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Don't bother to telephone me when you arrive. (ko phiền)

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1. I think you should try and be as optimistic as you can.

I think you should try and look on the bright side of things. (=optimistic=lc quan) 2. Local residents said they were against the new traffic scheme. Local residents expressed (showed/voiced) their disapproval of the new traffic scheme. 3. Fish for breakfast doesnt appeal to everyone. Fish for breakfast isnt to everyones taste. (th hiu) 4. We agreed that each of us would do the washing up on alternative. We agreed to take turns to do the washing up. (ln lt) 5. Jack and Rose never agree on how to bring up their children. Jack and Rose never see eye to eye on how to bring up their children. (ng quan im) 6. Most stores will accept a credit card instead of cash. Most stores will accept a credit card as an alternative to cash. 7. You can avoid tooth decay by brushing your teeth regularly. Brushing your teeth regularly can prevent tooth decay. 8. Some of Peters expressions make me think of my brother. Some of Peters expressions remind me of my brother. 9. When do you think this bridge was built? How old do you think this bridge is? 10. That old typewriter is not worth repairing. It is pointless to have that old typewriter repaired. (ko mc ch, vu v) 11. They share a lot of hobbies and interests. They have a lot of hobbies and interests in common. (with sb/sth: c chung 2, li ch) 12. This train should have left 30 minutes ago. This train was meant to be off 30 minutes ago. (vn c nh) 13. Alcohol is bad for your health, and so are cigarettes. Neither alcohol nor cigarettes is good for your health. 14. Nobody helped me at all. Nobody lifted a finger to help me. (m tay vo) 15. Youre far more practical than I am. (= very) Nowhere near am I as practical as you are. 16. The result of the match was never in doubt. (ko chc chn) At no time was the result of the match in doubt. (=never) 17. The firm is going to raise everybodys salary. Everybody is going to be given a raise. (tng lng) 18. We were just going to bed when the earthquake happened. We were on the point of going to bed when the earthquake happened. (doing sth: va vn, sp lm ci g) 19. The stories he tells about his war experiences are unbelievable. The stories he tells about his war experiences are beyond belief. (v l, phi l) 20. Its a month now since she fell down the stairs but you can still see the bruises. Its a month now since she fell down the stairs but the bruises still show. 21. Things are always going wrong in a job like this. Things are always going wrong in a job of this sort. (kiu) 22. Tony bought Stella a necklace as a compensation for not having a holiday. Tony bought Stella a necklace to make up for not having a holiday. (=compensation=thay th, n b) 23. There is no need to telephone me when you arrive. Dont bother to telephone me when you arrive. (ko phin) 24. The garden is too small for us to build a swimming pool. There is no room in the garden for a swimming pool to be built. (ch) 25. That hotel is a bit too expensive for us, Im afraid.

That hotel is a bit beyond our reach, Im afraid. (beyond ones reach: qu tm vi ca ai) 26. I dont personally care if they came or not. It doesnt matter to me whether they came or not. 27. After 2 hours the bridegroom had still not arrived. After 2 hours, there was still no sign of the bridegroom. (du hiu) 28. We didnt go to the island that stormy weekend in case we couldnt get back. We didnt go to the island that stormy weekend for fear that we couldnt get back. (s rng, e rng) 29. Rosalind found the heat and humidity quite intolerable. (ko th chu ni, qu qut) Rosalind couldnt bear the heat and humidity. (chu ng) 30. Go and ask Winfred. Im sure shell know the answer. Go and ask Winfred, she is bound to know the answer. (be bound to: chc chn) 31. Who gave you my name and address? Who put you in touch with me? (in touch with sb: lin lc vi ai) 32. All of a sudden, Alice thought of a solution to the problem. A solution to the problem occurred to Alice. (cht ny ra) 33. Its very interesting to talk to him. He is an interesting to talk to you. 34. Your hair is much too long, dear. Your hair needs cutting. 35. There is no ice-cream left. We have run out of ice-cream. 36. I usually walk to work but today I drove. Today I drove to work instead of going on foot. 37. Would you like to go for a coffee in 10 minutes or so? How about going for a coffee in 10 minutes or so? 38. I would like to express my thanks for everything you have done or me. Id like to say how thankful I am for everything you have done for me. 39. Dont you regret not learning to swim? Dont you wish you had learnt to swim? 40. I think this word comes from ancient Greece. I think this word is derived from ancient Greece. (c ngun gc) 41. I like to spend a lot of time in the open air. I like to spend a lot of time out of doors. 42. I dont think you mean what you say about helping me. I dont think you are in earnest about helping me. (st sng) 43. Paul went to see the bank manager about getting a loan. Paul went to see the bank manager with a view to getting a loan. (doing sth: vi nh, hi vng lm ci g) 44. This miserable weather isnt funny any more! This miserable weather is beyond a joke. (get/be beyond a joke: tr nn nghim tc) 45. Its uncertain whether the bands tour will take place. The bands tour is in the balance. (be in the balance: ko chc chn) 46. I wish I knew what to do about the problem. I wish I had the solution to this problem. 47. You can walk to the station easily from the hotel. The station is within easy walking distance of the hotel. 48. Karen received a medal for her services. Karen received a medal in recognition of her services. (ones services: hun chng cng nhn s phc v ca ai) 49. You have to pay your sons debts as he is under age.

You are liable for your sons debts as he is under age. (sth: c bn phn, trch nhim (theo php lut) 50. I dont think there will be any applicants for this post. (n cho chc v) There is little (no) likelihood that there will be any applicants for this post. 51. It was difficult for Susan to believe the good news. Susan (could) hardly believed the good news. (kh lng) 52. You must make allowances for his inexperience. (chiu c) You must take account of his inexperience. (sth/take sth into account: chiu c) 53. This contract is not binding until we both sign it. We are not bound by this contract until we both sign it. (=bind=rng buc) Neither of us is bound until we both sign it. 54. He wasnt to blame for the . (sth: chu trch nhim) The wasnt his fault/was no fault of his. 55. You shouldnt take his help for granted. (take sth/sb for granted: cho iu g l ng, hin nhin)You shouldnt assume that he will help you. (cho rng) Dont assume that he will help you. 56. Mr.Watson managed to repair the garage roof only because his neighbour help him. Without his neighbours help, Mr.Watson would not (never) have repaired the garage roof. 57. Nobody is infallible. Everybody makes mistakes. We all make mistakes. 58. The last Olympic Games were held in Seoul. The last Olympic Games took place in Seoul. (t chc) 59. He talked about nothing except the weather. His sole subject/topic of conversation was the weather. 60. Im very familiar with this neighborhood. (sth/sb: bit r v ci g/ai) I know this neighborhood like the back of my hand. (know sth/s.o like the back of ones hand: bit cn k v ai ) 61. She did very well on her final exams. She passed her final exam with flying colours. (thnh cng rc r) 62. The food at that new restaurant isnt as good as the food at Marios. The food at that new restaurant is a far cry from the food at Marios. (sth/doing sth: mt kinh nghim rt khc t ci g/lm ci g) 63. David cant go to Alices party and neither can I. David and I are in the same boat. (cng cnh ng, cng hi cng thuyn) 64. Im not in agreement with him on this proposal. I dont see eye to eye with him on this proposal. 65. Alfred is in trouble with his boss. Alfred is in hot water with his boss. (be in hot water/get into hot water: lm vo k2, b ght b) 66. His name doesnt sound familiar to me at all. His name doesnt ring a bell with me at all. (nghe quen quen) 67. Youd better leave if you want to get home by midnight. Youd better hit the road if you want to get home by midnight. (ln ng) 68. Will the concert start soon? Will the concert get/be under way soon? (tin hnh, bt u) 69. Dont try to do sth more than you can manage. Dont bite off sth more than you can chew. (c lm vic g qu sc mnh) 70. Very little money was raised by the charity appeal. (li ku gi t thin) The response to the charity appeal was very poor. 71. His irresponsibility attitude is endangering his career as a doctor.

His irresponsible attitude is putting his career as a doctor in jeopardy. (ng uy c) 72. That wasnt what I meant at all. Youve completely misunderstood me as usual. That wasnt what I meant at all, youve got (whole of) the wrong and of the stick as usual. (hiu nhm hon ton iu ngi khc ni) 73. I dont like him because he boast a lot. (khoc lc) I dont like him because he has a big mouth. (ni nhiu, nht l hay l b mt) 74. He liked the new job straight away. He took the new job like a duck to water. (nh c gp nc) 75. The desk was too crowded for him to put his book down. There was no room on the desk for his book.

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