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Letters and Treaties by Mohammad PBUH-1 PDF

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In the name of Allah the Compassionate, the Merciful 1. This agreement of Allah's Prophet Muhammad (Sal Allaho Alehe Wasallam) shall apply to the migrants, Quraish, the citizens of Yathrib (Medinah) who have accepted Islam and all such people who are in agreement with the above mentioned bodies and side with them in war. 2. Those who are a party to this agreement shall be treated as a body separate from all those who are not a party to this agreement. 3. The Quraish migrants are in themselves a party and as in the past; shall be responsible for the payment of blood-money on behalf of their criminals and shall themselves get their prisoners freed, after the payment of ransom. All this process shall be in accordance with the principles of belief (Iman) and justice. 4. Bani Auf shall be responsible for their own tribe and shall jointly pay their blood-money in accordance with article 3 and shall themselves be responsible for getting their prisoners freed after paying ransom. All this work shall be completed in conformity with the principle of honesty and justice. 5. Bani Al Haris shall be responsible for their own tribe and shall jointly pay their blood-money in accordance with article 3 and shall themselves be responsible for getting their prisoners freed after paying ransom. All this work shall be completed in conformity with the principle of honesty and justice. 6. Bani Sa'ida shall be responsible for their own tribe and shall jointly pay their blood-money, in accordance with article 3 and shall themselves be responsible for getting their prisoners freed after paying ransom. All this work shall be completed in conformity with the principle of honesty and justice. 7. Bani Jusham shall be responsible for their own tribe and shall jointly pay their blood-money, in accordance with article 3 and shall themselves be responsible for getting their prisoners freed after paying ransom. All this work shall be completed in conformity with the principle of honesty and justice.

8. Bani An-Najjar shall be responsible for their own tribe and shall jointly pay their blood-money in accordance with article 3 and shall themselves be responsible for getting their prisoners freed after paying ransom. All this work shall be completed in conformity with the principle of honesty and justice, 9. Bani Amr shall be responsible for their own tribe and shall jointly pay their blood-money in accordance with article 3 and shall themselves be responsible for getting their prisoners freed after paying ransom. All this work shall be completed in conformity with the principle of honesty and justice. 10. Bani Al Wabiyyat shall be responsible for their own tribe and shall jointly pay their blood-money, in accordance with article 3 and shall themselves be responsible for getting their prisoners freed after paying ransom. All this work shall be completed in conformity with the principle of honesty and justice. 11. Bani Al-Aus shall be responsible for their own tribe and shall jointly pay their blood-money in accordance with article 3 and shall themselves be responsible for getting their prisoners freed after paying ransom. All this work shall be completed in conformity with the principle of honesty and justice. 12. If from amongst the Muslims, an indigent person is guilty of an offence, in which blood-money becomes due or he is taken prisoner and is unable to pay ransom; it shall be incumbent on other Muslims to pay blood-money or ransom on his behalf and get him freed, in order that virtue and sympathy in the mutual relationship of the Muslims may be created. 13. No Muslim shall be hostile to the slave set free by another Muslim. 14. It shall be the duty of the Muslims to oppose openly every such person as created mischief and riot and troubles human beings or forcibly wants to grab something and resorts to oppression. All the Muslims shall remain mutually united in punishing such a person, even if he is the son of anyone of them. 15. No Muslim shall have the right of killing another Muslim in exchange of an infidel (who is at war) or assist a person who is at war with the Muslims. 16. The promise of Allah, responsibility and protection are all one and the same. This means that if a Muslim gives refuge to someone, it shall be incumbent on all Muslims to honour it; although the Muslim providing the refuge may be a plebeian. All the Muslims are brethren amongst themselves, as compared to others. 17. It is incumbent on all the Muslims to help and extend sympathetic treatment to the Jews who have entered into an agreement with us. Neither an oppression of any type should be perpetrated on them nor should their enemy be helped against them. 18. The truce of all the Muslims shall be one: When there is a war in the way of Allah; none of the Muslims leaving aside other Muslims, shall enter into a peace treaty with an enemy, unless the treaty in one and the same for all the Muslims. 19. All the groups who participate in war along with us, shall be afforded an opportunity to rest by turns. 20. The provision of subsistence to the dependants of the Muslim who get martyred in the way of Allah, shall be the responsibility of all the Muslims. 21. No doubt all the God-fearing and devout Muslims are on the right path and are the followers of the best way of life. 22. Neither shall any non-Muslim who is a party to this agreement, provide refuge to the life and property of any Quraish nor shall assist any non-Muslim against a Muslim. 23. If someone murders a Muslim and there is a proof against him, the murderer shall be punished. But if the next of kin is prepared to accept blood-money, the murderer could be set free after the payment of blood-money. It shall be obligatory on all the Muslims to observe this injunction without any exception. Nothing other than the prescribed injunctions shall be acceptable. 24. For a Muslim, who after accepting the treaty, has agreed to abide by it and he believes in Allah and the Day of Judgement, it would neither be permissible to create a new thing or practice, nor would it be right for him to have dealings with such a person as does not respect this treaty. Whoever infringes this injunction, the curse and wrath of Allah shall descend on him on the Day of Judgement, and no excuse and request for forgiveness shall be accepted from him, in this respect. 25. When there arises a mutual difference about anything in this agreement, the matter shall be referred for a decision to Allah and Muhammad (Sal Allaho Alehe Wasallam). 26. After the treaty, it shall be obligatory on the Jews to render financial assistance to the Muslims when they are at war

with an enemy. 27. The Jews of Bani Auf, who are a party to this agreement and are the supporters of the Muslims, shall adhere to their religion and the Muslims to theirs. Excepting religious matters, the Muslims and Jews shall be regarded as belonging to a single party. If anyone from amongst them commits an outrage or breaks a promise or is guilty of a crime, he shall deserve punishment for his crime. 28. The Jews of Bani An-Najjar, who are a party to this agreement and are the supporters of the Muslims, shall adhere to their religion and the Muslims to theirs. Excepting religious matters, the Muslims and the Jews shall be regarded as belonging to a single party. If anyone from amongst them commits an outrage or breaks a promise or is guilty of a crime, he shall deserve punishment for his crime. 29. The Jews of Bani Al-Haris, who are party to this agreement and are the supporters of the Muslims, shall adhere to their religion and the Muslims to theirs. Excepting religious matters, the Muslims and the Jews shall be regarded as belonging to a single party. If anyone from amongst them commits an outrage or a breaks promise or is guilty of a crime, he shall deserve punishment for his crime. 30. The Jews of Bani Sa'ida, who are a party to this agreement and are the supporters of the Muslims, shall adhere to their religion and the Muslims to theirs. Excepting religious matters, the Muslims and the Jews shall be regarded as belonging to a single party. If anyone from amongst them commit an outrage or breaks a promise or is guilty of a crime, he shall deserve punishment for his crime. 31. The Jews of Bani Hashm, who are a party to this agreement and are the supporters of the Muslims shall adhere to their religion and the Muslims to theirs. Excepting religious matters, the Muslims and Jews shall be regarded as belonging to a single party. If anyone from amongst them commit an outrage or breaks promise or is guilty of a crime, he shall deserve punishment for his crime. 32. The Jews of Bani Al-Aus who are a party to this agreement and are the supporters of the Muslims, shall adhere to their religion and the Muslims to theirs. Excepting religious matters, the Muslims and Jews shall be regarded as belonging to a single party. If anyone from amongst them commits an outrage or breaks promise or is guilty of a crime, he shall deserve punishment for his crime. 33. The Jews of Bani Sa'alaba, who are a party to this agreement and are the supporters of the Muslims, shall adhere to their religion and the Muslims to theirs. Excepting religious matters, the Muslims and Jews shall be regarded as belonging to a single party. If anyone from amongst them commits an outrage or breaks a promise or is guilty of a crime, he shall deserve punishment for his crime. 34. The Jews of Bani Jafna, who are a party to this agreement and are the supporters of the Muslims, shall adhere to their religion and the Muslims to theirs. Excepting religious matters, the Muslims and the Jews shall be regarded as belonging to a single party. If anyone from amongst them commits an outrage or breaks promise or is guilty of a crime, he shall deserve punishment for his crime. 35. The Jews of Bani Al Shotaiba, who are a party to this agreement and are the supporters of the Muslims, shall adhere to their religion and the Muslims to theirs. Excepting religious matters, the Muslims and the Jews shall be regarded as belonging to a single party. If anyone from amongst them commits an outrage or breaks a promise or is guilty of a crime, he shall deserve punishment for his crime. 36. The subordinate branches of the above mentioned tribes shall have the same rights as are enjoyed by the original branches. 37. None of the treaty makers shall take any military action, without the permission of Muhammad (Sal Allaho Alehe Wasallam). 38. No hindrance shall be created in the requital or avenging of an injury or a blow. Whoever commits a breach of promise, shall deserve punishment for it and whoever abides most faithfully by this agreement, Allah will may help him. 39. If a third community wages war against the Muslims and Jews treaty makers, they will have to fight unitedly. They shall help each other mutually and there shall be mutual goodwill and faithfulness. The Jews shall bear their expenses of war and the Muslim their expenses. 40. It is incumbent on the parties to the agreement to treat each other sincerely and to wish each other well. None shall subject the other to oppression and injustice and the oppressed shall be helped. 41. The Jews shall share the expenses along with the Muslims as long as they fight jointly.

42. The plain of Yathrib, which is surrounded by hills, shall be a haram (haven) for the treaty makers. 43. The same treatment shall be meted out to a refugee, to which a person giving the refuge, is entitled; he shall not be harmed. A refuge shall abide by this agreement and he shall not be permitted to break a promise. 44. Nobody shall be provided a refuge without the permission of the people of that place. 45. If there is any occurrence or difference of opinion amongst the treaty makers, which might result in a breach of peace, the matter shall be referred, for a decision, to Allah and Muhammad, the Prophet of Allah (Sal Allaho Alehe Wasallam). Allah shall be with him, who abides most by the treaty. 46. None shall provide protection to the Quraish of Makkah or any of their helpers. 47. If Yathrib (Medinah) is invaded, the Muslims and the Jews both shall put up a joint defence. 48. If the Muslims make a peace treaty with some one, the Jews shall abide by it. And if the Jews make peace with somebody, it shall be obligatory on the Muslims to extend similar co-operation to the Jews. However, in the case of a religious war of a party, it shall not be the responsibility of the other party to co-operate in it. 49. In the case of an invasion of Medinah, every party will have to defend the part which is in front of it. 50. The helpers of the Aus tribe shall have the same rights, as are enjoyed by the parties to this treaty, provided they too show their loyalty. Whoever adheres to this treaty most, Allah is his supporter and helper. 51. If anyone of the parties to this treaty, has to go out of Medinah, on account of the exigency of war, it shall be entitled to peace and protection. And whoever stays in Medinah, shall also be entitled to peace. Neither shall anybody be oppressed nor breach of promise shall be permissible for him. Whoever will respect this agreement with his heart and will abide by it, Allah and His Prophet (Sal Allaho Alehe Wasallam) are his protectors. PACT WITH THE TRIBE OF JUHAINA

In the name of Allah the Compassionate, the Merciful 1. The life and property of the Juhaina tribe shall be safe. 2. Whoever commits an outrage on them or invades them, they (Juhaina) shall be helped against him. 3. However, whatever trouble or war takes place amongst their kith and kin or if it concerns their religious affairs, help therein shall not be necessary. 4. The good and God-fearing people living near these people, shall be entitled to the same rights as are admissible to Juhaina. SECOND INJUNCTION OF THE HOLY PROPHET (Sal Allaho Alehe Wasallam) FOR JUHAINA

In the name of Allah the Compassionate, the Merciful Whoever from the tribe of Juhaina accepts Islam, says prayers, pays the Zakat, remains subservient to Allah and his Prophet (Sal Allaho Alehe Wasallam) and keeps on paying Khums out of the gains of war and declares his acceptance of Islam and keeps aloof from the infidels; he is in the protection of Allah and His Prophet (Sal Allaho Alehe Wasallam). As regards the pawned property; of the payable loans, only the amount of the principal shall be payable, after (the debtor's) conversion to Islam. Interests on the pawned amount shall stand cancelled. As Zakat on fruit -- one tenth of the produce, shall be payable. Whoever joins these people shall have the same rights and the same terms shall apply to him.. SEAL : ALLAH'S PROPHET MUHAMMAD Note: When after sometime, most of the people of the tribe accepted Islam, the Holy Prophet (Sal Allaho Alehe Wasallam) issued an injunction to these people, mentioning their duties. PACT OF BANU DHAMRA

In the name of Allah the Compassionate, the Merciful This writing is from Allah's Prophet Muhammad (Sal Allaho Alehe Wasallam). for Bani Dhamra. 1. These people shall have the security of life and property. 2. These people shall be helped against whoever attacks them. 3. It shall be binding on these people always to help the Prophet (Sal Allaho Alehe Wasallam) and whenever the Prophet of Allah sends for their help, they shall give help, but assistance in religious wars shall not be essential. 4. As long as these people adhere to the pact, they shall be assisted. 5. Allah and His Prophet have a responsibility in this pact. Note: A number of such pacts were concluded with the tribes living close to Bani Dhamra. Details could be seen in the Tabar Ibne S'ad -- vol, 3, p. 24. The following pact with Bani Zur'a and Bani Rab'a of Juhaina is of the similar nature. FOR BANI ZUR'A AND BANI RAB'A

1. The life and property of Bani Zur'a and Bani Rab'a shall have security and peace. 2. Bani Zur'a and Bani Rab'a shall be assisted against any person who invades them. 3. But there shall be no interference in their internal conflicts. 4. The pious and God-fearing people living in the vicinity of these tribes shall have the same rights to which the people of these tribes are entitled. PACT OF BANU GHIFAR

In the name of Allah the Compassionate, the Merciful. 1. Banu Ghifar shall be regarded as from amongst the Muslims. They shall have the same rights as that of the Muslims and Banu Ghifar shall be subject to the same injunctions, as are applicable to the Muslims. 2. Muhammad, the Prophet (Sal Allaho Alehe Wasallam) has entered into a pact to safeguard their life and property and the responsibility of Allah and His Prophet is for it. 3. They shall be helped against such an enemy as invades them outrageously. 4. It shall be incumbent on these people to give help, when it is called for by the Prophet of Allah (Sal Allaho Alehe Wasallam). But in religious wars each party shall remain impartial. 5. Whoever contravenes it, this pact shall not stand as an argument (or excuse) for him. Note: Bani Ghifar Tribe sent a delegation to the Holy Prophet (Sal Allaho Alehe Wasallam) and offered to enter into a pact with him. The offer was accepted by the Holy Prophet (Sal Allaho Alehe Wasallam) who had a pact prepared. Before entering the fold of Islam, the people of the tribe were highway men and were professional dacoits who looted caravans and tribes. Abu Zar Ghifari (Raziallah AnhoA.) the well-known companion of the Prophet (Sal Allaho Alehe Wasallam) belonged to this tribe. TREATY OF HUDAYBIA

In Thy Name O Allah 1. This is the treaty in which Muhammad (Sal Allaho Alehe Wasallam) son of Abdullah has made a compromise with Sohail son of 'Umar. 2. There shall be no mutual war for ten years.

3. During this period, every person belonging to the two parties shall be safe and secure and none shall raise a sword against the other. 4. If any person from amongst the Quraish goes to Medinah he shall be sent back, but if any Muslim goes to Makkah, he shall not be sent back. 5. The tribes of Arabia would be free to enter into treaty from the side of either of the two parties. 6. The Muslims shall return this time and come back next year, but they shall not stay in Makkah for more than three days. 7. They shall not come back armed and shall bring with them swords only, but these shall not be kept out of scabbards and the scabbards kept in bags. PACT OF BANI GHADAYA AND BANI URAIZ

The following pact was made with the Jews of Bani Ghadaya. In the name of Allah, The Compassionate, the Merciful. From Muhammad, Prophet of Allah -To the Jews of Bani Ghadaya. 1. Responsibility in respect of the Jews of Ghadaya is assumed. 2. Jiziya has been laid down for these people. 3. These people shall not rise against the Prophet in any way. 4. These people shall not be exiled from their homes. 5. Nothing shall render this pact void. Seal: Allah's Prophet Muhammad PACT OF NAJRAN

In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful. This pact of Muhammad (Sal Allaho Alehe Wasallam), Prophet of Allah is for the people of Najran. 1. Although Prophet Muhammad (Sal Allaho Alehe Wasallam), had the power to take a share from their produce, gold, silver, weapons and slaves, he treated the people generously and leaving aside all these things, he fixed for them two thousand hullas of the value of one Auqia each, annually -- one thousand (to be supplied) in the month of Rajab and one thousand in the month of Safar. 2. Each Hulls shall be of the value of one Auqia and whichever is of more or less value, shall be accounted for accordingly. 3. If instead of Hullas, something like armours or horses or riding camels are given it shall be accepted in accordance with its evaluation. 4. It shall be obligatory on the people of Najran to arrange for the stay of my workers. But they will have to pay taxes within one month. They should not be made to stay far more than a month. 5. If due to a rebellion in Yemen we have to wage war, the people of Najran will have to lend 30 armours, 20 horses and 30 camels. If any of the animals are lost, the people of Najran shall be provided substitutes. 6. The lives of the people of Najran and its surrounding area, their religion, their land, property, cattle and those of them who are present or absent, their messengers and their places of worship are under the protection of Allah and guardianship of His Prophet.Their present state shall neither be interfered with, nor their rights meddled with, nor their idols deformed. No Usqu (Bishop) Rahib or Waqa, shall be removed from his office. The intention being that no change in

whatever state every one is; shall be made (status quo shall be maintained). 7. Neither the people shall be punished for any past crime or murder, nor shall they be compelled to do military service. Neither shall Ushr be imposed on them nor any army shall enter their area. 8. If any one of the people of Najran demands his rights, justice shall be done between the plaintiff and respondent. Neither oppression shall be allowed to be perpetrated on them, nor shall they be permitted to oppress any one. 9. Whoever from the people of Najran takes interest alter the conclusion of the pact, shall be excluded from my assurance. 10. No one from the people of Najran shall be implicated in the crime of someone else. 11. Whatever has been written in this pact, Allah and Muhammad His Prophet (Sal Allaho Alehe Wasallam) are guarantors for it, unless there is an order from Allah, in this connection, and as long as the people of Najran remain faithful and adhere to the conditions which have been made for them, except that some one compels them to do otherwise. Seal: Allah's Prophet Muhammad Note: Najran which was the biggest centre of Christianity in Arabia is a district of north Yemen. There was a very splendid Cathedral which the Christians regarded as their Kaaba. Large estate attached to the Cathedrals was a source of big income. When the people of Najran received the letter of the Holy Prophet (Sal Allaho Alehe Wasallam), they sent a delegation to the Prophet (Sal Allaho Alehe Wasallam), which studied the conditions and had discussions. The Holy Prophet (Sal Allaho Alehe Wasallam), invited them to a Mubahila (Invocation of Allah's Curse an the party which is in the wrong) and asked them to pray to Allah along with their kith and kin, to send His Curse on the liars. The delegation did not accept the challenge lest they should be destroyed and agreed to conclude a pact. PACT OF SAQEEF (TAIF)

In the name of Allah, the compassionate, the Merciful. 1. This writing of Muhammad (Sal Allaho Alehe Wasallam) the Prophet of Allah is for Saqeef. 2. Whatever has been written in this deed, its responsibility is that of Allah Who is One and does not share His Powers with anybody, and of Prophet Muhammad (Sal Allaho Alehe Wasallam) son of Abdullah. 3. The valley of Saqeef has been declared as Haram. The cutting of the wild thorny trees thereof, hunting therein, oppression, theft and evil actions in it are all Haram (strictly prohibited). 4. Saqeef has the greatest right to Wuj. Neither army shall pass through the land of Taif, nor shall a Muslim go there and eject these People from there. These people may do whatever they like in Taif and its valley and construct whatever building they like. 5. The people of Taif shall be exempt from Ushr, Zakat and Military aid. There shall be no coercion, in so far as their life and property is concerned. 6. These people shall be regarded as a group of the Muslims. They can, therefore move amongst the Muslims without any Restriction. 7. If someone is taken prisoner from amongst the people of Taif, they shall have the right to settle the case. 8. Whatever debt of the people of Taif may be due for payment on a pawned article and whatever debt on a pawned article may be payable till after the Ukaz season, should be paid by Ukaz. Allah has no responsibility regarding interest. 9. In the books of the people of Taif whatever debts are due for receipt till the time of their acceptance of Islam, they shall be in their right to receive them. 10. If an article belonging to the people of Taif, held in trust, is destroyed by the trustee, it shall be caused to be returned to the owner. 11. The people of Saqeef, who are not present here shall have the same safeguards and rights as are admissible to those

present here. Whatever property they have in Layya, shall be secure like wuj. 12. Similarly whoever is their partner in trade or their helper, shall have the same rights. 13. If someone commits a financial or physical excess or outrage on the people of Saqeef, all the Muslims shall help Saqeef against the offender. 14. Anybody whose entry into the area is not desired, shall not enter it. 15. These people can construct places for buying and selling in front of their houses. 16. A ruler for Saqeef shall be appointed from amongst them. Accordingly, Bani Malik and Bani Akhlaf shall have their own Amirs. 17. The people of Saqeef who will irrigate the gardens of Quraish, shall have right to half of the produce. 18. No interest shall be charged on the pawned articles. If they are in a position to pay the amount of pawn, they should pay it. If they are not able to pay immediately, they should pay up to the Jamadi-ul-Oola of the next year. And one whose time is up and does not pay, he has no doubt turned it into an interest transaction. 19. If the people of Saqeef are in debt, the amount of principal only shall be paid to the creditor. 20. If they have amongst them a prisoner, whom his master sold away, the transaction shall be regular. If he was not sold, his ransom shall be 6 she-camels, which can be given in two instalments. 21. Only a person purchasing an article, shall have the right of its sale Seal: Allah's Prophet Muhammad Note: As in the present day, Taif was the summer resort of the wealthy Quraish. Being five thousand feet above sea level, its climate is cool and pleasant. In the past it was full of gardens and produced fruits and vegetables. The City of Taif, is now a big centre of trade and is a highly developed and modernised city. Despite the fact that the Quraish knew that the Holy Prophet (Sal Allaho Alehe Wasallam) was extremely noble, truthful, honest, charitable and truth-worthy person, they treated him with contempt, malice and animosity, when he declared that he was Prophet of Allah. Day by day their attitude grew more and more hostile and bitter. When there was little hope of their listening to the voice of reason, the Holy Prophet (Sal Allaho Alehe Wasallam) went to Taif to preach Islam there. But unfortunately the people of Taif proved to be more callous, unreasonable and tyrannical. In the city there lived wealthy and highly influential people. The Holy Prophet went to the three brothers named Abd ya lail, Mas'ood, and Habeeb, who belonged to the Omair tribe, which was the chief of all other tribes and invited them to accept Islam. What the three said was derogatory and humiliating to the extreme. One of them said, "If Allah has sent you as a Prophet, you are tearing the cover of Ka'ba". The second said, "Did not Allah get somebody else for prophethood except you?" The third said. "I cannot Talk to you. If you are true, it would be discourteous to talk to you. If you are a liar, you do not deserve to be talked to."' Not content with this insulting behaviour, they roused the street urchins and rogues of Taif, to jeer and make fun of the Holy Prophet (Sal Allaho Alehe Wasallam). The result was that the rascals stood in line on both sides of the way. When the Holy prophet (Sal Allaho Alehe Wasallam) went that way, they pelted stones and rocks on him, till his shoes were smeared with blood. When due to blows and wounds, his strength gave way, he sat down; but the callous miscreants held him by the arms and made him stand up. When he would begin walking again they abuse him and clapped their hands. The Holy Prophet (Sal Allaho Alehe Wasallam) at last took refuge in a vineyard. The Prophets (A.S.) were generally subjected to such injuries and insults. Some of them prayed for Allah's curse. Prophet Nooh's (A.S.) curse resulted in the destruction of a big part of earth, by the Deluge. But the Holy Prophet (Sal Allaho Alehe Wasallam) was sent for the good and benefit of the world, he could not even think of such a curse. His companion on the jourey, Zaid (Raziallah AnhoA.) requested him to invoke the curse of Allah on such a bad lot of people, but the Holy Prophet got piqued and said,. "Never! I have been sent as a blessing for the world". Thereafter he prayed, "oh Allah! Give guidance to my people and give them a sense to differentiate between good and bad." But the moral and physical pain which he under-went can be easily gauged by the answer of the Holy Prophet to the query of Aisha (Raziallah Anho) as to which was the hardest day of his life. He (Sal Allaho Alehe Wasallam) referred to that day in Taif. PACT OF AKBAR BIN ABDUL QAIS

In the name Of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful From Muhammad, Prophet of Allah -To Akbar bin Abdul Qais 1. In the days of ignorance, those of them, who took part in mischief and riots and the sins they committed, Allah and His Prophet have no responsibility therein. But in future, it shall be obligatory on these people to fulfil their promise. 2. Neither shall the supply of their provisions and grains be interfered with, nor shall they be harassed at the time of the ripening of fruit. 3. They shall have the right to the use of the collected rain water. 4. 'Ula bin Al Hazarmi (Raziallah AnhoA.) shall continue to supervise them on behalf of the Holy Prophet (Sal Allaho Alehe Wasallam). It is obligatory on the people of Bahrain to co-operate with him. 5. It shall be incumbent on the Muslim army to share with them the goods captured in religious wars and treat them fairly and justly. At the time of religious wars moderation and the middle course of action, should be kept in view. 6. The two parties shall not be entitled to an alteration in this pact; These people shall neither alter any pact, or depart from it. 7. Allah and His Prophet testify to this pact.' Seal: Allah's Prophet Muhammad Note: A chieftain of Bahrain, named Akbar bin Qais went with a delegation of his clan to the Holy Prophet (Sal Allaho Alehe Wasallam) and stated that as their way was unsafe, they were not in a position to come to him easily. They, therefore, requested that they be taught religious matters with the help of which they could distinguish between right and wrong, so that they could take them to their clan. The Holy Prophet (Sal Allaho Alehe Wasallam) taught them about the Oneness of Allah, his prophethood, prayers, Zakat, fasts etc. He also gave them the above pact.

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