Lighthouse - Letter To Investors - 2013-11 PDF
Lighthouse - Letter To Investors - 2013-11 PDF
Lighthouse - Letter To Investors - 2013-11 PDF
Letter to Investors
November 2013
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Conversations with Myself: Does The Fed Print Money? ............................................................................. 3 Figuring Out The Fed ..................................................................................................................................... 8 Anecdotal Evidence: The Back Office.......................................................................................................... 11
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Ben Bernanke, semi-annual testimony before the House Committee on Financial Services, July 2013 1.125% US government bonds due March 31, 2020, CUSIP 912828UV0
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P: Wait until the first auction of Treasury bonds fails. Foreigners are buying Treasury bonds since they don't know what else to do with all their dollars. We are one failed auction away from bankruptcy. C: That's not true. The Primary Dealers (an international group of financial institutions3) are required to bid in every auction4. P: So the banks would get filled with stuff nobody wants to buy, and you expect this to work? C: Worst case, Primary Dealers can access the "Primary Dealer Credit Facility" at the Fed. From 2008 to 2010, $9 trillion loans were made. P: The US has already defaulted on its debt three times in the past 80 years. C: How so? P: The US defaulted on its external obligations in 1790. In 1933, Roosevelt ended the gold clause (holders of US government bonds had the option to demand repayment in gold). In 1971, Nixon closed the 'gold window' for foreign Central Banks. In 1979, the US Treasury couldn't pay maturing Treasury Bills on time, twice. Over the past 100 years, the dollar has lost 98% of its purchasing power.
Bank of Nova Scotia, BMO, BNP, Barclays, Cantor, Citi, Credit Suisse, Daiwa, Deutsche, Goldman, HSBC, Jeffries, JP Morgan, Merrill, Mizuho, Morgan Stanley, Nomura, RBC, RBS, SG, UBS 4 "Administration of Relationships with Primary Dealers", Federal Reserve Bank of NY, January 2010
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Importing inflation: If you can't get 'home-grown' inflation (due to stagnant real incomes), then importing is the only option. A 20% decline in the US dollar would probably boost inflation by 2%-points. That might work, unless other central banks fought back (which they are). Letter to Investors - November, 2013 Page 9
Fed Chairmen/woman Volker, Greenspan, Bernanke, Yellen: Shrinking size, growing aggressiveness in terms of monetary policy spending.
CONCLUSION: The Fed's main objective, perversely, is to push inflation up to 3% (unless real economic growth picks up considerably). The remaining tools include dollar devaluation, yield cap and debt repudiation.Given its recent failure to 'taper' the pace of bond purchases it is unlikely the Fed will be able to do so in the near future.
An admittedly provocative statement, the discussion of which must be postponed for future letters.
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True story. I was working on the trading floor of an unnamed bank. Here was the action. A lot of shouting, millions moved. On a different floor, the back office. Those poor souls had to sort out the mess created by traders, dealing with multiple settlement systems, failed trades and booking errors. In a laudable attempt to improve mutual understanding, every trader had to spend a few days in the back office. Many traders had inflated egos and treated those colleagues with little respect. I decided to be especially nice to compensate. So I pass by the desk of a senior back office worker, let's call her Heidi. She was in despair over a problem. I asked what the matter was. She explained that when balancing out currency positions, she ended up with a negative number instead of a positive. Glancing at her screen I could see she was using what looked like a home-made excel spreadsheet to manage the bank's currency positions. Jokingly, I recommended multiplying the result by "minus one", and moved along. Later, passing again by her desk, she was exhilarated and thanked me for my 'solution': "It worked!" I didn't have the courage to shatter her belief in my capabilities.
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Disclaimer: It should be self-evident this is for informational and educational purposes only and shall not be taken as investment advice. Nothing posted here shall constitute a solicitation, recommendation or endorsement to buy or sell any security or other financial instrument. You shouldn't be surprised that accounts managed by Lighthouse Investment Management or the author may have financial interests in any instruments mentioned in these posts. We may buy or sell at any time, might not disclose those actions and we might not necessarily disclose updated information should we discover a fault with our analysis. The author has no obligation to update any information posted here. We reserve the right to make investment decisions inconsistent with the views expressed here. We can't make any representations or warranties as to the accuracy, completeness or timeliness of the information posted. All liability for errors, omissions, misinterpretation or misuse of any information posted is excluded. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ All clients have their own individual accounts held at an independent, well-known brokerage company (US) or bank (Europe). This institution executes trades, sends confirms and statements. Lighthouse Investment Management does not take custody of any client assets.
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