Transformer Loss Calculation
Transformer Loss Calculation
Transformer Loss Calculation
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Status Date Prepared Standards and Systems Issue 1 Revision 1 Mar 05 Refer to Reference Number T Moore Reviewed Signalling Standards Engineer Endorsed GM Infrastructure Strategy & Performance M Owens Approved Safety Committee Refer to minutes of meeting 24/01/05
PDS 16
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The technical content of this document has been approved by the relevant ARTC engineering authority and has also been endorsed by the ARTC Safety Committee.
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Document History
Primary Source RIC Standard EP 02 00 00 01 SP Version 2.0 List of Amendments ISSUE 1.1 DATE 11/03/2005 CLAUSE Disclaimer DESCRIPTION Minor editorial change
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Contents 1 Transformer Losses ......................................................................................... 6 2 Transformer Cost Evaluation ........................................................................... 6 3 Excessive Losses ............................................................................................. 7 4 Appendix ........................................................................................................... 8
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Transformer Losses
ARTC transformers are seldom fully loaded. For the purposes of comparison of transformer losses for Tender evaluation the following values are to be used: 415V, 240V, 120V Tx 100% No Load losses x 8760 hours 80% Full Load losses x 8760 hours 100% No Load losses x 8760 hours 50% Full Load losses x 8760 hours 50% No Load losses x 8760 hours 25% Full Load losses x 8760 hours
33/11, 66/11, 66/33 etc. energised all the time 33/11, 66/11, 66/33 etc. Energised half the time including rectifier Tx 2
Transformer Cost Evaluation The NPV method is used, taking into account the current costs of the annual losses only. The expression is:
A N NPV P * 1 1 r r
A = annual cost of losses r = interest rate
N = number of years ('life' of Tx) For the usual values of 20 years and 7%, this becomes: NPV = P + 10. 6*A The method to be used to calculate the lifetime costs of transformers for tender evaluation purposes is: a) select the relevant no-load and load losses from above and multiply by the cost per kWh (currently 7 cents) and add to get 'A' for each transformer offered. calculate from the above, using the values given for 'r' and 'N' in the Specification and the Tendered prices for transformers and any required tests etc. The lowest priced, technically complying transformer is selected.
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Excessive Losses
Transformer manufacturers provide 'guaranteed loss' figures in their tenders. If the actual tested losses exceed these guaranteed values, then the purchase price is reduced to recompense ARTC for the additional costs which will accrue during the life of the transformer. Use the same NPV method as above to calculate these deductions but use the diference between actual and guaranteed cost of annual losses.
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For smaller transformers, assume a constant load all day, and in year 1 it is 75% loaded, increasing to 100% loaded after 20 years. The equivalent load losses are 81% of the load losses if it was operated at rated full load continuously . Even this is more onerous than the way these transformers are usually loaded. For these transformers use 80% of the load losses to be a bit more realistic. Rectifier and large power transformers (33/11 etc.) have a daily load cycle which, when fully loaded in the peak hours only, causes daily load losses of about 60% of the load losses which would occur if operated at rated load all day. Also, they are not even fully loaded in the peak hours when originally installed, and we could use a longterm load growth as above. (ie. 75% increasing to 100% in 20 years) Over the whole life, the load losses are only 0.81 x 0.6 ~ 50% of continuous rated load losses. Summary of Losses to be used in Transformer Cost Evaluation 415V, 240V, 120V Tx 100% No Load losses x 8760 hours 80% Full Load losses x 8760 hours 100% No Load losses x 8760 hours 50% Full Load losses x 8760 hours 50% No Load losses x 8760 hours 25% Full Load losses x 8760 hours
33/11, 66/11, 66/33 etc. energised all the time 33/11, 66/11, 66/33 etc. Energised half the time including rectifier Tx
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