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Time and Attendance

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Human Resources Management Policy Time and Attendance

Policy 29 NOTE: THIS POLICY, LIKE ALL OTHER MUSC HUMAN RESOURCES POLICIES, IS NOT A CONTRACT OF EMPLOYMENT AND SHOULD NOT BE RELIED UPON AS SUCH. THIS POLICY MAY BE CHANGED AT ANY TIME BY THE MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA. I. POLICY The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines to employees for proper use of the System for Time and Attendance Recording (STAR). The STAR system provides a convenient method for tracking hours worked, by permitting employees to swipe in and out using card readers. The goal of the Medical University of South Carolina is to ensure that all employees are treated equitably and fairly. PROCEDURE A. Employee Responsibility Hourly-paid employees are expected to use the time and attendance system by swiping their STAR cards. Replacement STAR cards are available at a cost of $5.00 each. An employee may never swipe with another employees card or allow another employee to swipe with his/her STAR card. Employees found to be doing otherwise will be subject to immediate termination. If an employee forgets to swipe in or out, he/she must notify his/her manager through appropriate departmental communication channels. Employees who consistently forget to swipe in or out will be subject to disciplinary action. More than three missed swipes in one month is considered excessive. In addition, employees should swipe in/out only on card readers designated by their departments. Failure to do so could result in disciplinary action. Refer to Human Resources Management Policy No. 45, Disciplinary Action. Arrival/Departure Hourly-paid employees are required to record arrival and departure



times using their STAR cards. Employees are not permitted to swipe into the STAR system until they are in their work area and are ready to immediately begin work at the nextquarter hour. Employees are not permitted to swipe into the STAR system prior to seven and onehalf minutes before the scheduled starting time or out of the STAR system seven and one-half minutes after the scheduled departure time unless overtime has been approved by the manager or designee. Refer to Human Resources Management Policy No. 45, Disciplinary Action. If an employee is approved by the appropriate designated authorities to work in a unit or department other than his or her home department, the employee must transfer his or her hours using the appropriate function key on the card reader and the receiving department number. Signs next to the reader will include a list of department numbers. Rounding for Calculation Purposes The STAR system will round the times in seven and one-half minute increments to the nearest quarter of an hour. This rounding policy simplifies payroll calculations and allows a fifteen minute window of time for employees with the same scheduled start time to use the card reader. Employees must still begin actual work at the actual start time and end work at the actual end time. Employees who do not comply with this policy will be subject to disciplinary action. Overtime (Human Resources Management Policy No. 11) Overtime is time spent "on the job" by a nonexempt (hourly-paid) employee in excess of 40 hours in a single workweek. If overtime is required, it should be distributed as evenly as possible among affected employees. When overtime becomes necessary, the manager or supervisor must specifically approve the scheduling in advance and be responsible for the overtime worked. If overtime is required, hours worked in excess of 40 in a single workweek will be paid at 1-1/2 times the normal rate. The workweek consists of seven consecutive 24 hour periods beginning on Sunday. "Hours worked" refers to time actually spent on the job and does not include authorized absences from the job, i.e., annual and sick leave, holidays, etc. An employees "normal rate" is the base rate plus any additional pay, i.e., differential pay, that is paid during the workweek. The requirement that an overtime rate be paid after 40 hours in a workweek may not be waived by agreement between supervisor or department head and employee. Shift Differentials (Human Resources Management Policy No. 15) Shift differentials may be paid to nonexempt classified (hourly-paid) employees who regularly work evening, night, weekend, rotating, or split shifts provided the majority of hours assigned during the shift are other than 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. (Shift




differential pay rates are listed on Attachments I & II.) Positions approved for payment of shift differential must be approved by the State Office of Human Resources prior to payment being made. Differential pay will be paid for periods of leave or other authorized absences to employees who are permanently assigned to an evening or night shift and receive shift differential pay. Differential pay will not be paid to employees who are regularly assigned to a rotating shift, split shift, or who regularly rotate shifts while they are in a leave status. On-Call Duty (Human Resources Management Policy No. 12) On-Call duty is restricted to direct patient care or patient care related nonexempt classified (hourly-paid) employees in specific classifications (see Attachment III). Its purpose is to provide emergency coverage for areas where higher census demands do not permit sufficient on-duty coverage in accordance with Joint Commission of Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) and Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) regulatory standards. All eligible employees earn $1.00 per hour while in an on-call status. Exception: Nonexempt nurses in the Cardiac Operating Room, ECMO and Liver Transplant earn $3.00 per hour. To be eligible for on-call pay, an employee must be scheduled by proper authority during a period of normal time off and be available to return to duty, work ready, within a specified period of time. General availability of employees as backup to scheduled work personnel in the event of an emergency is not regarded as on-call duty. An employee in an on-call duty status, who is not available when contact is attempted or who is not able to report as required, will not be eligible for on-call compensation for that date and may be subject to disciplinary action. Should it become necessary for a nonexempt (hourly-paid) employee to be called back to work for emergency services after he or she has worked a normal day/shift and the services require less than two hours on the job or in the event no work is available, a minimum of two hours of work time shall be credited. If the credited work time causes the employee to exceed 40 hours of work time during the workweek then an overtime rate will be paid, as appropriate.




Meal Period Deduction Employees who work a shift of at least five (5) hours will have a 30minute meal period automatically deducted. Employees who work during a lunch period should follow departmental procedures regarding authorization. Sick Leave (HRM Policy No. 19), Annual Leave (HRM Policy No. 18), Holidays (HRM Policy No. 23), and Administrative Leave (HRM Policy No. 21) Sick Leave: Full-time classified employees accrue sick leave at the rate of 10 hours per month (maximum accrual = 1560 hours, maximum carryover = 1440 hours). Part-time employees established to work a minimum of one half time (20 hours per week) earn sick leave on a pro rata basis. This rate is derived by dividing the hours worked by 40 hours to determine the percentage of the full-time rate they may accrue. In order to receive credit for sick leave in a given month, an employee must be in a pay status for at least one-half of the workdays of that month. Sick leave will be charged by proper notation on the punch detail report for the actual time the employee is away from the job. The employee must submit a leave request form to his/her supervisor immediately upon return to work. Annual Leave: Full-time, classified employees shall accrue leave at the rate of 10 hours per month (15 calendar days per year) until completion of 10 years of service and then will accrue 1-1/4 additional days for each year over 10 up to a maximum of 20 hours per month (30 calendar days per year). Maximum accrual = 600 hours, maximum carryover = 360 hours per year. Annual leave is scheduled at the departments convenience. To request annual leave, the employee must submit a leave request form sufficiently in advance. Holidays: Employees whose departmental work schedule will not permit their absence on holidays will be given compensatory time off within a one year period. Compensatory holiday time is scheduled at the departments convenience. To request compensatory time off, the employee must submit a leave request form sufficiently in advance. Part-time employees will be given compensatory time off on a prorated basis determined by their established work hours. Time worked on a holiday must be recorded as regular time and overtime

will be computed only after a nonexempt employee has actually worked over 40 hours within a work week. Employees who do not work a normal Monday through Friday workweek will receive the same number of holidays during a calendar year as those who do. Nonexempt employees who are not permitted to take compensatory leave earned for working on a legal holiday within the one year period, will be compensated for the holiday at their base hourly rate no later than the second pay period following the last day of that one year period. Administrative Leave: It is the policy of the Medical University to authorize administrative leave with pay for employees who must be absent because of civic responsibilities, death in the immediate family, blood donation or for other reasons not related to personal business or illness. To obtain authorization for administrative leave, the employee must submit a leave request sufficiently in advance. Information Contact Human Resources Development and Performance Management

Approved by: Robert C. Gallager Vice President for Finance & Administration

Effective Date

May 1997

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