Room 204 Update - November 3, 2013 Spring Street School Mrs. Liporto's Class
Room 204 Update - November 3, 2013 Spring Street School Mrs. Liporto's Class
Room 204 Update - November 3, 2013 Spring Street School Mrs. Liporto's Class
Liportos class
General Information Thank you very much to all of those that helped out with our Halloween party on Thursday. The kids had a great time playing games, making owls and going through their awesome goodie bags. I hope that everyone had a happy and safe Halloween! Parent Conference Day is Tuesday! Please remember that all conferences are 15 minutes long. I will do my very best to stay on schedule. If you find that it is time for your conference and I am still in with another family, please feel free to knock on the door. On the back of your students progress report is a questionnaire you can fill out before our meeting on Tuesday. It is not required, but it does help to focus our limited time together. I have also sent home an electronic copy of the questionnaire just in case you would rather email it to me. I look forward to discussing the progress of your fourth grader with you. We are still looking for some donations of spring bulbs that we can plant. Each year the fourth graders take some time to go out in front of the school and plant some bulbs so that in the spring it looks extra nice outside. If you are out anywhere in your travels in the next week or so and see a bag or two of bulbs, we would appreciate the donation!
Congratulations to the Red Sox on winning the World Series! I told the students that if they won, they could have one week with minimal homework (I would still want them to read and record their reading on their reading logs). This will take place the week after this week. Author Matt Tavares will visit SSS on Thursday! He has written many great books such as Mud Ball and Becoming Babe Ruth. Be sure to check in with your student on Thursday afternoon so hear all about Mr. Tavares presentation. IMPORTANT DATES * Parent Conferences No school, Tuesday November 5 *Fourth Grade Chorus Concert- Thursday, November 7, 7:00PM SSS Gym * Veterans Day Monday, Nov. 11 No School *Thanksgiving Break- Wednesday, Nov. 27Friday, Nov. 29 *Winter Break- Monday, December 23Wednesday, January 1 *MCAS Long Composition Tuesday, Mar. 18 *MCAS English Language Arts Wednesday, Mar. 26- Thursday, Mar. 27 *MCAS Math Tuesday, May 13Wednesday, May 14 Homework I have been so impressed with the amount of reading the students have been
doing at home! The reading logs have been coming back with tons of minutes on them! I figured out the average amount of minutes the students read from this last Friday and it was 343 minutes, so about 170 minutes a week! Way to go! Thanks for your continued support at home. As a reminder, students are not limited to reading just Monday through Thursday night. They are encouraged to read EVERY day of the week (Students, the secret number this week is 15, the amount of minutes wishes you could read every single day). If they ever tell you that they do not have reading homework that night, it is not true. The minimum for each week is 40 minutes, but I am hoping they choose to read more. Language Arts This short week, we will be taking a break from our typical Daily Three work to focus in on open response writing. Students have completed a baseline open response based on a passage about Fenway Park. After looking at these, I can see that they have a good foundation for this type of response, but need more work on supporting their answers. This week we will be going through an appropriate response, piece by piece as a class. We will also look at how multiple-choice questions are worded and the various strategies we can use to answer them. Writing We will continue to work on informational writing this week. Well begin the week working on a piece together, all about our Homeworkopoly game in the classroom. Then later in the week we will focus on taking notes about the three types of rocks and the rock
cycle. Well be turning this into another information piece over the next few weeks. Math We will continue with decimals this week. The students have been doing well with converting between decimals and fractions. This week we will work on estimating, adding, subtracting and looking at decimals in metric measurement. Tuesday morning Math Club this week will be on WEDNESDAY due to parent conferences. Well continue to focus on decimals. Please have your student there for 8:00am if he/she would like to participate. EVERYDAY MATH FAMILY LETTERS online address: th-grade/view-family-letters/
If you cannot access them, please let me know. Social Studies This short week we will complete East Region maps, interactive maps and work with our text to learn more about the region in which we live. East Region states and capitals practice materials went home on Thursday. State practice web site ( is on the class blog. Quiz is scheduled for Thursday, Nov. 14. Science Last week we spent some time looking at the rock cycle using a number of different methods. First, we used our artistic side and drew the cycle in our notebooks and
acted out the rock cycle in small groups. Then we looked at some interactive websites that helped us to better understand how the three types of rocks form. Finally, we used the laptops and learned more by checking out a website called Rock Hounds. This week we will review the rock cycle using all of our notes before moving on to the last part of our Earth Materials unit, soil. Happy Birthday!!! There are not classroom birthdays in November.
MUSIC: Tuesday 10:45-11:25 AM ART: Wednesday, 11:25-12:05 PM Health: Thursday 9:15-9:55 AM CHORUS: Friday 10:45-11:25 AM PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Friday 2L25-3:05 PM MEDIA: Every Other Wednesday, 2:45-3:00 PM
As always, your questions/comments are welcome. Please send me an email or a note to school. Kristen Liporto