Uk 11545458 Adv Introduction 18326968 PDF
Uk 11545458 Adv Introduction 18326968 PDF
Uk 11545458 Adv Introduction 18326968 PDF
All the personalised information & advice you need to complete your UK Family Visitor Visa application.
DISCLAIMER This document contains confidential information and is intended only for the individual(s) named in this document. All content included in this document is protected and must not be disseminated or distributed without prior written consent. Any links to external websites that may be contained within this document are provided solely as a matter of courtesy and Migration Expert Limited accepts no responsibility for the accuracy or content contained therein. Please note that Migration Expert Limited and its associated companies are not a part of nor affiliated with the UK Border Agency or British Diplomatic Post or its respective ministries, agencies and departments. We are a private company and do not have the mandate or authority to grant you any visa to the United Kingdom. Our principal objective is to assist and give relevant migration-related advice to our customers who wish to obtain a visa to the United Kingdom. Pursuant to the aforementioned, please be advised that the final decision on all visa applications rests solely and entirely with the UK Border Agency or British Diplomatic Post. Our principal objective is to assist and give relevant travel-related advice to our customers who wish to obtain a particular travel visa to the UK. Pursuant to the aforementioned, please be advised that the final decision on all visa and permit applications rests solely and entirely with the UK Immigration Authorities.
Personalised Migration Plan - Introduction for Miss. Ljubica Teofilovska Prepared by Olapeju Ojemuyiwa Registered Migration Consultant
Table of Contents
1 Introduction 2 Requirements 2.1 Age 2.2 Intention to Return 2.3 Purpose of Visit 2.4 Funds 2.5 Maintenance 2.6 Accommodation 2.7 Dependants 3 Summary
1 Introduction
The Advanced Migration Service is equivalent to an in-depth consultation with a registered Migration Consultant. It will provide you with a detailed overview of your application and your eligibility based on your personal circumstances. The appeal of the UK is evident in the large number of people who migrate here under the different immigration categories every year. However, the process is often a long and challenging journey for which you should carefully prepare. It is important to understand that UK immigration regulations are complex. Although we try to offer constructive advice, we can only provide advice within the existing legal framework. You should use this Service to understand the visa requirements prior to commencing the migration process. Your UK Migration Service begins with an overview of the UK Visitor Visa category. This is to ensure that you understand the visa criteria so that you can identify the various steps that must be taken in order to fulfil the requirements. This visa targets people who wish to visit the UK for different purposes on a temporary basis. A new visitor visa scheme was introduced on 27th November 2008 to streamline the processing and activities that can be done whilst holding a visitor category of visa. The Visitor visa category now includes the following:
General Visitor visas Tourist Visitor, Family visitor; Business Visitor visas Business visitor, Academic visitor, Doctors taking the PLAB test (Professional and Linguistic Assessment Board Test), Doctors undertaking clinical attachments, Dentists undertaking clinical observer posts, Sports visitor, Entertainers visitor; and Special Visitor visas Medical visitor, Parent of a child at school, Marriage visitor, Child visitor, Student visitor, Prospective Student visitor
Visitors can stay in the UK for a maximum of six (6) months in any 12 month period. Exceptions to this rule are available for both Academic and Parent of child at school visitor visas who can remain in the UK for up to 12 months. Visitor visas are normally valid for six (6) months. However, frequent travellers may be granted visas of up to 12 months, 2, 5 or 10 years' validity. The visas are valid for unlimited journeys within the stated validity period of the visa. Applicants outside the UK need to apply to the relevant British diplomatic post. This may be a British Embassy, British High Commission or British Consulate. For the application to be approved the applicant must satisfy the necessary legal requirements.
2 Requirements
The UK Immigration Rules are the essential source of UK immigration law. They set out the criteria that must be satisfied in order for the application to be successful. The applicant will need to meet the following requirements under the Immigration Rules to be allowed to visit the UK
2.1 Age
With the exception of Child Visitor visas, applicants for any Visitor category of visa must be over the age of 18 at the time of making the application.
2.4 Funds
The applicant must have sufficient funds to support his/her stay in the UK and meet the cost of his/her return/onward journey. The applicant must also have sufficient funds to support any dependents that will be part of the application. If the applicant has a sponsor in the UK, they must provide evidence of this and they too must have sufficient funds to meet the cost of the applicants trip.
2.5 Maintenance
The applicant must have sufficient money to cover their costs and any dependants' costs towards accommodation, living expenses and to cover the purpose of the visit without any financial help from the UK Authorities. The following is a list of State benefits that are not available to the applicant and any dependants:
Income Support Income Based Jobseeker's Allowance Working Tax Credit Social Fund Payments Local Authority assistance for homelessness Allocation of accommodation from the housing register of a local authority Housing Benefit Council Tax benefit State Pension Credit Child Tax Credit Child Benefit Attendance Allowance Carers Allowance Severe Disablement Allowance
2.6 Accommodation
The applicant must have adequate accommodation for himself/herself and any dependants. Adequate accommodation means that there must be sufficient space in the accommodation for the applicant (and any dependants). The accommodation will not be adequate if it is deemed to be "overcrowded". Please refer to the following table, which shows how many people may sleep per room in a property for it not to be considered overcrowded: Number of rooms 1 2 3 4 5 Permitted number of persons 2 3 5 7.5 10
Please note that two more people will be allowed for each additional room in excess of five rooms. Children aged under 1 year are not taken into consideration when assessing the number of persons in the accommodation. In addition, children aged between 1 and 10 only count as half a person.
2.7 Dependants
Applicants wishing to include their spouse, partner or minor child (ren) as a dependant, will be eligible to make a joint application with the applicant. Each of their dependants will have to complete a separate application form and pay a separate application fee. However, the visa requirements and application process will be the same as the main applicant.
3 Summary
The applicant will need to meet all the requirements referred to above. The applicant will also need to provide all the required documentary evidence in support of the application. Please note that Migration Expert and its associated companies are not a part of, or affiliated with in any way, with the UK Government and/or its respective ministries, agencies and departments. We are a private company and, as such, we do not have the mandate or authority to grant you a visa of any kind for the UK. Our principal objective is to assist and give relevant migration-related advice to our customers who wish to obtain a particular visa for either temporary or permanent migration to UK. Pursuant to the aforementioned, please be advised that the final decision on all visa applications rests solely and entirely with the UK Border Agency or the British Diplomatic Post.