Tétel Shopping
Tétel Shopping
Tétel Shopping
10. Shopping
I buy food almost every day in a small supermarket on my way home from work. Usually on Friday, I go to a bigger supermarket, and I do the shopping for the weekend. This small supermarket is called Spar. I buy there bread or rolls, milk, some cold cuts and the basic food for supper. enerally on Friday I go to !idl, I buy there food for the weekend, meat, vegetables, bakery products and other necessary goods. I prefer specialised shops. For e"ample I always buy the cosmetics and detergents at #$ or at $%ller. Some products are cheaper in &urofamily, so I buy them there. I like going for shopping alone, I trust my taste. 'ut when I buy clothes for my son, my mother always comes with me. I like big stores, where everything is available. (n the other hand I do the daily shopping in a little supermarket and I buy my clothes through the Internet and I am usually satisfied with the products. (n the other hand, it can be dangerous to give your bank card number. I sometimes go to the market to buy fresh vegetables and fruit from the producers. )ere aren*t fi" prices, I usually bargain. I seldom go to hypermarket, which is in our town Tesco. I don*t like it so much, because I read a book about it, and it was not encouraging. It is true, that the prices are usually lower, but I don*t trust in +uality of the goods. It is good, that you can find there everything from food to gardening e+uipment. There are cards for regular costumers. Furthermore, there are usually far from the town centre, cars must be used to get there and do your shopping for a longer period. I prefer small shops, there aren*t so crowded, for e"ample Spar is reliable, and there are special food there, especially in Interspar. (n the other hand, the prices aren*t reduced, and you can*t find as many brands as in big shops. I prefer self,service, because I need time to look around. The typical opening hours of supermarkets are from si" a.m. to eight p.m. Some smalls shops and Tesco are non,stop. The supermarkets, the hypermarkets and shops are full with people on the day, when they get their salary. This is on the beginning of the month. Some people do the shopping in the last moment before the red letters days. In my opinion, doing shopping in big hypermarkets has become a family pastime, especially at weekends. I like buying on sales. There are summer sales, -hristmas sales, end of season sales. The shops reduce the prices. Shop assistants serve costumers in shops. They fill up the shelves, take the inventory, order supplies, put price tags on the goods. I bought my car radio on hire purchase, it means, that I had regular payments for it over one year. It is over yet, the radio is mine. .s distributors order goods from abroad and deliver to the stores, we can choose of wide range of goods in the shops. This is (/. I*m a little bit shopaholic. These people are shopping addicts, en0oy doing shopping, typical overspending. It is difficult to resist the temptation. There is a pla1a in 2alaegers1eg. I like these shopping malls, because there are several shops, restaurants and entertainment facilities, such as cinemas, bowling alleys, book stores, so people can do a lot of things. Is is easier to buy present for a woman, who like cosmetics, parfums, decorations, accessoires and so on. . man, who doesn*t have a hobby, is always difficult to buy anything. If I want something, I want it immediately, so I rarely stand in long +ueues to get something cheaper. I hate advertisments. &specially than, when I am watching an e"citing film on T3. I don*t trust advertisements and I don*t believe it, what I see, read about and hear in advertisements. Unfortunetely a lot of people do. If is something wrong with the product, what have you bought, only with the receipt, you can return it to the shop and get your money back or e"change it for a good one. If you have problem either with the product or with the service, you can turn to the manager
of the store in person or you can write a letter of complaint to him or her. The consumer protection office also can help with investigation your case. I love window,shopping. I like walking up and down in front of shop,windows, looking at the range of goods, getting information about new fashion trends. In shops you can pay cash or use your bank or credit card. I prefer paying with cards, but I mustn*t forget my 4I5 code. . good advertisement manages to make people shift to a new brand or try a new service. Sometimes a famous person offers a product in an advertisement. It can be more convinsing. .dvertisements try to convince people to buy a certain product, so they present all the good characteristics of the good with a good slogan, which is easy to remember and easy to repeat, and with children and animals in it. I don*t believe in advertisements, because my hair didn*t become thicker, my teeth didn*t become whiter, my clothes didn*t become whiter because of the advertisemented products. (n Sundays I sometimes visit the flea,market for decorations and clothes for my son. There are a lot of people, whose hobby is buying old collectable things. I buy clothes through the Internet, it is an online second,hand shop. There are famous shop sin another countries, for e"ample the )arrod*s and Selfridge*s, $arks and Spencer in !ondon and 'loomingdale*s and $acy*s in 56. 5owadays not only the electrical shops have delivery service, food stores offer delivery, too. It would be fine to be able to order fresh bakery products to be delivered in the mornings.