Spread Love and Joy With A Letter From Santa Claus
Spread Love and Joy With A Letter From Santa Claus
Spread Love and Joy With A Letter From Santa Claus
Post Office in Lapland Finland LAPLA D! F" LA D # Octo$er %&th ! %'() * Christmas is the much awaited day of the year and people desire to spend this very dear festival with their family and friends. Christmas planning and shopping for gifts must have already been started by many. If there is a better way to surprise children and friends, it is through the letters from Santa himself. There are seven different Christmas Letters that customers can choose from. From Classic Christmas Letters to Luxury Letters from Santa Claus and Self ritten Letters to Self ritten Luxury Santa Claus Letters there are great options to choose from. The cost of the letter depends on the type of letter the customers choose. For instance the premium pac!age is the Self ritten Luxury Letter from Santa Claus which can be personali"ed with the child#s or friend#s name handwritten and hand signed by Santa Claus. The theme of the Santa Claus Letter changes every year. The letters directly come from Santa#s post office from Lapland with a Lapland envelope postmar!ed in Finland. The envelopes would also bear the $rctic Lapland#s Special %ar!. $ bonus postcard gift from Lapland, &ood 'ehavior Certificate with the Child#s name handwritten and hand(signed by Santa, %y Christmas $dventure photo personali"ed )*), Santa Claus 'oo!mar!, etc. are all a part of the Self ritten Luxury Letter from Santa. +ou can order Santa Letters in many languages, -nglish, French, Italian, .olish, Spanish, &erman, /apanese and Finnish. http,00www.santapost.fi0 Customers must order the letters from Santa as soon as possible as the first batch of letters will leave Finland on the 12th of 3ovember 1456 and the last date for receiving orders is 57th )ecember 1456. It is always better to order letters in advance so that they reach the recipients# addresses on time. Santa#s post office is now officially open for the Christmas season 1456. To spread more love and 8oy this Christmas season, order a letter from Santa right away. To order Christmas Letters for children and friends visit website www.santapost.fi A$out www+santapost+fi Santa Claus of $rctic Lapland Ltd, , Santapost.fi, www.santapost.fi based at Savu!os!i, Lapland, Finland is a company that helps Santa Claus send Christmas letters to children and individuals all across the world. The letters are delivered from Lapland which is the northernmost part of Finland and that the home of Santa Claus. %erry Christmas 14569