Romans: Paul's Letter To The
Romans: Paul's Letter To The
Romans: Paul's Letter To The
by Rick Joyner
MorningStar Publications
375 Star Light Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715
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Pauls Letter to the Romans, The MorningStar Vision Bible
by Rick Joyner
Copyright 2013
Trade Size Edition
Distributed by MorningStar Publications, Inc.,
a division of MorningStar Fellowship Church
375 Star Light Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715
International Standard Book Number 978-1-60708-522-5; 1-60708-522-4
Cover Design: Kevin Lepp and Kandi Evans
Book Layout: Kevin Lepp and Kandi Evans
Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from the New American
Standard Bible, copyright 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1973, 1974, 1977 by The Lockman
Foundation. Italics in Scripture are for emphasis only.
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Pauls Letter to the Romans
Table of Contents
Introduction ..................................................... 5
Chapter 1 ..........................................................11
Chapter 2 ......................................................... 17
Chapter 3 ......................................................... 23
Chapter 4 ......................................................... 27
Chapter 5 ......................................................... 31
Chapter 6 ......................................................... 35
Chapter 7 ......................................................... 39
Chapter 8 ......................................................... 43
Chapter 9 ......................................................... 49
Chapter 10 ........................................................ 55
Chapter 11 ....................................................... 59
Chapter 12 ....................................................... 67
Chapter 13 ....................................................... 71
Chapter 14 ....................................................... 75
Chapter 15 ....................................................... 79
Chapter 16 ....................................................... 85
Proper Names and Definitions............ 89
Pauis Lirrii ro rui Roxaxs
The Epistle to the Romans is widely regarded as the most
significant of Pauls letters, and some consider it to be the single
most important book in The Bible. It is the clearest explanation of
the New Covenant in Scripture. It has also proven to be one of the
most powerful books in The Bible, and the single most powerful
letter ever written. Just one phrase from it, the just shall live by
faith, (see Romans 1:17; Habakkuk 2:4) ignited the Protestant
Reformation and changed Western civilization. Certainly the pen
in this apostles hand was more powerful than any sword. No
conqueror in history had the impact on the course of civilization
than this one letter did.
This letter was written during an important demarcation
point in Christian historythe moving of the center of Christian
authority, thought, and influence from the Jewish Jerusalem to
Rome. This move would lead to some of the best and worst
chapters in the Christian story. In this letter to the Romans, Paul
accurately forecasted the roots of both.
Luke, a prominent member of Pauls apostolic team, obviously
understood the significance of this shift from the Jews to the
Gentiles, as it is a main theme of the Book of Acts, which he
authored. This shift had more of a theological than geographical
significance. It was the departure from Jewish roots and moorings
that allowed many heresies to enter and influence the development
of Christian doctrine. Some of these led to a terrible darkness and
the most evil practices in the history of Western civilization and to
this day remain a primary reason why Europe so resolutely resists
It took hundreds of years for the church to slide into deep
darkness, and it has taken hundreds of years for the church
to extricate itself from it. This process still continues as the
Reformation is far from complete. This letter to the Romans could
have prevented the slide into darkness and has been a primary
help for the church to get back on the path of life. It was not
heeded for over a thousand years, but when it was rediscovered,
the truth in this letter began to turn Christianity back to the life
and power of the pure gospel of Jesus Christ.
In Romans, Paul established a strong biblical mooring for the
premise that the center of Gods message and work had been
transferred from the Jews to the Gentiles. Paul wrote that the Jews
would be cut off from the advancing purposes of God for a time
but would be grafted back in. He explained how the Jews are the
natural branches and, because of this, would actually be grafted
back in much easier when their time came.
In what can now be understood as one of Pauls most impor-
tant warnings, he exhorted the Gentiles not to become arrogant
toward the natural branches, or they also could be cut off. When
this warning was neglected, some of the most diabolical doctrines
and practices were adopted by institutional Christianity. These led
to the persecution of Jews and all Christians who would not em-
brace the authority of the institutional church. This led to a period
of over twelve hundred years of persecution for these groups,
which became known by some historians as the Dark Ages.
Luther, the most prominent of the Reformers and the primary
one credited with sparking the Reformation, used the Book of
Romans as the main basis of his theology. Even so, he also
neglected Pauls warning in Chapters Nine through Eleven to
understand the place of Jews according to the flesh and not to
become arrogant toward the natural branches. The rejection of
his reformed theology by the Jews embittered him towards them.
He also fomented a persecution of the Jews, as well as others,
such as the Anabaptists, who would not embrace the whole of
his Reformation message. Some of these doctrines and practices
Te MorningStar Vision Bible
are considered to be the seeds that led to the Holocaust of Jewish
people in the twentieth century.
Interestingly, Peter, the apostle to the Jews, warned about this
tragic practice of taking Scripture, or teachings out of context and
distorting them. Peter especially warned about those who were
doing this with Pauls teachings, as we read in II Peter 3:14-16:
Therefore, beloved, since you look for these things,
be diligent to be found by Him in peace, spotless
and blameless, and regard the patience of our Lord
to be salvation; just as also our beloved brother Paul,
according to the wisdom given him, wrote to you,
as also in all his letters, speaking in them of these
things, in which are some things hard to understand,
which the untaught and unstable distort, as they do
also the rest of the Scriptures, to their own destruction.
One of the great tragedies of Christianity has been the dis-
tortion of Scriptures by unstable and untaught people. At times,
Paul has been blamed for this bad theology, but those who based
their teachings on the writings of Paul distorted what he wrote
and taught just as Peter warned against. No doubt Pauls letters
and teachings are both sound and insightful. When taken as they
were intended, they make the path of life as clear as any of the
I have written over fifty books, and I do not know of one in
which the teachings have not been distorted by someone. I speak
to an average of two audiences per week, and it is rare for me
not to hear people commenting that they heard something very
different than what I said, and often the opposite of what I said.
Jesus said to be careful how you hear (see Mark 4:24), because
we are prone to hear what we want to hear rather than what was
really said. Since the tower of Babel, mankind has a basic com-
munication problem that is far more serious than just our different
languages. This will not likely be corrected until we stop merely
listening to words and seek to hear the Word Himself.
The Spirit of Truth requires more than just getting our facts
right, though of course we want to do that. Even so, the Spirit of
Truth always leads to Jesus, who is the Truth. Truth is a Person, and
it is this Person who we must follow. As the Truth Himself made
clear in John 7:17:
If any man is willing to do His will, he shall know of
the teaching, whether it is of God, or whether I speak
from Myself.
The foundation of knowing truth is not just learning proper ex-
egesis, but it has more to do with being willing to obey Him. Every
truth put forward in Pauls letter to the Romans was in conflict with
fallen human nature. To see truth, as it was intended, requires a
new heart to understand, and this new heart can only come from
a new birth. The demarcation of the center of Christianity from
Jerusalem toward the West presented new possibilities to the
degree Christians would walk in the new nature. For those who
did, and for as long as they did, the power of the New Covenant
was greater than any influence the world had ever known.
However, the failure to obey one of the basic commandments
to honor our fathers and mothers, which theologically is the
Jewish people, opened the gates of hell into the church. Possibly
the most important devotion of the Jewish people had been the
integrity of the Scriptures and a devotion to obeying them. This
devotion was lost within the church for over a thousand years and
was replaced by a devotion to a dogma often devised by the most
earthly and corrupt of men. It was the rediscovery of the Scriptures
as the sole authority for the doctrine of the church that brought
about the recovery of truth and life in the church. This began with
the recovery of, and devotion to, the Book of Romans.
Te MorningStar Vision Bible
As Jesus Himself stated, The Scripture cannot be broken
(see John 10:35). For them to be properly understood, we must
view them as a whole. The Old and New Testaments must be
seen as a whole. All of the references in our New Testament
books to the Scriptures are in reference to what we call the
Old Testament. On Pauls first visit to Rome, Luke recorded in Acts
28:23 a message that gives us a very interesting and important
insight into this:
When they had set a day for Paul, they came to him
at his lodging in large numbers; and he was explaining
to them by solemnly testifying about the kingdom of
God and trying to persuade them concerning Jesus,
from both the Law of Moses and from the Prophets,
from morning until evening.
It is debatable that the authors of the New Testament books,
including Paul, knew that they were writing what would become
canonized Scripture. However, we do know that The Bible of the
first-century church was what we now call the Old Testament.
However, they did not just see it as the Law, but as Jesus stated in
Matthew 11:13, For all the prophets and the Law prophesied
until John. The first-century church understood how the Law
prophesied the coming of Christ in remarkable detail. They used
this to preach the apostolic messageJesus Christ and the resur-
rection of the dead.
Paul accurately foresaw that the center of Christian authority
and thought was moving from Jerusalem, and that the world was
entering what Scripture called the times of the Gentiles (see
Luke 21:24). His letters were intended to prepare the church for
this shift with brilliant and sound teaching, moored resolutely to
the Scriptures. Of his letters, the Book of Romans stands out as the
most comprehensive. Had his message and warnings in this letter
been heeded, Western civilizations history from that time forward
could have been far more brilliant and far less harsh toward the
Jews and everyone else.
It is almost universally believed that Romans was written near
the close of Pauls third missionary journey. He had just spent
nearly three years in Ephesus (see Acts 19:8,10), which would put
the writing of this letter between A.D. 55 and A.D. 58 and within
twenty-five years of the death and resurrection of Jesus. It was a
remarkable and transitional time. This letter was one of the great-
est anchors given to Christianity to keep us on the path of life, ever
focused on the One who is our lifeJesus Christ.
Te MorningStar Vision Bible
Romans 1
1 Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, appointed an apostle, separated for
the gospel of God,
2 which He promised before through His prophets in the Holy
3 Tis gospel is all about His Son, who was born of the seed of David
according to the esh.
4 He was declared to be the Son of God with power, according to the
Spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the deadJesus Christ
our Lord.
5 It is through Him that we received grace and apostleship to bring to
the obedience of faith those from all the nations for His names sake,
6 among whom you are also called to be in Jesus Christ.
7 To all who are in Rome, who are beloved of God, and called to be
saints: grace to you and peace from God our Father, and the Lord
Jesus Christ.
8 First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for you, because your
faith is proclaimed throughout the whole world.
9 For God is my witness, whom I serve in my spirit through the
gospel of His Son, how unceasingly I make mention of you in my
10 making the request that if by any means now, or in time, I may be
prospered by the will of God so that I can come to you.
ROMANS 1:1 - ROMANS 1:10
11 For I long to see you in order to impart to you a spiritual gift,
which will result in you becoming even more established.
12 I also desire to be comforted by you, and you by me, that we be
encouraged by one anothers faith.
13 I would not have you ignorant, brethren, that I have often purposed
to come to you so that I might have some fruit among you also,
even as I do in the rest of the Gentiles, but I was hindered.
14 I am a debtor both to Greeks and to Barbarians, both to the wise
and to the foolish.
A Living Faith
15 So, with all that is in me, I am ready to preach the gospel to you
also who are in Rome.
16 For I am not ashamed of the gospelit is the power of God for
salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew rst, and also to the
17 For in this is revealed the righteousness of God from faith to
faith as it is written, But the righteous shall live by faith (see
Habakkuk 2:4).
18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness
and unrighteousness of men, who hinder the truth in unrighteous-
19 because that which is revealed about God is manifested in them, for
God manifested it to them.
Te Roots of Perversion
20 For the invisible things of God have been clearly seen since the
creation of the world, being revealed through the things that are
made, even His everlasting power and divine nature, so that they
are without excuse.
21 It is for this reason that even though they knew of God they did not
glorify Him as God, neither did they give thanks, but became vain
in their reasoning, and their senseless heart was darkened.
ROMANS 1:11 - ROMANS 1:21
22 Professing to be wise, they became fools,
23 and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for the likeness
of an image of corruptible man, and even of birds, and four-footed
beasts, and creeping things.
24 Terefore God gave them up to pursue the lusts of their hearts, and
to debased behavior, so that their bodies should be dishonored.
25 Tis was because they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and
worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, Who is
blessed forever. Amen.
26 For this cause God gave them over to the vilest of passions, because
their women changed the natural function into that which is
against nature,
27 and likewise also the men, leaving the natural function of the
woman, burned in their lust toward one another, men with
men performing shameful acts, and receiving in themselves the
recompense of their error which is due.
28 As they refused to include God in their knowledge, God gave them
up to a depraved mind, to do those things that are not proper for
man that was created in the image of God;
29 and they became lled with all unrighteousness, wickedness,
covetousness, maliciousness, were lled with envy, murder, strife,
deceit, and malice. Tey became slanderers,
30 backbiters, haters of God, insolent, haughty, boastful, inventors of
evil things, disobedient to parents,
31 without understanding, covenant-breakers, without natural aec-
tion, unmerciful,
32 who, knowing the ordinance of God, and that they who practice
such things are worthy of death, not only did they do them, but
also encouraged others to practice them.
Romans 1:1-6: Paul was so devoted to the gospel that he
could not even write a salutation without sharing it. He also
stated the basic truth that the gospel is all about Jesus. Jesus
ROMANS 1:22 - ROMANS 1:32
was then, and still is, the apostolic message. The path of life is
not about following directions, but about following the Person
of Jesus Christ.
1:7-14: The Roman church had become known throughout
the world because of its faith. Because of this, Paul wanted to
come to them so that he might have some fruit in this great
church. There are wellspring churches in every period, and the
life that is in them does make others want to be a part of them
in some way.
A Living Faith
1:15-19: The Roman church was already known throughout
the world for its faith, and in verse seventeen, it is written that
the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith. This
is a progressive, growing faith that we must have if we are
to continue in the righteousness of God. Even biology teaches
that anything that stops growing has started dying. Is our faith
still growing?
The Roots of Perversion
1:20-32: Paul addressed the root of sexual perversionthe
darkening of the soul by worshiping the creature and other
created things, rather than the Creator. Sexual relations were
created by God to be a joy and a blessing to those who wor-
ship Him and live the way He created us to live. When sexual
deviation or perversion enters into ones life, it is the beginning
of a downward spiral into the black hole of self-centeredness
and darkness of heart, which the apostle explains here.
In these times, the homosexual agenda and its allies de-
mand the most tolerance, but are themselves the most intoler-
ant of any who disagree with them. The rage that they have
toward those who disagree has led to violence and is going
in the direction of increasing violence. Laws have been passed
in some countries forbidding the public reading of Romans
Chapter One because of its condemnation of homosexuality.
This is a good example of what Paul warned about here.
As Paul wrote in I Corinthians 13:8, love never fails or, as
it could have been translated, love never quits. If we love
people, we will never abandon the truth that can set them
free, regardless of the threats. If we love truth, we will never
abandon it, or fail to stand up for it. This is a core reason be-
hind the breakdown of the social order in the last days and will
be an increasing point of conflict between light and darkness.
Which side will we be on?
Click Here To Purchase Pauls Letter to the Romans (Softcover Book)