The International Journal of Engineering and Science (The IJES)

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The International Journal Of Engineering And Science (IJES)

||Volume|| 2 ||Issue|| 10 ||Pages|| 114-117 ||2013||

ISSN (e): 2319 1813 ISSN (p): 2319 1805 The IJES Page 114
A Fuzzy Logic Approach for Tracking Control a Single-Link
Farhad Davatgarzadeh,
Keyvan Amini Khoiy,
Moein Taheri
Department of Mechanics, Damavand Branch, Islamic Azad University, Damavand, Iran

The fuzzy logic method is used in many applications such as control strategy of robot manipulators. In
fact, the application of the concepts of fuzzy set theory in structural control has recently attracted increasing
interest. This paper is dealt with an introduction of the fuzzy sets, and its application for tracking control of a
single-link robot.
Keywords: Fuzzy Logic method, Single-link robot, Tracking control.
Date of Submission: 20, August, 2013 Date of Acceptance: 30, October, 2013
Fuzzy Logic (FL) method is introduced by Lotfi Zadeh for the first time [1-3]. The Fuzzy logic is a
multi valued logic approach that allows intermediate values to be defined between conventional evaluations like
true/false, yes/no, high/low, etc. Moreover, notions like rather tall or very fast can be formulated mathematically
by fuzzy method, and then processed by computers, in order to apply a more human-like way of thinking in the
programming of computers [4]. In fact, for ones who are not familiar with Fuzzy logic, sometimes it seems
mysterious and scary, but when it became familiar, it is known as a fast procedure to be applied in scientific
problems. Fuzzy Logic has emerged as a profitable tool for controlling and steering of systems and complex
industrial processes, as well as for household and entertainment electronics, as well as for other expert systems
and applications. Indeed, the Fuzzy Logic is being used in many engineering applications, because it is known
as a simple solution for some specific problems. Moreover, one benefit of fuzzy controllers is that they are more
adapted with non-linear systems, and effective enough to provide the desired non-linear control actions by
carefully adjusting their parameters, especially for robotic systems. In fact, a lot of works have been carried on
control of robotic systems such as mobile robots and manipulators [5-9]. Sordalen [10] presented a theoretical
model of a fuzzy based reactive controller for a non-holonomic mobile robot. Yang et al. [11] proposed an
augmentation to previous applications of FL to 2D robot motion planning. Peri and Simon [12] presented a FL
controller to control the motion of differential drive mobile robots. Carelli et al. [13] carried out simulations on a
nonholonomic mobile robot to test the performance of the proposed fuzzy controller.
In this paper, the nonlinear dynamic model of a single-link manipulator is presented, and then the
dynamic equations of the system are linearized. By setting up a fuzzy controller, the rules related to
fuzzification, inference and defuzzification is arranged, and the tracking control of the system is simulated. The
simulation results show the applicability of the proposed control strategy.

In this section, the dynamic model of the system is presented. The system is a single link manipulator
shown in Fig. 1.
A Fuzzy Logic Approach for Tracking Control a Single-Link Manipulator The IJES Page 115

Figure 1. The single-link manipulator

Furthermore, the parameters of the system are assumed as:
Nomenclatures Parameters
Angular displacement of link

Angular velocity of link
Length of link
m Mass of end point of link
t Torque exerted to joint
g Gravitational constant of earth
Table 1. Parameters of the single-link manipulator
To develop the nonlinear dynamic equation of the system, the Lagranges principle is implemented.
Thus the kinematic energy (T) and potential energy (U) of the system are given as:
cos mgl U
ml T
2 2

And using the Lagranges principle, the nonlinear dynamic equations of the system can be summarized as:
t u u
u u u
= +


sin mgl ml


And, the linearized equations of the system are expressed as:
t u u = + mgl ml


And the state vector is assumed as | | | | u u

= =
2 1
x x X , and the state-form of the dynamic equations of
the system are:


+ =
1 0
B X A X t


Fuzzy control of the system includes fuzzification, inference, and defuzzification. The membership
functions is defined, and Fuzzy operators are applied to the system. Then, the defuzzification of the controller is

A Fuzzy Logic Approach for Tracking Control a Single-Link Manipulator The IJES Page 116
In this section, a simulation results for the tracking control of a single-link manipulator is performed.
The values of parameters are given as: , 1 , 2 m l kg m = = . Moreover, the initial condition of the system is
assumed as s / rad , rad 0 0 = = u u

, and it is desired that the manipulator reaches to the final position with
s / rad , rad 0 1 = = u u

. The schematic of Simulink file of the system in MATLAB is shown as Fig. 2:

Figure 2. The schematic of Simulink of the system
The simulation results for the angular displacement and the input torque of the system is shown as:

Fig. 3) angular displacement of manipulator Fig. 4) torque exerted to joint of manipulator
The results show that the fuzzy controller can achieve the desired path.

In this paper, the tracking control of a single-link manipulator is aimed using a fuzzy controller. The
dynamic of the system is derived, and then some suitable rules are presumed to set up a fuzzy controller, and the
simulation results show the applicability of the method.

A Fuzzy Logic Approach for Tracking Control a Single-Link Manipulator The IJES Page 117
[1] L.A. Zadeh, 1965, "Fuzzy Sets, Information and Control. ''
[2] L.A. Zadeh, 1973, "Outline of A New Approach to the Analysis of of Complex Systems and Decision Processes. ''
[3] L.A. Zadeh, 1968, "Fuzzy algorithms, '' Info. & Ctl., Vol. 12, pp. 94-102.
[4] L.A. Zadeh, "Making computers think like people, '' IEEE. Spectrum, vol. 8, pp. 26-32, 1984.
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[9] H.N. Rahimi, M.H. Korayem and A. Nikoobin, 2009, ''Optimal Motion Planning of Manipulators with Elastic Links and
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[10] J. Sordalen O, 1993, ''Feedback Control of Nonholonomic Mobile Robots, '' Doctoral thesis, Department of Engineering
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[11] X.Yang, M. Maollem, R.V. Patel, 2005, ''A Layered Goal-Oriented Planning Strategy for Mobile Robot Navigation, '' IEEE
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[12] M.V.Peri, D.Simon, 2005, ''Fuzzy Logic Control for an Autonomous Robot, '' Fuzzy Information Processing Society,
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[13] R.Carelli, C.Soria, O. Nasisi, E.Freire, 2002, ''Stable AGV corridor navigation with fused vision-based control signals, ''
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