FREE Pocket Pals Gnomes PDF
FREE Pocket Pals Gnomes PDF
FREE Pocket Pals Gnomes PDF
.or as many stitc6es re;-ired. -ir, ,ethod 8 :a5e 2 stitc6es -sing t6e a/o7e met6od and t6en create t6e 3rd stitc6 /y placing yo-r 2nd needle '"+("") t6e 1st and 2nd stitc6$ 5nitting it and t6en +(9S+9), +#" !OO< /e.ore placing it /ac5 onto t6e 1st needle$ al4ays ma5ing ne4 stitc6es .rom /et4een t6e stitc6es instead o. inside t6em 4ill res-lt in a m-c6 neater and .irmer casting on edge. Tight ,ethod* same as t6e .irm met6od /-t &O )O+ t4ist t6e loop$ t6is 4ill gi7e yo- tig6ter stitc6es .o/ ,ay 0re1er to /se yo/r own &asting on ,ethods2 )asting o11 ,ethods; Al4ays cast o.. in a 5nit 4ise direction -nless ot6er4ise directed. Ti0s* !ea7e long tails 46en yocast on & o..$ yo- may not al4ays need t6em /-t sometimes t6ey ma5e attac6ing small parts m-c6 neater. +iny sections can /e st-..ed 4it6 t6e same yarn as yo- -sed to 5nit 4it6$ especially good .or red & royal /l-e 5nitted pieces as 46ite or /lac5 o.ten s6o4s t6ro-g6.
Both 6odies are identi&al B!. ( 3IRL B!D.(,a8e ' 0ie&e) 9n 'ody colo-r (red .or girl$ green .or /oy) 'eg at /ottom =ast on 1>sts .irmly < 1 ro4 (inc1)0 1> 8 32sts 'eg 4it6 a < ro4 & st?st 23 ro4s (52tog)0 1> 8 1>sts < 1 ro4 =ast o.. B!. ( 3IRL 4EAD(,a8e ' 0ie&e) 9n .les6$ /eg at top o. 6ead =ast on 12sts tig6t < 1 ro4 (inc1)0 12 8 2@sts 'eg 4it6 a < ro4 & st?st 1A ro4s (52tog)0 12 8 12sts < 1 ro4 (52tog)0 > 8 >sts '&+ MA"9S BEARD (,a8e ' 0ie&e) 9n .-n .-r$ =ast on 23sts loose K 3 ro4s =ast o... ARMS (,a8e % the sa,e) 9n 'ody colo-r (red .or girl$ green .or /oy) 'eg at top =ast on @ sts tig6t 'eg 4it6 a K ro4 & st?st 2 ro4s 51$ (inc1)02$ 51 8 >sts < ro4 51$ (inc1)0@$ 51 8 1sts < 1 ro4
=ast on 1st $ K to end 8 Bsts =ast on 1st $ < to end 8 13sts 'eg 4it6 a K ro4 & st?st A ro4s < 2 ro4s .or c-.. )hange to 1lesh 1or hand 'eg 4it6 a < ro4 & st?st 5 ro4s (52tog) to end o. ro4 8 5sts '&+ LE3S (,a8e % the sa,e) 9n .les6 =ast on 12sts .or top o. leg 'eg 4it6 a K ro4 & st?st 15 ro4s )hange to 6rown 1or 6oot 'eg 4it6 a < ro4 & st?st 5 ro4s K5 (inc1) 0 3 $ 5@ 8 15sts < 1 ro4 K@$ (inc1) 0 1$ 53 8 23sts 'eg 4it6 a < ro4 & st?st 5 ro4s K5$ (52tog)03$ 51$ (52tog)03$ 55 8 1Asts <2tog$ p13$ p2tog 8 15sts =ast o.. .or sole edge. B!. ( 3IRL 4AT (,a8e ' 0ie&e) (red .or girl$ /ro4n .or /oy) 'eg at /ottom edge =ast on 33sts .irmly 'eg 4it6 a K ro4 & st?st 13 ro4s (52tog$ 51) 013 8 23sts 'eg 4it6 a < ro4 & st?st 5 ro4s (52tog) 013 8 13sts 'eg 4it6 a < ro4 & st?st 5 ro4s (52tog) 05 8 5sts '&+ DRESS -R!"T (,a8e ') 9n yello4$ /egin at 6em =ast on 2@sts loose 'eg 4it6 a K ro4 & st?st 2> ro4s =ast o.. 3sts & K to end 8 21sts =ast o.. 3sts & < to end 8 11sts &i7ide .or nec5 as .ollo4s; K B$ t-rn & 4or5 on t6ese Bsts only. <2tog$ < to end 8 1sts K 1 ro4 <2tog$ < to end 8 Asts
K 1 ro4 <2tog$ < to end 8 >sts 'eg 4it6 a K ro4 & st?st A ro4s =ast o.. & 4it6 5nit side .acing yo- reCoin yarn to t6e remaining Bsts on yo-r needle. K 1 ro4 <A$ p2tog 8 1sts K 1 ro4 <>$ p2tog 8 Asts K 1 ro4 <5$ p2tog 8 >sts 'eg 4it6 a K ro4 & st?st A ro4s =ast o... DRESS BA)K (,a8e ') 9n yello4$ /egin at 6em =ast on 2@sts loose 'eg 4it6 a K ro4 & st?st 2> ro4s =ast o.. 3sts & K to end 8 21sts =ast o.. 3sts & < to end 8 11sts 'eg 4it6 a K ro4 & st?st 1@ ro4s =ast o... B!.9S TU"I) -R!"T (,a8e ' ) 9n orange$ /egin at 6em =ast on 32sts loose 'eg 4it6 a K ro4 & st?st 13 ro4s &ecrease .or 4aist as .ollo4s; (52tog$ 52)0 1 8 2@sts 'eg 4it6 a < ro4 & st?st A ro4s =ast o.. 3sts & K to end 8 21sts =ast o.. 3sts & < to end 8 11sts &i7ide .or nec5 as .ollo4s; K B$ t-rn & 4or5 on t6ese Bsts only. <2tog$ < to end 8 1sts K 1 ro4 <2tog$ < to end 8 Asts K 1 ro4 <2tog$ < to end 8 >sts 'eg 4it6 a K ro4 & st?st A ro4s =ast o.. & 4it6 5nit side .acing yo- reCoin yarn to t6e remaining Bsts on yo-r needle. K 1 ro4 <A$ p2tog 8 1sts K 1 ro4 <>$ p2tog 8 Asts K 1 ro4
<5$ p2tog 8 >sts 'eg 4it6 a K ro4 & st?st A ro4s =ast o... B!.9S TU"I) BA)K (,a8e ' ) 9n orange$ /egin at 6em =ast on 32sts loose 'eg 4it6 a K ro4 & st?st 13 ro4s &ecrease .or 4aist as .ollo4s; (52tog$ 52)0 1 8 2@sts 'eg 4it6 a < ro4 & st?st A ro4s =ast o.. 3sts & K to end 8 21sts =ast o.. 3sts & < to end 8 11sts 'eg 4it6 a K ro4 & st?st 1@ ro4s =ast o... B!.9S TR!USERS (,a8e % 0ie&es ) 9n green$ /egin at 4aist edge =ast on 1Asts .irmly 'eg 4it6 a K ro4 & st?st 12 ro4s 9ncrease .or crotc6 as .ollo4s; 9nc1$ K to last st$ inc1 8 1Bsts 9nc1$ < to last st$ inc1 8 21sts 'eg 4it6 a K ro4 & st?st 13 ro4s =ast o.. .or 6em. MAKI"3 U#* As the 0ie&es are :/ite s,all+ yo/ will 1ind it so ,/&h easier ( neater to sew /0 /sing sewing thread ( a 1ine needle B!D.* se4 -p t6e /ac5 seam$ place in middle o. /ac5 & se4 s6o-lder seam .lat across$ st-..$ se4 /ottom cast o.. edge .lat across 4it6 /ac5 seam in t6e middle ARMS; seam -p .rom 6and to t6e 4idest point$ st-.. and se4 to /ody aro-nd t6e arm6ole. LE3S; .old leg in 6al. 4it6 seam at t6e /ac5$ start at sole and seam -p to cast on top edges$ st-.. & se4 to /ody aro-nd t6e top edge o. leg. 4EAD; se4 -p t6e /ac5 seam$ place in middle o. 6ead$ st-..$ gat6er -p top edge o. 6ead & tie
o..$ sec-re 6ead to /ody 4it6 a .e4 tig6t stitc6es. 3IRL9S DRESS* Se4 -p side seams to arm 6oles$ se4 s6o-lder seams toget6er $ -se a contrasting yarn & tapestry needle 4or5 decorati7e /lan5et stitc6es aro-nd t6e edges B!.9S TU"I)+ ma5e -p t6e same as t6e girlDs dress and r-n a line o. gat6ering stitc6es aro-nd t6e 4aist and dra4 -p to .it /ody$ 4or5 o7er t6is line 4it6 a ro4 o. c6ain stitc6es .or 6is /elt. TR!USERS* se4 eac6 leg toget6er .rom t6e 6em to t6e crotc6$ se4 t6e 2 legs toget6er .rom t6e 4aist edge do4n to t6e crotc6 and /ac5 -p to t6e 4aist line again$ eit6er se4 tro-sers to /ody or 4ea7e s6eering elastic aro-nd t6e top edge. 4AT* .old 6at in 6al. & se4 .rom t6e tip to t6e /ottom edge to create a cone$ -se a contrasting yarn & tapestry needle 4or5 decorati7e /lan5et stitc6es aro-nd t6e /ottom edge. 'eard; 4rap aro-nd t6e .ace in a EU2 s6ape and sec-re eac6 end to top o. 6ead 3IRLS 4AIR; c-t 11 strands o. yarn$ 11inc6es long$ tie t6e /-ndle in t6e middle$ plait eac6 side$ tie o.. 4it6 yarn appro0 1 inc6 .rom eac6 end and trim t6e edges$ se4 t6e middle to top o. 6ead.
;ELL D!"E yo/ are 1inished <lease 7isit my 4e/site .or more .-n designs #appy 5nitting
Debi Birkin
All patterns and p6otograp6s F 2313 &e/i 'ir5in &esigns