Ex-2 Odt
Ex-2 Odt
Ex-2 Odt
cd pwd ls al cd . pwd (where did that get you?) cd .. pwd ls al cd .. pwd ls al cd .. pwd (what happens now) cd /etc ls al |more cat passwd cd
2. Continue to e plore the filesystem tree using cd! ls! pwd and cat. "oo# in /$in!
/usr/$in! /s$in! /tmp and /$oot. %hat do you see?
3. & plore /de'. Can you identify what de'ices are a'aila$le? %hich are character oriented and which are $loc#oriented? Can you identify your tty (terminal) de'ice (typing who am i might help)( who is the owner of your tty (use ls l)? Answer: cd / ls /dev who ls -l )loc# oriented means allocation of memory in manner of $loc# !in storage de'ices li#e hard dis# and apart from these are character oriented . %e can find out this in ls *l command also $y seeing permission there is mention a$out c and $ for character and $loc# oriented respecti'ely.
+. & plore /proc. ,isplay the contents of the files interrupts! de'ices! cpuinfo!
meminfo and uptime using cat. Can you see why we say /proc is a pseudo filesystem which allows access to #ernel data structures?
5. Change to the home directory of another ser directly! " sername# Answer:
sing cd
cd "g est
cd /home/te&as
9. Co(y the file /etc/(asswd into yo r home directory# Answer: c( *r /etc/(asswd /home/te&as
--. Change into s $directory (lay and create a sym$olic lin% called terminal
that (oints to yo r tty device# +hat ha((ens if yo try to ma%e a hard lin% to the tty device,
12. +hat is the difference $etween listing the contents of directory (lay with ls l and ls L, Answer: ls -l shows yo h ge amo nts of information li%e (ermissions! owners! si-e! and when last modified# And ls -L list the file or directory the lin% references rather than the lin% itself#
Create a file called hello.t t that contains the words /hello world/. Can you use /cp/ using /terminal/ as the source file to achie'e the same effect?
Answer: content of hello#t.t file will $e shown on to the terminal window# c( hello#t.t /dev/ sr/tty2
15. 1magine you were wor#ing on a system and someone accidentally deleted the ls command (/$in/ls). 2ow could you get a list of the files in the current directory?
Answer: we can se dir command as s ((osed we want to show doc ment directory then dir /home/te&as/)oc ments
-3. 2ow would you create and then delete a file called /452&""/? Try it.
Answer: cat / 01234ELL5 rm 01234ELL5
-6. 2ow would you create and then delete a file that $egins with the sym$ol 7?
Try it. Answer: 18. it. Answer: cat / 06te&as#t.t5 rm 06te&as#t.t5 2ow would you create and then delete a file that $egins with the sym$ol ? Try cat / 0-hell#t.t5 rm -f #/-hell#t.t
19. %hat is the output of the command: echo 8con!pre98sent!fer98s!ed9? :ow! from your home directory! copy /etc/passwd and /etc/group into your home directory in one command gi'en that you can only type /etc once. Answer: c( /etc/7(asswd!gro (8 /home/te&as 20. 5till in your home dircectory! copy the entire directory play to a directory called wor#! preser'ing the sym$olic lin#. c( -rf /home/te&as/(lay /home/te&as/wor% 2-. ,elete the wor# directory and its contents with one command. 0ccept no complaints or queries. Answer: rm *r /home/te&as/wor% 22. Change into a directory that does not $elong to you and try to delete all the files (a'oid /proc or /de'! ;ust in case<)
2=. & periment with the options on the ls command. %hat do the d! i! > and ?
options do?