that's tr"e& 0"t that direction is to!ard the o"tside& The ship is spinnin#$ and that's !hat 'a,es it *ee% %i,e that is do!n& The *%oor act"a%%y c"r es aro"nd in that direction& 8eep #oin# %on# eno"#h that !ay$ and yo" co'e bac, to !here yo" started& E1cept don't try it& 0eca"se "p that !ay is teachers' <"arters$ and "p that !ay is the bi##er ,ids& And the bi##er ,ids don't %i,e ;a"nchies b"ttin# in& 3o" 'i#ht #et p"shed aro"nd& In *act$ yo" !i%% #et p"shed aro"nd& And !hen yo" do$ don't co'e cryin# to 'e& Got it+ This is 0att%e Schoo%$ not n"rsery schoo%&"
"-hat are !e s"pposed to do$ then+" as,ed a boy$ a rea%%y s'a%% b%ac, ,id !ho had a top h"n, near Ender's&
"I* yo" don't %i,e #ettin# p"shed aro"nd$ *i#"re o"t *or yo"rse%* !hat to do abo"t it$ b"t I !arn yo"-- '"rder is strict%y a#ainst the r"%es& So is any de%iberate in/"ry& I "nderstand there !as one atte'pted '"rder on the !as "p here& A bro,en ar'& That ,ind o* thin# happens a#ain$ so'ebody ices o"t& 3o" #ot it+"
"-hat's icin# o"t+" as,ed the boy !ith his ar' p"**ed "p in a sp%int&
"Ice& 2"t o"t in the co%d& Sent Earthside& (inished at 0att%e Schoo%&"
"So$ boys$ i* any o* yo" are thin,in# o* bein# tro"b%e'a,ers$ at %east be c%e er abo"t it& O8+"
Ender *e%t the *ear #ro!in# in his be%%y& The ,id !hose ar' he bro,e-- Ender didn't *ee% sorry *or hi'& )e !as a
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Sti%son& And %i,e Sti%son$ he !as a%ready #atherin# a #an#& A %itt%e ,not o* ,ids$ se era% o* the bi##er ones$ they !ere %a"#hin# at the *ar end o* the roo'$ and e ery no! and then one o* the' !o"%d t"rn to %oo, at Ender&
-ith a%% his heart$ Ender !anted to #o ho'e& -hat did any o* this ha e to do !ith sa in# the !or%d+ There !as no 'onitor no!& It !as Ender a#ainst the #an# a#ain$ on%y they !ere ri#ht in his roo'& 2eter a#ain$ b"t !itho"t :a%entine&
The *ear stayed$ a%% thro"#h dinner as no one sat by hi' in the 'ess ha%%& The other boys !ere ta%,in# abo"t thin#s-- the bi# scoreboard on one !a%%$ the *ood$ the bi##er ,ids& Ender co"%d on%y !atch in iso%ation&
The scoreboards !ere tea' standin#s& -on-%oss records$ !ith the 'ost recent scores& So'e o* the bi##er boy's apparent%y had bets on the 'ost recent #a'es& T!o tea's$ Manticore and Asp$ had no recent score-- that bo1 !as *%ashin#& Ender decided they '"st be p%ayin# ri#ht no!&
)e noticed that the o%der boys !ere di ided into #ro"ps$ accordin# to the "ni*or's they !ore& So'e !ith di**erent "ni*or's !ere ta%,in# to#ether$ b"t #enera%%y the #ro"ps each had thcir o!n area& ;a"nchies-- their o!n #ro"p$ and the t!o or three ne1t o%der #ro"ps a%% had p%ain b%"e "ni*or's& 0"t the bi# ,ids$ the ones that !ere on tea's$ they !ere !earin# '"ch 'ore *%a'boyant c%othin#& Ender tried to #"ess !hich ones !ent !ith !hich na'e& Scorpion and Spider !ere easy& So !ere (%a'e and Tide&
A bi##er boy ca'e to sit by hi'& Not /"st a %itt%e bi##er- he %oo,ed to be t!e% e or thirteen& Gettin# his 'an's #ro!th started&
")i$" he said&
"I'' Mic,&"
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"That's a na'e+"
")ope so&"
Ender shr"##ed&
"I noticed yo" eatin# a%% a%one& E ery %a"nch has one %i,e that& 8id that nobody ta,es to ri#ht a!ay& So'eti'es I thin, the teachers do it on p"rpose& The teachers aren't ery nice& 3o"'%% notice that&"
")ey& Nothin# to cry abo"t$ yo" ,no!+" )e #a e Ender his ro%%$ and too, Ender's p"ddin#& "Eat n"tritio"s st"**& It'%% ,eep yo" stron#&" Mic, d"# into the p"ddin#&
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"Me+ I'' nothin#& I'' a *art in the air conditionin#& I'' a%!ays there$ b"t 'ost o* the ti'e nobody ,no!s it&"
"3eah$ *"nny$ b"t no /o,e& I #ot no!here here& I'' #ettin# bi# no!& They're #oin# to send 'e to 'y ne1t schoo% pretty soon& No !ay it'%% be Tactica% Schoo% *or 'e& I' e ne er been a %eader$ yo" see& On%y the #"ys !ho #et to be %eaders ha e a shot at it&"
")ey$ i* I ,ne!$ yo" thin, I'd be %i,e this+ )o! 'any #"ys 'y si7e yo" see in here+"
"A *e!& I'' not the on%y ha%*-iced b"##er-*odder& A *e! o* "s& The other #"ys-- they're a%% co''anders& A%% the #"ys *ro' 'y %a"nch ha e their o!n tea's no!& Not 'e&"
Ender nodded&
";isten$ %itt%e #"y& I'' doin# yo" a *a or& Ma,e *riends& 0e a %eader& 8iss b"tts i* yo"' e #ot to$ b"t i* the other #"ys despise yo"-- yo" ,no! !hat I 'ean+"
"Na!$ yo" don't ,no! anythin#& 3o" ;a"nchies are a%% a%i,e& 3o" don't ,no! nothin#& Minds %i,e space& Nothin# there& And i* anythin# hits yo"$ yo" *a%% apart& ;oo,$ !hen yo" end "p %i,e 'e$ don't *or#et that so'ebody !arned yo"& It's the %ast nice thin# anybody's #oin# to do *or yo"&"
Ender sh"t "p and ate& )e didn't %i,e Mic,& And he ,ne! there !as no chance he !o"%d end "p %i,e that& Maybe that !as !hat the teachers !ere p%annin#$ b"t Ender didn't intend to *it in !ith their p%ans&
I !i%% not be the b"##er o* 'y #ro"p$ Ender tho"#ht& I didn't %ea e :a%entine and Mother and (ather to co'e here /"st to be iced&
As he %i*ted the *or, to his 'o"th$ he co"%d *ee% his *a'i%y aro"nd hi'$ as they a%!ays had been& )e ,ne! /"st !hich !ay to t"rn his head to %oo, "p and see Mother$ tryin# to #et :a%entine not to s%"rp& )e ,ne! /"st !here (ather !o"%d be$ scannin# the ne!s on the tab%e !hi%e pretendin# to be part o* the dinner con ersation& 2eter$ pretendin# to ta,e a cr"shed pea o"t o* his nose-- e en 2eter co"%d he *"nny&
It !as a 'ista,e to thin, o* the'& )e *e%t a sob rise in his throat and s!a%%o!ed it do!n4 he co"%d not see his p%ate&
)e co"%d not cry& There !as no chance that he !o"%d be treated !ith co'passion& Dap !as not Mother& Any si#n o* !ea,ness !o"%d te%% the Sti%sons and 2eters that this boy co"%d be bro,en& Ender did !hat he a%!ays did !hen 2eter tor'ented hi'& )e be#an to co"nt do"b%es& One$ t!o$ *o"r$ ei#ht& si1teen$ thirty-t!o$ si1ty-*o"r& And on$ as hi#h as he co"%d ho%d the n"'bers in his head? 1=C$ =BD$ B1=$ 1E=A$ =EAC$ AEFD$ C1F=$ 1D>CA$ >=GDC$ DBB>D$ 1>1EG=$ =D=1AA& At DG1ECCDA he be#an to be "ns"re-- had he s%ipped o"t a di#it+ Sho"%d he be in the ten 'i%%ions or the h"ndred 'i%%ions or /"st the 'i%%ions+ )e tried do"b%in# a#ain and %ost it& 1>A= so'ethin#& 1D+ Or 1GG>C+ It !as #one& Start o er a#ain& A%% the do"b%in# he co"%d ho%d& The pain !as #one& The tears !ere #one& )e !o"%d not cry&
@nti% that ni#ht$ !hen the %i#hts !ent di'$ and in the distance he co"%d hear se era% boys !hi'perin# *or their 'others or *athers or do#s& )e co"%d not he%p hi'se%*& )is %ips *or'ed :a%entine's na'e& )e co"%d hear her oice %a"#hin# in the distance$ /"st do!n the ha%%& )e co"%d see Mother passin# his door$ %oo,in# in to he s"re he !as a%% ri#ht& )e co"%d hear (ather %a"#hin# at the ideo& It !as a%% so c%ear$ and it !o"%d ne er he that !ay a#ain& I'%% be o%d !hen I e er see the' a#ain$ t!e% e at the ear%iest& -hy did I say yes+ -hat !as I s"ch a *oo% *or+ Goin# to schoo% !o"%d ha e been nothin#& (acin# Sti%son e ery day& And 2eter& )e !as a pissant& Ender !asn't a*raid o* hi'&
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0"t his !hisper !as the !hisper he "sed !hen he cried o"t in pain !hen 2eter tor'ented hi'& The so"nd didn't tra e% *arther than his o!n ears$ and so'eti'es not that *ar&
And his tears co"%d *a%% "n!anted on his sheet$ b"t his sobs !ere so #ent%e that they did not sha,e the bed4 so <"iet they co"%d not be heard& 0"t the ache !as there$ thic, in his throat and the *ront o* his *ace$ hot in his chest and in his eyes& I !ant to #o ho'e&
Dap ca'e to the door that ni#ht and 'o ed <"iet%y a'on# the beds$ to"chin# a hand here& -here he !ent there !as 'ore cryin#$ not %ess& The to"ch o* ,indness in this *ri#htenin# p%ace !as eno"#h to p"sh so'e o er the ed#e into tears& Not Ender$ tho"#h& -hen Dap ca'e$ his cryin# !as o er$ and his *ace !as dry& It !as the %yin# *ace he presented to Mother and (ather$ !hen 2eter had been cr"e% to hi' and he dared not %et it sho!& Than, yo" *or this$ 2eter& (or dry eyes and si%ent !eepin#& 3o" ta"#ht 'e ho! to hide anythin# I *e%t& More than e er$ I need that no!&
There !as schoo%& E ery day$ ho"rs o* c%asses& Readin#& N"'bers& )istory& :ideos o* the b%oody batt%es in space$ the Marines sprayin# their #"ts a%% o er the !a%%s o* the b"##er ships& )o%os o* c%ean !ars o* the *%eet$ ships t"rnin# into p"**s o* %i#ht as the spacecra*t ,i%%ed each other de*t%y in the deep ni#ht& Many thin#s to %earn& Ender !or,ed as hard as anyone4 a%% o* the' str"##%ed *or the *irst ti'e in their %i es$ as *or the *irst ti'e in their %i es they co'peted !ith c%ass'ates !ho !ere at %east as bri#ht as they$
0"t the #a'es-- that !as !hat they %i ed *or& That !as !hat *i%%ed the ho"rs bet!een !a,in# and s%eepin#&
Dap introd"ced the' to the #a'e roo' on their second day& It !as "p$ !ay abo e the dec,s !here the boys %i ed and !or,ed& They c%i'bed %adders to !here the #ra ity !ea,ened$ and there in the ca ern they sa! the da77%in# %i#hts o* the #a'es&
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So'e o* the #a'es they ,ne!4 so'e they had e en p%ayed at ho'e& Si'p%e ones and hard ones& Ender !a%,ed past the t!o-di'ensiona% #a'es on ideo and be#an to st"dy the #a'es the bi##er boys p%ayed$ the ho%o#raphic #a'es !ith ob/ects ho erin# in the air& )e !as the on%y ;a"nchy in that part o* the roo'$ and e ery no! and then one o* the bi##er boys !o"%d sho e hi' o"t o* the !ay& -hat're yo" doin# here+ Get %ost& (%y o**& And o* co"rse he !o"%d *%y$ in the %o!er #ra ity here$ %ea e his *eet and soar "nti% he ran into so'ethin# or so'eone&
E ery ti'e$ tho"#h$ he e1tricated hi'se%* and !ent bac,$ perhaps to a di**erent spot$ to #et a di**erent an#%e on the #a'e& )e !as too s'a%% to see the contro%s$ ho! the #a'e !as act"a%%y done& That didn't 'atter& )e #ot the 'o e'ent o* it in the air& The !ay the p%ayer d"# t"nne%s in the dar,ness$ t"nne%s o* %i#ht$ !hich the ene'y ships !o"%d search *or and then *o%%o! 'erci%ess%y "nti% they ca"#ht the p%ayer's ship& The p%ayer co"%d 'a,e traps? 'ines$ dri*tin# bo'bs$ %oops in the air that *orced the ene'y ships to repeat end%ess%y& So'e o* the p%ayers !ere c%e er& Others %ost <"ic,%y&
Ender %i,ed it better$ tho"#h$ !hen t!o boys p%ayed a#ainst each other& Then they had to "se each other's t"nne%s$ and it <"ic,%y beca'e c%ear !hich o* the' !ere !orth anythin# at the strate#y o* it&
-ithin an ho"r or so$ it be#an to pa%%& Ender "nderstood the re#"%arities by then& @nderstood the r"%es the co'p"ter !as *o%%o!in#$ so that he ,ne! he co"%d a%!ays$ once he 'astered the contro%s$ o"t'ane" er the ene'y& Spira%s !hen the ene'y !as %i,e this4 %oops !hen the ene'y !as %i,e that& ;ie in !ait at one trap& ;ay se en traps and then %"re the' %i,e this& There !as no cha%%en#e to it$ then$ /"st a 'atter o* p%ayin# "nti% the co'p"ter #ot so *ast that no h"'an re*%e1es co"%d o erco'e it& That !asn't *"n& It !as the other boys he !anted to p%ay& The boys !ho had been so trained by the co'p"ter that e en !hen they p%ayed a#ainst each other they each tried to e'"%ate the co'p"ter& Thin, %i,e a 'achine instead o* a boy&
I co"%d beat the' this !ay& I co"%d beat the' that !ay&
"I'd %i,e a t"rn a#ainst yo"$" he said to the boy !ho had /"st !on&
";a!sy 'e$ !hat is this+" as,ed the boy& "Is it a b"# or a b"##er+"
"A ne! *%oc, o* d!ar*s /"st ca'e aboard$" said another boy&
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"I see$" said Ender& "3o"'re a*raid to p%ay 'e t!o o"t o* three&"
"0eatin# yo"$" said the boy$ "!o"%d be as easy as pissin# in the sho!er&"
";isten "p$ scr"nch*ace& 3o" nobody& Got that+ 3o" nobody$ #ot that+ 3o" not anybody ti%% yo" #ots yo" *irst ,i%%& Got that+"
The s%an# o* the o%der boys had its o!n rhyth'& Ender pic,ed it "p <"ic, eno"#h& "I* I'' nobody$ then ho! co'e yo" scared to p%ay 'e t!o o"t o* three+"
No! the other #"ys !ere i'patient& "8i%% the s<"irt <"ic, and %et's #et on !ith it&"
So Ender too, his p%ace at the "n*a'i%iar contro%s& )is hands !ere s'a%%$ b"t the contro%s !ere si'p%e eno"#h& It too, on%y a %itt%e e1peri'entation to *ind o"t !hich b"ttons "sed certain !eapons& Mo e'ent contro% !as a standard !ireba%%& )is re*%e1es !ere s%o! at *irst& The other boy$ !hose na'e he sti%% didn't ,no!$ #ot ahead <"ic,%y& 0"t Ender %earned a %ot and !as doin# '"ch better by the ti'e the #a'e ended&
"Satis*ied$ %a"nchy+"
"So yo" beat 'e the *irst ti'e I e er to"ched the #a'e$" Ender said& "I* yo" can't do it t!ice$ yo" can't do it at a%%&"
They p%ayed a#ain$ and this ti'e Ender !as de*t eno"#h to p"%% o** a *e! 'ane" ers that the boy had ob io"s%y ne er seen be*ore& )is patterns co"%dn't cope !ith the'& Ender didn't !in easi%y$ b"t he !on&
The bi##er boys stopped %a"#hin# and /o,in# then& The third #a'e !ent in tota% si%ence$ Ender !on it <"ic,%y and e**icient%y&
-hen the #a'e ended$ one o* the o%der boys said$ "0o"t ti'e they rep%aced this 'achine& Gettin# so any pinbrain can beat it no!&"
)e didn't #o *ar& 6"st stood o** in the near distance and !atched as the ne1t p%ayers tried to "se the thin#s he had sho!n the'& Any pinbrain+ Ender s'i%ed in!ard%y& They !on't *or#et 'e&
)e *e%t #ood& )e had !on so'ethin#$ and a#ainst o%der boys& 2robab%y not the best o* the o%der boys$ b"t he no %on#er had the panic,ed *ee%in# that he 'i#ht be o"t o* his depth$ that 0att%e Schoo% 'i#ht he too '"ch *or hi'& A%% he had to do !as !atch the #a'e and "nderstand ho! thin#s !or,ed$ and then he co"%d "se the syste'$ and e en e1ce%&
It !as the !aitin# and !atchin# that cost the 'ost& (or d"rin# that ti'e he had to end"re& The boy !hose ar' he had bro,en !as o"t *or en#eance& )is na'e$ Ender <"ic,%y %earned$ !as 0ernard& )e spo,e his o!n na'e !ith a (rench accent$ since the (rench$ !ith their arro#ant Separatis'$ insisted that the teachin# o* Standard not be#in "nti% the a#e o* *o"r$ !hen the (rench %an#"a#e patterns !ere a%ready set& )is accent 'ade hi' e1otic and interestin#4 his bro,en ar' 'ade hi' a 'artyr4 his sadis' 'ade hi' a nat"ra% *oc"s *or a%% those !ho %o ed pain in others&
;itt%e thin#s& 8ic,in# his bed e ery ti'e they !ent in and o"t o* the door& 6ost%in# hi' !ith his 'ea% tray& Trippin# hi' on the %adders& Ender %earned <"ic,%y not to %ea e anythin# o* his o"tside his %oc,ers4 he a%so %earned to be <"ic, on his *eet$ to catch hi'se%*& "Ma%adroit$" 0ernard ca%%ed hi' once$ and the na'e st"c,&
There !ere ti'es !hen Ender !as ery an#ry& -ith 0ernard$ o* co"rse$ an#er !as inade<"ate& It !as the ,ind o* person he !as-- a tor'entor& -hat enra#ed Ender !as ho! !i%%in#%y the others !ent a%on# !ith hi'& S"re%y they ,ne! there !as no /"stice in 0ernard's re en#e& S"re%y they ,ne! that he had str"c, *irst at Ender in the sh"tt%e$ that Ender had on%y been respondin# to io%ence& I* they ,ne!$ they acted as i* they didn't4 e en i* they did not ,no!$ they sho"%d be ab%e to te%% *ro' 0ernard hi'se%* that he !as a sna,e&
A*ter a%%$ Ender !asn't his on%y tar#et& 0ernard !as settin# "p a ,in#do'$ !asn't he+
Ender !atched *ro' the *rin#es o* the #ro"p as 0ernard estab%ished the hierarchy& So'e o* the boys !ere "se*"% to hi'$ and he *%attered the' o"tra#eo"s%y& So'e o* the boys !ere !i%%in# ser ants$ doin# !hate er he !anted e en tho"#h he treated the' !ith conte'pt&
Ender$ !atchin#$ ,ne! !ho resented 0ernard& She' !as s'a%%$ a'bitio"s$ and easi%y need%ed& 0ernard had disco ered that <"ic,%y$ and started ca%%in# hi' -or'& "0eca"se he's so s'a%%$" 0ernard said$ "and beca"se he !ri##%es& ;oo, ho! he shi''ies his b"tt !hen he !a%,s&"
Shen stor'ed o**$ b"t they on%y %a"#hed %o"der& ";oo, at his b"tt& Seeya$ -or'5"
Ender said nothin# to Shen-- it !o"%d be too ob io"s$ then$ that he !as startin# his o!n co'petin# #an#& )e /"st sat !ith his des, on his %ap$ %oo,in# as st"dio"s as possib%e&
)e !as not st"dyin#& )e !as te%%in# his des, to ,eep sendin# a 'essa#e into the interr"pt <"e"e e ery thirty seconds& The 'essa#e !as to e eryone$ and it !as short and to the point& -hat 'ade it hard !as *i#"rin# o"t ho! to dis#"ise !ho it !as *ro'$ the !ay the teachers co"%d& Messa#es *ro' one o* the boys a%!ays had their
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na'e a"to'atica%%y inserted& Ender hadn't crac,ed the teachers sec"rity syste' yet$ so he co"%dn't pretend to be a teacher& 0"t he !as ab%e to set "p a *i%e *or a none1istent st"dent$ !ho' he !hi'sica%%y na'ed God&
On%y !hen the 'essa#e !as ready to #o did he try to catch Shen's eye& ;i,e a%% the other boys$ he !as !atchin# 0ernard and his cronies %ati#h and /o,e$ 'a,in# *"n o* the 'ath teacher$ !ho o*ten stopped in 'idsentence and %oo,ed aro"nd as i* he had been %et o** the b"s at the !ron# stop and didn't ,no! !here he !as&
E ent"a%%y$ tho"#h$ Shen #%anced aro"nd& Ender nodded to hi'$ pointed to his des,$ and s'i%ed& Shen %oo,ed p"77%ed& Ender he%d "p his des, a %itt%e and then pointed at it& Shen reached *or his o!n des,& Ender sent the 'essa#e then$ Shen sa! it a%'ost at once& Shen read it$ then %a"#hed a%o"d& )e %oo,ed at Ender as i* to say$ Did yo" do this+ Ender shr"##ed$ to say$ I don't ,no! !ho did it b"t it s"re !asn't 'e&
Shen %a"#hed a#ain$ and se era% o* the other boys !ho !ere not c%ose to 0ernard's #ro"p #ot o"t their des,s and %oo,ed& E ery thirty seconds the 'essa#e appeared on e ery des,$ 'arched aro"nd the screen <"ic,%y$ then disappeared& The boys %a"#hed to#ether&
"-hat's so *"nny+" 0ernard as,ed$ Ender 'ade s"re he !as not s'i%in# !hen 0ernard %oo,ed aro"nd the roo'$ i'itatin# the *ear that so 'any others *e%t& Shen$ o* co"rse$ s'i%ed a%% the 'ore de*iant%y& It too, a 'o'ent4 then 0ernard to%d one o* his boy's to brin# o"t a des,& To#ether they read the 'essa#e&
"It s"re as he%% !asn't yo"$" 0ernard said& "This ta,es too '"ch brains *or a !or'&"
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Ender's 'essa#e e1pired a*ter *i e 'in"tes& A*ter a !hi%e$ a 'essa#e *ro' 0ernard appeared on his des,&
Ender didn't %oo, "p& )e acted$ in *act$ as i* he hadn't seen the 'essa#e& 0ernard /"st !ants to catch 'e %oo,in# #"i%ty& )e doesn't ,no!&
O* co"rse$ it didn't 'atter i* he ,ne!& 0ernard !o"%d p"nish hi' a%% the 'ore$ beca"se he had to reb"i%d his position& The one thin# he co"%dn't stand !as ha in# the other boys %a"#hin# at hi'& )e had to 'a,e c%ear !ho !as boss& So Ender #ot ,noc,ed do!n in the sho!er that 'ornin#& One o* 0ernard's boys pretended to trip o er hi'$ and 'ana#ed to p%ant a ,nee in his be%%y& Ender too, it in si%ence& )e !as sti%% !atchin#$ as *ar as the open !ar !as concerned& )e !o"%d do nothin#&
0"t in the other !ar$ the !ar o* des,s$ he a%ready had his ne1t attac, in p%ace& -hen he #ot bac, *ro' the sho!er$ 0ernard !as ra#in#$ ,ic,in# beds and ye%%in# at boys& "I didn't !rite it5 Sh"t "p5"
"I didn't !rite that 'essa#e5" 0ernard sho"ted& A*ter the sho"tin# had been #oin# on *or so'e ti'e$ Dap appeared at the door&
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"So'ebody's been !ritin# 'essa#es "sin# 'y na'e&" 0ernard !as s"%%en&
"-hat 'essa#e&"
"It does to 'e&" Dap pic,ed "p the nearest des,$ !hich happened to be%on# to the boy' !ho b"n,ed abo e Ender& Dap read it$ s'i%ed ery s%i#ht%y$ #a e bac, the des,&
"Interestin#$" he said&
"Aren't yo" #oin# to *ind o"t !ho did it+" de'anded 0ernard&
3es$ Ender tho"#ht& The syste' !as too easi%y bro,en& They 'ean "s to brea, it$ or sections o* it& They ,no! it !as 'e&
At once the 'ood in the roo' chan#ed& (ro' ra#e on the part o* 0ernard's c%osest *riends and bare%y contained 'irth a'on# the rest$ a%% beca'e so'ber& A"thority !as abo"t to spea,&
"E erybody ,no!s that the syste' a"to'atica%%y p"ts on the na'e o* the sender&"
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"3esterday so'eone sent a 'essa#e that !as si#ned GOD$" 0ernard said&
"Rea%%y+" said Dap& "I didn't ,no! he !as si#ned onto the syste'&" Dap t"rned and %e*t$ and the roo' *i%%ed !ith %a"#hter&
0ernard's atte'pt to be r"%er o* the roo' !as bro,en-- on%y a *e! stayed !ith hi' no!& 0"t they !ere the 'ost icio"s& And Ender ,ne! that "nti% he !as thro"#h !atchin#$ it !o"%d #o hard on hi'& Sti%%$ the ta'perin# !ith the syste' had done its !or,$ 0ernard !as contained$ and a%% the boys !ho had so'e <"a%ity !ere *ree o* hi'& 0est o* a%%$ Ender had done it !itho"t sendin# hi' to the hospita%& M"ch better this !ay&
Then he sett%ed do!n to the serio"s b"siness o* desi#nin# a sec"rity syste' *or his o!n des,$ since the sa*e#"ards b"i%t into the syste' !ere ob io"s%y inade<"ate& I* a si1-year-o%d co"%d brea, the' do!n$ they !ere ob io"s%y p"t there as a p%aythin#$ not serio"s sec"rity& 6"st another #a'e that the teachers set "p *or "s& And this is one I'' #ood at&
Ender noted <"iet%y that this !as the *irst ti'e another ;a"nchy *ro' his o!n c%ass had sat !ith hi' at a 'ea%& "Do !hat+" he as,ed&
"Send a 'essa#e !ith a *a,e na'e& And 0ernard's na'e5 That !as #reat& They're ca%%in# hi' 0"tt!atcher no!& 6"st -atcher in *ront o* the teachers$ b"t e erybody ,no!s !hat he's !atchin#&"
"Co'e on$ Ender& 3o" bro,e into the syste'& )o!'d yo" do it+"
Ender shoo, his head and s'i%ed& "Than,s *or thin,in# I'' bri#ht eno"#h to do that& I /"st happened to see it *irst$ that's a%%&"
"O8$ yo" don't ha e to te%% 'e$" said Shen& "Sti%%$ it !as #reat&" They ate in si%ence *ora 'o'ent& "Do I !i##%e 'y b"tt !hen I !a%,+"
"Na!&" Ender said& "6"st a %itt%e& 6"st don't ta,e s"ch bi# %on# steps$ that's a%%&"
Shen nodded&
They %a"#hed to#ether$ and t!o other ;a"nchies /oined the'& Ender's iso%ation !as o er& The !ar !as /"st be#innin#&
"-e' e had o"r disappoint'ents in the past$ han#in# on *or years$ hopin# they'%% p"%% thro"#h$ and then they don't& Nice thin# abo"t Ender$ he's deter'ined to ice !ithin the *irst si1 'onths&"
"Don't yo" see !hat's #oin# on here+ )e's st"c, at the Giant's Drin, in the 'ind #a'e& Is the boy s"icida%+ 3o" ne er 'entioned it&"
"E erybody %oo,s %i,e 2in"a% at one ti'e or another& 0"t he's the on%y one !ho ,i%%ed hi'se%*& I don't thin, it had anythin# to do !ith the Giant's Drin,&"
"3o"'re bettin# 'y %i*e on that& And %oo, !hat he's done !ith his %a"nch #ro"p&"
"I don't care& )is *a"%t or not$ he's poisonin# that #ro"p& They're s"pposed to bond$ and ri#ht !here he stands there's a chas' a 'i%e !ide&"
"Then yo"'d better p%an a#ain& That %a"nch is sic,$ and he's the so"rce o* the disease& )e stays ti%% it's c"red&"
"I !as the so"rce o* the disease& I !as iso%atin# hi'$ and it !or,ed&"
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"-e don't ha e ti'e to r"sh a ,id ahead !ho has as '"ch chance o* bein# a 'onster as a 'i%itary #eni"s&"
"The recorders on$ it's a%!ays on$ yo"r ass is co ered$ #o to he%%&"
"It's an order& )o%d hi' !here he is "nti% !e see no! he hand%es thin#s in his %a"nch #ro"p& Gra**$ yo" #i e 'e "%cers&"
"3o" !o"%dn't ha e "%cers i* yo"'d %ea e the schoo% to 'e and ta,e care o* the *%eet yo"rse%*&"
"The *%eet is %oo,in# *or a batt%e co''ander& There's nothin# to ta,e care o* "nti% yo" #et 'e that&"
They *i%ed c%"'si%y into the batt%eroo'$ %i,e chi%dren in a s!i''in# poo% *or the *irst ti'e$ c%in#in# to the handho%ds a%on# the side& N"%% #ra ity !as *ri#htenin#$ disorientin#4 they soon *o"nd that thin#s !ent better i* they didn't "se their *eet at a%%&
-orse$ the s"its !ere con*inin#& It !as harder to 'a,e precise 'o e'ents$ since the s"its bent /"st a bit s%o!er$ resisted a bit 'ore than any c%othin# they had e er !orn be*ore&
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Ender #ripped the handho%d and *%e1ed his ,nees& )e noticed that a%on# !ith the s%"##ishness$ the s"it had an a'p%i*yin# e**ect on 'o e'ent& It !as hard to #et the' started$ b"t the s"it's %e#s ,ept 'o in#$ and stron#%y$ a*ter his '"sc%es had stopped& Gi e the' a p"sh this stron#$ and the s"it p"shes !ith t!ice the *orce& I'%% be c%"'sy *or a !hi%e& 0etter #et started&
So$ sti%% #raspin# the handho%d$ he p"shed o** stron#%y !ith his *eet&
Instant%y he *%ipped aro"nd$ his *eet *%yin# o er his head$ and %anded *iat on his bac, a#ainst the !a%%& The rebo"nd !as stron#er$ it see'ed$ and his hands tore %oose *ro' the handho%d& )e *%e! across the batt%eroo'$ t"'b%in# o er and o er&
(or a sic,enin# 'o'ent he tried to retain his o%d "p-and-do!n orientation$ his body atte'ptin# to ri#ht itse%*$ searchin# *or the #ra ity that !asn't there& Then he *orced hi'se%* to chan#e his ie!& )e !as h"rt%in# to!ard a !a%%& That !as do!n& And at once he had contro% o* hi'se%*& )e !asn't *%yin#$ he !as *a%%in#& This !as a di e& )e co"%d choose ho! he !o"%d hit the s"r*ace&
I'' #oin# too *ast to catch aho%d and stay$ b"t I can so*ten the i'pact$ can *%y o** at an an#%e i* I ro%% !hen I hit and "se 'y *eet--
It didn't !or, at a%% the !ay he had p%anned& )e !ent o** at an an#%e$ b"t it !as not the one he had predicted& Nor did he ha e ti'e to consider& )e hit another !a%%$ this ti'e too soon to ha e prepared *or it& 0"t <"ite accident%y he disco ered a !ay to "se his *eet to contro% the rebo"nd an#%e& No! he !as soarin# across the roo' a#ain$ to!ard the other boys !ho sti%% c%"n# to the !a%%& This ti'e he had s%o!ed eno"#h to be ab%e to #rip a r"n#& )e !as at a cra7y an#%e in re%ation to the other boys$ b"t once a#ain his orientation had chan#ed$ and as *ar as he co"%d te%%$ they !ere a%% %yin# on the *%oor$ not han#in# on a !a%%$ and he !as no 'ore "pside do!n than they !ere&
"Try it$" Ender said& "The s"it ,eeps yo" *ro' h"rtin# yo"rse%*$ and yo" can contro% yo"r bo"ncin# !ith yo"r %e#s$ %i,e this&" )e appro1i'ated the 'o e'ent he had 'ade&
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Shen shoo, his head-- he !asn't tryin# any *oo% st"nt %i,e that& 0"t one boy did ta,e o**$ not as *ast as Ender had$ beca"se he didn't be#in !ith a *%ip$ b"t *ast eno"#h& Ender didn't e en ha e to see his *ace to ,no! that it !as 0ernard& And ri#ht a*ter hi'$ 0ernard's best *riend$ A%ai&
Ender !atched the' cross the h"#e roo'$ 0ernard str"##%in# to orient hi'se%* to the direction he tho"#ht o* as the *%oor$ A%ai s"rrenderin# to the 'o e'ent and preparin# to rebo"nd *ro' the !a%%& No !onder 0ernard bro,e his ar' in the sh"tt%e$ Ender tho"#ht& )e ti#htens "p !hen he's *%yin#& )e panics& Ender stored the in*or'ation a!ay *or *"t"re re*erence&
And another bit o* in*or'ation$ too& A%ai did not p"sh o** in the sa'e direction as 0ernard& )e ai'ed *or a corner o* the roo'& Their paths di er#ed 'ore and 'ore as they *%e!$ and !here 0ernard 'ade a c%"'sy$ cr"nchin# %andin# and bo"nce on his !a%%$ A%ai did a #%ancin# trip%e bo"nce on three s"r*aces near the corner that %e*t hi' 'ost o* his speed and sent hi' *%yin# o** at a s"rprisin# an#%e& A%ai sho"ted and !hooped$ and so did the boys !atchin# hi'& So'e o* the' *or#ot they !ere !ei#ht%ess and %et #o o* the !a%% to c%ap their hands& No! they dri*ted %a7i%y in 'any directions$ !a in# their ar's$ tryin# to s!i'&
No!$ that's a prob%e'$ tho"#ht Ender& -hat i* yo" catch yo"rse%* dri*tin#+ There's no !ay to p"sh o**&
)e !as te'pted to set hi'se%* adri*t and try to so% e the prob%e' by tria% and error& 0"t he co"%d see the others$ their "se%ess e**orts at contro%$ and he co"%dn't thin, o* !hat he !o"%d do that they !eren't a%ready doin#&
)o%din# onto the *%oor !ith one hand$ he *idd%ed id%y !ith the toy #"n that !as attached to his s"it in *ront$ /"st be%o! the sho"%der& Then he re'e'bered the hand roc,ets so'eti'es "sed by 'arines !hen they did a boardin# assa"%t on an ene'y station& )e p"%%ed the #"n *ro' his s"it and e1a'ined it& )e had p"shed a%% the b"ttons bac, in the roo'$ b"t the #"n did nothin# there& Maybe here in the batt%eroo' it !o"%d !or,& There !ere no instr"ctions on it& No %abe%s on the contro%s& The tri##er !as ob io"s-- he had had toy #"ns$ as a%% chi%dren had$ a%'ost since in*ancy& There !ere t!o b"ttons that his th"'b co"%d easi%y reach$ and se era% others a%on# the botto' o* the sha*t that !ere a%'ost inaccessib%e !itho"t "sin# t!o hands& Ob io"s%y$ the t!o b"ttons near his th"'b !ere 'eant to be instant%y "sab%e&
)e ai'ed the #"n at the *%oor and p"%%ed bac, on the tri##er& )e *e%t the #"n #ro! instant%y !ar'4 !hen he %et #o o* the tri##er$ it coo%ed at once& A%so$ a tiny circ%e o* %i#ht appeared on the *%oor !here he !as ai'in#&
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)e th"'bed the red b"tton at the top o* the #"n$ and p"%%ed the tri##er a#ain& Sa'e thin#&
Then he p"shed the !hite b"tton& It #a e a bri#ht *%ash o* %i#ht that i%%"'inated a !ide area$ b"t not as intense%y& The #"n !as <"ite co%d !hen the b"tton !as pressed&
The red b"tton 'a,es it %i,e a %aser-- b"t it is not a %aser$ Dap had said-- !hi%e the !hite b"tton 'a,es it a %a'p& Neither !i%% be '"ch he%p !hen it co'es to 'ane" erin#&
So e erythin# depends on ho! yo" p"sh o**$ the co"rse yo" set !hen yo" start& It 'eans !e're #oin# to ha e to #et ery #ood at contro%%in# o"r %a"nches and rebo"nds or !e're a%% #oin# to end "p *%oatin# aro"nd in the 'idd%e o* no!here& Ender %oo,ed aro"nd the roo'& A *e! o* the boys !ere dri*tin# c%ose to !a%%s no!$ *%ai%in# their ar's to catch a handho%d& Most !ere b"'pin# into each other and %a"#hin#4 so'e !ere ho%din# hands and #oin# aro"nd in circ%es& On%y a *e!$ %i,e Ender$ !ere ca%'%y ho%din# onto the !a%%s and !atchin#&
One o* the'$ he sa!$ !as A%ai& )e had ended "p on another !a%% not too *ar *ro' Ender& On i'p"%se$ Ender p"shed o** and 'o ed <"ic,%y to!ard A%ai& Once in the air$ he !ondered !hat he !o"%d say& A%ai !as 0ernard's *riend& -hat did Ender ha e to say to hi'+
Sti%%$ there !as no chan#in# co"rse no!& So he !atched strai#ht ahead$ and practiced 'a,in# tiny %e# and hand 'o e'ents to contro% !hich !ay he !as *acin# as he dri*ted& Too %ate$ he rea%i7ed that he had ai'ed too !e%%& )e !as not #oin# to %and near A%ai-- he !as #oin# to hit hi'&
Ender he%d o"t his hand& A%ai too, the shoc, o* i'pact and he%ped Ender 'a,e a *air%y #ent%e %andin# a#ainst the !a%%&
"That's #ood$" Ender said& "-e o"#ht to practice that ,ind o* thin#&"
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"That's !hat I tho"#ht$ on%y e erybody's t"rnin# to b"tter o"t there$" A%ai said& "-hat happens i* !e #et o"t there to#ether+ -e sho"%d be ab%e to sho e each other in opposite directions&"
It !as an ad'ission that a%% 'i#ht not be ri#ht bet!een the'& Is it O8 *or "s to do so'ethin# to#ether+ Ender's ans!er !as to ta,e A%ai by the !rist and #et ready to p"sh o**&
Since they p"shed o** !ith di**erent a'o"nts o* *orce$ they be#an to circ%e each other& Ender 'ade so'e s'a%% hand 'o e'ents$ then shi*ted a %e#& They s%o!ed& )e did it a#ain& They stopped orbitin#& No! they !ere dri*tin# e en%y&
"2ac,ed head$ Ender&" A%ai said& It !as hi#h praise& ";et's p"sh o** be*ore !e r"n into that b"nch&"
"And then %et's 'eet o er in that corner&" Ender did not !ant this brid#e into the ene'y ca'p to *ai%&
Then$ s%o!%y$ steadi%y$ they 'ane" ered "nti% they *aced each other$ spread-ea#%ed$ hand to hand$ ,nee to ,nee&
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They p"shed o**& It prope%%ed the' *aster than they e1pected& Ender ran into a co"p%e o* boys and ended "p on a !a%% that he hadn't e1pected& It too, hi' a 'o'ent to reorient and *ind the corner !here he and A%ai !ere to 'eet& A%ai !as a%ready headed to!ard it& Ender p%otted a co"rse that !o"%d inc%"de t!o rebo"nds$ to a oid the %ar#est c%"sters o* boys&
-hen Ender reached the corner$ A%ai had hoo,ed his ar's thro"#h t!o ad/acent handho%ds and !as pretendin# to do7e&
"3o" !in&"
"Oh yeah&" A re'inder that they !ere both *ar *ro' ho'e& It too, so'e o* the *"n o"t o* ha in# 'astered a bit o* na i#ation&
Ender too, his pisto% and de'onstrated !hat he had %earned abo"t the t!o th"'b b"ttons&
"I 'eant !hy don't !e shoot each other in the *oot or so'ethin#& I'' not 0ernard$ I ne er tort"red cats *or *"n&"
They did& I''ediate%y Ender *e%t the %e# o* the s"it #ro! sti**$ i''obi%e at the ,nee and an,%e /oints&
"Sti** as a board&"
";et's *ree7e a *e!$" A%ai said& ";et's ha e o"r *irst !ar& @s a#ainst the'&"
"And Shen&"
Ender decided that A%ai !as /o,in#& ")ey$ !e can't a%% be ni##ers&"
";et's #o #et 0ernard and Shen and *ree7e these b"##er-%o ers&"
In t!enty 'in"tes$ e eryone in the roo' !as *ro7en e1cept Ender$ 0ernard$ Shen$ and A%ai& The *o"r o* the' sat there !hoopin# and %a"#hin# "nti% Dap ca'e in&
"I see yo"' e %earned ho! to "se yo"r e<"ip'ent$" he said& Then he did so'ethin# to a contro% he he%d in his hand& E erybody dri*ted s%o!%y to!ard the !a%% he !as standin# on& )e !ent a'on# the *ro7en boys$ to"chin# the' and tha!in# their s"its& There !as a t"'"%t o* co'p%aint that it !asn't *air ho! 0ernard and A%ai had shot the' a%% !hen they !eren't ready&
"-hy !eren't yo" ready+" as,ed Dap& "3o" had yo"r s"its /"st as %on# as they did& 3o" had /"st as 'any 'in"tes *%appin# aro"nd %i,e dr"n,en d"c,s& Stop 'oanin# and !e'%% be#in&"
Ender noticed that it !as ass"'ed that 0ernard and A%ai !ere the %eaders o* the batt%e& -e%%$ that !as *ine& 0ernard ,ne! that Ender and A%ai had %earned to "se the #"ns to#ether& And Ender and A%ai !ere *riends& 0ernard 'i#ht be%ie e that Ender had /oined his #ro"p$ b"t it !asn't so& Ender had /oined a ne! #ro"p& A%ai's
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It !asn't ob io"s to e eryone4 0ernard sti%% b%"stered and sent his cronies on errands& 0"t A%ai no! 'o ed *ree%y thro"#h the !ho%e roo'$ and !hen 0ernard !as cra7y$ A%ai co"%d /o,e a %itt%e and ca%' hi' do!n& -hen it ca'e ti'e to choose their %a"nch %eader$ A%ai !as the a%'ost "nani'o"s choice& 0ernard s"%,ed *or a *e! days and then he !as *ine$ and e eryone sett%ed into the ne! pattern& The %a"nch !as no %on#er di ided into 0ernard's in-#ro"p and Ender's o"tcasts& A%ai !as the brid#e&
Ender sat on his bed !ith his des, on his ,nees& %t !as pri ate st"dy ti'e$ and Ender !as doin# (ree 2%ay& It !as a shi*tin#$ cra7y ,ind o* #a'e in !hich the schoo% co'p"ter ,ept brin#in# "p ne! thin#s$ b"i%din# a 'a7e that yo" co"%d e1p%ore& 3o" co"%d #o bac, to e ents that yo" %i,ed$ *or a !hi%e4 i* yo" %e*t the' a%one too %on#$ they disappeared and so'ethin# e%se too, its p%ace&
So'eti'es *"nny thin#s& So'eti'es e1citin#$ and he had to be <"ic, to stay a%i e& )e had %ots o* deaths$ b"t that !as O8$ #a'es !ere %i,e that$ yo" died a %ot "nti% yo" #ot the han# o* it&
)is *i#"re on the screen had started o"t as a %itt%e boy& (or a !hi%e it had chan#ed into a bear& No! it !as a %ar#e 'o"se$ !ith %on# and de%icate hands& )e ran his *i#"re "nder a %ot o* %ar#e ite's o* *"rnit"re& )e had p%ayed !ith the cat a %ot$ b"t no! it !as borin#-- too easy to dod#e$ he ,ne! a%% the *"rnit"re&
Not thro"#h the 'o"seho%e this ti'e$ he to%d hi'se%*& I'' sic, o* the Giant& It's a d"'b #a'e and I can't e er !in& -hate er I choose is !ron#&
0"t he !ent thro"#h the 'o"seho%e any!ay$ and o er the s'a%% brid#e in the #arden& )e a oided the d"c,s and the di ebo'bin# 'os<"itoes-- he had tried p%ayin# !ith the' b"t they !ere too easy$ and i* he p%ayed !ith the d"c,s too %on# he t"rned into a *ish$ !hich he didn't %i,e& 0ein# a *ish re'inded hi' too '"ch o* bein# *ro7en in the batt%eroo'$ his !ho%e body ri#id$ !aitin# *or the practice to end so Dap !o"%d tha! hi'& So$ as "s"a%$ he *o"nd hi'se%* #oin# "p the ro%%in# hi%%s&
The %ands%ides be#an& At *irst he had #ot ca"#ht a#ain and a#ain$ cr"shed in an e1a##erated b%ot o* #ore oo7in#
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o"t *ro' "nder a roc, pi%e& No!$ tho"#h$ he had 'astered the s,i%% o* r"nnin# "p the s%opes at an an#%e to a oid the cr"sh$ a%!ays see,in# hi#her #ro"nd&
And$ as a%!ays$ the %ands%ides *ina%%y stopped bein# /"'b%es o* roc,& The *ace o* the hi%% bro,e open and instead o* sha%e it !as !hite bread$ p"**y$ risin# %i,e do"#h as the cr"st bro,e a!ay and *e%%& It !as so*t and spon#y4 his *i#"re 'o ed 'ore s%o!%y& And !hen he /"'ped do!n o** the bread$ he as standin# on a tab%e& Giant %oa* o* bread behind hi'4 #iant stic, o* b"tter beside hi'& And the Giant hi'se%* %eanin# his chin in his hands$ %oo,in# at hi'& Ender's *i#"re !as abo"t as ta%% as the Giant's head *ro' chin to bro!&
"I thin, I'%% bite yo"r head o**$" said the Giant$ as he a%!ays did&
This ti'e$ instead o* r"nnin# a!ay or standin# there$ Ender !a%,ed his *i#"re "p to the Giant's *ace and ,ic,ed hi' in the chin&
The Giant st"c, o"t his ton#"e and Ender *e%% to the #ro"nd&
")o! abo"t a #"essin# #a'e+" as,ed the Giant& So it didn't 'a,e any di**erence-- the Giant on%y p%ayed the #"essin# #a'e& St"pid co'p"ter& Mi%%ions o* possib%e scenarios in its 'e'ory$ and the Giant co"%d on%y p%ay one st"pid #a'e&
The Giant$ as a%!ays$ set t!o h"#e shot #%asses$ as ta%% as Ender's ,nees$ on the tab%e in *ront o* hi'& As a%!ays$ the t!o !ere *i%%ed !ith di**erent %i<"ids& The co'p"ter !as #ood eno"#h that the %i<"ids had ne er repeated$ not that he co"%d re'e'ber& This ti'e the one had a thic,$ crea'y %oo,in# %i<"id& The other hissed and *oa'ed&
"One is poison and one is not$" said the Giant& "G"ess ri#ht and I'%% ta,e yo" into (airy%and&"
G"essin# 'eant stic,in# his head into one o* the #%asses to drin,& )e ne er #"essed ri#ht& So'eti'es his head !as disso% ed& So'eti'es he ca"#ht on *ire& So'eti'es he *e%% in and dro!ned& So'eti'es he *e%% o"t$ t"rned #reen$ and rotted a!ay& It !as a%!ays #hast%y$ and the Giant a%!ays %a"#hed&
Ender ,ne! that !hate er he chose he !o"%d die& The #a'e !as ri##ed& On the *irst death$ his *i#"re !o"%d
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reappear on the Giant's tab%e$ to p%ay a#ain& On the second death$ he'd co'e bac, to the %ands%ides& Then to the #arden brid#e& Then to the 'o"seho%e& And then$ i* he sti%% !ent bac, to the Giant and p%ayed a#ain$ and died a#ain$ his des, !o"%d #o dar,$ "(ree 2%ay O er" !o"%d 'arch aro"nd the des, and Ender !o"%d %ie bac, on his bed and tre'b%e "nti% he co"%d *ina%%y #o to s%eep& The #a'e !as ri##ed b"t sti%% the Giant ta%,ed abo"t (airy%and$ so'e st"pid chi%dish three-year-o%d's (airy%and that probab%y had so'e st"pid Mother Goose or 2acMan or 2eter 2an$ it !asn't e en !orth #ettin# to$ b"t he had to *ind so'e !ay o* beatin# the Giant to #et there&
)e dran, the crea'y %i<"id& I''ediate%y he be#an to in*%ate and rise %i,e a ba%%oon& The Giant %a"#hed& )e !as dead a#ain&
)e p%ayed a#ain$ and this ti'e the %i<"id set$ %i,e concrete$ and he%d his head do!n !hi%e the Giant c"t hi' open a%on# the spine$ deboned hi' %i,e a *ish$ and be#an to eat !hi%e his ar's and %e#s <"i ered&
)e reappeared at the %ands%ides and decided not to #o on& )e e en %et the %ands%ides co er hi' once& 0"t e en tho"#h he !as s!eatin# and he *e%t co%d$ !ith his ne1t %i*e he !ent bac, "p the hi%%s ti%% then t"rned into bread$ and stood on the Giant's tab%e as the shot #%asses !ere set be*ore hi'&
)e stared at the t!o %i<"ids& The one *oa'in#$ the other !ith !a es in it %i,e the sea& )e tried to #"ess !hat ,ind o* death each one he%d& 2robab%y a *ish !i%% co'e o"t o* the ocean one and eat 'e& The *oa'y one !i%% probab%y asphy1iate 'e& I hate this #a'e& It isn't *air& It's st"pid& It's rotten&
And instead o* p"shin# his *ace into one o* the %i<"ids$ he ,ic,ed one o er$ then the other$ and dod#ed the Giant's h"#e hands as the Giant sho"ted$ "Cheater$ cheater5" )e /"'ped at the Giant's *ace$ c%a'bered "p his %ip and nose$ and be#an to di# in the Giant's eye& The st"** ca'e a!ay %i,e cotta#e cheese$ and as the Giant screa'ed$ Ender's *i#"re b"rro!ed into the eye$ c%i'bed ri#ht in$ b"rro!ed in and in&
The Giant *e%% o er bac,!ard$ the ie! shi*ted as he *e%%$ and !hen the Giant ca'e to rest on the #ro"nd$ there !ere intricate$ %acy trees a%% aro"nd& A bat *%e! "p and %anded on the dead Giant's nose& Ender bro"#ht his *i#"re "p o"t o* the Giant's eye&
")o! did yo" #et here+" the bat as,ed& "Nobody e er co'es here&"
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Ender co"%d not ans!er$ o* co"rse& So he reached do!n$ too, a hand*"% o* the Giant's eyest"**$ and o**ered it to the bat&
The bat too, it and *%e! o**$ sho"tin# as it !ent$ "-e%co'e to (airy%and&"
)e had 'ade it& )e o"#ht to e1p%ore& )e o"#ht to c%i'b do!n *ro' the Giant's *ace and see !hat he had *ina%%y achie ed&
Instead he si#ned o**$ p"t his des, in his %oc,er$ stripped o** his c%othes and p"%%ed his b%an,et o er hi'& )e hadn't 'eant to ,i%% the Giant& This !as s"pposed to be a #a'e& Not a choice bet!een his o!n #ris%y death and an e en !orse '"rder& I'' a '"rderer$ e en !hen I p%ay& 2eter !o"%d be pro"d o* 'e&
Chapter G -- Sa%a'ander
"The p%ayer's deaths ha e a%!ays been sic,enin#& I' e a%!ays tho"#ht the Giant's Drin, !as the 'ost per erted part at the !ho%e 'ind #a'e$ b"t #oin# *or the eye %i,e that-- this is the one !e !ant to p"t in co''and o* o"r *%eets+"
"-e !ere !aitin# to see ho! he hand%ed the thin# !ith 0ernard& )e hand%ed it per*ect%y&"
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"So as soon as he can cope !ith a sit"ation$ yo" 'o e hi' to one he can't cope !ith& Doesn't he #et any rest+"
")e'%% ha e a 'onth or t!o$ 'aybe three$ !ith his %a"nch #ro"p& That's rea%%y <"ite a %on# ti'e in a chi%d's %i*e&"
"Does it e er see' to yo" that these boys aren't chi%dren+ I %oo, at !hat they do$ the !ay they ta%,$ and they don't see' %i,e %itt%e ,ids&"
"They're the 'ost bri%%iant chi%dren in the !or%d$ each in his o!n !ay&"
"0"t sho"%dn't they sti%% act %i,e chi%dren+ They aren't nor'a%& They act %i,e-- history& Napo%eon and -e%%in#ton& Caesar and 0r"t"s&"
"-e're tryin# to sa e the !or%d$ not hea% the !o"nded heart& 3o"'re too co'passionate&"
"Genera% ;e y has no pity *or anyone& A%% the ideos say so& 0"t don't h"rt this boy&"
A%ai sat across *ro' Ender at dinner& "I *ina%%y *i#"red o"t ho! yo" sent that 'essa#e& @sin# 0ernard's na'e&"
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"Co'e on& !ho e%se+ It s"re !asn't 0ernard& And Shen isn't too hot on the co'p"ter& And I ,no! it !asn't 'e& -ho e%se+ Doesn't 'atter& I *i#"red o"t ho! to *a,e a ne! st"dent entry& 3o" /"st created a st"dent na'ed 0ernard-b%an,$ 0-E-R-N-A-R-D-space$ so the co'p"ter didn't ,ic, it o"t as a repeat o* another st"dent&"
"O8$ O8& It does !or,& 0"t yo" did that practica%%y on the *irst day&"
"Or so'ebody& Maybe Dap did it$ to ,eep 0ernard *ro' #ettin# too '"ch contro%&"
"Anythin# !ith Ender in it #ets ,ic,ed o"t& I can't #et inside yo"r *i%es at a%%$ either& 3o" 'ade yo"r o!n sec"rity syste'&"
A%ai #rinned& "I /"st #ot in and trashed so'ebody's *i%es& )e's ri#ht behind 'e on crac,in# the syste'& I need protection$ Ender& I need yo"r syste'&"
"I* I #i e yo" 'y syste'$ yo"'%% ,no! ho! I do it and yo"'%% #et in and trash 'e&"
"3o" say 'e+" A%ai as,ed& "I the s!eetest *riend yo" #ot5"
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It !as tr"e& Ender's tray a%!ays had *ood on it a*ter a 'ea%& Ender %oo,ed at the p%ate and decided he !as thro"#h& ";et's #o then&"
-hen they #ot to the barrac,s& Ender s<"atted do!n by his bed and said$ "Get yo"r des, and brin# it o er here& I'%% sho! yo" ho!&" 0"t !hen A%ai bro"#ht his des, to Ender's bed$ Ender !as /"st sittin# there$ his %oc,ers sti%% c%osed&
In ans!er Ender pa%'ed his %oc,er& "@na"thori7ed Access Atte'pt$" it said& It didn't open&
"So'ebody done a dance on yo"r head$ 'a'a$" A%ai said& "So'ebody eated yo"r *ace&"
"3o" s"re yo" !ant 'y sec"rity syste' no!+" Ender #ot "p and !a%,ed a!ay *ro' his bed&
"-hat is it+"
A%ai %oo,ed "p at hi'& "Don't yo" ,no!+ This !as on yo"r bed& 3o" '"st ha e sat on it&"
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"3o"'re s'art$ Ender$ b"t yo" don't do the batt%e-roo' any better than 'e&"
Ender shoo, his head& It !as the st"pidest thin# he co"%d thin, o*$ to pro'ote hi' no!& Nobody #ot pro'oted be*ore they !ere ei#ht years o%d& Ender !asn't e en se en yet& And %a"nches "s"a%%y 'o ed into the ar'ies to#ether$ !ith 'ost ar'ies #ettin# a ne! ,id at the sa'e ti'e& There !ere no trans*er s%ips on any o* the other beds&
6"st !hen thin#s !ere *ina%%y co'in# to#ether& 6"st !hen 0ernard !as #ettin# a%on# !ith e erybody$ e en Ender& 6"st !hen Ender !as be#innin# to 'a,e a rea% *riend o"t o* A%ai& 6"st !hen his %i*e !as *ina%%y #ettin# %i ab%e&
Ender !as so an#ry at the "n*airness o* the trans*er that tears !ere co'in# to his eyes& M"stn't cry$ he to%d hi'se%*&
A%ai sa! the tears b"t had the #race not to say so& "They're *artheads$ Ender$ they !on't e en %et yo" ta,e anythin# yo" o!n&"
Ender #rinned and didn't cry a*ter a%%& "Thin, I sho"%d strip and #o na,ed+"
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On i'p"%se Ender h"##ed hi'$ ti#ht$ a%'ost as i* he !ere :a%entine& )e e en tho"#ht o* :a%entine then and !anted to #o ho'e& "I don't !ant to #o$" he said&
A%ai h"##ed hi' bac,& "I "nderstand the'$ Ender& 3o" are the best o* "s& Maybe they're in a h"rry to teach yo" e erythin#&"
"They don't !ant to teach 'e e erythin#$" Ender said& "I !anted to %earn !hat it !as %i,e to ha e a *riend&"
A%ai nodded sober%y& "A%!ays 'y *riend$ a%!ays the best o* 'y *riends$" he said& Then he #rinned& "Go s%ice "p the b"##ers&"
A%ai s"dden%y ,issed Ender on the chee, and !hispered in his ear& "Sa%aa'&" Then$ red *aced$ he t"rned a!ay and !a%,ed to his o!n bed at the bac, o* the barrac,s& Ender #"essed that the ,iss and the !ord !ere so'eho! *orbidden& A s"ppressed re%i#ion$ perhaps& Or 'aybe the !ord had so'e pri ate and po!er*"% 'eanin# *or A%ai a%one& -hate er it 'eant to A%ai$ Ender ,ne! that it !as sacred4 that he had "nco ered hi'se%* *or Ender$ as once Ender's 'other had done !hen he !as ery yo"n#$ be*ore they p"t the 'onitor in his nec,$ and she had p"t her hands on his head !hen she tho"#ht he !as as%eep$ and prayed o er hi'& Ender had ne er spo,en o* that to anyone$ not e en to Mother$ b"t had ,ept it as a 'e'ory o* ho%iness$ o* ho! his 'other %o ed hi' !hen she tho"#ht that no one$ not e en he$ co"%d see or hear& That !as !hat A%ai had #i en hi'? a #i*t so sacred that e en Ender co"%d not be a%%o!ed to "nderstand !hat it 'eant&
A*ter s"ch a thin# nothin# co"%d be said& A%ai reached his bed and t"rned aro"nd to see Ender& Their eyes he%d *or on%y a 'o'ent$ %oc,ed in "nderstandin#& Then Ender %e*t&
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There !o"%d be no #reen #reen bro!n in this part o* the schoo%4 he !o"%d ha e to pic, "p the co%ors in one o* the p"b%ic areas& The others !o"%d be *inished !ith dinner ery soon4 he didn't !ant to #o near the 'ess ha%%& The #a'e roo' !o"%d be near%y e'pty&
None o* the #a'es appea%ed to hi'$ the !ay he *e%t no!& So he !ent to the ban, o* p"b%ic des,s at the bac, o* the roo' and si#ned on to his o!n pri ate #a'e& )e !ent <"ic,%y to (airy%and& The Giant !as dead !hen he arri ed no!4 he had to c%i'b care*"%%y do!n the tab%e$ /"'p to the %e# o* the Giant's o ert"rned chair$ and then 'a,e the drop to the #ro"nd& (or a !hi%e there had been rats #na!in# at the Giant's body$ b"t Ender had ,i%%ed one !ith a pin *ro' the Giant's ra##ed shirt$ and they had %e*t hi' a%one a*ter that&
The Giant's corpse had essentia%%y *inished its decay& -hat co"%d be torn by the s'a%% sca en#ers !as torn4 the 'a##ots had done their !or, on the or#ans$ no! it !as a dessicated '"''y$ ho%%o!ed-o"t$ teeth in a ri#id #rin$ eyes e'pty$ *in#ers c"r%ed& Ender re'e'bered b"rro!in# thro"#h the eye !hen it had been a%i e and 'a%icio"s and inte%%i#ent& An#ry and *r"strated as he !as$ Ender !ished to do s"ch '"rder a#ain& 0"t the Giant had beco'e part o* the %andscape no!$ and so there co"%d be no ra#e a#ainst hi'&
Ender had a%!ays #one o er the brid#e to the cast%e o* the 9"een o* )earts$ !here there !ere #a'es eno"#h *or hi'4 b"t none o* those appea%ed to hi' no!& )e !ent aro"nd the #iant's corpse and *o%%o!ed the broo, "pstrea'$ to !here it e'er#ed *ro' the *orest& There !as a p%ay#ro"nd there$ s%ides and 'on,eybars$ teeter-totters and 'erry-#o-ro"nds$ !ith a do7en chi%dren %a"#hin# as they p%ayed& Ender ca'e and *o"nd that in the #a'e he had beco'e a chi%d$ tho"#h "s"a%%y his *i#"re in the #a'es !as ad"%t& In *act$ he !as s'a%%er than the other chi%dren&
)e #ot in %ine *or the s%ide& The other chi%dren i#nored hi'& )e c%i'bed "p to the top$ !atched the boy be*ore hi' !hir% do!n the %on# spira% to the #ro"nd& Then he sat and be#an to s%ide&
)e had not s%id *or a 'o'ent !hen he *e%% ri#ht thro"#h the s%ide and %anded on the #ro"nd "nder the %adder& The s%ide !o"%d not ho%d hi'&
Neither !o"%d the 'on,ey bars& )e co"%d c%i'b a !ays$ b"t then at rando' a bar see'ed to be ins"bstantia% and he *e%%& )e co"%d sit on the see-sa! "nti% he rose to the ape14 then he *e%%& -hen the 'erry-#o-ro"nd !ent *ast$ he co"%d not ho%d onto any o* the bars$ and centri*"#a% *orce h"r%ed hi' o**&
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And the other chi%dren? their %a"#hter !as ra"co"s$ o**ensi e& They circ%ed aro"nd hi' and pointed and %a"#hed *or 'any seconds be*ore they !ent bac, to their p%ay&
Ender !anted to hit the'$ to thro! the' in the broo,& Instead he !a%,ed into the *orest& )e *o"nd a path$ !hich soon beca'e an ancient bric, road$ '"ch o er#ro!n !ith !eeds b"t sti%% "sab%e& There !ere hints o* possib%e #a'es o** to either side$ b"t Ender *o%%o!ed none o* the'& )e !anted to see !here the path %ed&
It %ed to a c%earin#$ !ith a !e%% in the 'idd%e$ and a si#n that said$ "Drin,$ tra e%er&" Ender !ent *or!ard and %oo,ed at the !e%%& A%'ost at once$ he heard a snar%& O"t o* the !oods e'er#ed a do7en s%a erin# !o% es !ith h"'an *aces& Ender reco#ni7ed the'-- they !ere the chi%dren *ro' the p%ay#ro"nd& On%y no! their teeth co"%d tear4 Ender$ !eapon%ess$ !as <"ic,%y de o"red&
)is ne1t *i#"re appeared$ as "s"a%$ in the sa'e spot$ and !as eaten a#ain$ tho"#h Ender tried to c%i'b do!n into the !e%%&
The ne1t appearance$ tho"#h$ !as at the p%ay#ro"nd& A#ain the chi%dren %a"#hed at hi'& ;a"#h a%% yo" %i,e$ Ender tho"#ht& I ,no! !hat yo" are& )e p"shed one o* the'& She *o%%o!ed hi'$ an#ry& Ender %ed her "p the s%ide& O* co"rse he *e%% thro"#h4 b"t this ti'e$ *o%%o!in# so c%ose%y behind hi'$ she a%so *e%% thro"#h& -hen she hit the #ro"nd$ she t"rned into a !o%* and %ay there$ dead or st"nned&
One by one Ender %ed each o* the others into a trap& 0"t be*ore he had *inished o** the %ast o* the'$ the !o% es be#an re i in#$ and !ere no %on#er chi%dren& Ender !as torn apart a#ain&
This ti'e$ sha,in# and s!eatin#$ Ender *o"nd his *i#"re re i ed on the Giant's tab%e& I sho"%d <"it$ he to%d hi'se%*& I sho"%d #o to 'y ne! ar'y&
0"t instead he 'ade his *i#"re drop do!n *ro' the tab%e and !a%, aro"nd the Giant's body to the p%ay#ro"nd&
This ti'e$ as soon as the chi%d hit the #ro"nd and t"rned into a !o%*$ Ender dra##ed the body to the broo, and p"%%ed it in& Each ti'e$ the body si77%ed as tho"#h the !ater !ere acid4 the !o%* !as cons"'ed$ and a dar, c%o"d
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o* s'o,e arose and dri*ted a!ay& The chi%dren !ere easi%y dispatched$ tho"#h they be#an *o%%o!in# hi' in t!os and threes at the end& Ender *o"nd no !o% es !aitin# *or hi' in the c%earin#$ and he %o!ered hi'se%* into the !e%% on the b"c,et rope&
The %i#ht in the ca ern !as di'$ b"t he co"%d see pi%es o* /e!e%s& )e passed the' by$ notin# that$ behind hi'$ eyes #%inted a'on# the #e's& A tab%e co ered !ith *ood did not interest hi'& )e passed thro"#h a #ro"p o* ca#es han#in# *ro' the cei%in# o* the ca e$ each containin# so'e e1otic$ *riend%y-%oo,in# creat"re& I'%% p%ay !ith yo" %ater$ Ender tho"#ht& At %ast he ca'e to a door$ !ith these !ords in #%o!in# e'era%ds?
)e stood on a s'a%% %ed#e$ hi#h on a c%i** o er%oo,in# a terrain o* bri#ht and deep #reen *orest !ith dashes o* a"t"'n co%or and patches here and there o* c%eared %and$ !ith o1dra!n p%o!s and s'a%% i%%a#es$ a cast%e on a rise in the distance$ and c%o"ds ridin# c"rrents o* air be%o! hi'& Abo e hi'$ the s,y !as the cei%in# o* a ast ca ern$ !ith crysta%s dan#%in# in bri#ht sta%actites&
The door c%osed behind hi'& Ender st"died the scene intent%y& -ith the bea"ty o* it$ he cared %ess *or s"r i a% than "s"a%& )e cared %itt%e$ at the 'o'ent$ !hat the #a'e o* this p%ace 'i#ht be& )e had *o"nd it$ and seein# it !as its o!n re!ard& And so$ !ith no tho"#ht o* conse<"ences$ he /"'ped *ro' the %ed#e&
No! he p%"''eted do!n!ard to!ard a roi%in# ri er and sa a#e roc,s4 b"t a c%o"d ca'e bet!een hi' and the #ro"nd as he *e%%$ and ca"#ht hi'$ and carried hi' a!ay&
It too, hi' to the to!er o* the cast%e$ and thro"#h the open !indo!$ bearin# hi' in& There it %e*t hi'$ in a roo' !ith no apparent door in *%oor or cei%in#$ and !indo!s %oo,in# o"t o er a certain%y *ata% *a%%&
A 'o'ent a#o he had thro!n hi'se%* *ro' a %ed#e care%ess%y4 this ti'e he hesitated&
The s'a%% r"# be*ore the *ire "nra1e%ed itse%* into a %on#$ s%ender serpent !ith !ic,ed teeth&
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"I a' yo"r on%y escape$" it said& "Death is yo"r on%y escape&
Ender %oo,ed aro"nd the roo' *or a !eapon$ !hen s"dden%y the screen !ent dar,& -ords *%ashed aro"nd the ri' o* the des,&
("rio"s$ Ender snapped o** the des, and !ent to the co%or !a%%$ !here he *o"nd the ribbon o* #reen #reen bro!n$ to"ched it$ and *o%%o!ed it as it %it "p be*ore hi'& The dar, #reen$ %i#ht #reen$ and bro!n o* the ribbon re'inded hi' o* the ear%y a"t"'n ,in#do' he had *o"nd in the #a'e& I '"st #o bac, there$ he to%d hi'se%*& The serpent is a %on# thread4 I can %et 'yse%* do!n *ro' the to!er and *ind 'y !ay thro"#h that p%ace& 2erhaps it's ca%%ed the end o* the !or%d beca"se it's the end o* the #a'es$ beca"se I can #o to one o* the i%%a#es and beco'e one o* the %itt%e boys !or,in# and p%ayin# there$ !ith nothin# to ,i%% and nothin# to ,i%% 'e$ /"st %i in# there&
As he tho"#ht o* it$ tho"#h$ he co"%d not i'a#ine !hat "/"st %i in#" 'i#ht act"a%%y be& )e had ne er done it in his %i*e& 0"t he !anted to do it any!ay&
Ar'ies !ere %ar#er than %a"nch #ro"ps$ and the ar'y barrac,s roo' !as %ar#er$ too& It !as %on# and narro!$ !ith b"n,s on both sides4 so %on#$ in *act$ that yo" co"%d see the c"r at"re o* the *%oor as the *ar end bent "p!ard$ part o* the !hee% o* the 0att%e Schoo%&
Ender stood at the door& A *e! boys near the door #%anced at hi'$ b"t they !ere o%der$ and it see'ed as tho"#h they hadn't e en seen hi'& They !ent on !ith their con ersations$ %yin# and %eanin# on b"n,s& They !ere disc"ssin# batt%es$ o* co"rse4 the o%der boys a%!ays did& They !ere a%% '"ch %ar#er than Ender& The ten- and e%e en-year-o%ds to!ered o er hi'4 e en the yo"n#est !ere ei#ht$ and Ender !as not %ar#e *or his a#e&
)e tried to see !hich o* the boys !as the co''ander$ b"t 'ost !ere so'e!here bet!een batt%e dress and !hat the so%diers a%!ays ca%%ed their s%eep "ni*or'-- s,in *ro' head to toe& Many o* the' had des,s o"t$ b"t *e! !ere
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Ender stepped into the roo'& The 'o'ent he did$ he !as noticed&
"-hat do yo" !ant+" de'anded the boy !ho had the "pper b"n, by the door& )e !as the %ar#est o* the'& Ender had noticed hi' be*ore$ a yo"n# #iant !ho had !his,ers #ro!in# ra##ed%y on his chin& "3o"'re not a Sa%a'ander&"
"I'' s"pposed to be$ I thin,$" Ender said& "Green #reen bro!n$ ri#ht+ I !as trans*erred&" )e sho!ed the boy$ ob io"s%y the door#"ard$ his paper&
The door#"ard reached *or it& Ender !ithdre! it /"st o"t o* reach& "I'' s"pposed to #i e it to 0on7o Madrid&"
No! another boy /oined the con ersation$ a s'a%%er boy$ b"t sti%% %ar#er than Ender$ "Not bahn-7oe$ pisshead& 0one-So& The na'e's Spanish& 0on7o Madrid& A<"i nosotros hab%a'os espaIo%$ SeIor Gran (edor&"
"3o" '"st be 0on7o$ then+" Ender as,ed$ prono"ncin# the na'e correct%y&
"No$ /"st a bri%%iant and ta%ented po%y#%ot& 2etra Ar,anian& The on%y #ir% in Sa%a'ander Ar'y& -ith 'ore ba%%s than anybody e%se in the roo'&"
"Mother 2etra she ta%,in#+" said one o* the boys& "She ta%,in#$ she ta%,in#&"
Another one chi'ed in& "Shit ta%,in# &&& shit ta%,in#$ shit ta%,in#5"
"6"st bet!een yo" and 'e$" 2etra said$ "i* they #a e the 0att%e Schoo% an ene'a$ they'd stic, it in at #reen #reen bro!n&"
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Ender despaired& )e a%ready had nothin# #oin# *or hi'? #ross%y "ndertrained$ s'a%%$ ine1perienced$ doo'ed to be resented *or ear%y ad ance'ent& And no!$ by chance$ he had 'ade e1act%y the !ron# *riend& An o"tcast in Sa%a'ander Ar'y$ and she had /"st %in,ed hi' !ith her in the 'inds o* the rest o* the ar'y& A #ood day's !or,& (or a 'o'ent$ as Ender %oo,ed aro"nd at the %a"#hin#$ /eerin# *aces$ he i'a#ined their bodies co ered !ith hair$ their teeth pointed *or tearin#& A' I the on%y h"'an bein# in this p%ace+ Are a%% the others ani'a%s$ !aitin# on%y to de o"r+
Then he re'e'bered A%ai& In e ery ar'y$ s"re%y$ there !as at %east one !orth ,no!in#&
St"dden%y$ tho"#h no one said to be <"iet$ the %a"#hter stopped and the #ro"p *e%% si%ent& Ender t"rned to the door& A boy stood there$ ta%% and dar, and s%ender$ !ith bea"ti*"% b%ac, eyes and s%ender %ips that hinted at re*ine'ent& I !o"%d *o%%o! s"ch bea"ty$ said so'ethin# inside Ender& I !o"%d see as those eyes see&
"Ender -i##in$ sir$" Ender said& "Reassi#ned *ro' %a"nch to Sa%a'ander Ar'y&" )e he%d o"t the orders&
The boy too, the paper in a s!i*t$ s"re 'o e'ent$ !itho"t to"chin# Ender's hand& ")o! o%d are yo"$ -i##in+" he as,ed&
"A%'ost se en&"
Sti%% <"iet%y$ he said$ "I as,ed ho! o%d yo" are$ not ho! o%d yo" a%'ost are&"
"I a' si1 years$ nine 'onths$ and t!e% e days o%d&"
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"Any trainin# in batt%e 'ane" ers+ )a e yo" e er been part o* a toon+ )a e yo" e er carried o"t a /oint e1ercise+"
Madrid %oo,ed at hi' steadi%y& "I see& As yo" !i%% <"ic,%y %earn$ the o**icers in co''and o* this schoo%$ 'ost notab%y Ma/or Anderson$ !ho r"ns the #a'e$ are *ond o* p%ayin# tric,s& Sa%a'ander Ar'y is /"st be#innin# to e'er#e *ro' indecent obsc"rity& -e ha e !on t!e% e o* o"r %ast t!enty #a'es& -e ha e s"rprised Rat and Scorpion and )o"nd$ and !e are ready to p%ay *or %eadership in the #a'e& So o* co"rse$ o* co"rse I a' #i en s"ch a "se%ess$ "ntrained$ hope%ess speci'en o* o* "nderde e%op'ent as yo"rse%*&"
"Sh"t "p$ Ar,anian$" Madrid said& "To one tria% !e no! add another& 0"t !hate er obstac%es o"r o**icers choose to *%in# in o"r path$ !e are sti%%--"
"Sa%a'ander5" cried the so%diers$ in one oice& Instincti e%y$ Ender's perception o* these e ents chan#ed& It !as a pattern$ a rit"a%& Madrid !as not tryin# to h"rt hi'$ 'ere%y ta,in# contro% o* a s"rprisin# e ent and "sin# it to stren#then his contro% o* his ar'y&
"-e are the *ire that !i%% cons"'e the'$ be%%y and bo!e%$ head and heart$ 'any *%a'es o* "s$ b"t one *ire&"
(or a 'o'ent$ Ender a%%o!ed hi'se%* to hope& "I'%% !or, hard and %earn <"ic,%y$" he said&
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"I didn't #i e yo" per'ission to spea,$" Madrid ans!ered& "I intend to trade yo" a!ay as <"ic,%y as I can& I'%% probab%y h" e to #i e "p so'eone a%"ab%e a%on# !ith yo"$ b"t as s'a%% as yo" are yo" are !orse than "se%ess& One 'ore *ro7en$ ine itab%y$ in e ery batt%e$ that's a%% yo" are$ and !e're no! at a point !here e ery *ro7en so%dier 'a,es a di**erence in the standin#s& Nothin# persona%$ -i##in$ b"t I'' s"re yo" can #et yo"r trainin# at so'eone e%se's e1pense&"
Madrid stepped c%oser to the #ir% and s%apped her across the *ace !ith the bac, o* his hand& It 'ade %itt%e so"nd$ *or on%y his *in#ernai%s had hit her& 0"t there !ere bri#ht red 'ar,s$ *o"r o* the'$ on her chee,$ and %itt%e pric,s o* b%ood 'ar,ed !here the tips o* his *in#ernai%s had str"c,&
")ere are yo"r instr"ctions$ -i##in& I e1pect that it is the %ast ti'e I'%% need to spea, to yo"& 3o" !i%% stay o"t o* the !ay !hen !e're trainin# in the batt%eroo'& 3o" ha e to be there$ o* co"rse$ b"t yo" !i%% not be%on# to any toon and yo" !i%% not ta,e part in any 'ane" ers& -hen !e're ca%%ed to batt%e$ yo" !i%% dress <"ic,%y and present yo"rse%* at the #ate !ith e eryone e%se& 0"t yo" !i%% not pass thro"#h the #ate "nti% *o"r *"%% 'in"tes a*ter the be#innin# o* the #a'e$ and then yo" !i%% re'ain at the #ate$ !ith yo"r !eapon "ndra!n and "n*ired$ "nti% s"ch ti'e as the #a'e ends&"
)e a%so noticed that 2etra did not so '"ch as cry o"t in pain$ or to"ch her chee,$ tho"#h one spot o* b%ood had beaded and r"n$ 'a,in# a strea, do!n to her /a!& O"tcast she 'ay be$ b"t since 0on7o Madrid !as not #oin# to be Ender's *riend$ no 'atter !hat$ he 'i#ht as !e%% 'a,e *riends !ith 2etra&
)e !as assi#ned a b"n, at the *ar end o* the roo'& The "pper b"n,$ so that !hen he %ay on his bed he co"%dn't e en seen the door4 the c"r e o* the cei%in# b%oc,ed it& There !ere other boys near hi'$ tired-%oo,in# boys$ s"%%en$ the ones %east a%"ed& They had nothin# o* !e%co'e to say to Ender&
Ender tried to pa%' his %oc,er open$ b"t nothin# happened& Then he rea%i7ed the %oc,ers !ere not sec"red& A%% *o"r o* the' had rin#s on the'$ to p"%% the' open& Nothin# !o"%d be pri ate$ then$ no! that he !as in an ar'y&
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There !as a "ni*or' in the %oc,er& Not the pa%e #reen o* the ;a"nchies$ b"t the oran#e-tri''ed dar, #reen "ni*or' o* Sa%a'ander Ar'y& It did not *it !e%%& 0"t then$ they had probab%y ne er had to pro ide s"ch a "ni*or' *or a boy so yo"n#&
)e !as startin# to ta,e it o** !hen he noticed 2etra !a%,in# do!n the ais%e to!ard his bed& )e s%id o** the b"n, and stood on the *%oor to #reet her&
"I b"n, in the *ront beca"se I'' the best sharpshooter in Sa%a'ander Ar'y$ and beca"se 0on7o is a*raid I'%% start a re o%"tion i* the toon %eaders don't ,eep an eye on 'e& As i* I co"%d start anythin# !ith boys %i,e these&" She indicated the s"%%en-*aced boys on the nearby b"n,s&
-hat !as she tryin# to do$ 'a,e it !orse than it a%ready !as+
"E erybody's better than I a'$" Ender said$ tryin# to dissociate hi'se%* *ro' her conte'pt *or the boys !ho !o"%d$ a*ter a%%$ be his near b"n,'ates&
"I'' a #ir%$" she said$ "and yo"'re a pissant o* a si1-year-o%d& -e ha e so '"ch in co''on$ !hy don't !e be *riends+"
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In a 'o'ent she rea%i7ed it !as a /o,e& ")a$" she said& "It's a%% so 'i%itary$ !hen yo"'re in the #a'e& Schoo% isn't %i,e it is *or ;a"nchies& )istories and strate#y and tactics and b"##ers and 'ath and stars$ thin#s yo"'%% need as a pi%ot or a co''ander& 3o"'%% see&"
"So yo"'re 'y *riend& Do I #et a pri7e+" Ender as,ed& )e !as i'itatin# her s!a##erin# !ay o* spea,in#$ as i* she cared abo"t nothin#&
"0on7o isn't #oin# to %et yo" practice& )e's #oin# to 'a,e yo" ta,e yo"r des, to the batt%eroo' and st"dy& )e's ri#ht$ in a !ay-- he doesn't !ant a tota%%y "ntrained %itt%e ,id start scre!in# "p his precision 'ane" ers&" She %apsed into #iria$ the s%an#y ta%, that i'itated the pid#in En#%ish o* "ned"cated peop%e& "0on7o$ he pre-cise& )e so care*"%$ he piss on a p%ate and ne er sp%ash&"
Ender #rinned&
"The batt%eroo' is open a%% the ti'e& I* yo" !ant$ I'%% ta,e yo" in the o** ho"rs and sho! yo" so'e o* the thin#s I ,no!$ I'' not a #reat so%dier$ b"t I'' pretty #ood$ and I s"re ,no! 'ore than yo"&"
"-hat i* so'ebody's "sin# the roo'+ -e a%!ay's !ent ri#ht a*ter brea,*ast$ in 'y %a"nch&"
"They a%% ha e the sa'e entrance& The !ho%e center o* the batt%e schoo%$ the h"b o* the !hee%$ is batt%eroo's& They don't rotate !ith the rest o* the station& That's ho! they do the n"%%#$ the no-#ra ity-- it /"st ho%ds sti%%& No spin$ no do!n& 0"t they can set it "p so that any one o* the roo's is at the batt%eroo' entrance corridor that !e a%% "se& Once yo"'re inside$ they 'o e it a%on# and another batt%eroo''s in position&"
"2etra$" he said&
She said nothin#$ /"st t"rned aro"nd a#ain and !a%,ed do!n the ais%e&
Ender c%i'bed bac, "p on his b"n, and *inished ta,in# o** his "ni*or'& )e %ay na,ed on the bed$ dood%in# !ith his ne! des,$ tryin# to decide i* they had done anythin# to his access codes& S"re eno"#h$ they had !iped o"t his sec"rity syste'& )e co"%dn't o!n anythin# here$ not e en his des,&
The %i#hts di''ed a %itt%e& Gettin# to!ard bedti'e& Ender didn't ,no! !hich bathroo' to "se&
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"Go %e*t o"t o* the door$" said the boy on the ne1t b"n,& "-e share it !ith Rat$ Condor$ and S<"irre%&"
")ey$" said the boy& "3o" can't #o %i,e that& @ni*or's at a%% ti'es o"t o* this roo'&"
"Especia%%y& And yo"'re *orbidden to spea, to anyone *ro' any other ar'y& At 'ea%s or in the toi%et& 3o" can #et a!ay !ith it so'eti'es in the #a'e roo'$ and o* co"rse !hene er a teacher te%%s yo" to$ b"t i* 0on7o catch yo"$ yo" dead$ eh+"
"She do !hat she %i,e$ b"t yo" ,eep yo" c%othes on& 0on7o's orders&"
That !as st"pid& 2etra sti%% %oo,ed %i,e a boy$ it !as a st"pid r"%e& It set her apart$ 'ade her di**erent$ sp%it the ar'y& St"pid st"pid& )o! did 0on7o #et to be a co''ander$ i* he didn't ,no! better than that+ A%ai !o"%d be a better co''ander than 0on7o& )e ,ne! ho! to brin# a #ro"p to#ether&
I ,no! ho! to brin# a #ro"p to#ether$ too$ tho"#ht Ender& Maybe I'%% be co''ander so'eday&
In the bathroo'$ he !as !ashin# his hands !hen so'ebody spo,e to h''& ")ey$ they p"ttin# babies in Sa%a'ander "ni*or's no!+"
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")ey$ %oo,5 Sa%a'ander's #ettin# babies no!5 ;oo, at this5 )e co"%d !a%, bet!een 'y %e#s !itho"t to"chin# 'y ba%%s5"
As Ender %e*t the roo'$ he heard so'ebody e%se say$ "It's -i##in& 3o" ,no!$ the s'artass *ro' the #a'e roo'&"
)e !a%,ed do!n the corridor s'i%in#& )e 'ay be short$ b"t they ,ne! his na'e& (ro' the #a'e roo'$ o* co"rse$ so it 'eant nothin#& 0"t they'd see& )e'd be a #ood so%dier$ too& They'd a%% ,no! his na'e soon eno"#h& Not in Sa%a'ander Ar'y$ 'aybe$ b"t soon eno"#h&
2etra !as !aitin# in the corridor that %ed to the batt%eroo'& "-ait a 'in"te$" she said to Ender& "Rabbit Ar'y /"st !ent in$ and it ta,es a *e! 'in"tes to chan#e to the ne1t batt%eroo'&"
Ender sat do!n beside her& "There's 'ore to the batt%eroo' than /"st s!itchin# *ro' one to the ne1t$" he said& "(or instance$ !hy is there #ra ity in the corridor o"tside the roo'$ /"st be*ore !e #o in+"
2etra c%osed her eyes& "And i* the batt%eroo's are rea%%y *ree-*%oatin#$ !hat happens !hen one is connected+ -hy doesn't it start to 'o e !ith the rotation o* the schoo%+"
Ender nodded&
"These are the 'ysteries$" 2etra said in a deep !hisper& "Do not pry into the'& Terrib%e thin#s happened to the
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%ast so%dier !ho tried& )e !as disco ered han#in# by his *eet *ro' the cei%in# o* the bathroo'$ !ith his head st"**ed in the toi%et&"
"3o" re'e'ber this$ %itt%e boy&" -hen she said %itt%e boy it so"nded *riend%y$ not conte'pt"o"s& "They ne er te%% yo" any 'ore tr"th than they ha e to& 0"t any ,id !ith brains ,no!s that there' e been so'e chan#es in science since the days o* o%d Ma7er Rac,ha' and the :ictorio"s (%eet& Ob io"s%y !e can no! contro% #ra ity& T"rn it on and o**$ chan#e the direction$ 'aybe re*%ect it-- I' e tho"#ht o* %ots o* neat thin#s yo" co"%d do !ith #ra ity !eapons and #ra ity dri es on starships& And thin, ho! starships co"%d 'o e near p%anets& Maybe tear bi# ch"n,s o"t o* the' by re*%ectin# the p%anet's o!n #ra ity bac, on itse%*$ on%y *ro' another direction$ and *oc"sed do!n to a s'a%%er point& 0"t they say nothin#&"
Ender "nderstood 'ore than she said& Manip"%ation o* #ra ity !as one thin#4 deception by the o**icers !as another4 b"t the 'ost i'portant 'essa#e !as this? the ad"%ts are the ene'y$ not the other ar'ies& They do not te%% "s the tr"th&
"Co'e$ %itt%e boy$" she said& "The batt%eroo' is ready& 2etra's hands are steady& The ene'y is deady&" She #i##%ed& "2etra the poet$ they ca%% 'e&"
"0etter be%ie e it$ baby b"tt&" She had ten tar#et ba%%s in a ba#& Ender he%d onto her s"it !ith one hand and the !a%% !ith the other$ to steady her as she thre! the'$ hard$ in di**erent directions& In the n"%% #ra ity$ they bo"nced e ery !hich !ay& ";et #o o* 'e$" she said& She sho ed o**$ spinnin# de%iberate%y4 !ith a *e! de*t hand 'o es she steadied herse%*$ and be#an ai'in# care*"%%y at ba%% a*ter ba%%& -hen she shot one$ its #%o! chan#ed *ro' !hite to red& Ender ,ne! that the co%or chan#e %asted %ess than t!o 'in"tes& On%y one ba%% had chan#ed bac, to !hite !hen she #ot the %ast one&
She rebo"nded acc"rate%y *ro' a !a%% and ca'e at hi#h speed bac, to Ender& )e ca"#ht her and he%d her a#ainst her o!n rebo"nd$ one o* the *irst techni<"es they had ta"#ht hi' as a ;a"nchy&
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2etra ta"#ht hi' to ho%d his ar' strai#ht$ to ai' !ith the !ho%e ar'& "So'ethin# 'ost so%diers don't rea%i7e is that the *arther a!ay yo"r tar#et is$ the %on#er yo" ha e to ho%d the bea' !ithin abo"t a t!o-centi'eter circ%e& It's the di**erence bet!een a tenth o* a second and a ha%* a second$ b"t in batt%e that's a %on# ti'e& A %ot o* so%diers thin, they 'issed !hen they !ere ri#ht on tar#et$ b"t they 'o ed a!ay too *ast& So yo" can't "se yo"r #"n %i,e a s!ord$ s!ish s!ish s%ice-e'-in-ha%*& 3o" #ot to ai'&"
She "sed the ba%%ca%%er to brin# the tar#ets bac,$ then %a"nched the' s%o!%y$ one by one& Ender *ired at the'& )e 'issed e ery one&
They didn't acco'p%ish '"ch that *irst 'ornin#& Most%y ta%,& )o! to thin, !hi%e yo" !ere ai'in#& 3o"' e #ot to ho%d yo"r o!n 'otion and yo"r ene'y's 'otion in yo"r 'ind at the sa'e ti'e& 3o"' e #ot to ho%d yo"r ar' strai#ht o"t and ai' !ith yo"r body$ so in case yo"r ar' is *ro7en yo" can sti%% shoot& ;earn !here yo"r tri##er act"a%%y *ires and ride the ed#e$ so yo" don't ha e to p"%% so *ar each ti'e yo" *ire& Re%a1 yo"r body$ don't tense "p4 it 'a,es yo" tre'b%e&
It !as the on%y practice Ender #ot that day& D"rin# the ar'y's dri%%s in the a*ternoon$ Ender !as ordered to brin# his des, and do his schoo%!or,$ sittin# in a corner o* the roo'& 0on7o had to ha e a%% his so%diers in the batt%eroo'$ b"t he didn't ha e to "se the'&
Ender did not do his schoo%!or,$ ho!e er& I* he co"%dn't ha e dri%% as a so%dier$ he co"%d st"dy 0on7o as a tactician& Sa%a'ander Ar'y !as di ided into the standard *o"r toons o* ten so%diers each& So'e co''anders set
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"p their toons so that A toon consisted o* the best so%diers$ and D toon had the !orst& 0on7o had 'i1ed the'$ so that each consisted o* #ood so%diers and !ea,er ones&
E1cept that 0 toon had on%y nine boys& Ender !ondered !ho had been trans*erred to 'a,e roo' *or hi'& It soon beca'e p%ain that the %eader o* toon 0 !as ne!& No !onder 0on7o !as so dis#"sted-- he had %ost a toon %eader to #et Ender&
And 0on7o !as ri#ht abo"t another thin#& Ender !as not ready&
A%% the practice ti'e !as spent !or,in# on 'ane" ers& Toons that co"%dn't see each other practiced per*or'in# precision operations to#ether !ith e1act ti'in#4 toons practiced "sin# each other to 'a,e s"dden chan#es o* direction !itho"t %osin# *or'ation& A%% these so%diers too, *or #ranted s,i%%s that Ender didn't ha e& The abi%ity to 'a,e a so*t %andin# and absorb 'ost o* the shoc,& Acc"rate *%i#ht& Co"rse ad/"st'ent "sin# the *ro7en so%diers *%oatin# rando'%y thro"#h the roo'& Ro%%s$ spins$ dod#es& S%idin# a%on# the !a%%s-- a ery di**ic"%t 'ane" er and yet one o* the 'ost a%"ab%e$ since the ene'y co"%dn't #et behind yo"&
E en as Ender %earned ho! '"ch he did not ,no!$ he a%so sa! thin#s that he co"%d i'pro e on& The !e%%rehearsed *or'ations !ere a 'ista,e& It a%%o!ed the so%diers to obey sho"ted orders instant%y$ b"t it a%so 'eant they !ere predictab%e& A%so$ the indi id"a% so%diers !ere #i en %itt%e initiati e& Once a pattern !as set$ they !ere to *o%%o! it thro"#h& There !as no roo' *or ad/"st'e''t to !hat the ene'y did a#ainst the *or'ation& Ender st"died 0on7o's *or'ations %i,e an ene'y co''ander !o"%d$ notin# !ays to disr"pt the *or'ation&
D"rin# *ree p%ay that ni#ht$ Ender as,ed 2etra to practice !ith hi'&
"No$" she said& "I !ant to be a co''ander so'eday$ so I' e #ot to p%ay the #a'e roo'&" It !as a co''on be%ie* that the teachers 'onitored the #a'es and spotted potentia% co''anders there& Ender do"bted it$ tho"#h& Toon %eaders had a better chance to sho! !hat they 'i#ht do as co''anders than any ideo p%ayer&
0"t he didn't ar#"e !ith 2etra& The a*ter-brea,*ast practice !as #enero"s eno"#h& Sti%%$ he had to practice& And he co"%dn't practice a%one$ e1cept a *e! o* the basic s,i%%s& Most o* the hard thin#s re<"ired partners or tea's& I* on%y he sti%% had A%ai or Shen to practice !ith&
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-e%%$ !hy sho"%dn't he practice !ith the'+ )e had ne er heard o* a so%dier practicin# !ith ;a"nchies$ b"t there !as no r"%e a#ainst it& It /"st !asn't done4 ;a"nchies !ere he%d in too '"ch conte'pt& -e%%$ Ender !as sti%% bein# treated %i,e a ;a"nchy any!ay& )e needed so'eone to practice !ith$ and in ret"rn he co"%d he%p the' %earn so'e o* the thin#s he sa! the o%der boys doin#&
")ey$ the #reat so%dier ret"rns5" said 0ernard& Ender stood in the door!ay o* his o%d barrac,s& )e'd on%y been a!ay *or a day$ b"t a%ready it see'ed %i,e an a%ien p%ace$ and the others o* his %a"nch #ro"p !ere stran#ers& A%'ost he t"rned aro"nd and %e*t& 0"t there !as A%ai$ !ho had 'ade their *riendship sacred& A%ai !as not a stran#er&
Ender 'ade no e**ort to concea% ho! he !as treated in Sa%a'ander Ar'y& "And they're ri#ht& I'' abo"t as "se*"% as a snee7e in a spaces"it&" A%ai %a"#hed$ and other ;a"nchies started to #ather aro"nd& Ender proposed his bar#ain& (ree p%ay$ e ery day$ !or,in# hard in the batt%eroo'$ "nder Ender's direction& They !o"%d %earn thin#s *ro' the ar'ies$ *ro' the batt%es Ender !o"%d see4 he !o"%d #et the practice he needed in de e%opin# so%dier s,i%%s& "-e'%% #et ready to#ether&"
A %ot o* boys !anted to co'e$ too& "S"re$" Ender said& "I* yo"'re co'in# to !or,& I* yo"'re /"st *artin# aro"nd$ yo"'re o"t& I don't ha e any ti'e to !aste&"
They didn't !aste any ti'e& Ender !as c%"'sy$ tryin# to describe !hat he had seen$ !or,in# o"t !ays to do it& 0"t by the ti'e *ree p%ay ended$ they had %earned so'e thin#s& They !ere tired$ b"t they !ere #ettin# the ,nac, o* a *e! techni<"es&
"I hear yo" had so'e o* yo"r oid ;a"nchy #ro"p !ith yo"&"
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"I !on't ha e any so%diers in Sa%a'ander Ar'y han#in# aro"nd !ith ;a"nchies& 3o"'re a so%dier no!&"
"3es$ sir&"
It !as a re<"est that co''anders !ere re<"ired to a%%o!& 0on7o's *ace !ent an#ry$ and he %ed Ender o"t into the corridor& ";isten$ -i##in$ I don't !ant yo"$ I'' tryin# to #et rid o* yo"$ b"t don't #i e 'e any prob%e's or I'%% paste yo" to the !a%%&"
0on7o #re! annoyed at Ender's si%ence& ";oo,$ yo" as,ed 'e to co'e o"t here$ no! ta%,&"
"Sir$ yo" !ere correct not to p%ace 'e in a toon& I don't ,no! ho! to do anythin#&"
"0"t I'' #oin# to beco'e a #ood so%dier& I !on't scre! "p yo"r re#"%ar dri%%$ b"t I'' #oin# to practice$ and I'' #oin# to practice !ith the on%y peop%e !ho !i%% practice !ith 'e$ and that's 'y ;a"nchies&"
"That's ri#ht$ sir& I'%% *o%%o! a%% the orders that yo"'re a"thori7ed to #i e& 0"t *ree p%ay is *ree& No assi#n'ents can be #i en& None& 0y anyone&
)e co"%d see 0on7o's an#er #ro!in# hot& )ot an#er !as bad& Ender's an#er !as co%d$ and he co"%d "se it& 0on7o's !as hot$ and so it "sed hi'&
"Sir$ I' e #ot 'y o!n career to thin, o*& I !on't inter*ere in yo"r trainin# and yo"r batt%es$ b"t I' e #ot to %earn so'eti'e& I didn't as, to be p"t into yo"r ar'y$ yo"'re tryin# to trade 'e as soon as yo" can& 0"t nobody !i%% ta,e 'e i* I don't ,no! anythin#$ !i%% they+ ;et 'e %earn so'ethin#$ and then yo" can #et rid o* 'e a%% the sooner and #et a so%dier yo" can rea%%y "se&"
0on7o !as not s"ch a *oo% that an#er ,ept hi' *ro' reco#ni7in# #ood sense !hen he heard it& Sti%%$ he co"%dn't %et #o o* his an#er i''ediate%y&
"I* yo" try to contro% 'y *ree p%ay$ I can #et yo" iced&"
It probab%y !asn't tr"e& 0"t it !as possib%e& Certain%y i* Ender 'ade a *"ss abo"t it$ inter*erin# !ith *ree p%ay co"%d concei ab%y #et 0on7o re'o ed *ro' co''and& A%so$ there !as the *act that the o**icers ob io"s%y sa! so'ethin# in Ender$ since they had pro'oted hi'& Maybe Ender did ha e in*%"ence eno"#h !ith the teachers to ice so'ebody& "0astard$" said 0on7o&
"It isn't 'y *a"%t yo" #a e 'e that order in *ront o* e erybody$" Ender said& "0"t i* yo" !ant$ I'%% pretend yo" !on this ar#"'ent& Then to'orro! yo" can te%% 'e yo" chan#ed yo"r 'ind&"
"I don't !ant the other #"ys to thin, yo" bac,ed do!n& 3o" !o"%dn't be ab%e to co''and as !e%%&"
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0on7o hated hi' *or it$ *or the ,indness& It !as as i* Ender !ere #rantin# hi' his co''and as a *a or& Ga%%in#$ and yet he had no choice& No choice abo"t anythin#& It didn't occ"r to 0on7o that it !as his o!n *a"%t$ *or #i in# Ender an "nreasonab%e order& )e on%y ,ne! that Ender had beaten hi'$ and then r"bbed his nose in it by bein# 'a#nani'o"s&
"2robab%y$" said Ender& The %i#hts o"t b"77er so"nded& Ender !a%,ed bac, into the roo'$ %oo,in# de/ected& 0eaten& An#ry& The other boy's dre! the ob io"s conc%"sion&
And in the 'ornin#$ as Ender !as %ea in# *or brea,*ast$ 0on7o stopped hi' and spo,e %o"d%y& "I chan#ed 'y 'ind$ pinpric,& Maybe by practicin# !ith yo"r ;a"nchies yo"'%% %earn so'ethin#$ and I can trade yo" easier& Anythin# to #et rid o* yo" *aster&"
"Anythin#$" !hispered 0oo7o& "I hope yo"'re iced&" Ender s'i%ed #rate*"%%y and %e*t the roo'& A*ter brea,*ast he practiced a#ain !ith 2etra& A%% a*ternoon he !atched 0on7o dri%% and *i#"red o"t !ays to destroy his ar'y& D"rin# *ree p%ay he and A%ai and the others !or,ed the'se% es to e1ha"stion& I can do this$ tho"#ht Ender as he %ay in his bed$ his '"sc%es throbbin#$ "n,nottin# the'se% es& I can hand%e it&
Sa%a'ander Ar'y had a batt%e *o"r days %ater& Ender *o%%o!ed behind the rea% so%diers as they /o##ed a%on# the corridors to the batt%eroo'& There !ere t!o ribbons a%on# the !a%%s$ the #reen #reen bro!n o* Sa%a'ander and the b%ac, !hite b%ac, o* Condor& -hen they ca'e to the p%ace !here the batt%eroo' had a%!ays been$ the corridor sp%it instead$ !ith #reen #reen bro!n headin# to the %e*t and b%ac, !hite b%ac, to the ri#ht& Aro"nd another t"rn to the ri#ht$ and the ar'y stopped in *ront o* a b%an, !a%%&
The toons *or'ed "p in si%ence& Ender stayed behind the' a%%& 0on7o !as #i in# his instr"ctions& "A ta,e the
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hand%es and #o "p& 0 %e*t$ C ri#ht$ D do!n&" )e sa! that the toons !ere oriented to *o%%o! instr"ctions$ then added$ "And yo"$ pinpric,$ !ait *o"r 'in"tes$ then co'e /"st inside the door& Don't e en ta,e yo"r #"n o** yo"r s"it&"
Ender nodded& S"dden%y the !a%% behind 0on7o beca'e transparent& Not a !a%% at a%%$ then$ b"t a *orce*ie%d& The batt%eroo' !as di**erent$ too& )"#e bro!n bo1es !ere s"spended in 'idair$ partia%%y obstr"ctin# the ie!& So these !ere the obstac%es that the so%diers ca%%ed stars& They !ere distrib"ted see'in#%y at rando'& 0on7o see'ed not to care !here they !ere&
0"t it soon beca'e c%ear to Ender$ as he sat and !atched the batt%e *ro' the corridor$ that they did not ,no! ho! to hand%e the stars& They did ,no! ho! to so*t%and on one and "se it *or co er$ the tactics o* assa"%tin# the ene'y's position on a star& They sho!ed no sense at a%% o* !hich stars 'attered& They persisted in assa"%tin# stars that co"%d ha e been bypassed by !a%%-s%idin# to a 'ore ad anced position&
The other co''ander !as ta,in# ad anta#e o* 0on7o's ne#%ect o* strate#y& Condor Ar'y *orced the Sa%a'anders into cost%y assa"%ts& (e!er and *e!er Sa%a'anders !ere "n*ro7en *or the attac, on the ne1t star& It !as c%ear$ a*ter on%y *i e or si1 'in"tes$ that Sa%a'ander Ar'y co"%d not de*eat the ene'y by attac,in#&
Ender stepped thro"#h the #ate& )e dri*ted s%i#ht%y do!n!ard& The batt%eroo's he had practiced in a%!ays had their doors at *%oor %e e%& (or rea% batt%es$ ho!e er$ the door !as set in the 'idd%e o* the !a%%$ as *ar *ro' the *%oor as *ro' the cei%in#&
Abr"pt%y he *e%t hi'se%* reorient$ as he had in the sh"tt%e& -hat had been do!n !as no! "p$ and no! side!ays& In n"%%-#$ there !as no reason to stay oriented the !ay he had been in the corridor& It !as i'possib%e to te%%$ %oo,in# at the per*ect%y s<"are doors$ !hich !ay had been "p& And it didn't 'atter& (or no! Ender had *o"nd the orientation that 'ade sense& The ene'y's #ate !as do!n& The ob/ect o* the #a'e !as to *a%% to!ard the ene'y's ho'e&
Ender 'ade the 'otions that oriented hi'se%* in his ne! direction& Instead o* bein# spread o"t$ his !ho%e body presented to the ene'y$ no! Ender's %e#s pointed to!ard the'& )e !as a '"ch s'a%%er tar#et&
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So'eone sa! hi'& )e !as$ a*ter a%%$ dri*tin# ai'%ess%y in the open& Instincti e%y he p"%%ed his %e#s "p "nder hi'& At that 'o'ent he !as *%ashed and the %e#s o* his s"it *ro7e in position& )is ar's re'ained "n*ro7en$ *or !itho"t a direct body hit$ on%y the %i'bs that !ere shot *ro7e "p& It occ"rred to Ender that i* he had not been presentin# his %e#s to the ene'y$ it !o"%d ha e been his body they hit& )e !o"%d ha e been i''obi%i7ed&
Since 0on7o had ordered hi' not to dra! his !eapon$ Ender contin"ed to dri*t$ not 'o in# his head or ar's$ as i* they had been *ro7en$ too& The ene'y i#nored hi' and concentrated their *ire on the so%diers !ho !ere *irin# at the'& It !as a bitter batt%e& O"tn"'bered no!$ Sa%a'ander Ar'y #a e #ro"nd st"bborn%y& The batt%e disinte#rated into a do7en indi id"a% shooto"ts& 0on7o's discip%ine paid o** no!$ *or each Sa%a'ander that *ro7e too, at %east one ene'y !ith hi'& No one ran or panic,ed$ e eryone re'ained ca%' and ai'ed care*"%%y&
2etra !as especia%%y dead%y& Condor Ar'y noticed it and too, #reat e**ort to *ree7e her& They *ro7e her shootin# ar' *irst$ and her strea' o* c"rses !as on%y interr"pted !hen they *ro7e her co'p%ete%y and the he%'et c%a'ped do!n on her /a!& In a *e! 'in"tes it !as o er& Sa%a'ander Ar'y o**ered no 'ore resistance&
Ender noted !ith p%eas"re that Condor co"%d on%y '"ster the 'ini'a% *i e so%diers necessary to open the #ate to ictory& (o"r o* the' to"ched their he%'ets to the %i#hted spots at the *o"r corners o* Sa%a'ander's door$ !hi%e the *i*th passed thro"#h the *orce*ie%d& That ended the #a'e& The %i#hts ca'e bac, on to their *"%% bri#htness$ and Anderson ca'e o"t o* the teacher door&
I co"%d ha e dra!n 'y #"n$ tho"#ht Ender$ as the ene'y approached the door& % co"%d ha e dra!n 'y #"n and shot /"st one o* the'$ and they !o"%d ha e been too *e!& The #a'e !o"%d ha e been a dra!& -itho"t *o"r 'en to to"ch the *o"r corners and a *i*th 'an to pass thro"#h the #ate$ Condor !o"%d ha e had no ictory& 0on7o$ yo" ass$ I co"%d ha e sa ed yo" *ro' this de*eat& Maybe e en t"rned it to ictory$ since they !ere sittin# there$ easy tar#ets$ and they !o"%dn't ha e ,no!n at *irst !here the shots !ere coinin# *ro'& I'' a #ood eno"#h shot *or that&
0"t orders !ere orders$ and Ender had pro'ised to obey& )e did #et so'e satis*action o"t o* the *act that on the o**icia% ta%%y Sa%a'ande' Ar'y recorded$ not the e1pected *orty-one disab%ed or e%i'inated$ b"t rather *orty e%i'inated and one da'a#ed& 0on7o co"%dn't "nderstand it$ "nti% he cons"%ted Anderson's boo, and rea%i7ed !ho it !as& Da'a#ed$ 0on7o$ tho"#ht Ender& I co"%d sti%% shoot$
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)e e1pected 0on7o to co'e to hi' and say$ "Ne1t ti'e$ !hen it's %i,e that$ yo" can shoot&" 0"t 0on7o didn't say anythin# to hi' at a%% "nti% the ne1t 'ornin# a*ter brea,*ast& O* co"rse$ 0on7o ate in the co''anders 'ess$ b"t Ender !as pretty s"re the odd score !o"%d ca"se as '"ch stir there as it did in the so%diers dinin# ha%%& In e ery other #a'e that !asn't a dra!$ e ery 'e'ber o* the %osin# tea' !as either e%i'inated-- tota%%y *ro7en-- or disab%ed$ !hich 'eant they had so'e body parts sti%% "n*ro7en$ b"t !ere "nab%e to shoot or in*%ict da'a#e on the ene'y& Sa%a'ander !as the on%y %osin# ar'y !ith one 'an in the Da'a#ed b"t Acti e cate#ory&
Ender o%"nteered no e1p%anation$ b"t the other 'e'bers o* Sa%a'ander Ar'y %et it be ,no!n !hy it had happened& And !hen other boys as,ed hi' !hy he hadn't disobeyed orders and *ired$ he ca%'%y ans!ered$ "I obey orders&"
A*ter brea,*ast$ 0on7o %oo,ed *or hi'& "The order sti%% stands$" he said$ "and don't yo" *or#et it&"
It !i%% cost yo"$ yo" *oo%& I 'ay not be a #ood so%dier$ b"t I can sti%% he%p and there's no reason yo" sho"%dn't %et 'e&
An interestin# side e**ect o* the batt%e !as that Ender e'er#ed at the top o* the so%dier e**iciecies %ist& Since he hadn't *ired a shot$ he had a per*ect record on shootin#-- no 'isses at a%%& And since he had ne er been e%i'inated or disab%ed$ his percenta#e there !as e1ce%%ent& No one e%se ca'e c%ose& It 'ade a %ot o* boys %a"#h$ and others !ere an#ry$ b"t on the pri7ed e**iciency %ist$ Ender !as no! the %eader&
)e ,ept sittin# o"t the ar'y practice sessions$ and ,ept !or,in# hard on his o!n$ !ith 2etra in the 'ornin#s and his *riends at ni#ht& More ;a"nchies !ere /oinin# the' no!$ not on a %ar, b"t beca"se they co"%d see res"%ts-- they !ere #ettin# better and better& Ender and A%ai stayed ahead o* the'$ tho"#h& In part$ it !as beca"se A%ai ,ept tryin# ne! thin#s$ !hich *orced Ender to thin, o* ne! tactics to cope !ith the'& In part it !as beca"se they ,ept 'a,in# st"pid 'ista,es$ !hich s"##ested thin#s to do that no se%*-respectin#$ !e%%-trained so%dier !o"%d e en ha e tried& Many o* the thin#s they atte'pted t"rned o"t to be "se%ess& 0"t it !as a%!ays *"n$ a%!ays e1citin#$ and eno"#h thin#s !or,ed that they ,ne! it !as he%pin# the'& E enin# !as the best ti'e o* the day&
The ne1t t!o batt%es !ere easy Sa%a'ander ictories4 Ender ca'e in a*ter *i e 'in"tes and re'ained "nto"ched by the de*eated ene'y& Ender be#an to rea%i7e that Condor Ar'y$ !hich had beaten the'$ !as "n"s"a%%y #ood4
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Sa%a'ander$ !ea, as 0on7o's #rasp o* strate#y 'i#ht be$ !as one o* the better tea's$ c%i'bin# steadi%y in the ratin#s$ c%a!in# *or *o"rth p%ace !ith Rat Ar'y&
Ender t"rned se en& They !eren't '"ch *or dates and ca%endars at the 0att%e Schoo%$ b"t Ender had *o"nd o"t ho! to brin# "p the date on his des,$ and he noticed has birthday& The schoo% noticed it$ too? they too, his 'eas"re'ents and iss"ed hi' a ne! Sa%a'ander "ni*or' and a ne! *%ash s"it *or the batt%eroo'& )e !ent bac, to the barrac,s !ith the ne! c%othin# on& It *e%t stran#e and %oose$ %i,e his s,in no %on#er *it proper%y&
)e !anted to stop at 2etra's b"n, and te%% her abo"t his ho'e$ abo"t !hat his birthdays !e'e "s"a%%y %i,e$ /"st te%% her it !as his birthday so she'd say so'ethin# abo"t it bein# a happy one& 0"t nobody to%d birthdays& It !as chi%dish& It !as !hat %andsiders did& Ca,es and si%%y c"sto's& :a%entine ba,ed hi' his ca,e on his si1th birthday& It *e%% and it !as terrib%e& Nobody ,ne! ho! to coo, any'ore4 it !as the ,ind o* cra7y thin# :a%entine !o"%d do& E erybody teased :a%entine abo"t it$ b"t Ender sa ed a %itt%e bit o* it in his c"pboard& Then they too, o"t his 'onitor and he %e*t and *or a%% he ,ne!$ it !as sti%% there$ a %itt%e piece o* #reasy ye%%o! d"st& Nobody ta%,ed abo"t ho'e$ not a'on# the so%diers4 there had been no %i*e be*ore 0att%e Schoo%& Nobody #ot %etters$ and nobody !rote any& E erybody pretended that they didn't care&
0"t I do care$ tho"#ht Ender& The on%y reason I'' here is so that a b"##er !on't shoot o"t :a%entine's eye$ !on't b%ast her head open %i,e the so%diers in the ideos o* the *irst batt%es !ith the b"##ers& -on't sp%it her head !ith a bea' so hot that her brains b"rst the s,"%% and spi%% o"t %i,e risin# bread do"#h$ the !ay it happens in 'y !orst ni#ht'ares$ in 'y !orst ni#hts$ !hen I !a,e "p tre'b%in# b"t si%ent$ '"st ,eep si%ent or they'%% hear that I 'iss 'y *a'i%y& I !ant to #o ho'e&
It !as better in the 'ornin#& )o'e !as 'ere%y a d"%% ache in the bac, o* his 'e'ory& A tiredness in his eyes& That 'ornin# 0on7o ca'e in as they !ere dressin#& "(%ash s"its5" he ca%%ed& It !as a batt%e& Ender's *o"rth #a'e&
The ene'y !as ;eopard Ar'y& It !o"%d be easy& ;eopard !as ne!$ and it !as a%!ays in the botto' <"arter in the standin#s& It had been or#ani7ed on%y si1 'onths a#o$ !ith 2o% S%attery as its co''ander& Ender p"t on his ne! batt%e s"it and #ot into %ine4 0on7o p"%%ed hi' ro"#h%y o"t o* %ine and 'ade hi' 'arch at the end& 3o" didn't need to do that$ Ender said si%ent%y& 3o" co"%d ha e %et 'e stay in %ine&
Ender !atched *ro' the corridor& 2o% S%attery !as yo"n#$ b"t he !as sharp$ he had so'e ne! ideas& )e ,ept his so%diers 'o in#$ dartin# *ro' star to star$ !a%%s%idin# to #et behind and abo e the sto%id Sa%a'anders& Ender s'i%ed& 0on7o !as hope%ess%y con*"sed$ and so !ere his 'en& ;eopard see'ed to ha e 'en in e ery direction&
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)o!e er$ the batt%e !as not as %opsided as it see'ed& Ender noticed that ;eopard !as %osin# a %ot o* 'en$ too-their rec,%ess tactics e1posed the' too '"ch& -hat 'attered$ ho!e er$ !as that Sa%a'ander !as de*eated& They had s"rrendered the initiati e co'p%ete%y& Tho"#h they !ere sti%% *air%y e en%y 'atched !ith the ene'y$ they h"dd%ed to#ether %i,e the %ast s"r isors o* a 'assacre$ as i* they hoped the ene'y !o"%d o er%oo, the' in the carna#e&
Ender s%ipped s%o!%y thro"#h the #ate$ oriented hi'se%* so the ene'y's #ate !as do!n$ and dri*ted s%o!%y east!ard to a corner !here he !o"idn't be noticed& )e e en *ired at his o!n %e#s$ to ho%d the' in the ,nee%in# position that o**ered hi' the best protection& )e %oo,ed to any cas"a% #%ance %i,e another *ro7en so%dier !ho had dri*ted he%p%ess%y o"t o* the batt%e&
-ith Sa%a'ander Ar'y !aitin# ab/ect%y *or destr"cdon$ ;eopard ob%i#in#%y destroyed the'& Tney had nine boys %e*t !hen Sa%a'ander *ina%%y stopped *irin#& They *or'ed "p and started to open the Sa%a'ander #ate&
Ender ai'ed care*"%%y !ith a strai#ht ar'$ as 2etra had ta"#ht hi'& 0e*ore anyone ,ne! !hat !as happenin#$ he *ro7e three o* the so%diers !ho !ere abo"t to press their he%'ets a#ainst the %i#hted corners o* the door& Then so'e o* the others spotted hi' and *ired-- b"t at *irst they hit on%y his a%ready *ro7en %e#s& It #a e hi' ti'e to #et the %ast t!o 'en at the #ate& ;eopard had on%y *o"r 'en %e*t "n*ro7en !hen Ender !as *ina%%y hit in the ar' and disab%ed& The #a'e !as a dra!$ and they ne er had hit hi' in the body&
2o% S%attery !as *"rio"s$ b"t there had been nothin# "n*air abo"t it& E eryone in ;eopard Ar'y ass"'ed that it bad been a strate#y o* 0on7o's$ to %ea e a 'an ti%% the %ast 'in"te& It didn't occ"r to the' that %itt%e Ender had *ired a#ainst orders& 0"t Sa%a'ander Ar'y ,ne!& 0on7o ,ne!$ and Ender co"%d see *ro' the !ay the co''ander %oo,ed at hi' that 0o"7o hated hi' *or resc"in# hi' *ro' tota% de*eat& I don't care$ Ender to%d hi'se%*& It !i%% /"st 'a,e 'e easier to trade a!ay$ and in the 'eanti'e yo" !on't drop so *ar in the standin#s& 3o" trade 'e& I' e %earned a%% I'' e er #oin# to %earn *ro' yo"& )o! to *ai% !ith sty%e$ that's a%% yo" ,no!$ 0on7o&
-hat ha e I %earned so *ar+ Ender %isted thin#s in his 'ind as he "ndressed by his b"n,& The ene'y's #ate is do!n& @se 'y %e#s as a shie%d in batt%e& A s'a%% reser e$ he%d bac, "nti% the end o* the #a'e$ can be decisi e& And so%diers can so'eti'es 'a,e decisions that are s'arter than the orders they' e been #i en&
Na,ed$ he !as abo"t to c%i'b into bed !hen 0on7o ca'e to!ard hi'$ his *ace hard and set& I ha e seen 2eter %i,e this$ tho"#ht Ender$ si%ent !ith '"rder in his eye& 0"t 0on7o is not 2eter& 0on7o has 'ore *ear&
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"-i##in$ I *ina%%y traded yo"& I !as ab%e to pers"ade Rat Ar'y that yo"r incredib%e p%ace on the e**iciency %ist is 'ore than an accident& 3o" #o o er there to'orro!&"
2erhaps he so"nded too #rate*"%& S"dden%y 0on7o s!"n# at hi'$ ca"#ht his /a! !ith a icio"s open-handed s%ap& It ,noc,ed Ender side!ays$ into his b"n,$ and he a%'ost *e%%& Then 0on7o s%"##ed hi'$ hard$ in the sto'ach& Ender dropped to his ,nees&
"3o" disobeyed 'e$" 0on7o said& ;o"d%y$ *or a%% to hear& "No #ood so%dier e er disobeys&"
E en as he cried *ro' the pain$ Ender co"%d not he%p b"t ta,e en#e*"% p%eas"re in the '"r'"rs he heard risin# thro"#h the barrac,s& 3o" *oo%$ 0on7o& 3o" aren't en*orcin# discip%ine$ yo"'re destroyin# it& They ,no! I t"rned de*eat into a dra!& And no! they see ho! yo" repay 'e& 3o" 'ade yo"rse%* %oo, st"pid in *ront o* e eryone& -hat is yo"r discip%ine !orth no!+
The ne1t day$ Ender to%d 2etra that *or her sa,e the shootin# practice in the 'ornin# !o"%d ha e to end& 0on7o didn't need anythin# that %oo,ed %i,e a cha%%en#e no!$ and so she'd better stay c%ear o* Ender *or a !hi%e& She "nderstood per*ect%y& "0esides$" she said$ "yo"'re as c%ose to bein# a #ood shot as yo"'%% e er be&"
)e %e*t his des, and *%ash s"it in the %oc,er& )e !o"%d !ear his Sa%a'ander "ni*or' "nti% he co"%d #et to the co''issary and chan#e it *or the bro!n and b%ac, o* Rat& )e had bro"#ht no possessions !ith hi'4 he !o"%d ta,e none a!ay& There !ere none to ha e-- e erythin# o* a%"e !as in the schoo% co'p"ter or his o!n head and hands&
)e "sed one o* the p"b%ic des,s in the #a'e roo' to re#ister *or an earth-#ra ity persona% co'bat co"rse d"rin# the ho"r i''ediate%y a*ter brea,*ast& )e didn't p%an to #et en#eance on 0on7o *or hittin# hi'& 0"t he did intend that no one !o"%d he ab%e to do that to hi' a#ain&
Chapter C -- Rat
"Co%one% Gra**$ the #a'es ha e a%!ays been r"n *air%y be*ore& Either rando' distrib"tion o* stars$ or sy''etrica%&"
"The #a'e !i%% be co'pro'ised& The co'parati e standin#s !i%% beco'e 'eanin#%ess&"
"It !i%% ta,e 'onths& 3ears$ to de e%op the ne! batt%eroo's and r"n the si'"%ations&"
"That's !hy I'' as,in# yo" no!& To be#in& 0e creati e& Thin, o* e ery stac,ed$ i'possib%e$ "n*air star arran#e'ent yo" can& Thin, o* other !ays to bend the r"%es& ;ate noti*ication& @ne<"a% *orces& Then r"n the si'"%ations and see !hich ones are hardest$ !hich easiest& -e !ant an inte%%i#ent pro#ression here& -e !ant to brin# hi' a%on#&"
"3o"'re #ettin# too c%ose to the #a'e$ Anderson& 3o"'re *or#ettin# that it is 'ere%y a trainin# e1ercise&
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"It's a%so stat"s$ identity$ p"rpose$ na'e4 a%% that 'a,es these chi%dren !ho they are co'es o"t o* this #a'e& -hen it beco'es ,no!n that the #a'e can be 'anip"%ated$ !ei#hted$ cheated$ it !i%% "ndo this !ho%e schoo%& I'' not e1a##eratin#&"
"I ,no!&"
"So I hope Ender -i##in tr"%y is the one$ beca"se yo"'%% ha e de*eated the e**ecti eness o* o"r trainin# 'ethod *or a %on# ti'e to co'e&"
"I* Ender isn't the one$ i* his pea, o* 'i%itary bri%%iance does not coincide !ith the arri a% o* o"r *%eets at the b"##er ho'e!or%ds$ then it doesn't rea%%y 'atter !hat o"r trainin# 'ethod is or isn't&"
"I hope yo" !i%% *or#i e 'e$ Co%one% Gra**$ b"t I *ee% that I '"st report yo"r orders and 'y opinion o* their conse<"ences to the Strate#os and the )e#e'on&"
"-e are& And I thin, yo" 'ay ne ri#ht abo"t Ender& I /"st don't be%ie e yo"$ and yo" a%one$ sho"%d decide the *ate o* the !or%d&"
"I don't e en thin, it's ri#ht *or 'e to decide the *ate o* Ender -i##in&"
"O* co"rse I 'ind$ yo" 'edd%eso'e ass& This is so'ethin# to be decided by peop%e !ho ,no! !hat they're doin#$ not these *ri#htened po%iticians !ho #ot their o**ice beca"se they happen to be po%itica%%y potent in the co"ntry they ca'e *ro'&"
"0eca"se yo"'re s"ch a short-si#hted %itt%e b"rea"cratic bastard that yo" thin, yo" need to co er yo"rse%* in case thin#s #o !ron#& -e%%$ i* thin#s #o !ron# !e'%% a%% be b"##er 'eat& So tr"st 'e no!$ Anderson$ and don't brin# the !ho%e da'n )e#e'ony do!n on re ie!& -hat I'' doin# is hard eno"#h !itho"t the'&"
"Oh$ is it "n*air+ Are thin#s stac,ed a#ainst yo"+ 3o" can do it to Ender$ b"t yo" can't ta,e it$ is that it+"
"Ender -i##in is ten ti'es s'arter and stron#er than a'& -hat I'' doin# to hi' !i%% brin# o"t his #eni"s& I* I had to #o thro"#h it 'yse%*$ it !o"%d cr"sh 'e& Ma/or Anderson$ I ,no! I'' !rec,in# the #a'e$ and I ,no! yo" %o e it better than any o* the boys !ho p%ay& )ate 'e i* yo" %i,e$ b"t don't stop 'e&"
"I reser e the ri#ht to co''"nicate !ith the )e#e'ony and the Strate#oi at any ti'e& 0"t *or no! do !hat yo" !ant&"
"Ender -i##in$ the %itt%e *arthead !ho %eads the standin#s$ !hat a p%eas"re to ha e yo" !ith "s&" The co''ander o* Rat Ar'y %ay spra!%ed on a %o!er b"n, !earin# on%y his des,& "-ith yo" aro"nd$ ho! can any ar'y %ose+" Se era% o* the boys nearby %a"#hed&
There co"%d not here been t!o 'ore opposite ar'ies than Sa'a'ander and Rat& The roo' !as r"'p%ed$
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c%"ttered$ noisy& A%ter 0on7o Ender had tho"#ht that indiscip%ine !o"%d be a !e%co'e re%ie*& Instead$ he *o"nd that he had co'e to e1pet <"iet and order$ and the disorder here 'ade hi' "nco'*ortab%e&
"-e doin# O8$ Ender 0ender& I Rose de Nose$ 6e!boy e1traordinaire$ and yo" ain't nothin b"t a pinheaded pinpric, o* a #oy& Don't yo" *or#et it&"
Since the I( !as *or'ed the Strate#os o* the 'i%itary *orces had a%!ays been a 6e!& There !as a 'yth that 6e!ish #enera%s didn't %ose !ars& And so *ar it !as sti%% tr"e& It 'ade any 6e! at the 0att%e Schoo% drea' o* bein# Strate#os$ and con*erred presti#e on hi' *ro' the start& It a%so ca"sed resent'ent& Rat Ar'y !as o*ten ca%%ed the 8i,e (orce$ ha%* in parody o* Ma7er Rac,ha''s Stri,e (orce& There !ere 'any !ho %i,ed to re'e'ber that d"rin# the Second In asion$ e en tho"#h an A'erican 6e!$ as 2resident$ !as )e#e'on o* the a%%iance$ an Israe%i 6e! !as Strate#os in o era%% co''and o* I($ and a R"ssian 6e! !as 2o%e'arch o* the *%eet$ it !as Ma7er Rac,ha'$ a %itt%e-,no!n$ t!ice-co"rt-'artia%%ed$ ha%*-Maori Ne! Hea%ander !hose Stri,e (orce bro,e "p and *ina%%y destroyed the b"##er *%eet in the action aro"nd Sat"rn&
I* Ma7er Rac,ha' co"%d sa e the !or%d$ then it didn't 'atter a bit !hether yo" !ere a 6e! or not$ peop%e said&
0"t it did 'atter$ and Rose the Nose ,ne! it& )e 'oc,ed hi'se%* to *oresta%% the 'oc,in# co''ents o* antise'ites-- a%'ost e eryone he de*eated in batt%e beca'e$ at %east *or a ti'e$ a 6e!-hater-- b"t he a%so 'ade s"re e eryone ,ne! !hat he !as& )is ar'y !as in second p%ace$ b"c,in# *or *irst&
"I too, yo" on$ #oy$ beca"se I didn't !ant peop%e to thin, I on%y !in beca"se I #ot #reat so%diers& I !ant the' to ,no! that e en !ith a %itt%e p",e o* a so%dier %i,e yo" I can sti%% !in& -e on%y #ot three r"%es here& Do !hat I te%% yo" and don't piss in the bed&"
Ender nodded& )e ,ne! that Rose !anted hi' to as, !hat the third r"%e !as& So he did&
"3o"r practice sessions !ith ha%*-assed %itt%e ;a"nchies are o er$ -i##in& Done& 3o"'re in a bi# boys' ar'y no!& I'' p"ttin# yo" in Din, Mee,er's toon& (ro' no! on$ as *ar as yo"'re concerned$ Din, Mee,er is God&"
"The personne% o**icer !ho hired God&" Rose #rinned& "And yo" are *orbidden to "se yo"r des, a#ain "nti% yo"' e *ro7en t!o ene'y so%diers in the sa'e batt%e& This order is o"t o* se%*-de*ense& I hear yo"'re a #eni"s pro#ra''er& I don't !ant yo" scre!in# aro"nd !ith 'y des,&
E erybody er"pted in %a"#hter& It too, Ender a 'o'ent to "nderstand !hy& Rose had pro#ra''ed his des, to disp%ay-- and ani'ate-- a bi##er-than-%i*e si7ed pict"re o* 'a%e #enita%s$ !hich !a##%ed bac, and *orth as Rose he%d the des, on his na,ed %ap& This is /"st the sort o* co''ander 0on7o !o"%d trade 'e to$ tho"#ht Ender& )o! does a boy !ho spends his ti'e %i,e this !in batt%es+
Ender *o"nd Din, Mee,er in the #a'e roo'$ not p%ayin#$ /"st sittin# and !atchin#& "A #"y pointed yo" o"t$" Ender said& "I'' Ender -i##in&"
Din, %oo,ed "p at hi'& ";oo,$ -i##in$ I ,no! a%% this& -hy do yo" thin, I as,ed Rose to #et yo" *or 'e+"
)e had not been d"'ped$ he had been pic,ed "p$ he had been as,ed *or& Mee,er !anted hi'& "-hy+" as,ed Ender&
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"I' e !atched yo"r practice sessions !ith the ;a"nchies& I thin, yo" sho! so'e pro'ise& 0on7o is st"pid and I !anted yo" to #et better trainin# than 2etra co"%d #i e yo"& A%% she can do is shoot&"
"3o" sti%% 'o e %i,e yo" !ere a*raid to !et yo"r pants&"
"So %earn&"
"Rose the Nose can't stop yo"& ;i,e!ise$ he can't stop yo" *ro' "sin# yo"r des,&"
"They can order the 'oon to t"rn b%"e$ too$ b"t it doesn't happen& ;isten$ Ender$ co''anders ha e /"st as '"ch a"thority as yo" %et the' ha e& The 'ore yo" obey the'$ the 'ore po!er they ha e o er yo"&"
"-hat's to stop the' *ro' h"rtin# 'e+" Ender re'e'bered 0on7o's b%o!&
"I tho"#ht that !as !hy yo" !ere ta,in# persona% attac, c%asses&"
"I don't !ant to #et Rose 'ad at 'e& I !ant to be part o* the batt%es no!$ I'' tired o* sittin# o"t ti%% the end&"
";isten$ Ender$ as %on# as yo"'re part o* 'y toon$ yo"'re part o* the batt%e&"
Ender soon %earned !hy& Din, trained his toon independent%y *ro' the rest o* Rat Ar'y$ !ith discip%ine and i#or4 he ne er cons"%ted !ith Rose$ and on%y rare%y did the !ho%e ar'y 'ane" er to#ether& It !as as i* Rose co''anded one ar'y$ and Din, co''anded a '"ch s'a%%er one that happened to practice in the batt%eroo' at the sa'e ti'e&
Din, started o"t the *irst practice by as,in# Ender to de'onstrate his *eet-*irst attac, position& The other boys didn't %i,e it& ")o! can !e attac, %yin# on o"r bac,s+" they as,ed&
To Ender's s"rprise$ Din, didn't correct the'$ didn't say$ "3o" aren't attac,in# on yo"r bac,$ yo"'re droppin# do!n!ard to!ard the'&" )e had seen !hat Ender !as doin#$ b"t he had not "nderstood the orientation that it i'p%ied& It soon beca'e c%ear to Ender that e en tho"#h Din, !as ery$ ery #ood$ his persistence in ho%din# onto the corridor #ra ity orientation instead o* thin,in# o* the ene'y #ate as do!n!ard !as %i'itin# his thin,in#&
They practiced attac,in# an ene'y-he%d star& 0e*ore tryin# Ender's *eet-*irst 'ethod$ they had a%!ays #one in standin# "p$ their !ho%e bodies a ai%ab%e as a tar#et& E en no!$ tho"#h$ they reached the star and then assa"%ted
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the ene'y *ro' one direction on%y4 "O er the top$" cried Din,$ and o er they !ent& To his credit$ he then repeated the e1ercise$ ca%%in#$ "A#ain$ "pside do!n$" b"t beca"se o* their insistence on a #ra ity that didn't e1ist$ the boys beca'e a!,!ard !hen the 'ane" er !as "nder$ as i* erti#o sei7ed the'&
They hated the *eet-*irst attac,& Din, insisted that they "se it& As a res"%t$ they hated Ender& "Do !e ha e to %earn ho! to *i#ht *ro' a ;a"nchy+" one o* the' '"ttered$ 'a,in# s"re Ender co"%d hear& "3es$" ans!ered Din,& They ,ept !or,in#&
And they %earned it& In practice s,ir'ishes$ they be#an to rea%i7e ho! '"ch harder it !as to shoot an ene'y attac,in# *eet *irst& As soon as they !ere con inced o* that$ they practiced the 'ane" er 'ore !i%%in#%y&
That ni#ht !as the *irst ti'e Ender had co'e to a practice session a*ter a !ho%e a*ternoon o* !or,& )e !as tired&
"No! yo"'re in a rea% ar'y$" said A%ai& "3o" don't ha e to ,eep practicin# !ith "s&"
"(ro' yo" I can %earn thin#s that nobody ,no!s$" said Ender&
"Then %et's #et b"sy& I'%% teach yo" !hat I %earned *ro' hi' today&"
)e p"t A%ai and t!o do7en others thro"#h the sa'e e1ercises that had !orn hi' o"t a%% a*ternoon& 0"t he p"t ne! to"ches on the patterns$ 'ade the boys try the 'ane" ers !ith one %e# *ro7en$ !ith both %e#s *ro7en$ or "sin# *ro7en boys *or %e era#e to chan#e directions&
)a%*!ay thro"#h the practice$ Ender noticed 2etra and Din, to#ether$ standin# in the door!ay$ !atchin#& ;ater$ !hen he %oo,ed a#ain$ they !ere #one&
So they're !atchin# 'e$ and !hat !e're doin# is ,no!n& )e did not ,no! !hether Din, !as his *riend4 he
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be%ie ed that 2etra !as$ b"t nothin# co"%d be s"re& They 'i#ht be an#ry that he !as do'e !hat on%y co''anders and toon %eaders !ere s"pposed to do-- dri%%in# and trainin# so%diers& They 'i#ht be o**ended that a so%dier !o"%d associate so c%ose%y !ith ;a"nchies& It 'ade hi' "neasy$ to ha e o%der chiidrcn !atchin#&
"I tho"#ht I to%d yo" not to "se yo"r des,&" Rose the Nose stood by Ender's b"n,&
Ender did not %oo, "p& "I'' co'p%etin# the tri#ono'etry assi#n'ent *or to'orro!&"
Rose b"'ped his ,nee into Ender's des,& "I said not to "se it&"
Ender set the des, on his b"n, and stood "p& "I need tri#ono'etry 'ore than I need yo"&"
Rose !as ta%%er than Ender by at %east *orty centi'eters& 0"t Ender !as not partic"%ar%y !orried& It !o"%d not co'e to physica% io%ence$ and i* it did$ Ender tho"#ht he co"%d ho%d his o!n& Rose !as %a7y and didn't ,no! persona% co'bat&
"I e1pect to& I !as on%y %eadin# the %ist beca"se o* the st"pid !ay Sa%a'ander Ar'y !as "sin# 'e&"
"0on7o's strate#y !o"%dn't !in a sa%ad *i#ht& I !as io%atin# orders e ery ti'e I *ired 'y #"n&"
Rose hadn't ,no!n that& It 'ade hi' an#ry& "So e erythin# 0on7o said abo"t yo" !as a %ie& 3o"'re not on%y short and inco'petent$ yo"'re ins"bordinate$ too&"
"-e'%% see ho! yo" do a%% by yo"rse%* ne1t ti'e&" Rose !ent a!ay&
Ender %oo,ed at Din,$ !ho !as dood%in# on his des,& Din, %oo,ed "p$ noticed Ender !atchin# hi'$ and #a7ed steadi%y bac, at hi'& No e1pression& Nothin#& O8$ tho"#ht Ender$ I can ta,e care o* 'yse%*&
0att%e ca'e t!o day's %ater& It !as Ender's *irst ti'e *i#htin# as part o* a toon4 he !as ner o"s& Din,'s toon %ined "p a#ainst the ri#ht-hand !a%% o* the corridor and Ender !as ery care*"% not to %ean$ not to %et his !ei#ht s%ip to either side& Stay ba%anced&
Ender *e%t dread co'e o er hi' *ro' throat to #roin& a tin#%e o* *ear that 'ade hi' sh"dder& Rose sa! it&
"Shi erin#+ Tre'b%in#+ Don't !et yo"r pants$ %itt%e ;a"nchy&" Rose hoo,ed a *in#er o er the b"tt o* Ender's #"n and p"%%ed hi' to the *orce*ie%d that hid the batt%eroo' *ro' ie!& "-e'%% see ho! !e%% yo" do no!$ Ender& As soon as that door opens$ yo" /"'p thro"#h$ #o strai#ht ahead to!ard the ene'y's door&"
S"icide& 2oint%ess$ 'eanin#%ess se%*-destr"ction& 0"t he had to *o%%o! orders no!$ this !as batt%e$ not schoo%& (or a 'o'ent Ender ra#ed si%ent%y4 then he ca%'ed hi'se%*& "E1ce%%ent$ sir$" he said& "The direction I *ire 'y #"n is the direction o* their 'ain contin#ent&"
The !a%% anished& Ender /"'ped "p$ too, ho%d o* the cei%in# handho%ds$ and thre! hi'se%* o"t and do!n$ speedin# to!ard the ene'y door&
It !as Centipede Ar'y$ and they on%y be#innin# to e'er#e *ro' their door !hen Ender !as ha%*!ay across the batt%eroo'& Many o* the' !ere ab%e to #et "nder co er o* stars <"ic,%y b"t Ender had do"b%ed "p his %e#s "nder hi' and$ ho%din# his pisto% at his crotch$ he !as *irin# bet!een his %e#s and *ree7in# 'any o* the' as they e'er#ed&
They *%ashed his %e#s$ b"t he had three precio"s seconds be*ore they co"d hit his body and p"t hi' o"t o* action& )e *ro7e se era% 'ore$ then *%"n# o"t his ar's in e<"a% and opposite directions& The hand that he%d his #"n ended "p pointin# to!ard the 'ain body o* Centipede Ar'y& )e *ired into the 'ass o* the ene'y$ and then they *ro7e hi'&
A second %ater he s'ashed into the *orce*ie%d o* the ene'y's door and rebo"nded !ith a cra7y spin& )e %anded in a #ro"p o* ene'y so%diers behind a star4 they sho ed hi' o** and sp"n hi' e en 'ore rapid%y& )e rebo"nded o"t o* contro% thro"#h the rest o* the batt%e$ tho"#h #rad"a%%y *riction !ith the air s%o!ed hi' do!n& )e had no !ay o* ,no!in# ho! 'any 'en he had *ro7en be*ore #ettin# iced hi'se%*$ b"t he did #et the #enera% idea that Rat Ar'y !on a#ain$ as "s"a%&
A*ter the batt%e Rose didn't spea, to hi'& Ender !as sti%% *irst in the standin#s$ since he had *ro7en three$ disab%ed t!o$ and da'a#ed se en& There !as no 'ore ta%, abo"t ins"bordination and !hether Ender co"%d "se his des,& Rose stayed in his part o* the barrac,s$ and %e*t Ender a%one&
Din, Mee,er be#an to practice instant e'er#ence *ro' the corridor-- Ender's attac, on the ene'y !hi%e they !ere sti%% co'in# o"t o* the door had been de astatin#& "I* one 'an can do that '"ch da'a#e$ thin, !hat a toon can do&" Din, #ot Ma/or Anderson to open a door in the 'idd%e o* a !a%%$ e en d"rin# practice sessions$ instead o* /"st the *%oor %e e% door$ so they co"%d practice %a"nchin# "nder batt%e conditions& -ord #ot aro"nd& (ro' no! on no one co"%d ta,e *i e or ten ar *i*teen seconds in the corridor to si7e thin#s "p& The #a'e had chan#ed&
More batt%es& This ti'e Ender p%ayed a proper ro%e !ithin a toon& )e 'ade 'ista,es& S,ir'ishes !ere %ost& )e dropped *ro' *irst to second in the standin#s$ then to *o"rth& Then he 'ade *e!er 'ista,es$ and be#an to *ee% co'*ortab%e !ithin the *ra'e!or, o* the toon$ and he !ent bac, "p to third$ then second$ then *irst&
A*ter practice one a*ternoon$ Ender stayed in the batt%eroo'& )e had noticed that Din, Mee,er "s"a%%y ca'e %ate to dinner$ and he ass"'ed it !as *or e1tra practice& Ender !asn't ery h"n#ry$ and he !anted to see !hat it !as Din, practiced !hen no one e%se co"%d see&
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0"t Din, didn't practice& )e stood near the door$ !atchin# Ender&
Neither spo,e& It !as p%ain Din, e1pected Ender to %ea e& It !as /"st as p%ain that Ender !as sayin# no&
Din, t"rned his bac, on Ender$ 'ethodica%%y too, o** his *%ash s"it$ and #ent%y p"shed o** *ro' the *%oor& )e dri*ted s%o!%y to!ard the center o* the roo'$ ery s%o!%y$ his body re%a1in# a%'ost co'p%ete%y$ so that his hands and ar's see'ed to be ca"#ht by a%'ost none1istent air c"rrents in the roo'&
A*ter the speed and tension o* practice$ the e1ha"stion$ the a%ertness$ it !as rest*"% /"st to !atch hi' dri*t& )e did it *or ten 'in"tes or so be*ore he reached another !a%%& Then he p"shed o** rather sharp%y$ ret"rned to his *%ash s"it$ and p"%%ed it on&
They !ent to the barrac,s& The roo' !as e'pty$ since a%% the boys !ere at dinner& Each !ent to his o!n b"n, and chan#ed into re#"%ar "ni*or's& Ender !a%,ed to Din,'s b"n, and !aited *or a 'o'ent ti%% Din, !as ready to #o&
"-asn't h"n#ry&"
"They too, a!ay 'y o%d %oc,er and b"n, and des,$ assi#ned 'e to a co''ander cabin and #a e 'e an ar'y& 0"t I /"st stayed in the cabin "nti% they #a e in and p"t 'e bac, into so'ebody e%se's ar'y&"
"0eca"se I !on't %et the' do it to 'e& I can't be%ie e yo" ha en't seen thro"#h a%% this crap yet$ Ender& 0"t I #"ess yo"'re yo"n#& These other ar'ies$ they aren't the ene'y& It's the teachers$ they're the ene'y& They #et "s to *i#ht each other$ to hate each other& The #a'e is e erythin#& -in !in !in$ it a'o"nts to nothin#& -e ,i%% o"rse% es$ #o cra7y tryin# to beat each other$ and a%% the ti'e the o%d bastards are !atchin# "s$ st"dyin# "s$ disco erin# o"r !ea, points$ decidin# !hether !e're #ood eno"#h or not& -e%%$ #ood eno"#h *or !hat+ I !as si1 years o%d !hen they bro"#ht 'e here& -hat the he%% did I ,no!+ They decided I !as ri#ht *or the pro#ra'$ b"t nobody e er as,ed 'e i* the pro#ra' !as ri#ht *or 'e&"
Din, s'i%ed croo,ed%y& "0eca"se I can't #i e "p the #a'e&" )e t"##ed at the *abric o* his *%ash s"it$ !hich %ay on the b"n, beside hi'& "0eca"se I %o e this&"
Din, shoo, his head& "Ne er& ;oo, !hat it does to Rosen& The boy's cra7y& Rose de Nose& S%eeps in here !ith "s instead o* in his cabin& -hy+ 0eca"se he's scared to be a%one$ Ender& Scared o* the dar,&"
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"0"t they 'ade hi' a co''ander and so he has to act %i,e one& )e doesn't ,no! !hat he's doin#& )e's !innin#$ b"t that scares hi' !orst o* a%%$ beca"se he doesn't ,no! !hat he's !innin#$ e1cept that I ha e so'ethin# to do !ith it& Any 'in"te so'ebody co"%d *ind o"t that Rosen isn't so'e 'a#ic Israe%i #enera% !ho can !in no 'atter !hat& )e doesn't ,no! !hy anybody !ins or %oses& Nobody does&"
"I ,no!$ yo"' e been here a year$ yo" thin, these peop%e are nor'a%& -e%%$ they're not& -e're not& I %oo, in the %ibrary$ I ca%% "p boo,s on 'y des,& O%d ones$ beca"se they !on't %et "s ha e anythin# ne!$ b"t I' e #ot a pretty #ood idea !hat chi%dren are$ and !e're not chi%dren& Chi%dren can %ose so'eti'es$ and nobody cares& Chi%dren aren't in ar'ies$ they aren't co''anders$ they don't r"%e o er *orty other ,ids$ it's 'ore than anybody can ta,e and not #et a %itt%e cra7y&"
Ender tried to re'e'ber !hat other chi%dren !ere %i,e$ in his c%ass at schoo%$ bac, in the city& 0"t a%% he co"%d thin, o* !as Sti%son&
"I had a brother& 6"st a nor'a% #"y& A%% he cared abo"t !as #ir%s& And *%yin#& )e !anted to *%y& )e "sed to p%ay ba%% !ith the #"ys& A pic,"p #a'e$ shootin# ba%%s at a hoop$ dribb%in# do!n the corridors "nti% the peace o**icers con*iscated yo"r ba%%& -e had a #reat ti'e& )e !as teachin# 'e ho! to dribb%e !hen I !as ta,en&"
Ender re'e'bered his o!n brother$ and the 'e'ory !as not *ond&
Din, 'is"nderstood the e1pression on Ender's *ace& ")ey$ I ,no!$ nobody's s"pposed to ta%, abo"t ho'e& 0"t !e ca'e *ro' so'e!here& The 0att%e Schoo% didn't create "s$ yo" ,no!& The 0att%e Schoo% doesn't create anythin#& It /"st destroys& And !e a%% re'e'ber thin#s *ro' ho'e& Maybe not #ood thin#s$ b"t !e re'e'ber and then !e %ie and pretend that-- %oo,$ Ender$ !hy is that nobody ta%,s abo"t ho'e$ e er+ Doesn't that te%% yo" ho! i'portant it is+ That nobody e en ad'its that-- oh he%%&"
"No$ it's a%% ri#ht$" Ender said& "I !as /"st thin,in# abo"t :a%entine& My sister&"
"It's O8& I don't thin, o* h"t ery '"ch$ beca"se I a%!ays #et %i,e this&"
"That's ri#ht$ !e ne er cry& Christ$ I ne er tho"#ht o* that& Nobody e er cries& -e rea%%y are tryin# to be ad"%t& 6"st %i,e o"r *athers& I bet yo"r *ather !as %i,e yo"& I bet he !as <"iet and too, it$ and then b"sted o"t and--"
"So 'aybe I'' !ron#& 0"t %oo, at 0on7o$ yo"r o%d co''ander& )e's #ot an ad anced case o* Spanish honor& )e can't a%%o! hi'se%* to ha e !ea,nesses& To be better than hi'$ that's an ins"%t& To be stron#er$ that's %i,e c"ttin# o** his ba%%s& That's !hy he hates yo"$ beca"se yo" didn't s"**er !hen he tried to p"nish yo"& )e hates yo" *or that$ he honest%y !ants to ,i%% yo"& )e's cra7y& They're a%% cra7y&"
"I be cra7y too$ %itt%e b"ddy$ b"t at %east !hen I be cra7iest$ I be *%oatin# a%% a%one in space and the cra7y$ she *%oat o"t o* 'e$ she soa, into the !a%%s$ and she don't co'e o"t ti%% there be batt%es and %itt%e boy's b"'p into the !a%%s and s<"ish o"t de cra7y&"
Ender s'i%ed&
"And yo" be cra7y too$" said Din,& "Co'e on$ %et's #o eat&"
"Maybe yo" can be a co''ander and not be cra7y& Maybe ,no!in# abo"t the cra7iness 'eans yo" don't ha e to *a%% *or it&"
"I'' not #oin# to %et the bastards r"n 'e$ Ender& They' e #ot yo" pe##ed$ too$ and they don't p%an to treat yo" ,ind%y$ %oo, !hat they' e done to yo" so *ar&"
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Ender %a"#hed and shoo, his head& "So 'aybe yo"'re ri#ht&"
"0"t that's !hat I ca'e *or$" Ender said& "(or the' to 'a,e 'e into a too%& To sa e the !or%d&"
"0e%ie e !hat+"
"The b"##er 'enace& Sa e the !or%d& ;isten& Ender$ i* the b"##ers !ere co'in# bac, to #et "s$ they'd he here& They aren't in adin# a#ain& -e beat the' and they're #one&
"A%% *ro' the (irst and Second In asions& 3o"r #randparents !eren't born yet !hen Ma7er Rac,ha' !iped the' o"t& 3o" !atch& It's a%% a *a,e& There is no !ar$ and they're /"st scre!in# aro"nd !ith "s&"
"0"t !hy+"
"0eca"se as %on# as peop%e are a*raid ot the b"##ers$ the I( can stay in po!er$ and as %on# as the I( is in po!er$ certain co"ntries can ,eep their he#e'ony& 0"t ,eep !atchin# the ids$ Ender& 2eop%e !i%% catch onto this #a'e pretty soon$ and there'%% be a ci i% !ar to end a%% !ars& That is the 'enace$ Ender$ not the b"##ers& And in that
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!ar$ !hen it co'es$ yo" and I !on't be *riends& 0eca"se yo"'re A'erican$ /"st %i,e o"r dear teachers& And I a' not&"
They !ent to the 'ess ha%% and ate$ ta%,in# abo"t other thin#s& 0"t Ender co"%d not stop thin,in# abo"t !hat Din, had said& The 0att%e Schoo% !as so enc%osed$ the #a'e so i'portant in the 'inds o* the chi%dren$ that Ender had *or#otten there !as a !or%d o"tside& Spanish honor& Ci i% !ar& 2o%itics& The 0att%e Schoo% !as rea%%y a ery s'a%% p%ace$ !asn't it+
0"t Ender did not reach Din,'s conc%"sions& The b"##ers !ere rea%& The threat !as rea%& The I( contro%%ed a %ot o* thin#s$ b"t it didn't contro% the ideos and the nets& Not !here Ender had #ro!n "p& In Din,'s ho'e in the Nether%ands$ !ith three #enerations "nder R"ssian he#e'ony$ perhaps it !as a%% contro%%ed$ b"t Ender ,ne! that %ies co"%d not %ast %on# in A'erica& So he be%ie ed&
0e%ie ed$ b"t the seed o* do"bt !as there$ and it stayed$ and e ery no! and then sent o"t a %itt%e root& It chan#ed e erythin#$ to ha e that seed #ro!in#& It 'ade Ender %isten 'ore care*"%%y to !hat peop%e 'eant$ instead o* !hat they said& It 'ade hi' !ise&
A%ai #rinned& Shen c%osed his e es and ass"'ed a %oo, o* b%iss*"% 'editation&
")a en't yo" heard+" said another boy$ a ;a"nchy *ro' a yo"n#er #ro"p& "-ord's o"t that any ;a"nchy !ho co'es to yo"r practice sessions !on't e er a'o"nt to anythin# in anybody's ar'y& -ord's o"t that the co''anders don't !ant any so%diers !ho' e been da'a#ed by yo"r trainin#&"
Ender nodded&
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"0"t the !ay I brain it$" said the ;a"nchy$ "I be the best so%dier I can$ and any co''ander !orth a da'n$ he ta,e 'e& Neh+"
They !ent on !ith practice& Abo"t a ha%* ho"r into it$ !hen they !ere practicin# thro!in# o** co%%isions !ith *ro7en so%diers$ se era% co''anders in di**erent "ni*or's ca'e in& They ostentatio"s%y too, do!n na'es&
")ey$" sho"ted A%ai& "Ma,e s"re yo" spe%% 'y na'e ri#ht5"
The ne1t ni#ht there !ere e en *e!er boys& No! Ender !as hearin# the stories %itt%e ;a"nchies #ettin# s%apped aro"nd in the bathroo's$ or ha in# accidents in the 'ess ha%% and the #a'e roo'$ or #ettin# their *i%es trashed by o%der boys !ho had bro,en the pri'iti e sec"rity syste' that #"arded the ;a"nchies' des,s&
"Gi e it a *e! days& I don't !ant any o* the %itt%e ,ids #ettin# h"rt&"
"I* yo" stop$ e en one ni#ht$ they'%% *i#"re it !or,s to do this ,ind o* thin#& 6"st %i,e i* yo"'d e er bac,ed do!n to 0ernard bac, !hen he !as bein# a s!ine&"
"0esides$" said Shen& "-e aren't scared and !e don't care$ so yo" o!e it to "s to #o on& -e need the practice and so do yo"&"
Ender re'e'bered !hat Din, had said& The #a'e !as tri ia% co'pared to the !ho%e !or%d& -hy sho"%d anybody #i e e ery ni#ht o* his %i*e to this st"pid$ st"pid #a'e+
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"-e don't acco'p%ish that '"ch any!ay$" Ender said& )e started to %ea e&
Aiai stopped hi'& "They scare yo"$ too+ They s%ap yo" "p in the bathroo'+ Stic, yo" head in the pissah+ So'ebody #ots a #"n "p yo" b"n#+"
"Then I sti%% yo" *riend$ Ender$ and I stay here and practice !ith yo"&"
The o%der boys ca'e a#ain$ b"t *e!er o* the' !ere co''anders& Most !ere 'e'bers o* a co"p%e o* ar'ies& Ender reco#ni7ed Sa%a'ander "ni*or's& E en a co"p%e o* Rats& They didn't ta,e na'es this ti'e& Instead$ they 'oc,ed and sho"ted and ridic"%ed as the ;a"nchies tried to 'aster di**ic"%t s,i%%s !ith "ntrained '"sc%es& It be#an to #et to a *e! o* the boys&
";isten to the'$" Ender said to the other boys& "Re'e'ber the !ords& I* yo" e er !ant to 'a,e yo"r ene'y cra7y$ sho"t that ,ind o* st"** at the'& It 'a,es the' do d"'b thin#s$ to be 'ad& 0"t !e don't #et 'ad&"
Shen too, the idea to heart$ and a*ter each /ibe *ro' the o%der boys$ he had a #ro"p o* *o"r ;a"nchies recite the !ords$ %o"d%y$ *i e or si1 ti'es& -hen they started sin#in# the ta"nts %i,e n"rsery rhy'es$ so'e o* the o%der boys %a"nched the'se% es *ro' the !a%% and ca'e o"t *or a *i#ht&
The *%ash s"its !ere desi#ned *or !ars *o"#ht !ith har'%ess %i#ht4 they o**ered %itt%e protection and serio"s%y ha'pered 'o e'ent i* it ca'e to hand-to-hand *i#htin# in n"%%o& )a%* the boys !ere *%ashed$ any!ay$ and co"%dn't *i#ht4 b"t the sti**ness o* their s"its 'ade the' potentia%%y "se*"%& Ender <"ic,%y ordered his ;a"nchies to #ather in one corner o* the roo'& The o%der boys %a"#hed at the' e en 'ore$ and so'e !ho had !aited by the
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!a%% ca'e *or!ard to /oin in the attac,$ seein# Ender's #ro"p in retreat&
Ender and A%ai decided to thro! a *ro7en so%dier in the *ace o* an ene'y& The *ro7en ;a"nchy str"c, he%'et *irst$ and the t!o careened o** each other& The o%der boy c%"tched his chest !hcrc the he%'et had hit hi'$ and screa'ed in pain&
The 'oc,ery !as o er& The rest o* the o%der boys %a"nched the'se% es to enter the batt%e& Ender didn't rea%%y ha e '"ch hope o* any o* the boy's #ettin# a!ay !itho"t so'e in/"ry& 0"t the ene'y !as co'in# hapha7ard%y$ "ncoordinated%y4 they had ne er !or,ed to#ether be*ore$ !hi%e Ender's %itt%e practice ar'y$ tho"#h there !ere on%y a do7en o* the' no!$ ,ne! each other !e%% and ,ne! ho! to !or, to#ether&
"Go no a5" sho"ted Ender& The other boys %a"#hed& They #athered into three #ro"ps$ *eet to#ether$ s<"attin#$ ho%din# hands so they *or'ed s'a%% stars a#ainst the bac, !a%%& "-e'%% #o aro"nd the' and 'a,e *or the door& No!5"
At his si#na%$ the three stars b"rst apart$ each boy %a"nchin# in a di**erent direction$ b"t an#%ed so he co"%d rebo"nd o** a !a%% and head *or the door& Since a%% o* the ene'y !ere in the 'idd%e o* the roo'$ !here co"rse chan#es !ere *ar 'ore di**ic"%t$ it !as an easy 'ane" er to carry o"t&
Ender had positioned hi'se%* so that !hen he %a"nched$ he !o"%d rende7 o"s !ith the *ro7en so%dier he had /"st "sed as a 'issi%e& The boy !asn't *ro7en no!$ and he %et Ender catch hi'$ !hir% hi' aro"nd and send hi' to!ard the door$ @n*ort"nate%y$ the necessary res"%t o* the action !as *or Ender to head in the opposite direction$ and at a red"ced speed& A%one o* a%% his so%diers$ he !as dri*tin# *air%y s%o!%y$ and at the end o* the batt%eroo' !here the o%der boys !ere #athered& )e shi*ted hi'se%* so he co"%d see that a%% his so%diers !ere sare%y #athered at the *ar !a%%&
In the 'eanti'e$ the *"rio"s and disor#ani7ed ene'y had /"st spotted hi'& Ender ca%c"%ated ho! soon he !o"%d reach the !a%% so he co"%d %a"nch a#ain& Not soon eno"#h& Se era% ene'ies had a%ready rebo"nded to!ard hi'& Ender !as start%ed to see Sti%son's *ace a'on# the'& Then he sh"ddered and rea%i7ed he had been !ron#& Sti%%$ it !as the sa'e sit"ation$ and this ti'e they !o"%dn't sit sti%% *or a sin#%e co'bat sett%e'ent& There !as no %eader$ as *ar as Ender ,ne!$ and these boys !ere a %ot bi##er than hi'&
Sti%%$ he had %earned so'e thin#s abo"t !ei#htshi*tin# in persona% co'bat c%ass$ and abo"t the physics o* 'o in# ob/ects& Ga'e batt%es a%'ost ne er #ot to hand-to-hand co'bat-- yo" ne er b"'ped into an ene'y that !asn't *ro7en& So in the *e! seconds he had$ Ender tried to position hi'se%* to recei e his #"ests&
(ort"nate%y$ they ,ne! as %itt%e abo"t n"%%o *i#htin# as he did$ and the *e! that tried to p"nch hi' *o"nd that thro!in# a p"nch !as pretty ine**ecti e !hen their bodies 'o ed bac,!ard /"st as <"ic,%y as their *ists 'o ed *or!ard& 0"t there !ere so'e in the #ro"p !ho had bone-brea,in# on their 'inds$ as Ender <"ic,%y sa!& )e didn't p%an to be there *or it$ tho"#h&
)e ca"#ht one o* the p"nchers by the ar' and thre! hi' as hard as he co"%d& It h"r%ed Ender o"t o* the !ay o* the rest o* the *irst ons%a"#ht$ tho"#h he sti%% !asn't #ettin# any c%oser to the door& "Stay there5" he sho"ted at his *riends$ !ho ob io"s%y !ere *or'in# "p to co'e and resc"e hi'& "6"st stay there5"
So'eone ca"#ht Ender by the *oot& The ti#ht #rip #a e Ender so'e %e era#e4 he !as ab%e to sta'p *ir'%y on the other boy's ear and sho"%der$ 'a,in# hi' cry o"t and %et #o& I* the boy had %et #o /"st as Ender ,ic,ed do!n!ard$ it !o"%d ha e h"rt '"ch %ess and a%%o!ed Ender to "se the 'ane" er as a %a"nch& Instead$ the boy had h"n# on too !e%%4 his ear !as torn and scatterin# b%ood in the air$ and Ender !as dri*tin# e en 'ore s%o!%y&
I'' doin# it a#ain$ tho"#ht Ender& I'' h"rtin# peop%e a#ain$ /"st to sa e 'yse%*& -hy don't they %ea e 'e a%one$ so I don't ha e to h"rt the'+
Three 'ore boys !ere con er#in# on hi' no!$ and this ti'e they !ere actin# to#ether& Sti%%$ they had to #rab hi' be*ore they co"%d h"rt hi'& Ender positioned hi'se%* <"ic,%y so that t!o o* the' !o"%d ta,e his *eet$ %ea in# his hands *ree to dea% !ith the third&
S"re eno"#h$ they too, the bait& Ender #rasped the sho"%ders o* the third boy's shirt and p"%%ed hi' "p sharp%y$ b"ttin# hi' in the *ace !ith his he%'et& A#ain a screa' and a sho!er o* b%ood& The t!o boys !ho had his %e#s !ere !renchin# at the'$ t!istin# hi'& Ender thre! the boy !ith the b%eedin# nose at one o* the'4 they entan#%ed$ and Ender's %e# ca'e *ree& It !as a si'p%e 'atter then to "se the other boy's ho%d *or %e era#e to ,ic, hi' *ir'%y in the #roin$ then sho e o** hi' in the direction o* the door& )e didn't #et that #ood a %a"nch$ so that his speed !as nothin# specia%$ b"t it didn't 'atter& No one !as *o%%o!in# hi'&
)e #ot to his *riends at the door& They ca"#ht hi' and handed hi' a%on# to the door& They !ere %a"#hin# and
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s%appin# hi' p%ay*"%%y& "3o" bad5" they said& "3o" scary5 3o" *%a'e5"
"-on't do the' any #ood$" said Ender& "I* they co'e !itho"t s"its$ !e'%% do this a#ain& I* they co'e !ith s"its$ !e can *%ash the'&"
Ender re'e'bered !hat Din, had to%d hi'$ and !ondered i* AIai !as ri#ht&
")ey Ender5" sho"ted one o* the o%der boys as Ender %e*t the batt%eroo'& "3o" nothin#$ 'an5 3o" be nothin#5"
"My o%d corornander 0on7o$" said Ender& "I thin, he doesn't %i,e 'e&"
Ender chec,ed the rosters on his des, that ni#ht& (o"r boys t"rned "p on 'edica% report& One !ith br"ised ribs$ one !ith a br"ised testic%e$ one !ith a torn ear$ and one !ith a bro,en nose and a %oose tooth& The ca"se o* in/"ry !as the sa'e in a%% cases?
I* the teachers !ere a%%o!in# that to t"rn "p on the o**icia% report$ it !as ob io"s they didn't intend to p"nish anyone *or the nasty %itt%e s,ir'ish in the batt%eroo'& Aren't they #oin# to do anythin#+ Don't they care !hat #oes on in this schoo%+
Since he !as bac, to the barrac,s ear%ier than "s"a%$ Ender ca%%ed "p the *antasy #a'e on his des,& It had been a !hi%e since he %ast "sed it& ;on# eno"#h that it didn't start hi' !here he had %e*t o**& Instead$ he be#an by the
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Giant's corpse& On%y no!$ it !as hard%y identi*iab%e as a corpse at a%%$ "n%ess yo" stood o** a !ays and st"died it& The body had eroded into a hi%%$ ent!ined !ith #rass and ines& On%y the crest o* the Giant's *ace !as sti%% isib%e$ and it !as !hite bone$ %i,e %i'estone protr"din# *ro' a disco"ra#ed$ !itherin# 'o"ntain&
Ender did not %oo, *or!ard to *i#htin# !ith the !o%*-chi%dren a#ain$ b"t to his s"rprise they !eren't there& 2erhaps$ ,i%%ed once$ they !ere #one *ore er& It 'ade hi' a %itt%e sad&
)e 'ade his !ay do!n "nder#ro"nd$ thro"#h the t"nne%s$ to the c%i** %ed#e o er%oo,in# the bea"ti*"% *orest& A#ain he thre! hi'se%* do!n$ and a#ain a c%o"d ca"#ht hi' and carried hi' into the cast%e t"rret roo'&
The sna,e be#an to "n!ea e itse%* *ro' the r"# a#ain$ on%y this ti'e Ender did not hesitate& )e stepped on the head o* the sna,e and cr"shed it "nder his *oot& It !rithed and t!isted "nder hi'$ and in response he t!isted and #ro"nd it deeper into the stone *%oor& (ina%%y it !as sti%%& Ender pic,ed it "p and shoo, it$ "nti% it "n!o e itse%* and the pattern in the r"# !as #one& Then$ sti%% dra##in# the sna,e behind hi'$ he be#an to %oo, *or a !ay o"t&
Instead$ he *o"nd a 'irror& And in the 'irror he sa! a *ace that he easi%y reco#ni7ed& It !as 2eter$ !ith b%ood drippin# do!n his chin and a sna,e's tai% protr"din# *ro' a corner o* his 'o"th&
Ender sho"ted and thr"st his des, *ro' hi'& The *e! boys in the barrac,s !ere a%ar'ed at the noise$ b"t he apo%o#i7ed and to%d the' it !as nothin#& They !ent a!ay& )e %oo,ed a#ain into his des,& )is *i#"re !as sti%% there$ starin# into the 'irror& )e tried to pic, "p so'e o* the *"rnit"re$ to brea, the n"rror$ b"t it co"%d not be 'o ed& The 'irror !o"%d not co'e o** the !a%%$ either& (ina%%y Ender thre! the sna,e at it& The 'irror shattered$ %ea in# a ho%e in the !ai% behind it& O"t o* the ho%e ca'e do7ens o* tiny sna,es !hich <"ic,%y bit Ender's *i#"re a#ain and a#ain& Tearin# the sna,es *rantica%%y *ro' itse%*$ the *i#"re co%%apsed and died in a !rithin# heap o* s'a%% serpents&
The ne1t day$ se era% co''anders ca'e to Ender or sent so%diers to te%% hi' not to !orry$ 'ost o* the' tho"#ht the e1tra practice sessions !ere a #ood idea$ he sho"%d ,eep it "p& And to 'a,e s"re nobody bothered hi'$ they !ere sendin# a *e! o* their o%der so%diers !ho needed e1tra practice to co'e /oin hi'& "They're as bi# as 'ost o* the b"##ers !ho attac,ed yo" %ast ni#ht& They'%% thin, t!ice&"
Instead o* a do7en boys$ there !ere *orty-*i e that ni#ht$ 'ore than an ar'y$ and !hether it !as beca"se o* the presence o* o%der boys on Ender's side or beca"se they had had eno"#h the ni#ht be*ore$ none o* their ene'ies ca'e&
Ender didn't #o bac, to the *antasy #a'e& 0"t it %i ed in his drea's& )e ,ept re'e'berin# ho! it *e%t to ,i%% the sna,e$ #rindin# it in$ the !ay he tore the ear o** that boy$ the !ay he destroyed Sti%son$ the !ay he bro,e 0ernard's ar'& And then to stand "p$ ho%din# the corpse o* his ene'y$ and *ind 2eter's *ace %oo,in# o"t at hi' *ro' the 'irror$ This #a'e ,no!s too '"ch abo"t 'e& This #a'e te%%s *i%thy %ies& I a' not 2eter& I don't ha e '"rder in 'y heart&
And then the !orse *ear$ that he !as a ,i%%er$ on%y better at it than 2eter e er !as4 that it !as this ery trait that p%eased the teachers& It's ,i%%ers they need *or the b"##er !ars& It's peop%e !ho can #rind the ene'y's *ace into the d"st and spatter their b%ood a%% o er space&
-e%%$ %'' yo"r 'an& I'' the b%oody bastard yo" !anted !hen yo" had 'e spa!ned& I'' yo"r too%$ and !hat di**erence does it 'a,e i* I hate the part o* 'e that yo" 'ost need+ -hat di**erence does it 'a,e that !hen the %itt%e serpents ,i%%ed 'e in the #a'e$ I a#reed !ith the'$ and !as #%ad&
"I didn't ca%% yo" in here to !aste ti'e& )o! in he%% did the co'p"ter do that+"
")o! co"%d it pic, "p a pict"re o* Ender's brother and p"t it into the #raphics in this (airy%and ro"tine+"
"Co%one% Gra**$ I !asn't there !hen it !as pro#ra''ed& A%% I ,no! is that the co'p"ter's ne er ta,en anyone to this p%ace be*ore& (airy%and !as stran#e eno"#h$ b"t this isn't (airy%and any'ore& It's beyond the End o* the -or%d$ and--"
"I ,no! the na'es o* the p%aces$ I /"st don't ,no! !hat ney 'ean&"
"(airy%and !as pro#ra''ed in& It's 'entioned in a *e! other p%aces& 0"t nothin# ta%,s abo"t the End o* the -or%d& -e don't ha e any e1perience !ith it&"
"I don't %i,e ha in# the co'p"ter scre! aro"nd !ith Ender's 'ind that !ay& 2eter -i##in is the 'ost potent person in his %i*e$ e1cept 'aybe his sister :a%entine&"
"And the 'ind #a'e is desi#ned to he%p shape the'$ he%p the' *ind !or%ds they can be co'*ortab%e in&"
"3o" don't #et it$ do yo"$ Ma/or I'b"+ I don't !ant Ender bein# co'*ortab%e !ith the end o* the !or%d& O"r b"siness here is not to be co'*ortab%e !ith the end o* the !or%d5"
"The End o* the -or%d in the #a'e isn't necessari%y the end o* h"'anity in the b"##er !ars& It has a pri ate 'eanin# to Ender&"
"I don't ,no!$ sir& I'' not the ,id& As, hi'&"
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"Try one&"
"3o"' e been iso%atin# the boy& Maybe he's !ishin# *or the end o* this !or%d$ the 0att%e Schoo%& Or 'aybe it's abo"t the end o* the !or%d he #re! "p !ith as a %itt%e boy$ his ho'e$ co'in# here& Or 'aybe it's his !ay o* copin# !ith ha in# bro,en "p so 'any other ,ids here& Ender's a sensiti e ,id$ yo" ,no!$ and he's done so'e pretty bad thin#s to peop%e's bodies$ he 'i#ht be !ishin# *or the end o* that !or%d&"
"The 'ind #a'e is a re%ationship bet!een the chi%d and the co'p"ter& To#ether they create stories& The stories are tr"e$ in the sense that they re*%ect the rea%ity o* the chi%d's %i*e& That's a%% I ,no!&"
"And I'%% te%% yo" !hat I ,no!$ Ma/or I'b"& That pict"re o* 2eter -i##in !as not one that co"%d ha e been ta,en *ro' o"r *i%es here at the schoo%& -e ha e nothin# on hi'$ e%ectronica%%y or other!ise$ since Ender ca'e here& And that pict"re is 'ore recent&"
"It's on%y been a year and a ha%*$ sir$ ho! '"ch can the boy chan#e+"
")e's !earin# his hair co'p%ete%y di**erent%y no!& )is 'o"th !as redone !ith orthodontia& I #ot a recent photo#raph *ro' %andside and co'pared& The on%y !ay the co'p"ter here in the 0att%e Schoo% co"%d ha e #ot that pict"re !as by re<"isitionin# it *ro' a %andside co'p"ter& And not e en one connected !ith the I(& That ta,es re<"isitionary po!ers& -e can't /"st #o into G"i%*ord Co"nty North Caro%ina and p%"c, a pict"re o"t o* schoo% *i%es& Did anyone at this schoo% a"thori7e #ettin# this+"
"3o" don't "nderstand$ sir& O"r 0att%e Schoo% co'p"ter is on%y a part o* the I( net!or,& %* !e !ant a pict"re$
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!e ha e to #et a re<"isition$ b"t i* the 'ind #a'e pro#ra' deter'ines that the pict"re is necessary--"
"Not /"st e ery day& On%y !hen it's *or the chi%d's o!n #ood&"
"O8$ it's *or his #ood& 0"t !hy& )is brother is dan#ero"s$ his brother !as re/ected *or this pro#ra' beca"se he's one o* the !orst h"'an bein#s !e' e %aid hands on& -hy is he so i'portant to Ender+ -hy$ a*ter a%% his ti'e+"
")onest%y$ sir& I don't ,no!& And the 'ind #a'e pro#ra' is desi#ned so that it can't te%% "s& It 'ay not ,no! itse%*$ act"a%%y& This is "ncharted territory&"
"-e%%$ that does 'a,e 'e *ee% a %itt%e better& I tho"#ht % !as the on%y one&"
:a%entine ce%ebrated Ender's ei#hth birthday a%one$ in the !ooded bac, yard o* their ne! ho'e in Greensboro& She scraped a patch o* #ro"nd bare o* pine need%es and %ea es$ and there scratched his na'e in the dirt !ith a t!i#& Then she 'ade a s'a%% teepee o* t!i#s and need%es and %it a s'a%% *ire& It 'ade s'o,e that inter!o e !ith the branches and need%es o* the pine o erhead& A%% the !ay into space$ she said si%ent%y& A%% the !ay to the 0att%e Schoo%&
No %etters had e er co'e$ and as *ar as they ,ne! their o!n %etters had ne er reached hi'& -hen he *irst !as ta,en$ (ather and Mother sat at the tab%e and ,eyed in %on# %etters to hi' e ery *e! days& Soon$ tno"#h$ it !as once a !ee,$ and !hen no ans!ers ca'e$ once a 'onth& No! it had been t!o years since he !ent$ and there !ere no %etters$ none at a%%$ and no re'e'brance on his birhday& )e is dead$ she tho"#ht bitter%y$ beca"se !e
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ha e *or#otten hi'&
0"t :a%entine had not *or#otten hi'& She did not %et her parents ,no!$ and abo e a%% ne er hinted to 2eter ho! o*ten she tho"#ht abo"t Ender$ ho! o*ten she !rote hi' %etters that she ,ne! he !o"%d not ans!er& And !hen Mother and (ather anno"nced to the' that they !ere %ea in# the city to 'o e to North Caro%ina$ o* a%% p%aces$ :a%entine ,ne! that they ne er e1pected to see Ender a#ain& They !ere %ea in# the on%y p%ace !here he ,ne! to *ind the'& )o! !o"%d Ender *ind the' here$ a'on# these trees$ "nder this chan#eab%e and hea y s,y+ )e had %i ed deep in corridors a%% his %i*e$ and i* he !as sti%% in the 0att%e Schoo%$ there !as %ess o* nat"re there& -hat !o"%d he 'a,e o* this+
:a%entine ,ne! !hy they had 'o ed here& It !as *or 2eter$ so that %i in# a'on# trees and s'a%% ani'a%s$ so that nat"re in as ra! a *or' as Mother and (ather co"%d concei e o* it$ 'i#ht ha e a so*tenin# in*%"ence on their stran#e and *ri#htenin# son& And$ in a !ay$ it had& 2eter too, to it ri#ht a!ay& ;on# !a%,s o"t in the open$ c"ttin# thro"#h !oods and o"t into the open co"ntry-- #oin# so'eti'es *or a !ho%e day$ !ith on%y a sand!ich or t!o sharin# space !ith his des, in the pac, on his bac,$ !ith on%y a s'a%% poc,et ,ni*e in his poc,et&
0"t :a%entine ,ne!& She had seen a s<"irre% ha%*-s,inned$ spi,ed by its %itt%e hands and *eet !ith t!i#s p"shed into the dirt& She pict"red 2eter trappin# it$ sta,in# it$ then care*"%%y partin# and pee%in# bac, the s,in !itho"t brea,in# into the abdo'en$ !atchin# the '"sc%es t!ist and ripp%e& )o! %on# had it ta,en the s<"irre% to die+ And a%% the !hi%e 2eter had sat nearby$ %eanin# a#ainst the tree !here perhaps the s<"irre% had nested$ p%ayin# !ith his des, !hi%e the s<"irre%'s %i*e seeped a!ay&
At *irst she !as horri*ied$ and near%y thre! "p at dinner$ !atchin# ho! 2eter ate so i#oro"s%y$ ta%,ed so cheer*"%%y& 0"t %ater she tho"#ht abo"t it and rea%i7ed that perhaps$ *or 2eter$ it !as a ,ind o* 'a#ic$ %i,e her %itt%e *ires4 a sacri*ice that so'eho! sti%%ed the dar, #ods that h"nted *or his so"%& 0etter to tort"re s<"irre%s than other chi%dren& 2eter has a%!ays been a h"sband'an o* pain$ p%antin# it$ n"rt"rin# it$ de o"rin# it #reedi%y !hen it !as ripe4 better he sho"%d ta,e it in these s'a%%$ sharp doses than !ith d"%% cr"e%ty to ch%dren in the schoo%&
"A 'ode% st"dent$" said his teachers& "I !ish !e had a h"ndred others in the schoo% /"st %i,e hi'& St"dies a%% the t%'e$ t"rns in a%% his !or, on ti'e& )e %o es to %earn&"
0"t :a%entine ,ne! it !as a *ra"d& 2eter %o ed to %earn$ a%% ri#ht$ b"t the teachers hadn't ta"#ht hi' anythin#$ e er& )e did his %earnin# thro"#h his des, at ho'e$ tappin# into %ibraries ano databases$ st"dyin# and thin,in# and$ abo e a%%$ ta%,in# to :a%entine& 3et at schoo% he acted as tho"#h he !ere e1cited abo"t the p"eri%e %esson o*
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the day& Oh$ !o!$ I ne er ,ne! that *ro#s %oo,ed %i,e this inside$ he'd say$ and then at ho'e he st"died the bindin# o* ce%Is into or#anis's thro"#h the phi%otic co%%ation o* DNA& 2eter !as a 'aster ot *%attery$ and a%% his teachers bo"#ht it&
Sti%%$ it !as #ood& 2eter ne er *o"#ht any'ore& Ne er b"%%ied& Got a%on# !e%% !ith e erybody& It !as a ne! 2eter&
E eryone be%ie ed it& (ather and Mother said it so o*ten it 'ade :a%entine !ant to screa' at the'& It isn't the ne! 2eter5 It's the o%d 2eter$ on%y s'arter5
)o! s'art+ S'arter than yo"$ (ather& S'arter than yo"$ Mother& S'arter than anybody yo" ha e e er 'et&
:a%entine %eaned a#ainst the tr"n, o* the pine tree$ her %itt%e *ire a *e! s'o%derin# ashes& "I %o e yo"$ too$ 2eter&"
"It !o"%d be so easy& 3o" a%!ays 'a,e these st"pid %itt%e *ires& It's /"st a 'atter o* ,noc,in# yo" o"t and b"rnin# yo" "p& 3o"'re s"ch a *ireb"#&"
"No yo" ha en't& 3o" on%y thin, o* thin#s %i,e that !hen I'' !ith yo"& I brin# o"t the best in yo"& No$ :a%entine$ I' e decided not to ,i%% yo"& I' e decided that yo"'re #oin# to he%p 'e&"
"I a'+" A *e! years a#o$ :a%entine !o"%d ha e been terri*ied at 2eter's threats& No!$ tho"#h$ she !as not so a*raid& Not that she do"bted that he !as capab%e o* ,i%%in# her& She co"%dn't thin, o* anythin# so terrib%e that she didn't be%ie e 2eter 'i#ht do it& She a%so ,ne!$ tho"#h$ that 2eter !as not insane$ not in the sense that he !asn't
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in contro% o* hi'se%*& )e !as in better contro% o* hi'se%* than anyone she ,ne!& E1cept perhaps herse%*& 2eter co"%d de%ay any desire as %on# as be needed to4 he co"%d concea% any e'otion& And so :a%entine ,ne! that he !o"%d ne er h"rt her in a *it o* ra#e& )e !o"%d on%y do it i* the ad anta#es o"t!ei#hed the ris,s& And they did not& In a !ay$ she act"a%%y pre*erred 2eter to other peop%e beca"se o* this& )e a%!ays$ a%!ays acted o"t o* inte%%i#ent se%*-interest& And so$ to ,eep herse%* sa*e$ a%% she had to do !as 'a,e s"re it !as 'ore in 2eter's interest to ,eep her a%i e than to ha e her dead&
":a%entine$ thin#s are co'in# to a head& I' e been trac,in# troop 'o e'ents in R"ssia&"
"The !or%d$ :a%& 3o" ,no! R"ssia+ 0i# e'pire+ -arsa! 2act+ R"%ers o* E"rasia *ro' the Nether%ands to 2a,istan+"
"O* co"rse not& 0"t they do p"b%ish their passen#er and *rei#ht train sched"%es& I' e had 'y des, ana%y7in# those sched"%es and *i#"rin# o"t !hen the secret troop trains are 'o in# o er the sa'e trac,s& Done it bac,!ard o er the past three years& In the %ast si1 'onths$ they' e stepped "p$ they're #ettin# ready *or !ar& ;and !ar&"
"0"t !hat abo"t the ;ea#"e+ -hat abo"t the b"##ers+" :a%entine didn't ,no! !hat 2eter !as #ettin# at$ b"t he o*ten %a"nched disc"ssions %i,e this$ practica% disc"ssions o* !or%d e ents& )e "sed her to test his ideas$ to re*ine the'& In the process$ she a%so re*ined her o!n thin,in#& She *o"nd that !hi%e she rare%y a#reed !ith 2eter abo"t !hat the !or%d o"#ht to be$ they rare%y disa#reed abo"t !hat the !or%d act"a%%y !as& They had beco'e <"ite de*t at si*tin# acc"rate in*or'ation o"t o* the stories o* the hope%ess%y i#norant$ #"%%ib%e ne!s !riters& The ne!s herd$ as 2eter ca%%ed the'&
"The 2o%e'arch is R"ssian$ isn't he+ And he ,no!s !hat's happenin# !ith the *%eet& Either they' e *o"nd o"t the b"##ers aren't a threat a*ter a%%$ or !e're abo"t to ha e a bi# batt%e& One !ay or another$ the b"##er !ar is abo"t to be o er& They're #ettin# ready *or a*ter the !ar&"
"I* they're 'o in# troops$ it '"st be "nder the direction o* the Strate#os&"
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This !as dist"rbin#& The *acade o* peace and cooperation had been "ndist"rbed a%'ost since the b"##er !ars be#an& -hat 2eter had detected !as a *"nda'enta% dist"rbance in the !or%d order& She had a 'enta% pict"re$ as c%ear as 'e'ory$ o* the !ay the !or%d had been be*ore the b"##ers *orced peace "non the'& "So it's bac, to the !ay it !as be*ore&"
"A *e! chan#es& The shie%ds 'a,e it so nobody bothers !ith n"c%ear !eapons any'ore& -e ha e to ,i%% each other tho"sands at a ti'e instead o* 'i%%ions&" 2eter #rinned& ":a%$ it !as bo"nd to happen& Ri#ht no! there's a ast internationa% *%eet and ar'y in e1istence$ !ith A'erican he#e'ony& -hen the b"##er !ars are o er$ a%% that po!er !i%% anish$ beca"se it's a%% b"i%t on *ear o* the b"##ers& And s"dden%y !e'%% %oo, aro"nd and disco er nat a%% the o%d a%%iances are #one$ dead and #one$ e1cept one$ the -arsa! 2act& And it'%% be the do%%ar a#ainst *i e 'i%%ion %asers& -e'%% ha e the asteroid be%t$ b"t they'%% ha e Earth$ and yo" r"n o"t o* raisins and ce%ery ,ind o* *ast o"t there$ !itho"t Earth&"
-hat dist"rbed :a%entine 'ost o* a%% !as that 2eter did not see' at a%% !orried& "2eter$ !hy do I #et the idea that yo" are thin,in# o* this as a #o%den opport"nity *or 2eter -i##in+"
"2eter$ yo"'re t!e% e years o%d& I'' ten& They ha e a !ord *or peop%e o"r a#e& They ca%% "s chi%dren and they treat "s %i,e 'ice&"
"0"t !e don't thin, %i,e other chi%dren$ do !e$ :a%+ -e don't ta%, %i,e other chi%dren& And abo e a%%$ !e don't !rite %i,e other chi%dren&"
"(or a disc"ssion that be#an !ith death threats$ 2eter$ !e' e strayed *ro' the topic$ I thin,&" Sti%%$ :a%entine *o"nd herse%* #ettin# e1cited& -ritin# !as so'ethin# :a% did better than 2eter& They both ,ne! it& 2eter had e en na'ed it once$ !hen he said that he co"%d a%!ays see !hat other peop%e hated 'ost abo"t the'se% ee$ and b"%%y the'$ !hi%e :a% co"%d a%!ays see !hat other peop%e %i,ed best abo"t the'se% es$ and *%atter the'& It !as a cynica% !ay o* p"ttin# it$ b"t it !as tr"e& :a%entine co"%d pers"ade other peop%e to her point o* ie!-- she co"%d
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con ince the' that they !anted !hat she !anted the' to !ant& 2eter$ on the other hand$ co"%d on%y 'a,e the' *ear !hat he !anted the' to *ear& -hen he *irst pointed this o"t to :a%$ she resented it& She had !anted to be%ie e she !as #ood at pers"adin# peop%e beca"se she !as ri#ht$ not beca"se she !as c%e er& 0"t no 'atter ho! '"ch she to%d herse%* that she didn't e er !ant to e1p%oit peop%e the !ay 2eter did$ she en/oyed ,no!in# that she co"%d$ in her !ay$ contro% other peop%e& And not /"st contro% !hat they did& She co"%d contro%$ in a !ay$ !hat they !anted to do& She !as asha'ed that she too, p%eas"re in this po!er$ and yet she *o"nd herse%* "sin# it so'eti'es& To #et teachers to do !hat she !anted$ and other st"dents& To #et Mother and (ather to see thin#s her !ay& So'eti'es$ she !as ab%e to pers"ade e en 2eter& That !as the 'ost *ri#htenin# thin# o* a%%-- that she co"%d "nderstand 2eter !e%% eno"#h$ co"%d e'pathi7e !ith hi' eno"#h to #et inside hi' that !ay& There !as 'ore 2eter in her than she co"%d bear to ad'it$ tho"#h so'eti'es she dared to thin, aho"t it any!ay& This is !hat she tho"#ht as 2eter spo,e? 3o" drea' o* po!er$ 2eter$ b"t in 'y o!n !ay I a' 'ore po!er*"% than yo"&
"I' e been st"dyin# history$" 2eter said& "I' e been %earnin# thin#s abo"t patterns in h"'an beha ior& There are ti'es !hen the !or%d is rearran#in# itse%*$ and at ti'es %i,e that$ the ri#ht !ords can chan#e the !or%d& Thin, !hat 2eric%es did in Athens$ and De'osthenes--"
"See+ This is !hat historians "s"a%%y do$ <"ibb%e abo"t ca"se and e**ect !hen the point is$ there are ti'es !hen the !or%d is in *%"1 and the ri#ht oice in the ri#ht p%ace can 'o e the !or%d& Tho'as 2aine and 0en (ran,%in$ *or instance& 0is'are,& ;enin&"
"Not e1act%y para%%e% cases$ 2eter&" No! she !as disa#reein# !ith hi' o"t o* habit4 she sa! !hat he !as #ettin# at$ and she tho"#ht it 'i#ht /"st be possib%e&
"I didn't e1pect yo" to "nderstand& 3o" sti%% be%ie e that teachers ,no! so'ethin# !orth %earnin#&"
I "nderstand 'ore than yo" thin,$ 2eter& "So yo" see yo"rse%* as 0is'arc,+"
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"I see 'yse%* as ,no!in# ho! to insert ideas into the p"b%ic 'ind& )a en't yo" e er tho"#ht o* a phrase$ :a%$ a c%e er thin# to say$ and said it$ and then t!o !ee,s or a 'onth %ater yo" hear so'e ad"%t sayin# it to another ad"%t$ both o* the' stran#ers+ Or yo" see it on a ideo or pic, it "p on a net+"
"I a%!ays *i#"red I heard it be*ore and on%y tho"#ht I !as 'a,in# it "p&"
"3o" !ere !ron#& There are 'aybe t!o or three tho"sand peop%e in the !or%d as s'art as "s$ %itt%e sister& Most o* the' are 'a,in# a %i in# so'e!here& Teachin#$ the poor bastards$ or doin# research& 2recio"s *e! o* the' are act"a%%y in positions o* po!er&"
:a%entine %a"#hed at the #r"eso'e i'a#e and hated herse%* *or thin,in# it !as *"nny&
":a%$ !e can say the !ords that e eryone e%se !i%% be sayin# t!o !ee,s %ater& -e can do that& -e don't ha e to !ait "nti% !e're #ro!n "p and sa*e%y p"t a!ay in so'e career&"
"Not on the nets I'' not& On the nets I can na'e 'yse%* anythin# I !ant$ and so can yo"&"
"On the nets !e are c%ear%y identi*ied as st"dents$ and !e can't e en #et into the rea% disc"ssions e1cept in a"dience 'ode$ !hich 'eans !e can't say anythin# any!ay&"
"I ha e a p%an&"
"3o" a%!ays do&" She pretended noncha%ance b"t she %istened ea#er%y&
"-e can #et on the nets as *"%%-*%ed#ed ad"%ts& !ith !hate er net na'es !e !ant to adopt$ i* (ather #ets "s onto his citi7en's access&"
"And !hy !o"%d he do that+ -e a%reads ha e st"dent access& -hat do yo" te%% hi'$ I need citi7en's access so I can ta,e o er the !or%d+"
"No$ :a%& I !on't te%% hi' anythin#& 3o"'%% te%% hi' ho! yo"'re !orried abo"t 'e& )o! I'' tryin# so ery hard to do !e%% at schoo%$ b"t yo" ,no! it's dri in# 'e cra7y beca"se I can ne er ta%, to anybody inte%%i#ent$ e erybody a%!ays ta%,s do!n to 'e beca"se I'' yo"n#$ I ne er #et to con erse !ith 'y peers& 3o" can pro e that the stress is #ettin# to 'e&"
:a%entine tho"#ht o* the corpse o* the s<"irre% in the !oods and rea%i7ed that e en that disco ery !as part o* 2eter's p%an& Or at %east he had 'ade it part o* his p%an$ a*ter it happened&
"So yo" #et hi' to a"thori7e "s to share his citi7en's access& To adopt o"r o!n identities there$ to concea% !ho !e are so peop%e !i%% #i e "s the inte%%ect"a% respect !e deser e&"
:a%entine co"%d cha%%en#e hi' on ideas$ b"t ne er on thin#s %i,e this& She co"%d not say$ -hat 'a,es yo" thin, yo" deser e respect+ She had read abo"t Ado%* )it%er& She !ondered !hat he !as %i,e at the a#e o* t!e% e& Not this s'art$ not %i,e 2eter that !ay$ b"t cra in# honor$ probab%y that& And !hat !o"%d it ha e 'eant to the !or%d i* in chi%dhood he had been ca"#ht in a thresher or tra'p%ed by a horse+
":a%$" 2eter said& "I ,no! !hat yo" thin, o* 'e& I'' not a nice person$ yo" thin,&"
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:a%entine thre! a pine need%e at hi'& "An arro! thro"#h yo"r heart&"
"I' e been p%annin# to co'e ta%, to yo" *or a %on# ti'e& 0"t I ,ept bein# a*raid&"
She p"t a pine need%e in her 'o"th and b%e! it at hi'& It dropped a%'ost strai#ht do!n& "Another *ai%ed %a"nch&" -hy !as he pretendin# to be !ea,+
":a%$ I !as a*raid yo" !o"%dn't be%ie e 'e& That yo" !o"%dn't be%ie e I co"%d do it&"
"0"t I !as e en 'ore a*raid that yo"'d be%ie e 'e and try to stop 'e&"
"Co'e on$ threaten to ,i%% 'e a#ain$ 2eter&" Did he act"a%%y be%ie e she co"%d be *oo%ed by his nice-andh"'b%e-,id act+
"So I' e #ot a sic, sense o* h"'or& I'' sorry& 3o" ,no! I !as teasin#& I need yo"r he%p&"
"3o"'re /"st !hat the !or%d needs& A t!e% e-year-o%d to so% e a%% o"r prob%e's&"
"It's not 'y *a"%t I'' t!e% e ri#ht no!& And it's not 'y *a"%t that ri#ht no! is !hen the opport"nity is open& Ri#ht no! is the ti'e !hen I can shape e ents& The !or%d is a%!ays a de'ocracy in ti'es o* *%"1$ and the 'an !ith the best oice !i%% !in& E erybody thin,s )it%er #ot to po!er beca"se o* his ar'ies$ beca"se they !ere !i%%in# to ,i%%$ and that's part%y tr"e$ beca"se in the rea% !or%d po!er is a%!ays b"i%t on the threat o* death and dishonor& 0"t 'ost%y he #ot to po!er on !ords-- on the ri#ht !ords at the ri#ht ti'e&"
"I don't hate 6e!s$ :a%& I don't !ant to destroy anybody& And I don't !ant !ar$ either& I !ant the !or%d to ho%d to#ether& Is that so bad+ I don't !ant "s to #o bac, to the o%d !ay& )a e yo" read abo"t the !or%d !ars+"
"-e can #o bac, to that a#ain& Or !orse& -e co"%d *ind o"rse% es %oc,ed into the -arsa! 2act& No!$ there's a cheer*"% tho"#ht&"
"2eter$ !e're chi%dren$ don't yo" "nderstand that+ -e're #oin# to schoo%$ !e're #ro!in# "p--" 0"t e en as she resisted$ she !anted hi' to pers"ade her& She had !anted hi' to pers"ade her *ro' the be#innin#&
0"t 2eter didn't ,no! that he had a%ready !on& "I* I be%ie e that$ i* I accept that$ then I' e #ot to sit bac, and !atch !hi%e a%% the opport"nities anish$ and then !hen I'' o%d eno"#h it's too %ate& :a%$ %isten to 'e& I ,no! ho! yo" *ee% abo"t 'e$ yo" a%!ays ha e& I !as a icio"s$ nasty brother& I !as cr"e% to yo" and cr"e%er to Ender be*ore they too, hi'& 0"t I didn't hate yo"& I %o ed yo" both$ I /"st had to be-- had to ha e contro%$ do yo" "nderstand that+ %t's the 'ost i'portant thin# to 'e$ it's 'y #reatest #i*t$ I can see !here the !ea, points are$ I can see ho! to #et in and "se the'$ I /"st see those thin#s !itho"t e en tryin#& I co"%d beco'e a b"siness'an and r"n so'e bi# corporation$ I'd scra'b%e and 'ane" er "nti% I !as at the top o* e erythin# and !hat !o"%d I ha e+ Nothin#& I'' #oin# to r"%e$ :a%$ I'' #oin# to ha e contro% o* so'ethin#& 0"t I !ant it to be so'ethin# !orth r"%in#& I !ant to acco'p%ish so'ethin# !orth!hi%e& A 2a1 A'ericana thro"#h the !ho%e !or%d& So that !hen so'ebody e%se co'es$ a*ter !e beat the b"##ers$ !hen so'ebody e%se co'es here to de*eat "s$ they'%% *ind !e' e a%ready spread o er a tho"sand !or%ds$ !e're at peace !ith o"rse% es and i'possib%e to destroy& Do yo" "nderstand+ I !ant to sa e 'an,ind *ro' se%*-destr"ction&"
She had ne er seen hi' spea, !ith s"ch sincerity& -ith no hint o* 'oc,ery$ no trace o* a %ie in his oice& )e !as #ettin# better at this& Or 'aybe he !as act"a%%y to"chin# on the tr"th& "So a t!e% e-year-o%d boy and his ,id sister are #oin# to sa e the !or%d+"
")o! o%d !as A%e1ander+ I'' not #oin# to do it o erni#ht& I'' /"st #oin# to start no!& I* yo"'%% he%p 'e&"
"I don't be%ie e !hat yo" did to those s<"irre%s !as part o* an act& I thin, yo" did it beca"se yo" %o e to do it&"
S"dden%y 2eter !ept into his hands& :a% ass"'ed that he !as pretendin#$ b"t then she !ondered& It !as possib%e$ !asn't it$ that he %o ed her$ and that in this ti'e o* terri*yin# opport"nity he !as !i%%in# to !ea,en hi'se%* be*ore her in order to !in her %o e& )e's 'anip"%atin# 'e$ she tho"#ht$ b"t that doesn't 'ean he isn't sincere& )is chee,s !ere !et !hen he too, his hands a!ay$ his eyes ri''ed in red& "I ,no!$" he said& "It's !hat I'' 'ost a*raid o*& That I rea%%y a' a 'onster& I don't !ant to be a ,i%%er b"t I /"st can't he%p it&"
She had ne er seen hi' sho! s"ch !ea,ness& 3o"'re so c%e er$ 2eter& 3o" sa ed yo"r !ea,ness so yo" co"%d "se it to 'o e 'e no!& And yet it did 'o e her& 0eca"se i* it !ere tr"e$ e en part%y tr"e& then 2eter !as not a 'onster$ and so she co"%d satis*y her 2eter-%i,e %o e o* po!er !itho"t *ear o* beco'in# 'onstro"s herse%*& She ,ne! that 2eter !as ca%c"%atin# e en no!$ b"t she be%ie ed that "nder the ca%c"%ations he !as te%%in# the tr"th& It had been hidden %ayers deep$ b"t he had probed her "nti% he *o"nd her tr"st&
":a%$ i* yo" don't he%p 'e$ % don't ,no! !hat I'%% beco'e& 0"t i* yo"'re there$ 'y partner in e erythin#$ yo" can ,eep 'e *ro' beco'in# -- %i,e that& ;i,e the bad ones&"
She nodded& 3o" are on%y pretendin# to share po!er !ith 'e$ she tho"#ht$ b"t in *act i ha e po!er o er yo"& e en tho"#h yo" don't ,no! it& "I !i%%& I'%% he%p yo"&"
As soon as (ather #ot the' both onto his citi7en's access$ they be#an testin# he !aters& They sta ed a!ay *ro' the nets that re<"ired "se o* a rea% na'e& That !asn't hard beca"se rea% na'es on%y had to do !ith 'oney& They didn't need 'oney& They needed respect$ and that they co"%d earn& -ith *a%se na'es$ on the ri#ht nets$ they co"%d be anybody& O%d 'en$ 'idd%e-a#ed !o'en$ anybody$ as %on# as they !ere care*"% abo"t the !ay they !rote& A%% that anyone !o"%d see !ere their !ords$ their ideas& E ery citi7en started e<"a%$ on the nets&
They "sed thro!a!ay na'es !ith their ear%y e**orts& not the identities that 2eter p%anned to 'a,e *a'o"s and in*%"entia%& O* co"rse they !ere not in ited to ta,e part in the #reat nationa% and internationa% po%itica% *or"'s -they co"%d on%y be a"diences there "nti% they !ere in ited or e%ected to ta,e part& 0"t they si#ned on and !atched$ readin# so'e o* the essays p"b%ished by the #reat na'es$ !itnessin# the debates that p%ayed across their des,s&
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And in the %esser con*erences$ !here co''on peop%e co''ented abo"t the #reat debates$ they be#an to insert their co''ents& At *irst 2eter insisted that they be de%iberate%y in*%a''atory& "-e can't %earn ho! o"r sty%e o* !ritin# is !or,in# "n%ess !e #et responses -- and i* !e're b%and$ no one !i%% ans!er&"
They !ere not b%and$ and peop%e ans!ered& The responses that #ot posted on the p"b%ic nets !ere ine#ar4 the responses that !ere sent as 'ai%$ *or 2eter and :a%entine to read pri ate%y$ !ere poisono"s& 0"t they did %earn !hat attrib"tes o* their !ritin# !ere sei7ed "pon as chi%dish and i''at"re& And they #ot better&
-hen 2eter !as satis*ied that they ,ne! ho! to so"nd ad"%t$ he ,i%%ed the o%d identities and they be#an to prepare to attract rea% attention&
"-e ha e to see' co'p%ete%y separate& -e'%% !rite abo"t di**erent thin#s at di**erent ti'es& -e'%% ne er re*er to each other& 3o"'%% 'ost%y !or, on the !est coast nets$ and I'%% 'ost%y !or, in the so"th& Re#iona% iss"es$ too& So do yo"r ho'e!or,&"
They did their ho'e!or,& Mother and (ather !orried so'eti'es$ !ith 2eter and :a%entine constant%y to#ether$ their des,s t"c,ed "nder their ar's& 0"t they co"%dn't co'p%ain-- their #rades !ere #ood$ and :a%entine !as s"ch a #ood in*%"ence on 2eter& She had chan#ed his !ho%e attit"de to!ard e erythin#& And 2eter and :a%entine sat to#ether in the !oods$ in #ood !eather$ and in poc,et resta"rants and indoor par,s !hen it rained$ and they co'posed their po%itica% co''entaries& 2eter care*"%%y desi#ned both characters so neither one had a%% o* his ideas4 there !ere e en so'e spare identities that they "sed to drop in third party opinions& ";et both o* the' *ind a *o%%o!in# as they can$" said 2eter&
Once$ tired o* !ritin# and re!ritin# "nti% 2eter !as satis*ied$ :a% despaired and said$ "-rite it yo"rse%*$ then5"
"I can't$" he ans!ered& "They can't both so"nd a%i,e& E er& 3o" *or#et that so'eday !e'%% be *a'o"s eno"#h that so'ebody !i%% start r"nnin# ana%yses& -e ha e to co'e "p as di**erent peop%e e ery ti'e&"
So she !rote on& )er 'ain identity on the nets !as De'osthenes -- 2eter chose the na'e& )e ca%%ed hi'se%* ;oc,e& They !ere ob io"s pse"dony's$ b"t that !as part o* the p%an& "-ith any %"c,$ they'%% start tryin# to #"ess !ho !e are&"
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"I* !e #et *a'o"s eno"#h$ the #o ern'ent can a%!ays #et access and *ind o"t !ho !e rea%%y are&"
"-hen that happens$ !e'%% be too entrenched to s"**er '"ch %oss& 2eop%e !i%% be shoc,ed that De'osthenes and ;oc,e are t!o ,ids$ h"t they'%% a%ready be "sed to %istenin# to "s&"
They be#an co'posin# debates *or their characters& :a%entine !o"%d prepare en openin# state'ent$ and 2eter !o"%d in ent a thro!a!ay na'e to ans!er her& )is ans!er !o"%d be inte%i%#ent and the dehate !o"%d be %i e%y$ %ots o* c%e er in ecti e and #ood po%itica% rhetoric& :a%entine had a ,nac, *or a%%iteration that 'ade her phrases 'e'orab%e& Then they !o"%d enter the debate into the net!or,$ separated by a reasonab%e a'o"nt o* ti'e$ as i* they !ere act"a%%y 'a,in# the' "p on the spot& So'eti'es a *e! other netters !o"%d interposee co''ents$ b"t 2eter and :a% !o"%d "s"a%%y i#nore the' or chan#e their o!n co''ents on%y s%i#ht%y to acco''odate !hat had been said&
2eter too, care*"% note o* a%% their 'ost 'e'orab%e phrases and then did searches *ro' ti'e to ti'e to *ind those phrases croppin# "p in other n%aces& Not a%% o* the' did$ b"t 'ost o* the' !ere repeated here and there$ and so'e o* the' e en sho!ed "p in the 'a/or debates on the presti#e nets& "-e're bein# read$" 2eter said& "The ideas are seepin# o"t&"
"That's /"st the 'eas"re& ;oo,$ !e're ha in# so'e in*%"ence& Nobody <"otes "s by na'e$ yet$ b"t they're disc"ssin# the points !e raise& -e're he%pin# set the a#enda& -e're #ettin# there&"
They had been doin# it on%y se en 'onths !hen one o* the !est coast nets sent De'osthenes a 'essa#e& An o**er *or a !ee,%y co%"'n in a pretty #ood ne!snet&
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"I can't do a !ee,%y co%"'n$" :a%entine said& "I don't e en ha e a 'onth%y period yet&"
"Te%% the' yes$ b"t since yo" pre*er not to ha e yo"r tr"e identity re ea%ed$ yo" !ant the' to pay yo" in net!or, ti'e& A ne! access code thro"#h their corporate identity&"
"3o"'%% /"st be a person !ho can si#n on thro"#h Ca%Net& (ather's citi7en's access doesn't #et in o% ed& -hat I can't *i#"re o"t is !hy they !anted De'osthenes be*ore ;oc,e&"
As a #a'e$ it !as *"n& 0"t :a%entine didn't %i,e so'e o* the positions 2eter 'ade De'osthenes ta,e& De'osthenes be#an to de e%op as a *air%y paranoid anti--arsa! !riter& It bothered her beca"se 2eter !as the one !ho ,ne! ho! to e1p%oit *ear in his !ritin# -- she had to ,eep co'in# to hi' *or ideas on ho! to do it& Mean!hi%e$ his ;oc,e *o%%o!ed her 'oderate$ e'pathic strate#ies& It 'ade sense$ in a !ay& 0y ha in# her !rite De'osthenes$ it 'eant he a%so had so'e e'pathy$ /"st as ;oc,e a%so co"%d p%ay on others *ears& 0"t the 'ain e**ect !as to ,eep her ine1tricab%y tied to 2eter& She co"%dn't #o o** and "se De'osthenes *or her o!n p"rposes& She !o"%dn't ,no! ho! to "se hi'& Sti%%$ it !or,ed both !ays& )e co"%dn't !rite ;oc,e !itho"t her& Or co"%d he+
"I tho"#ht the idea !as to "ni*y the !or%d& I* I !rite this %i,e yo" say I sho"%d$ 2eter$ I'' pretty '"ch ca%%in# *or !ar to brea, "p the -arsa! 2act&"
"Not !ar$ /"st open nets and prohibition o* interception& (ree *%o! o* in*or'ation& Co'p%iance !ith the ;ea#"e
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-itho"t 'eanin# to$ :a%entine started ta%,in# in De'osthenes' oice$ e en tho"#h she certain%y !asn't spea,in# De'osthenes' opinions& E eryone ,no!s that *ro' the be#innin# the -arsa! 2act !as to be re#arded as a sin#%e entity !here those r"%es !ere concerned& Internationa% *ree *%o! is sti%% open& 0"t bet!een the -arsa! 2act nations these thin#s are interna% 'atters& That !as !hy they !ere !i%%in# to a%%o! A'erican he#e'ony in the ;ea#"e&"
"3o"'re ar#"in# ;oc,e's part$ :a%& Tr"st 'e& 3o" ha e to ca%% *or the -arsa! 2act to %ose o**icia% stat"s& 3o" ha e to #et a %ot o* peop%e rea%%y an#ry& Then$ %ater$ !hen yo" be#in to reco#ni7e the need *or co'pro'ise--"
"Then they stop %istenin# to 'e and #o o** and *i#ht a !ar&"
")o! do yo" ,no!+ 3o"'re not any s'arter than 'e$ and yo"' e ne er done this be*ore either&"
"A%% ri#ht$ I'%% do it yo"r !ay& 0"t I !on't do any o* these %iberty or death thin#s&"
"And so'eday !hen they catch "s and they !onder !hy yo"r sister !as s"ch a !ar'on#er& I can /"st bet yo"'%% te%% the' that yo" to%d 'e to do it&"
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-hat bothered :a%entine 'ost !as !hen her co%"'n #ot syndicated into se era% other re#iona% ne!snets$ and (ather started readin# it and <"otin# *ro' it at tab%e& "(ina%%y$ a 'an !ith so'e sense$" he said& Then he <"oted so'e o* the passa#es :a%entine hated !orst in her o!n !or,& "It's *ine to !or, !ith these he#e'onist R"ssians !ith the b"##ers o"t there$ b"t a*ter !e !in$ I can't see %ea in# ha%* the ci i%i7ed !or%d as irt"a% he%ots$ can yo"$ dear+"
"I thin, yo"'re ta,in# this a%% too serio"s%y$" said Mother&
"I %i,e this De'osthenes& I %i,e the !ay he thin,s& I'' s"rprised he isn't in the 'a/or nets& I %oo,ed *or hi' in the internationa% re%ations debates and yo" ,no!$ he's ne er ta,en part in any o* the'&"
:a%entine %ost her appetite and %e*t the tab%e& 2eter *o%%o!ed her a*ter a respectab%e inter a%&
"So yo" don't %i,e %yin# to (ather&" he said& "So !hat+ 3o"'re not %yin# to hi'& )e doesn't thin, that yo"'re rea%%y De'osthenes$ and De'osthenes isn't sayin# thin#s yo" rea%%y be%ie e& They cance% each other o"t$ they a'o"nt to nothin#&"
"That's the ,ind o* reasonin# that 'a,es ;oc,e s"ch an ass&" 0"t !hat rea%%y bothered her !as not that she !as %yin# to (ather -- it !as the *act that (ather act"a%%y a#reed !ith De'osthenes& She had tho"#ht that on%y *oo%s !o"%d *o%%o! hi'&
A *e! days %ater ;oc,e #ot pic,ed "p *or a co%"'n in a Ne! En#%and ne!snet$ speci*ica%%y to pro ide a contrastin# ie! *or their pop"%ar co%"'n *ro' De'osthenes& "Not bad *or t!o ,ids !ho' e on%y #ot abo"t ei#ht p"bic hairs bet!een the'$" 2eter said&
"It's a %on# !ay bet!een !ritn# a ne!snet co%"'n and r"%in# the !or%d$" :a%entine re'inded hi'& "It's s"ch a %on# !ay that no one has e er done it&"
"They ha e$ tho"#h& Or the 'ora% e<"i a%ent& I'' #oin# to say snide thin#s abo"t De'osthenes in 'y *irst co%"'n&"
"(or no!&"
-ith their identities no! *"%%y s"pported by their inco'e *ro' !ritin# co%"'ns$ they "sed (ather's access no! on%y *or the thro!a!ay identities& Mother co''ented that they !ere spendin# too '"ch ti'e on the nets& "A%% !or, and no p%ay 'a,es 6ac, a d"%% boy$" she re'inded 2eter&
2eter %et his hand tre'h%e a %itt%e$ and he said$ "I* yo" thin, I sho"%d stop$ I thin, I 'i#ht be ab%e to ,eep thin#s "nder contro% this ti'e& I rea%%y do&"
"No$ no$" Mother said& "I don't !ant yo" to stop& 6"st be care*"%$ that's a%%&"
Nothin# !as di**erent -- nothin# had chan#ed in a year& Ender !as s"re o* it$ and yet it a%% see'ed to ha e #one so"r& )e !as sti% the %eadin# so%dier in the standin#s$ and no one do"tbted that he deser ed it no!& At the a#e o* nine he !as a toon %eader in the 2hoeni1 Ar'y$ !ith 2etra Ar,anian as his co''ander& )e sti%% %ed his e enin# practice sessions$ and no! they !ere attended by an e%ite #ro"p o* so%diers no'inated by their co''anders$ tho"#h any ;a"nchy !ho !anted to co"%d sti%% co'e& A%ai !as a%so a toon %eader$ in another ar'y$ and they !ere sti%% #ood *riends4 Shen !as not a %eader$ b"t that !as no barrier& Din, Mee,er had *ina%%y accepted co''and and s"cceeded Rose the Nose in Rat Ar'y's co''and& A%% is #oin# !e%%$ ery !e%%$ I co"%dn't as, *or anythin# better- 146 340 http://www.en8848.com.cn/
)e !ent thro"#h the paces o* the practices and #a'es& )e %i,ed teachin# the boys in his toon$ and they *o%%o!ed hi' %oya%%y& )e had the respect o* e eryone$ and he !as treated !ith de*erence in his e enin# practices& Co''anders ca'e to st"dy !hat he did& Other so%diers approached his tab%e at 'ess and as,ed per'ission to sit do!n& E en the teachers !ere respect*"%&
)e !atched the yo"n# ,ids in his ar'y$ *resh o"t o* their %a"nch #ro"ps$ !atched ho! they p%ayed$ ho! they 'ade *"n o* their %eaders !hen they tho"#ht no one !as %oo,in#& )e !atched the ca'araderie o* o%d *riends !ho had ,no!n each other in the 0att%e Schoo% *or years$ !ho ta%,ed and %a"#hed abo"t o%d batt%es and %on##rad"ated so%diers and co''anders&
0"t !ith his o%d *riends there !as no %a"#hter$ no re'e'berin#& 6"st !or,& 6"st inte%%i#ence and e1cite'ent abo"t the #a'e$ b"t nothin# beyond that& Toni#ht it had co'e to a head in the e enin# practice& Ender and A%ai !ere disc"ssin# the n"ances o* open-space 'ane" ers !hen Shen ca'e "p and %istened *or a *e! 'o'ents$ then s"dden%y too, A%ai by the sho"%ders and sho"ted$ "No a5 No a5 No a5" A%ai b"rst o"t %a"#hin#$ and *or a 'o'ent or t!o Ender !atched the' re'e'ber to#ether the batt%e !here open-roo' 'ane" erin# had been *or rea%$ and they had dod#ed past the o%der boys and--
S"dden%y they re'e'bered that Ender !as tnere& "Sorry$ Ender$" Shen said&
Sorry& (or !hat+ (or bein# *riends+ "I !as there$ too$ yo" ,no!$" Ender said&
And they apo%o#i7ed a#ain& 0ac, to b"siness& 0ac, to respect& And Ender rea%i7ed that in their %a"#hter$ in their *riendship$ it had not occ"rred to the' that he !as inc%"ded&
)o! co"%d they thin, I !as part o* it+ Did I %a"#h+ Did I /oin in+ 6"st stood there$ !atchin#$ %i,e a teacher&
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Thats ho! they thin, o* 'e$ too& Teacher& ;e#endary so%dier& Not one o* the'& Not so'eone that yo" e'brace and !hisper Sa%aa' in his ear& That on%y %asted !hi%e Ender sti%% see'ed a icti'& Sti%% see'ed "%nerab%e& No! he !as the 'aster so%dier$ and he !as co'p%ete%y$ "tter%y a%one&
(ee% sorry *or yo"rse%*$ Ender& )e typed the !ords on his des, as he %ay on his b"n,& 2OOR ENDER& Then he %a"#hed at hi'se%* and c%eared a!ay the !ords& Not a boy or #ir% in this schoo% !ho !o"%dn't he #%ad to trade p%aces !ith 'e&
)e ca%%ed "p the *antasy #a'e& )e !a%,ed as he o*ten did thro"#h the i%%a#e that the d!ar es had b"i%t in the hi%% 'ade by the Giant's corpse& It !as easy to b"i%d st"rdy !a%%s$ !ith the ribs a%ready c"r ed /"st ri#ht$ /"st eno"#h space bet!een the' to %ea e !indo!s& The !ho%e corpse !as c"t into apart'ents$ openin# onto the path do!n the Giant's spine$ The p"b%ic a'phitheatre !as car ed into the pe% ic bo!%$ and the co''on herd o* ponies !as past"red bet!een the Giant's %e#s& Ender !as ne er s"re !hat the d!ar es !ere doin# as they !ent abo"t their b"siness$ b"t they %e*t hi' a%one as he pic,ed his !ay thro"#h the i%%a#e$ and in ret"rn he did the' no har' either&
)e a"%ted the pe% ic bone at the base o* the p"b%ic s<"are$ and !a%,ed thro"#h the past"re& The ponies shied a!ay *ro' hi'& )e did not p"rs"e the'& Ender did not "nderstand ho! the #a'e *"nctioned any'ore& In the o%d days$ be*ore he had *irst #one to the End o* the -or%d$ e erythin# !as co'bat and p"77%es to so% e de*eat the ene'y be*ore he ,i%%s yo"$ or *i#"re o"t ho! to #et past the obstac%e& No!$ tho"#h$ no one attac,ed$ there !as no !ar$ and !here er he !ent$ there !as no obstac%e at a%%&
E1cept$ o* co"rse$ in the roo' in the cast%e at the End o* the -or%d& It !as the one dan#ero"s p%ace %e*t& And Ender$ ho!e er o*ten he o!ed that he !o"%d not$ a%!ays !ent bac, there$ a%!ays ,i%%ed the sna,e$ a%!ays %oo,ed his brother in the *ace$ and a%!ays$ no 'atter !hat he did ne1t$ died&
It !as no di**erent this ti'e& )e tried to "se the ,ni*e on the tab%e to pry thro"#h the 'ortar and p"%% o"t a stone *ro' the !a%%& As soon as he breached the sea% o* the 'ortar$ !ater be#an to #"sh in thro"#h the crac,$ and Ender !atched his death as his *i#"re$ no! o"t o* his contro%$ str"##%ed 'ad%y to stay a%i e$ to ,eep *ro' dro!nin#& The !indo!s o* his roo' !ere #one$ the !ater rose$ and his *i#"re dro!ned& A%% the !hi%e$ the *ace o* 2eter -i##in in the 'irror stayed and %oo,ed at hi'&
I'' trapped here$ Ender tho"#ht$ trapped at the End o* the -or%d !ith no !ay o"t& And he ,ne! at %ast the so"r taste that had co'e to hi'$ despite a%% his s"ccesses in the 0att%e Schoo%& %t !as despair&
There !ere "ni*or'ed 'en at the entrances to the schoo% !hen :a%entine arri ed& They !eren't standin# %i,e #"ards$ b"t rather s%o"ched aro"nd as i* they !ere !aitin# *or so'eone inside to *inish his b"siness& They !ore the "ni*or's o* I( Marines$ the sa'e "ni*or's that e1eryone sa! in b%oody co'bat on the ideos& It %ent an air o* ro'ance to that day at schoo%? a%% the other ,ids !here e1cited abo"t it&
:a%entine !as not& It 'ade her thin, o* Ender$ *or one thin#& And *or anotther it 'ade her a*raid& So'eone had recent%y p"b%ished a sa a#e co''entary on the De'osthenes' co%%ected !ritin#s& The co''entary$ and there*ore her !or,$ had been disc"ssed on te open con*erence o* the internationa% re%ations net$ !ith so'e o* the 'ost i'portant peop%e o* the day attac,in# and de*endin# De'osthenes& -hat !orried her 'ost !as the co'n"ent o* an En#%ish'an? "-hether he %i,es it or not$ De'osthenes cannot re'ain inco#nito *ore er& )e has o"tra#ed too 'any !ise 'en and p%eased too 'any *oo%s to hide behind his too-appropriate pse"dony' '"ch %on#er& Either he !i%% "n'as, hi'se%* in order to ass"'e %eadership o* the *orces o* st"pidity he has 'arsha%%ed$ or his ene'ies !i%% "n'as, hi' in order to better "nderstand the disease that has prod"ced s"ch a !arped and t!isted 'ind&"
2eter had been de%i#hted$ b"t then he !o"%d be& :a%entine !as a*raid$ that eno"#h po!er*"% peop%e had been annoyed by the icio"s persona o* De'osthenes that she !o"%d indeed be trac,ed do!n& The I( co"%d do it$ e en i* the A'erican #o ern'ent !as constit"tiona%%y bo"nd not to& And here !ere I( troops #athered at -estern G"i%*ord Midd%e Schoo%$ o* a%% p%aces& Nor e1act%y the re#"%ar recr"itin# #ro"nds *or the I( Marines&
So she !as not s"rprised to *ind a 'essa#e 'archin# aro"nd her des, as soon as she %o##ed in&
:a%entine !aited ner o"s%y o"tside the principa%'s o**ice "nti% Dr& ;ineberry opened the door and bec,oned her inside& )er %ast do"bt !as re'o ed !hen she sa! the so*t-be%%ied 'an in the "ni*or' o* an I( co%one% sittin# in the one co'*ortab%e chair in the roo'&
0e*ore+ -hen had she had any dea%in#s !ith the I(+
It's not /"st 'e$ then$ she tho"#ht& They ha e 2eter& Or is this so'ethin# ne!+ )as he done so'ethin# cra7y+ I tho"#ht he stopped doin# cra7y thin#s&
":a%entine$ yo" see' *ri#htened& There's no need to be& 2%ease$ sit do!n& I ass"re yo" that yo"r brother is !e%%& )e has 'ore than *"%*i%%ed o"r e1pectations&"
And no!$ !ith a #reat in!ard #"sh o* re%ie*$ she rea%i7ed that it !as Ender they had co'e abo"t& Ender& It !asn't p"nish'ent at a%%$ it !as %itt%e Ender$ !ho had disappeared so %on# a#o$ !ho !as no part o* 2eter's p%ots no!& 3o" !ere the %"c,y one$ Ender& 3o" #ot a!ay be*ore 2eter co"%d trap yo" into his conspiracy&
"O* co"rse&"
")o! can I *ee% abo"t hi'+ I ha en't seen hi' or heard *ro' hi' since I !as ei#ht&"
"On second tho"#ht$ Dr& ;ineberry$ I thin, :a%entine and I !i%% ha e a '"ch 'ore prod"cti e con ersation i* !e !a%, o"tside& A!ay *ro' the recordin# de ices that yo"r assistant principa% has p%aced in this roo'&"
It !as the *irst ti'e :a%entine had seen Dr& ;ineberry speech%ess& Co%one% Gra** %i*ted a pict"re o"t *ro' the !a%% and pee%ed a so"nd-sensiti e 'e'brane *ro' the !a%%$ a%on# !ith its s'a%% broadcast "nit& "Cheap$" said Gra**$ "b"t e**ecti e& I tho"#ht yo" ,ne!&"
;ineberry too, the de ice and sat do!n hea i%y at her des,& Gra** %ed :a%entine o"tside$
They !a%,ed o"t into the *ootba%% *ie%d& The so%diers *o%%o!ed at a discreet distance? they sp%it "p and *or'ed a %ar#e circ%e$ to #"ard the' *ro' the !idest possib%e peri'eter&
"-e aren't e en s"re o* that& -e need yo" to he%p "s *i#"re o"t ho! yo" can he%p "s&"
:a%entine co"%dn't he%p b"t %a"#h& "I ha en't seen hi' in three years5 3o"' e #ot hi' "p there !ith yo" a%% the ti'e5"
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":a%entine$ it costs 'ore n"oney than yo"r *ather !i%% 'a,e in his %i*eti'e *or 'e to *%y to Earth and bac, to the 0att%e Schoo% a#ain& I don't co''"te cas"a%%y&"
"The ,in# had a drea'$" said :a%entine$ "b"t he *or#ot !hat it !as$ so he to%d his !ise 'en to interpret the drea' or they'd die& On%y Danie% co"%d interpret it$ beca"se he !as a prophet&"
"-e're doin# c%assics this year in ad anced En#%ish& I'' not a prophet&"
"I !ish I co"%d te%% yo" e erythin# abo"t Ender's sit"ation& 0"t it !o"%d ta,e ho"rs$ 'aybe days$ and a*ter!ard I'd ha e to p"t yo" in protecti e con*ine'ent beca"se so '"ch o* it is strict%y con*identia%& So %et's see !hat !e can do !ith %i'ited in*or'ation& There's a #a'e that o"r st"dents p%ay !ith the co'p"ter&" And he to%d her abo"t the End o* the -or%d and the c%osed roo' and the pict"re o* 2eter in the 'irror&
"It's the co'p"ter that p"ts the pict"re there$ not Ender& -hy not as, the co'p"ter+"
"This is the second ti'e since Ender's been !ith "s that he's ta,en this #a'e to a dead end& To a #a'e that see's to ha e no so%"tion&"&
"E ent"a%%y&"
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"I'' not s"re& :a%entine$ yo"r brother is a ery "nhappy %itt%e boy&"
:a%entine tho"#ht *or a 'o'ent that the 'an 'i#ht #et an#ry& Instead$ tho"#h$ he decided to %a"#h& "No$ not '"ch& :a%entine$ !hy !o"%d Ender ,eep seein# yo"r brother 2eter in the 'irror+"
"-hy is it st"pid+"
"0eca"se i* there's e er anybody !ho !as the opposite o* Ender$ it's 2eter&"
:a%entine co"%d not thin, o* a !ay to ans!er that !asn't dan#ero"s& Too '"ch <"estionin# abo"t 2eter co"%d %ead to rea% tro"b%e& :a%entine ,ne! eno"#h abo"t the !or%d to ,no! that no one !o"%d ta,e 2eter's p%ans *or !or%d do'ination serio"s%y$ as a dan#er to e1istin# #o ern'ents& 0"t they 'i#ht !e%% decide he !as insane and needed treat'ent *or his 'e#a%o'ania&
"I don't %i,e <"estions abo"t 'y *a'i%y& 6"st %ea e 'y *a'i%y o"t o* this&"
":a%entine$ I'' tryin# to %ea e yo"r *a'i%y o"t o* this& I'' co'in# to yo" so I don't ha e to start a battery o* tests on 2eter and <"estion yo"r parents& I'' tryin# to so% e this prob%e' no!$ !ith the person Ender %o es and tr"sts 'ost in the !or%d$ perhaps the on%y person he %o es and tr"sts at a%%& I* !e can't so% e it this !ay$ then !e'%% se<"ester yo"r *a'i%y and do as !e %i,e *ro' then on& This is not a tri ia% 'atter$ and I !on't /"st #o a!ay&"
The on%y person Ender %o es and tr"sts at a%%& She *e%t a deep stab o* pain$ o* re#ret$ o* sha'e that no! it !as 2eter she !as c%ose to& 2eter !ho !as the center o* her %i*e& (or yo"$ Ender$ I %i#ht *ires en yo"r birthday& (or 2eter I he%p *"%*i% a%% his drea's& "I ne er tho"#ht yo" !ere a nice 'an& Not !hen yo" ca'e to ta,e Ender a!ay$ and not no!&"
"Don't pretend to be an i#norant %itt%e #ir%& I sa! yo"r tests !hen yo" !ere %itt%e$ and at the present 'o'ent there aren't ery 'any co%%e#e pro*essors !ho co"%d ,eep "p !ith yo"&"
":a%entine$ *or Ender's sa,e$ te%% 'e !hat he does !hen he's bein# 'ean&"
")e threatens to ,i%% peop%e a %ot& )e doesn't 'ean it& 0"t !hen !e !ere %itt%e$ Ender and I !ere both a*raid o* hi'& )e to%d "s he'd ,i%% "s& Act"a%%y$ he to%d "s he'd ,i%% Ender&"
So she to%d hi' abo"t the chi%dren in e ery schoo% that 2eter attended& )e ne er hit the'$ b"t he tort"red the' /"st the sa'e& (o"nd !hat they !ere 'ost asha'ed o* and to%d it to the person !hose respect they 'ost !anted& (o"nd !hat they 'ost *eared and 'ade s"re they *aced it o*ten&
"Are yo" s"re+ Didn't Ender ha e a !ea, p%ace+ A thin# he *eared 'ost$ or that he !as asha'ed o*+"
"Ender ne er did anythin# to be asha'ed o*&" And s"dden%y$ deep in her o!n sha'e *or ha in# *or#otten and betrayed Ender$ she started to cry&
She shoo, her head& She co"%dn't e1p%ain !hat it !as %i,e to thin, o* her %itt%e brother$ !ho !as so #ood$ !ho'
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she had protected *or so %on#$ and then re'e'ber that no! she !as 2eter's a%%y$ 2eter's he%per$ 2eter's s%a e in a sche'e that !as co'p%ete%y o"t o* her contro%& Ender ne er s"rrendered to 2eter$ b"t I ha e t"rned$ I' e beco'e part o* hi'$ as Ender ne er !as& "Ender ne er #a e in$" she said&
"To !hat+"
"0"t Ender ne er did that ,ind o* thin#& )e !as /"st a %itt%e boy&"
"No$ that isn't tr"e& -e ne er said it$ Ender ne er said that he !anted to do that& I /"st -- tho"#ht it& It !as 'e$ not Ender& )e ne er said that he !anted to ,i%% hi'&"
"To be !hat+"
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"2eter tort"res s<"irre%s& )e sta,es the' o"t on the #ro"nd and s,ins the' a%i e and sits and !atches the' "nti% they die& )e did that$ he doesn't do it no!& 0"t he did it& I* Ender ,ne! that$ i* Ender sa! hi'$ I thin, that he'd--"
"No$ in those days yo" didn't "ndo !hat 2eter did& 3o" didn't cross hi'& 0"t Ender !o"%d be ,ind to s<"irre%s& Do yo" "nderstand+ )e'd *eed the'&"
"0"t i* he *ed the'$ they'd beco'e ta'e$ and that '"ch easier *or 2eter to catch&"
:a%entine be#an to cry a#ain& "No 'atter !hat yo" do$ it a%!ays he%ps 2eter& E erythin# he%ps 2eter$ e erythin#$ yo" /"st can't #et a!ay$ no 'atter !hat&"
She nodded&
")o! can he be+ I don't ,no!& )e's the !orst person I ,no!&"
"And yet yo" and Ender are his brother and sister& 3o" ha e the sa'e #enes$ the sa'e parents$ ho! can he be so bad i*--"
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:a%entine t"rned and screa'ed at hi'$ screa'ed as i* he !ere ,i%%in# her& "Ender is not %i,e 2eter5 )e is not %i,e 2eter in any !ay5 E1cept that he's s'art$ that's a%%-- in e ery other !ay a person co"%d possib%y be %i,e 2eter he is nothin# nothin# nothin# %i,e 2eter5 Nothin#5"
"I ,no! !hat yo"'re thin,in#$ yo" bastard$ yo"'re thin,in# that I'' !ron#$ that Ender's %i,e 2eter& -e%% 'aybe I'' %i,e 2eter$ b"t Ender isn't$ he isn't at a%%$ I "sed to te%% hi' that !hen he cried$ I to%d hi' that %ots o* ti'es$ yo"'re not %i,e 2eter$ yo" ne er %i,e to h"rt peop%e$ yo"'re ,ind and #ood and not %i,e 2eter at a%%5"
)is ac<"iescence ca%'ed her& "Da'n ri#ht it's tr"e& It's tr"e&"
"It's rea%%y the sa'e thin# yo" a%!ays did *or hi' be*ore& 6"st co'*ort hi' and te%% hi' that he ne er %i,es to h"rt peop%e$ that he's #ood and ,ind and not %i,e 2eter at a%%$ That's the 'ost i'portant thin#& That he's not %i,e 2eter at a%%&"
"-hat #ood does that do+ Ender ne er ans!ered a sin#%e %etter I sent&"
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"Iso%ation is -- the opti'"' en iron'ent *or creati ity& It !as .his. ideas !e !anted$ not the -- ne er 'ind$ I don't ha e to de*end 'yse%* to yo"&"
Then !hy are yo" doin# it$ she did not as,&
"0"t he's s%ac,in# o**& )e's coastin#& -e !ant to p"sh hi' *or!ard$ and he !on't #o&"
"3o"' e a%ready he%ped 'e& 3o" can he%p 'e 'ore& -rite to hi'&"
"No prob%e'& I'%% !rite yo"r %etter 'yse%*& -e can "se yo"r other %etters to reconci%e the !ritin# sty%es& Si'p%e 'atter&"
"Don't he%p 'e& )e%p Ender& -hat does it 'atter i* that he%ps "s$ too+"
"-hat ,ind o* terrib%e thin#s are yo" doin# to hi' "p there+"
Gra** ch"c,%ed& ":a%entine$ 'y dear %itt%e #ir%$ the terrib%e thin#s are on%y abo"t to be#in&"
Ender !as *o"r %ines into the %etter be*ore he rea%i7ed that it !asn't *ro' one o* the other so%diers in the 0att%e Schoo%& It had co'e in the re#"%ar !ay -- a MAI; -A%TING 'essa#e !hen he si#ned into his des,& )e read *o"r %ines into it$ then s,ipped to the end and read the si#nat"re& Then he !ent bac, to the be#innin#$ and c"r%ed "p on his bed to read the !ords o er and o er a#ain&
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Ob io"s%y it !as !ritten !ith the *"%% appro a% o* the teachers& 0"t there !as no do"bt it !as !ritten by :a%& The spe%%in# o* psychoana%y7e$ the epithet s%"'bitch *or 2eter$ the /o,e abo"t prono"ncin# ,ne! %i,e canoe !ere a%% thin#s that no one co"%d ,no! b"t :a%&
And yet they ca'e pretty thic,$ as tho"#h so'eone !anted to 'a,e ery s"re that Ender be%ie ed that the %etter !as #en"ine& -hy sho"%d thry be so ea#er i* it's the rea% thin#+
It isn't the rea% thin# any!ay& E en i* she !rote it in her o!n b%ood$ it isn't the rea% thin# beca"se they 'ade her !rite it& She'd !ritten be*ore$ and they didn't %et any o* those %etters thro"#h& Those 'i#ht ha e been rea%$ b"t this !as as,ed *or$ this !as part o* their 'anip"%ation&
And the despair *i%%ed hi' a#ain& No! he ,ne! !hy& No! he ,ne! !hat he hated so '"ch& )e had no contro% o er his o!n %i*e& They ran e erythin#& They 'ade a%% the choices& On%y the #a'e !as %e*t to hi'$ that !as a%%$ e erythin# e%se !as the' and their r"%es and p%ans and %essons and pro#ra's$ and a%% he co"%d do !as #o this !ay or that !ay in batt%e& The one rea% thin#$ the one precio"s rea% thin# !as his 'e'ory o* :a%entine$ the person !ho %o ed hi' be*ore he e er p%ayed a #a'e$ !ho %o ed hi' !hether there !as a b"##er !ar or not$ and they had ta,en her and p"t her on their side& She !as one o* the' no!&
)e hated the' and a%% their #a'es& )ated the' so bad%y that he cried$ readin# :a%'s e'pty as,ed-*or %etter a#ain& The other boys in 2hoeni1 Ar'y noticed and %oo,ed a!ay& Ender -i##in cryin#+ That !as dist"rbin#& So'ethin# terrib%e !as #oin# on& The best so%dier in any ar'y$ %yin# on his b"n, cryin#& The si%ence in the roo' !as deep&
Ender de%eted the %etter$ !iped it o"t o* 'en"ory and then p"nched "p the *antasy #a'e& )e !as not s"re !hy he !as so ea#er to p%ay the #a'e$ to #et to the End o* the -or%d$ b"t he !asted no ti'e #ettin# there& On%y !hen he coasted on the c%o"d$ s,i''in# o er the a"t"'na% co%ors o* the pastora% !or%d$ on%y then did he rea%i7e !hat
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he hated 'ost abo"t :a%'s %etter& A%% that it said !as abo"t 2eter& Abo"t ho! he !as not at a%% %i,e 2eter& The !ords she had said so o*ten as she he%d hi'$ co'*orted hi' as he tre'b%ed in *ear and ra#e and %oathin# a*ter 2eter had tort"red hi'$ that !as a%% that the %etter had said&
And that !as !hat they had as,ed *or& The bastards ,ne! abo"t that$ and they ,ne! abo"t 2eter in the 'irror in the cast%e roo'$ they ,ne! abo"t e erythin# and to the' :a% !as /"st one 'ore too% to "se to contro% hi'$ /"st one 'ore tric, to p%ay& Din, !as ri#ht$ they !ere the ene'y$ they %o ed nothin# and cared *or nothin# and he !as not #oin# to do !hat they !anted$ he !as da'n !e%% not #oin# to do anythin# *or the'& )e had had on%y one 'e'ory that !as sa*e$ one #ood thin#$ and those bastards had p%o!ed it into hi' !ith the rest o* the 'an"re -and so he !as *inished$ he !asn't #oin# to p%ay&
As a%!ays the serpent !aited in the to!er roo'$ "nra e%in# itse%* *ro' the r"# on the *%oor& 0"t this ti'e Ender didn't #rind it "nder*oot& This ti'e he ca"#ht it in his hands$ ,ne%t be*ore it$ and #ent%y$ so #ent%y$ bro"#ht the sna,e's #apin# 'o"th to his %ips&
And ,issed&
)e had not 'eant to do that& )e had 'eant to %et the sna,e bite hi' on the 'o"th& Or perhaps he had 'eant to eat the sna,e a%i e$ as 2eter in the 'irror had done$ !ith his b%oody chin and the sna,e's tai% dan#%in# *ro' his %ips& 0"t he ,issed it instead&
And the sna,e in his hands thic,ened and bent into another shape& A h"'an shape& It !as :a%entine$ and she ,issed hi' a#ain&
The sna,e co"%d not be :a%entine& )e had ,i%%ed it too o*ten *or it to be his sister& 2eter had de o"red it too o*ten to bear it that it 'i#ht ha e been :a%entine a%% a%on#&
-as this !hat they p%anned !hen they %et hi' read her %etter+ )e didn't care&
She arose *ro' the *%oor o* the to!er roo' and !a%,ed to the 'irror& Ender 'ade his *i#"re a%so rise and #o !ith her& They stood be*ore the 'irror$ !here instead o* 2eter's cr"e% re*%ection there stood a dra#on and a "nicorn& Ender reached o"t his hand and to"ched the 'irror4 the !a%% *e%% open and re ea%ed a #reat stair!ay
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do!n!ard$ carpeted and %ined !ith sho"tin#$ cheerin# '"%tit"des& To#ether$ ar' in ar'$ he and :a%entine !a%,ed do!n the stairs& Tears *i%%ed his eyes$ tears o* re%ie* that at %ast he had bro,en *ree o* the End o* the -or%d& And beca"se o* the tears$ he didn't notice that e ery 'e'ber o* the '"%tit"de !ore 2eter's *ace& )e on%y ,ne! that !here er he !ent in this !or%d$ :a%entine !as !ith hi'&
:a%entine read the %etter that Dr& ;ineberry had #i en her& "Dear :a%entine$" it said$ "-e than, yo" and co''end yo" *or yo"r e**orts on beha%* o* the !ar e**ort& 3o" are hereby noti*ied that yo" ha e been a!arded the Star o* the Order o* the ;ea#"e o* )"'anity$ (irst C%ass$ !hich is the hi#hest 'i%itary a!ard that can be #i en to a ci i%ian& @n*ort"nate%y$ I( sec"rity *orbids "s to 'a,e this a!ard p"b%ic "nti% a*ter the s"ccess*"% conc%"sion o* c"rrent operations$ b"t !e !ant yo" to ,no! that yo"r e**orts res"%ted in co'p%ete s"ccess& Sincere%y$ Genera% Shi'on ;e y$ Strate#os&"
-hen she had read it t!ice Dr& ;ineberry too, it *ro' her hands& "I !as instr"cted to %et yo" read it$ and then destroy it&" She too, a ci#arette %i#hter *ro' a dra!er and set the paper a*ire& It b"rned bri#ht%y in the ashtray& "-as it #ood or bad ne!s+" she as,ed&
"I so%d 'y brother$" :a%entine said$ "and they paid 'e *or it&"
That ni#ht De'osthenes p"b%ished a scathin# den"ncta%ion o* the pop"%ation %i'itation %a!s& 2eop%e sho"%d be a%%o!ed to ha e as 'any chi%dren as they %i,e$ and the s"rp%"s pop"%ation sho"%d be sent to other !or%ds$ to spread 'an,ind so *ar across the #a%a1y that no disaster$ no in asion co"%d e er threaten the h"'an race !ith annihi%ation& "The 'ost nob%e tit%e any chi%d can ha e$" De'osthenes !rote$ "is Third&"
2eter %a"#hed in de%i#ht !hen he read it& "That'%% 'a,e the' sit "p and ta,e notice& Third5 A nob%e tit%e5 Oh$ yo" ha e a !ic,ed strea,&"
Chapter 1E -- Dra#on
"It has to be an order$ Co%one% Gra**& Ar'ies don't 'o e beca"se a co''ander says 'I s"ppose it's ti'e to attac,&'"
"Co%one%$ sir$ I ad'it I !as on yo"$ I ad'it I !as a pain in the ass$ b"t it !or,ed$ e erythin# !or,ed /"st %i,e yo" !anted it to& The %ast *e! !ee,s Ender's e en been$ been--"
"Content& )e's doin# !e%%& )is 'ind is ,een$ his p%ay is e1ce%%ent& 3o"n# as he is& !e' e ne er had a boy better prepared *or co''and& @s"a%%y they #o at e%e en& b"t at nine and a ha%* he's top *%i#ht&"
"-e%%$ yes& (or a *e! 'in"tes there$ it act"a%%y occ"rred to 'e to !onder !hat ,ind o* a 'an !o"%d hea% a bro,en chi%d o* so'e o* his h"rt$ /"st so he co"%d thro! hi' bac, into batt%e a#ain& A %itt%e pri ate 'ora% di%e''a& 2%ease o er%oo, it& I !as tired&"
"Co'e on$ Anderson$ yo"'re /"st dyin# to see ho! he hand%es a%% those ri##ed #a'es I had yo" !or, o"t&"
"So I'' a %o! ,ind o* #"y& Co'e on$ Ma/or& -e're both the sc"' o* the earth& I'' dyin# to see ho! he hand%es the'$ too& A*ter a%%$ o"r %i es depend on hi' doin# rea% !e%%& Neh+"
"Ca%% hi' in$ Ma/or& I'%% d"'p the rosters into his *i%es and #i e hi' his sec"rity syste'& -hat !e're doin# to hi' isn't a%% bad$ yo" ,no!& )e #ets his pri acy a#ain&"
"Good-bye& 3es sir yessir ye77ir& I hope yo" had *"n$ I hope yo" had a nice$ nice ti'e bein# happy$ Ender& It 'i#ht be the %ast ti'e in yo"r %i*e& -e%co'e$ %itt%e boy& 3o"r dear @nc%e Gra** has p%ans *or yo"&"
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Ender ,ne! !hat !as happenin# *ro' the 'o'ent they bro"#ht hi' in& E eryone e1pected hi' to #o co''ander ear%y& 2erhaps not this ear%y$ b"t he had topped the standin#s a%'ost contin"o"s%y *or three years$ no one e%se !as re'ote%y c%ose to hi'$ and his e enin# practices had beco'e the 'ost presti#io"s #ro"p in the schoo%& There !ere so'e !ho !ondered !hy the teachers had !aited this %on#&
)e !ondered !hich ar'y they'd #i e hi'& Three co''anders !ere #rad"atin# soon$ inc%"din# 2etra$ b"t it !as beyond hope *or the' to #i e hi' 2hoeni1 Ar'y& No one e er s"cceeded to co''and o* the sa'e ar'y he !as in !hen he !as pro'oted&
Anderson too, hi' *irst to his ne! <"arters& That sea%ed it -- on%y co''anders had pri ate roo's& Then he had hi' *itted *or ne! "ni*or's and a ne! *%ash s"it& )e %oo,ed on the *or's to disco er the na'e o* his ar'y&
"That's beca"se there hasn't been a Dra#on Ar'y in *o"r years& -e discontin"ed the na'e beca"se there !as a s"perstition abo"t it& No Dra#on Ar'y in the history o* the 0att%e Schoo% e er !on e en a third o* its #a'es& It #ot to be a /o,e&"
Gra**sat at his des,$ %oo,in# *atter and !earier than the %ast ti'e Ender had seen hi'& )e handed Ender his hoo,$ the s'a%% bo1 that co''anders "sed to #o !here they !anted in the batt%eroo' d"rin# practices& Many ti'es d"rin# his e enin# practice sessions Ender !ished that he had a hoo,$ instead o* ha in# to rebo"nd o** !a%%s to #et !here he !ante" to #o& No! that he'd #ot <"ite de*t at 'ane" erin# !itho"t one$ here it !as& "It on%y !or,s$" Anderson pointed o"t$ "d"rin# yo"r re#"%ar%y sched"%ed practice sessions&" Since Ender a%ready p%anned to ha e e1tra practices$ it 'eant the hoo, !o"%d on%y be "se*"% so'e o* the ti'e& It a%so e1p%ained !hy so 'any
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co''anders ne er he%d e1tra practices& They depended on the hoo,$ and it !o"%dn't do anythin# *or the' d"rin# the e1tra ti'es& I* they *e%t that the hoo, !as their a"thority$ their po!er o er the other boys$ then they !ere e en %ess %i,e%y to !or, !itho"t it& That's an ad anta#e I'%% ha e o er so'e o* 'y ene'ies$ Ender tho"#ht&
Gra**'s o**icia% !e%co'e speech so"nded bored and o er-rehearsed& On%y at the end did he be#in to so"nd interested in his o!n !ords& "-e're doin# so'ethin# "n"s"a% !ith Dra#on Ar'y& I hope yo" don't 'ind& -e' e asse'b%ed a ne! ar'y by ad ancin# the e<"i a%ent o* an entire %a"nch co"rse ear%y and de%ayin# the #rad"ation o* <"ite a *e! ad anced st"dents& I thin, yo"'%% be p%eased !ith the <"a%ity o* yo"r so%diers& I hope yo" are$ beca"se !e're *orbiddin# yo" to trans*er any o* the'&"
"No trades+" as,ed Ender& It !as ho! co''anders a%!ays shored "p their !ea, points$ by tradin# aro"nd&
"None& 3o" see$ yo" ha e been cond"ctin# yo"r e1tra practice sessions *or three years no!& 3o" ha e a *o%%o!in#& Many #ood so%diers !o"%d p"t "n*air press"re on their co''anders to trade the' into yo"r ar'y& -e' e #i en yo" an ar'y that can$ in ti'e$ be co'petiti e& -e ha e no intention o* %ettin# yo" do'inate "n*air%y&"
"Get a%on# !ith hi'&" Gra** c%osed his eyes& Anderson stood "p and the inter ie! !as o er&
Dra#on !as assi#ned the co%ors #rey$ oran#e$ #rey4 Ender chan#ed into his *%ash s"it$ then *o%%o!ed the ribbons o* %i#ht "nti% he ca'e to the barrac,s that contained his ar'y& They !ere there a%ready$ 'i%%in# aro"nd near the entrance& Ender too, char#e at once& "0"n,in# !i%% be arran#ed by seniority& :eterans to the bac, o* the roo'$ ne!est so%diers to the *ront&"
It !as the re erse o* the "s"a% pattern$ and Ender ,ne! it& )e a%so ,ne! that he didn't intend to be %i,e 'any co''anders$ !ho ne er e en sa! the yo"n#er boys beca"se they !ere a%!ays in the bac,&
As they sorted the'se% es o"t accordin# to their arri a% dates$ Ender !a%,ed "p and do!n the ais%e& A%'ost thirty o* his so%diers !ere ne!$ strai#ht o"t o* their %a"nch #ro"p& co'p%ete%y ine1perienced in batt%e& So'e !ere e en "ndera#e -- the ones nearest the door !ere pathetica%%y s'a%%& Ender re'inded hi'se%* that that's ho! he
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'"st ha e %oo,ed to 0on7o Madrid !hen he *irst arri ed& Sti%%$ 0on7o had had on%y one "ndera#e so%dier to cope !ith&
Not one o* the eterans be%on#ed to Ender's e%ite practice #ro"p& None had e er been a toon %eader& None$ in *act$ !as o%der than Ender hi'se%*$ !hich 'eant that e en his eterans didn't ha e 'ore than ei#hteen 'onths' e1perience& So'e he didn't e en reco#'7e$ they had 'ade so %itt%e i'pression&
They reco#ni7ed Ender$ o* co"rse$ since he !as the 'ost ce%ebrated so%dier in the schoo%& And so'e$ Ender co"%d see$ resented hi'& At %east they did 'e one *a or -- none o* 'y so%diers is o%der than 'e&
As soon as each so%dier had a b"n,$ Ender ordered the' to p"t on their *%ash s"its and co'e to practice& "-e're on the 'ornin# sched"%e$ strai#ht to practice a*ter brea,*ast& O**icia%%y yo" ha e a *ree ho"r bet!een brea,*ast and practice& -e'%% see !hat happens a*ter I *ind o"t ho! #ood yo" are&" A*ter three 'in"tes$ tho"#h 'any o* the' sti%% !eren't dressed$ he ordered the' o"t o* the roo'&
"Dress *aster ne1t ti'e& Three 'in"tes *ro' *irst ca%% to r"nnin# o"t the door -- that's the r"%e this !ee,& Ne1t !ee, the r"%e is t!o 'in"tes& Mo e5" %t !o"%d soon be a /o,e in the rest o* the schoo% that Dra#on Ar'y !as so d"'b they had to practice #ettin# dressed&
(i e o* the boys !ere co'p%ete%y na,ed$ carryin# their *%ash s"its as they ran thro"#h the corridors4 *e! !ere *"%%y dressed& They attracted a %ot o* attention as they passed open c%assroo' doors& No one !o"%d be %ate a#ain i* he co"%d he%p it&
In the corridors %eadin# to the batt%eroo'$ Eider 'ade the' r"n bac, and *orth in the ha%%s$ *ast$ so they !ere s!eatin# a %itt%e$ !hi%e the na,ed ones #ot dresseo& Then he %ed the' to the "pper door$ the one that opened into the 'idd%e o* the batt%eroo' /"st %i,e the doors in the act"a% #a'es& Then he 'ade the' /"'p "p and "se the cei%in# handho%ds to h"r% the'se% es into the roo'& "Asse'b%e on the *ar !a%%$" he said& "As i* yo" !ere #oin# *or the ene'y's #ate&"
They re ea%ed the'se% es as they /"'ped$ *o"r at a ti'e$ thro"#h the door& A%'ost none o* the' ,ne! ho! to
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estab%ish a direct %ine to the tar#et$ and !hen they reached the *ar !a%% *e! o* the ne! ones had any idea ho! to catch on or e en contro% their rebo"nds&
The %ast boy o"t !as a s'a%% ,id$ ob io"s%y "ndera#e& There !as no !ay he !as #oin# to reach the cei%in# handho%d&
"Go s"c, on it$" said the boy& )e too, a *%yin# %eap$ to"ched the cei%in# handho%d !ith a *in#er tip$ and h"rt%ed thro"#h the door !ith no contro% at a%%$ spinnin# in three directions at once& Ender tried to decide !hether to %i,e the %itt%e ,id *or re*"sin# to ta,e a concession or to be annoyed at his ins"bordinate attit"de&
They *ina%%y #ot the'se% es to#ether a%on# the !a%%& Ender noticed that !itho"t e1ception they had %ined "p !ith their heads sti%% in the directioi" that had been "p in the corridor& So Ender de%iberate%y too, ho%d o* !hat they !ere treatin# as a *%oor and dan#%ed *ro' it "pside do!n& "-hy are yo" "pside do!n$ so%diers+" he de'anded&
"Attention5" They he%d sti%%& "I said !hy are yo" "pside do!n5"
"I said !hy does e ery one o* yo" ha e his *eet in the air and his head to!ard the #ro"nd5"
(ina%%y one o* the' spo,e& "Sir$ this is the direction !e !ere in co'in# o"t o* the door&"
"-e%% !hat di**erence is that s"pposed to 'a,e5 -hat di**erence does it 'a,e !hat the #ra ity !as bac, in the corridor5 Are !e #oin# to *i#ht in the corridor+ Is there any #ra ity here+"
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No sir& No .sir.&
"(ro' no! on$ yo" *or#et abo"t #ra ity be*ore yo" #o thro"#h that door& The o%d #ra ity is #one$ erased& @nderstand 'e+ -hate er yo"r #ra ity is !hen yo" #et to the door$ re'e'ber -- the ene'y's #ate is do!n& 3o"r *eet are to!ard the ene'y's #ate& @p is to!ard yo"r o!n #ate& North is that !ay$ so"th is that !ay$ east is that !ay$ !est is -- !hat !ay+"
They pointed&
"That's !hat I e1pected& The on%y process yo"' e 'astered is the process o* e%i'ination$ and the on%y reason yo"' e 'astered that is beca"se yo" can do it in the toi%et& -hat !as the circ"s I sa! o"t here5 Did yo" ca%% that *or'in# "p+ Did yo" ca%% that *%yin#+ No! e erybody$ %a"nch and *or' "p on the cei%in#5 Ri#ht no!5 Mo e5"
As Ender e1pected$ a #ood n"'ber o* the' instincti e%y %a"nched$ not to!ard the !a%% !ith the door in it$ b"t to!ard the !a%% that Ender had ca%%ed north$ the direction that had been "p !hen they !ere in the corridor& O* co"rse they <"ic,%y rea%i7ed their 'ista,e'$ b"t too %ate -- they had to !ait to chan#e thin#s "nti% they had rebo"nded o** the north !a%%&
In the 'eanti'e$ Ender !as 'enta%%y #ro"pin# the' into s%o! %earners and *ast %earners& The %itt%est ,id$ the one !ho had been %ast o"t o* the door$ !as the *irst to arri e at the correct !a%%$ and he ca"#ht hi'se%* adroit%y& They had been ri#ht to ad ance hi'& )e'd do !e%%& )e !as a%so coc,y and rehe%tio"s$ and probab%y resented the *act that he had been one o* the ones Ender had sent na,ed thro"#h the corridors&
"3o"5" Ender said$ pointin# at the s'a%% one& "-hich !ay is do!n+"
"To!ard the ene'y door&" The ans!er !as <"ic,& It !as a%so s"r%y$ as i* to say$ O8$ O8$ no! #et on !ith the i'portant st"**&
"Na'e$ ,id+"
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"Get that *or si7e or *or brains+" The other boys %a"#hed a %itt%e& "-e%%$ 0ean$ yo"'re ri#ht onto thin#s& No! %isten to 'e$ beca"se this 'atters& Nobody's #oin# to #et thro"#h that door !itho"t a #ood chance o* #ettin# hit& In the o%d days$ yo" had ten$ t!enty seconds be*ore yo" e en had to 'o e& No! i* yo" aren't a%ready strea'in# o"t o* the door !hen the ene'y co'es o"t$ yo"'re *ro7en& No!$ !hat happens !hen yo"'re *ro7en+"
"That's !hat *ro7en 'eans$" Enden said& "0"t !hat happens to yo"+"
It !as 0ean$ not inti'idated at a%%$ !ho ans!ered inte%%i#ent%y& "3o" ,eep #oin# in the direction yo" started in& At the speed yo" !ere #oin# !hen yo" !ere *%ashed&"
Start%ed$ the boys %oo,ed at each other$ Ender *%ashed the' a%%& "The ne1t *i e$ 'o e5"
They 'o ed& Ender *%ashed the'$ too$ b"t they ,ept 'o in#$ headin# to!ard the !a%%s& The *irst *i e$ tho"#h$ !ere dri*tin# "se%ess%y near the 'ain #ro"p&
";oo, at these so-ca%%ed so%diers$" Ender said& "Their co''ander ordered the' to 'o e$ and no! %oo, at the'& Not on%y are they *ro7en$ they're *ro7en ri#ht here$ !here they can #et in the !ay& -hi%e the others$ beca"se they 'o ed !hen they !ere ordered$ are *ro7en do!n there$ p%"##in# "p the ene'y's %anes$ b%oc,in# the ene'y's ision& I i'a#ine that abo"t *i e o* yo" ha e "nderstood the point o* this& And no do"bt 0ean is one o* the'& Ri#ht$ 0ean+"
)e didn't ans!er at *irst& Ender %oo,ed at hi' "nti% he said$ "Ri#ht$ sir&"
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"-hen yo" are ordered to 'o e$ 'o e *ast$ so i* yo" #et iced yo"'%% bo"nce aro"nd instead o* #ettin# in the !ay o* yo"r o!n ar'y's operations&"
"E1ce%%ent& At %east I ha e one so%dier !ho can *i#"re thin#s o"t&" Ender co"%d see resent'ent #ro!in# in the !ay the other so%diers shi*ted their !ei#ht and #%anced at each other$ the !ay' they a oided %oo,in# at 0ean& -hy a' I doin# this+ -hat does this ha e to do !ith bein# a #ood co''ander$ 'a,in# one boy the tar#et o* a%% the others+ 6"st beca"se they did it to 'e$ !hy sho"%d I do it to hi'+ Ender !anted to "ndo his ta"ntin# o* the boy$ !anted to te%% the others that the %itt%e one needed their he%p and *riendship 'ore than anyone e%se& 0"t o* co"rse Ender co"%dn't do that& Not on the *irst day& On the *irst day e en his 'ista,es had to %oo, %i,e part o* a bri%%iant p%an&
Ender hoo,ed hi'se%* nearer the !a%% and p"%%ed one o* the boys a!ay *ro' the others& "8eep yo"r body strai#ht$" said Ender& )e rotated the boy in 'idair so his *eet pointed to!ard the others& -hen the boy ,ept 'o in# his body$ Ender *%ashed hi'& The others %a"#hed& ")o! '"ch o* his body co"%d yo" shoot+" Ender as,ed a boy direct%y "nder the *ro7en so%dier's *eet&
"And yo"+"
"(eet aren't ery bi#& Not '"ch protection&" Ender p"shed the *ro7en so%dier o"t o* the !ay& Then he do"b%ed
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his %e#s "nder hi'$ as i* he !ere ,nee%in# in 'idair$ and *%ashed his o!n %e#s& I''ediate%y the %e#s o* his s"it !ent ri#id$ ho%din# the' in that position&
Ender t!isted hi'se%* in the air so that he ,ne%t abo e the other boys&
Ender thr"st his #"n bet!een his %e#s& "I can see tine$" he said$ and proceeded to *%ash the boys direct%y "nder hi'& "Stop 'e5" he sho"ted& "Try and *%ash 'e5"
They *ina%%y did$ b"t not "nti% he had *%ashed 'ore than a third o* the'& )e th"'bed his hoo, and tha!ed hi'se%* and e ery other *ro7en so%dier& "No!$" he said "!hich !ay is the ene'y's #ate+"
So'e started to ans!er !ith !ords$ b"t 0ean ans!ered by *%ippin# hi'se%* a!ay *ro' the !a%% !ith his %e#s do"b%ed "nder hi'$ strai#ht to!ard the opposite !a%%$ *%ashin# bet!een his %e#s a%% the !ay&
(or a 'o'ent Ender !anted to sho"t at hi'$ to p"nish hi'4 then he ca"#ht hi'se%*$ re/ected the "n#enero"s i'p"%se& -hy sho"%d I be so an#ry at this %itt%e boy+ "Is 0ean the on%y one !ho ,no!s ho!+" Ender sho"ted&
I''ediate%y the entire ar'y p"shed o** to!ard the opposiie !a%%$ ,nee%in# in the air$ *irin# bet!een their %e#s$ sho"tin# at the top o* their %"n#s& There 'ay be a ti'e$ tho"#ht Ender$ !hen this is e1act%y the strate#y I'%% need -- *orty screa'in# boys in an "nba%ancin# attac,&
-hen they !ere a%% at the other side$ Ender ca%%ed *or the' to attac, hi'$ a%% at once& 3es$ tho"#ht Ender& Not bad& They #a e 'e an "ntrained ar'y$ !ith no e1ce%%ent eterans$ b"t at %east it isn't a crop o* *oo%s& I can !or, !ith this&
-hen they !ere asse'b%ed a#ain$ %a"#hin# and e1hi%arated$ Ender be#an the rea% !or,& )e had the' *ree7e their %e#s in the ,nee%in# position& "No!$ !hat are yo"r %e#s #ood *or$ in co'bat+"
"Ri#ht$" Ender said$ The other boy's started to co'p%ain that p"shin# o** !a%%s !as 'o e'ent$ not co'bat&
"There is no co'bat !itho"t 'o e'ent$" Ender said& They *e%% si%ent and hated 0ean a %itt%e 'ore& "No!$ !ith yo"r %e#s *ro7en %i,e this$ can yo" p"sh o** !a%%s+"
No one dared ans!er$ *or *ear they'd he !ron#& "0ean+" as,ed Ender&
"I' e ne er tried it$ b"t 'aybe i* yo" *aced the !a%% and do"b%ed o er at the !aist--"
"Ri#ht b"t !ron#& -atch 'e& My bac,'s to the !a%%$ %e#s are *ro7en& Since I'' ,nee%in#$ 'y *eet are a#ainst the !a%%& @s"a%%y$ !hen yo" p"sh o** yo" ha e to p"sh do!n!ard$ so yo" srin# o"t yo"r body behind yo" %i,e a strin# bean$ ri#ht+"
"0"t !ith 'y %e#s *ro7en$ I "se pretty '"ch the sa'e *orce$ p"shin# do!n!ard *ro' the hips and thi#hs$ on%y
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no! it p"shes 'y sho"%ders and 'y *eet bac,!ard$ shoots o"t 'y hips$ and !hen I co'e %oose 'y body's ti#ht$ nothin# strin#in# o"t behind 'e& -atch this&"
Ender *orced his hips *or!ard$ !hich shot hi' a!ay *ro' the !a%%4 in a 'o'ent he read/"sted his position and !as ,nee%in#$ %e#s do!n!ard$ r"shin# to!ard the opposite !a%%& )e %anded on his ,nees$ *%ipped o er on his bac,$ and /ac,,ni*ed o** the !a%% in another direction& "Shoot 'e5" he sho"ted& Then he set hi'se%* spinnin# in the ar as he too, a co"rse ro"#h%y para%%e% to the boys a%an# the *ar !a%%& 0eca"se he !as spinnin#$ they co"%dn't #et a contin"o"s bea' on hi'&
)e tha!ed his s"it and hoo,ed hi'se%* bac, to the'& "That's !hat !e're !or,in# on *or the *irst ha%* ho"r today& 0"i%d "p so'e '"sc%es yo" didn't ,no! yo" had& ;earn to "se yo"r %e#s as a shie%d and contro% yo"r 'o e'ents so yo" can #et that spin& Spinnin# doesn't do any #ood "p c%ose$ b"t *ar a!ay$ they can't h"rt yo" i* yo"'re spinnin# -- at that distance the bea' has to hit the sa'e spot *or a co"p%e o* 'o'ents$ and i* yo"'re spinnin# it can't happen& No! *ree7e yo"rse%* and #et started&"
"No I'' not #oin# to assi#n %anes& I !ant yo" b"'pin# into each other and %earnin# ho! to dea% !ith it a%% the ti'e$ e1cept !hen !e're practicin# *or'ations$ and then I'%% "s"a%%y ha e yo" b"'p into each other on p"rpose& No! 'o e5"
Ender !as the %ast one o"t a*ter practice$ since he stayed to he%p so'e o* the s%o!er ones i'pro e on techni<"e& They'd had #ood teachers$ b"t the ine1penienced so%diers *resh o"t o* their %a"nch #ro"ps !ere co'p%ete%y he%p%ess !hen it ca'e to doin# t!o or three thin#s at the sa'e ti'e& It !as *ine to practice /ac,,ni*in# !ith *ro7en %e#s$ they had no tro"b%e 'ane" erin# in 'idair$ b"t to %a"nch in one direction$ *ire in another$ spin t!ice$ rebo"nd !ith a /ac,,ni*e o** a !a%%$ and co'e o"t *irin#$ *acin# the ri#ht direction -- that !as !ay beyond the'& Dri%% dri%% dri%%$ that !as a%% Ender !o"%d be ab%e to do !ith the' *or a !hi%e& Strate#ies and *or'ations !ere nice$ b"t they !ere nothin# i* the ar'y didn't ,no! ho! to hand%e the'se% es in batt%e&
)e had to #et this ar'y ready no!& )e !as ear%y at bein# a co''ander$ and the teachers !ere chan#in# the r"%es no!$ not %ettin# hi' trade$ #i in# hi' no top-notch eterans& There !as no #"arantee that they'd #i e hi'
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the "s"a% three 'onths to #et his ar'y to#ether be*ore sendin# the' into batt%e&
At %east in the e enin#s he'd ha e A%ai and Shen to he%p hi' train his ne! boys&
)e !as sti%% in the corridor %eadin# o"t o* the batt%eroo' !hen he *o"nd hi'se%* *ace to *ace !ith %itt%e 0ean& 0ean %oo,ed an#ry& Ender didn't !ant prob%e's ri#ht no!&
")o$ 0ean&"
")o$ Ender&"
"I ,no! !hat yo"'re doin#$ Ender$ sir$ and I'' !arnin# yo"&"
"-arnin# 'e+"
"I can be the best 'an yo"' e #ot$ b"t don't p%ay #a'es !ith 'e&"
"Or !hat+"
"Or I'%% be the !orst 'an yo"' e #ot& One or the other$"
"And !hat do yo" !ant$ %o e and ,isses+" Ender !as #ettin# an#ry no!&
Ender !a%,ed bac, to hi' and stood %oo,in# do!n into his eyes& "-hy sho"%d yo" #et a toon+"
"8no!in# !hat to do !ith a toon is easy$" Ender said& "It's #ettin# the' to do it that's hard& -hy !o"%d any so%dier !ant to *o%%o! a %itt%e pinpric, %i,e yo"+"
"They "sed to ca%% yo" that$ I hear& I hear 0on7o Madrid sti%% does&"
"Nobody !o"%d notice yo"$ e1cept to *ee% sorry *or the %itt%e ,id& 0"t I 'ade s"re they a%% noticed yo" today& They'%% be !atchin# e ery 'o e yo" 'a,e& A%% yo" ha e to do to earn their respect no! is be per*ect&"
"2oor ,id& Nobody's treatin hi' *air&" Ender #ent%y p"shed 0ean bac, a#ainst the !a%%& "I'%% te%% yo" ho! to #et a toon& 2ro e to 'e yo" ,no! !hat yo"'re doin# as a so%dier& 2ro e to 'e yo" ,no! ho! to "se other so%diers& And then pro e to 'e that so'ebody's !i%%in# to *o%%o! yo" into batt%e& Then yo"'%% #et yo"r toon& 0"t not b%oody !e%% "nti%&"
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0ean s'i%ed& "That's *air& I* yo" act"a%%y !or, that !ay$ I'%% be a toon %eader in a 'onth&"
Ender reached do!n and #rabbed the *ront o* his "ni*or' and sho ed hi' into the !a%%& "-hen I say I !or, a certain !ay$ 0ean$ then that's the !ay I !or,&"
0ean /"st s'i%ed& Ender %et #o o* hi' and !a%,ed a!ay& -hen he #ot to his roo' he %ay do!n on his bed and tre'b%ed& -hat a' I doin#+ My *irst practice session and I'' a%ready b"%%yin# peop%e the !ay 0on7o did& And 2eter& Sho in# peop%e aro"nd& 2ic,in# on so'e poor %itt%e ,id so the others'%% ha e so'ebody they a%% hate& Sic,enin#& E erythin# I hated in a co''ander$ and I'' doin# it&
Is it so'e %a! o* h"'an nat"re that yo" ine itab%y beco'e !hate er yo"r *irst co''ander !as+ I can <"it ri#ht no!$ i* that's so&
O er and o er he tho"#ht o* the thin#s he did and said in his *irst practice !ith his ne! ar'y& -hy co"%dn't he ta%, %i,e he a%!ays did in his e enin# practice #ro"p+ No a"thority e1cept e1ce%%ence& Ne er had to #i e orders$ /"st 'ade s"##estions& 0"t that !o"%dn't !or,$ not !ith an ar'y& )is in*or'a% practice #ro"p didn't ha e to %earn to do thin#s to#ether& They didn't ha e to de e%op a #ro"p *ee%in#4 they ne er had to %earn ho! to ho%d to#ether and tr"st each other in batt%e& They didn't ha e to respond instant%y to co''and&
And he co"%d #o to the other e1tre'e$ too& )e co"%d be as %a1 and inco'petent as Rose the Nose$ i* he !anted& )e co"%d 'a,e st"pid 'ista,es no 'atter !hat he did& )e had to ha e discip%ine$ and that 'eant de'andin# -and #ettin# -- <"ic,$ decisi e obedience& )e had to ha e a !e%%-trained ar'y$ and that 'eant dri%%in# the so%diers o er and o er a#ain$ %on# a*ter they tho"#ht they had 'astered a techni<"e$ "nti% it !as so nat"ra% to the' that they didn't ha e to thin, abo"t it any'ore&
0"t !hat !as this thin# !ith 0ean+ -hy had he #one *or the s'a%%est$ !ea,est$ and possib%y the bri#htest o* the boys+ -hy had he done to 0ean !hat had been done to Ender by co''anders that he despised&
Then he re'e'bered that it hadn't be#"n !ith his co''anders& 0e*ore Rose and 0on7o had treated hi' !ith conte'pt$ he had been iso%ated in his %a"nch #ro"p& And it !asn't 0ernard !ho be#an that$ either& It !as Gra**&
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It !as the teachers !ho had done it& And it !asn't an accident& Ender rea%i7ed that no!& It !as a strate#y& Gra** had de%iberate%y set hi' "p to be separate *ro' the other boys$ 'ade it i'possib%e *or hi' to be c%ose to the'& And he be#an no! to s"spect the reasons behind it& It !asn't to "ni*y the rest o* the #ro"p -- in *act$ it !as di isi e& Gra** had iso%ated Ender to 'a,e hi' str"##%e& To 'a,e hi' pro e$ not that he !as co'petent$ b"t that he !as *ar better than e eryone e%se& That !as the on%y !ay he co"%d !in respect and *riendship& It 'ade hi' a better so%dier than he !o"%d e er ha e been other!ise& It a%so 'ade hi' %one%y$ a*raid$ an#ry$ "ntr"stin#& And 'aybe those traits$ too$ 'ade hi' a better so%dier&
That's !hat I'' doin# to yo"$ 0ean& I'' h"rtin# yo" to 'a,e yo" a better so%dier in e ery !ay& To sharpen yo"r !it& To intensi*y yo"r e**ort& To ,eep yo" o** ba%ance$ ne er s"re !hat's #oin# to happen ne1t$ so yo" a%!ays ha e to be ready *or anythin#$ ready to i'pro ise$ deter'ined to !in no 'atter !hat& I'' a%so 'a,in# yo" 'iserab%e& That's !hy they bro"#ht yo" to 'e$ 0ean& So yo" co"%d be /"st %i,e 'e& So yo" co"%d #ro! "p to be /"st %i,e the o%d 'an&
And 'e -- a' I s"pposed to #ro! "p %i,e Gra**+ (at and so"r and "n*ee%in#$ 'anip"%atin# the %i es o* %itt%e boys so they t"rn o"t *actory per*ect$ #enera%s and ad'ira%s ready to %ead the *%eet in de*ense o* the ho'e%and& 3o" #et a%% the p%eas"res o* the p"ppeteer& @nti% yo" #et a so%dier !ho can do 'ore than anyone e%se& 3o" can't ha e that& It spoi%s the sy''etry& 3o" '"st #et hi' in %ine$ brea, hi' do!n$ iso%ate hi'$ beat hi' "nti% he #ets in %ine !ith e eryone e%se&
-e%%$ !hat I' e done to yo" this day$ 0ean$ I' e done& 0"t I'%% be !atchin# yo"$ 'ore co'passionate%y than yo" ,no!$ and !hen the ti'e is ri#ht yo"'%% *ind that I'' yo"r *riend$ and yo" are the so%dier yo" !ant to be&
Ender did not #o to c%asses that a*ternoon& )e %ay on his b"n, and !rote do!n his i'pressions o* each o* the boys in his ar'y$ the thin#s he noticed ri#ht abo"t the'$ the thin#s that needed 'ore !or,& In practce toni#ht$ he !o"%d ta%, !ith A%ai and they'd *i#"re o"t !ays to teach s'a%% #ro"ps the thin#s they needed to ,no!& At %east he !o"%dn't be in this thin# a%one&
0"t !hen Ender #ot to the batt%eroo' that ni#ht$ !hi%e 'ost others !ere sti%% eatin#$ he *o"nd Ma/or Anderson !aitin# *or hi'& "There has been a r"%e chan#e$ Ender& (ro' no! on$ on%y 'e'bers o* the sa'e ar'y 'ay !or, to#ether in a batt%eroo' d"rin# *reeti'e& And$ there*ore$ batt%eroo's are a ai%ab%e on%y on a sched"%ed basis& A*ter toni#ht$ yo"r ne1t t"rn is in *o"r days&"
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"They are ro!$ Ender& No! that yo" co''and another ar'y$ they don't !ant their boys practicin# !ith yo"& S"re%y yo" can "nderstand that& So they'%% cond"ct their o!n practices&"
"I' e a%!ay's been in another ar'y *ro' the'& They sti%% sent their so%diers to 'e *or trainin#&"
"Nobody #ets here !itho"t bein# bri%%iant$ Ender& Ma,e the' #ood&"
"It's abo"t ti'e yo" #re! "p and did so'e thin#s on yo"r o!n$ Ender& 3o" don't need these other boys to ho%d yo"r hand& 3o"'re a co''ander no!& So ,ind%y act %i,e it$ Ender&"
Ender !a%,ed past Anderson to!ard the batt%eroo'& Then he stopped$ t"rned$ as,ed a <"estion& "Since these e enin# practices are no! re#"%ar%y sched"%ed$ does it 'ean I can "se the hoo,+"
Did Anderson a%'ost s'i%e+ No& Not a chance o* that& "-e'%% see$" he said&
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Ender t"rned his bac, and !ent on into the batt%eroo'& Soon his ar'y arri ed$ and no one e%se4 either Anderson !aited aro"nd to intercept anyone co'in# to Ender's practice ero"p$ or !ord had a%ready passed thro"#h the !ho%e schoo% that Ender's in*or'a% e enin#s !ere thro"#h&
It !as a #ood practice$ they acco'p%ished a %ot$ b"t at the end o* it Ender !as tired and %one%y& There !as a ha%* ho"r be*ore bedti'e& )e co"%dn't #o into his ar'y's barrac,s -- he had %on# since %earned that the best co''anders stay a!ay "n%ess they ha e so'e reason to isit& The boy's ha e to ha e a chance to be at peace$ at rest$ !itho"t so'eone %istenin# to *a or or despise the' dependin# on the !ay they ta%, and act and thin,&
So he !andered to the #a'e roo'$ !here a *e! other boys !ere "sin# the %ast ha%* ho"r be*ore *ina% be%% to sett%e bets or beat their pre io"s scores on the #a'es& None o* the #a'es %oo,ed interestin#$ b"t he p%ayed one any!ay$ an easy ani'ated #a'e desi#ned *or ;a"nchies& 0ored$ he i#nored the ob/ecti es o* the #a'e and "sed the %itt%e p%ayer-*i#"re$ a bear$ to e1p%ore the ani'ated scenery aro"nd hi'&
"I !as there& 0"t they had yo"r ar'y in a separate p%ace& ;oo,s %i,e yo"'re bi# ti'e no!$ can't p%ay !ith the %itt%e boys any'ore&"
"C"bit5 )as God been te%%in# yo" to b"i%d a boat or so'ethin#+ Or are yo" in an archaic 'ood+"
"Not archaic$ /"st arcane& Secret$ s"bt%e$ ro"ndabo"t& I 'iss yo" a%ready$ yo" circ"'cised do#&"
"Don't yo" ,no!+ -e're ene'ies no!& Ne1t ti'e I 'eet yo" in batt%e$ I'%% !hip yo"r ass&"
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It !as banter$ as a%!ays$ b"t no! there !as too '"ch tr"th behind it& No! !hen Ender heard A%ai ta%, as i* it !ere a%% a /o,e$ he *e%t the pain o* %osin# a *riend$ and the !orse pain o* !onderin# i* A%ai rea%%y *e%t as %itt%e pain as he sho!ed&
"3o" can try$" said Ender& "I ta"#ht yo" e erythin# yo" ,no!& 0"t I didn't teach yo" e erythin# I ,no!&"
"I ,ne! a%% a%on# that yo" !ere ho%din# so'ethin# bac,$ Ender&
A pa"se& Ender's bear !as in tro"b%e on the screen& )e c%i'bed a tree& "I !asn't$ A%ai& )o%din# anythin# bac,&"
"Sa%aa'$ A%ai&"
"-hat isn't+"
The !ords bro"#ht *orth an echo *ro' Ender's 'e'ory& )is 'other's oice readin# to hi' so*t%y$ !hen he !as ery yo"n#& Thin, not that I ca'e to send peace on earth& I ca'e not to send peace$ b"t a s!ord& Ender had pict"red his 'other piercin# 2eter the Terrib%e !ith a b%oody rapier$ and the !ords had stayed in his 'ind a%on# !ith the i'a#e&
In the si%ence$ the bear died& It !as a c"te death$ !ith *"nny '"sic& Ender t"rned aro"nd& A%ai !as a%ready #one& )e *e%t %i,e part o* hi'se%* had been ta,en a!ay$ an in!ard prop that !as ho%din# "p his co"ra#e and con*idence& -ith A%ai$ to a de#ree i'possib%e e en !ith Shen$ Ender had co'e to *ee% a "nity so stron# that the !ord !e
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0"t A%ai had %e*t so'ethin# behind& Ender %ay in bed$ do7in# into the ni#ht$ and *e%t A%ai's %ips on his chee, as he '"ttered the !ord peace& The ,iss$ the !ord$ the peace !ere !ith hi' sti%%& I a' on%y !hat I re'e'ber$ and A%ai is 'y *riend in 'e'ories so intense that they can't tear hi' o"t& ;i,e :a%entine$ the stron#est 'e'ory o* a%%&
The ne1t day he passeed A%ai in the corridor$ and they #reeted each other$ to"ched hands$ ta%,ed$ b"t they both ,ne! that there !as a !a%% no!& It 'i#ht be breached$ that !a%%$ so'eti'e in the *"t"re$ b"t *or no! the on%y rea% con ersation bet!een the' !as the roots that had a%ready #ro!n %o! and deep$ "nder the !a%%$ !here they co"%d not be bro,en&
The 'ost terrib%e thin#$ tho"#h$ !as the *ear that the !a%% co"%d ne er be breached$ that in his heart A%ai !as #%ad o* the separation$ and !as ready to be Ender's ene'y& (or no! that they co"%d not be to#ether$ they '"st be in*inite%y apart$ and !hat had been s"re and "nsha,ab%e !as no! *ra#i%e and ins"bstantia%4 *ro' the 'o'ent !e are not to#ether$ A%ai is a stran#er$ *or he has a %i*e no! that !i%% be no part o* 'ine$ and that 'eans that !hen I see hi' !e !i%% not ,no! each other&
It 'ade hi' sorro!*"%$ b"t Ender did not !eep& )e !as done !ith that& -hen they had t"rned :a%entine into a stran#er$ !hen they had "sed her as a too% to !or, on Ender$ *ro' that day *or!ard they co"%d ne er h"rt hi' deep eno"#h to 'a,e hi' cry a#ain& Ender !as certain o* that&
And !ith that an#er$ he decided he !as stron# eno"#h to de*eat the'$ the teachers$ his ene'ies&
"3es I can&"
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"I to%d yo"& -e did co'p"ter si'"%ations on probab%e res"%ts& And here is !hat the co'p"ter esti'ated Ender !o"%d do&"
"This is best *or Ender$ too& -e're brin#in# hi' to his *"%% potentia%&"
"I tho"#ht !e'd #i e hi' t!o years as co''ander& -e "s"a%%y #i e the' a batt%e e ery t!o !ee,s$ startin# a*ter three 'onths& This is a %itt%e e1tre'e&"
"I ,no!& I /"st ha e this pict"re o* Ender a year *ro' no!& Co'p%ete%y "se%ess$ !orn o"t$ beca"se he !as p"shed *arther than he or any %i in# person co"%d #o&"
"-e to%d the co'p"ter that o"r hi#hest priority !as ha in# the s"b/ect re'ain "se*"% a*ter the trainin# pro#ra'&"
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";oo,$ Co%one% Gra**$ yo"'re the one !ho 'ade 'e prepare this$ o er 'y protests$ i* yo"'%% re'e'ber&"
"I ,no!$ yo"'re ri#ht$ I sho"%dn't b"rden yo" !ith 'y conscience& 0"t 'y ea#erness to sacri*ice %itt%e chi%dren in order to sa e 'an,ind is !earin# thin& The 2o%e'arch has been to see the )e#e'on& It see's R"ssian inte%%i#ence is concerned that so'e o* the acti e citi7ens on the nets are a%ready *i#"rin# ho! A'erica o"#ht to "se the I( to destroy the -arsa! 2act as soon as the b"##ers are destroyed&"
"See's pre'at"re&"
"It see's insane& (ree speech is one thin#$ b"t to /eopardi7e the ;ea#"e o er nationa%istic ri a%ries -- and it's *or peop%e %i,e that$ short-si#hted$ s"icida% peop%e$ that !e're p"shin# Ender to tho ed#e o* h"'an end"rance&"
"0"t I *ear that I a%so "nderesti'ate the st"pidity o* the rest o* 'an,ind& Are !e abso%"te%y s"re that !e o"#ht to !in this !ar+"
E"der -i##in %ay on his bed starin# at the cei%in#& Since beco'in# co''ander$ he ne er s%ept 'ore than *i e ho"rs a ni#ht& 0"t the %i#hts !ent o** at ==EE and didn't co'e on a#ain "nti% EDEE& So'eti'es he !or,ed at his des,$ any!ay$ strainin# his eyes to "se the di' disp%ay& @s"a%%y$ tho"#h$ he stared at the in isib%e cei%in# and tho"#ht&
Either the the teachers had heen ,ind to hi' a*ter a%%$ or he !as a better co''ander than he tho"#ht& )is ra##ed %itt%e #ro"p o* eterans$ "tter%y !itho"t honor in their pre io"s ar'ies$ !ere b%osso'in# into capab%e %eaders& So '"ch so that instead o* the "s"a% *o"r toons$ he had created *i e$ each !ith a toon %eader and a second4 e ery eteran had a position& )e had the ar'y dri%% in ei#ht 'an toon 'ane" ers and *o"r-'an ha%*toons$ so that at a sin#%e co''and$ his ar'y co"%d be assi#ned as 'any as ten separate 'ane" ers and carry the' o"t at once& No ar'y had e er *ra#'ented itse%* %i,e that be*ore$ b"t Ender !as not p%annin# to do anythin# that had been done be*ore$ either& Most ar'ies practiced 'ass 'ane" ers$ pre*or'ed strate#ies& Ender had none& Instead he trained his toon %eaders to "se their s'a%% "nits e**ecti e%y in achie in# %i'ited #oa%s& @ns"pported$ a%one$ on their o!n initiati e& )e sta#ed 'oc, !ars a*ter the *irst !ee,$ sa a#e a**airs in the practice roo' that %e*t e erybody e1ha"sted& 0"t he ,ne!$ !ith %ess than a 'o"th o* trainin#$ that his ar'y had the potentia% o* bein# the best *i#htin# #ro"p e er to p%ay the #a'e&
)o! '"ch o* this did the teachers p%an+ Did they ,no! they !ere #i in# hi' obsc"re b"t e1ce%%ent boys+ Did they #i e hi' thirty ;a"nchies$ 'any o* the' "ndera#e$ beca"se they ,ne! the %itt%e boys !ere <"ic, %earners$ <"ic, thin,ers+ Or !as this !hat any si'i%ar #ro"p co"%d beco'e "nder a co''ander !ho ,ne! !hat he !anted his ar'y to do$ and ,ne! ho! to teach the' to do it+
The <"estion bothered hi'$ beca"se he !asn't s"re !hether he !as con*o"ndin# or *"%*i%%in# their e1pectations&
A%% he !as s"re o* !as that he !as ea#er *or batt%e& Most ar'ies needed three 'onths beca"se they had to 'e'ori7e do7ens o* e%aboration *or'ations& -e're ready no!& Get "s into batt%e&
The door opened in dar,nes& Ender %istened& A sh"**%in# step& The door c%osed&
)e ro%%ed o** his b"n, and cra!%ed in the dar,ness the t!o 'eters to the door& There !as a s%ip o* paper there& )e co"%dn't read it$ o* co"rse$ b"t he ,ne! !hat it !as& 0att%e& )o! ,ind o* the'& I !ish$ and they de%i er&
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Ender !as a%ready dressed in his Dra#on Ar'y *%ash s"it !hen the %i#hts ca'e on& )e ran do!n the corridor at once$ and by EDE1 he !as at the door o* his ar'y's barrac,s&
"-e ha e a batt%e !ith Rabbit Ar'y at EGEE& I !ant "s !ar'ed "p in #ra ity and ready to #o& Strip do!n and #et to the #y'& 0rin# yo"r *%ash s"its and !e'%% #o to the batt%eroo' *ro' there&"
They %a"#hed& The ones !ho didn't s%eep na,ed stripped do!n4 e eryone b"nd%ed "p their *%ash s"its and *o%%o!ed Ender at a /o# thro"#h the corridors to the #y'& )e p"t the' thro"#h the obstac%e co"rse t!ice$ then sp%it the' into rotations on the tra'p$ the 'at$ and the bench& "Don't !ear yo"rse% es o"t$ /"st !a,e yo"rse% es "p&" )e didn't need to !orry abo"t e1ha"stion& They !ere in #ood shape$ %i#ht and a#i%e$ and abo e a%% e1cited abo"t the batt%e to co'e& A *e! o* the' spontaneo"s%y be#an to !rest%e -- the #y'$ instead o* bein# tedio"s$ !as s"dden%y *"n$ beca"se o* the batt%e to co'e& Their con*idence !as the s"pre'e con*idence o* those !ho ha e ne er been into the contest$ and thin, they are ready& -e%%$ !hy sho"%dn't they thin, so+ They are& And so a' I&
At EDAE he had the' dress o"t& )e ta%,ed to the toon %eaders and their seconds !hi%e they dressed& "Rabbit Ar'y is 'ost%y eterans$ b"t Carn Carby !as 'ade their co''ander on%y *i e 'onths a#o$ and I ne er *o"#ht the' "nder hi'& )e !as a pretty #ood so%dier$ and Rabbit has done *air%y !e%% in the standin#s o er the years& 0"t I e1pect to see *or'ations$ and so I'' not !orried&"
At EDBE he 'ade the' a%% %ie do!n on the 'ats and re%a1& Then$ at EDBD$ he ordered the' "p and they /o##ed a%on# the corridor to the batt%eroo'$ Ender occasiona%%y %eaped "p to to"ch the cei%in#& The boys a%% /"'ped to to"ch the sa'e spot on the cei%in#& Their ribbon o* co%or %ed to the %e*t4 Rabbit Ar'y had a%ready passed thro"#h to the ri#ht& And at EDBC they reached their #ate to the batt%eroo'&
The toons %ined "p in *i e co%"'ns& A and ( ready to #rab the side handho%ds and *%ip the'se% es o"t to!ard the sides& 0 and D %ined "p to catch the t!o para%%e% cei%in# ho%ds and *%ip "p!ard into n"% #ra ity& C toon !ere ready to s%ap the si%% o* the door!ay and *%ip do!n!ard&
@p$ do!n$ %e*t$ ri#ht4 Ender stood at *ront$ bet!een co%"'ns so he'd be o"t o* the !ay and reoriented the'& "-hich !ay is the ene'y's #ate+"
Do!n$ they a%% said$ %a"#hin#& And in that 'o'ent "p beca'e north$ do!n beca'e so"th$ and %e*t and ri#ht beca'e east and !est&
The #rey !a%% in *ront o* the' disappeared$ and the batt%eroo' !as isib%e& It !asn't a dar, #a'e$ b"t it !asn't a bri#ht one either -- the %i#hts !ere abo"t ha%*$ %i,e d"s,& In the distance$ in the di' %i#ht$ he co"%d see the ene'y door$ their %i#hted *%ash s"its a%ready po"rin# o"t& Ender ,ne! a 'o'ent's p%eas"re& E eryone had %earned the !ron# %esson *ro' 0oo7o's 'is"se o* Ender -i##in& They a%% d"'ped thro"#h the door i''ediate%y$ so that there !as no chance to do anythin# other than na'e the *or'ation they !o"%d "se& Co''anders didn't ha e ti'e to thin,& -e%%$ Ender !o"%d ta,e the ti'e$ and tr"st his so%diers' abi%ity to *i#ht !ith *%ashed %e#s to ,eep the' intact as they ca'e %ate thro"#h the door&
Ender si7ed "p the shape o* the batt%eroo'& The *a'i%iar open #rid o* 'ost ear%y #a'es$ %i,e the 'on,ey bars at the par,$ !ith se en or ei#ht stars scattered thro"#h the #rid& There !ere eno"#h o* the'$ and in *or!ard eno"#h positions$ that they !ere !orth #oin# *or& "Spread to the near stars$" Ender said& "C try to s%ide the !a%%& I* it !or,s$ A and ( !i%% *o%%o!& I* it doesn't$ I'%% decide *ro' there& I'%% be !ith D& Mo e&"
A%% the so%diers ,ne! !hat !as happenin#$ b"t tactica% decisions !ere entire%y "p to the toon %eaders& E en !ith Ender's instr"ctions$ they !ere on%y ten seconds %ate #ettin# thro"#h the #ate& Rabbit Ar'y !as a%ready doin# so'e e%aborate dance do!n at their end o* the roo'& In a%% the other ar'ies Ender had *o"#ht in$ he !o"%d ha e been !orryin# ri#ht no! abo"t 'a,in# s"re he and his toon !ere in their proper p%ace in their o!n *or'ation& Instead$ he and a%% his 'en !ere on%y thin,in# o* !ays to s%ip aro"nd past the *or'ation$ contro% the stars and the corners o* the roo'$ and then brea, the ene'y *or'ation into 'eanin#%ess ch"n,s that didn't ,no! !hat they
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!ere doin#& E en !ith %ess than *o"r !ee,s to#ether$ the !ay they *o"#ht a%ready see'ed %i,e the on%y inte%%i#ent !ay$ the on%y possib%e !ay& Ender !as a%'ost s"rprised that Rabbit Ar'y didn't ,no! a%ready that they !ere hope%ess%y o"t o* date&
C toon s%ipped a%on# the !a%%$ coastin# !ith their bent ,nees *acin# the ene'y& Cra7y To'$ the %eader o* C toon$ had apparent%y ordered his 'en to *%ash their o!n %e#s a%ready& It !as a pretty #ood idea in this di' %i#ht$ since the %i#hted *%ash s"its !ent dar, !here er they !ere *ro7en& It 'ade the' %ess easi%y isib%e& Ender !o"%d co''end hi' *or that&
Rabbit Ar'y !as ab%e to dri e bac, C toon's attac,$ b"t not "nti% Cra7y To' and his boys had car ed the' "p$ *ree7in# a do7en Rabbits be*ore they retreated to the sa*ety o* a star& 0"t it !as a star behind the Rabbit *or'ation$ !hich 'eant they !ere #oin# to be easy pic,in#s no!&
)an T7"$ co''on%y ca%%ed )ot So"p$ !as the %eader o* D toon& )e s%id <"ic,%y a%on# the %ip o* the star to !here Ender ,ne%t& ")o! abo"t *%ippin# o** the north !a%% and ,nee%in# on their *aces+"
"Do it&" Ender said& "I'%% ta,e 0 so"th to #et behind the'&" Then he sho"ted$ "A and E s%o! on the r a%%s5" )e s%id *oot!ard a%on# the star$ hoo,ed his *eet on the %ip$ and *%ipped hi'se%* "p to the top !a%%$ then rebo"nded do!n to E toon's star& In a 'o'ent he !as %eadin# the' do!n a#ainst the so"th !a%%& They rebo"nded in near per*ect "nison and ca'e "p behind the t!o stars that Carn Carby's so%diers !ere de*endin#& It !as %i,e c"ttin# b"tter !ith a hot ,ni*e& Rabbit Ar'y !as #one$ /"st a %itt%e c%ean"p %e*t to do& Ender bro,e his toons "p into ha%*toons to sco"r the corners *or any ene'y so%diers !ho !ere !ho%e or 'ere%y da'a#ed& In three 'in"tes his toon %eaders reported the roo' c%ean& On%y one o* Ender's boys !as co'p%ete%y *ro7en -- one o* C toon$ !hich had borne the br"nt o* the assa"%t -- and on%y *i e !ere disab%ed& Most !ere da'a#ed$ b"t those !ere %e# shots and 'any o* the' !ere se%*-in*%icted& A%% in a%%$ it had #one e en better than Ender e1pected&
Ender had his toon %eaders do the honors at the #ate -- *o"r he%'ets at the corners$ and Cra7y To' to pass thro"#h the #ate& Most eo''anders too, !hoe er !as %e*t a%i e to pass the #ate4 Ender co"%d ha e pic,ed practica%%y anyone& A #ood batt%e&
The %i#hts !ent *"%%$ and Ma/or Anderson hi'se%* ca'e thro"#h the teacher#ate at the so"th end o* the batt%eroo'& )e %oo,ed ery so%e'n as he o**ered Ender the teacher hoo, that !as rit"a%%y #i en to the ictor in the #a'e& Ender "sed it to tha! his o!n ar'y's *%ash s"its$ o* co"rse$ and he asse'b%ed the' in toons be*ore tha!in# the ene'y& Crisp$ 'i%itary appearance$ that's !hat he !anted !hen Carby and Rabbit Ar'y #ot their
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bodies "nder contro% a#ain& They 'ay c"rse "s and %ie abo"t "s$ b"t they'%% re'e'ber that !e destroyed the'$ and no 'atter !hat they say other so%diers and other co''anders !i%% see that in their eyes4 in those Rabbit eyes$ they'%% see "s in neat *or'ation$ ictorio"s and a%'ost "nda'a#ed in o"r *irst batt%e& Dra#on Ar'y isn't #oin# to be an obsc"re na'e *or %on#&
Carn Carby ca'e to Ender as soon as he !as "n*ro7en& )e !as a t!e% e-year-o%d$ !ho had apparent%y 'ade co''ander on%y in his %ast year at the schoo%& So he !asn't coc,y$ %i,e the ones !ho 'ade it at e%e en& I !i%% re'e'ber this$ tho"#ht Ender$ !hen I a' de*eated& To ,eep di#nity$ and #i e honor !here it's d"e$ so that de*eat is not dis#race& And I hope I don't ha e to do it o*ten&
Anderson dis'issed Dra#on Ar'y %ast$ a*ter Rabbit Ar'y had stra##%ed thro"#h the door that Ender's boy's had co'e thro"#h& Then Ender %ed his ar'y thro"#h the ene'y's door& The %i#ht a%on# the botto' o* the door re'inded the' o* !hich !ay !as do!n once they #ot bac, to #ra ity& They a%% %anded %i#ht%y on their *eet$ r"nnin#& They asse'b%ed in the corridor& "It's EG1B$" Ender said$ "and that 'eans yo" ha e *i*teen 'in"tes *or brea,*ast be*ore I see yo" a%% in the batt%eroo' *or the 'ornin# practice&" )e co"%d hear the' si%ent%y sayin#$ Co'e on$ !e !on$ %et "s ce%ebrate& A%% ri#ht$ Ender ans!ered$ yo" 'ay& "And yo" ha e yo"r co''ander's per'ission to thro! *ood at each other d"rin# brea,*ast&"
They %a"#hed$ they cheered$ and then he dis'issed the' and sent the' /o##in# on to the barrac,s& )e ca"#ht his toon %eaders on the !ay o"t and to%d the' he !o"%dn't e1pect anyone to co'e to practice ti%% EGAB$ and that practice !o"%d be o er ear%y so the boys co"%d sho!er& )a%* an ho"r *or brea,*ast$ and no sho!er a*ter a batt%e -it !as sti%% stin#y$ b"t it !o"%d %oo, %enient co'pared to *i*teen 'in"tes& And Ender %i,ed ha in# the anno"nce'ent o* the e1tra *i*teen 'in"tes co'e *ro' the toon %eaders& ;et the boys %earn that %eniency co'es *ro' their toon %eaders$ and harshness *ro' their co''ander -- it !i%% bind the' better in the s'a%%$ ti#ht ,nots o* this *abric&
Ender ate no brea,*ast& )e !asn't h"n#ryy& Instead he !ent to the bathroo' and sho!ered$ p"ttin# his *%ash s"it in the c%eaner so it !o"%d be ready !hen he !as dried o**& )e !ashed hi'se%* t!ice and %et the !ater r"n and r"n on hi'& It !o"%d a%% be reyc%ed& ;et e erybody drin, so'e o* 'y s!eat today& They had #i en hi' an "ntrained ar'y$ and he had !on$ and not /"st nip and t"c,$ either& )e had !on !ith on%y si1 *ro7en or disab%ed& ;et's see ho! %on# other co''anders ,eep "sin# their *or'ations no! that they' e seen !hat a *%e1ib%e strate#y can do&
)e !as *%oatin# in the 'idd%e o* the batt%eroo' !hen his so%diers be#an to arri e& No one spo,e to hi'$ o* co"rse& )e !o"%d spea,$ they ,ne!$ !hen he !as ready$ and not be*ore&
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-hen a%% !ere there$ Ender hoo,ed hi'se%* near the' and %oo,ed at the'$ one by one& "Good *irst batt%e$" he said$ !hich !as e1c"se eno"#h *or a cheer$ and an atte'pt to start a chant o* Dra#on$ Dra#on$ !hich he <"ic,%y stopped& "Dra#on Ar'y did a%% ri#ht a#ainst the Rabbits& 0"t the ene'y isn't a%!ays #oin# to be that bad& I* that had been a #ood ar'y$ C toon$ yo"r approach !as so s%o! they !o"%d ha e had yo" *ro' the *%an,s be*ore yo" #ot into #ood position& 3o" sho"%d ha e sp%it and an#%ed in *ro' t!o directions$ so they co"%dn't *%an, yo"& A and E$ yo"r ai' !as !retched& The ta%%ies sho! that yo" a era#ed on%y one hit *or e ery t!o so%diers& That 'eans 'ost o* the hits !ere 'ade by attac,in# so%diers c%ose in& That can't #o on -- a co'petent ene'y !o"%d c"t "p the assa"%t *orce "n%ess they ha e '"ch better co er *ro' the so%diers at a distance& I !ant e ery toon to !or, on distance 'ar,s'anship at 'o in# and "n'o in# tar#ets& )aI*-toons ta,e t"rns bein# tar#ets& I'%% tha! the *%ash s"its e ery three 'in"tes& No! 'o e&"
"-i%% !e ha e any stars to !or, !ith+" as,ed )ot So"p& "To steady o"r ai'+"
"I don't !ant yo" to #et "sed to ha in# so'ethin# to steady yo"r ar's& I* yo"r ar' isn't steady$ *ree7e yo"r e%bo!s5 No! 'o e5"
The toon %eaders <"ic,%y #ot thin#s #oin#$ and Ender 'o ed *ro' #ro"p to #ro"p to 'a,e s"##estions and he%p so%diers !ho !ere ha in# partic"%ar tro"b%e& The so%diers ,ne! by no! that Ender co"%d be br"ta% in the !ay he ta%,ed to #ro"ps$ b"t !hen he !or,ed !ith an indi id"a% he !as a%!ays patient$ e1p%ainin# as o*ten as necessary$ 'a,in# s"##estions <"iet%y$ %istenin# to <"estions and prob%e's and e1p%anations& 0"t he ne er %a"#hed !hen they tried to banter !ith hi'$ and they soon stopped tryin#& )e !as co''ander e ery 'o'ent they !ere to#ether& )e ne er had to re'ind the' o* it4 he si'p%y !as&
They !or,ed a%% day !ith the taste o* ictory in their 'o"ths$ and cheered a#ain !hen they bro,e ha%* an ho"r ear%y *or %"nch& Ender he%d the toon %eaders "nti% the re#"%ar %"nch ho"r$ to ta%, abo"t the tactics they had "sed and e a%"ate the !or, o* their indi id"a% so%diers& Then he !ent to his o!n roo' and 'ethodicai%y chan#ed into his "ni*or' *or %"nch& )e !o"%d enter the co''anders' 'ess abo"t ten 'in"tes %ate& E1act%y the ti'in# that he !anted& Since this !as his *irst ictory$ he had ne er seen the inside o* the co''anders' 'ess ha%% and had no idea !hat ne! co''anders !ere e1pected to do$ b"t he did ,no! that he !anted to enter %ast today$ !hen the scores o* the 'ornin#'s batt%es !ere a%ready posted& Dra#on Ar'y !i%% not be an obsc"re na'e no!&
There !as no #reat stir !hen he ca'e in& 0"t !hen so'e o* the' noticed ho! s'a%% he !as$ and sa! the Dra#ons on the s%ee es o* the "ni*or'$ they stared at hi' open%y$ and by the ti'e he #ot his *ood and sat at at a
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tab%e$ the roo' !as si%ent& Ender be#an to eat$ s%o!%y and care*"%%y$ pretendin# not to notice that he !as the center o* attention& Grad"a%%y con ersation and noise started "p a#ain$ and Ender co"%d re%a1 eno"#h to %oo, aro"nd&
One entire !a%% o* the roo' !as a scoreboard& So%diers !ere ,ept a!are o* an ar'y's o era%% record *or the past t!o years4 in here$ ho!e er$ records !ere ,ept *or each co''ander& A ne! co''ander co"%dn't inherit a #ood standin# *ro' his predecessor -- he !as ran,ed accordin# to !hat he had done&
Ender had the best ran,in#& A per*ect !on-%ost record$ o* co"rse$ b"t in the other cate#ories he !as *ar ahead& A era#e so%diers-disab%ed$ a era#e ene'y-disab%ed$ a era#e ti'e-e%apsed-be*ore- ictory -- in e ery cate#ory he !as ran,ed *irst&
-hen he !as near%y thro"#h eatin#$ so'eone ca'e "p behind hi' and to"ched his sho"%der&
"Mind i* I sit+" Ender didn't ha e to t"rn aro"nd to ,no! it !as Din, Mee,er&
"3o" #o%d-p%ated *art$" said Din, cheer*"%%y$ "-e're a%% tryin# to decide !hether yo"r scores "p there are a 'irac%e or a 'ista,e&"
"One ictory is not a habit$" Din, said& "Don't #et coc,y& -hen yo"'re ne! they seed yo" a#ainst !ea, co''anders&"
"Carn Carby isn't e1act%y on the botto' o* the ran,in#s&" It !as tr"e$ Carby !as /"st abo"t in the 'idd%e&
")e's O8$" Din, said$ "considerin# that he on%y /"st started& Sho!s so'e pro'ise& 3o" don't sho! pro'ise& 3o" sho! threat&"
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"Threat to !hat+ Do they *eed yo" %ess i* I !in+ I tho"#ht yo" to%d 'e this !as a%% a st"pid #a'e and none o* it 'attered&"
Din, didn't %i,e ha in# his !ords thro!n bac, at hi'$ not "nder these circ"'stances& "3o" !ere the one !ho #ot 'e p%ayin# a%on# !ith the'& 0"t I'' not p%ayin# #a'es !ith yo"$ Ender& 3o" !on't beat 'e&"
"E erythin# I ,no!$" said Ender& "I'' /"st p%ayin# it by ear ri#ht no!&
"It's #ood to ,no! I ha e a *riend here&" 0"t Ender !asn't s"re Din, !as his *riend any'ore& Neither !as Din,& A*ter a *e! e'pty sentences$ Din, !ent bac, to his tab%e&
Ender %oo,ed aro"nd !hen he !as thro"#h !ith his 'ea%& There !ere <"ite a *e! s'a%% con ersations #oin# on& Ender spotted 0on7o$ !ho !as no! one o* the o%dest co''anders& Rose the Nose had #rad"ated& 2etra !as !ith a #ro"p in a *ar corner$ and she didn't %oo, at hi' once& Since 'ost o* the others sto%e #%ances at hi' *ro' ti'e to ti'e$ inc%"din# the ones 2etra !as ta%,in# !ith$ Ender !as pretty s"re she !as de%iberate%y a oidin# his #%ance& That's the prob%e' !ith !innin# ri#ht *ro' the start$ tho"#ht Ender& 3o" %ose *riends&
Gi e the' a *e! !ee,s to #et "sed to it& 0y the ti'e I ha e 'y ne1t batt%e$ thin#s !i%% ha e ca%'ed do!n in here&
Carn Carby 'ade a point o* co'in# to #reet Ender be*ore the %"nch period ended& It !as$ a#ain$ a #racio"s #est"re$ and$ "n%i,e Din,$ Carby did not see' !ary& "Ri#ht no! I'' in dis#race$" he said *ran,%y& "They !on't be%ie e 'e !hen I te%% the' yo" did thin#s that nobody's e er seen be*ore& So I hope yo" beat the snot o"t o* the
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"I thin, they're treatin# yo" pretty bad%y& @s"a%%y ne! co''anders are cheered !hen they *irst /oin the 'ess& 0"t then$ "s"a%%y a ne! co''ander has had a *e! de*eats "nder his be%t be*ore he *irst 'a,es it in here& I on%y #ot in here a 'onth a#o& I* anybody deser es a cheer$ it's yo"& 0"t that's %i*e& Ma,e the' eat d"st&"
"I'%% try&" Carn Carby %e*t$ and Ender 'enta%%y added hi' to his pri ate %ist o* peop%e !ho a%so <"a%i*ied as h"'an bein#s&
That ni#ht$ Ender s%ept better than he had in a %on# ti'e& S%ept so !e%%$ in *act$ that he didn't !a,e "p "nti% the %i#hts ca'e on& )e !o,e "p *ee%in# #ood$ /o##ed on o"t to ta,e his sho!er$ and did not notice the piece o* paper on his *%oor "nti% he ca'e bac, and started dressin# in his "ni*or'& )e on%y sa! the paper beca"se it 'o ed in the !ind as he snapped o"t the "ni*or' to p"t it on& )e pic,ed "p the paper and read it&
It !as his o%d ar'y$ the one he had %e*t %ess than *o"r !ee,s be*ore$ and he ,ne! their *or'ations bac,!ard and *or!ard& 2art%y beca"se o* Ender's in*%"ence$ they !ere the 'ost *%e1ib%e o* ar'ies$ respondin# re%ati eiy <"ic,%y to ne! sit"ations& 2hoeni1 Ar'y !o"%d be the best ab%e to cope !ith Ender's *%"id$ "npatterned attac,& The teachers !ere deter'ined to 'a,e %i*e interestin# *or hi'&
EGEE$ said the paper$ and it !as a%ready ED>E& So'e o* his boys 'i#ht a%ready be headin# *or brea,*ast& Ender tossed his "ni*or' aside$ #rabbed his *%ash s"it$ and in a 'o'ent stood in the door!ay o* his ar'y's barrac,s&
"Gent%e'en$ I hope yo" %earned so'ethin# yesterday$ beca"se today !e're doin# it a#ain&"
It too, a 'o'ent *or the' to rea%i7e that he 'eant a batt%e$ not a practice& It had to be a 'ista,e$ they said& Nobody e er had batt%es t!o days in a ro!&
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)e handed the paper to (%y Mo%o$ the %eader o* A toon$ !ho i''ediateiy sho"ted "(%ash s"its" and started chan#in# c%othes&
"-hy didn't yo" te%% "s ear%ier+" de'anded )ot So"p& )ot had a !ay o* as,in# Ender <"estions that nobody e%se dared as,&
"I tho"#ht yo" needed the sho!er$" Ender said& "3esterday Rabbit Ar'y c%ai'ed !e on%y !on beca"se the stin, ,noc,ed the' o"t&"
"Didn't *ind the paper ti%% yo" #ot bac, *ro' the sho!ers$ ri#ht+"
Ender %oo,ed *or the so"rce o* the oice& It !as 0ean$ a%ready in his *%ash s"it$ %oo,in# inso%ent& Ti'e to repay o%d h"'i%iations$ is that it$ 0ean+
"O* co"rse$" Ender said$ conte'pt"o"s%y& "I'' not as c%ose to the *%oor as yo" are&
"It's p%ain !e can't co"nt on o%d !ays o* doin# thin#s&" Ender said& "So yo"'d better p%an on batt%es anyti'e& And o*ten& I can't pretend I %i,e the !ay they're scre!in# aro"nd !ith "s$ b"t I do %i,e one thin# -- that I' e #ot an ar'y that can hand%e it&"
A*ter that$ i* he had as,ed the' to *o%%o! hi' to the 'oon !itho"t space s"its$ they !o"%d ha e done it&
2etra !as not Carn Carby4 shc had 'ore *%e1ib%e patterns and responded '"ch 'ore <"ic,%y to Ender's dartin#$ i'pro ised$ "npredictab%e attac,& As a res"%t$ Ender had three boys *%ashed and nine disabied at the end o* the
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batt%e& 2etra !as not #racio"s abo"t bo!in# o er his hand at the end$ either& The an#er in her eyes see'ed to say$ I !as yo"r *riend$ and yo" h"'i%iate 'e %i,e this+
Ender pretended not to notice her *"ry& )e *i#"red that a*ter a *e! 'ore batt%es$ she'd rea%i7e that in *act she had scored 'ore hits a#ainst hi' than he e1pected anyone e er !o"%d a#ain& And he !as sti%% %earnin# *ro' her& In practice today he !o"%d teach his toon %eaders ho! to co"nter the tric,s 2etra had p%ayed on the'& Soon they !o"%d be *riends a#ain&
)e hoped&
At the end o* the !ee, Dra#on Ar'y had *o"#ht se en batt%es in se en days& The score stood G !ins and E %osses& Ender had ne er had 'ore %osses than in the batt%e !ith 2hoeni1 Ar'y$ and in t!o batt%es he had s"**ered not one so%dier *ro7en or disab%ed& No one be%ie ed any'ore that it !as a *%",e that p"t hi' *irst in the standin#s& )e had beaten top ar'ies by "nheard-o* 'ar#ins& It !as no %on#er possib%e *or the other co''anders to i#nore hi'& A *e! o* the' sat !ith hi' at e ery 'ea%$ care*"%%y tryin# to %earn *ro' hi' ho! he had de*eated his 'ost recent opponents& )e to%d the' *ree%y$ con*ident that *e! o* the' !o"%d ,no! ho! to train their so%diers and their toon %eaders to d"p%icate !hat his co"%d do& And !hi%e Ender ta%,ed !ith a *e! co''anders$ '"ch %ar#er #ro"ps #athered aro"nd the opponents Ender had de*eated$ tryin# to *ind o"t ho! Ender 'i#ht be beaten&
There !ere 'any !ho !ho hated hi'& )ated hi' *or bein# yo"n#$ *or bein# e1ce%%ent$ *or ha in# 'ade their ictories %oo, pa%try and !ea,& Ender sa! it *irst in their *aces !hen he passed the' in the corridors4 then he be#an to notice that so'e boys !o"%d #et "p in a #ro"p and 'o e to another tab%e i* he sat near the' in the co''anders' 'ess4 and there be#an to be e%bo!s that aecident%y /ost%ed hi' in the #a'e roo'$ *eet that #ot entan#%ed !ith his !hen he !a%,ed into and o"t o* the #y'$ spitt%e and !ads o* !et paper that str"c, hi' *ro' behind as he /o##ed thro"#h the corridors& They co"%dn't beat hi' in the batt%eroo'$ and ,ne! it -- so instead they !o"%d attac, hi' !here it !as sa*e$ !here he !as not a #iant b"t /"st a %itt%e boy& Ender despised the'$ b"t secret%y$ so secret%y that he didn't e en ,no! it hi'se%*$ he *eared the'& It !as /"st s"ch %itt%e tor'ents that 2eter had a%!ays "sed$ and Ender !as be#innin# to *ee% *ar too '"ch at ho'e&
These annoyances !ere petty$ tho"#h$ and Ender pers"aded hi'se%* to accept the' as another *or' o* praise& A%ready the other ar'ies !ere be#innin# to i'itate Ender& No! 'ost so%diers attac,ed !ith ,nees t"c,ed "nder the'4 *or'ations !ere brea,in# "p no!$ and 'ore co''anders !ere sendin# o"t toons to s%ip a%on# the !a%%s&
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None had ca"#ht on yet to Ender's *i e-toon or#ani7ation -- it #a e hi' the s%i#ht ad anta#e that !hen they had acco"nted *or the 'o e'ents o* *o"r "nits$ they !o"%dn't be %oo,in# *or a *i*th&
Ender !as teachin# the' a%% abo"t n"%% #ra ity tactics& 0"t !here co"%d Ender #o to %earn ne! thin#s+
)e be#an to "se the ideo roo'$ *i%%ed sith propa#anda ids abo"t Ma7er Rac,ha' and other #reat co''anders o* the *orces o* h"'anity in the (irst and Second In asion& Ender stopped the #enera% practice an ho"r ear%y$ and a%%o!ed his toon %eaders to cond"ct their o!n practice in his absence& @s"a%%y they sta#ed s,ir'ishes$ toon a#ainst toon& Ender stayed %on# eno"#h to see that thin#s !ere #oin# !e%%$ then %e*t to !atch the o%d batt%es&
Most o* the ids !ere a !aste ot ti'e& )eroic '"sic$ c%ose"ps o* co''anders and 'eda%-!innin# so%diers$ con*"sed shots o* 'arines in adin# b"##er insta%%ations& 0"t here and there he *o"nd "se*"% se<"ences? ships$ %i,e points o* %i#ht$ 'ane" erin# in the dar, o* space$ or$ better sti%%$ the %i#hts on shipboard p%ottin# screens$ sho!in# the !ho%e o* a batt%e& It !as hard$ *ro' the ideos$ to see a%% three di'ensions$ and the scenes !ere o*ten short and "ne1p%ained& 0"t Ender be#an to see ho! !e%% the b"##ers "sed see'in#%y rando' *%i#ht paths to create con*"sion$ ho! they "sed decoys and *a%se retreats to dra! the I( ships into traps& So'e batt%es had been c"t into 'any scenes$ !hich !ere scattered thro"#h the ario"s ideos4 by !atchin# the' in se<"ence$ Ender !as ab%e to reconstr"ct !ho%e batt%es& )e be#an to see thin#s that the o**icia% co''entators ne er 'entioned& They !ere a%!ays tryin# to aro"se pride in h"'an acco'p%ish'ents and %oathin# o* the b"##ers$ b"t Ender be#an to !onder ho! h"'anity had !on at a%%& )"'an ships !ere s%"##ish4 *%eets responded to ne! circ"'stances "nbearab%y s%o!%y$ !hi%e the b"##er *%eet see'ed to act in per*ect "nity$ respondin# to each cha%%en#e instant%y& O* co"rse$ in the (irst In asion the h"'an ships !ere co'p%ete%y "ns"ited to *ast co'bat$ b"t then so !ere the b"##er ships4 it !as on%y in the Second In asion that the ships and !eapons !ere s!i*t and dead%y&
So it !as *ro' the b"##ers$ not the h"'ans$ that Ender %earned strate#y& )e *e%t asha'ed and a*raid o* %earnin# *ro' the'$ since they !ere the 'ost terrib%e ene'y$ "#%y and '"rdero"s and %oathso'e& 0"t they !ere a%so ery #ood at !hat they did& To a point& They a%!ays see'ed to *o%%o! one basic strate#y on%y -- #ather the #reatest n"'ber o* ships at the ,ey point o* con*%ict& They ne er did anythin# s"rprisin#$ anythin# that see'ed to sho! either bri%%iance or st"pidity in a s"bordinate o**icer& Discip%ine !as apparent%y ery ti#ht&
And there !as one oddity& There !as p%enty o* ta%, abo"t Ma7er Rac,ha' b"t precio"s %itt%e ideo o* his act"a% batt%e& So'e scenes *ro' ear%y in the batt%e$ Rac,ha''s tiny *orce %oo,in# pathetic a#ainst the ast po!er o* the 'ain b"##er *%eet& The b"##ers had a%ready beaten the 'ain h"'an *%eet o"t in the co'et shie%d$ !ipin# o"t the
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ear%iest starships and 'a,in# a 'oc,ery o* h"'an atte'pts at hi#h strate#y -- that *i%' !as o*ten sho!n$ to aro"se a#ain and a#ain the a#ony and terror o* b"##er ictory& Then the *%eet co'in# to Ma7er Rac,ha''s %itt%e *orce near Sat"rn$ the hope%ess odds$ and then--
Then one shot *ro' Ma7er Rac,ha''s %itt%e cr"iser$ one ene'y ship b%o!in# "p& That's a%% that !as e er sho!n& ;ots o* *i%' sho!in# 'arines car in# their !ay into b"##er ships& ;ots o* b"##er corpses %yin# aro"nd inside& 0"t no *i%' o* b"##ers ,i%%in# in persona% co'bat$ "n%ess it !as sp%iced in *ro' the (irst In asion& It *r"strated Ender that Maser Rac,ha''s ictory !as so ob io"s%y censored& St"dents in the 0att%e Schoo% had '"ch to %earn tro' Ma7er Rac,ha'$ and e erythin# abo"t his ictory !as concea%ed *ro' ie!& The passion *or secrecy !as not ery he%p*"% to the chi%dren !ho had to %earn to acco'p%ish a#ain !hat Ma7er Rac,ha' had done&
O* co"rse$ as soon as !ord #ot aro"nd that Ender -i##in !as !atchin# the !ar ids o er and o er a#ain$ the ideo roo' be#an to dra! a cro!d& A%'ost a%% !ere co''anders$ !atchin# the sa'e ids Ender !atched$ pretendin# they "nderstood !hy he !as !atchin# and !hat he !as #ettin# o"t o* it& Ender ne er e1p%ained anythin#& E en !hen he sho!ed se en scenes *ro' the sa'e batt%e$ b"t *ro' di**erent ids$ on%y one boy as,ed$ tentati e%y$ "Are so'e o* those *ro' the sa'e batt%e+"
It !as d"rin# the %ast ho"r o* practice on the se enth day$ on%y a *e! ho"rs a*ter Ender's ar'y had !on its se enth batt%e$ that Ma/or Anderson hi'se%* ca'e into the ideo roo'& )e handed a s%ip o* paper to one o* the co''anders sittin# there$ and then spo,e to Ender& "Co%one% Gra** !ishes to see yo" in his o**ice i''ediate%y&"
Ender #ot "p and *o%%o!ed Anderson thro"#h the corridors& Anderson pa%'ed the %oc,s that ,ept st"dents o"t o* the o**icers' <"arters4 *ina%%y they ca'e to !here Gra** had ta,en root on a s!i e% chair bo%ted to the stee% *%oor& )is be%%y spi%%ed o er both ar'rests no!$ e en !hen he sat "pri#ht& Ender tried to re'e'ber& Gra** hadn't see'ed partic"%ar%y *at at !hen Ender *irst 'et hi'$ on%y *o"r years a#o& Ti'e and tension !ere not bein# ,ind to the ad'inistrator o* the 0att%e Schoo%&
Ender nodded&
Ender b%in,ed&
"3o" #a e 'e an ar'y that does !hate er I can thin, *or it to do&"
"-e orient do!n!ard to!ard the ene'y #ate and "se o"r %o!er %e#s as a shie%d& -e a oid *or'ations and ,eep o"r 'obi%ity& It he%ps that I' e #ot *i e toons o* ei#ht instead o* *o"r o* ten& A%so$ o"r ene'ies ha en't had ti'e to respond e**ecti e%y to o"r ne! techni<"es$ so !e ,eep beatin# the' !ith the sa'e tric,s& That !on't ho%d "p *or %on#&"
Ender and Anderson both sat& Gra** %oo,ed at Anderson$ and Anderson spo,e ne1t& "-hat condition is yo"r ar'y in$ *i#htin# so o*ten+"
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"3o"'re the ones !ith the co'p"ter #a'es that p%ay !ith peop%e's 'inds& 3o" te%% 'e&"
"These are ery #ood so%diers$ Ma/or Anderson& I'' s"re they ha e %i'its$ b"t !e ha en't reached the' yet& So'e o* the ne!er ones are ha in# tro"b%e beca"se they ne er rea%%y 'astered so'e basic techni<"es$ b"t they're !or,in# hard and i'pro in#& -hat do yo" !ant 'e to say$ that they need to rest+ O* co"rse they need to rest& They need a co"p%e o* !ee,s o**& Their st"dies are shot to he%%$ none o* "s are doin# any #ood in o"r c%asses& 0"t yo" ,no! that$ and apparent%y yo" don't care$ so !hy sho"%d I+"
Gra** and Anderson e1chan#ed #%ances& "Ender$ !hy are yo" st"dyin# the ideos o* the b"##er !ars+"
"Those ideos !ere created *or propa#anda p"rposes& A%% o"r strate#ies ha e been edited o"t&"
"I ,no!&"
Gra** and Anderson e1chan#ed #%ances a#ain& Gra** dr"''ed on his tab%e& "3o" don't p%ay the *antasy #a'e
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any'ore$" he said&
"0eca"se I !on&"
"3o" !ant to 'a,e 'e the best so%dier possib%e& Go do!n and %oo, at the standin#s& ;oo, at the a%%-ti'e standin#s& So *ar yo"'re doin# an e1ce%%ent /ob !ith 'e& Con#rat"%ations& No! !hen are yo" #oin# to p"t 'e "p a#ainst a #ood ar'y+"
Gra**'s set %ips t"rned to a s'i%e$ and he shoo, a %itt%e !ith si%ent %a"#hter&
"That's ten 'in"tes *ro' no!$" said Ender& "My ar'y !i%% be in the 'idd%e o* sho!erin# "p a*ter practice&"
)e #ot to his ar'y's barrac,s *i e 'in"tes %ater& Most !ere dressin# a*ter their sho!ers4 so'e had a%ready #one to the #a'e roo' or the ideo roo' to !ait *or %"nch& )e sent three yo"n#er boys to ca%% e eryone in$ and 'ade e eryone e%se dress *or batt%e as <"ic,%y as they co"%d&
"This one's hot and there's no ti'e$" Ender said& "They #a e 0on7o notice abo"t t!enty 'in"tes a#o$ and by the ti'e !e #et to the door they'%% ha e been inside *or a #ood *i e 'in"tes at %east&"
The boys !ere o"tra#ed$ co'p%ainin# %o"d%y in the s%an# that they "s"a%%y a oided aro"nd the co''ander& -hat they doin# to "s+ They be cra7y$ neh+
"(or#et !hy$ !e'%% !orry abo"t that toni#ht& Are yo" tired+"
(%y Mo%o ans!ered& "-e !or,ed o"r b"tts o** in practice today& Not to 'ention beatin# the crap o"t o* (erret Ar'y this 'ornin#&"
Ender ans!ered in the sa'e tone& "Nobody e er beat Dra#on Ar'y$ either& This be yo"r bi# chance to %ose+" Ender's ta"ntin# <"estion !as the ans!er to their co'p%aints& -in *irst$ as, <"estions %ater&
A%% o* the' !ere bac, in the roo'$ and 'ost o* the' !ere dressed& "Mo e5" sho"ted Ender$ and they ran a%on# behind hi'$ so'e o* the' sti%% dressin# !hen they reached the corridor o"tside the batt%eroo'& Many o* the' !ere pantin#$ a bad si#n4 they !ere too tired *or this batt%e& The door !as a%ready open& There !ere no stars at a%%& 6"st e'pty$ e'pty space in a da77%in#%y bri#ht roo'& No!here to hide$ not e en in dar,ness&
"My heart$" said Cra7y To'$ "they ha en't co'e o"t yet$ either&"
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Ender p"t his hand across his o!n 'o"th$ to te%% the' to be si%ent& -ith the door open$ o* co"rse the ene'y co"%d hear e ery !ord they said& Ender pointed a%% aro"nd the door$ to te%% the' that Sa%a'ander Ar'y !as "ndo"bted%y dep%oyed a#ainst the !a%% a%% aro"nd the door$ !here they co"%dn't be seen b"t co"%d easi%y *%ash anyone !ho ca'e o"t&
Ender 'otioned *or the' a%% to bac, a!ay *ro' the door& Then he p"%%ed *or!ard a *e! o* the ta%%er boys$ inc%"din# Cra7y To'$ and 'ade the' ,nee%$ not s<"attin# bac, to sit on their hee%s$ b"t *"%%y "pri#ht$ so they *or'ed an ; !ith their bodies& )e *%ashed the'& In si%ence the ar'y !atched hi'& )e se%ected tne s'a%%est boy$ 0ean$ handed hi' To''s #"n$ and 'ade 0ean ,nee% on To''s *ro7en %e#s& Then p"%%ed 0ean's hands$ each ho%din# a #"n$ thro"#h To''s ar'pits&
No! the boys "nderstood& To' !as a shie%d$ an ar'ored spacecra*t$ and 0ean !as hidin# inside& )e !as certain%y not in "%nerab%e$ b"t he !o"%d ha e ti'e&
Ender assi#ned t!o 'ore boys to thro! To' and 0ean thro"#h the door and si#na%%ed the' to !ait& )e !ent on thro"#h the ar'y <"ic,%y assi#nin# #ro"ps o* *o"r -- a shie%d$ a shooter$ and t!o thro!ers& Then$ !hen a%% !ere *ro7en or ar'ed or ready to thro!$ he si#na%%ed the thro!ers to pic, "p their b"rdens$ thro! the' thro"#h the door$ and then /"'p thro"#h the'se% es&
They 'o ed& T!o at a ti'e the shie%d-pairs !ent thro"#h the door$ bac,!ards so that the shie%d !o"%d be bet!een the shooter and the ene'y& The ene'y opened *ire at once$ b"t they 'ost%y hit the *ro7en boy in *ront& In the 'eanti'e$ !ith t!o #"ns to !or, !ith and their tar#ets neat%y %ined "p and spread *%at a%on# the !a%%$ the Dra#ons had an easy ti'e o* it& It !as a%'ost i'possib%e to 'iss& And as thc thro!ers a%so /"'ped thro"#h the door$ they #ot handho%ds on the sa'e !a%% !ith the ene'y$ shootin# at a dead%y an#%e so that the Sa%a'anders co"%dn't *i#"re o"t !hether to shoot at the shie%d-pairs s%a"#hterin# the' *ro' abo e or the thro!ers shootin# at the' *ro' their o!n %e e%& 0y the ti'e Ender hi'se%* ca'e thro"#h the door$ the batt%e !as o er& It hadn't ta,en a *"%% 'in"te *ro' the ti'e the *irst Dra#on passed thro"#h the door "nti% the shootin# stopped& Dra#on had %ost t!enty *ro7en or disab%ed$ and on%y t!e% e boys !ere "nda'a#ed& It !as their !orst score yet$ b"t they had !on&
-hen Ma/or Anderson ca'e o"t and #a e Ender the hoo,$ Ender co"%d not contain his an#er& "I tho"#ht yo"
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!ere #oin# to p"t "s a#ainst an ar'y that co"%d 'atch "s in a *air *i#ht&"
"0ean5" sho"ted Ender& "I* yo" had co''anded Sa%a'ander Ar'y$ !hat !o"%d yo" ha e done+"
0ean$ disab%ed b"t not co'p%ete%y *ro7en$ ca%%ed o"t *ro' !here he dri*ted near the ene'y door& "8eep a shi*tin# pattern o* 'o e'ent #oin# in *ront o* the door& 3o" ne er ho%d sti%% !hen the ene'y ,no!s e1act%y !here yo" are&
"As %on# as yo"'re cheatin#$" Ender said to Anderson$ "!hy don't yo" train the other ar'y to cheat inte%%i#ent%y5"
Ender pressed the b"ttons to tha! both ar'ies at once& "Dra#on Ar'y dis'issed5" he sho"ted i''ediate%y& There !o"%d be no e%aborate *or'ation to accept the s"rrender o* the other ar'y& This had not been a *air *i#ht$ e en tho"#h they had !on -- the teachers had 'eant the' to %ose$ and it !as on%y 0on7o's ineptit"de that had sa ed the'& There !as no #%ory in that&
On%y as Ender hi'se%* !as %ea in# the batt%eroo' did he rea%i7e that 0on7o !o"%d not rea%i7e that Ender !as an#ry at the teachers& Spanish honor& 0on7o !o"%d on%y ,no! that he had byen de*eated e en !hen the odds !ere stac,ed in his *a or4 that Ender had had the yo"n#est chi%d in his ar'y p"o%ic%y state !hat 0on7o sho"%d ha e done to !in4 and that Ender had not e en stayed to recei e 0on7o's di#ni*ied s"rrender& I* 0on7o had not a%ready hated Ender he !o"%d s"re%y ha e be#"n4 and hatin# hi' as he did$ this !o"%d s"re%y t"rn his ra#e '"rdero"s& 0on7o !as the %ast person to stri,e 'e$ tho"#ht Ender& I'' s"re he has not *or#otten that&
Nor had he *or#otten the b%oody a**air in the batt%eroo' !hen the o%der boys tried to brea, "p Ender's practice session& Nor had 'any others& They !ere h"n#ry *or b%ood then4 0on7o !i%% be thirstin# *or it no!& Ender toyed !ith the idea o* #oin# bac, to ta,e ad anced persona% de*ense4 b"t !ith batt%es no! possib%e not on%y e ery day$ b"t t!ice in the sa'e day$ Ender ,ne! he co"%d not spare the ti'e& I'%% ha e to ta,e 'y chances& The teachers #ot 'e into this -- they can ,eep 'e sa*e&
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0ean *%opped do!n on his b"n, in "tter e1ha"stion -- ha%* the boys in the barrac,s !ere a%ready as%eep$ and it !as sti%% *i*teen 'in"tes be*ore %i#hts o"t& -eari%y he p"%%ed his des, *ro' its %oc,er and si#ned on& There !as a test to'orro! in #eo'etry and 0ean !as !oe*"%%y "nprepared& )e co"%d a%!ays reason thin#s o"t i* he had eno"#h ti'e$ and he had read E"c%id !hen he !as *i e$ b"t the test had a ti'e %i'it so there !o"%dn't be a chance to thin,& )e had to ,no!& And he didn't ,no!& And he !o"%d probab%y do bad%y on the test& 0"t they had !on t!ice today$ and so he *e%t #ood&
As soon as he si#ned on$ ho!e er$ a%% tho"#hts o* #eo'etry !ere banished& A 'essa#e paraded aro"nd the des,?
The ti'e !as =1BE$ on%y ten 'in"tes be*ore %i#hts o"t& )o! %on# a#o had Ender sent it+ Sti%%$ he'd better not i#nore it& There 'i#ht be another batt%e in the 'ornin# -- the tho"#ht 'ade hi' !eary -- and !hate er Ender !anted to ta%, to hi' abo"t$ there !o"%dn't be ti'e then& So 0ean ro%%ed o** the b"n, and !a%,ed e'pti%y thro"#h the corridor to Ender's roo'& )e ,noc,ed&
0ean si#hed in!ard%y& It ne er *ai%ed& -hene er he had any con ersation !ith Ender$ it t"rned into an ar#"'ent& 0ean hated it& )e reco#ni7ed Ender's #eni"s and honored hi' *or it& -hy co"%dn't Ender e er see anythin# #ood in hi'+
"Re'e'ber *o"r !ee,s a#o$ 0ean+ -hen yo" to%d 'e to 'a,e yo" a toon %eader+"
"I' e 'ade *i e toon %eaders and *i e assistants since then& And none o* the' !as yo"&" Ender raised his eyebro!s& "-as I ri#ht+"
"3es$ sir&"
"Today !as the *irst ti'e they disab%ed 'e$ b"t the co'p"ter %isted 'e as #ettin# e%e en hits$ be*ore I had to stop& I' e ne er had %ess than *i e hits in a batt%e& %' e a%so co'p%eted e ery assi#n'ent I' e been #i en&"
"0"t !hy+"
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"I' e tried to #"ess$ b"t they're /"st #"esses& 3o"'re-- ery #ood& They ,ne! that$ they p"shed yo" ahead--"
"0eca"se they need "s$ that's !hy&" 0ean sat do!n on the *%oor and stared at Enders *eet& "0eca"se they need so'ebody to beat the b"##ers& That's the on%y thin# they care abo"t&"
"It's i'portant that yo" ,no! that$ 0ean& 0eca"se 'ost boys in this schoo% thin, the #a'e is i'portant *or itse%*-- b"t it isn't& It's on%y i'portant beca"se it he%ps the' *ind ,ids !ho 'i#ht #ro! "p to be rea% co''anders$ in the rea% !ar& 0"t as *or the #a'e$ scre! that& That's !hat they're doin#& Scre!in# "p the #a'e&"
"A #a'e nine !ee,s ear%ier than it sho"%d ha e co'e& A #a'e e ery day& And no! t!o #a'es in the sa'e day& 0ean$ I don't ,no! !hat the teachers are doin#$ b"t 'y ar'y is #ettin# tired$ and %'' #ettin# tired$ and they don't care at a%% abo"t the r"%es o* the #a'e& I' e p"%%ed the o%d charts "p *ro' the co'p"ter& No one has e er destroyed so 'any ene'ies and ,ept so 'any o* his o!n so%diers !ho%e in the history o* the #a'e&"
Ender shoo, his head& "Maybe& 0"t it !as no accident that I #ot the so%diers I #ot& ;a"nchies$ re/ects *ro' other ar'ies$ b"t p"t the' to#ether and 'y !orst so%dier co"%d be a toon %eader in another ar'y& They' e %oaded thin#s 'y !ay$ b"t no! they're %oadin# it a%% a#ainst 'e& 0ean$ they !ant to brea, "s do!n&"
"3o"'d be s"rprised&" Ender breathed sharp%y$ s"dden%y$ as i* there !ere a stab o* pain$ or he had to catch a s"dden breath in a !ind4 0ean %oo,ed at hi' and rea%i7ed that the i'possib%e !as happenin#& (ar *ro' baitin# hi'$ Ender -i##in !as act"a%%y con*idin# in hi'& Not '"ch& 0"t a %itt%e& Ender !as h"'an and 0ean had been a%%o!ed to see&
"There's a %i'it to ho! 'any c%e er ne! ideas I can co'e "p !ith e ery day& So'ebody's #oin# to co'e "p !ith so'ethin# to thro! at 'e that I ha en't tho"#ht o* be*ore$ and I !on't be ready&"
"-hat's the !orst that co"%d happen+ 3o" %ose one #a'e&"
"3es& That's the !orst that co"%d happen& I can't %ose any #a'es& 0eca"se i* I %ose any--"
"I need yo" to be c%e er$ 0ean& I need yo" to thin, o* so%"tions to prob%e's !e ha en't seen yet& I !ant yo" to try thin#s that no one has e er tried beca"se they're abso%"te%y st"pid&"
"-hy 'e+"
"0eca"se e en tho"#h there are so'e better so%diers than yo" in Dra#on Ar'y -- not 'any$ b"t so'e -- there's nobody !ho can thin, better and *aster than yo"&" 0ean said nothin#& They both ,ne! it !as tr"e&
Ender sho!ed hi' his des,& On it !ere t!e% e na'es& T!o or three *ro' each toon& "Choose *i e o* these$" said Ender& "One *ro' each toon& They're a specia% s<"ad$ and yo"'%% train the'& On%y d"rin# the e1tra practice sessions& Ta%, to 'e abo"t !hat yo"'re trainin# the' to do& Don't spend too %on# on any one thin#& Most o* the ti'e yo" and yo"r s<"ad !i%% be part o* the !ho%e ar'y$ part o* yo"r re#"%ar toons& 0"t !hen I need yo"& -hen
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"A*ter %ast !ee,$ 0ean$ a%% o"r so%diers are eterans& Don't yo" rea%i7e that on the indi id"a% so%dier standin#s$ a%% *orty o* o"r so%diers are in the top *i*ty+ That yo" ha e to #o do!n se enteen p%aces to *ind a so%dier !ho isn't a Dra#on+"
"2robab%y not&"
"Then stay here& I* yo" %isten ery care*"%%y yo" can hear the #ood *airy co'e in the ni#ht and %ea e o"r assi#n'ent *or to'orro!&"
)e #ot "p *ro' the *%oor and did %i,e!ise& )e tho"#ht o* a ha%* do7en ideas betore he !ent to s%eep& Ender
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Chapter 1= -- 0on7o
"Genera% 2ace$ p%ease sit do!n& I "nderstand yo" ha e co'e to 'e abo"t a 'atter o* so'e "r#ency&"
"Ordinari%y$ Co%one% Gra**$ I !o"%d not pres"'e to inter*ere in the interna% !or,in#s o* the 0att%e Schoo%& 3o"r a"tono'y is #"aranteed$ and despite o"r d**erence in ran,s I a' <"ite a!are that it is 'y a"thority on%y to ad ise$ not to order$ yo" to ta,e action&"
"Do not be disin#en"o"s !ith 'e$ Co%one% Gra**& A'ericans are <"ite apt at p%ayin# st"pid !hen they choose to$ b"t I a' not to be decei ed& 3o" ,no! !hy I a' here&"
")e *ee%s paterna% to!ard the st"dents here& )e *ee%s yo"r ne#%ect o* a potentia%%y %etha% sit"ation is 'ore than ne#%i#ence -- that it borders on conspiracy to ca"se the death or serio"s in/"ry o* one o* the st"dents here&"
"This is a schoo% *or chi%dren$ Genera% 2ace& )ard%y a 'atter to brin# the chie* o* I( 'i%itary po%ice here *or&"
"Co%one% Gra**$ the na'e o* Ender -i##in has perco%ated thro"#h the hi#h co''and& It has e en reached 'y ears -- I ha e heard hi' described 'odest%y as o"r on%y hope o* ictory in the "pco'in# in asion& -hen it is his %i*e or hea%th that is in dan#er$ I do not thin, it "nto!ard that the 'i%itary po%ice ta,e so'e interest in preser in# and protectin# the boy& Do yo"+"
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"Da'n Dap and da'n yo" too$ sir$ I ,no! !hat I'' doin#&"
"Do yo"+"
"Oh$ that is ob io"s$ since nobody e%se has the *aintest idea !hat yo"'re doin#& 3o" ha e ,no!n *or ei#ht days that there is a conspiracy a'on# so'e o* the 'ore icio"s o* these 'chi%dren' to ca"se the beatin# o* Ender -i##in$ i* they can& And that so'e 'e'bers o* this conspiracy$ notab%y the boy na'ed 0onito de Madrid$ co''on%y ca%%ed 0on7o$ are <"ite %i,e%y to e1hibit no se%*-restraint !hen this p"nish'ent ta,es p%ace$ so that Ender -i##in$ an inesti'ab%y i'portant internationa% reso"rce$ !i%% be p%aced in serio"s dan#er o* ha in# his brains pasted on the !a%%s o* yo"r si'p%e orbitin# schoo%ho"se& And yo"$ *"%%y !arned o* this dan#er$ propose to do e1act%y--"
"Ender -i##in has been in this sit"ation be*ore& 0oc, on Earth$ the day he %ost his 'onitor$ and a#ain !hen a %ar#e #ro"p o* o%der boys--"
"I did not ca'e here i#norant o* the past& Ender -i##in has pro o,ed 0on7o Madrid beyond h"'an end"rance& And yo" ha e no 'i%itary po%ice standin# by to brea, "p dist"rbances& It is "nconscionab%e&"
"-hen Ender -i##in ho%ds o"r *%eets in his contro%$ !hen he '"st 'a,e the decisions that brin# "s ictory or destr"ction$ !i%% there be 'i%itary po%ice to ca'e sa e hi' i* thin#s #et o"t o* hand+"
"Ob io"s%y& 0"t the connection is there Ender -i##in '"st be%ie e that no 'atter !hat happens$ no ad"%t !i%% e er$ e er step in to he%p hi' in any !ay& )e '"st be%ie e$ to the core o* his so"%$ that he can on%y do !hat he and the other chi%dren !or, o"t *or the'se% es& I* he does not be%ie e that$ then he !i%% ne er reach the pea, o* his abi%ities&"
")e !i%% a%so not reach the pea, o* his abi%ities i* he is dead or per'anent%y cripp%ed&"
"0eca"se Ender ,no!s that 0on7o p%ans to ,i%% hi'& I* !e trans*er 0on7o ahead o* sched"%e$ he'%% ,no! that !e sa ed hi'& )ea en ,no!s 0on7o isn't a #ood eno"#h co''ander to be pro'oted on 'erit&"
"-e'%% see !hat happens& That is 'y *irst$ *ina%$ and on%y decision&"
"I'%% ha e yo" be*ore a capita% co"rt 'artia%& I'%% ha e yo"r na'e dis#raced thro"#ho"t the !or%d i* yo"'re !ron#&"
"(air eno"#h& 0"t do re'e'ber i* I happen to be ri#ht to 'a,e s"re I #et a *e! do7en 'eda%s&"
"(or !hat+"
Ender sat in a corner o* the batt%eroo'$ his ar' hoo,ed thro"#h a handho%d !atchin# 0ean practice !ith his s<"ad& 3esterday they had !or,ed on attac,s !itho"t #"ns$ disar'in# ene'ies !ith their *eet& Ender had he%ped the' !ith so'e techni<"es *ro' #ra ity persona% co'bat -- 'any thin#s had to be chan#ed$ b"t inertia in *%i#ht !as a too% that co"%d be "sed a#ainst the ene'y as easi%y in n"%%o as in Earth #ra ity&
Today$ tho"#h$ 0ean had a ne! toy& It !as a dead%ine$ one o* the thin$ a%'ost in isib%e t!ines "sed d"rin# constr"ction in space to ho%d t!o ob/ects to#ether& Dead%ines !ere so'eti'es ,i%o'eters %on#& This one !as /"st a bit %on#er than a !a%% o* the batt%eroo' and yet it %ooped easi%y$ a%'ost in isib%y$ aro"nd 0ean's !rist& )e p"%%ed it o** %i,e an artic%e o* c%othin# and handed one end to one o* his so%diers& ")oo, it to a handho%d and !ind it aro"nd a *e! ti'es&" 0ean carried the other end across the batt%e oo'&
As a trip!ire it !asn't too "se*"%$ 0ean decided& It !as in isib%e eno"#h$ b"t one strand o* t!ine !o"%dn't ha e '"ch chance o* stoppin# an ene'y that co"%d easi%y #o abo e or be%o! it& Then he #ot the idea o* "sin# it to chan#e his direction o* 'o e'ent in 'idair& )e *astened it aro"nd his !aist$ the other end sti%% *astened to a handho%d$ s%ipped a *e! 'eters a!ay$ and %a"nched hi'se%* strai#ht o"t& The t!ine ca"#ht hi'$ chan#ed his direction abr"pt%y$ and s!"n# hi' in an arc that crashed hi' br"ta%%y a#ainst the !a%%&
)e screa'ed and screa'ed& It too, Ender a 'o'ent to rea%i7e that he !asn't screa'in# in pain& "Did yo" see ho! *ast I !ent5 Did yo" see ho! I chan#ed direction5"
Soon a%% o* Dra#on Ar'y stopped !or, to !atch 0ean practice !ith the t!ine& The chan#es in direction !ere st"nnin#$ especia%%y !hen yo" didn't ,no! !here to %oo, *or the t!ine$ -hen he "sed the t!ine to !rap hi'se%* aro"nd a star$ he attained speeds no one had e er seen be*ore$
It !as =1AE !hen Ender dis'issed the e enin# practice& -eary b"t de%i#hted at ha in# seen so'ethin# ne!$ his ar'y !a%,ed thro"#h the corridors bac, to the barrac,s& Ender !a%,ed a'on# the'$ not ta%,in#$ b"t %istenin# to
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their ta%,& They !ere tired$ yes -- a batt%e e ery day *or 'ore than *o"r !ee,s$ o*ten in sit"ations that tested their abi%ities to the "t'ost& 0"t they !ere pro"d$ happy$ c%ose -- they had ne er %ost$ and they had %earned to tr"st each other& Tr"st their *e%%o! so%diers to *i#ht hard and !e%%4 tr"st their %eaders to "se the' rather than !aste their e**orts4 abo e a%% tr"st Ender to prepare the' *or anythin# and e erythin# that 'i#ht happen&
As they !a%,ed the corridor$ Ender noticed se era% o%der boys see'in#%y en#a#ed in con ersations in branchin# corridors and %adder!ays4 so'e !ere in their corridor$ !a%,in# s%o!%y in the other direction& It beca'e too '"ch o* a coincidence$ ho!e er$ that so 'any o* the' !ere !earin# Sa%a'ander "ni*or's$ and that those !ho !eren't !ere o*ten o%der boys be%on#in# to ar'ies !hose co''anders 'ost hated Ender -i##in& A *e! o* the' %oo,ed at hi'$ and %oo,ed a!ay too <"ic,%y4 others !ere too tense$ too ner o"s as they pretended to be re%a1ed& -hat !i%% I do i* they attac, 'y ar'y here in the corridor+ My boys are a%% yo"n#$ a%% s'a%%$ and co'p%ete%y "ntrained in #ra ity co'bat& -hen !o"%d they %earn+
")o$ Ender5" so'eone ca%%ed& Ender stopped and %oo,ed bac,$ It !as 2etra& "Ender$ can I ta%, to yo"+"
Ender sa! in a 'o'ent that i* he stopped and ta%,ed$ his ar'y !o"%d <"ic,%y pass hi' by and he !o"%d be a%one !ith 2etra in the ha%%!ay& "-a%, !ith 'e$" Ender said&
Ender t"rned aro"nd and !a%,ed on !ith his ar'y& )e heard 2etra r"nnin# to catch "p& "A%% ri#ht$ I'%% !a%, !ith yo"&" Ender tensed !hen she ca'e near& -as she one o* the'$ one o* the ones !ho hated hi' eno"#h to h"rt hi'+
"A *riend o* yo"rs !anted 'e to !arn yo"& There are so'e boys !ho !ant to ,i%% yo"&"
"S"rprise$" said Ender& So'e o* his so%diers see'ed to per, "p at this& 2%ots a#ainst their co''ander !ere interestin# ne!s$ it see'ed&
"Ender$ they can do it& )e said they' e been p%annin# it e er since yo" !ent co''ander&"
"I hated yo" a*ter yo" beat 2hoeni1 Ar'y$ too$ Ender&"
"It's tr"e& )e to%d 'e to ta,e yo" aside today and !arn yo"$ on the !ay bac, *ro' the batt%eroo'$ to be care*"% to'orro! beca"se--"
"2etra$ i* yo" had act"a%%y ta,en 'e aside /"st no!$ there are abo"t a do7en boys *o%%o!in# a%on# !ho !o"%d ha e ta,en 'e in the corridor& Can yo" te%% 'e yo" didn't notice the'+"
S"dden%y her *ace *%"shed& "No& I didn't& )o! can yo" thin, I did+ Don't yo" ,no! !ho yo"r *riends are+" She p"shed her !ay thro"#h Dra#on Ar'y$ #ot ahead o* hi'$ and scra'b%ed "p a %adder!ay to a hi#her dec,&
"Is !hat tr"e+" Ender scanned the roo' and sho"ted *or t!o ro"#hho"sin# boys to #et to bed&
"A%% ta%,$" said Ender& 0"t be ,ne! that it !asn't& 2etra had ,no!n so'ethin#$ and !hat he sa! on the !ay here toni#ht !asn't i'a#ination&
"It 'ay be a%% ta%,$ b"t I hope yo"'%% "nderstand !hen I say yo"' e #ot *i e toon %eaders !ho are #oin# to escort yo" to yo"r roo' toni#ht&"
"Co'p%ete%y "nnecessary&"
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"I o!e yo" nothin#&" )e'd be a *oo% to t"rn the' do!n& "Do as yo" !ant&" )e t"rned and %e*t& The toon %eaders trotted a%on# !ith hi'& One ran ahead and opened his door& They chec,ed the roo'$ 'ade Ender pro'ise to %oc, it$ and %e*t hi' /"st be*ore %i#hts o"t&
Ender #rinned& So Din, !as sti%% his *riend& Don't !orry& They !on't do anythin# to 'e& I ha e 'y ar'y&
0"t in the dar,ness he did not ha e his ar'y& )e drea'ed that ni#ht o* Sti%son$ on%y he sa! no! ho! s'a%% Sti%son !as$ on%y si1 years o%d$ ho! ridic"%o"s his to"#h-#"y post"rin# !as4 and yet in the drea' Sti%son and his *riends tied Ender so he co"%dn't *i#ht bac,$ and then e erythin# that Ender had done to Sti%son in %i*e$ they did to Ender in the drea'& And a*ter!ard Ender sa! hi'se%* babb%in# %i,e an idiot$ tryin# hard to #i e orders to his ar'y$ b"t a%% his !ords ca'e o"t as nonsense&
)e a!o,e in dar,ness$ and he !as a*raid& Then he ca%'ed hi'se%* by re'e'berin# that the teachers ob io"s%y a%"ed hi'$ or they !o"%dn't be p"ttin# so '"ch press"re on hi'4 they !o"%dn't %et anythin# happen to hi'$ nothin# bad$ any!ay& 2robab%y !hen the o%der ,ids attac,ed hi' in the batt%eroo' years a#o$ there !ere teachers /"st o"tside the roo'$ !aitin# to see !hat !o"%d happen4 i* thin#s had #ot o"t o* hand$ they !o"%d ha e stepped in and stopped it& I probab%y co"%d ha e sat here and done nothin#$ and they !o"%d ha e seen to it I ca'e thro"#h a%% ri#ht& They'%% p"sh 'e as hard as they can in the #a'e$ b"t o"tside the #a'e they'%% ,eep 'e sa*e&
-ith that ass"rance$ he s%ept a#ain$ "nti% the door opened so*t%y and the 'ornin#'s !ar !as %e*t on the *%oor *or hi' to *ind&
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They !on$ o* co"rse$ b"t it !as a #r"e%in# a**air$ !ith the batt%eroo' so *i%%ed !ith a %abyrinth o* stars that h"ntin# do!n the ene'y d"rin# 'op-"p too, *orty-*i e 'in"tes& It !as 2o% S%attery's 0ad#er Ar'y$ and they re*"sed to #i e "p& There !as a ne! !rin,%e in the #a'e$ too -- !hen they disab%ed or da'a#ed an ene'y$ he tha!ed in abo"t *i e 'in"tes$ the !ay it !or,ed in practice& On%y !hen the ene'y !as co'p%ete%y *ro7en did he stay o"t o* action the !ho%e ti'e& 0"t the #rad"a% tha!in# did not !or, *or Dra#on Ar'y& Cra7y To' !as the one !ho rea%i7ed !hat !as happenin#$ !hen they started #ettin# hit *ro' behind by peop%e they tho"#ht !ere sa*e%y o"t o* the !ay& And at the end o* the batt%e$ S%attery shoo, Ender's hand and said$ "I'' #%ad yo" !on& I* I e er beat yo"$ Ender$ I !ant to do it *air&"
"@se !hat they #i e yo"$" Ender said& "I* yo"' e e er #ot an ad anta#e o er the ene'y$ "se it&"
"Oh$ I did$" said S%attery& )e #rinned& "I'' on%y *air-'inded be*ore and a*ter batt%es&"
The batt%e too, so %on# that brea,*ast !as o er& Ender %oo,ed at his hot$ s!eatin#$ tired so%diers !aitin# in the corridor and said$ "Today yo" ,no! e erythin#& No practice& Get so'e rest& )a e so'e *"n& 2ass a test&" It !as a 'eas"re o* their !eariness that they didn't e en cheer or %a"#h or s'i%e$ /"st !a%,ed into the barrac,s and stripped o** their c%othes& They !o"%d ha e practiced i* he had as,ed the' to$ b"t they !ere reachin# the end o* their stren#th$ and #oin# !itho"t brea,*ast !as one "n*airness too 'any&
Ender 'eant to sho!er ri#ht a!ay$ b"t he !as a%so tired& )e %ay do!n on his bed in his *%ash s"it$ /"st *or a 'o'ent$ and !o,e "p at the be#innin# o* %"nchti'e& So '"ch *or his idea o* st"dyin# 'ore abo"t the b"##ers this 'ornin#& 6"st ti'e to c%ean "p$ #o eat$ and head *or c%ass&
)e pee%ed o** his *%ash s"it$ !hich stan, *ro' his s!eat& )is body *e%t co%d$ his /oints odd%y !ea,& Sho"%dn't ha e s%ept in the 'idd%e o* the day& I'' be#innin# to s%ac, o**& I'' be#innin# to !ear do!n& Can't %et it #et to 'e&
So he /o##ed to the #y' and *orced hi'se%* to c%i'b the rope three ti'es be*ore #oin# to the bathroo' to sho!er& It didn't occ"r to hi' that his absence in the co''anders' 'ess !o"%d be noticed$ that sho!erin# d"rin# the noon ho"r$ !hen his o!n ar'y !o"%d be !o%*in# do!n their *irst 'ea% o* the day$ he !o"%d he co'p%ete%y$ he%p%ess%y a%one&
E en !hen he heard the' co'e into the bathroo' he paid no attention& )e !as %ettin# the !ater po"r o er his head$ o er his body4 the '"**%ed so"nd o* *ootsteps !as hard%y noticeab%e& Maybe %"nch !as o er$ he tho"#ht& )e started to soap hi'se%* a#ain& Maybe so'ebody *inished practice %ate&
And 'aybe not& )e t"rned aro"nd$ There !ere se en o* the'$ %eanin# bac, a#ainst the 'eta% sin,s or standin# c%oser to the sho!ers$ !atchin# hi'& 0on7o stood in *ront o* the'$ Many !ere s'i%in#$ the condescendin# %eer o* the h"nter *or his cornered icti'& 0on7o !as not s'i%in#$ ho!e er&
Nobody ans!ered&
So Ender t"rned o** the sho!er e en tho"#h there !as sti%% soap on hi'$ and reached *or his to!e%& It !asn't there& One o* the boys !as ho%din# it& It !as 0ernard& A%% it !o"%d ta,e *or the pict"re to be co'p%ete !as *or Sti%son and 2eter to be there$ too& They needed 2eter's s'i%e4 they needed Sti%son's ob io"s st"pidity&
Ender reco#ni7ed the to!e% as their openin# point& Nothin# !o"%d 'a,e hi' %oo, !ea,er than to chase na,ed a*ter the to!e%& That !as !hat they !anted$ to h"'i%iate hi'$ to brea, hi' do!n& )e !asn't #oin# to p%ay& )e re*"sed to *ee% !ea, beca"se he !as !et and co%d and "nc%othed& )e stood stron#%y$ *acin# the'$ his ar's at his sides& )e *astened his #a7e on 0nn7o&
"This is no #a'e$" said 0ernard& "-e're tired o* yo"$ Ender& 3o" #rad"ate today& On ice&"
Ender did not %oo, at 0ernard& It !as 0on7o !ho h"n#ered *or his death$ e en tho"#h he !as si%ent& The others !ere a%on# *or the ride$ darin# the'se% es to see ho! *ar they 'i#ht #o& 0on7o ,ne! ho! *ar he !o"%d #o&
0on7o sti*iened&
")e !o"%d %o e to see yo" no!$ co'e to *i#ht a na,ed boy in a sho!er$ s'a%%er than yo"$ and yo" bro"#ht si1 *riends& )e !o"%d say$ Oh$ !hat honor&"
"Nobody ca'e to *i#ht yo"$" said 0ernard$ "-e /"st ca'e to ta%, yo" into p%ayin# *air !ith the #a'es& Maybe %ose a co"p%e no! and then&"
The others %a"#hed$ b"t 0on7o didn't %a"#h$ and neither did Ender&
"0e pro"d$ 0onito$ pretty boy& 3o" can #o ho'e and te%% yo"r *ather$ 3es$ I beat "p Ender -i##in$ !ho !as bare%y ten years o%d$ and I !as thirteen& And I had on%y si1 o* 'y *riends to he%p 'e$ and so'eho! !e 'ana#ed to de*eat hi'$ e en tho"#h he !as na,ed and !et and a%one -- Ender -i##in is so dan#ero"s and terri*yin# it !as a%% !e co"%d do not to brin# t!o h"ndred&"
"-e didn't co'e to hear the %itt%e bastard ta%,$" said another&
"3o" sh"t "p$" said 0on7o& "Sh"t "p and stand o"t o* the !ay&" )e be#an to ta,e o** his "ni*or'& "Na,ed and !et and a%one$ Ender$ so !e're e en& I can't he%p that I'' bi##er than yo"& 3o"'re s"ch a #eni"s$ yo" *i#"re o"t ho! to hand%e 'e&" )e t"rned to the others& "-atch the door& Don't %et anyone e%se in&"
The bathroo' !asn't %ar#e$ and p%"'bin# *i1t"res protr"ded e ery!here$ It had been %a"nched in one piece$ as a %o!-orbit sate%%ite$ pac,ed *"%% o* the !ater rec%a'ation e<"ip'ent4 it !as desi#ned to ha e no !asted space& It !as ob io"s !hat their tactics !o"%d ha e to be& Thro! the other boy a#ainst *i1t"res "nti% one o* the' does eno"#h da'a#e that he stops&
-hen Ender sa! 0on7o's stance$ his heart san,& 0on7o had a%so ta,en c%asses& And probab%y 'ore recent%y than Ender& )is reach !as better$ he !as stron#er$ and he !as *"%% o* hate& )e !o"%d not be #ent%e& )e !i%% #o *or 'y head$ thon#ht Ender& )e !i%% try abo e a%% to da'a#e 'y brain& And i* this *i#ht is %on#$ he's bo"nd to !in& )is
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stren#th can contro% 'e& I* I'' to !a%, a!ay *ro' here$ I ha e to !in <"c,%y$ and per'anent%y& )e co"%d *ee% a#an he sic,enin# !ay that Sti%son's bones had #i en !ay& 0"t this ti'e it !i%% be 'y body that brea,s$ "n%ess I can brea, hi' *irst&
Ender stepped bac,$ *%ipped the sho!erhead so it t"rned o"t!ard$ and torned on p"re hot !ater& A%'ost at once the stea' be#an to rise& )e t"rned on the ne1t and the ne1t&
"I'' not a*raid o* hot !ater$" said 0on7o& )is oice !as so*t&
0"t it !asn't the hot !ater that Ender !anted& It !as the heat& )is body sti%% had soap on it$ and his s!eat 'oistened it$ 'ade his s,in 'ore s%ippery than 0on7o !o"%d e1pect&
S"dden%y there !as a oice *ro' the door& "Stop it5" (or a 'o'ent Ender tho"#ht it !as a teacher$ co'e to stop the *i#ht$ b"t it !as on%y Din, Mee,er& 0on7o's *riends ca"#ht hi' at the door he%d hi'& "Stop it$ 0on7o5" Din, cried& "Don't h"rt hi'5"
"-hy not+" as,ed 0oo7o$ and *or the *irst ti'e he s'i%ed& Ah$ tho"#ht Ender$ he %o es to ha e so'eone reco#ni7e that he is the one in contro%$ that he has po!er&
"0eca"se he's the best$ that's !hy5 -ho e%se can *i#ht the b"##ers5 That's !hat 'atters$ yo" *oo%$ the b"##ers5"
0on7o stopped s'i%in#& It !as the thin# he hated 'ost abo"t Ender$ that Ender rea%%y 'attered to other peop%e$ and in the end$ 0on7o did not& 3o"' e ,i%%ed 'e !ith those !ords$ Din,& 0on7o doesn't !ant to hear that I 'i#ht sa e the !or%d&
-here are the teachers+ tho"#ht Ender& Don't they rea%i7e that the *irst contact bet!een "s in this *i#ht 'i#ht be the end o* it+ This isn't %i,e the *i#ht in the batt%eroo'$ !here no one had the %e era#e to do any terrib%e da'a#e& There's #ra ity in here$ and the *%oor and !a%%s are hard and /"tted !ith 'eta%& Stop this no! or not at a%%&
"I* yo" to"ch hi' yo"'re a b"##er%o er5" cried Din,& "3o"'re a traitor$ i* yo" to"ch hi' yo" deser e to die5" They /a''ed Din,'s *ace bac,!ard into the door and he !as si%ent&
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The 'ist *ro' the sho!ers di''ed the roo'$ and the s!eat !as strea'in# do!n Ender's body& No!$ be*ore the soap is carried o** 'e& No!$ !hi%e I'' sti%% too s%ippery to ho%d&
Ender stepped bac,$ %ettin# the *ear he *e%t sho! in his *ace& "0on7o$ don't h"rt 'e$" he said& "2%ease&"
It !as !hat 0on7o !as !aitin# *or$ the con*ession that he !as in po!er& (or other boys it 'i#ht ha e been eno"#h that Ender had s"b'itted4 *or 0on7o$ it !as on%y a si#n that his ictory !as s"re& )e s!"n# his %e# as i* to ,ic,$ b"t chan#ed it to a %eap at the %ast 'o'ent& Ender noticed the shi*tin# !ei#ht and stooped %o!er$ so that 0on7o !o"%d be 'ore o**-ba%ance !hen he tried to #rab Ender and thro! hi'&
0on7o's ti#ht$ hard ribs ca'e a#ainst @nder's *ace$ and his hands s%apped a#ainst his bac,$ tryin# to #rip hi'& 0"t Ender t!isted$ and 0on7o's hands s%ipped& In an instant Ender !as co'p%ete%y t"rned$ yet sti%% inside 0on7o's #rasp& The c%assic 'o e at this 'o'ent !o"%d be to brin# "p his hee% into 0on7o's crotch$ b"t *or that 'o e to be e**ecti e re<"ired too '"ch acc"racy$ and 0on7o e1pected it& )e !as a%ready risin# onto his toes$ thr"stin# his hips bac,!ard to ,eep Ender *ro' reachin# his #roin& -itho"t seein# hi'$ Ender ,ne! it !o"%d brin# his *ace c%oser$ a%'ost in Ender's hair4 so instead o* ,ic,in# he %"n#ed "p!ard o** the *%oor$ !ith the po!er*"% %"n#e o* the so%dier bo"ndin# *ro' the !a%%$ and /a''ed his head into 0on7o's *ace&
Ender !hir%ed in ti'e to see 0on7o sta##er bac,!ard$ his nose b%eedin#$ #aspin# *ro' s"rprise and pain& Ender ,ne! that at this 'o'ent he 'i#ht be ab%e to !a%, o"t o* the roo' and end the batt%e& The !ay he had escaped *ro' the batt%eroo' a*ter dra!in# b%ood& 0"t the batt%e !o"%d on%y be *o"#ht a#ain& A#ain and a#ain "nti% the !i%% to *i#ht !as *inished& The on%y !ay to end thin#s co'p%ete%y !as to h"rt 0on7o eno"#h that his *ear !as stron#er than his hate&
So Ender %eaned bac, a#ainst the !a%% behind hi'$ then /"'ped "p and p"shed o** !ith his ar's& )is *eet %anded in 0on7o's be%%y and chest& Ender sp"n in the air and %anded on his toes and hands4 he *%ipped o er$ scooted "nder 0on7o$ and this ti'e !hen he ,ic,ed "p!ard into 0on7o's crotch$ he connected$ hard and s"re&
0on7o did not cry o"t in pain& )e did not react at a%%$ e1cept that his body rose a %itt%e in the air& It !as as i* Ender had ,ic,ed a piece o* *"rnit"re& 0on7o co%%apsed$ *e%% to the side$ and spra!%ed direct%y "nder the spray o* strea'in# !ater *ro' a sho!er& )e 'ade no 'o e'ent !hate er to escape the '"rdero"s heat&
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"My God5" so'eone sho"ted& 0on7o's *riends %eaped to t"rn o** the !ater& Ender s%o!%y rose to his *eet& So'eone thr"st his to!e% at hi'& It !as Din,& "Co'e on o"t o* here$" Din, said& )e %ed Ender a!ay& 0ehind the' they heard the hea y c%atter o* ad"%ts r"nnin# do!n a %adder!ay& No! the teachers !o"%d co'e& The 'edica% sta**& To dress the !o"nds o* Ender's ene'y& -here !ere they be*ore the *i#ht$ !hen there 'i#ht ha e been no !o"nds at a%%+
There !as no do"bt no! in Ender's 'ind& There !as no he%p *or hi'& -hate er he *aced$ no! and *ore er$ no one !o"%d sa e hi' *ro' it& 2eter 'i#ht be sc"'$ b"t 2eter had been ri#ht$ a%!ays ri#ht4 the po!er to ca"se pain is the on%y po!er that 'atters$ the po!er to ,i%% and destroy$ beca"se i* yo" can't ,i%% then yo" are a%!ays s"b/ect to those !ho can$ and nothin# and no one !i%% e er sa e yo"&
Din, %ed hi' to his roo'$ 'ade hi' %ie on the bed& "Are yo" h"rt any!here+" he as,ed$
"3o" too, hi' apart& I tho"#ht yo" !ere dead 'eat$ the !ay he #rabbed yo"& 0"t yo" too, hi' apart& I* he'd stood "p %on#er$ yo" !o"%d' e ,i%%ed hi'&"
"I ,no! it& I ,no! hi'& Nobody hates %i,e 0on7o& 0"t not any'ore& I* they don't ice hi' *or this and send hi' ho'e$ he'%% ne er %oo, yo" in the eye a#ain& 3o" or anybody& )e had t!enty centi'eters on yo"$ and yo" 'ade hi' %oo, %i,e a cripp%ed co! standin# there che!in# her c"d&"
A%% Ender co"%d see$ tho"#h$ !as the !ay 0on7o %oo,ed as Ender ,ic,ed "p!ard into his #roin& The e'pty$ dead %oo, in his eyes& )e !as a%ready *inished then& A%ready "nconscio"s& )is eyes !ere open$ b"t he !asn't thin,in# or 'o in# any'ore$ /"st that dead$ st"pid %oo, on his %ace$ that terrib%e %oo,$ the !ay Sti%son %oo,ed !hen I *inished !ith hi'&
"They'%% ice hi'$ tho"#h$" Din, said& "E erybody ,no!s he started it& I sa! the' #et "p and %ea e the
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co''anders' 'ess& Too, 'e a co"p%e o* seconds to rea%i7e yo" !eren't there$ either$ and then a 'in"te 'ore to *ind o"t !here yo" had #one& I to%d yo" not to be a%one&"
"They're bo"nd to ice hi'& Tro"b%e'a,er& )i' and his stin,in# honor&"
Then$ to Din,'s s"rprise$ Ender be#an to cry& ;yin# on his bac,$ sti%% soa,in# !et !ith s!eat and !ater$ he #asped his sobs$ tears seepin# o"t o* his c%osed eye%ids and disappearin# in the !ater on his *ace&
"I didn't !ant to h"rt hi'5" Ender cried& "-hy didn't he /"st %ea e 'e a%one5"
)e heard his door open so*t%y$ then c%ose& )e ,ne! at once that it !as his batt%e instr"ctions$ )e opened his eyes$ e1pectin# to *ind the dar,ness o* ear%y 'ornin#$ be*ore EDEE& Instead$ the %i#hts !ere on$ )e !as na,ed and !hen he 'o ed the bed !as soa,in# !et$ )is eyes !ere p"**y and pain*"% *ro' cryin#& )e %oo,ed at the c%oc, on his des,& 1C=E$ it said& It's the sa'e day& I a%ready had a batt%e today$ I had t!o batt%es today -- the bastards ,no! !hat I' e been thro"#h$ and they're doin# this to 'e&
)e sat on the ed#e o* the bed& The note tre'b%ed in his hand& I can't do this$ he said si%ent%y& And then not si%ent%y& "I can't do this&"
)e #ot "p$ b%eary$ and %oo,ed *or his *%ash s"it& Then he re'e'bered -- he had p"t it in the c%eaner !hi%e he sho!ered& It !as sti%% there&
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)o%din# the paper$ he !a%,ed o"t o* his roo'& Dinner !as near%y o er$ and there !ere a *e! peop%e in the corridor$ b"t no one spo,e to hi'$ /"st !atched hi'$ perhaps in a!e o* !hat had happened at noon in the bathroo'$ perhaps beca"se o* the *orbiddin#$ terrib%e %oo, on his *ace& Most o* his boys !ere in the barrac,s&
Ender handed the paper to )ot So"p& "Those sons o* bitches$" he said& "T!o at once+"
"I' e #ot to c%ean "p$" Ender said& "Get the' ready$ #et e erybody to#ether$ I'%% 'eet yo" there$ at the #ate&"
)e !a%,ed o"t o* the barrac,s& A t"'"%t o* con ersation rose behind hi'& )e heard Cra7y To' screa'$ "T!o *arteatin# ar'ies5 -e'%% !hip their b"tts5"
The bathroo' !as e'pty& A%% c%eaned "p& None o* the b%ood that po"red *ro' 0on7o's nose into the sho!er !ater& A%% #one& Nothin# bad e er happened here&
Ender stepped "nder the !ater and rinsed hi'se%*$ too, the s!eat o* co'bat and %et it r"n do!n the drain& A%% #one$ e1cept they recyc%ed it and !e'%% be drin,in# 0on7o's b%ood!ater in the 'ornin#& A%% the %i*e #one o"t o* it$ b"t his b%ood /"st the sa'e$ his b%ood and 'y s!eat$ !ashed do!n in their st"pidity or cr"e%ty or !hate er it !as that 'ade the' %et it happen&
)e dried hi'se%*$ dressed in his *%ash s"it$ and !a%,ed to the batt%eroo'& )is ar'y !as !aitin# in the corridor$ the door sti%% not opened& They !atched hi' in si%ence as he !a%,ed to the *ront to stand by the b%an, #rey *orce*ie%d& O* co"rse they a%% ,ne! abo"t his *i#ht in the bathroo' today4 that and their o!n !eariness *ro' the batt%e that 'ornin# ,ept the' <"iet$ !hi%e the ,no!%ed#e that they !o"%d be *acin# t!o ar'ies *i%%ed the' !ith
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E erythin# they can do to beat 'e$ tho"#ht Ender& E erythin# they can thin, o*$ chan#e a%% the r"%es$ they don't care$ /"st so they beat 'e& -e%%$ I'' sic, o* the #a'e& No #a'e is !orth 0on7o's b%ood pin,in# the !ater on the bathroo' *%oor& Ice 'e$ send 'e ho'e$ I don't !ant to p%ay any'ore&
The door disappeared& On%y three 'eters o"t there !ere *o"r stars to#ether$ co'p%ete%y b%oc,in# the ie! *ro' the door&
T!o ar'ies !eren't eno"#h& They had to 'a,e Ender dep%oy his *orces b%ind&
"0ean$" said Ender& "Ta,e yo"r boys and te%% 'e !hat's on the other side o* this star&"
0ean p"%%ed the coi% o* t!ine *ro' his !aist$ tied one end aro"nd hi'$ handed the other end to a boy in his s<"ad$ and stepped #ent%y thro"#h the door& )is s<"ad <"ic,%y *o%%o!ed& They had practiced this se era% ti'es$ and it too, on%y a 'o'ent be*ore they !ere braced on the star$ ho%din# the end o* the t!ine& 0ean p"shed o** at #reat speed$ in a %ine a%'ost para%%e% to the door4 !hen he reached the corner o* the roo'$ he p"shed o** a#ain and roc,eted strai#ht o"t to!ard the ene'y& The spots o* %i#ht on the !a%% sho!ed that the ene'y !as shootin# at hi'& As the rope !as stopped by each ed#e o* the star in t"rn$ his arc beca'e ti#hter$ his direction chan#ed$ and he beca'e an i'possib%e tar#et to hit& )is s<"ad ca"#ht hi' neat%y as he ca'e aro"nd the star *ro' the other side& )e 'o ed a%% his ar's and %e#s so those !aitin# inside the door !o"%d ,no! that the ene's hadn't *%ashed hi' any!here&
"It's rea%%y di'$" said 0ean$ "b"t %i#ht eno"#h yo" can't *o%%o! peop%e easi%y by the %i#hts on their s"its& -orst possib%e *or seein#& It's a%% open space *ro' this star to the ene'y side o* the roo'& They' e #ot ei#ht stars 'a,in# a s<"are aro"nd their door& I didn't see anybody e1cept the ones pee,in# aro"nd the bo1es& They're /"st sittin# there !aitin# *or "s&"
As i* to corroborate 0ean's state'ent$ the ene'y be#an to ca%% o"t to the'& ")ey5 -e be h"n#ry$ co'e and *eed "s5 3o"r ass is dra##in'5 3o"r ass is Dra#on5"
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Ender's 'ind *e%t dead& This !as st"pid& )e didn't ha e a chance$ o"tn"'bered t!o to one and *orced to attac, a protected ene'y& "In a rea% !ar$ any co''ander !ith brains at a%% !o"%d retreat and sa e his ar'y&"
"It stopped bein# a #a'e !hen they thre! a!ay the r"%es&"
Ender #rinned& "O8& -hy not$ ;et's see ho! they react to a *or'ation&"
0ean !as appa%%ed& "A *or'ation5 -e' e ne er done a *or'ation in the !ho%e ti'e !e' e been an ar'y5"
"-e' e sti%% #ot a 'onth to #o be*ore o"r trainin# period is nor'a%%y s"pposed to end& Abo"t ti'e !e started doin# *or'ations& A%!ays ha e to ,no! *or'ations$" )e *or'ed an A !ith his *in#ers$ sho!ed it to the b%an, door$ and bec,oned$ A toon <"ic,%y e'er#ed and Ender be#an arran#in# the' behind the star& Three 'eters !asn't eno"#h roo' to !or, in$ the boys !ere *ri#htened and con*"sed$ and it too, near%y *i e 'in"tes /"st to #et the' to "nderstand !hat they !ere doin#&
Ti#er and Gri**in so%diers !ere red"ced to chantin# catca%%s$ !hi%e their co''anders ar#"ed abo"t !hether to try to "se their o er!he%'in# *orce to attac, Dra#on Ar'y !hi%e they !ere sti%% behind the star& Mo'oe !as a%% *or attac,in# -- "-e o"tn"'ber hi' t!o to one" -- !hi%e 0ee said$ "Sit ti#ht and !e can't %ose$ 'o e o"t and he can *i#"re o"t a !ay to beat "s&"
So they sat ti#ht$ "nti% *ina%%y in the d"s,y %i#ht they sa! a %ar#e 'ass s%ip o"t *ro' behind Ender's star& It he%d its shape$ e en !hen it abr"pt%y stopped 'o in# side!ays and %a"nched itse%* to!ard the dead center o* the ei#ht stars !here ei#hty-t!o so%diers !aited&
"They '"st ha e been p"ttin# that to#ether *or a%% *i e 'in"tes$" said Mo'oe& "I* !e'd attac,ed !hi%e they !ere doin# it$ !e co"%d' e destroyed the'&"
"Eat it$ Mo'oe$" !hispered 0ee& "3o" sa! the !ay that %itt%e ,id *%e!& )e !ent a%% the !ay aro"nd the star and bac, behind !itho"t e er to"chin# a !a%%& Maybe they' e a%% #ot hoo,s$ did yo" thin, o* that+ They' e #ot so'ethin# ne! there&"
The *or'ation !as a stran#e one& A s<"are *or'ation o* ti#ht%y-pac,ed bodies in *ront$ 'a,in# a !a%%& 0ehind it$ a cy%inder$ si1 boys in circ"'*erence and t!o boys deep$ their %i'bs o"tstretched and *ro7en so they co"%dn't possib%y be ho%din# on to each other& 3et they he%d to#ether as ti#ht%y as i* they had been tied -- !hich$ in *act$ they !ere&
(ro' inside the *or'ation$ Dra#on Ar'y !as *irin# !ith dead%y acc"racy$ *orcin# Gri**ins and Ti#ers to stay ti#ht%y pac,ed on their stars&
"The bac, o* that s"c,er is open$"said 0ee& "As soon as they #et bet!een the stars$ !e can #et aro"nd behind--"
"Don't ta%, abo"t it$ do it5" said Mo'oe& Then he too, his o!n ad ice and ordered his boys to %a"nch a#ainst the !a%% and rebo"nd o"t behind the Dra#on *or'ation&
In the chaos o* their ta,eo**$ !hi%e Gri**in Ar'y he%d ti#ht to their stars$ the Dra#on *or'ation abr"pt%y chan#ed& 0oth the cy%inder and the *ront !a%% sp%it in t!o$ as boys inside it p"shed o**4 a%'ost at once$ the *or'ations a%so re ersed direction$ headin# bac, to!ard the Dra#on #ate& Most o* the Gri**ins *ired at the *or'ations and the boys 'o in# bac,!ard !ith the'4 and the Ti#ers too, the s"r i ors o* Dra#on Ar'y *ro' behind&
0"t there !as so'ethin# !ron#& -i%%ia' 0ee tho"#ht *or a 'o'ent and rea%i7ed !hat it !as& Those *or'ations co"%dn't ha e re ersed direction in 'id*%i#ht "n%ess so'eone p"shed o** in the opposite direction$ and i* they too, o** !ith eno"#h *orce to 'a,e that t!enty-'an *or'ation 'o e bac,!ard$ they '"st be #oin# *ast&
There they !ere$ si1 s'a%% Dra#on so%diers do!n near -i%%ia' 0ee's o!n door& (ro' the n"'ber o* %i#hts sho!in# on their *%ash s"its$ 0ee co"%d see that three o* the' !ere disab%ed and t!o o* the' da'a#ed4 on%y one !as !ho%e& Nothin# to be *ri#htened o*& 0ee cas"a%%y ai'ed at the'$ pressed the b"tton$ and--
Nothin# happened&
E en tho"#h he !as %oo,in# ri#ht at the'$ it too, 0ee a 'o'ent to rea%i7e !hat had /"st happened& (o"r o* the Dra#on so%diers had their he%'ets pressed on the corners o* the door& And one o* the' had /"st passed thro"#h& They had /"st carried o"t the ictory rit"a%& They !ere #ettin# destroyed$ they had hard%y in*%icted any cas"a%ties$ and they had the #a%% to per*or' the ictory rit"a% and end the #a'e ri#ht "nder their noses&
On%y then did it occ"r to -i%%ia' 0ee that not on%y had Dra#on Ar'y ended the #a'e$ it !as possihie that$ "nder the r"%es$ they had !on it& A*ter a%%$ no 'atter !hat happened$ yo" !ere not certi*ied as the !inner "n%ess yo" had eno"#h "n*ro7en so%diers to to"ch the corners o* the #ate and pass so'eone thro"#h into the ene'y's corridor& There*ore$ by one !ay o* thin,in#& yo" co"%d ar#"e that the endin# rit"a% !as ictory& The batt%eroo' certain%y reco#ni7ed it as the end o* the #a'e&
The teacher#ate opetied and Ma/or Anderson ca'e into the roo'& "Ender$" he ca%%ed$ %oo,in# aro"nd&
One o* the *ro7en Dra#on so%diers tried to ans!er hi' thro"#h /a!s that !ere c%a'ped sh"t by the *%ash s"it& Anderson hoo,ed o er to hi' and tha!ed hi'&
"Nonsense$ Ender$" Anderson said so*t%y& "3o"t batt%e !as !ith Gri**in and Ti#er&"
;o"d%y$ Anderson said$ "A*ter that %itt%e 'ane" er$ the r"%es are bein# re ised to re<"ire that a%% o* the ene'y's so%diers '"st be *ro7en or disab%ed be*ore the #ate can be re ersed&"
Anderson handed hi' the hoo,& Ender "n*ro7e e eryone at once& To he%% !ith protoco%& To he%% !ith e erythin#& ")ey5" he sho"ted as Anderson 'o ed a!ay& "-hat is it ne1t ti'e+ My ar'y in a ca#e !itho"t #"ns$ !ith the rest o* the 0att%e Schoo% a#ainst the'+ )o! abo"t a %itt%e e<"a%ity+"
There !as a %o"d '"r'"r o* a#ree'ent *ro' the other boys$ and not a%% o* it ca'e *ro' Dra#on Ar'y& Anderson did not so '"ch as t"rn aro"nd to ac,no!%ed#e Ender's cha%%en#e& (ina%%y$ it !as -i%%ia' 0ee !ho ans!ered& "Ender$ i* yo"'re on one side o* the batt%e$ it !on't be e<"a% no 'atter !hat the conditions are&"
Ri#ht5 ca%%ed the boys& Many o* the' %a"#hed& Ta%o Mo'oe be#an c%appin# his hands& "Ender -i##in5" he sho"ted& The other boys a%so c%apped and sho"ted Ender's na'e&
Ender passed thro"#h the ene'y #ate& )is so%diers *o%%o!ed hi'& The so"nd o* the' sho"tin# his na'e *o%%o!ed hi' thro"#h the corridors&
"-e%%$ !hen+"
")ey$ that's not *air$" said one o* the boys& "It's not o"r *a"%t the teachers are scre!in# "p the #a'e& 3o" can't /"st stop teachin# "s st"** beca"se--"
Ender s%a''ed his open hand a#ainst the !a%% and sho"ted at the boy& "I don't care abo"t the #a'e any'ore5" )is oice echoed thro"#h the corridor& 0oys *ro' other ar'ies ca'e to their doors& )e spo,e <"iet%y into the si%ence -- "Do yo" "nderstand that+" And he !hispered& "The #a'e is o er&"
)e !a%,ed bac, to his roo' a%one& )e !anted to %ie do!n$ b"t he co"%dn't beca"se the bed !as !et& It re'inded hi' o* a%% that had happened today$ and in *"ry he tore the 'attress and b%an,ets *ro' the bed*ra'e and sho ed the' o"t into the corridor& Then he !added "p a "ni*ortn to ser e as a pi%%o! and %ay on the *abric o* !ires str"n# across the *ra'e& It !as "nco'*ortab%e$ b"t Ender didn't care eno"#h to #et "p&
)e had on%y been there a *e! 'in"tes !hen so'eone ,noc,ed on his door&
"Go a!ay$" he said so*t%y& -hoe er !as ,noc,ine didn't hear hi' or didn't care& (ina%%y$ Ender said to co'e in&
It !as 0ean&
0ean nodded b"t didn't %ea e& Instead he %oo,ed at his shoes& Ender a%'ost ye%%ed at hi'$ c"rsed at hi'$ screa'ed at hi' to %ea e& Instead he noticed ho! ery tired 0ean %oo,ed$ his !ho%e body bent !ith !eariness$ his eyes dar, *ro' %ac, o* s%eep4 and yet his s,in !as sti%% so*t and trans%"cent$ the s,in o* a chi%d$ the so*t c"r ed chee,$ the s%ender %i'bs o* a %itt%e boy& )e !asn't ei#ht years o%d yet& It didn't 'atter he !as bri%%iant "nd
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No he isn't$ tho"#ht Ender& S'a%%$ yes& 0"t 0ean has been thro"#h a batt%e !ith a !ho%e ar'y dependin# on hi' and on the so%diers that he %ed$ and he per*or'ed sp%endid%y$ and they !on& There's no yo"th in that& No chi%dhood&
Ta,in# Ender's si%ence and so*tenin# e1pression as per'ission to stay$ 0ean too, another step into the roo'& On%y then did Ender see the s'a%% s%ip o* paper in his hand&
"3o"'re trans*erred+" as,ed Ender& )e !as incred"%o"s$ b"t his oice ca'e o"t so"ndin# "ninterested$ dead&
Ender nodded& O* co"rse& It !as ob io"s& I* I can't be de*eated !ith 'y ar'y$ they'%% ta,e 'y ar'y a!ay& "Carn Carby's a #ood 'an$" said Ender& "I hope he reco#ni7es !hat yo"'re !orth&"
"Carn Carby !as #rad"ated today& )e #ot his notice !hi%e !e !ere *i#htin# o"r batt%e&"
Ender %oo,ed at the cei%in# and nodded& "O* co"rse& A*ter a%%$ yo"'re on%y *o"r years yo"n#er than the re#"%ar a#e&"
"It isn't *"nny& I don't ,no! !hat's #oin# on here& A%% the chan#es in the #a'e& And no! this& I !asn't the on%y one trans*erred$ yo" ,no!& They #rad"ated ha%* the co''anders$ and trans*erred a %ot o* o"r #"ys to co''and their ar'ies&"
"-hich #"ys+"
"O* co"rse& I* they decide to !rec, 'y ar'y$ they'%% c"t it to the #ro"nd& -hate er they're doin#$ they're thoro"#h&""
"3o"'%% sti%% !in$ Ender& -e a%% ,no! that& Cra7y To'$ he said$ '3o" 'ean I'' s"pposed to *i#"re o"t ho! to beat Dra#on Ar'y+' E erybody ,no!s yo"'re the best& They can't brea, yo" do!n$ no 'atter !hat they--"
"I don't care abo"t their #a'e any'ore$ 0ean& I'' not #oin# to p%ay it any'ore& No 'ore practices& No 'ore batt%es& They can p"t their %itt%e s%ips o* paper on the *%oor a%% they !ant$ b"t I !on't #o& I decided that be*ore I !ent thro"#h the door today& That's !hy I had yo" #o *or the #ate& I didn't thin, it !o"%d !or,$ b"t I didn't care& I /"st !anted to #o o"t in sty%e&"
"3o" sho"%d' e seen -i%%ia' 0ee's *ace& )e /"st stood there tryin# to *i#"re o"t ho! he had %ost !hen yo" on%y had se en boys !ho co"%d !i##%e their toes and he on%y had three !ho co"%dn't&"
"-hy sho"%d I !ant to see -i%%ia' 0ee's *ace+ -hy sho"%d I !ant to beat anybody+" Ender pressed his pa%'s a#ainst his eyes& "I h"rt 0on7o rea%%y bad today$ 0ean& I rea%%y h"rt hi' bad&"
"I ,noc,ed hi' o"t standin# "p& It !as %i,e he !as dead$ standin# there& And I ,ept h"rtin# hi'&"
"The teachers didn't say '"ch$ they ne er do& The o**icia% notice says he !as #rad"ated$ b"t !here they p"t the assi#n'ent -- yo" ,no!$ tactica% schoot$ s"pport$ preco''and$ na i#ation$ that ,ind o* thin# -- it /"st said Carta#ena$ Spain& That's his ho'e&"
")e%%$ Ender$ !e're /"st #%ad he's #one& I* !e'd ,no!n !hat he !as doin# to yo"$ !e !o"%d' e ,i%%ed hi' on the spot& -as it tr"e he had a !ho%e b"nch o* #"ys #an# "p on yo"+"
"No& It !as /"st hi' and 'e& )e *o"#ht !ith honor&" I* it !eren't *or his honor$ he and the others !o"%d ha e beaten 'e to#ether& They 'i#ht ha e ,i%%ed 'e$ then& )is sense o* honor sa ed 'y %i*e& "I didn't *i#ht !ith honor$" Ender added&"I *o"#ht to !in&"
0ean %a"#hed& "And yo" did& 8ic,ed hi' ri#ht o"t o* orbit&"
A ,noc, on the door$ 0e*ore Ender co"%d ans!er$ the door opened& Ender had been e1pectin# 'ore o* his so%diers& Instead it !as Ma/or Anderson& And behind hi' ca'e Co%one% Gra**&
"3o"r disp%ay o* te'per in the batt%eroo' today !as ins"bordinate and is not to be repeated&"
0ean !as sti%% *ee%in# ins"bordinate$ and he didn't thin, Ender deser ed the reb",e& "I thin, it !as abo"t ti'e so'ebody to%d a teacher ho! !e *e%t abo"t !hat yo"' e been doin#&"
The ad"%ts i#nored hi'& Anderson handed Ender a sheet o* paper& A *"%%-si7ed sheet& Not one o* the %itt%e s%ips o* paper that ser ed *or interna% orders !ithin the 0att%e Schoo%4 it !as a *"%%-*%ed#ed set o* orders& 0ean ,ne! !hat it 'eant& Ender !as bein# trans*erred o"t o* the schoo%&
"Grad"ated+" as,ed 0ean& Ender nodded& "-hat too, the' so %on#+ 3o"'re on%y t!o or three years ear%y& 3o"' e a%ready %earned ho! to !a%, and ta%, and dress yo"rse%*& -hat !i%% they ha e %e*t to teach yo"+"
Ender shoo, his head$ "A%% I ,no! is$ the #a'e's o er&" )e *o%ded "p the paper& "None too soon& Can I te%% 'y ar'y+"
"There isn't ti'e$" said Gra**& "3o"r sh"tt%e %ea es in t!enty 'in"tes& 0esides$ it's better not to ta%, to the' a*ter yo" #et yo"r orders& It 'a,es it easier&"
"(or the' or *or yo"+" Ender as,ed& )e didn't !ait *or an ans!er& )e t"rned <"ic,%y to 0ean$ too, his hand *or a 'o'ent$ and then headed *or the door&
"-ait$" said 0ean& "-here are yo" #oin#+ Tactica%+ Na i#ationa%+ S"pport+"
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"Co''and$" said Ender$ and then he !as o"t the door$ Anderson *o%%o!ed hi' c%ose%y& 0ean #rabbed Co%one% Gra** by the s%ee e& "Nobody #oes to Co''and Schoo% "nti% they're si1teen5"
Gra** shoo, o** 0ean's hand and %e*t$ c%osin# the door behind hi'&
0ean stood a%one in the roo'$ tryin# to #rasp !hat this 'i#ht 'ean& Nobody !ent to Co''and Schoo% !itho"t three years o* 2re-co''and in either Tactica% or S"pport& 0"t then$ nobody %e*t 0att%e Schoo% !itho"t at %east si1 years$ and Ender had had on%y *o"r&
The syste' is brea,in# "p& No do"bt abo"t it& Either so'ebody at the top is #oin# cra7y$ or so'ethin#'s #one !ron# !ith the !ar$ the rea% !ar$ the b"##er !ar& -hy e%se !o"%d they brea, do!n the trainin# syste' %i,e this$ !rec, tne #a'e the !ay they did+ -hy e%se !o"d they p"t a %itt%e ,id %i,e 'e in co''and o* an ar'y+
0ean !ondered abo"t it as he !a%,ed bac, do!n the corridor to his o!n bed& The %i#hts !ent o"t /"st as he reached his b"n,& )e "ndressed in dar,ness$ *"'b%in# to p"t his c%othin# in a %oc,er he co"%dn't see& )e *e%t terrib%e& At *irst he tho"#ht he *e%t bad beca"se he !as a*raid o* %eadin# an ar'y$ b"t it !asn't tr"e& )e ,ne! he'd 'a,e a #ood co''ander& )e *e%t hi'se%* !antin# to cry& )e hadn't cried since the *irst *e! days o* ho'esic,ness a*ter he #ot here& )e tried to p"t a na'e on the *ee%in# that p"t a %"'p in his throat and 'ade hi' sob si%ent%y$ ho!e er '"ch he tried to ho%d it do!n& )e bit do!n on his hand ta stop the *ee%in#$ to rep%ace it !ith pain& It didn't heip& )e !o"%d ne er sec Ender a#ain&
Once he na'ed the *ee%in#$ he co"%d contro% it& )e %ay bac, and *orced hi'se%* to #o thro"#h tne re%a1in# ro"tine "nti% he didn't *ee% %i,e cryin# any'ore& Then he dri*ted o** to s%eep& )is hand !as near his 'o"th& It %ay on his pi%%o! hesitant%y$ as i* 0ean co"%dn't decide !hether to bite his nai%s or s"c, on his *in#ertips& )is *orehead !as creased and *"rro!ed& )is breathin# !as <"ic, and %i#ht& )e !as a so%dier$ and i* anyone had as,ed hi' !hat he !anted to be !hen he #re! "p$ he !o"%dn't ha e ,no!n !hat they 'eant&
-hen he !as crossin# into the sh"tt%e$ Ender noticed *or the %irst ti'e that the insi#nia on Ma/or Anderson's "ni*or' had chan#ed& "3es$ he's a co%one% no!$" said Gra**& "In *act$ Ma/or Anderson has been p%aced in
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co''and o* the 0att%e Schoo%$ as o* this a*ternoon& I ha e been reassi#ned to other d"ties&"
Gra** strapped hi'se%* into a seat across the ais%e *ro' hi'& There !as on%y one other passen#er$ a <"iet 'an in ci i%ian c%othes !ho !as introd"ced as Genera% 2ace& 2ace !as carryin# a brie*case$ b"t carried no 'ore %"##a#e than Ender did& So'eho! that !as co'*ortin# to Ender$ that Gra** a%so ca'e a!ay e'pty&
Ender spo,e on%y once on the oya#e ho'e& "-hy are !e #oin# ho'e+" he as,ed& "I tho"#ht Co''and Schoo% !as in the asteroids so'e!here&"
"It is$" said Gra**& "0"t the 0att%e Schoo% has no *aci%ities *or doc,in# %on#-ran#e ships& So yo" #et a short %andside %ea e&"
Ender !anted to as, i* that 'eant he co"%d see his *a'i%y& 0"t s"dden%y$ at the tho"#ht that it 'i#ht be possib%e$ he !as a*raid$ and so he didn't as,& 6"st c%osed his eyes and tried to s%eep& 0ehind hi'$ Genera% 2ace !as st"dyin# hi'4 *or !hat p"rpose$ Ender co"%d not #"ess&
It !as a hot s"''er a*ternoon in (%orida !hen they %anded& Ender had been so %on# !itho"t s"n%i#ht that the %i#ht near%y b%inded hi'$ )e s<"inted and snee7ed and !anted to #et bac, indoors& E erythin# !as *ar a!ay and *%at4 the #ro"nd$ %ac,in# the "p!ard c"r e o* 0att%e Schoo% *%oors$ see'ed instead to *a%% a!ay$ so that on %e e% #ro"nd Ender *e%t as tho"#h he !ere on a pinnac%e& The p"%% o* rea% #ra ity *e%t di**erent and he sc"**ed his *eet !hen he !a%,ed& )e hated it& )e !anted to #o bac, ho'e$ bac, to the 0att%e Schoo%$ the on%y p%ace in the "ni erse !here he be%on#ed&
"-e%%$ it's a nat"ra% tho"#ht& Genera% 2ace is the head o* the 'i%itary po%ice& There .!as. a death in the 0att%e Schoo%&"
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"They didn't te%% 'e !hether Co%one% Gra** !as bein# pro'oted or co"rt-'artia%ed& 6"st trans*erred$ !ith orders to report to the 2o%e'arch&"
"-ho ,no!s+ On the one hand$ Ender -i##in not on%y s"r i ed$ he passed a thresho%d$ he #rad"ated in da77%in#%y #ood shape$ yo" ha e to #i e o%d Gra** credit *or that& On the other hand$ there's the *o"rth passen#er on the sh"tt%e& The one tra e%ina in a ba#&"
"On%y the second death in the history o* the schoo%& At %east it !asn't a s"icide this ti'e&"
"It !asn't '"rder$ Co%one%& -e ha e it on ideo *ro' t!o an#%es& No one can b%a'e Ender&"
"0"t they 'i#ht b%a'e Gra**& A*ter a%% this is o er$ the ci i%ians can ra,e o er o"r *i%es and decide !hat !as ri#ht and !hat !as not& Gi e "s 'eda%s !here they thin, !e !ere ri#nt$ ta,e a!ay o"r pensions and p"t "s in /ai% !here they decide !e !ere !ron#& At %eatt they had the #ood sense not to te%% Ender that the boy died&"
"Ender -i##in isn't a ,i%%er& )e /"st !ins -- thoro"#h%y& I* anybody's #oin# to be scared$ %et it be the b"##ers"
"Ma,es yo" a%'ost *ee% sorry *or the'$ ,no!in# Ender's #oin# to be co'in# a*ter the'&"
"The on%y one I *ee% sorry *or is Ender& 0"t not sorry eno"#h to s"##est they o"#ht to %et "p on hi'& I /"st #ot access to the 'ateria% that Gra**'s been #e**in# a%% this ti'e& Abo"t *%eet 'o e'ents$ that sort o* thin#& I "sed to s%eep easy at ni#ht&"
"I ,no!&"
";et's %ea e it at this? they didn't #et hi' to Co''and Schoo% a day too soon& And 'aybe a co"p%e o* years too %ate&"
"0rother and sister& They had %ayered the'se% es *i e ti'es thro"#h the nets -- !ritin# *or co'panies that paid *or their 'e'berships$ that sort o* thin#& De i% o* a ti'e trac,in# the' do!n&"
"Co"%d be anythin#& The 'ost ob io"s thin# to hide$ tho"#h$ is their a#es& The boy is *o"rteen$ the #ir% is t!e% e&"
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"2ardon 'e& I don't rea%%y thin, it's *"nny$ b"t I can't he%p b"t %a"#h& A%% this ti'e !e' e been !orried$ a%% the ti'e !e' e been tryin# to pers"ade the R"ssians not to ta,e De'osthenes too serio"s%y$ !e he%d "p ;oc,e as proo* that A'ericans !eren't a%% cra7y !ar'on#ers& 0rother and sister$ prep"bescent--"
"Ah& Coincidence+"
"That De'osthenes and ;oc,e aren't as '"ch "nder o"r contro% as .the. -i##in&"
"-e ha e been ab%e to detect no contact bet!een these t!o chi%dren and any ad"t% !ho 'i#ht be directin# the'&"
"That is not to say that so'eone 'i#ht not ha e in ented so'e 'ethod yo" can't detect& It's hard to be%ie e that t!o chi%dren--"
"I inter ie!ed Co%one% Gra** !hen he arri ed *ro' the 0att%e Schoo%& It is his best /"d#'ent that nothin# these
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chi%dren ha e done is o"t o* their reach& Their abi%ities are irt"a%%y identica% !ith -- .the. -i##in& On%y their te'pera'ents are di**erent& -hat s"rprised hi'$ ho!e er$ !as the orientation o* the t!o personas& De'osthenes is de*inite%y the #ir%$ b"t Gra** says the #ir% !as re/ected *or 0att%e Schoo% beca"se she !as too paci*ic$ too conci%iatory$ and abo e a%%$ too e'pathic&"
"-asn't it ;oc,e that !as recent%y praised as 'The on%y tr"%y open 'ind in A'erica'+"
"It's hard to ,no! !hat's rea%%y happenin#& 0"t Gra** reco''ended$ and I a#ree$ that !e sho"%d %ea e the' a%one& Not e1pose the'& Ma,e no report at this ti'e e1cept that !e ha e deter'ined that ;oc,e and Dernosthenes ha e no *orei#n connections and ha e no connections !ith any do'estic #ro"p$ either$ e1cept those p"biic%y dec%ared on the nets&"
"I ,no! De'osthenes see's dan#ero"s$ in part beca"se he or she has s"ch a !ide *o%%o!in#& 0"t I thin, it's si#ni*icant that the one o* the t!o o* the' !ho is 'ost a'bitio"s has chosen the 'oderate$ !ise persona& And they're sti%% /"st ta%,in#& They ha e in*%"ence$ b"t no po!er&"
"I* !e e er *ind the' #ettin# o"t o* %ine$ !e can easi%y e1pose the'&"
"On%y in the ne1t *e! years& The %on#er !e !ait$ the o%der they #et$ and the %ess shoc,in# it is to disco er !ho they are&"
"3o" ,no! !hat the R"ssian troop 'o e'ents ha e been& There's a%!ays the chance that De'osthene is ri#ht&
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In !hich case--"
"-e'd better ha e De'osthones aro"nd& A%% ri#ht& -e'%% sho! the' c%ean$ *or no!& 0"t !atch the'& And I$ o* co"rse$ ha e to *ind !ays o* ,eepin# the R"ssians ca%'&"
In spite o* a%% her 'is#i in#s$ :a%entine !as ha in# *"n bein# De'osthenes& )er co%"'n !as no! bein# carried on practica%%y e ery ne!snet in the co"ntry$ and it !as *"n to !atch the 'oney pi%e "p in her attorney's acco"nts& E ery no! and then she and 2eter !o"%d$ in De'osthenes' na'e$ donate a care*"%%y ca%c"%ated s"' to a partic"%ar candidate or ca"se? eno"#h 'oney that the donation !o"%d be noticed$ b"t not so '"ch that the candidate !o"%d *ee% she !as tryin# to b"y a ote& She !as #ettin# so 'any %etters no! that her ne!snet had hired a secretary to ans!er certain c%asses o* ro"tine correspondence *or her& The *"n *etters$ *ro' nationa% and internationa% %eaders$ so'eti'es hosti%e$ so'eti'es *riend%y$ a%!ays dip%o'atica%%y tryin# to pry into De'osthenes' 'ind -- those she and 2eter read to#ether$ %a"#hin# in de%i#ht so'eti'es that peop%e %i,e .this. !ere !ritin# to chi%dren$ and didn't ,no! it&
So'eti'es$ tho"#h$ she !as asha'ed& (ather !as readin# De'osthenes re#"%ar%y4 he ne er read ;oc,e$ or i* he did$ he said nothin# abo"t it& At dinner$ tho"#h$ he !o"%d o*ten re#a%e the' !ith so'e te%%in# point De'osthenes had 'ade in that day's co%"'n& 2eter %o ed it !hen (ather did that -- "See$ it sho!s that the co''on 'an is payin# attention" -- b"t it 'ade :a%entine *ee% h"'i%iated *or (ather& I* he e er *o"nd o"t that a%% this ti'e .I. !as !ritine the co%"'ns he to%d "s abo"t$ and that I didn't e en be%ie e ha%* the thin#s I !rote$ he !o"%d be an#ry and asha'ed&
At schoo%$ she once near%y #ot the' in tro"b%e$ !hen her history teacher assi#ned the c%ass to !rite a paper contrastin# the ie!s o* De'osthenes and ;oc,e as e1pressed in t!o o* their ear%y co%"'ns& :a%entine !as care%ess$ and did a brirr%iant /ob o* ana%ysis& As a res"%t$ she had to !or, hard to ta%, the principa% o"t o* ha in# her essay p"b%ished on the ery ne!snet that carried De'osthenes' co%"'n& 2eter !as sa a#e abo"t it& "3o" !rite too '"ch %i,e De'osthenes$ yo" can't #et p"b%ished$ I sho"%d ,i%% De'osthenes no!$ yo"'re #ettin# o"t o* contro%&"
I* he ra#ed abo"t that b%"nder$ 2eter *ri#htened her sti%% 'ore !hen he !ent si%ent& It happened !hen De'osthenes !as in ited to ta,e part in the 2resident's Co"nci% on Ed"cation *or the ("t"re$ a b%"e-ribbon pane% that !as desi#ned to do nothin#$ b"t do it sp%endid%y& :a%entine tho"#ht 2eter !o"%d ta,e it as a tri"'ph$ b"t he
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"-hy sho"%d I+" she as,ed$ "It's no !or, at a%%$ and they e en said that beca"se o* De'osthenes' !e%%-,no!n desire *or pri acy$ they !o"%d net a%% the 'eetin#s& It 'a,es De'osthenes into a respectab%e person$ and--"
"2eter$ it isn't yo" and 'e$ it's De'osthenes and ;oc,e& -e 'ade the' "p& They aren't rea%& 0esides$ this appoint'ent doesn't 'ean they %i,e De'osthenes better than ;oc,e$ it /"st 'eans that De'osthenes has a '"ch stron#er base o* s"pport& 3o" ,ne! he !o"%d& Appointin# hi' p%eases a %ar#e n"'ber o* R"ssian-haters and cha" inists&"
"It !asn't s"pposed to !or, this !ay& ;oc,e !as s"pposed to be the respected one&"
")e is5 Rea% respect ta,es %on#er than o**icia% respect& 2eter$ don't be an#ry at 'e beca"se I' e done !e%% !ith the thin#s yo" to%d 'e to do&"
0"t he !as an#ry$ *or days$ and e er since then he had %e*t her to thin, thro"#h a%% her o!n co%"'ns$ instead o* te%%in# her !hat to !rite& )e probab%y ass"'ed that this !o"%d 'a,e the <"a%ity o* De'osthenes' co%"'ns deteriorate$ b"t i* it did no one noticed& 2erhaps it 'ade hi' e en an#rier that she ne er ca'e to hi' !eepin# tor he%p& She had been De'osthenes too %on# no! to need anyone to te%% her !hat De'osthenes !o"%d thin, abo"t thin#s&
And as her correspondence !ith other po%itica%%y acti e citi7ens #re!$ she be#an to %earn thin#s$ in*or'ation that si'p%y !asn't a ai%ab%e to the #enera% p"b%ic& Certain 'i%itary peop%e !ho corresponded !ith her dropped hints abo"t thin#s !itho"t 'eanin# to$ and she and 2eter p"t the' to#ether to b"i%d "p a *ascinatin# and *ri#htenin# pict"re o* -arsa! 2act acti ity& They !ere indeed preparin# *or !ar$ a icio"s and b%oods earthbo"nd !ar& De'osthenes !asn't !ron# to s"spect that the -arsa! 2act !as not abidin# by the ter's o* the ;ea#"e&
And the character o* De'osthenes #rad"a%%y too, on a %i*e o* his o!n& At ti'es she *o"nd herse%* thin,in# %i,e De'osthenes at the end o* a !ritin# session$ a#reein# !ith ideas that !ere s"pposed to be ca%c"%ated poses& And
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so'eti'es she read 2eter's ;oc,e essays and *o"nd herse%* annoyed at his ob io"s b%indness to !hat !as rea%%y #oin# on&
2erhaps it's i'possib%e to !ear an identity !itho"t beco'in# !hat yo" pretend to be& She tho"#ht o* that$ !orried abo"t it *or a *e! days$ and then !rote a co%"'n "sin# that as a pre'ise$ to sho! that po%iticians !ho toadied to the R"ssians in order to ,eep the peace !o"%d ine itab%y end "p s"bser ient to the' in e erythin#& It !as a %o e%y bite at the party in po!er$ and she #ot a %ot o* #ood 'ai% abo"t it& She a%so stopped bein# *ri#htened o* the idea o* beco'in#$ to a de#ree$ De'osthenes& )e's s'arter than 2eter and I e er #a e hi' credit *or$ she tho"#ht&
Gra** !as !aitin# *or her a*ter schoo%& )e stood %eanin# on his car& )e !as in ci i%ian c%othes$ and he had #ained !ei#ht$ so she didn't reco#ni7e hi' at *irst& 0"t he bec,oned to her$ and be*ore he co"%d introd"ce hi'se%* she re'e'bered his na'e&
"I !on't !rite another %etter$" she said& "I ne er sho"%d ha e !ritten that one&
"Not '"ch&"
)e handed her a paper& It !as a re%ease *or'$ and her parents had si#ned it&
She #ot in the car& "Ender's on%y ten years o%d$" she said& "I tho"#ht yo" to%d "s the *irst ti'e he'd be e%i#ib%e *or a %ea e !as !hen he !as t!e% e&"
Gra** si#hed& "Ender sees the !or%d his o!n !ay& -e had to pers"ade hi' to see yo"& As *or 2eter and yo"r parents$ he !as not interested& ;i*e at the 0att%e Schoo% !as -- intense&"
"On the contrary$ he's the sanest person I ,no!& )e's sane eno"#h to ,no! that his parents are not partic"%ar%y ea#er to reopen a boo, o* a**ection that !as c%osed <"ite ti#ht%y *o"r years a#o& As *or 2eter -- !e didn't e en s"##est a 'eetin#$ and so he didn't ha e a chance to te%% "s to #o to he%%&"
They !ent o"t ;a,e 0randt Road and t"rned o**/"st past the %a,e$ *o%%o!in# a road that !o"nd do!n and "p "nti% they ca'e to a !hite c%apboard 'ansion that spra!%ed a%on# the top o* a hi%%& It %oo,ed o er ;a,e 0randt on one side and a *i e-acre pri ate %a,e on the other& "This is the ho"se that Med%y's Mist-E-R"b b"i%t$" said Gra**& "The I( pic,ed it "p in a ta1 sa%e abo"t t!enty years a#o& Ender insisted that his con ersation !ith yo" sho"%d not be b"##ed& I pro'ised hi' it !o"%dn't be$ and to he%p inspire con*idence$ the t!o o* yo" are #oin# o"t on a ra*t he b"i%t hi'se%*& I sho"%d !arn yo"$ tho"#h& I intend to as, yo" <"estions abo"t yo"r con ersation !hen it is *inished& 3o" don't ha e to ans!er$ b"t I hope yo" !i%%&"
"At so'e point$ there '"st be tr"st& (or insance$ I ,no! !ho De'osthenes rea%%y is&"
She *e%t a thri%% o* *ear r"n thro"#h her$ h"t said nothin#&
"I' e ,no!n since I %anded *ro' the 0att%e Schoo%$ There are$ perhaps$ si1 o* "s in the !or%d !ho ,no! his identity& Not co"ntin# the R"ssians -- God on%y ,no!s !hat they ,no!& 0"t De'osthenes has nothin# to *ear *ro' "s& De'osthenes can tr"st o"r discretion& 6"st as I tr"st De'osthenes not to te%% ;oc,e !hat's #oin# on here today& M"t"a% tr"st& -e te%% each other thin#s&"
:a%entine co"%dn't decide !hether it !as De'osthenes they appro ed o*$ or :a%entine -i##in& I* the *or'er$ she !o"%d not tr"st the'4 i* the %atter$ the perhaps she co"%d& The *act that they did not !ant her to disc"ss this !ith 2eter s"##ested that perhaps they ,ne! the di**erence bet!een the'& She did not stop to !onder !hether she herse%* ,ne! the di**erence any 'ore&
"3o" said he b"i%t the ra*t& )o! %on# has be been here+"
"T!o 'onths& -e 'eant his %ea e to %ast on%y a *e! days& 0"t yo" see$ he doesn't see' interested in #oin# on !ith his ed"cation&"
"This ti'e !e can't censor yo"r %etter$ -e're /"st ta,in# o"r chances& -e need yo"r brother bad%y& )"'anity is on the c"sp&"
This ti'e :a% had #ro!n "p eno"#h to ,no! /"st ho! '"ch dan#er the !or%d !as in& And she had been De'osthenes %on# eno"#h that she didn't hesitate to do her d"ty& "-here is he+"
Ender didn't !a e !hen she !a%,ed do!n the hi%% to!ard hi'$ didn't s'i%e !hen she stepped onto the *%oatin# boat s%ip& 0"t she ,ne! that he !as #%ad to see her$ ,ne! it beca"se o* the !ay his eyes ne er %e*t her *ace&
"3o" too$" he said& "I a%so re'e'bered that yo" !ere bea"ti*"%&"
"No& 3o"r *ace is the sa'e$ b"t I don't re'e'ber !hat bea"ti*"% 'eans any'ore& Co'e on& ;et's #o o"t into the %a,e&"
"Don't stand "p on it$ that's a%%$" he said& )e #ot on by cra!%in#$ spider%i,e$ on toes and *in#ers& "It's the *irst thin# I b"i%t !ith 'y o!n hands since yo" and I "sed to b"i%d !ith b%oc,s& 2eter-proo* b"i%din#s&"
She %a"#hed& They "sed to ta,e p%eas"re in b"i%din# thin#s that !o"%d stand "p e en !hen a %ot o* the ob io"s s"pports had been re'o ed& 2eter$ in t"rn$ %i,ed to re'o e a b%oc, here or there$ so the str"ct"re !o"%d be *ra#i%e eno"#h that the ne1t person to to"ch it !o"%d ,noc, it do!n& 2eter !as an ass$ b"t he did pro ide so'e *oc"s to their chi%dhood&
"A%% ri#ht&"
She cra!%ed onto the boat$ not as de*t%y as Ender& )e "sed a padd%e to 'ane" er the' s%o!%y to!ard the center o* the pri ate %a,e& She noticed a%o"d that he !as s"nbro!ned and stron#&
"The stron# part co'es *ro' 0att%e Schoo%& The s"nbro!nin# co'es *ro' this %a,e& I spend a %ot o* ti'e on the !ater& -hen I'' s!i''in#$ it's %i,e bein# !ei#ht%ess& I 'iss bein# !ei#ht%ess& A%so$ !hen I'' here on the %a,e$ the %and s%opes "p in e ery direction&"
"No$" she said& She reached o"t and to"ched his %e#& Then$ s"dden%y$ she s<"ee7ed his ,nee$ ri#ht !here he had a%!ays been 'ost tic,%ish&
0"t a%'ost at the sa'e 'o'ent$ he ca"#ht her !rist in his hand& )is #rip !as ery stron#$ e en tho"#h hts hands !ere s'a%%er than hers and his o!n ar's !ere s%ender and ti#ht& (or a 'o'ent he %oo,ed dan#ero"s4 then he re%a1ed& "Oh$ yes$" he said& "3o" "sed to tic,%e 'e&"
In ans!er$ she dropped herse%* o er the side o* the ra*t& The !ater !as c%ear and c%ean$ and there !as no
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ch%orine in it& She s!a' *or a !hi%e$ then ret"rned to the ra*t and %ay on it in the ha7y s"n%i#ht& A !asp circ%ed her$ then %anded on the ra*t beside her head& She ,ne! it !as there$ and ordinari%y !o"%d ha e been a*raid o* it& 0"t not today& ;et it !a%, on this ra*t$ %et it ba,e in the s"n as I'' doin#&
Then the ra*t roc,ed$ and she t"rned to see Ender ca%'%y cr"shin# the %i*e o"t o* the !asp !ith one *in#er& "These are a nasty breed$" Ender said& "They stin# yo" !itho"t !aitin# to be ins"%ted *irst$" )e s'i%ed& "I' e been %earnin# abo"t pree'pti e strate#ies& I'' ery #ood& No one e er beat 'e& I'' the best so%dier they e er had&"
"It 'eans that yo" are #oin# to 'a,e a di**erence in the !or%d&" And she to%d hi' !hat she and 2eter !ere doin#&
")e thin,s he's A%e1ander the Great& And !hy sho"%dn't he be+ -hy sho"%dn't yo" be$ too+"
"T!o *aces o* the sa'e coin& And I a' the 'eta% in bet!een&" E en as she said it$ she !ondered i* it !as tr"e& She had shared so '"ch !ith 2eter these %ast *e! years that e en !hen she tho"#ht she despised hi'$ she "nderstood hi'& -hi%e Ender had been on%y a 'e'ory ti%% no!& A ery s'a%%$ *ra#i%e boy !ho needed her protection& Not this co%d-eyed$ dar,-s,inned 'an%in# !ho ,i%%s !asps !ith his *in#ers& Maybe he and 2eter and I are a%% the sa'e$ and ha e been a%% a%on#& Maybe !e on%y tho"#ht !e !ere di**erent *ro' each other o"t o* /ea%o"sy&
"The tro"b%e !ith coins is$ !hen one *ace is "p$ the other *ace is do!n&"
And ri#ht no! yo" thin, yo"'re do!n& "They !ant 'e to enco"ra#e yo" to #o on !ith yo"r st"dies&"
"They aren't st"dies$ they're #a'es& A%% #a'es$ *ro' be#innin# to end$ on%y they chan#e the r"%es !hene er they *ee% %i,e it&" )e he%d "p a %i'p hand& "See the strin#s+"
"On%y i* they !ant to be "sed& On%y i* they thin, they're "sin# yo"& No$ it's too hard$ I don't !ant to p%ay any'ore& 6"st !hen I start to be happy$ /"st !hen I thin, I can hand%e thin#s$ they stic, in anothet ,ni*e& I ,eep ha in# ni#ht'ares$ no! that I'' here& I drea' I'' in the batt%eroo'$ on%y instead o* bein# !ei#ht%ess$ they're p%ayin# #a'es !ith #ra ity& They ,eep chan#in# its direction& So I ne er end "p on the !a%% I %a"nched *or& I ne er end "p !here I 'eant to #o& And I ,eep p%eadin# !ith the' /"st to %et 'e #et to the door$ and they !on't %et 'e o"t$ they ,eep s"c,in# 'e bac, in&"
She heard the an#er in his oice and ass"'ed it !as directed at her& "I s"ppose that's !hat I'' here *or& To s"c, yo" bac, in&"
"Ender$ it rea%%y is tr"e& -e 'ay be yo"n#$ b"t !e're not po!er%ess& -e p%ay by their r"%es %on# eno"#h$ and it beco'es o"r #a'e&" She #i##%ed& "I'' on a presidentia% co''ission& 2eter is so an#ry&"
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"They don't %et 'e "se the nets& There isn't a co'p"ter in the p%ace$ e1cept the ho"seho%d 'achines that r"n the sec"rity syste' and the %i#htin#& Ancient thin#s& Insta%%ed bac, a cent"ry a#o$ !hen they 'ade co'p"ters that didn't hoo, "p !ith anythin#& They too, a!ay 'y ar'y$ they too, a!ay 'y des,$ and yo" ,no! so'ethin#+ I don't rea%%y 'ind&"
:a%entine shi ered$ as i* a co%d bree7e had s"dden%y passed& "I re*"se to !atch the b"##er ids any'ore& They're a%!ays the sa'e&
"I "sed to st"dy the' *or ho"rs& The !ay their ships 'o e thro"#h space& And so'ethin# *"nny$ that on%y occ"rred to 'e %yin# o"t here on the %a,e& I rea%i7ed that a%% the batt%es in !hich b"##ers and h"'ans *o"#ht hand to hand$ a%% those are *ro' the (irst In asion& A%% the scenes *ro' the Second In asion$ !hen o"r so%diers are in I( "ni*or's$ in those scenes the b"##ers are a%!ays a%ready dead& ;yin# there$ s%"'ped o er their contro%s& Not a si#n o* str"##%e or anythin#& And Ma7er Rac,ha''s batt%e -- they ne er sho! "s any *oota#e *ro' that batt%e&"
"No$ no$ I don't care abo"t ho! !e ,i%%ed the'& It's the b"##ers the'se% es& I don't ,no! anythin# abo"t the'$ and yet so'eday I'' s"pposed to *i#ht the'& I' e been thro"#h a %ot o* *i#hts in 'y %i*e$ so'eti'es #a'es$ so'eti'es -- not #a'es& E ery ti'e$ I' e !on beca"se I co"%d "nderstand the !ay 'y ene'y tho"#ht& (ro' !hat they .did.& I co"%d te%% !hat they tho"#ht I !as doin#$ ho! they !anted the batt%e to ta,e shape& And I p%ayed o** o* that& I'' ery #ood at that& @nderstandin# ho! other peop%e thin,&"
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"The c"rse o* the -i##in chi%dren&" She /o,ed$ b"t it *ri#htened her$ that Ender 'i#ht "nderstand her as co'p%ete%y as he did his ene'ies& 2eter a%!ays "nderstood her$ or at %east tho"#ht he did$ b"t he !as s"ch a 'ora% sin,ho%e that she ne er had to *ee% e'barrassed !hen he #"essed e en her !orst tho"#hts& 0"t Ender -she did not !ant hi' to "nderstand her& It !o"%d 'a,e her na,ed be*ore hi'& She !o"%d be asha'ed& "3o" don't thin, yo" can beat the b"##ers "n%ess yo" ,no! the'&"
"It #oes deeper than that& 0ein# here a%one !ith nothin# to do$ I' e been thin,in# abo"t 'yse%*$ too& Tryin# to "nderstand !hy I hate 'yse%* so bad%y&"
"No$ Ender&"
"Don't te%% 'e 'No$ Ender&' It too, 'e a %on# ti'e to rea%i7e that I did$ b"t be%ie e 'e$ I did& Do& And it ca'e do!n to this? In the 'o'ent !hen I tr"%y "nderstand 'y ene'y$ "nderstand hi' !e%% eno"#h to de*eat hi'$ then in that ery 'o'ent I a%so %o e hi'& I thin, it's i'possib%e to rea%%y "nderstand so'ebody$ !hat they !ant$ !hat they be%ie e$ and not %o e the' the !ay they %o e the'se% es& And then$ in that ery 'o'ent !hen I %o e the'--"
"3o" beat the'&" (or a 'o'ent she !as not a*raid o* his "nderstandin#&
"No$ yo" don't "nderstand& I destroy the'& I 'a,e it i'possib%e *or the' to e er h"rt 'e a#ain& I #rind the' and #rind the' "nti% they don't e1ist&"
"O* co"rse yo" don't&" And no! the *ear ca'e a#ain$ !orse than be*ore& 2eter has 'e%%o!ed$ b"t yo"$ they' e 'ade yo" into a ,i%%er& T!o sides o* the sa'e coin$ b"t !hich side is !hich+
"I' e rea%%y h"rt so'e peop%e$ :a%& I'' not 'a,in# this "p&"
"See !hat I'' beco'in#$ :a%+" he said so*t%y& "E en yo" are a*raid o* 'e&" And he to"ched her chee, so #ent%y that she !anted to cry& ;i,e the to"ch o* his so*t baby hand !hen he !as sti%% an in*ant& She re'e'bered that$ the to"ch o* his so*t and innocent hand on her chee,&
No& I sho"%dn't& "3o"'re #oin# to shri e% "p i* yo" stay in the !ater& A%so$ the shar,s 'i#ht #et yo"&
)e s'i%ed& "The shar,s %earned to %ea e 'e a%one a %on# ti'e a#o&" 0"t he p"%%ed hi'se%* onto the ra*t$ brin#in# a !ash o* !ater across it as it tipped& It !as co%d on :a%entine's bac,&
"Ender$ 2eter's #oin# to do it& )e's s'art eno"#h to ta,e the ti'e it ta,es$ b"t he's #oin# to !in his !ay into po!er -- i* not ri#ht no!$ then %ater& I'' not s"re yet !hether that'%% be a #ood thin# or a bad thin#& 2eter can be cr"e%$ b"t he ,no!s the #ettin# and ,eepin# o* po!er$ and there are si#ns that once the b"##er !ar is o er$ and 'aybe e en be*ore it ends$ the !or%d !i%% co%%apse into chaos a#ain& The -arsa! 2act !as on its !ay to he#e'ony be*ore the (irst In asion& I* they try *or it a*ter!ard--"
"3o"' e been disco erin# so'e o* the destroyer in yo"rse%*$ Ender& -e%%$ so ha e I& 2eter didn't ha e a 'onopo%y on that$ !hate er the testers tho"#ht& And 2eter has so'e o* the b"i%der in hi'& )e isn't ,ind$ b"t he doesn't brea, e ery #ood thin# he sees any'ore& Once yo" rea%i7e that po!er !i%% a%!ays end "p !ith the sort o* peop%e !ho cra e it$ I thin, that there are !orse peop%e !ho co"%d ha e it than 2eter&"
"So'eti'es it see's abso%"te%y si%%y& A *o"rteen-year-o%d boy and his ,id sister p%ottin# to ta,e o er the !or%d&" She tried to %a"#h& It !asn't *"nny& "-e aren't /"st ordinary chi%dren$ are !e& None o* "s&"
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She tried to i'a#ine herse%* bein# %i,e the other #ir%s at schoo%& Tried to i'a#ine %i*e i* she didn't *ee% responsib%e *or the *"t"re o* the !or%d& "It !o"%d be so d"%%&"
"I don't thin, so&" And he stretched o"t on the ra*t$ as i* he co"%d %ie on the !ater *ore er&
It !as tr"e& -hate er they did to Ender in the 0att%e Schoo%$ they had spent his a'bition& )e rea%%y did not !ant to %ea e the s"n-!ar'ed !aters o* this bo!%&
No$ she rea%i7ed& No$ he .be%ie es. that he doesn't !ant to %ea e here$ b"t there is sti%% too '"ch o* 2eter in hi'& Or too '"ch o* 'e& None o* "s co"%d be happy *or %on#$ doin# nothin#& Or perhaps it's /"st that none o* "s co"%d be happy %i in# !ith no other co'pany than o"rse%*&
So she be#an to prod a#ain& "-hat is the one na'e that e eryone in the !or%d ,no!s+"
"Ma7er Rac,ha'&"
"And !hat i* yo" !in the ne1t !ar$ the !ay Ma7er did+"
"Ma7er Rac,ha' !as a *%",e& A reser e& Nobody be%ie ed in hi'& )e /"st happened to be in the ri#ht p%ace at the ri#ht ti'e&"
"0"t s"ppose yo" do it& S"ppose yo" beat the b"##ers and yo"r na'e is ,no!n the !ay Ma7er Rac,ha''s na'e is ,no!n&"
";et so'ebody e%se be *a'o"s& 2eter !ants to be *a'o"s& ;et hi' sa e the !or%d&"
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"I'' not ta%,in# abo"t *a'e$ Ender& I'' not ta%,in# abo"t po!er$ either& I'' ta%,in# abo"t accidents$ /"st %i,e the accident that Ma7er Rac,ha' happened to be the one !ho !as there !hen so'ebody had to stop the b"##ers&"
"I* I'' here$" said Ender$ "then I !on't be there& So'ebody e%se !i%%& ;et the' ha e the accident&"
)is tone o* !eary "nconcern in*"riated her& "I'' ta%,in# abo"t 'y %i*e$ yo" se%*-centered %itt%e bastard&" I* her !ords bothered hi'$ he didn't sho! it& 6"st %ay there$ eyes c%osed& "-hen yo" !ere %itt%e and 2eter tort"red yo"$ it's a #ood thin# I didn't %ie bac, and !ait *or Mo' and Dad to sa e yo"& They ne er "nderstood ho! dan#ero"s 2eter !as& I ,ne! yo" had the 'onitor$ b"t I didn't !ait *or the'$ either& Do yo" ,no! !hat 2eter "sed to do to 'e beca"se I stopped hi' *ro' h"rtin# yo"+"
0eca"se she sa! that his chest !as tre'b%in#$ beca"se she ,ne! that she had indeed h"rt hi'$ beca"se she ,ne! that /"st %i,e 2eter$ she had *o"nd his !ea,est p%ace and stabbed hi' there$ she *e%% si%ent&
"I can't beat the'$" Ender said so*t%y$ "I'%% be o"t there %i,e Ma7er Rac,ha' one day$ and e erybody !i%% be dependin# on 'e$ and I !on't be ab%e to do it&"
"I* yo" can't$ Ender$ then nobody co"%d& I* yo" can't beat the'$ then they deser e to !in beca"se they're stron#er and better than "s& It !on't be yo"r *a"%t&"
"Nobody$ Ender& I'%% te%% yo" so'ethin#& I* yo" try and %ose then it isn't yo"r *a"%t& 0"t i* yo" don't try and !e %ose$ then it's a%% yo"r *a"%t& 3o" ,i%%ed "s a%%&"
"-hat e%se sho"%d yo" be+ )"'an bein#s didn't e o% e brains in order to %ie aro"nd on %a,es& 8i%%in#'s the *irst thin# !e %earned& And a #ood thin# !e did$ or !e'd be dead$ and the ti#ers !o"%d o!n the earth&"
So it ca'e bac, to 2eter& ")e !as years o%der than yo"& And stron#er&"
She co"%d see his reasonin#& Or rather$ his "nreasonin#& )e co"%d !in a%% he !anted$ b"t he ,ne! in his heart that there !as a%!ays so'eone !ho co"%d destroy hi'$ )e a%!ays ,ne! that he had not rea%%y !on$ beca"se there !as 2eter$ "nde*eated cha'pion&
"No$" he ans!ered&
"0eat the b"##ers& Then co'e ho'e and see !ho notices 2eter -i##in any'ore& ;oo, hi' in the eye !hen a%% the !or%d %o es and re eres yo"& That'%% be de*eat in his eyes$ Ender& That's ho! yo" !in&"
"3es I do&"
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Ender said nothin# 'ore& 6"st %ay there& And %ay there&
(ina%%y :a%entine$ the s!eat drippin# o** her$ the 'os<"itos be#innin# to ho er as the d"s, ca'e on$ too, one *ina% dip in the !ater and then be#an to p"sh the ra*t in to shore& Ender sho!ed no si#n that he ,ne! !hat she !as doin#$ b"t his irre#"%ar breathin# to%d her that he !as not as%eep& -hen they #ot to shore$ she c%i'bed onto the doc, and said$ "I %o e yo"$ Ender& More than e er& No 'atter !hat yo" decide&"
)e didn't ans!er& She do"bted that he be%ie ed her& She !a%,ed bac, "p the hi%%$ sa a#e%y an#ry at the' *or 'a,in# her co'e to Ender %i,e this& (or she had$ a*ter a%%$ done /"st !hat they !anted& She had ta%,ed Ender into #oin# bac, into his trainin#$ and he !o"%dn't soon *or#i e her *or that&
Ender ca'e in the door$ sti%% !et *ro' his %ast dip in the %a,e& It !as dar, o"tside$ and dar, in the roo' !here Gra** !aited *or hi'&
Ender sho!ered and dressed& )e !as *ina%%y "sed to the !ay ci i%ian c%othes *it to#ether$ b"t he sti%% didn't *ee% ri#ht !itho"t a "ni*or' or a *%ash s"it& I'%% ne er !ear a *%ash s"it a#ain$ he tho"#ht& That !as the 0att%e Schoo% #a'e$ and I'' thro"#h !ith that& )e heard the cric,ets chirpin# 'ad%y in the !oods4 in the near distance he heard the crac,%in# so"nd o* a car dri in# s%o!%y on #ra e%&
-hat e%se sho"%d he ta,e !ith hi'+ )e had read se era% o* the boo,s in the %ibrary& b"t they be%on#ed to the ho"se and he co"%dn't ta,e the'& The on%y thin# he o!ned !as the ra*t he had 'ade !ith his o!n hands& That !o"%d stay here$ too&
The %i#hts !ere on no! in the roo' !here Gra** !aited& )e$ too$ had chan#ed c%othin#& )e !as bac, to "ni*or'&
They sat in the bac, seat o* the car to#ether$ dri in# a%on# co"ntry roads to co'e at the airport *ro' the bac,& "0ac, !hen the pop"%ation !as #ro!in#$" said Gra**$ "they ,ept this area in !oods and *ar's& -atershed %and& The rain*a%% here starts a %ot o* ri ers *%o!in#$ a %ot o* "nder#ro"nd !ater 'o in# aro"nd& The Earth is deep$ and ri#ht to the heart it's a%i e$ Ender& -e peop%e on%y %i e on the top$ %i,e the b"#s that %i e on the sc"' o* the sti%% !ater near the shore&"
"-e train o"r co''anders the !ay !e do beca"se that's !hat it ta,es -- they ha e to thin, in certain !ays& They can't be distracted by a %ot o* thin#s$ so !e iso%ate the'& 3o"& 8eep yo" separate& And it !or,s& 0"t it's so easy$ !hen yo" ne er 'eet peop%e$ !hen yo" ne er ,no! the Earth itse%*$ !hen yo" %i e !ith 'eta% !a%%s ,eepin# o"t the co%d o* space$ it's easy to *or#et !hy Earth is !orth sa in#& -hy the !or%d o* peop%e 'i#ht be !orth the price yo" pay&"
So that's !hy yo" bro"#ht 'e here$ tho"#ht Ender& -ith a%% yo"r h"rry$ that's !hy yo" too, three 'onths$ to 'a,e 'e %o e Earth& -e%%$ it !or,ed& A%% yo"r tric,s !or,ed& :a%entine$ too4 she !as another one o* yo"r tric,s$ to 'a,e 'e re'e'ber that I'' not #oin# to schoo% *or 'yse%*& -e%%$ I re'e'ber&
"I 'ay ha e "sed :a%enrine$" said Gra**$ "and yo" 'ay hate 'e *or it$ Ender$ b"t ,eep this in 'ind -- it on%y !or,s beca"se !hat's bet!een yo"$ that's rea%$ that's !hat 'atters& 0i%%ions o* those connections bet!een h"'an bein#s& That's !hat yo"'re *i#htin# to ,eep a%i e&"
Ender t"rned his *ace to the !indo! and !atched the he%icopters and diri#ib%es rise and *a%%&
They too, a he%icopter to the I( spaceport at St"'py 2oint& %t !as o**icia%%y na'ed *or a dead )e#e'on$ b"t e erybody ca%%ed it St"'py 2oint$ a*ter the piti*"% %itt%e to!n that had been pa ed o er !hen they 'ade the approaches to the ast is%ands o* stee% and concrete that dotted 2a'%ico So"nd& There !ere sti%% !aterbirds ta,in# their *astidio"s %itt%e steps in the sa%t!ater$ !here 'ossy trees dipped do!n as i* to drin,& It be#an to rain %i#ht%y$ and the concrete !as b%ac, and s%ic,4 it !as hard to te%% !here it %e*t o** and the So"nd be#an&
Grai* %ed hi' thro"#h a 'a7e o* c%earances& A"thority !as a %itt%e p%astic ba%% that Gra** carried& )e dropped it into ch"tes$ and doors opened and peop%e stood "p and sa%"ted and the ch"tes spat o"t the ba%% and Gra** !ent on& Ender noticed that at *irst e eryone !atched Gra**$ b"t as they penetrated deeper into the spaceport$ peop%e be#an !atchin# Ender& At *irst it !as the 'an o* rea% a"thority they noticed$ b"t %ater$ !here e eryone had a"thority$ it !as his car#o they cared to see&
On%y !hen Gra** strapped hi'se%* into the sh"tt%e seat beside hi' hid Ender rea%i7e Gra** !as #oin# to %a"nch !ith hi'&
")o! *ar+" as,ed Ender& ")o! *ar are yo" #oin# !ith 'e+"
So they had re'o ed Gra** *ro' his post at 0att%e Schoo% so%e%y to acco'pnany Ender to his ne1t assi#n'ent& )o! i'portant a' I$ he !ondered& And %i,e a !hisper o* 2eter's- oice inside his 'ind$ he heard the <"estion$ )o! can I "se this+
)e sh"ddered and tried to thin, o* so'ethin# e%se& 2eter co"%d ha e *antasies abo"t r"%in# the !or%d$ b"t Ender didn't ha e the'& Sti%%$ thin,in# bac, on his %i*e in 0att%e Schoo%$ it occ"rred to hi' that a%tho"#h he bad ne er so"#ht po!er$ he had a%!ays had it& 0"t he decided that it !as a po!er born o* e1ce%%ence$ not 'anip"%ation& )e had no reason to be asha'ed o* it& )e had ne er$ e1cept perhaps !ith 0ean$ "sed his po!er to h"rt so'eone& And !ith 0ean$ thin#s had !or,ed !e%% a*ter a%%& 0ean had beco'e a *riend$ *ina%%y$ to ta,e the p%ace o* the %ost A%ai$ !ho in t"rn too, the p%ace o* :a%entine& :a%entine$ !ho !as he%pin# 2eter in his p%ottin#& :a%entine$ !ho sti%% %o ed Ender no 'atter !hat happened& And *o%%o!in# that train o* tho"#ht %ed hi' bac, to Earth$ bac, to the <"iet ho"rs in the center o* the c%ear !ater rin#ed by a bo!% o* tree-co ered hi%%s& That is Earth$ he tho"#ht& Not a #%obe tho"sands o* ,i%o'eters aro"nd$ b"t a *orest !ith a shinin# %a,e$ a ho"se hidden at the crest o* the hi%%$ hi#h in the trees$ a #rassy s%ope %eadin# "p!ard *ro' the !ater$ *ish %eapin# and birds stra*in# to ta,e the b"#s that %i ed at the border bet!een !ater and s,y& Earth !as the constant noise o* cric,ets and !inds and birds& And the oice o* one #ir%$ !ho spo,e to hi' o"t o* his *ar-o** chi%dhood& The sa'e oice that had once protected hi' *ro' terror& The sa'e oice that he !o"%d do anythin# to ,eep a%i e$ e en ret"rn to schoo%$ e en %ea e Earth behind a#ain *or another *o"r or *orty or *o"r tho"sand years& E en i* she %o ed 2eter 'ore&
)is eyes !ere c%osed$ and he had not 'ade any so"nd b"t breathin#4 sti%%$ Gra** reached o"t and to"ched his hand across the ais%e& Ender sti**ened in s"rprise$ and Gra** soon !ithdre!$ b"t *or a 'o'ent Ender !as str"c, !ith the start%in# tho"#ht that perhaps Gra** *e%t so'e a**ection *or hi'& 0"t no$ it !as /"st another ca%c"%ated #est"re& Gra** !as creatin# a co''ander o"t o* a %itt%e boy& No do"bt @nit 1G in the co"rse o* st"dies inc%"ded an a**ectionate #est"re *ro' the teacher&
The sh"tt%e reached the I2; sate%%ite in on%y a *e! ho"rs& Inter-2%anetary ;a"nch !as a city o* three tho"sand inhabitants$ breathin# o1y#en *ro' the p%ants that a%so *ed the'$ drin,in# !ater that had a%ready passed thro"#h their bodies ten tho"sand ti'es$ %i in# on%y to ser ice the t"#s that did a%% the o1!or, in the so%ar syste' and the sh"tt%es that too, their car#os and passen#ers bac, to the Earth or the Moon& It !as a !or%d !here$ brie*%y$ Ender *e%t at ho'e$ since its *%oors s%oped "p!ard as they did in the 0att%e Schoo%&
Their t"# !as *air%y ne!4 the I( !as constant%y castin# o** its o%d ehic%es and p"rchasin# the %atest 'ode%s& It had /"st bro"#ht a ast %oad o* dra!n stee% processed by a *actory ship that !as ta,in# apart 'inor p%anets in the
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asteroid be%t& The stee% !o"%d be dropped to the Moon$ and no! the t"# !as %in,ed to *o"rteen bar#es& Gra** dropped his ba%% into the reader a#ain$ ho!e er$ and the bar#es !ere "nco"p%ed *ro' the t"#& It !o"%d be 'a,in# a *ast r"n this ti'e$ to a destination o* Gra**'s speci*ication$ not to be stated "nti% the t"# had c"t %oose *ro' I2;&
"It's no #reat secret$" said the t"#'s captain& "-hene er the destination is "n,no!n$ it's *or IS;&" 0y ana%o#y !ith I2;$ Ender decided the %etters 'eant Inter-Ste%%ar ;a"nch&
"-here then+"
"I(& Co''and&"
"3o"r ship ,no!s$" said Gra**& "6"st %et the co'p"ter ha e a %oo, at this$ and *o%%o! the co"rse it p%ots&" )e handed the captain the p%astic ba%%&
"And I'' s"pposed to c%ose 'y eyes d"rin# the !ho%e oya#e$ so I don't *i#"re o"t !here !e are+"
"Oh$ no$ o* co"rse not& I&E& Co''and is on the 'inor p%anet Eros$ !hich sho"%d be abo"t three 'onths a!ay *ro' here at the hi#hest possib%e speed& -hich is the speed yo"'%% "se$ o* co"rse&"
"Eros+ 0"t I tho"#ht that the b"##ers b"rned that to a radioacti e -- ah& -hen did I recei e sec"rity c%earance to ,no! this+"
"3o" didn't& So !hen !e arri e at Eros$ yo" !i%% "ndo"bted%y be assi#ned to per'anent d"ty there&"
The captain "nderstood i''ediate%y$ and didn't %i,e it& "I'' a pi%ot$ yo" son o* a bitch$ and yo" #ot no ri#ht to
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"I !i%% o er%oo, yo"r derisi e %an#"a#e to a s"perior o**icer& I do apo%o#i7e$ b"t 'y orders !ere to ta,e the *astest a ai%ab%e 'i%itary t"#& At the 'o'ent I arri ed$ that !as yo"& It isn't as tho"#h anyone !ere o"t to #et yo"& Cheer "p& The !ar 'ay be o er in another *i*teen years$ and then the %ocation o* I( Co''and !on't ha e to be a secret any'ore& 0y the !ay$ yo" sho"%d be a!are$ in case yo"'re one o* those !ho re%ies on is"a%s *or doc,in#$ that Eros has been b%ac,ed o"t& Its a%bedo is on%y s%i#ht%y bri#hter than a b%ac, ho%e& 3o" !on't see it&"
It !as near%y a 'onth into the oya#e be*ore he 'ana#ed to spea, ci i%%y to Co%one% Gra**&
The shipboard co'p"ter had a %i'ited %ibrary -- it !as #eared pri'ari%y to entertain'ent rather than ed"cation& So d"rin# the oya#e$ a*ter brea,*ast and 'ornin# e1ercises$ Ender and Gra** !o"%d "s"a%%y ta%,& Abo"t Co''and Schoo%$ Abo"t Earth& Abo"t astrono'y and physics and !hate er Ender !anted to ,no!&
"-e don't ,no! '"ch$" said Gra**& "-e' e ne er had a %i e one in c"stody& E en !hen !e ca"#ht one "nar'ed and a%i e$ he died the 'o'ent it beca'e ob io"s he !as capt"red& E en the he is "ncertain -- the 'ost %i,e%y thin#$ in *act$ is that 'ost b"##er so%diers are *e'a%es$ b"t !ith atrophied or esti#ia% se1"a% or#ans& -e can't te%%& It's their psycho%o#y that !o"%d be 'ost "se*"% to yo"$ and !e ha en't e1act%y had a chance to inter ie! the'&"
"Te%% 'e !hat yo" ,no!$ and 'aybe I'%% %earn so'ethin# that I need&"
So Gra** to%d hi'& The b"##ers !ere or#anis's that en"%d concei ab%y ha e e o% ed on Earth$ i* thin#s had #one a di**erent !ay a bi%%ion years a#o& At the 'o%ec"%ar %e e%$ there !ere no s"rprises& E en the #enetic 'ateria% !as the sa'e& It !as no accident that they %oo,ed insect%i,e to h"'an bein#s& Tho"#h their interna% or#ans !ere no! '"ch 'ore co'p%e1 and specia%i7ed than any insects$ and they had e o% ed an interna% s,e%eton and shed 'ost o* the e1os,e%eton$ their physica% str"ct"re sti%% echoed their ancestors$ !ho co"%d easi%y ha e been ery '"ch %i,e Earth's ants& "0"t don't be *oo%ed by that$" said Gra**& "It's /"st as 'eanin#*"% to say that o"r
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"S<"irre%s ne er b"i%t starships$" said Gra**& "There are "s"a%%y a *e! chan#es on the !ay *ro' #atherin# n"ts and seeds to har estin# asteroids and p"ttin# per'anent research stations on the 'oons o* Sat"rn&"
The b"##ers co"%d probab%y see abo"t the sa'e spectr"' o* %i#ht as h"'an bein#s$ and there !as arti*icia% %i#htin# in their ships and #ro"nd insta%%ations& )o!e er$ their antennae see'ed airnost esti#ia%& There !as no e idence *ro' their bodies that s'e%%in#$ tastin#$ or hearin# !ere partic"%ar%y i'portant to the'& "O* co"rse$ !e can't be s"re& 0"t !e can't see any !ay that they co"%d ha e "sed so"nd *or co''"nication& The oddest thin# o* a%% !as that they a%so don't ha e any co''"nication de ices on their ships& No radios$ nothin# that co"%d transi'it or recei e any ,ind o* si#na%&"
"They co''"nicate ship to ship& I' e seen the ideos$ they ta%, to each other&"
"Tr"e& 0"t body to body$ 'ind to 'ind& It's the 'ost i'portant thin# !e %earned *ro' the'& Their co''"nication$ ho!e er they do it$ is instantaneo"s& ;i#htspeed is no barrier& -hen Ma7er Rac,ha' de*eated their in asion *%eet$ they a%% c%osed "p shop& At once& There !as no ti'e *or a si#na%& E erythin# /"st stopped&"
Ender re'e'bered the ideos o* "nin/"red b"##ers %yin# dead at their posts&
"-e ,ne! then that it !as possib%e to co''"nicate *aster than %i#ht& That !as se enty years a#o$ and once !e ,ne! it co"%d be done$ !e did it& Not 'e$ 'ind yo"$ I !asn't born then&"
")o! is it possib%e+"
"I can't e1p%ain phi%otic physics to yo"& )a%* o* it nobody "nderstands any!ay& -hat 'atters is !e b"i%t the ansib%e& The o**icia% na'e is 2hi%otic 2ara%%a1 Instantaneo"s Co''"nicator$ b"t so'ebody dred#ed the na'e ansib%e o"t o* an o%d boo, so'e!here and it ca"#ht on& Not that 'ost peop%e e en ,no! the 'achine e1ists&"
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"That 'eans that ships co"%d ta%, to each other e en !hen they're across the so%ar syste'$" said Ender&
"It 'eans$" said Gra**$ "that ships co"%d ta%, to each other e en !hen they're across the #a%a1y& And the b"##ers can do it !itho"t 'achines&"
"So they ,ne! abo"t their de*eat the 'o'ent it happened$" said Ender& "I a%!ays *i#"red -- e erybody a%!ays said that they probab%y on%y *o"nd o"t they %ost the batt%e t!enty *i e years a#o&"
"It ,eeps peop%e *ro' panic,in#$" said Gra**& "I'' te%%in# yo" thin#s that yo" can't ,no!$ by the !ay$ i* yo"'re e er #oin# to %ea e I( Co''and& 0e*ore the !ar's o er&"
Ender !as an#ry& "I* yo" ,no! 'e at a%%$ yo" ,no! I can ,eep a secret&"
"It's a re#"%ation& 2eop%e "nder t!enty-*i e are ass"'ed to be a sec"rity ris,& It's ery "n/"st to a #ood 'any responsib%e chi%dren$ b"t it he%ps narro! the n"'ber o* peop%e !ho 'i#ht %et so'ethin# s%ip&"
"0eca"se !e' e ta,en so'e terrib%e ris,s$ Ender$ and !e don't !ant to ha e e ery net on earth second-#"essin# those decisions& 3o" see$ as soon as !e had a !or,in# ansib%e$ !e t"c,ed it into o"r best starships and %a"nched the' to attac, the b"##ers ho'e syste's&"
"-e're attac,in# the'& Nobody says that& E erybody thin,s !e ha e a h"#e *%eet o* !arships !aitin# in the co'et shie%d--"
"Then !e're dead& 0"t o"r ships ha en't seen s"ch a *%eet$ not a si#n o* one&"
"Maybe& 3o"' e seen the ideos& -o"%d yo" bet the h"'an race on the chance o* the' #i in# "p and %ea in# "s a%one+"
Ender tried to #rasp the a'o"nts o* ti'e that had #one by& "And the ships ha e been tra e%in# *or se enty years--"
"So'e o* the'& And so'e *or thirty years$ and so'e *or t!enty& -e 'a,e better ships no!& -e're %earnin# ho! to p%ay !ith space a %tt%e better& 0"t e ery starship that is not sti%% "nder constr"ction is on its !ay to a b"##er !or%d or o"tpost& E ery starship$ !ith cr"isers and *i#hters t"c,ed into its be%%y$ is o"t there approachin# the b"##ers& Dece%eratin#& 0eca"se they're a%'ost there& The *irst ships !e sent to the 'ost distant ob/ecti es$ the 'ore recent ships to the c%oser ones& O"r ti'in# !as pretty #ood& They'%% a%% be arri in# in co'bat ran#e !ithin a *e! 'onths o* each other& @n*ort"nate%y$ o"r 'ost pri'iti e$ o"tdated e<"ip'ent !i%% be attac,in# their ho'e!or%d& Sti%%$ they're ar'ed !e%% eno"#h -- !e ha e so'e !eapons the b"##ers ne er sa! be*ore&"
"-ithin the ne1t *i e years& Ender& E erythin# is ready at I( Co''and& The 'aster ansib%e is there$ in contact !ith a%% o"r in asion *%eet4 the ships are a%% !or,in#$ ready to *i#ht& A%% !e %ac,$ Ender$ is the batt%e co''ander& So'eone !ho ,no!s !hat the he%% to do !ith those ships !hen they #et there&"
"-e'%% /"st do o"r best$ !ith the best co''ander !e can #et&"
Me$ tho"#ht Ender$ they !ant 'e to be ready in *i e years& "Co%one% Gra**$ there isn't a chance I'%% be ready to co''and a *%eet in ti'e&"
Gra** shr"##ed& "So& Do yo"r best& I* yo" aren't ready$ !e'%% 'a,e do !ith !hat !e' e #ot&"
0"t on%y *or a 'o'ent$ "O* co"rse$ Ender$ !hat !e' e #ot ri#ht no! is nobody&"
Ender ,ne! that this !as another o* Gra**'s #a'es& Ma,e 'e be%ie e that it a%% depends on 'e$ so I can't s%ac, o**$ so I p"sh 'yse%* as hard as possib%e&
Ga'e or not$ tho"#h$ it 'i#ht a%so be tr"e& And so he !o"%d !or, as hard as possib%e& It !as !hat :a% had !anted o* hi'& (i e years& On%y *i e years "nti% the *%eet arri es$ and I don't ,no! anythin# yet$ "I'%% on%y be *i*teen in *i e years$" Ender said&
"Goin# on si1teen$" said Gra**& "It a%% depends on !hat yo" ,no!&"
"Co%one% Gra**$" he said& "I /"st !ant to #o bac, and s!i' in the %a,e&"
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"A*ter !e !in the !ar$" said Gra**$ "Or %ose it& -e'%% ha e a *e! decades be*ore they #et bac, here to *inish "s o**& The ho"se !i%% be there$ and I pro'ise yo" can s!i' to yo"r heart's content&"
"-e'%% ,eep yo" "nder ar'ed #"ard at a%% ti'es& The 'i%itary ,no!s ho! to hand%e these thin#s&"
They both %a"#hed$ and Ender had to re'ind hi'se%* that Gra** !as on%y actin# %i,e a *riend$ that e erythin# he did !as a %ie or a cheat ca%c"%ated to t"rn Ender into an e**icient *i#htin# 'achine& I'%% beco'e e1act%y the too% yo" !ant 'e to be$ said Ender si%ent%y$ b"t at %east I !on't be .*oo%ed. into it& I'%% do it beca"se I choose to$ not beca"se yo" tric,ed 'e$ yo" s%y bastard&
The t"# reached Eros be*ore they co"%d see it& The captain sho!ed the' the is"a% scan$ then s"peri'posed the heat scan on the sa'e screen& They !ere practica%%y on top o* it -- on%y *o"r tho"sand ,i%o'eters o"t -- b"t Eros$ on%y t!enty-*o"r ,i%o'eters %on#$ !as in isib%e i* it didn't shine !ith re*%ected s"n%i#ht&
The captain doc,ed the ship on one o* the three %andin# p%at*or's that circ%ed Eros& It co"%d not %and direct%y beca"se Eros had enhanced #ra ity$ and the t"#$ desi#ned *or to!in# ear#os$ co"%d ne er escape the #ra ity !e%%& )e bade the' an irritab%e #oodbye$ b"t Ender and Gra** re'ained cheer*"%& The captains !as bitter at ha in# to %ea e his t"#4 Ender and Gra** *e%t %i,e prisoners *ina%%y paro%ed *ro' /ai%& -hen they boarded the sh"tt%e that !o"%d ta,e the' to the s"r*ace o* Eros they repeated per erse 'is<"otations o* %ines *ro' the ideos that the captain had end%ess%y !atched$ and %a"#hed %i,e 'ad'en& The captain #re! s"r%y and !ithdre! by pretendin# to #o to s%eep& Then$ a%'ost as an a*tertho"#ht$ Ender as,ed Gra** one %ast <"estion&
"I' e heard a%% ,inds o* reasons$" said Gra**& "0eca"se they ha e an o ercro!ded syste' and they' e #ot to co%oni7e& 0eca"se they can't stand the tho"#ht o* other inte%%i#ent %i*e in the "ni erse& 0eca"se they don't thin, !e are inte%%i#ent %i*e& 0eca"se they ha e so'e !eird re%i#ion& 0eca"se they !atched o"r o%d ideo broadcasts and decided !e !ere hope%ess%y io%ent& A%% ,inds o* reasons&"
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"They '"st ta%, to each other direct%y$ Ender$ 'ind to 'ind& -hat one thin,s$ another can a%so thin,4 !hat one re'e'bers$ another can a%so re'e'ber& -hy !o"%d they e er de e%op %an#"a#e+ -hy !o"%d they e er %earn to read and !rite+ )o! !o"%d they ,no! !hat readin# and !ritin# !ere i* they sa! the'+ Or si#na%s+ Or n"'bers+ Or anythin# that !e "se to co''"nicate+ This isn't /"st a 'atter o* trans%atin# *ro' one %an#"a#e to another& They don't ha e a %an#"a#e at a%%& -e "sed e ery 'eans !e co"%d thin, o* to co''"nicate !ith the'$ b"t they don't e en ha e the 'achinery to ,no! !e're si#na%in#& And 'aybe they' e been tryin# to thin, to "s$ and they can't "nderstand !hy !e don't respond&"
"I* the other *e%%o! can't te%% yo" his story$ yo" can ne er be s"re he isn't tryin# to ,i%% yo"&"
"Ender$ !e didn't #o to the' *irst$ they ca'e to "s& I* they !ere #oin# to %ea e "s a%one$ they co"%d ha e done it a h"ndred years a#o$ be*ore the (irst In asion&"
"Ender$ be%ie e 'e$ there's a cent"ry o* disc"ssion on this ery s"b/ect& Nobody ,no!s the ans!er& -hen it co'es do!n to it$ tho"#h$ the rea% decision is ine itab%e? i* one o* "s has to be destroyed$ %et's 'a,e da'n s"re !e're the ones a%i e at the end& O"r #enes !on't %et "s decide any other !ay& Nat"re can't e o% e a species that hasn't a !i%% to s"r i e& Indi id"a%s 'i#ht be bred to sacri*ice the'se% es$ b"t the race as a !ho%e can ne er
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decide to cease to e1ist& So i* !e can$ !e'%% ,i%% e ery %ast one o* the b"##ers$ and i* they can they'%% ,i%% e ery %ast one o* "s&"
"Too, yo"r ti'e$ didn't yo"$ Gra**+ The oya#e isn't short$ b"t the three 'onth acation see's e1cessi e&"
"So'e 'en si'p%y ha e no sense o* h"rry& Oh !e%%$ it's on%y the *ate o* the !or%d& Ne er 'ind 'e$ 3o" '"st "nderstand o"r an1iety& -e're here !ith the ansib%e$ recei in# constant reports o* the pro#ress o* o"r starships& -e ha e to *ace the co'in# !ar e ery day& I* yo" can ca%% the' days& )e's s"ch a ery .%itt%e. boy&"
"-e' e p%anned o"t an i'pro'pt" co"rse o* st"dy *or hi'& A%% s"b/ect to yo"r appro a%$ o* co"rse&"
"I'%% %oo, at it& I don't pretend to ,no! the s"b/ect 'atter$ Ad'ira% Cha'ra/na#ar& I'' on%y here beca"se I ,no! Ender& So don't be a*raid that I'%% try to second #"ess the order o* yo"r presentation& On%y the pace&"
"I a%ready to%d hi' abo"t that$ and the *%eets& I said they !o"%d arri e at their destination !ithin *i e years&"
"It see's there's ery %itt%e %e*t *or "s to te%% hi'&"
"3o" can te%% hi' abo"t the !eapons syste's& )e has to ,no! eno"#h to 'a,e inte%%i#ent decisions&"
"Ah& -e can be "se*"% a*ter a%%$ ho! ery ,ind$ -e' e de oted one o* the *i e si'"%ators to his e1c%"si e "se&"
"6"st c"rio"s& Re'e'ber$ they !ere a%% 'y st"dents at one ti'e or another&"
"And no! they are a%% 'ine& They are enterin# into the 'ysteries o* the *%eet$ Co%one% Gra**$ to !hich yo"$ as a so%dier$ ha e ne er been introd"ced&"
"And a #od& And a re%i#ion& E en those o* "s !ho co''and by ansib%e ,no! the 'a/esty o* *%i#ht a'on# the stars& I can see yo" *ind 'y 'ysticis' distaste*"%& I ass"re yo" that yo"r distaste on%y re ea%s yo"r i#norance& Soon eno"#h Ender -i##in !i%% a%so ,no! !hat I ,no!4 he !i%% dance the #race*"% #host dance thro"#h the stars$ and !hate er #reatness there is !ithin hi' !i%% be "n%oc,ed$ re ea%ed$ set *orth be*ore the "ni erse *ar a%% to see& 3o" ha e the so"% o* a stone$ Co%one% Gra**$ b"t I sin# to a stone as easi%y as to another sin#er& 3o" 'ay #o to yo"r <"arters and estab%ish yo"rse%*&"
"They ,eep 'y sa%ary in an acco"nt so'e!here on Earth& I' e ne er needed it& E1cept to b"y ci i%ian c%othes on 'y acation&"
"A non-'ateria%ist& And yet yo" are "np%easant%y *at& A #%"ttono"s ascetic+ S"ch a contradiction&"
"-hen I'' tense$ I eat& -hereas !hen yo"'re tense$ yo" spo"t so%id !aste&"
"I don't '"ch care$ Ad'ira% Cha'ra/na#ar& I ca'e here *or Ender& And neither o* "s ca'e here *or yo"&"
Ender hated Eros *ro' the 'o'ent he sh"tt%ed do!n *ro' the t"#& )e had been "nco'*ortab%e eno"#h on Earth$ !here *%oors !ere *%at4 Eros !as hope%ess& It !as a ro"#h%y spind%e-shaped roc, on%y si1 and a ha%* ,i%o'eters thic, at its narro!est point& Since the s"r*ace o* the p%anet !as entire%y de oted to absorbin# s"n%i#ht and con ertin# it to ener#y$ e eryone %i ed in the s'ooth-!a%%ed roo's %in,ed by t"nne%s that %aced the interior o* the asteroid& The c%osed-in space !as no prob%e' *or Ender -- !hat bothered hi' !as that a%% the t"nne% *%oors noticeab%y s%oped do!n!ard& (ro' the start$ Ender !as p%a#"ed by erti#o as he !a%,ed thro"#h the t"nne%s$ especia%%y the ones that #ir%d%ed Eros's narro! circ"'*erence& It did not he%p that #ra ity !as on%y ha%* o* Earthnor'a% -- the i%%"sion o* bein# on the er#e o* *a%%in# !as a%'ost co'p%ete&
There !as a%so so'ethin# dist"rbin# abo"t the proportions o* the roo's -- the cei%in#s !ere too %o! *or the !idth$ the t"nne%s too narro!& It !as not a co'*ortab%e p%ace&
-orst o* a%%$ tho"#h$ !as the n"'ber o* peop%e& Ender had no i'portant 'e'ories o* cities o* Earth& )is idea o* a co'*ortab%e n"'ber o* peop%e !as the 0att%e Schoo%$ !here he had ,no!n by si#ht e ery person !ho d!e%t there& )ere$ tho"#h$ ten tho"sand peop%e %i ed !ithin the roc,& There !as no cro!din#$ despite the a'o"nt o* space de oted to ii*e s"pport and other 'achinery& -hat bothered Ender !as that he !as constant%y s"rro"nded hy stran#ers&
They ne er %et hi' co'e to ,no! anyone& )e sa! the other Co''and Schoo% st"dents o*ten$ b"t since be ne er attended any c%ass re#"%ar%y$ they re'ained on%y *aces& )e !o"%d attend a %ect"re here or there$ b"t "s"a%%y he !as t"tored y one teacher a*ter another$ or occassiona%%y he%ped to %earn a process by another st"dent$ !ho' he 'et once and ne er sa! a#ain& )e ate a%one or !ith Co%one% Gra**& )is recreation !as in a #y'$ b"t he rare%y sa! the sa'e peop%e in it t!ice&
)e reco#ni7ed that they !ere iso%atin# hi' a#ain$ this ti'e not by settin# the other st"dents to hatin# hi'$ b"t rather by #i in# the' no opport"nity to beco'e *riends& )e co"%d hard%y ha e been c%ose to 'ost o* the' any!ay -- e1cept *or Ender$ the other st"dents !ere a%% !e%% into ado%escence&
So Ender !ithdre! into his st"dies and %earned <"ic,%y and !e%%& Astro#ation and 'i%itary history he absorbed %i,e !ater4 abstract 'athe'atics !as 'ore di**ic"%t$ b"t !hene er he !as #i en a prob%e' that in o% ed patterns in space and ti'e$ he *o"nd that his int"ition !as 'ore re%iab%e than his ca%c"%ation -- he o*ten sa! at once a so%"tion that he co"%d on%y pro e a*ter 'in"tes or ho"rs o* 'anip"%atin# n"'bers&
And *or p%eas"re$ there !as the si'"%ator$ the 'ost per*ect ideo#a'e he had e er p%ayed& Teachers and
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st"dents trained hi'$ step by step$ in its "se& At *irst$ not ,no!in# the a!eso'e po!er o* the #a'e$ he had p%ayed on%y at the tactica% %e e%$ contro%%in# a sin#%e *i#hter in contin"o"s 'ane" ers to *ind and destroy an ene'y& The co'p"ter-contro%%ed ene'y !as de io"s and po!er*"%$ and !hene er Ender tried a tactic he *o"nd the co'p"ter "sin# it a#ainst hi' !ithin 'in"tes&
The #a'e !as a ho%o#raphic disp%ay$ and his *i#hter !as represented on%y by a tiny %i#ht& The ene'y !as another %i#ht o* a di**erent co%or$ and they danced and sp"n and 'ane" ered thro"#h a c"be o* space that '"st ha e been ten 'eters to a side& The contro%s !ere po!er*"%& )e co"%d rotate the disp%ay in any direction$ so he co"%d !atch *ro' any an#%e$ and he co"%d 'o e the center so that the d"e% too, p%ace nearer or *arther *ro' hi'&
Grad"a%%y$ as he beca'e 'ore adept at contro%%in# the *i#hter's speed$ direction o* 'o e'ent$ orientation$ and !eapons$ the #a'e !as 'ade 'ore co'p%e1& )e 'i#ht ha e t!o ene'y ships at once4 there 'i#ht be obstac%es$ the debris o* space4 he be#an to ha e to !orry abo"t *"e% and %i'ited !eapons4 the co'p"ter be#an to assi#n hi' partic"%ar thin#s to destroy or acco'p%ish$ so that he had to a oid distractions and achie e an ob/ecti e in order to !in&
-hen he had 'astered the one-*i#hter #a'e$ they a%%o!ed hi' to step bac, into the *o"r-*i#hter s<"adron& )e spo,e co''ands to si'"%ated pi%ots o* *o"r *i#hters$ and instead o* 'ere%y carryin# o"t the co'p"ter's instr"ctions$ he !as a%%o!ed to deter'ine tactics hi'se%*$ decidin# !hich o* se era% ob/ecti es !as the 'ost a%"ab%e and directin# his s<"adron accordin#%y& At any ti'e he co"%d ta,e persona% co''and o* one o* the *i#hters *or a short ti'e$ and at *irst he did this o*ten4 !hen he did$ ho!e er$ the other three *i#hters in his s<"adron !ere soon destroyed$ and as the #a'es beca'e harder and harder he had to spend 'ore and 'ore o* his ti'e co''andin# the s<"adron& -hen he did$ he !on 'ore and 'ore o*ten&
0y the ti'e he had been at Co''and Schoo% *or year$ he !as adept at r"nnin# the si'"%ator at any o* *i*teen %e e%s$ *ro' contro%%in# an indi id"a% *i#hter to co''andin# a *%eet& )e had %on# since rea%i7ed that as the batt%eroo' !as to 0att%e Schoo%$ so the si'"%ator !as to Co''and Schoo%& The c%asses !ere a%"ab%e$ b"t the rea% ed"cation !as the #a'e& 2eop%e dropped in *ro' ti'e to ti'e to !atch hi' p%ay& They ne er spo,e -- hard%y anyone e er did$ "n%ess they had so'ethin# speci*ic to teach hi'& The !atchers !o"%d stay$ si%ent%y$ !atchin# hi' r"n thro"#h a di**ic"%t si'"%ation$ and then %ea e /"st as he *inished& -hat are yo" doin#$ he !anted to as,& 6"d#in# 'e+ Deter'inin# !hether yo" !ant to tr"st the *%eet to 'e+ 6"st re'e'ber that I didn't as, *or it&
)e *o"nd that a #reat dea% o* !hat he %earned at 0att%e Schoo% trans*erred to the si'"%ator& )e !o"%d ro"tine%y reorient the si'"%ator e ery *e! 'in"tes$ rotatin# it so that he didn't #et trapped into an "p-do!n orientation$ constant%y re ie!in# his positoon *ro' the ene'y point o* ie!& It !as e1hi%aratin# at %ast to ha e s"ch contro%
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It !as a%so *r"stratin# to ha e so %itt%e contro%$ too$ *or the co'p"ter-contro%%ed *i#hters !ere on%y as #ood as the co'p"ter a%%o!ed& They too, no initiati e& They had no inte%%i#ence& )e be#an to !ish *or his toon %eaders$ so that he co"%d co"nt on so'e o* the s<"adrons doin# !e%% !itho"t ha in# his constant s"per ision&
At the end o* his *irst year he !as !innin# e ery batt%e on the si'"%ator$ and p%ayed the #a'e as i* the 'achine !ere a nat"ra% part o* his body& One day$ eatin# a 'ea% !ith Gra**$ he as,ed$ "Is that a%% the si'"%ator does+"
"The !ay it p%ays no!$ It's easy$ and it hasn't #ot any harder *or a !hi%e&"
Gra** see'ed "nconcerned& 0"t then$ Gra** a%!ays see'ed "nconcerned& The ne1t day e erythin# chan#ed& Gra** !ent a!ay$ and in his p%ace they #a e Ender a co'panion&
)e !as in the roo' !hen Ender a!o,e in the 'ornin#& )e !as an o%d 'an$ sittin# cross-%e##ed on the *%oor& Ender %oo,ed at hi' e1pectant%y$ !aitin# *or the 'an to spea,& )e said nothin#& Ender #ot "p and sho!ered and dressed$ content to %et the 'an ,eep his si%ence i* he !anted& )e had %on# since %earned that !hen so'ethin# "n"s"a% !as #oin# on$ so'ethin# that !as part o* so'eone e%se's p%an and not his o!n$ he !o"%d *ind o"t 'ore in*or'ation by !aitin# than by as,in#& Ad"%ts a%'ost a%!ays %ost their patience be*ore Ender did&
The 'an sti%% hadn't spo,en !hen Ender !as ready and !ent to the door to %ea e the roo'& The door didn't open& Ender t"rned to *ace the 'an sittin# on the *%oor& )e %oo,ed to be abo"t si1ty$ by *ar the o%dest 'an Ender had seen on Eros& )e had a day's #ro!th o* !hite !his,ers that #ri77%ed his *ace on%y s%i#ht%y %ess than his c%osec"t hair& )is *ace sa##ed a %itt%e and his eyes !ere s"rro"nded by creases and %ines& )e %oo,ed at Ender !ith an e1pression that bespo,e on%y apathy&
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Ender t"rned bac, to the door and tried a#ain to open it&
So this is a #a'e$ tho"#ht Ender& -e%%$ i* they !ant 'e to #o to c%ass$ they'%% "n%oc, the door& I* they don't$ they !on't& I don't care&
Ender didn't %i,e #a'es !here the r"%es co"%d be anythin# and the ob/ecti e !as ,no!n to the' a%one& So he !o"%dn't p%ay& )e a%so re*"sed to #et an#ry& )e !ent thro"#h a re%a1in# e1ercise as he %eaned on the door$ and soon he !as ca%' a#ain& The o%d 'an contin"ed to !atch hi' i'passi e%y&
It see'ed to #o on *or ho"rs$ Ender re*"sin# to spea,$ the o%d 'an see'in# to be a 'ind%ess '"te&
So'eti'es Ender !ondered i* he !ere 'enta%%y i%%$ escaped *ro' so'e 'edica% !ard so'e!here in Eros$ %i in# o"t so'e insane *antasy here in Ender's roo'& 0"t the %on#er it !ent on$ !ith no one co'in# to the door$ no one %oo,in# *or hi'$ the 'ore certain he beca'e that this !as so'ethin# de%iberate$ 'eant to disconcert hi'& Ender did not !ant to #i e the o%d 'an the ictory& To pass the ti'e he be#an to do e1ercises& So'e !ere i'possib%e !itho"t the #y' e<"ip'ent$ b"t others$ especia%%y *ro' his persona% de*ense c%ass$ he co"%d do !itho"t any aids&
The e1ercises 'o ed hi' aro"nd the roo'& )e !as practicin# %"n#es and ,ic,s& One 'o e too, hi' near the o%d 'an$ as he had co'e near hi' be*ore$ b"t this ti'e the o%d c%a! shot o"t and sei7ed Ender's %e*t %e# in the 'idd%e o* a ,ic,& It p"%%ed Ender o** his *eet and %anded hi' hea i%y on the *%oor&
Ender %eapt to his *eet i''ediate%y$ *"rio"s& )e *o"nd the o%d 'an sittin# ca%'%y$ cross-%e##ed$ not breathin# hea i%y$ as i* he had ne er 'o ed& Ender stood poised to *i#ht$ b"t the other's i''obi%ity 'ade it i'possib%e *or Ender to attac,& -hat$ ,ic, the o%d 'an's head o**+ And then e1p%ain it to Gra** -- oh$ the o%d 'an ,ic,ed 'e$ and I had to #et e en&
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(ina%%y$ tired and an#ry at this !asted day$ a prisoner in his roo'$ Ender !ent bac, to his bed to #et his des,& As he %eaned o er to pic, "p the des,$ he *e%t a hand /ab ro"#h%y bet!een his thi#hs and another hand #rab his hair& In a 'o'ent he had been t"rned "pside do!n& )is *ace and sho"%ders !ere bein# pressed into the *%oor by the o%d 'an's ,nee$ !hi%e his bac, !as e1cr"ciatin#%y bent and his %e#s !ere pinioned by the o%d 'an's ar'&
Ender !as he%p%ess to "se his ar's$ he co"%dn't bend his bac, to #ain s%ac, so he co"%d "se his %e#s& In %ess than t!o seconds the o%d 'an had co'p%ete%y de*eated Ender -i##in&
The 'an's ,nee thr"st pain*"%%y do!n!ard& "Since !hen$" as,ed the 'an$ his oice so*t and raspin#$ "do yo" ha e to te%% the ene'y !hen be has !on+"
"I s"rprised yo" once$ Ender -i##in& -hy didn't yo" destroy tne i''ediate%y a*ter!ard+ 6"st beca"se I %oo,ed peace*"%+ 3o" t"rned yo"r bac, on 'e& St"pid& 3o" ha e %earned nothin#& 3o" ha e ne er had a teacher&"
Ender !as an#ry no!$ and 'ade no atte'pt to contro% or concea% it& "I' e had too 'any teachers$ ho! !as I s"pposed to ,no! yo"'d t"rn o"t to be a--"
"A" ene'y$ Ender -i##in$" !hispered the o%d 'an& "I a' yo"r ene'y$ the *irst one yo"' e e er had !ho !as s'arter than yo"& There is no teacher b"t the ene'y& No one b"t the ene'y !i%% e er te%% yo" !hat the ene'y is #oin# t" do& No one b"t the ene'y !i%% e er teach yo" ho! to destroy and con<"er& On%y the ene'y sho!s yo" !here yo" are !ea,& On%y the ene'y te%%s yo" !here he is stron#& And the on%y r"%es o* the #a'e are !hat yo" can do to hi' and !hat yo" can stop hi' *ro' doin# to yo"& I a' yo"r ene'y *ro' no! on& (ro' no! on I a' yo"r teacher&"
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Then the o%d 'an %et Ender's %e#s *a%%& 0eca"se he sti%% he%d Ender's head to the *%oor$ the boy co"%dn't "se his ar's to co'pensate$ and his %e#s hit the s"r*ace !ith a %o"d crac, and a sic,enin# pain& Then the o%d 'an stood and %et Ender rise&
S%o!%y Ender p"%%ed his %e#s "nder hi'$ !ith a *aint #roan o* pain& )e ,ne%t on a%% *o"rs *or a 'o'ent$ reco erin#& Then his ri#ht ar' *%ashed o"t$ reachin# *or his ene'y& The o%d 'an <"ic,%y danced bac,$ and Ender's hand c%osed on air as his teacher's *oot shot *or!ard to catch Ender on the chin&
Ender's chin !asn't there& )e !as %yin# *%at on his bac,$ spinnin# on the *%oor$ and d"rin# the 'o'ent that his teacher !as o** ba%ance *ro' his ,ic,$ Ender's *eet s'ashed into the o%d 'an's other %e#& )e *e%% in a heap -- b"t c%ose eno"#h to stri,e o"t and hit Ender in the *ace& Ender co"%dn't *ind an ar' or a %e# that he%d sti%% %on# eno"#h to be #rabbed$ and in the 'eanti'e b%o!s !ere %andin# on his bac, and ar's& Ender !as s'a%%er -- he co"%dn't reach past the o%d 'an's *%ai%in# %i'bs& (ina%%y he 'ana#ed to p"%% a!ay and scra'b%e bac, near the door&
The o%d 'an !as sittin# cross-%e#ed a#ain$ b"t no! the apathy !as #one& )e !as s'i%in#& "0etter$ this ti'e$ boy& 0"t s%o!& 3o" !i%% ha e to be better !ith a *%eet than yo" are !ith yo"r body or no one !i%% be sa*e !ith yo" in co''and& ;esson %earned+"
"Good$" said the o%d 'an& "Then !e'%% ne er ha e to ha e s"ch a batt%e a#ain& A%% the rest !ith the si'"%ator& I !i%% pro#ra' yo"r batt%es no!$ not the co'p"ter4 I !i%% de ise the strate#y o* yo"r ene'y$ and yo" !i%% %earn to be <"ic, and disco er !hat tric,s the ene'y has *or yo"& Re'e'ber$ boy& (ro' no! on the ene'y is 'ore c%e er than yo"& (ro' no! on the ene'y is stron#er than yo"& (ro' no! on yo" are a%!ays abo"t to %ose&"
The o%d 'an's *ace #re! serio"s a#ain& "3o" !i%% be abo"t to %ose$ Ender$ b"t yo" !i%% !in& 3o" !i%% %earn to de*eat the ene'y& )e !i%% teach yo" ho!&"
The teacher #ot "p& "In this schoo%$ it has a%!ays been the practice *or a yo"n# st"dent to be chosen by an o%der st"dent& The t!o beco'e co'panions$ and the o%der boy teaches the yo"n#er one e erythin# he ,no!s& A%!ays
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they *i#ht$ a%!ays they co'pete$ a%!ays they are to#ether& I ha e chosen yo"&"
Ender spo,e as the o%d 'an !a%,ed to the door& "3o"'re too o%d to be a st"dent&"
"One is ne er too o%d to be a st"dent o* the ene'y& I ha e %earned *ro' the b"##ers& 3o" !i%% %earn *ro' 'e&"
As the o%d 'an pa%'ed the door open$ Ender %eaped into the air and ,ic,ed hi' in the s'a%% o* the bac, !ith both *eet& )e hit hard eno"#h that he rebo"nded onto his *eet$ as the o%d 'an cried o"t and co%%apsed on the *%oor&
The o%d 'an #ot "p s%o!%y$ ho%din# onto the door hand%e$ his *ace contorted !ith pain& )e see'ed disab%ed$ b"t Ender didn't tr"st hi'& 3et in spite o* his s"spicion$ he !as ca"#ht o** #"ard by the o%d 'an's speed& In a 'o'ent he *o"nd hi'se%* on the *%oor near the opposite !a%%$ his nose and %ip b%eedin# !here his *ace had hit the bed& )e !as ab%e to t"rn eno"#h to see the o%d 'an standin# in the door!ay$ !incin# and ho%din# his bac,& The o%d 'an #rinned&
(ro' then on$ Ender !as either !ith Ma7er Rac,ha' or a%one& The o%d 'an rare%y spo,e$ b"t he !as there4 at 'ea%s$ at t"toria%s$ at the si'"%ator$ in his roo' at ni#ht& So'eti'es Ma7er !o"%d %ea e$ b"t a%!ays$ !hen Ma7er !asn't there$ the door !as %oc,ed$ and no one ca'e "nti% Ma7er ret"rned& Ender !ent thro"#h a !ee, in !hich he ca%%ed hi' 6ai%or Rac,ha'$ Ma7er ans!ered to the na'e as readi%y as to his o!n$ and sho!ed no si#n that it bothered hi' at a%%& Ender soon #a e it "p&
There !ere co'pensations -- Ma7er too, Ender thro"#h the ideos o* the o%d batties *ro' the (irst In asion and the disastro"s de*eats o* the I( in the Second In asion& These !ere not pieced to#ether *ro' the censored p"b%ic ideos$ b"t !ho%e and contin"o"s& Since 'any ideos !ere !or,in# in the 'a/or batt%es$ they st"died b"##er tactics and strate#ies *ro' 'any an#%es& (or the *irst ti'e in his %i*e$ a teacher !as pointin# o"t thin#s that Ender
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had not a%ready seen *or hi'se%*& (or the *irst ti'e$ Ender had *o"nd a %i in# 'ind he co"%d ad'ire&
"-hy aren't yo" dead+" Ender as,ed hi'& "3o" *o"#ht yo"r batt%e se enty years a#o& I don't thin, yo"'re e en si1ty years o%d&"
"The 'irac%es o* re%ati ity$" said Ma7er& "They ,ept 'e here *or t!enty years a*ter the batt%e$ e en tho"#h I be##ed the' to %et 'e co''and one o* the starships they %a"nched a#ainst the b"##er ho'e p%anet and the b"##er co%onies& Then they -- ca'e to "nderstand so'e thin#s abo"t the !ay so%diers beha e in the stress o* batt%e&"
"-hat thin#s+"
"3o"' e ne er been ta"#ht eno"#h psyho%#y to "nderstand& Eno"#h to say that they rea%i7ed that e en tho"#h I !o"%d ne er be ab%e to co''and the *%eet -- I'd be dead be*ore the *%eet e en arri ed -- I !as sti%% the on%y person ab%e to "nderstand the thin#s I "nderstood abo"t the b"##ers& I !as$ they rea%i7ed$ the on%y person !ho had e er de*eated the b"#eers by inte%%i#ence rather than %"c,& They needed 'e here to teach the person !ho .co"%d. co''and the *%eet&"
"So they sent yo" o"t in a starship$ #ot yo" "p to a re%ati istic speed--"
"And then I t"rned aro"nd and ca'e ho'e& A ery d"%% oya#e$ Ender& (i*ty years in space& O**icia%%y$ on%y ei#ht years passed *or 'e$ b"t it *e%t %i,e *i e h"ndred& A%% so I co"%d teach the ne1t co''ander e erythin# I ,ne!&"
Ma7er shr"##ed&
"E1cept yo"& 3o"'re sti%% a%i e$ aren't yo"+ -hy not yo"+"
"3o"' e sho!n 'e e ery other batt%e se en ti'es at %east& I thin, I' e seen !ays to beat !hat the b"##ers did be*ore$ b"t yo"' e ne er sho!n 'e ho! yo" act"a%%y did beat the'&"
"I ,no!& I' e pieced it to#ether$ part%y& 3o"$ !ith yo"r tiny reser e *orce$ and their ar'ada$ those #reat bi# hea y-be%%ied starships %a"nchin# their s!ar's o* *i#hters& 3o" dart in at one ship$ *ire at it$ an e1p%osion& That's !here they a%!ays stop the c%ips& A*ter that$ it's /"st so%diers #oin# into b"##er ships and a%ready *indin# the' dead inside&"
Ma7er #rinned& "So '"ch *or ti#ht%y ,ept secrets& Co'e on$ %et's !atch the ideo&"
They !ere a%one in the ideo roo'$ and Ender pa%'ed the door %oc,ed& "A%% ri#ht$ %et's !atch&"
The ideo sho!ed e1act%y !hat Ender had pieced to#ether& Ma7er's s"icida% p%"n#e into the heart o* the ene'y *or'ation$ the sin#%e e1p%osion$ and then--
Nothin#& Ma7er's ship !ent on$ dod#ed the shoc, !a e$ and !o e his !ay a'on# tOe other b"##er ships& They did not *ire on hi'& They did not chan#e co"rse& T!o o* the' crashed into each other and e1p%oded a need%ess co%%ision that either pi%ot co"%d ha e a oided& Neither 'ade the s%i#htest 'o e'ent&
Ma7er sped "p the action& S,ipped ahead& "-e !aited *or three ho"rs$" he said& "Nobody co"%d be%ie e it&" Then the I( ships be#an approachin# the b"##er starships& Marines be#an their c"ttin# and boardin# operations& The ideos sho!ed the b"##ers a%ready dead at their posts&
"So yo" see$" said Ma7er$ "yo" a%ready ,ne! a%% there !as to see&"
"Nobody ,no!s& I ha e 'y persona% opinions& 0"t there are p%enty o* scientists !ho te%% 'e I'' %ess than <"a%i*ied to ha e opinions&"
"I tho"#ht that <"a%i*ied 'e to co''ent$ too$ b"t yo" ,no! ho! it is& Jenobio%o#ists and 1enopsycho%o#ists can't accept the idea that a starpi%ot scooped the' by sheer #"ess!or,& I thin, they a%% hate 'e beca"se$ a*ter they sa! these ideos$ they had to %i e o"t the rest o* their nat"ra% %i es here on Eros& Sec"rity$ yo" ,no!& They !eren't happy&"
"Te%% 'e&"
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"The b"##ers don't ta%,& They thin, to each other$ and it's instantaneo"s %i,e the phi%otic e**ect& ;i,e the ansib%e& 0"t 'ost peop%e a%!ays tho"#ht that 'eant a contro%%ed co'"nication %i,e %an#"a#e -- I thin, yo" a tho"#ht and then yo" ans!er 'e& I ne er be%ie ed that& It's too i''ediate$ the !ay they respond to#ether to thin#s& 3o"' e seen the ideos& They aren't con ersin# and decidin# a'on# possib%e co"rses o* action& E ery ship acts %i,e part o* a sin#%e or#anis'& It responds the !ay yo"r body responds d"rin# co'bat$ di**erent parts a"to'atica%%y$ tho"#ht%ess%y doin# e erythin# they're s"pposed to do& They aren't ha in# a 'enta% con ersation bet!een peopie !ith di**erent tho"#ht processes& A%% their tho"#hts are present$ to#ether$ at once&"
"3es& I !asn't the *irst person to s"##est it$ b"t I !as the *irst person to be%ie e it& And so'ethin# e%se& So'ethin# so chi%dish and st"pid that the 1enobio%o#ists %a"#hed 'e to si%ence !hen I said it a*ter the batt%e& The b"##ers are b"#s& They're %i,e ants and bees& A <"een$ the !or,ers& That !as 'aybe a h"ndred 'i%%ion years a#o$ b"t that's ho! they started$ that ,ind o* pattern& It's a s"re thin# none o* the b"##ers !e sa! had any !ay o* 'a,in# 'ore %itt%e b"##ers& So !hen they e o% ed this abi%ity to thin, to#ether$ !o"%dn't they sti%% ,eep the <"een+ -o"%dn't the <"een sti%% be the center o* the #ro"p+ -hy !o"%d that e er chan#e+"
"I had e idence$ too& Not e idence that any o* the' co"%d see& %t !asn't there in the (irst In asion$ beca"se that !as e1p%oratory& 0"t the Second In asion !as a co%ony& To set "p a ne! hi e$ or !hate er&"
"The ideos o* the Second In asion$ !hen they !ere destroyin# o"r *%eets o"t in the co'et she%%&" )e be#an to ca%% the' "p and disp%ay the b"##ers' patterns& "Sho! 'e the <"een's ship&"
It !as s"bt%e& Ender co"%dn't see it *or a %on# ti'e& The b"##er ships ,ept 'o in#$ a%% o* the'& There !as no ob io"s *%a#ship$ no apparent ner e center& 0"t #rad"a%%y$ as Ma7er p%ayed the ideos o er and o er a#ain$ Ender be#an to see the !ay that a%% the 'o e'ents *oc"sed on$ radiated *ro' a center point& The center point shi*ted$ b"t it !as ob io"s$ a*ter he %oo,ed %on# eno"#h$ that the eyes o* the *%eet$ the .I. o* the *%eet$ the perspecti e
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*ro' !hich a%% decisions !ere bein# 'ade$ !as one partic"%ar ship& )e pointed it o"t&
"3o" see it& I see it& That 'a,es t!o peop%e o"t o* a%% o* those !ho ha e seen this ideo& 0"t it's tr"e$ isn't it&"
"They 'a,e that ship 'o e /"st %i,e any other ship&"
"0"t yo"'re ri#ht& That's the <"een& 0"t then yo"'d thin, that !hen yo" !ent *or it$ they !o"%d ha e i''ediate%y *oc"sed a%% their po!er on yo"& They co"%d ha e b%o!n yo" o"t o* the s,y&"
"I ,no!& That part I don't "nderstand& Not that they didn't try to stop 'e -- they !ere *irin# at 'e& 0"t it's as i* they rea%%y co"%dn't be%ie e$ "nti% it !as too %ate$ that I !o"%d act"a%%y ,i%% the <"een& Maybe in their !or%d$ <"eens are ne er ,i%%ed$ on%y capt"red$ on%y chec,'ated& I did so'ethin# they didn't thin, an ene'y !o"%d e er do&"
"No$ they /"st !ent st"pid& The *irst ships !e boarded$ the b"##ers !ere sti%% a%i e& Or#anica%%y& 0"t they didn't 'o e$ didn't respond to anythin#$ e en !hen o"r scientists i isected so'e o* the' to see i* !e co"%d %earn a *e! 'ore thin#s abo"t b"##ers& A*ter a !hi%e they a%% died& No !i%%& There's nothin# in those %itt%e bodies !hen the <"een is #one&"
"(ort"nes o* !ar& 0io%o#y ta,es second p%ace to s"r i a%& 0"t so'e o* the' are co'in# aro"nd to 'y !ay o* thin,in#& 3o" can't %i e in this p%ace !itho"t the e idence starin# yo" in the *ace&"
"Ender$ %oo, aro"nd yo"& )"'an bein#s didn't car e this p%ace& -e %i,e ta%%er cei%in#s$ *or one thin#& This !as the b"##ers' ad ance post in the (irst In asion& They car ed this p%ace o"t be*ore !e e en ,ne! they !ere here& -e're %i in# in a b"##er hi e& 0"t !e a%ready paid o"r rent& %t cost the 'arines a tho"sand %i es to c%ear the' o"t o* these honeyco'bs$ roo' by roo'& The b"##ers *o"#ht *or e ery 'eter o* it&"
No! Ender "nderstood !hy the roo's had a%!ays *e%t !ron# to hi'& "I ,ne! this !asn't a h"'an p%ace&"
"This !as the treas"re tro e& I* they had ,no!n !e !o"%d !in that *irst !ar$ they probab%y' !o"%d ne er ha e b"i%t this p%ace& -e %earned #ra ity 'anip"%ation beca"se they enhanced the #ra ity here& -e %earned e**icient "se o* ste%%ar ener#y beca"se they b%ac,ed o"t this p%anet& In *act$ that's ho! !e disco ered the'& In a period o* three days$ Eros #rad"a%%y disappeared *ro' te%escopes& -e sent a t"# to *ind o"t !hy& It *o"nd o"t& The t"# trans'itted its ideos$ inc%"din# the b"##ers boardin# and s%a"#hterin# the cre!& It ,ept ri#ht on trans'ittin# thro"#h the entire b"##er e1a'ination o* the boat& Not "nti% they *ina%%y dis'ant%ed the entire t"# did the trans'issions stop& It !as their b%indness -- they ne er had to trans'it anythin# by 'achine$ and so !ith the cre! dead$ it didn't occ"r to the' that anybody co"%d be !atchin#&"
"-hy not+ To the'$ %osin# a *e! cre! 'e'bers !o"%d be %i,e c%ippin# yo"r nai%s& Nothin# to #et "pset abo"t& They probab%y tho"#ht they !ere ro"tine%y sh"ttin# do!n o"r co''"nications by t"rnin# o** the !or,ers r"nnin# the t"#& Not '"rderin# %i in#$ sentient bein#s !ith an independent #enetic *"t"re& M"rder's no bi# dea% to the'& On%y <"een-,i%%in#$ rea%%y$ is '"rder$ beca"se on%y <"een-,i%%in# c%oses o** a #enetic path&"
"Don't start apo%o#i7in# *or the'$ Ender& 6"st beca"se they didn't ,no! they !ere ,i%%in# h"'an bein#s doesn't 'ean they !eren't ,i%%in# h"'an bein#s& -e do ha e a ri#ht to de*end o"rse% es as best !e can$ and the on%y
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!ay !e *o"nd that !or,s is ,i%%in# the b"##ers be*ore they ,i%% "s& Thin, o* it this !ay& In a%% the b"##er !ars so *ar$ they' e ,i%%ed tho"sands and tho"sands o* %i in#$ thin,in# bein#s& And in a%% those !ars$ !e' e ,i%%ed on%y one&"
"I* yo" hadn't ,i%%ed the <"een$ Ma7er$ !o"%d !e ha e %ost the !ar+"
"I'd say the odds !o"%d ha e been three to t!o a#ainst "s& I sti%% thin, I co"%d ha e trashed their *%eet pretty bad%y be*ore they b"rned "s o"t& They ha e #reat response ti'e and a %ot o* *irepo!er$ b"t !e ha e a *e! ad anta#es$ too& E ery sin#%e one o* o"r ships contains an inte%%i#ent h"'an bein# !ho's thin,in# on his o!n& E ery one o* "s is capab%e o* co'in# "p !ith a bri%%iant so%"tion to a prob%e'& They can on%y co'e "p !ith one bri%%iant so%"tion at a ti'e& The b"##ers thin, *ast$ b"t they aren't s'art a%% o er& E en !hen so'e incredib%y ti'id and st"pid co''anders %ost the 'a/or batt%es o* the Second In asion$ so'e o* their s"bordinates !ere ab%e to do rea% da'a#e to the b"##er *%eet&"
"-hat abo"t !hen o"r in asion reaches the'+ -i%% !e /"st #et the <"een a#ain+"
"The b"##ers didn't %earn interste%%ar tra e% by bein# d"'b& That !as a strate#y that co"%d !or, on%y once& I s"spect that !e'%% ne er #et near a <"een "n%ess !e act"a%%y 'a,e it to their ho'e p%anet& A*ter a%%$ the <"een doesn't ha e to be !ith the' to direct a batt%e& The <"een on%y has to be present to ha e %itt%e baby b"##ers& The Second in asion !as a co%ony -- the <"een !as co'in# to pop"%ate the Earth& 0"t this ti'e -- no$ that !on't !or,& -e'%% ha e to beat the' *%eet by *%eet& And beca"se they ha e the reso"rces o* do7ens o* star syste's to dra! on$ 'y #"ess is they'%% o"tn"'ber "s by a %ot$ in e ery batt%e&"
Ender re'e'bered his batt%e a#ainst t!o ar'ies at once& And I tho"#ht they !ere cheatin#& -hen the rea% !ar be#ins$ it'%% be %i,e that e ery ti'e& And there !on't be any #ate I can #o *or&
"-e' e on%y #ot t!o thin#s #oin# *or "s$ Ender& -e don't ha e to ai' partic"%ar%y !e%%& O"r !eapons ha e #reat spread&"
"Then !e aren't "sin# the n"c%ear 'issi%es *ro' the (irst and Second In asions+"
"Dr& De ice is '"ch 'ore po!er*"%& N"c%ear !eapons$ a*ter a%%$ !ere !ea, eno"#h to be "sed on Earth at one
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ti'e& The ;itt%e Doctor co"%d ne er be "sed on a p%anet& Sti%%$ I !ish I'd had one d"rin# the Second In asion&"
"I don't ,no!$ not !e%% eno"#h to b"i%d one& At the *oca% point o* t!o bea's$ it sets "p a *ie%d in !hich 'o%ec"%es can't ho%d to#ether any'ore& E%ectrons can't be shared& )o! '"ch physics do yo" ,no!$ at that %e e%+"
"-e spend 'ost o* o"r ti'e on astrophysics$ b"t I ,no! eno"#h to #et the idea&"
"The *ie%d spreads o"t in a sphere$ b"t it #ets !ea,er the *arther it spreads& E1cept that !here it act"a%%y r"ns into a %ot o* 'o%ec"%es$ it #ets stron#er and starts o er& The bi##er the ship$ the stron#er the ne! *ie%d&"
"So each ti'e the *ie%d hits a ship$ it sends o"t a ne! sphere--"
"And i* their ships are too c%ose to#ether$ it can set "p a chain that !ipes the' a%% o"t& Then the *ie%d dies do!n$ the 'o%ec"%es co'e bac, to#ether$ and !here yo" had a ship$ yo" no! ha e a %"'p o* dirt !ith a %ot o* iron 'o%ec"%es in it& No radioacti ity$ no 'ess& 6"st dirt& -e 'ay be ab%e to trap the' c%ose to#ether on the *irst batt%e$ b"t they %earn *ast& They'%% ,eep their distance *ro' each other&"
"That's ri#ht& Missi%es !o"%dn't do any #ood no!& -e %earned a %ot *ro' the' in the (irst In asion$ b"t they a%so %earned *ro' "s -- ho! to set "p the Ecstatic Shie%d$ *or instance&"
"As i* it !eren't there& 3o" can't see thro"#h the shie%d to ai' and *oc"s the bea's$ b"t since the #enerator o* the Ecstatic Shie%d is a%!ays in the e1act center$ it isn't hard to *i#"re it o"t&"
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"3o" a%!ays ha e& -e /"st %et the co'p"ter tend to it *or yo"& 3o"r /ob is to #et into a s"perior strate#ic position and choose a tar#et& The shipboard co'p"ters are '"ch better at ai'in# the Doctor than yo" are&"
"-hen it !as de e%oped$ it !as ca%%ed a Mo%ec"%ar Detach'ent De ice& M&D& De ice&"
"M&D& The initia%s stand *or Medica% Doctor$ too& M&D& De ice$ there*ore Dr& De ice& It !as a /o,e&" Ender didn't see !hat !as *"nny abo"t it&
They had chan#ed the si'"%ator& )e co"%d sti%% contro% the perspecti e and the de#ree o* detai%$ b"t there !ere no ship's contro%s any'ore& Instead$ it !as a ne! pane% o* %e ers$ and a s'a%% headset !ith earphones and a s'a%% 'icrophone&
The technician !ho !as !aitin# there <"ic,%y e1p%ained ho! to !ear the headset&
Ma7er e1p%ained& )e !asn't #oin# to contro% ships any'ore& "3o"' e reached the ne1t phase o* yo"r trainin#& 3o" ha e e1perience in e ery %e e% o* strate#y$ b"t no! it's ti'e *or yo" to concentrate on co''andin# an entire *%eet& As yo" !or,ed !ith toon %eaders in 0att%e Schoo%$ so no! yo" !i%% !or, !ith s<"adron %eaders& 3o" ha e been assi#ned three do7en s"ch %eaders to train& 3o" '"st teach the' inte%%i#ent tactics4 yo" '"st %earn their
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"They're a%ready in p%ace in their o!n si'"%ators& 3o" !i%% spea, to the' thro"#h the headset& The ne! %e ers on yo"r contro% pane% enab%e yo" to see *ro' the perspecti e o* any o* yo"r s<"adron %eaders& This 'ore c%ose%y d"p%icates the conditions yo" 'i#ht enco"nter in a rea% batt%e$ !here yo" !i%% on%y ,no! !hat yo"r ships can see&"
"3o"'%% %earn !ho they are and ho! they thin, *ro' the !ay they !or, !ith the si'"%ator& 0"t e en so$ I thin, yo" !on't be concerned& They're %istenin# to yo" ri#ht no!& 2"t on the headset so yo" can hear the'&"
And 2etra$ and Din,4 Cra7y To'$ Shen$ )ot So"p$ (%y Mo%o$ a%% the best st"dents Ender had *o"#ht !ith or *o"#ht a#ainst$ e eryone that Ender had tr"sted in 0att%e Schoo%& "I didn't ,no! yo" !ere here$" he said$ "I didn't ,no! yo" !ere co'in#&"
"They' e been *%o##in# "s thro"#h the si'"%ator *or three 'onths no!$" said Din,&
"3o"'%% *ind that I'' by *ar the best tactician$" said 2etra& "Din, tries$ b"t he has the 'ind ot a chi%d&"
So they be#an !or,in# to#ether$ each s<"adron %eader co''andin# indi id"a% pi%ots$ and Ender co''andin# the s<"adron %eaders& They %earned 'any !ays o* !or,in# to#ether$ as the si'"%ator *orced the' to try di**erent sit"ations& So'eti'es the si'"%ator #a e the' a %ar#er *%eet to !or, !ith4 Ender set the' "p then in three or *o"r toons that consisted o* three or *o"r s<"adrons each& So'eti'es the si'"%ator #a e the' a sin#%e starship !ith its t!e% e *i#hters$ and he chose three s<"adron %eaders !ith *o"r *i#hters each&
It !as p%eas"re4 it !as p%ay& The co'p"ter-contro%%ed ene'y !as none too bri#ht$ and they a%!ays !on despite their 'ista,es$ their 'isco''"nications& 0"t in the three !ee,s they practiced to#ether$ Ender ca'e to ,no! the' ery !e%%& Din,$ !ho de*t%y carried o"t instr"ctions b"t !as s%o! to i'pro ise4 0ean$ !ho co"%dn't contro% %ar#e #ro"ps o* ships e**ecti e%y b"t co"%d "se on%y a *e! %i,e a sca%pe%$ reactin# bea"ti*"%%y to anythin# the co'p"ter thre! at hi'4 A%ai$ !ho !as a%'ost as #ood a strate#ist as Ender and co"%d be entr"sted to do !e%% !ith ha%* a *%eet and on%y a#"e instr"ctions&
The better Ender ,ne! the'$ the *aster he co"%d dep%oy the'$ the better he co"%d "se the'& The si'"%ator !o"%d disp%ay the sit"ation on the screen& In that 'o'ent Ender %earned *or the *irst ti'e !hat his o!n *%eet !o"%d consist o* and ho! the ene'y *%eet !as dep%oyed& It too, hi' on%y a *e! 'in"tes no! to ca%% *or the s<"adron %eaders that he needed$ assi#n the' to certain ships or #ro"ps o* ships$ and #i e the' their assi#n'ents& Then$ as the batt%e pro#ressed$ he !o"%d s,ip *ro' one %eader's point o* ie! to another's$ 'a,in# s"##estions and$ occasiona%%y$ #i in# orders as the need arose& Since the others co"%d on%y see their o!n batt%e perspecti e$ he !o"%d so'eti'es #i e the' orders that 'ade no sense to the'4 b"t they$ too$ %earned to tr"st Ender& I* he to%d the' to !ithdra!$ they !ithdre!$ ,no!in# that either they !ere in an e1posed position$ or their !ithdra!a% 'i#ht entice the ene'y into a !ea,ened post"re& They a%so ,ne! that Ender tr"sted the' to do as they /"d#ed best !hen he #a e the' no orders& I* their sty%e o* *i#htin# !ere not ri#ht *or the sit"ation they !ere p%aced in$ Ender !o"%d not ha e chosen the' *or that assi#n'ent&
The tr"st !as co'p%ete$ the !or,in# o* the *%eet <"ic, and responsi e& And at the end o* three !ee,s$ Ma7er
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sho!ed hi' a rep%ay o* their 'ost recent batt%e$ on%y this ti'e *ro' the ene'y's point o* ie!&
"This is !hat he sa! as yo" attac,ed& -hat does it re'ind yo" o*+ The <"ic,ness o* response$ *or instance+"
"3o" 'atch the'$ Ender& 3o"'re as *ast as they are& And here -- %oo, at this&"
Ender !atched as a%% his s<"adrons 'o ed at once$ each respondin# to its o!n sit"ation$ a%% #"ided by Ender's o era%% co''and$ b"t darin#$ i'pro isin#$ *eintin#$ attac,in# !ith an independence no b"##er *%eet had e er sho!n&
"The b"##er hi e-'ind is ery #ood$ b"t it can on%y concentrate on a *e! thin#s at once& A%% yo"r s<"adrons can concentrate a ,een inte%%i#ence on !hat they're doin#$ and !hat they' e been assi#ned to do is a%so #"ided by a c%e er 'ind& So yo" see that yo" do ha e so'e ad anta#es& S"perior$ tho"#h not irresistib%e$ !eaponry4 co'parab%e speed and #reater a ai%ab%e inte%%i#ence& These are yo"r ad anta#es& 3o"r disad anta#e is that yo" !i%% a%!ays$ a%!ays be o"tn"'bered$ and a*ter each batt%e yo"r ene'y !i%% %earn 'ore abo"t yo"$ ho! to *i#ht yo"$ and those chan#es !i%% be p"t into e**ect instant%y&"
"So$ Ender$ !e !i%% no! be#in yo"r ed"cation& -e ha e pro#ra''ed the co'p"ter to si'"%ate the ,inds o* sit"ations !e 'i#ht e1pect in enco"nters !ith the ene'y& -e are "sin# the 'o e'ent patterns !e sa! in the Second In asion& 0"t instead o* 'ind%ess%y *o%%o!in# these sa'e patterns$ I !i%% be contro%%in# the ene'y si'"%ation& At *irst yo" !i%% see easy sit"ations that yo" are e1pected to !in handi%y& ;earn *ro' the'$ beca"se I !i%% a%!ays be there$ one step ahead o* yo"$ pro#ra''in# 'ore di**ic"%t and ad anced patterns into the co'p"ter so that yo"r ne1t batt%e is 'ore di**ic"%t$ so that yo" are p"shed to the %i'it o* yo"r abi%ities&"
"And beyond+"
"The ti'e is short& 3o" '"st %earn as <"ic,%y as yo" can& -hen #a e 'yse%* to starship tra e%$ /"st so I !o"%d
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sti%% be a%i e !hen yo" appeared$ 'y !i*e and chi%dren a%% died$ and 'y #randchi%dren !ere 'y o!n a#e !hen I ca'e bac,& I had nothin# to say to the'& I !as c"t o** *ro' a%% the peop%e that I %o ed$ e erythin# I ,ne!$ %i in# in this a%ien cataco'b and *orced to do nothin# o* i'portance b"t teach st"dent a*ter st"dent$ each one so hope*"%$ each one$ "%ti'ate%y$ a !ea,%in#$ a *ai%"re& I teach$ I teach$ b"t no one %earns& 3o"$ too$ ha e #reat pro'ise$ %i,e so 'any st"dents be*ore yo"$ b"t the seeds o* *ai%"re 'ay be in yo"$ too& It's 'y /ob to *ind the'$ to destroy yo" i* I can$ and be%ie e 'e$ Ender$ i* yo" can be destroyed I can do it&"
"No$ o* co"rse yo"'re not& 0"t yo"'re the %ast& I* yo" don't %earn$ there'%% be no ti'e to *ind anyone e%se& So I ha e hope *or yo"$ on%y beca"se yo" are the on%y one %e*t to hope *or&"
"0e honest&"
"I a' not a happy 'an$ Ender& )"'anity does not as, "s to be happy& It 'ere%y as,s "s to be bri%%iant on its beha%*& S"r i a% *irst$ then happiness as !e can 'ana#e it& So$ Ender$ I hope yo" do not bore 'e d"rin# yo"r trainin# !ith co'p%aints that yo" are not ha in# *"n& Ta,e !hat p%eas"re yo" can in the interstices o* yo"r !or,$ b"t yo"r !or, is *irst$ %earnin# is *irst$ !innin# is e erythin# beca"se !itho"t it there is nothin#& -hen yo" can #i e 'e bac, 'y dead !i*e$ Ender$ then yo" can co'p%ain to 'e abo"t !hat this ed"cation costs yo"&"
"0"t yo" !i%%$ Ender& 0eca"se I a' #oin# to #rind yo" do!n to d"st$ i* I can& I'' #oin# to hit yo" !ith e erythin# I can i'a#ine$ and I !i%% ha e no 'ercy$ beca"se !hen yo" *ace the b"##ers they !i%% thin, o* thin#s I can't i'a#ine$ and co'passion *or h"'an bein#s is i'possib%e *or the'&"
Ma7er !a,ened hi' be*ore 'ornin#4 the c%oc, said E>AE$ and Ender *e%t #ro##y as he padded a%on# the corridor behind Ma7er& "Ear%y to bed and ear%y to rise$" Ma7er intoned$ "'a,es a 'an st"pid and b%ind in the eyes&"
)e had been drea'in# that b"##ers !ere i isectin# hi'& On%y instead o* c"ttin# open his body$ they !ere c"ttin# "p his 'e'ories and disp%ayin# the' %i,e ho%o#raphs and tryin# to 'a,e sense o* the'& It !as a ery odd drea'$ and Ender co"%dn't easi%y sha,e %oose o* it$ e en as he !a%,ed thro"#h the t"nne%s to the si'"%ator roo'& The b"##ers tor'ented hi' in his s%eep$ and Ma7er !o"%dn't %ea e hi' a%one !hen he !as a!a,e& 0et!een the t!o o* the' he had no rest& Ender *orced hi'se%* a!a,e& Apparent%y Ma7er 'eant it !hen he said he 'eant to brea, Ender do!n -- and *orcin# hi' to p%ay !hen tired and s%eepy !as /"st the sort o* cheap and easy tric, Ender sho"%d ha e e1pected& -e%%$ today it !o"%dn't !or,&
)e #ot to the si'"%ator and *o"nd his s<"adron %eaders a%ready on the !ire$ !aitin# *or hi'& There !as no ene'y yet$ so he di ided the' into t!o ar'ies and be#an a 'oc, batt%e$ co''andin# both sides so he co"%d contro% the test that each o* his %eaders !as #oin# thro"#h& They be#an s%o!%y$ b"t soon !ere i#oro"s and a%ert&
Then the si'"%ator *ie%d !ent b%an,$ the ships disappeared$ and e erythin# chan#ed at once& At the near ed#e o*
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the si'"%ator *ie%d they co"%d see the shapes$ dra!n in ho%o#raphic %i#ht$ o* three starships *ro' the h"'an *%eet& Each !o"%d ha e t!e% e *i#hters& The ene'y$ ob io"s%y a!are o* the h"'an presence$ had *or'ed a #%obe !ith a sin#%e ship at the center& Ender !as not *oo%ed -- it !o"%d not be a <"een ship& The b"##ers o"tn"'bered Ender's *i#hter *orce by t!o to one$ b"t they !ere a%so #ro"ped '"ch c%oser to#ether than they sho"%d ha e been -- Dr& De ice !o"%d be ab%e to do '"ch 'ore da'a#e than the ene'y e1pected&
Ender se%ected one starship$ 'ade it b%in, in the si'"%ator *ie%d$ and spo,e into the 'icrophone& "A%ai$ this is yo"rs4 assi#n 2etra and :%ad to the *i#hters as yo" !ish&" )e assi#ned the other t!o starships !ith their *i#hter *orces$ e1cept *or one *i#hter *ro' each starship that he reser ed *or 0ean& "S%ip the !a%% and #et be%o! the'$ 0ean$ "n%ess they start chasin# yo" -- then r"n bac, to the reser es *or sa*ety& Other!ise$ #et in a p%ace !here I can ca%% on yo" *or <"ic, res"%ts& A%ai$ *or' yo"r *orce into a co'pact assa"%t at one point in their #%obe& Don't *ire "nti% I te%% yo"& This is 'ane" er on%y&"
"It's easy$ so !hy not be care*"%+ I'd %i,e to do this !itho"t the %oss o* a sin#%e ship&"
Ender #ro"ped his reser es in t!o *orces that shado!ed Aiai at a sa*e distance4 0ean !as a%ready o** the si'"%ator$ tho"#h Ender occasiona%%y *%ipped to 0ean's point o* ie! to ,eep trac, o* !here he !as&
It !as A%ai$ ho!e er$ !ho p%ayed the de%icate #a'e !ith the ene'y& )e !as in a b"%%et-shaped *or'ation$ and probed the ene'y #%obe& -here er he ca'e near$ the b"##er ships p"%%ed bac,$ as i* to dra! hi' in to!ard the ship in the center$ A%ai s,i''ed to the side4 thc b"##er ships ,ept "p !ith hi'$ !ithdra!in# !here er he !as c%ose$ ret"rnin# to the sphere pattern !hen he had passed&
(eint$ !ithdra!$ s,i' the #%obe to another point$ !ithdra! a#ain$ *eint a#ain4 and then Ender said "Go on in$ A%ai&"
)is b"%%et started in$ !hi%e he said to Ender$ "3o" ,no! they'%% /"st %et 'e thro"#h and s"rro"nd 'e and eat 'e a%i e&"
S"re eno"#h$ the #%obe be#an to contract$ Ender bro"#ht the reser es *or!ard? the ene'y ships concentrated on the side o* the #%obe nearer the reser es& "Attac, the' there$ !here they're 'ost concentrated$" Ender said&
"This de*ies *o"r tho"sand years o* 'i%itary history$" said A%ai$ 'o in# his *i#hters *or!ard& "-e're s"pposed to attac, !here !e o"tn"'ber the'&"
"In this si'"%ation they ob io"s%y don't ,no! !hat o"r !eapons can do& It'%% on%y !or, once$ b"t %et's 'a,e it spectac"%ar& (ire at !i%%&"
A%a% did& The si'"%ation responded bea"ti*"%%y? *irst one or t!o$ then a do7en$ then 'ost o* the ene'y ships e1p%oded in da77%in# %i#ht as the *ie%d %eapt *ro' ship to ship in the ti#ht *or'ation& "Stay o"t o* the !ay$" Ender said&
The ships on the *ar side o* the #%obe *or'ation !ere not a**ected by the chain reaction$ b"t it !as a si'p%e 'atter h"ntin# the' do!n and destroyin# the'& 0ean too, care o* stra##%ers that tried to escape to!ard his end o* space -- the bat%e !as o er& It had been easier than 'ost o* their recent e1ercises&
Ma7er shr"##ed !hen Ender to%d hi' so& "This is a si'"%ation o* a rea% in asion& There had to be one batt%e in !hich they didn't ,no! !hat !e co"%d do& No! yo"r !or, be#ins& Try not to be too arro#ant abo"t the ictory& I'%% #i e yo" the rea% cha%%en#es soon eno"#h&"
Ender practiced ten ho"rs a day !ith his s<"adron %eaders$ b"t not a%% at once4 he #a e the' a *e! ho"rs in the a*ternoon to rest& Si'"%ated batt%es "nder Ma7er's s"per ision ca'e e ery t!o or three days$ and as Ma7er had pro'ised$ they !ere ne er so easy a#ain& The ene'y <"ic,%y abandoned its atte'pt to s"rro"nd Ender$ and ne er a#ain #ro"ped its *orces c%ose%y eno"#h to a%%o! a chain reaction& There !as so'ethin# ne! e ery ti'e$ so'ethin# harder& So'eti'es Ender had on%y a sin#%e starship and ei#ht *i#hters4 once the ene'y dod#ed thro"#h an asteroid be%t4 so'eti'es the ene'y %e*t stationary traps$ %ar#e insta%%ations that b%e! "p i* Ender bro"#ht one o* his s<"adrons too c%ose$ o*ten cripp%in# or destroyin# so'e o* Ender's ships& "3o" cannot absorb %osses5" Ma7er sho"ted at hi' a*ter one batt%e& "-hen yo" #et into a rea% batt%e yo" !on't ha e the %"1"ry o* an
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in*inite s"pp%y o* co'p"ter-#enerated *i#hters& 3o"'%% ha e !hat yo" bro"#ht !ith yo" and nothin# 'ore& No! #et "sed to *i#htin# !itho"t "nnecessary !aste&"
"%t !asn't "nnecessary !aste$ Ender said& "I can't !in batt%es i* I'' so terri*ied o* %osin# a ship that I ne er ta,e any ris,s&"
Ma7er s'i%ed& "E1ce%%ent$ Ender& 3o"'re be#iionin# to %earn& 0"t in a rea% batt%e$ yo" !o"%d ha e s"perior o**icers and$ !orst o* a%%$ ci i%ians sho"tin# those thin#s at yo"& No!$ i* the ene'y had been at a%% bri#ht$ they !o"%d ha e ca"#ht yo" here$ and ta,en To''s s<"adron&" To#ether they !ent o er the batt%e4 in the ne1t practice$ Ender !o"%d sho! his %eaders !hat Ma7er had sho!n hi'$ and they'd %earn to cope !ith it the ne1t ti'e they sa! it&
They tho"#ht they had been ready be*ore$ that they had !or,ed s'ooth%y to#ether as a tea'& No!$ tho"#h$ ha in# *o"#ht thro"#h rea% cha%%en#es to#ether$ they a%% be#an to tr"st each other 'ore than e er$ and batt%es beca'e e1hi%aratin#& They to%d Ender that the ones !ho !eren't act"a%%y p%ayin# !o"%d co'e into the si'"%ator roo's and !atch& Ender i'a#ined !hat it !o"%d be %i,e to ha e his *riends there !ith hi'$ cheerin# or %a"#hin# or #aspin# !ith apprehension4 so'eti'es he tho"#ht it !o"%d be a #reat distraction$ b"t other ti'es he !ished *or it !ith a%% his heart& E en !hen he had spent his days %yin# o"t in the s"n%i#ht on a ra*t in a %a,e$ he had not been so %one%y& Ma7er Rac,ha' !as his co'panion$ !as his teacher$ b"t !as not his *riend&
)e said nothin#$ tho"#h& Ma7er had to%d hi' there !o"%d be no pity$ and his pri ate "nhappiness 'eant nothin# to anyone& Most o* the ti'e it 'eant nothin# e en to Ender& )e ,ept his 'ind on the #a'e$ tryin# to %earn *ro' the batt%es& And not /"st the partic"%ar %essons o* that batt%e$ b"t !hat the b"##ers 'i#ht ha e done i* they had been 'ore c%e er$ and ho! Ender !o"%d react i* they did it in the *"t"re& )e %i ed !ith past batt%es and *"t"re batt%es both$ !a,in# and s%eepin#$ and he dro e his s<"adron %eaders !ith an intensity that occasiona%%y pro o,ed rebe%%io"sness&
"3o"'re too ,ind to "s$" said A%ai one day& "-hy don't yo" #et annoyed !ith "s *or not bein# bri%%iant e ery 'o'ent o* e ery practice& I* yo" ,eep codd%in# "s %i,e this !e'%% thin, yo" %i,e "s&"
So'e o* the others %a"#hed into their 'icrophones& Ender reco#ni7ed the irony$ o* co"rse$ and ans!ered !ith a %on# si%ence& -hen he *ina%%y spo,e$ he i#nored A%ai's co'p%aint& "A#ain$" he said$ "and this ti'e !itho"t se%*pity&" They did it a#ain$ and did it ri#ht&
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0"t as their tr"st in Ender as a co''ander #re!$ their *riendship$ re'e'bered *ro' the 0att%e Schoo% days$ #rad"a%%y disappeared& It !as to each other that they beca'e c%ose4 it !as !ith each other that they e1chan#ed con*idences& Ender !as their teacher and co''ander$ as distant *ro' the' as Ma7er !as *ro' hi'$ and as de'andin#&
They *o"#ht a%% the better *or it& And Ender !as not distracted *ro' his !or,&
At %east$ not !hi%e he !as a!a,e& As he dri*ted o** to s%eep each ni#ht$ it !as !ith tho"#hts o* the si'"%ator p%ayin# thro"#h his 'ind& 0"t in the ni#ht he tho"#ht o* other thin#s& O*ten he re'e'bered the corpse o* the Giant$ decayin# steadi%y4 he did not re'e'ber it$ tho"#h$ in the pi1e%s o* the pict"re on his des,& Instead it !as rea%$ the *aint odor o* death sti%% %in#erin# near it& Thin#s !ere chan#ed in his drea's& The %itt%e i%%a#e that had #ro!n "p bet!een the Giant's ribs !as co'posed o* b"##ers no!$ and they sa%"ted hi' #ra e%y$ %i,e #%adiators #reetin# Caesar be*ore they died *or his entertain'ent& )e did not hate the b"##ers in his drea'4 and e en tho"#h he ,ne! that they had hidden their <"een *ro' hi'$ he did not try to search *or her& )e a%!ays %e*t the Giant's body <"ic,%y$ and !hen he #ot to the p%ay#ro"nd& the chi%dren !ere a%!ays there$ !o% en and 'oc,in#4 they !ore *aces that he ,ne!& So'eti'es 2eter and so'eti'es 0on7o$ so'eti'es Sti%son and 0ernard4 /"st as o*ten$ tho"#h$ the sa a#e creat"res !ere A%ai and Shen$ Din, and 2etra4 so'eti'es one o* the' !o"%d be :a%entine$ and in his drea' he a%so sho ed her "nder the !ater and !aited *or her to dro!n& She !rithed in his hands$ *o"#ht to co'e "p$ b"t at %ast !as sti%%& )e dra##ed her o"t o* the %a,e and onto the ra*t$ !here she %ay !ith her *ace in the rict"s o* death$ he screa'ed and !ept o er her$ cryin# a#ain and a#ain that it !as a #a'e$ a #a'e& he !as on%y p%ayin#5--
Then Ma7er Rac,harn shoo, hi' a!a,e& "3o" !ere ca%%in# o"t in yo"r s%eep$" he said&
Steadi%y the pace increased& There !ere "s"a%%y t!o batt%es a day no!$ and Ender he%d practices to a 'ini'"'& )e !o"%d "se the ti'e !hi%e the others rested to pore o er the rep%ays o* past #a'es$ tryin# to spot his o!n !ea,nesses$ tryin# to #"ess !hat !o"%d happen ne1t& So'eti'es he !as *"%%y prepared *or the ene'y's inno ations4 so'eti'es he !as not&
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"3o" can obser e 'y practice sessions& 3o" can see !hat I'' !or,in# on& 3o" see' to be ready *or e erythin# I do&"
"Most o* !hat yo" see is co'p"ter si'"%ations$" Ma7er said& "The co'p"ter is pro#ra''ed to respond to yo"r inno ations on%y a*ter yo" "se the' once in batt%e&"
0"t he co"%d not s%eep& )e %ay a!a,e %on#er and %on#er each ni#ht$ and his s%eep !as %ess rest*"%& )e !o,e too o*ten in the ni#ht& -hether he !as !a,in# "p to thin, 'ore abo"t the #a'e or to escape *ro' his drea's$ he !asn't s"re& It !as as i* so'eone rode hi' in his s%eep$ *orcin# hi' to !ander thro"#h his !orst 'e'ories$ to %i e in the' a#ain as i* they !ere rea%& Ni#hts !ere so rea% that days be#an to see' drea'%i,e to hi'& )e be#an to !orry that he !o"%d not thin, c%ear%y eno"#h$ that he !o"%d be too tired !hen he p%ayed& A%!ays !hen the #a'e be#an$ the intensity o* it a!o,e hi'$ b"t i* his 'enta% abi%ities be#an to s%ip$ he !ondered$ !o"%d he notice it+
And he see'ed to be s%ippin#& )e ne er had a batt%e any'ore in !hich he did not %ose at %east a *e! *i#hters& Se era% ti'es the ene'y !as ab%e to tric, hi' into e1posin# 'ore !ea,ness than he 'eant to4 other ti'es the ene'y !as ab%e to !ear hi' do!n by attrition "nti% his ictory !as as '"ch a 'atter o* %"c, as strate#y& Ma7er !o"%d #o o er the #a'e !ith a %oo, o* conte'pt on his *ace& ";oo, at this$" he !o"%d say& "3o" didn't ha e to do this&" And Ender !o"%d ret"rn to practice !ith his %eaders$ tryin# to ,eep "p their 'ora%e$ b"t so'eti'es %ettin# s%ip his disappoint'ent !ith their !ea,nesses$ the *act that they 'ade 'ista,es&
"So'eti'es !e 'a,e 'ista,es$" 2etra !hispered to hi' once& It !as a p%ea *or he%p&
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"And so'eti'es !e don't$" Ender ans!ered her& I* she #ot he%p$ it !o"%d not be *ro' hi'& )e !o"%d teach4 %et her *ind her *riends a'on# the others&
Then ca'e a batt%e that near%y ended in disaster& 2etra %ed her *orce too *ar4 they !ere e1posed$ and she disco ered it in a 'o'ent !hen Ender !asn't !ith her& In on%y a *e! 'o'ents she had %ost a%% b"t t!o o* her ships&
Ender *o"nd her then$ ordered her to 'o e the' in a certain direction4 she didn't ans!er& There !as no 'o e'ent& And in a 'o'ent those t!o *i#hters$ too$ !o"%d be %ost&
Ender ,ne! at once that he had p"shed her too hard beca"se o* her bri%%iance -- he had ca%%ed on her to p%ay *ar 'ore o*ten and "nder '"ch 'ore de'andin# circ"'stances than a%% b"t a *e! o* the others& 0"t he had no ti'e no! to !orry abo"t 2etra$ or to *ee% #"i%ty abo"t !hat he had done to her& )e ca%%ed on Cra7y To' to co''and the t!o re'ainin# *i#hters$ then !ent on$ tryin# to sa% a#e the batt%e4 2etra had occ"pied a ,ey position$ and no! a%% o* Ender's strate#y ca'e apart& I* the ene'y had not been too ea#er and c%"'sy at e1p%oitin# their ad anta#e$ Ender !o"%d ha e %ost& 0"t Shen !as ab%e to catch a #ro"p o* the ene'y in too ti#ht a *or'ation and too, the' o"t !ith a sin#%e chain reaction& Cra7y To' bro"#ht his t!o s"r i in# *i#hters in thro"#h the #ap and ca"sed ha oc !ith the ene'y$ and tho"#h his ships and Shen's as !e%% !ere *ina%%y destroyed$ (%y Mo%o !as ab%e to 'op "p and co'p%ete the ictory&
At the end o* the batt%e$ he co"%d hear 2etra cryin# o"t$ tryin# to #et a 'icrophone$ "Te%% hi' I'' sorry$ I !as /"st so tired$ I co"%dn't thin,$ that !as a%%$ te%% Ender I'' sorry&"
She !as not there *or the ne1t *e! practices$ and !hen she did co'e bac, she !as not as <"ic, as she had been$ not as darin#& M"ch o* !hat had 'ade her a #ood co''ander !as %ost& Ender co"%dn't "se her any'ore$ e1cept in ro"tine$ c%ose%y s"per ised assi#n'ents& She !as no *oo%& She ,ne! !hat had happened& 0"t she a%so ,ne! that Ender had no other choice$ and to%d hi' so&
The *act re'ained that she had bro,en$ and she !as *ar *ro' bein# the !ea,est o* his s<"ad %eaders& It !as a !arnin# -- he co"%d not press his co''anders 'ore than they co"%d bear& No!$ instead o* "sin# his %eaders !hene er he needed their s,i%%s$ he had to ,eep in 'ind ho! o*ten they had *o"#ht& )e had to spe%% the' o**$ !hich 'eant that so'eti'es he !ent into batt%e !ith co''anders he tr"sted a %itt%e %ess& As he eased the
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;ate one ni#ht he !o,e "p in pain& There !as b%ood on his pi%%o!$ the taste o* b%ood in his 'o"th& )is *in#ers !ere throbbin#& )e sa! that in his s%eep he had been #na!in# on his o!n *ist& The b%ood !as sti%% *%o!in# s'ooth%y& "Ma7er5" he ca%%ed& Rac,ha' !o,e "p and ca%%ed at once *or a doctor&
As the doctor treated the !o"nd$ Ma7er said$ "I don't care ho! '"ch yo" eat$ Ender$ se%*-canniba%is' !on't #et yo" o"t o* this schoo%&"
"I !as as%eep$" Ender said& "I don't !ant to #et o"t o* Co''and Schoo%&"
"0e*ore 'e& 3o"r other st"dents$ !ho didn't 'a,e it thro"#h the trainin#& -hat happened to the'+"
"They didn't 'a,e it& That's a%%& -e don't p"nish the ones !ho *ai%& They /"st -- don't #o on&"
";i,e 0on7o&"
"None o* the' *ai%ed at this point in their co"rse$ Ender& 3o" 'ade a 'ista,e !ith 2etra& She'%% reco er& 0"t 2etra is 2etra$ and yo" are yo"&"
"3o" !on't *ai%$ Ender& Not this ear%y in the co"rse& 3o"' e had so'e ti#ht ones$ b"t yo"' e a%!ays !on& 3o" don't ,no! !hat yo"r %i'its are yet$ b"t i* yo"' e reached the' a%ready yo"'re a #ood dea% *eeb%er than I tho"#ht&"
"No$ they don't die& Good hea ens$ boy$ yo"'re p%ayin# #a'es&"
"I thin, that 0on7o died& I drea'ed abo"t it %ast ni#ht& I re'e'bered the !ay he %oo,ed a*ter I /a''ed his *ace !ith 'y head& I thin, I '"st ha e p"shed his nose bac, into his brain& The b%ood !as co'in# o"t o* his eyes& I thin, he !as dead ri#ht then&"
"Ma7er$ I don't !ant to ,eep drea'in# these thin#s& I'' a*raid to s%eep& I ,eep thin,in# o* thin#s that I don't !ant to re'e'ber& My !ho%e %i*e ,eeps p%ayin# o"t as i* I !ere a recorder and so'eone e%se !anted to !atch the 'ost terrib%e parts o* 'y %i*e&"
"-e can't dr"# yo" i* that's !hat yo"'re hopin# *or& I'' sorry i* yo" ha e bad drea's& Sho"%d !e %ea e the %i#ht on at ni#ht+"
"Don't 'a,e *"n o* 'e5" Ender said& "I'' a*raid I'' #oin# cra7y&"
The doctor !as *inished !ith the banda#e& Ma7er to%d hi' he co"%d #o& )e !ent&
"In 'y drea's$" said Ender$ "I'' ne er s"re !hether I'' rea%%y 'e&"
"Stran#e drea's are a sa*ety a% e$ Ender& I'' p"ttin# yo" "nder a %itt%e press"re *or the *irst ti'e in yo"r %i*e& 3o"r body is *indin# !ays to co'pensate$ that's a%%& 3o"'re a bi# boy no!& It's ti'e to stop bein# a*raid o* the ni#ht&"
"A%% ri#ht$" Ender said& )e decided then that he !o"%d ne er te%% Ma7er abo"t his drea's a#ain&
The days !ore on$ !ith batt%es e ery day$ "nti% at %ast Ender sett%ed into the ro"tine o* the destr"ction o* hi'se%*& )e be#an to ha e pains in his sto'ach& They p"t hi' on a b%and diet$ b"t soon he didn't ha e an appetite *or anythin# at a%%& "Eat$" Ma7er said$ and Ender !o"%d 'echanica%%y p"t *ood in his 'o"th& 0"t i* nobody to%d
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T!o 'ore o* his s<"adron %eaders co%%apsed the !ay that 2etra had4 the press"re on the rest beca'e a%% the #reater& The ene'y o"tn"'bered the' by three or *o"r to one in e ery batt%e no!4 the ene'y a%so retreated 'ore readi%y !hen thin#s !ent bad%y$ re#ro"pin# to ,eep the batt%e #oin# %on#er and %on#er& So'eti'es batt%es %asted *or ho"rs be*ore they *ina%%y destroyed the %ast ene'y ship& Ender be#an rotatin# his s<"adron %eaders !ithin the sa'e batt%e$ brin#in# in *resh and rested ones to ta,e the p%ace o* those !ho !ere be#innin# to #et s%"##ish&
"3o" ,no!$" said 0ean one ti'e$ as he too, o er co''and o* )ot So"p's *o"r re'ainin# *i#hters$ "this #a'e isn't <"ite as *"n as it "sed to be&"
Then one day in practice$ as Ender !as dri%%in# his s<"adron %eaders$ the roo' !ent b%ac, and he !o,e "p on the *%oor !ith his *ace b%oody !here he had hit the contro%s&
They p"t hi' to bed then$ and *or three days he !as ery i%%& )e re'e'bered seein# *aces in his drea's$ b"t they !eren't rea% *aces$ and he ,ne! it e en !hi%e he tho"#ht he sa! the'& )e tho"#ht he sa! :a%entine so'eti'es$ and so'eti'es 2eter4 so'eti'es his *riends *ro' the 0att%e Schoo%$ and so'eti'es the b"##ers i isectin# hi'& Once it see'ed ery rea% !hen he sa! Co%one% Gra** bendin# o er hi' spea,in# so*t%y to hi'$ %i,e a ,ind *ather& 0"t then he !o,e top and *o"nd on%y his ene'y$ Ma7er Rac,ha'&
"So I see$" Ma7er ans!ered& "Too, yo" %on# eno"#h& 3o" ha e a batt%e today&"
So Ender #ot "p and *o"#ht the batt%e and !on it& 0"t there !as no second batt%e that day$ and they %et hi' #o to bed ear%ier& )is hands !ere sha,in# as be "ndressed&
D"rin# the ni#ht he tho"#ht he *e%t hands to"chin# hi' #ent%y& )ands !ith a**ection in the'$ and #ent%eness& )e drea'ed he heard oices&
"So soon+"
In his drea'$ the oices so"nded %i,e Co%one% Gra** and Ma7er Rac,ha'& 0"t that !as the !ay drea's !ere$ the cra7iest thin#s co"%d happen$ beca"se he drea'ed he heard one o* the oices sayin#$ "I can't bear to see !hat this is doin# to hi'&" And the other oice ans!ered$ "I ,no!& I %o e hi' too&" And then they chan#ed into :a%entine and A%ai$ and in his drea' they !ere b"ryin# hi'$ on%y a hi%% #re! "p !here they %aid his body do!n$ and he dried o"t and beca'e a ho'e *or b"##ers$ %i,e the Giant !as&
A%% drea's& I* there !as %o e or pity *or hi'$ it !as on%y in his drea's&
)e !o,e "p and *o"#ht another batt%e and !on& Then he !ent to bed and s%ept a#ain and drea'ed a#ain and then he !o,e "p and !on a#ain and s%ept a#ain and he hard%y noticed !hen !a,in# beca'e s%eepin#& Nor did he care&
The ne1t day !as his %ast day in Co''and Schoo%$ tho"#h he didn't ,no! it& Ma7er Rac,ha' !as not in the roo' !ith hi' !hen he !o,e "p& )e sho!ered and dressed and !aited *or Ma7er to co'e "n%oc, the door& )e
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-as it an accident that Ma7er had %et hi' be *ree this 'ornin#+ No one !ith hi' to te%% hi' he '"st eat$ he '"st #o to practice$ he '"st s%eep& (reedo'& The tro"b%e !as$ he didn't ,no! !hat to do& )e tho"#ht *or a 'o'ent that he 'i#ht *ind his s<"adron %eaders$ ta%, to the' *ace to *ace$ b"t he didn't ,no! !here they !ere& They co"%d be t!enty ,i%o'eters a!ay$ *or a%% he ,ne!& So$ a*ter !anderin# thro"#h the t"nne%s *or a %itt%e !hi%e$ he !ent to the 'ess ha%% and ate brea,*ast near a *e! 'arines !ho !ere te%%in# dirty /o,es that Ender co"%d not be#in to "nderstand& Then he !ent to the si'"%ator roo' *or practice& E en tho"#h he !as *ree$ he co"%d not thin, o* anythin# e%se to do&
Ma7er !as !aitin# *or hi'& Ender !a%,ed s%o!%y into the roo'& )is step !as s%i#ht%y sh"**%in#$ and he *e%t tired and d"%%&
There !ere other peop%e in the si'"%ator roo'& Ender !ondered !hy they !ere there$ b"t didn't bother to as,& It !asn't !orth as,in#4 no one !o"%d te%% hi' any!ay& )e !a%,ed to the si'"%ator contro%s and sat do!n$ ready to start&
"Ender -i##in$" said Ma7er& "2%ease t"rn aro"nd& Today's #a'e needs a %itt%e e1p%anation&"
Ender t"rned aro"nd& )e #%anced at the 'en #athered at the bac, o* the roo'& Most o* the' he had ne er seen be*ore& So'e !ere e en dressed in ci i%ian c%othes& )e sa! Anderson and !ondered !hat he !as doin# there$ !ho !as ta,in# care o* the 0att%e Schoo% i* he !as #one& )e sa! Gra** and re'e'bered the %a,e in the !oods o"tside Greensboro$ and !anted to #o ho'e& Ta,e 'e ho'e$ he said si%ent%y to Gra**& In 'y drea' yo" said yo" %o ed 'e& Ta,e 'e ho'e&
0"t Gra** on%y nodded to hi'$ a #reetin#$ not a pro'ise$ and Anderson acted as tho"#h he didn't ,no! hi' at a%%&
"2ay attention$ p%ease$ Ender& Today is yo"r *ina% e1a'ination in Co''and Schoo%& These obser ers are here to e a%"ate !hat yo" ha e %earned& I* yo" pre*er not to ha e the' in the roo'$ !e'%% ha e the' !atch on another
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"They can stay&" (ina% e1a'ination& A*ter today$ perhaps he co"%d rest&
"(or this to be a *air test o* yo"r abi%ity$ not /"st to do !hat yo" ha e practiced 'any ti'es$ b"t a%so to 'eet cha%%en#es yo" ha e ne er seen be*ore$ today's batt%e introd"ces a ne! e%e'ent& It is sta#ed aro"nd a p%anet& This !i%% a**ect the ene'y's strate#y$ and !i%% *orce yo" to i'pro ise& 2%ease concentrate on the #a'e today&"
Ender bec,oned Ma7er c%oser$ and as,ed hi' <"iet%y$ "A' I the *irst st"dent to 'a,e it this *ar+"
"I* yo" !in today$ Ender$ yo" !i%% be the *irst st"dent to do so& More than that I'' not at %iberty to say&"
"3o" can be as pet"%ant as yo" !ant$ to'orro!& Today$ tho"#h$ I'd appreciate it i* yo" !o"%d ,eep yo"r 'ind on the e1a'ination& ;et's not !aste a%% that yo"' e a%ready done& No!$ ho! !i%% yo" dea% !ith the p%anet+"
"And the #ra ity is #oin# to a**ect *"e% %e e%s -- cheaper to #o do!n than "p&"
Ma7er's *ace !ent ri#id& "Ender$ the b"##ers ne er attac,ed a ci i%ian pop"%ation in either in asion& 3o" decide
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"Can yo" re'e'ber the %ast ti'e I' e #i en yo" a batt%e !ith on%y one ne! thin#+ ;et 'e ass"re yo"$ Ender$ that I !i%% not be ,ind to yo" today& I ha e a responsibi%ity to the *%eet not to %et a second-rate st"dent #rad"ate& I !i%% do 'y best a#ainst yo"$ Ender$ and I ha e no desire to codd%e yo"& 6"st ,eep in 'ind e erythin# yo" ,no! abo"t yo"rse%* and e erythin# yo" ,no! abo"t the b"##ers$ and yo" ha e a *air chance o* a'o"ntin# to so'ethin#&"
"A%% o* "s$" said 0ean& "8ind o* %ate *or practice this 'ornin#$ aren't yo"+"
So they hadn't to%d the s<"adron %eaders& Ender toyed !ith the idea o* te%%in# the' ho! i'portant this batt%e !as to hi'$ b"t decided it !o"%d not he%p the' to ha e an e1traneo"s concern on their 'inds& "Sorry$" he said& "I o ers%ept&"
)e %ed the' thro"#h 'ane" ers$ !ar'in# "p *or the batt%e ahead& It too, hi' %on#er than "s"a% to c%ear his 'ind$ to concentrate on co''and$ b"t soon eno"#h he !as "p to speed$ respondin# <"ic,%y$ thin,in# !e%%& Or at %east$ he to%d hi'se%*$ thin,in# that I'' thin,in# !e%%&
The si'"%ator *ie%d c%eared& Ender !aited *or the #a'e to appear& -hat !i%% happen i* I pass the test today+
Is there another schoo%+ Another year or t!o o* #r"e%in# trainin#$ another year o* isoiation$ another year o* peop%e p"shin# 'e this !ay and that !ay$ another year !itho"t any contro% o er 'y o!n %i*e+ )e tried to
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re'e'ber ho! o%d he !as& E%e en& )o! 'any years a#o did he t"rn e%e en+ )o! 'any days+ It '"st ha e happened here at the Co''and Schoo%$ b"t he co"%dn't re'e'ber the day& Maybe he didn't e en notice it at the ti'e& Nobody noticed it$ e1cept perhaps :a%entine&
And as he !aited *or the #a'e to appear$ he !ished he co"%d si'p%y %ose it$ %ose the batt%e bad%y and co'p%ete%y so that they !o"%d re'o e hi' *ro' trainin#$ %i,e 0on7o$ and %et hi' #o ho'e& 0on7o had been assi#ned to Carta#ena& )e !anted to see tra e% orders that said Greensboro& S"ccess 'eant it !o"%d #o on& (ai%"re 'eant he co"%d #o ho'e&
No$ that isn't tr"e$ he to%d hi'se%*& They need 'e$ and i* I *ai% there 'i#ht not be any ho'e to ret"rn to&
0"t he did not be%ie e it& In his conscio"s 'ind he ,ne! it !as tr"e$ b"t in other p%aces$ deeper p%aces$ he do"bted that they needed hi'& Ma7er's "r#ency !as /"st another tric,& 6"st another !ay to 'a,e 'e do !hat they !ant 'e to do& Another !ay to ,eep hi' *ro' restin#& (ro' doin# nothin#$ *or a %on#$ %on# ti'e&
Then the ene'y *or'ation appeared$ and Ender's !eariness t"rned to despair&
The ene'y o"tn"'bered hi' a tho"sand to one$ the si'"%ator #%o!ed #reen !ith the'& They !ere #ro"ped in a do7en di**erent *or'ations shi*tin# positions$ chan#in# shapes$ 'o in# in see'in#%y rando' patterns thro"#h the si'"%ator *ie%d& )e co"%d not *ind a path thro"#h the' -- a space that see'ed open !o"%d c%ose s"dden%y$ and another appear$ and a *or'ation that see'ed penetrab%e !o"%d s"dden%y chan#e and be *orbiddin#& The p%anet !as at the *ar ed#e o* the *ie%d$ and *or a%% Ender ,ne! there !ere /"st as 'any ene'y ships beyond it$ o"t o* the si'"%ator's ran#e&
As *or his o!n *%eet$ it consisted o* t!enty starships$ each !ith on%y *o"r *i#hters& )e ,ne! the *o"r-*i#hter starships they !ere o%d-*ashioned$ s%"##ish$ and the ran#e o* their ;itt%e Doctors !as ha%* that o* the ne!er ones& Ei#hty *i#hters$ a#ainst at %east *i e tho"sand$ perhaps ten tho"sand ene'y ships&
)e heard his s<"adron %eaders breathin# hea i%y4 he co"%d a%so hear$ *ro' the obser ers behind hi'$ a <"iet c"rse& It !as nice to ,no! that one o* the ad"%ts noticed that it !asn't a *air test& Not that it 'ade any di**erence& (airness !asn't part o* the #a'e$ that !as p%ain& There !as no atte'pt to #i e hi' e en a re'ote chance at s"ccess& A%% that I' e been thro"#h$ and they ne er 'eant to %et 'e pass at a%%&
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)e sa! in his 'ind 0on7o and his icio"s %itt%e ,not o* *riends$ con*rontin# hi'$ threatenin# hi'4 he had been ab%e to sha'e 0on7o into *i#htin# hi' a%one& That !o"%d hard%y !or, here& And he co"%d not s"rprise the ene'y !ith his abi%ity as he had done !ith the o%der boys in the batt%eroo'& Ma7er ,ne! Ender's abi%ities inside and o"t&
The obser ers behind hi' be#an to co"#h$ to 'o e ner o"s%y& They !ere be#innin# to rea%i7e that Ender didn't ,no! !hat to do&
I don't care any'ore$ tho"#ht Ender& 3o" can ,eep yo"r #a'e& I* yo" !on't e en #i e 'e a chance$ !hy sho"%d I p%ay+
;i,e his %ast #a'e in 0att%e Schoo%$ !hen they p"t t!o ar'ies a#ainst hi'&
And /"st as he re'e'bered that #a'e$ apparent%y 0ean re'e'bered it$ too$ *or his oice ca'e o er the headset$ sayin#$ "Re'e'ber$ the ene'y's #ate is .do!n.&"
Mo%o$ So"p$ :%ad$ D"'per$ and Cra7y To' a%% %a"#hed& They re'e'bered$ too&
And Ender a%so %a"#hed& It !as *"nny& The ad"%ts ta,in# a%% this so serio"s%y$ and the chi%dren p%ayin# a%on#$ p%ayin# a%on#$ be%ie in# it too "nti% s"dden%y the ad"%ts !ent too *ar$ tried too hard$ and the chi%dren co"%d see thro"#h their #a'e& (or#et it$ Ma7er& I don't care i* I pass yo"r test$ I don't care i* I *o%%o! yo"r r"%es$ i* yo" can cheat$ so can I& I !on't %et yo" beat 'e "n*air%y -- I'%% beat yo" "n*air%y *irst&
In that *ina% batt%e in 0att%e Schoo%$ he had !on by i#norin# the ene'y$ i#norin# his o!n %osses4 he had 'o ed a#ainst the ene'y's #ate&
I* I brea, this r"%e$ they'%% ne er %et 'e be a co''ander& It !o"%d be too dan#ero"s& I'%% ne er ha e to p%ay a #a'e a#ain& And that is ictory&
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)e !hispered <"ic,%y into the 'icrophone& )is co''anders too, their parts o* the *%eet and #ro"ped the'se% es into a thic, pro/ecti%e$ a cy%inder ai'ed at the nearest o* the ene'y *or'ations& The ene'y$ *ar *ro' tryin# to repe% hi'$ !e%co'ed hi' in$ so he co"%d be thoro"#h%y entrapped be*ore they destroyed hi'& Ma7er is at %east ta,in# into acco"nt the *act that by no! they !o"%d ha e %earned to respect 'e& tho"#ht Ender& And that does b"y 'e ti'e&
Ender dod#ed do!n!ard$ north$ east$ and do!n a#ain$ not see'in# to *o%%o! any p%an$ b"t a%!ays endin# "p a %itt%e c%oser to the ene'y p%anet& (ina%%y the ene'y be#an to c%ose in on hi' too ti#ht%y& Then$ s"dden%y$ Ender's *or'ation b"rst& )is *%eet see'ed to 'e%t into chaos& The ei#hty *i#hters see'ed to *o%%o! no p%an at a%%$ *irin# at ene'y ships at rando'$ !or,in# their !ay into hope%ess indi id"a% paths a'on# the b"##er cra*t&
A*ter a *e! 'in"tes o* batt%e$ ho!e er$ Ender !hispered to his s<"adron %eaders once 'ore$ and s"dden%y a do7en o* the re'ainin# *i#hters *or'ed a#ain into a *or'ation& 0"t no! they !ere on the *ar side o* one o* the ene'y's 'ost *or'idab%e #ro"ps4 they had$ !ith terrib%e %osses$ passed thro"#h and no! they had co ered 'ore than ha%* the distance to the ene'y's p%anet&
The ene'y sees no!$ tho"#ht Ender& S"re%y Ma7er sees !hat I'' doin#&
Or perhaps Ma7er cannot be%ie e that I !o"%d do it& -e%% so '"ch the better *or 'e&
Ender's tiny *%eet darted this !ay and that$ sendin# t!o or three *i#hters o"t as i* to attac,$ then brin#in# the' bac,& The ene'y c%osed in$ dra!in# in ships and *or'ations that had been !ide%y scattered$ brin#in# the' in *or the ,i%%& The ene'y !as 'ost concentrated beyond Ender$ so he co"%d not escape bac, into open space$ c%osin# hi' in& E1ce%%ent$ tho"#ht Ender& C%oser& Co'e c%oser&
Then he !hispered a co''and and the ships dropped %i,e roc,s to!ard the p%anet's s"r*ace& They !ere starships and *i#hters$ co'p%ete%y "ne<"ipped to hand%e the heat o* passa#e thro"#h an at'osphere& 0"t Ender ne er intended the' to reach the at'osphere& A%'ost *ro' the 'o'ent they be#an to drop$ they !ere *oc"sin# their ;itt%e Doctors on one thin# on%y& The p%anet itse%*&
One$ t!o$ *o"r$ se en o* his *i#hters !ere b%o!n a!ay& It !as a%% a #a'b%e no!$ !hether any o* his ships !o"%d
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s"r i e %on# eno"#h to #et in ran#e& It !o"%d not ta,e %on#$ once they co"%d *oc"s on the p%anet's s"r*ace& 6"st a 'o'ent !ith Dr$ De ice$ that's a%% I !ant& It occ"rred to Ender that perhaps the co'p"ter !asn't e en e<"ipped to sho! !hat !o"%d happen to a p%anet i* the ;itt%e Doctor attac,ed it& -hat !i%% I do then$ sho"t 0an#$ yo"'re dead+
Ender too, his hands o** the contro%s and %eaned in to !atch !hat happened& The perspecti e !as c%ose to the ene'y p%anet no!$ as the ship h"rt%ed into its !e%% o* #ra ity& S"re%y it's in ran#e no!$ tho"#ht Ender& It '"st be in ran#e and the co'p"ter can't hand%e it&
Then the s"r*ace o* the p%anet$ !hich *i%%ed ha%* the si'"%ator *ie%d no!$ be#an to b"bb%e4 there !as a #o"t ot e1p%osion$ h"r%in# debris o"t to!ard Ender's *i#hters& Ender tried to i'a#ine !hat !as happenin# inside the p%anet& The *ie%d #ro!in# and #ro!in#$ the 'o%ec"%es b"rstin# apart b"t *indin# no!here *or the separate ato's to #o&
-ithin three seconds the entire p%anet b"rst apart$ beco'in# a sphere o* bri#ht d"st$ h"rt%in# o"t!ard& Ender's *i#hters !ere a'on# the *irst to #o? their perspecti e s"dden%y anished$ and no! the si'"%ator co"%d on%y disp%ay the perspecti e o* the starships !aitin# beyond the ed#es o* the batt%e& It !as as c%ose as Ender !anted to be& The sphere o* the e1p%odin# p%anet #re! o"t!ard *aster than the ene'y ships co"%d a oid it& And it carried !ith it the ;itt%e Doctor$ not so %itt%e any'ore$ the *ie%d ta,in# apart e ery ship in its path$ er"ptin# each one into a dot o* %i#ht be*ore it !ent on&
On%y at the ery periphery o* the si'"%ator did the M&D& *ie%d !ea,en& T!o or three ene'y ships !ere dri*tin# a!ay& Ender's o!n starships did not e1p%ode& 0"t !here the ast ene'y *%eet had been$ and the p%anet they protected$ there !as nothin# 'eanin#*"%& A %"'p o* dirt !as #ro!in# as #ra ity dre! '"ch o* the debris do!n!ard a#ain& It !as #%o!in# hot and spinnin# isib%y4 it !as a%so '"ch s'a%%er than the !or%d had been be*ore& M"ch o* its 'ass !as no! a c%o"d sti%% *%o!in# o"t!ard&
Ender too, o** his headphones$ *i%%ed !ith the cheers o* his s<"adron %eaders$ and on%y then rea%i7ed that there !as /"st as '"ch noise in the roo' !ith hi'& Men in "ni*or' !ere h"##in# each other$ %a"#hin#$ sho"tin#4 others !ere !eepin#4 so'e ,ne%t or %ay prostrate$ and Ender ,ne! they !ere ca"#ht "p in prayer& Ender didn't "nderstand& It see'ed a%% !ron#& They !ere s"pposed to be an#ry&
Co%one% Gra** detached hi'se%* *ro' the others and ca'e to Ender& Tears strea'ed do!n his *ace$ b"t he !as s'i%in#& )e bent o er$ reached o"t his ar's$ and to Ender's s"rprise he e'braced hi'$ he%d hi' ti#ht%y$ and
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!hispered$ "Than, yo"$ than, yo" Ender& Than, God *or yo"$ Ender&"
The others soon ca'e$ too$ sha,in# his hand$ con#rat"%atin# hi'& )e tried to 'a,e sense o* this& )ad he passed the test a*ter a%%+ It !as his ictory$ not theirs$ and a ho%%o! one at that$ a cheat4 !hy did they act as i* he had !on !ith honor+
The cro!d parted and Ma7er Rac,ha' !a%,ed thro"#h& )e ca'e strai#ht to Ender and he%d o"t his hand&
"3o" 'ade the hard choice$ boy& A%% or nothin#& End the' or end "s& 0"t hea en ,no!s there !as no other !ay yo" co"%d ha e done it& Con#rat"%ations& 3o" beat the'$ and it's a%% o er&"
A%% o er& 0eat the'& Ender didn't "nderstand& "I beat .yo".&"
"Ender$ yo" ne er p%ayed .'e.& 3o" ne er p%ayed a .#a'e. since I beca'e yo"r ene'y&"
Ender didn't #et the /o,e& )e had p%ayed a #reat 'any #a'es$ at a terrib%e cost to hi'se%*& )e be#an to #et an#ry&
Ma7er reached o"t and to"ched his sho"%der& Ender shr"##ed hi' o**& Ma7er then #re! serio"s and said$ "Ender$ *or the past *e! 'onths yo" ha e been the batt%e co''ander o* o"r *%eets& This !as the Third In asion& There !ere no #a'es$ the batt%es !ere rea%$ and the on%y ene'y yo" *o"#ht !as the b"##ers& 3o" !on e ery batt%e$ and today yo" *ina%%y *o"#ht the' at their ho'e !or%d$ !here the <"een !as$ a%% the <"eens *ro' a%% their co%onies$ they a%% !ere there and yo" destroyed the' co'p%ete%y& They'%% ne er attac, "s a#ain& 3o" did it& 3o"&"
Rea%& Not a #a'e& Ender's 'ind !as too tired to cope !ith it a%%& They !eren't /"st points o* %i#ht in the air$ they !ere rea% ships that he had *o"#ht !ith and rea% ships he had destroyed& And a rea% !or%d that he had b%asted into ob%i ion& )e !a%,ed thro"#h the cro!d$ dod#in# their con#rat"%ations$ i#norin# their hands$ their !ords$ their re/oicin#& -hen he #ot to his o!n roo' he stripped o** his c%othes$ c%i'bed into bed$ and s%ept&
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Ender a!o,e !hen they shoo, hi'& It too, a 'o'ent to reco#ni7e the'& Gra** and Rac,ha'& )e t"rned his bac, on the'& ;et 'e s%eep&
"Ender$ !e need to ta%, to yo"$" said Gra**& Ender ro%%ed bac, to *ace the'&
"They' e been p%ayin# o"t the ideos on Earth a%% day$ a%% ni#ht since the batt%e yesterday&"
"3o"'re a hero& Ender& They' e seen !hat yo" did& 3o" and the others& I don't thin, there's a #o ern'ent on Earth that hasn't oted yo" their hi#hest 'eda%&"
"A%% !ho+" as,ed Gra**& "The b"##ers+ That !as the idea&"
"They decided that !hen they attac,ed "s& It !asn't yo"r *a"%t& It's !hat had to happen&"
Ender #rabbed Ma7er's "ni*or' and h"n# onto it$ p"%%in# hi' do!n so they !ere *ace to *ace& "I didn't !ant to ,i%% the' a%%& I didn't !ant to ,i%% anybody5 I'' not a ,i%%er5 3o" didn't !ant 'e$ yo" bastards$ yo" !anted 2eter$ b"t yo" 'ade 'e do it$ yo" tric,ed 'e into it5" )e !as cryin#& )e !as o"t o* contro%&
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"O* co"rse !e tric,ed yo" into it& That's the !ho%e point$" said Gra**& "It had to be a tric, or yo" co"%dn't ha e done it& It's the bind !e !ere in& -e had to ha e a co''ander !ith so '"ch e'pathy that he !o"%d thin, %i,e the b"##ers$ "nderstand the' and anticipate the'& So '"ch co'passion that he co"%d !in the %o e o* his "nder%in#s and !or, !ith the' %i,e a per*ect 'achine$ as per*ect as the b"##ers& 0"t so'ebody !ith that '"ch co'passion co"%d ne er be the ,i%%er !e needed& Co"%d ne er #o into batt%e !i%%in# to !in at a%% costs& I* yo" ,ne!$ yo" co"%dn't do it& I* yo" !ere the ,ind o* person !ho !o"%d do it e en i* yo" ,ne!$ yo" co"%d ne er ha e "nderstood the b"##ers !e%% eno"#h&"
"And it had to be a chi%d$ Ender$" said Ma7er& "3o" !ere *aster than 'e& 0etter than 'e& I !as too o%d and ca"tio"s& Any decent person !ho ,no!s !hat !ar*are is can ne er #o into batt%e !ith a !ho%e heart& 0"t yo" didn't ,no!& -e 'ade s"re yo" didn't ,no!& 3o" !ere rec,%ess and bri%%iant and yo"n#& It's !hat yo" !ere born *or&"
"I !as orderin# pi%ots to #o in and die and I didn't e en ,no! it&"
".They. ,ne! it$ Ender$ and they !ent any!ay& They ,ne! !hat it !as *or&"
"3o" ne er as,ed 'e5 3o" ne er to%d 'e the tr"th abo"t anythin#5"
"3o" had to be a !eapon$ Ender& ;i,e a #"n$ %i,e the ;itt%e Doctor$ *"nctionin# per*ect%y b"t not ,no!in# !hat yo" !ere ai'ed at& -e ai'ed yo"& -e're responsib%e& I* there !as so'ethin# !ron#$ !e did it&"
Ma7er Rac,ha' shoo, hi'& "Don't #o to s%eep$ Ender$" he said& "It's ery i'portant&"
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"3o"'re *inished !ith 'e$" Ender said& "No! %ea e 'e a%one&"
"That's !hy !e're here&" Ma7er said$ "-e're tryin# to te%% yo"& They're not thro"#h !ith yo"$ not at a%%$ it's cra7y do!n there& They're #oin# to start a !ar$ A'ericans c%ai'in# the -arsa! 2act is abo"t to attac,$ and the 2act sayin# the sa'e thin# abo"t the )e#e'on& The b"##er !ar isn't t!enty-*o"r ho"rs dead and the !or%d do!n there is bac, to *i#htin# a#ain$ as bad as e er& And a%% o* the' are !orried abo"t yo"& And a%% o* the' !ant yo"& The #reatest 'i%itary %eader in history$ they !ant yo" to %ead their ar'ies& The A'ericans& The )e#e'on& E erybody b"t the -arsa! 2act$ and they !ant yo" dead&"
"-e ha e to ta,e yo" a!ay *ro' here& There are R"ssian 'arines a%% o er Eros$ and the 2o%e'arch is R"ssian& It co"%d t"rn to b%oodshed at any ti'e&"
Ender t"rned his bac, on the' a#ain& This ti'e they %et hi'& )e did not s%eep$ tho"#h& )e %istened to the'&
"I !as a*raid o* this$ Rac,ha'& 3o" p"shed hi' too hard& So'e o* those %esser o"tposts co"%d ha e !aited "nti% a*ter& 3o" co"%d ha e #i en hi' so'e days to rest&"
"Are yo" doin# it$ too$ Gra**+ Tryin# to decide ho! I co"%d ha e done it better+ 3o" don't ,no! !hat !o"%d ha e happened i* I hadn't p"shed& Nobody ,no!s& I did it the !ay I did it$ and it !or,ed& Abo e a%%$ it !or,ed& Me'ori7e that de*ense$ Gra**& 3o" 'ay ha e to "se it$ too&"
"I can see !hat it's done to hi'& Co%one% ;i,i says there's a #ood chance he'%% be per'anent%y da'a#ed$ b"t I don't be%ie e it& )e's too stron#& -innin# 'eant a %ot to hi'$ and he !on&"
"Don't te%% 'e abo"t stron#& The ,id's e%e en& Gi e hi' so'e rest$ Rac,ha'& Thin#s ha en't e1p%oded yet& -e
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"Or post a #"ard o"tside another door and pretend that it's his&"
"-hate er&"
Ti'e passed !itho"t to"chin# Ender$ e1cept !ith #%ancin# b%o!s& Once he a!o,e *or a *e! 'in"tes !ith so'ethin# pressin# his hand$ p"shin# do!n!ard on it$ !ith a d"%%$ insistent pain& )e reached o er and to"ched it4 it !as a need%e passin# into a ein& )e tried to p"%% it o"t$ b"t it !as taped on and he !as too !ea,& Another ti'e he a!o,e in dar,ness to hear peop%e near hi' '"r'"rin# and c"rsin#& )is ears !ere rin#in# !ith the %o"d noise that had a!a,ened hi'4 he did not re'e'ber the noise& "Get the %i#hts on$" so'eone said& And another ti'e he tho"#ht he heard so'eone cryin# so*t%y near hi'&
It 'i#ht ha e been a sin#%e day4 it 'i#ht ha e been a !ee,4 *ro' his drea's$ it co"%d ha e been 'onths& )e see'ed to pass thro"#h %i*eti'es in his drea's& Thro"#h the Giant's Drin, a#ain$ past the !o%*-chi%dren$ re%i in# the terrib%e deaths$ the constant '"rders4 he heard a oice !hisperin# in the *orest$ 3o" had to ,i%% the chi%dren to #et to the End o* the -or%d& And he tried to ans!er& I ne er !anted to ,i%% anybody& Nobody e er as,ed 'e i* I !anted to ,i%% anybody& 0"t the *orest %a"#hed at hi'& And !hen he %eapt *ro' the c%i** at the End o* the -or%d$ so'eti'es it !as not c%o"ds that ca"#ht hi'$ b"t a *i#hter that carried hi' to a anta#e point near the s"r*ace o* the b"##ers' !or%d$ so he co"%d !atch$ o er and o er$ the er"ption o* death !hen Dr& De ice set o** a reaction on the p%anet's *ace4 then c%oser and c%oser$ "nti% he co"%d !atch indi id"a% b"##ers e1p%ode$ t"rn to %i#ht$ then co%%apse into a pi%e o* dirt be*ore his eyes& And the <"een$ s"rro"nded by in*ants4 on%y the <"een !as Mother$ and the in*ants !ere :a%entine and a%% the chi%dren he had ,no!n in 0att%e Schoo%& One o* the' had 0on7o's *ace$ and he %ay there b%eedin# thro"#h the eyes and nose$ sayin#$ 3o" ha e no honor& And a%!ays the drea' ended !ith a 'irror or a poo% o* !ater or the 'eta% s"r*ace o* ship$ so'ethin# that !o"%d re*%ect his *ace bac, to hi'&
At *irst it !as a%!ays 2eter's *ace$ !ith b%ood and a sna,e's tai% co'in# *ro' the 'o"th& A*ter a !hi%e$ tho"#h$ it be#an to be his o!n *ace$ o%d and sad$ !ith eyes that #rie ed *or a bi%%ion$ bi%%ion '"rders -- b"t they !ere his o!n eyes$ and he !as content to !ear the'&
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That !as the !or%d Ender %i ed in *or 'any %i*eti'es d"rin# the *i e days o* the ;ea#"e -ar&
-hen he a!o,e a#ain he !as %yin# in dar,ness& In the distance he co"%d hear the th"'p$ th"'p o* e1p%osions& )e %istened *or a !hi%e& Then he heard a so*t *ootstep&
)e t"rned o er and *%"n# o"t a hand$ to #rasp !hoe er !as snea,in# "p on hi'& S"re eno"#h$ he ca"#ht so'eone's c%othin# and p"%%ed hi' do!n to!ard his ,nees$ ready to ,i%% hi' i* need be&
)e ,ne! the oice& It ca'e o"t o* his 'e'ory as i* it !ere a 'i%%ion years a#o&
"I !as tryin# not to !a,e yo" "p& -e%%$ at %east yo" ha e so'e s"r i a% instinct %e*t& The !ay Ma7er ta%,s abo"t it$ yo" !ere beco'in# a e#etab%e&"
"There's a !ar #oin# on here& O"r section is b%ac,ed o"t to ,eep "s sa*e&"
Ender s!"n# his %e#s o"t to sit "p& )e co"%dn't do it$ tho"#h& )is head h"rt too bad& )e !inced in pain&"
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"Don't sit "p$ Ender& It's a%% ri#ht& It %oo,s %i,e !e 'i#ht !in it& Not a%% the -arsa! 2act peop%e !ent !ith the 2o%e'arch& A %ot o* the' ca'e o er !hen the Strate#os to%d the' yo" !ere %oya% to the I(&"
"So he %ied& 3o" !eren't p%ottin# treason in yo"r drea's$ !ere yo"+ So'e o* the R"ssians !ho ca'e in to%d "s that !hen the 2o%e'arch ordered the' to *ind yo" and ,i%% yo"$ they a%'ost ,i%%ed hi'& -hate er they 'ay *ee% abo"t other peop%e$ Ender$ they %o e yo"& The !ho%e !or%d !atched o"r batt%es& :ideos$ day and ni#ht& I' e seen so'e& Co'p%ete !ith yo"r oice #i in# the orders& It's a%% there$ nothin# censored& Good st"**& 3o"' e #ot a career in the ids&"
"I !as /o,in#& )ey$ can yo" be%ie e it+ -e !on the !ar& -e !ere so ea#er to #ro! "p so !e co"%d *i#ht in it$ and it !as "s a%% the ti'e& I 'ean$ !e're ,ids& Ender& And it !as "s&" AIai %a"#hed& "It !as yo"$ any!ay& 3o" !ere #ood$ bosh& I didn't ,no! ho! yo"'d #et "s o"t o* that %ast one& 0"t yo" did& 3o" !ere #ood&"
Ender noticed the !ay he spo,e in the past #ood& "-hat a' I no!$ A%ai+"
"Sti%% #ood&"
"At !hat+"
"At -- anythin#& There's a 'i%%ion so%diers !ho'd *o%%o! yo" to the end o* the "ni erse&"
They %istened& The door opened& So'eone stood there& So'eone s'a%%& "It's o er$" he said& It !as 0ean& As i* to pro e it$ the %i#hts !ent on&
")o$ Ender&"
2etra *o%%o!ed hi' in$ !ith Din, ho%din# her hand& They ca'e to Ender's bed& ")ey$ the hero's a!a,e$" said Din,&
")e's not .that. cra7y$ 0ean& )e 'eant !ho !on /"st no!&" 2etra too, Ender's hand& "There !as a tr"ce on Earth& They' e been ne#otiatin# *or days& They *ina%%y a#reed to accept the ;oc,e 2roposa%&"
"It's ery co'p%icated$ b"t !hat it 'eans here is that the I(& !i%% stay in e1istence$ b"t !itho"t the -arsa! 2act in it& So the -arsa! 2act 'arines are #oin# ho'e& I thin, R"ssia a#reed to it beca"se they're ha in# a re o%t o*
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the S%a ic he%ots& E erybody's #ot tro"b%es& Abo"t *i e h"ndred died here$ b"t it !as !orse on Earth&"
"The )e#e'on resi#ned$" said Din,& "It's cra7y do!n there& -ho cares&"
"3o" O8+" 2etra as,ed hi'$ to"chin# his head& "3o" scared "s& They said yo" !ere cra7y$ and !e said .they. !ere cra7y&"
"-hen I tho"#ht yo" !ere abo"t to ,i%% 'e$ and I decided to ,i%% yo" *irst& I #"ess I'' /"st a ,i%%er to the core& 0"t I'd rather be a%i e than dead&"
They %a"#hed and a#reed !ith hi'& Then Ender be#an to cry and e'braced 0ean and 2etra$ !ho !ere c%osest& "I 'issed yo"$" he said& "I !anted to see yo" so bad&"
"3o" sa! "s pretty bad$" 2etra ans!ered& She ,issed his chee,&
"I sa! yo" 'a#ni*icent$" said Ender& "The ones I needed 'ost$ I "sed "p soonest& 0ad p%annin# on 'y part&"
"E erybody's O8 no!$" said Din,& "Nothin# !as !ron# !ith any o* "s that *i e days o* co!erin# in b%ac,edo"t roo's in the 'idd%e o* a !ar co"%dn't c"re&"
"I don't ha e to be yo"r co''ander any'ore$ do I+" as,ed Ender& "I don't !ant to co''and anybody a#ain&"
"3o" don't ha e to co''and anybody$" said Din,$ "b"t yo"'re a%!ays o"r co''ander&"
"So !hat do !e do no!+" as,ed A%ai& "The b"##er !ar's o er$ and so's the !ar do!n there on Earth$ and e en the !ar here& -hat do !e do no!+"
"-e're ,ids$" said 2etra& "They'%% probab%y 'a,e "s #o to schoo%& It's a %a!& 3o" ha e to #o to schoo% ti%% yo"'re se enteen&"
They a%% %a"#hed at that& ;a"#hed "nti% tears strea'ed do!n their *aces&
The %a,e !as sti%%4 there !as no bree7e& The t!o 'en sat to#ether in chairs on the *%oatin# doc,& A s'a%% !ooden ra*t !as tied "p at the doc,4 Gra** hoo,ed his *oot in the rope and p"%%ed the ra*t in$ then %et it dri*t o"t$ then p"%%ed it in a#ain&
"One ,ind o* stress p"ts it on$ another ta,es it o**& I ' a creat"re o* che'ica%s&"
"So'e o* "s !eren't so s"re& 2eop%e !ere cra7y *or a !hi%e there& Mistreat'ent o* chi%dren$ ne#%i#ent ho'icide -- those ideos o* 0on7o's and Sti%son's deaths !ere pretty #r"eso'e& To !atch one chi%d do that to another&"
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"As '"ch as anythin#$ I thin, the ideos sa ed 'e& The prosec"tion edited the'$ b"t !e sho!ed the !ho%e thin#& It !as p%ain that Ender !as not the pro ocate"r& A*ter that$ it !as /"st a second-#"essin# #a'e& I said I did !hat I be%ie ed !as necessary *or the preser ation o* the h"'an race$ and it !or,ed4 !e #ot the /"d#es to a#ree that the prosec"tion had to pro e beyond do"bt that Ender !o"%d ha e !on the !ar !itho"t the trainin# !e #a e hi'& A*ter that$ it !as si'p%e& The e1i#encies o* !ar&"
"Any!ay$ Gra**$ it !as a #reat re%ie* to "s& I ,no! !e <"arre%ed$ and I ,no! the prosec"tion "sed tapes o* o"r con ersations a#ainst yo"& 0"t by then I ,ne! that yo" !ere ri#ht$ and I o**ered to testi*y *or yo"&"
"I don't ,no!& Sti%% re%a1in#& I ha e a *e! years o* %ea e accr"ed& Eno"#h to ta,e 'e to retire'ent$ and I ha e p%enty o* sa%ary that I ne er "sed$ sittin# aro"nd in ban,s& I co"%d %i e on the interest& Maybe I'%% do nothin#&"
"It so"nds nice& 0"t I co"%dn't stand it& I' e been o**ered the presidency o* three di**erent "ni ersities$ on the theory that I'' an ed"cator& They don't be%ie e 'e !hen I say that a%% I e er cared abo"t at the 0att%e Schoo% !as the #a'e& I thin, I'%% #o !ith the other o**er&"
"No! that the !ars are o er$ it's ti'e to p%ay #a'es a#ain& It'%% be a%'ost %i,e acation$ any!ay& On%y t!entyei#ht tea's in the %ea#"e& Tho"#h a*ter years o* !atchin# those chi%dren *%yin#$ *ootba%% is %i,e !atchin# s%"#s bash into each other&"
They %a"#hed& Gra** si#hed and p"sned the ra*t !ith his *oot&
"It's e en been deeded o er to hi'& I sa! to it that he !as a'p%y re!arded& )e'%% ha e a%% the 'oney he e er needs&"
"They ne er !i%%&"
"3o" ,no! so'ethin#$ yo" o%d *arteater& 3o" ,no! !ho De'osthenes is&"
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"I ne er !as&"
"At %east yo" can te%% 'e !hy& There !ere a %ot o* "s !ho tho"#ht De'osthenes !o"%d be )e#e'on so'eday&"
"There !as ne er a chance o* that& No$ e en De'osthenes' 'ob o* po%itica% cretins co"%dn't pers"ade the )e#e'on to brin# Ender bac, to Earth& Ender is *ar too dan#ero"s&"
"A%% the 'ore dan#ero"s beca"se he co"%d so easi%y be contro%%ed& In a%% the !or%d$ the na'e o* Ender is one to con/"re !ith& The chi%d-#od$ the 'irac%e !or,er$ !ith %i*e and death in his hands& E ery petty tyrant-to-be !o"%d %i,e to ha e the boy$ to set hi' in *ront o* an ar'y and !atch the !or%d either *%oc, to /oin or co!er in *ear& I* Ender ca'e to Earth$ he'd !ant to co'e here$ to rest$ to sa% a#e !hat he can o* his chi%dhood& 0"t they'd ne er %et hi' rest&"
Gra** s'i%ed& "De'osthenes e1p%ained it to so'eone e%se& So'eone !ho co"%d ha e "sed Ender as no one e%se co"%d ha e$ to r"%e the !or%d and 'a,e the !or%d %i,e it&"
"It's too deep *or 'e$ Gra**& Gi e 'e the #a'e& Nice$ neat r"%es& Re*erees& 0e#innin#s and endin#s& -inners and %osers and then e erybody #oes ho'e to their !i es&"
"Get 'e tic,ets to so'e #a'es no! and then$ a%% ri#ht+"
"As soon as !e #et the reports bac, on the b"##er co%ony !or%ds& I 'ean$ there they are$ a%ready *erti%e$ !ith ho"sin# and ind"stry in p%ace$ and a%% the b"##ers dead& :ery con enient& -e'%% repea% the pop"%ation %i'itation %a!s--"
"And a%% those thirds and *o"rths and *i*ths #et on starships and head o"t *or !or%ds ,no!n and "n,no!n&"
"2eop%e a%!ays #o& A%!ays& They a%!ays be%ie e they can 'a,e a better %i*e than in the o%d !or%d&"
At *irst Ender be%ie ed that they !o"%d brin# hi' bac, to Earth as soon as thin#s <"ieted do!n& 0"t thin#s !ere <"iet no!$ had been <"iet *or a year$ and it !as p%ain to hi' no! that they !o"%d not brin# hi' bac, at a%%$ that he !as '"ch 'ore "se*"% as a na'e and a story than he !o"%d e er be as an incon enient *%esh-and-b%ood person&
And there !as the 'atter o* the co"rt 'artia% on the cri'es o* Co%one% Gra**& Ad'ira% Cha'ra/na#ar tried to ,eep Ender *ro' !atchin# it$ b"t *ai%ed -- Ender had been a!arded the ran, o* ad'ira%$ too$ and this !as one o* the *e! ti'es he asserted the pri i%e#es the ran, i'p%ied& So he !atched the ideos o* the *i#hts !ith Sti%son and 0on7o$ !atched as the photo#raphs o* the corpses !ere disp%ayed$ %istened as the psycho%o#ists and %a!yers ar#"ed !hether '"rder had been co''itted or the ,i%%in# !as in se%*-de*ense& Ender had his o!n opinion$ b"t no one as,ed hi'$ Thro"#ho"t the tria%$ it !as rea%%y Ender hi'se%* "nder attac,& The prosec"tion !as too c%e er to char#e hi' direct%y$ b"t there !ere atte'pts to 'a,e hi' %oo, sic,$ per erted$ cri'ina%%y insane&
"Ne er 'ind$" said Ma7er Rac,ha'& "The po%iticians are a*raid o* yo"$ b"t they can't destroy yo"r rep"tation yet& That !on't be done "nti% the historians #et at yo" in thirty years&"
Ender didn't care abo"t his rep"tation& )e !atched the ideos i'passi e%y$ b"t in *act he !as a'"sed& In batt%e I ,i%%ed ten bi%%ion b"##ers$ !ho !ere as a%i e and !ise as any 'an$ !ho had not e en %a"nched a third attac, a#ainst "s$ and no one thin,s to ca%% it a cri'e&
A%% his cri'es !ei#hed hea y on hi'$ the deaths o* Sti%son and 0on7o no hea ier and no %i#hter than the rest&
And so$ !ith that b"rden$ he !aited thro"#h the e'pty 'onths "nti% the !or%d that he had sa ed decided he co"%d co'e ho'e&
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One by one$ his *riends re%"ctant%y %e*t hi'$ ca%%ed ho'e to their *a'i%ies$ to be recei ed !ith heroes' !e%co'es in their to!ns& Ender !atched the ideos o* their ho'eco'in#s$ and !as to"ched !hen they' spent '"ch o* their ti'e praisin# Ender -i##in$ !ho ta"#ht the' e erythin#$ they said$ !ho ta"#ht the' and %ed the' into ictory& 0"t i* they ca%%ed *or hi' to be bro"#ht ho'e$ the !ords !ere censored *ro' the ideos and no one heard the p%ea&
(or a ti'e$ the on%y !or, in Eros !as c%eanin# "p a*ter the b%oody ;ea#"e -ar and recei in# the reports o* the starships$ once !arships$ that !ere no! e1p%orin# the b"##er co%ony !or%ds&
0"t no! Eros !as b"sier than e er$ 'ore cro!ded than it bad e er been d"rin# the !ar$ as co%onists !ere bro"#ht here to prepare *or their oya#es to the e'pty b"##er !or%ds& Ender too, part in the !or,$ as '"ch as they !o"%d %et hi'$ b"t it did not occ"r to the' that this t!e% e-year-o%d boy 'i#ht be as #i*ted at peace as he !as at !ar& 0"t he !as patient !ith their tendency to i#nore hi'$ and %earned to 'a,e his proposa%s and s"##est his p%ans thro"#h the *e! ad"%ts !ho %istened to hi'$ and %et the' present the' as their o!n& )e !as concerned$ not abo"t #ettin# credit$ b"t abo"t #ettin# the /ob done&
The one thin# he co"%d not bear !as the !orship o* the co%onists& )e %earned to a oid the t"nne%s !here they %i ed$ beca"se they !o"%d a%!ays reco#ni7e hi' -- the !or%d had 'e'ori7ed his *ace -- and the they !o"%d screa' and sho"t and e'brace hi' and con#rat"%ate hi' and sho! hi' the chi%dren they had na'ed a*ter hi' and te%% hi' ho! he !as so yo"n# it bro,e their hearts and .they. didn't b%a'e hi' *or any o* his '"rders beca"se it !asn't his *a"%t he !as /"st a .chi%d.--
)e !asn't inside Eros that day& )e had #one "p !ith the sh"tt%e to the ne! IS;$ !here he had been %earnin# to do s"r*ace !or, on the starships4 it !as "nbeco'in# to an o**icer to do 'echanica% %abor$ Cha'ra/na#ar to%d hi'$ b"t Ender ans!ered that since the trade he had 'astered !asn't '"ch ca%%ed *or no!$ it !as abo"t ti'e he %earned another s,i%%&
They spo,e to hi' thro"#h his he%'et radio and to%d hi' that so'eone !as !aitin# to see hi' as soon as he co"%d co'e in& Ender co"%dn't thin, o* anyone he !anted to see$ and so he didn't h"rry& )e *inished insta%%in# the shie%d *or the ship's ansib%e and then hoo,ed his !ay across the *ace o* the ship and p"%%ed hi'se%* "p into the air%oc,&
She !as !aitin# *or hi' o"tside the chan#in# roo'& (or a 'o'ent he !as annoyed that they !o"%d %et a co%onist co'e to bother hi' here$ !here he ca'e to be a%one4 then he %oo,ed a#ain$ and rea%i7ed that i* the yo"n# !o'an !ere a %itt%e #ir%$ he !o"%d ,no! her&
":a%entine$" he said&
")i$ Ender&"
"0"t i* yo" e er ca'e bac,$ e erybody yo" ,ne! on Earth !o"%d be dead--"
"That !as !hat I had in 'ind& I !as hopin#$ tho"#h$ that so'eone I ,ne! on Eros 'i#ht co'e !ith 'e&
"I don't !ant to #o to a !or%d !e sto%e *ro' the b"##ers& I /"st !ant to #o ho'e&"
"I te%% yo" that no!$ so that i* yo" !ant to hate 'e$ yo" can hate 'e *ro' the be#innin#&"
They !ent to Ender's tiny co'part'ent in the IS; and she e1p%ained& 2eter !anted Ender bac, on Earth$ "nder the protection o* the )e#e'on's Co"nci%& "The !ay thin#s are ri#ht no!$ Ender$ that !o"%d p"t yo" e**ecti e%y "nder 2eter's contro%$ since ha%* the co"nci% no! does /"st !hat 2eter !ants& The ones that aren't ;oc,e's %apdo#s are "nder his th"'b in other !ays&"
"3es& )e isn't p"b%ic%y ,no!n$& b"t peop%e in hi#h p%aces ,no! hi'& It doesn't 'atter any 'ore& )e has too '"ch po!er *or the' to !orry abo"t his a#e& )e's done incredib%e thin#s$ Ender&"
"I noticed the treaty a year a#o !as na'ed *or ;oc,e&"
"That !as his brea,thro"#h& )e proposed it thro"#h his *riends *ro' the p"b%ic po%icy nets$ and then De'osthenes #ot behind it$ too& It !as the 'o'ent he had been !aitin# *or$ to "se De'osthenes' in*%"ence !ith the 'ob and ;oc,e's in*%"ence !ith the inte%%i#entsia to acco'p%ish so'ethin# note!orthy& It *oresta%%ed a rea%%y icio"s !ar that co"%d ha e %asted *or decades&"
"I thin, so& 0"t in his cynica% 'o'ents$ o* !hich there are 'any$ he pointed o"t to 'e that i* he had a%%o!ed the ;ea#"e to *a%% apart co'p%ete%y$ he'd ha e to con<"er the !or%d piece by piece& As %on# as the )e#e'ony e1ists$ he can do it in one %"'p&"
")e had p%ans *or yo"$ Ender& )e !o"%d p"b%ic%y re ea% hi'se%* !hen yo" arri ed$ #oin# to 'eet yo" in *ront o* a%% the ideos& Ender -i##in's o%der brother$ !ho a%so happened to be the #reat ;oc,e$ the architect o* peace& Standin# ne1t to yo"$ he !o"%d %oo, <"ite 'at"re& And the physica% rese'b%ance bet!een yo" is stron#er than e er& It !o"%d be <"ite si'p%e *or hi'$ then$ to ta,e o er&"
"Ender$ yo" !o"%dn't be happy spendin# the rest o* yo"r %i*e as 2eter's pa!n&"
"Me too& I sho!ed 2eter a%% the e idence that I had asse'b%ed$ eno"#h to pro e in the eyes o* the p"b%ic that he !as a psychotic ,i%%er& It inc%"ded *"%%-co%or pict"res o* tort"red s<"irre%s and so'e o* the 'onitor ideos o* the !ay he treated yo"& It too, so'e !or, to #et it a%% to#ether$ b"t by the ti'e he sa! it$ he !as !i%%in# to #i e 'e !hat I !anted& -hat I !anted !as yo"r *reedo' and 'ine&"
"It's not 'y idea o* *reedo' to #o %i e in the ho"se o* the peop%e that I ,i%%ed&"
"Ender$ !hat's done is done& Their !or%ds are e'pty no!$ and o"rs is *"%%& And !e can ta,e !ith "s !hat their !or%ds ha e ne er ,no!n -- cities *"%% o* peop%e !ho %i e pri ate$ indi id"a% %i es$ !ho %o e and hate each other
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*or their o!n reasons& In a%% the b"##er !or%ds$ there !as ne er 'ore than a sin#%e story to be to%d4 !hen !e're there$ the !or%d !i%% be *"%% o* stories$ and !e'%% i'pro ise their endin#s day by day& Ender$ Earth be%on#s to 2eter& And i* yo" don't #o !ith 'e no!$ he'%% ha e yo" there$ and "se yo" "p "nti% yo" !ish yo"'d ne er been born& No! is the on%y chance yo"'%% #et to #et a!ay&"
"I ,no! !hat yo"'re thin,in#$ Ender& 3o"'re thin,in# that I'' tryin# to contro% yo" /"st as '"ch as 2eter or Gra** or any o* the others&"
"-e%co'e to the h"'an race& Nobody contro%s his o!n %i*e$ Ender& The best yo" can do is choose to be contro%%ed by #ood peop%e$ by peop%e !ho %o e yo"& I didn't co'e here beca"se I !anted to be a co%onist& I ca'e beca"se I' e spent 'y !ho%e %i*e in the co'pany o* the brother that I hated& No! I !ant a chance to ,no! the brother that I %o ed$ be*ore it's too %ate$ be*ore !e're not chi%dren any'ore&"
"3o"'re !ron#$ Ender& 3o" thin, yo"'re #ro!n "p and tired and /aded !ith e erythin#$ b"t in yo"r heart yo"'re /"st as '"ch a ,id as I a'& -e can ,eep it secret *ro' e erybody e%se& -hi%e yo"'re #o ernin# the co%ony and I'' !ritin# po%itica% phi%osophy$ they'%% ne er #"ess that in the dar,ness o* ni#ht !e snea, into each other's roo' and p%ay chec,ers and ha e pi%%o!*i#hts&"
Ender %a"#hed$ b"t he had noticed so'e thin#s she dropped too cas"a%%y *or the' to be accidenta%& "Go ernin#+"
"I'' De'osthenes$ Ender$ I !ent o"t !ith a ban#& A p"b%ic anno"nce'ent that I be%ie ed so '"ch in the co%oni7ation 'o e'ent that I !as #oin# in the *irst ship 'yse%*& At the sa'e ti'e$ the Minister o* Co%oni7ation$ a *or'er co%one% na'ed Gra**$ anno"nced that the pi%ot o* the co%ony ship !o"%d be the #reat Ma7er Rac,ha'$ and the #o ernor o* the co%ony !o"%d be Ender -i##in&"
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"No& They'%% be anno"ncin# it to'orro!$ i* yo" accept& Ma7er accepted a *e! ho"rs a#o$ bac, in Eros&"
"-e're on%y te%%in# the' that De'osthenes is #oin# !ith the co%ony& ;et the' spend the ne1t *i*ty years porin# o er the passen#er %ist$ tryin# to *i#"re o"t !hich one o* the' is the #reat de'a#o#"e o* the A#e o* ;oc,e&"
Ender %a"#hed and shoo, his head& "3o"'re act"a%%y ha in# *"n$ :a%&"
"A%% ri#ht$" said Ender& "I'%% #o& Maybe e en as #o ernor$ as %on# as yo" and Ma7er are there to he%p 'e& My abi%ities are a %itt%e "nder"sed at present&"
She s<"ea%ed and h"##ed hi'$ *or a%% the !or%d %i,e a typica% teena#e #ir% !ho /"st #ot the present that she !anted *ro' her %itt%e brother&
":a%$" he said$ "I /"st !ant one thin# c%ear& I'' not #oin# *or yo"& I'' not #oin# in order to be #o ernor$ or beca"se I'' bored here& I'' #oin# beca"se I ,no! the b"##ers better than any other %i in# so"%$ and 'aybe i* I #o there I can "nderstand the' better& I sto%e their *"t"re *ro' the'4 I can on%y be#in to repay by seein# !hat I can %earn *ro' their past&"
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The oya#e !as %on#& 0y the end o* it$ :a% had *inished the *irst o%"'e o* her history o* the b"##er !ars and trans'itted it by ansib%e$ "nder De'osthenes' na'e$ bac, to Earth$ and Ender had !on so'ethin# better than the ad"%ation o* the passen#ers& They ,ne! hi' no!$ and he had !on their %o e and their respect&
)e !or,ed hard on the ne! !or%d$ #o ernin# by pers"asion rather than *iat$ and !or,in# as hard as anyone at the tas,s in o% ed in settin# "p a se%*-s"stainin# econo'y& 0"t his 'ost i'portant !or,$ as e eryone a#reed$ !as e1p%orin# !hat the b"##ers had %e*t behind$ tryin# to *ind a'on# str"ct"res$ 'achinery$ and *ie%ds %on# "ntended so'e thin#s that h"'an bein#s co"%d "se$ co"%d %earn *ro'& There !ere no boo,s to read -- the b"##ers ne er needed the'& -ith a%% thin#s present in their 'e'ories$ a%% thin#s spo,en as they !ere tho"#ht$ !hen the b"##ers died their ,no!%ed#e died !ith the'&
And yet& (ro' the st"rdiness o* the roo*s that co ered their ani'a% sheds and their *ood s"pp%ies$ Ender %earned that !inter !o"%d be hard$ !ith hea y sno!s& (ro' *ences !ith sharpened sta,es that pointed o"t!ard he %earned that there !ere 'ara"din# ani'a%s that !ere a dan#er to the crops or the herds& (ro' the 'i%% he %earned that the %on#$ *o"%-tastin# *r"its that #re! in the o er#ro!n orchards !ere dried and #ro"nd into 'ea%& And *ro' the s%in#s that once !ere "sed to carry in*ants a%on# !ith ad"%ts into the *ie%ds$ he %earned that e en tho"#n the b"##ers !ere not '"ch *or indi id"a%ity$ they did %o e their chi%dren&
;i*e sett%ed do!n$ and years passed& The co%ony %i ed in !ooden ho"ses and "sed the t"nne%s o* the b"##er city *or stora#e and 'an"*actories& They !ere #o erned by a co"nci% no!$ and ad'inistrators !ere e%ected$ so that Ender$ tho"#h they sti%% ca%%ed hi' #o ertior$ !as in *act on%y a /"d#e& There !ere cri'es and <"arre%s a%on#side ,indness and cooperation4 there !ere peop%e !ho %o ed each other and peop%e !ho did not4 it !as a h"'an !or%d& They did not !ait so ea#er%y *or each ne! trans'ission *ro' the ansib%e4 the na'es that !ere *a'o"s on Earth 'eant %itt%e to the' no!& The on%y na'e they ,ne! !as that o* 2eter -i##in$ the )e#e'on o* Earth4 the on%y ne!s that ca'e !as ne!s o* peace$ o* prosperity$ o* #reat ships %ea in# the %ittora% o* Earth's so%ar syste'$ passin# the co'et shie%d and *i%%in# "p the b"##er !or%ds& Soon there !o"%d be other co%onies on this !or%d$ Ender's -or%d4 soon there !o"%d be nei#hbors4 a%ready they !ere ha%*!ay here4 b"t no one cared& They !o"%d he%p the ne!co'ers !hen they ca'e$ teach the' !hat they had %earned$ b"t !hat 'attered in %i*e no! !as !ho !o"%d 'arry !ho'$ and !ho !as sic,$ and !hen !as p%antin# ti'e$ and !hy sho"%d I pay hi' !hen the ca%* died three !ee,s a*ter I #ot it&
"They' e beco'e peop%e o* the %and$" said :a%entine& "No one cares no! that De'osthenes is sendin# the se enth o%"'e o* his history today& No one here !i%% read it&"
Ender pressed a b"tton and his des, sho!ed hi' the ne1t pa#e& ":ery insi#ht*"%$ :a%entine& )o! 'any 'ore o%"'es "nti% yo"'re thro"#h+"
"No& 6"st !rite it$ and !hen I' e bro"#ht it "p to the present day$ I'%% stop&"
"I ha e a better idea& Ta,e it "p to the day !e !on the *ina% batt%e& Stop it there& Nothin# that I' e done since then is !orth !ritin# do!n&"
The ansib%e had bro"#ht the' !ord that the ne! co%ony ship !as on%y a year a!ay& They as,ed Ender to *ind a p%ace *or the' to sett%e in$ near eno"#h to Ender's co%ony that the t!o co%onies co"%d trade$ b"t *ar eno"#h apart that they co"%d be #o erned separate%y& Ender "sed the he%icopter and be#an to e1p%ore& )e too, one o* the chi%dren a%on#$ an e%e en-year-o%d boy na'ed Abra4 he had been on%y three !hen the co%ony !as *o"nded$ and he re'e'bered no other !or%d than this& )e and Ender *%e! as *ar as the copter !o"%d carry the'$ then ca'ped *or the ni#ht and #ot a *ee% *or the %and on *oot the ne1t 'ornin#&
It !as on the third 'ornin# that Ender s"dden%y be#an to *ee% an "neasy sense that he had been in this p%ace be*ore& )e %oo,ed aro"nd4 it !as ne! %and$ he had ne er seen it& )e ca%%ed o"t to Abra&
")o$ Ender5" Abra ca%%ed& )e !as on top o* a steep %o! hi%%& "Co'e "p5"
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Ender scra'b%ed "p$ the t"r es co'in# a!ay *ro' his *eet in the so*t #ro"nd& Abra !as pointin# do!n!ard&
The hi%% !as ho%%o!& A deep depression in the 'idd%e$ partia%%y *i%%ed !ith !ater$ !as rin#ed by conca e s%opes that canti%e ered dan#ero"s%y o er the !ater& In one direction the hi%% #a e !ay to t!o %on# rid#es that 'ade a :shaped a%%ey? in the other direction the rose to a piece o* !hite roc,$ #rinnin# %i,e a s,"%% !ith a tree #ro!in# o"t o* its 'o"th&
"It's %i,e a #iant died here$" said Abra$ "and the Earth #re! "p to co er his carcass$"
No! Ender ,ne! !hy it had %oo,ed *a'i%iar& The Giant's corpse& )e had p%ayed here too 'any ti'es as a chi%d not to ,no! this p%ace& 0"t it !as not possib%e& The co'p"ter in the 0att%e Schoo% co"%d not possib%y ha e seen this p%ace& )e %oo,ed thro"#h his binoc"%ars in a direction he ,ne! !e%%$ *earin# and hopin# that he !o"%d see !hat be%on#ed in that p%ace&
S!in#s and s%ides& Mon,ey bars& No! o er#ro!n$ b"t the shapes sti%% "n'ista,ab%e&
"So'ebody had to ha e b"i%t this$" Abra said$ ";oo,$ this s,"%% p%ace$ it's not roc,$ %oo, at it& This is concrete&"
"I ,no! this p%ace$ Abra& The b"##ers b"i%t it *or 'e&"
"The b"##ers !ere a%% dead *i*ty years be*ore !e #ot here&"
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"3o"'re ri#ht$ it's i'possib%e$ b"t I ,no! !hat I ,no!& Abra$ I sho"%dn't ta,e yo" !ith 'e& It 'i#ht be dan#ero"s& I* they ,ne! 'e !e%% eno"#h to b"i%d this p%ace$ they 'i#ht be p%annin# to--"
"So don't #o$ Ender& Don't do !hat they !ant yo" to do&"
"%* they !ant to #et re en#e$ Abra$ I don't 'ind& 0"t perhaps they don't& 2erhaps this is the c%osest they co"%d co'e to ta%,in#& To !ritin# 'e a note&"
"-e%%$ I'' s"re as he%% not stic,in# aro"nd here i* yo"'re ta,in# o** so'e!here& I'' #oin# !ith yo"&"
"Co'e on5 3o"'re Ender -i##in& Don't te%% 'e !hat e%e en-year-o%d ,ids can do5"
To#ether they *%e! in the copter$ o er the p%ay#ro"nd$ o er the !oods$ o er the !e%% in the *orest c%earin#& Then o"t to !here there !as$ indeed$ a c%i**$ !ith a ca e in the c%i** !a%% and a %ed#e ri#ht !here the End o* the -or%d sho"%d be& And there in the distance$ /"st !here it sho"%d be in the *antasy #a'e$ !as the cast%e to!er&
)e %e*t Abra !ith the copter& "Don't co'e a*ter 'e$ and #o ho'e in an ho"r i* I don't co'e bac,&"
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Abra co"%d te%%$ despite Ender's /o,in# tone$ that he 'eant it$ and so he stayed&
The !a%%s o* the to!er !ere notched and %ed#ed *or easy c%i'bin#& They 'eant hi' to #et in&
The roo' !as as it had a%!ays been& Ender re'e'bered !e%% eno"#h to %oo, *or a sna,e on the *%oor$ b"t there !as on%y a r"# !ith a car ed sna,e's head at one corner& I'itation$ not d"p%ication4 *or a peop%e !ho 'ade no art$ they had done !e%%& They '"st ha e dra##ed these i'a#es *ro' Ender's o!n 'ind$ *indin# hi' and %earnin# his dar,est drea's across the %i#htyears& 0"t !hy+ To brin# hi' to this roo'$ o* co"rse& To %ea e a 'essa#e *or hi'& 0"t !here !as the 'essa#e$ and ho! !o"%d he "nderstand it+
The 'irror !as !aitin# *or hi' on the !a%%& It !as a d"%% sheet o* 'eta%$ in !hich the ro"#h shape o* a h"'an *ace had been scratched& They tried to dra! the i'a#e I sho"%d see in the pict"re&
And %oo,in# at the 'irror he co"%d re'e'ber brea,in# it$ p"%%in# it *ro' the !a%%$ and sna,es %eapin# o"t o* the hidden p%ace$ attac,in# hi'$ bitin# hi' !here er their poisono"s *an#s co"%d *ind p"rchase&
)o! !e%% do they ,no! 'e$ !ondered Ender& -e%% eno"#h to ,no! ho! o*ten I ha e tho"#ht o* death$ to ,no! that I a' not a*raid o* it+ -e%% eno"#h to ,no! that e en i* I *eared death$ it !o"%d not stop 'e *ro' ta,in# that 'irror *ro' the !a%%&
)e !a%,ed to the 'irror$ %i*ted$ p"%%ed a!ay& Nothin# /"'ped *ro' the space behind it& Instead$ in a ho%%o!edo"t p%ace$ there !as a !hite ba%% o* si%, !ith a *e! *rayed strands stic,in# o"t here and there& An e##+ No& The p"pa o* a <"een b"##er$ a%ready *erti%i7ed by the %ar a% 'a%es$ ready$ o"t o* her o!n body$ to hatch a h"ndred tho"sand b"##ers$ inc%"din# a *e! <"eens and 'a%es& Ender co"%d see the s%"#-%i,e 'a%es c%in#in# to the !a%%s o* a dar, t"nne%$ and the %ar#e ad"%ts carryin# the in*ant <"een to the 'atin# roo'4 each 'a%e in t"rn penetrated the %ar a% <"een$ sh"ddered in ecstasy$ and died$ droppin# to the t"nne% *%oor and shri e%in#& Then the ne! <"een
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!as %aid be*ore the o%d$ a 'a#ni*icent creat"re c%ad in so*t and shi''erin# !in#s$ !hich had %on# since %ost the po!er o* *%i#ht b"t sti%% contained the po!er o* 'a/esty& The o%d <"een ,issed her to s%eep !ith the #ent%e poison in her %ips$ then !rapped her in threads *ro' her be%%y$ and co''anded her to beco'e herse%*$ to beco'e a ne! city$ a ne! !or%d$ to #i e birth to 'any <"eens and 'any !or%ds&
)o! do I ,no! this$ tho"#ht Ender& )o! can I see these thin#s$ %i,e 'e'ories in 'y o!n 'ind&
As i* in ans!er$ he sa! the *irst o* a%% his batt%es !ith e b"##er *%eets& )e had seen it be*ore on the si'"%ator4 no! he sa! it as the hi e-<"een sa! it$ thro"#h 'any di**erent eyes& The b"##ers *or'ed their #%obe o* ships$ and then the terrib%e *i#hters ca'e o"t o* the dar,ness and the ;itt%e Doctor destroyed the' in a b%a7e o* %i#ht& )e *e%t then !hat the hi e-<"een *e%t$ !atchin# thro"#h her !or,ers' eyes as death ca'e to the' too <"ic,%y to a oid$ b"t not too <"ic,%y to be anticipated& There !as no 'e'ory o* pain or *ear$ tho"#h& -hat the hi e-<"een *e%t !as sadness$ a sense o* resi#nation& She had not tho"#ht these !ords as she sa! the h"'ans co'in# to ,i%%$ b"t it !as in !ords that Ender "nderstood her? They did not *or#i e "s$ she tho"#ht& -e !i%% s"re%y die&
The <"een in her si%,en cocoon had no !ords to #i e bac,4 b"t !hen he c%osed his eyes and tried to re'e'ber$ instead o* 'e'ory ca'e ne! i'a#es& 2"ttin# the cocoon in a coo% p%ace$ a dar, p%ace$ b"t !ith !ater$ so she !asn't dry4 no$ not /"st !ater$ b"t !ater 'i1ed !ith the sap o* a certain tree$ and ,ept tepid so that certain reactions co"%d ta,e p%ace in the cocoon& Then ti'e& Days and !ee,s$ *or the p"pa inside to chan#e& And then$ !hen the cocoon had chan#ed to a d"sty bro!n co%or$ Ender sa! hi'se%* sp%ittin# open the cocoon$ and he%pin# the s'a%% and *ra#i%e <"een e'er#e& )e sa! hi'se%* ta,in# her by the *ore%i'b and he%pin# her !a%, *ro' her birth!ater to a nestin# p%ace$ so*t !ith dried %ea es on sand& Then I a' a%i e$ ca'e the tho"#ht in his 'ind& Then I a' a!a,e& Then I 'a,e 'y ten tho"sand chi%dren&
"3o"r chi%dren are the 'onsters o* o"r ni#ht'ares no!& I* I a!o,e yo"$ !e !o"%d on%y ,i%% yo" a#ain&"
There *%ashed thro"#h his 'ind a do7en i'a#es o* h"'an bein#s bein# ,i%%ed by b"##ers$ b"t !ith the i'a#e ca'e a #rie* so po!er*"% he co"%d not bear it$ and he !ept their tears *or the'&
"I* yo" co"%d 'a,e the' *ee% as yo" can 'a,e 'e *ee%$ then perhaps they co"%d *or#i e yo"&"
On%y 'e$ he rea%i7ed& They *o"nd 'e thro"#h the ansib%e$ *o%%o!ed it and d!e%t in 'y 'ind& In the a#ony o* 'y tort"red drea's they ca'e to ,no! 'e$ e en as I spent 'y days destroyin# the'4 they *o"nd 'y *ear o* the'$ and *o"nd a%so that I had no ,no!%ed#e I !as ,i%%in# the'& In the *e! !ee,s they had$ they b"i%t this p%ace *or 'e$ and the Giant's corpse and the p%ay#ro"nd and the %ed#e at the End o* the -or%d$ so I !o"%d *ind this p%ace by the e idence o* 'y eyes& I a' the on%y one they ,no!$ and so they can on%y ta%, to 'e$ and thro"#h 'e& -e are %i,e yo"4 the tho"#ht pressed into his 'ind& -e did not 'ean to '"rder$ and !hen !e "nderstood$ !e ne er ca'e a#ain& -e tho"#ht !e !ere the on%y thin,in# bein#s in the "ni erse$ "nti% !e 'et yo"$ b"t ne er did !e drea' that tho"#ht co"%d arise *ro' the %one%y ani'a%s !ho cannot drea' each other's drea's& )o! !ere !e to ,no!+ -e co"%d %i e !ith yo" in peace& 0e%ie e "s$ be%ie e "s$ be%ie e "s&
)e reached into the ca ity and too, o"t the cocoon& It !as astonishin#%y %i#ht$ to ho%d a%% the hope and *"t"re o* a #reat race !ithin it&
"I'%% carry yo"$" said Ender$ "I'%% #o *ro' !or%d to !or%d "nti% I *ind a ti'e and a p%ace !here yo" can co'e a!a,e in sa*ety& And I'%% te%% yo"r story to 'y peop%e$ so that perhaps in ti'e they can *or#i e yo"$ too& The !ay that yo"' e *or#i en 'e&"
)e !rapped the <"een's cocoon in his /ac,et and carried her *ro' the to!er&
"To !hat+"
"My <"estion&" And that !as a%% he said o* the 'atter4 they searched *or *i e 'ore days and chose a site *or the
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-ee,s %ater he ca'e to :a%entine and to%d her to read so'ethin# he had !ritten4 she p"%%ed the *i%e he na'ed *ro' the ship's co'p"ter$ and read it&
It !as !ritten as i* the hi e-<"een spo,e$ te%%in# a%% that they had 'eant to do$ and a%% that they had done& )ere are o"r *ai%"res$ and here is o"r #reatness4 !e did not 'ean to h"rt yo"$ and !e *or#i e yo" *or o"r death& (ro' their ear%iest a!areness to the #reat !ars that s!ept across their ho'e !or%d$ Ender to%d the story <"ic,%y$ as i* it !ere an ancient 'e'ory& -hen he ca'e to the ta%e o* the #reat 'other$ the <"een o* a%%$ !ho *irst %earned to ,eep and teach the ne! <"een instead o* ,i%%in# her or dri in# her a!ay$ then he %in#ered$ te%%in# ho! 'any ti'es she had *ina%%y to destroy the chi%d o* her body$ the ne! se%* that !as not herse%*$ "nti% she bore one !ho "nderstood her <"est *or har'ony& This !as a ne! thin# in the !or%d$ t!o <"eens that %o ed and he%ped each other instead o* batt%in#$ and to#ether they !ere stron#er than any other hi e& They prospered4 they had 'ore da"#hters !ho /oined the' in peace4 it !as the be#innin# o* !isdo'&
I* on%y !e co"%d ha e ta%,ed to yo"$ the hi e-<"een said in Ender's !ords& 0"t since it co"%d not be$ !e as, on%y this? that yo" re'e'ber "s$ not as ene'ies$ b"t as tra#ic sisters$ chan#ed into a *o"% shape by (ate or God or E o%"tion& I* !e had ,issed$ it !o"%d ha e been the 'irac%e to 'a,e "s h"'an in each other's eyes& Instead !e ,i%%ed each other& 0"t sti%% !e !e%co'e yo" no! as #"est*riends& Co'e into o"r ho'e$ da"#hters o* Earth4 d!e%% in o"r t"nne%s$ har est o"r *ie%ds4 !hat !e cannot do$ yo" are no! o"r hands to do *or "s& 0%osso'$ trees4 ripen$ *ie%ds4 be !ar' *or the'$ s"ns4 be *erti%e *or the'$ p%anets? they are o"r adopted da"#hters$ and they ha e co'e ho'e&
The boo, that Ender !rote !as not %on#$ b"t in it !as a%% the #ood and a%% the e i% that the hi e-<"een ,ne!& And he si#ned it$ not !ith his na'e$ b"t !ith a tit%e?
On Earth$ the boo, !as p"b%ished <"iet%y$ and <"iet%y it !as passed *ro' hand to hand$ "nti% it !as hard to be%ie e that anyone on Earth 'i#ht not ha e read it&
Most !ho read it *o"nd it interestin# -- so'e !ho read it re*"sed to set it aside& They be#an to %i e by it as best they co"%d$ and !hen their %o ed ones died$ a be%ie er !o"%d arise beside the #ra e to be the Spea,er *or the
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Dead$ and say !hat the dead one !o"%d ha e said$ b"t !ith *"%% candor$ hidin# no *a"%ts and pretendin# no irt"es& Those !ho ca'e to s"ch ser ices so'eti'es *o"nd the' pain*"% and dist"rbin#$ b"t there !ere 'any !ho decided that their %i*e !as !orth!hi%e eno"#h$ despite their errors$ that !hen they died a Spea,er sho"%d te%% the tr"th *or the'&
On Earth it re'ained a re%i#ion a'on# 'any re%i#ions& 0"t *or those !ho tra e%ed the #reat ca e o* space and %i ed their %i es in the hi e-<"een's t"nne%s and har ested the hi e-<"een's *ie%ds$ it !as the on%y re%i#ion& There !as no co%ony !itho"t its Spea,er *or the Dead&
No one ,ne! and no one rea%%y !anted to ,no! !ho !as the ori#ina% Spea,er& Ender !as not inc%ined to te%% the'&
-hen :a%entine !as t!enty-*i e years o%d$ she *inished the %ast o%"'e o* her history o* the b"##er !ars& She inc%"ded at the end the co'p%ete te1t o* Ender's %itt%e boo,$ b"t did not say that Ender !rote it&
0y ansib%e she #ot an ans!er *ro' the ancient )e#e'on$ 2eter -i##in$ se enty-se en years o%d !ith a *ai%in# heart&
"I ,no! !ho !rote it$" he said& "I* he can spea, *or the b"##ers$ s"re%y he can spea, *or 'e&"
0ac, and *orth across the ansib%e Ender and 2eter spo,e$ !ith 2eter po"rin# o"t the story o* his days and years$ his cri'es and his ,indnesses& And !hen he died$ Ender !rote a second o%"'e$ a#ain si#ned by the Spea,er *or the Dead& To#ether$ his t!o boo,s !ere ca%%ed the )i e-9"een and the )e#e'on$ and they !ere ho%y !rit&
"Co'e on$" he said to :a%entine one day& ";et's *%y a!ay and %i e *ore er&"
"-e can't$" she said& "There are 'irac%es e en re%ati ity can't p"%% o**$ Ender&"
"So$ stay&"
"I' e %i ed too %on# !ith pain& I !on't ,no! !ho I a' !itho"t it&"
So they boarded a starship and !ent *ro' !or%d to !or%d& -here er they stopped$ he !as a%!ays Andre! -i##in$ itinerant spea,er *or the dead$ and she !as a%!ays :a%entine$ historian errant$ !ritin# do!n the stories o* the %i in# !hi%e Ender spo,e the stories o* the dead& And a%!ays Ender carried !ith hi' a dry !hite cocoon$ %oo,in# *or the !or%d !here the hi e-<"een co"%d a!a,en and thri e in peace& )e %oo,ed a %on# ti'e&