Spiral Dynamics
Spiral Dynamics
Spiral Dynamics
Integral Age
How Value Systems Shape
Organizational Productivity,National
Prosperity and Global Transformation
Don Edward Beck, Ph. D.
The focus on the role of productivity in enhancing competitiveness,
while generating wealth and cultural well-being, has shifted over time
from the micro (personal, team and "circles") to the meso
(organizational design and performance) and now the macro (large
scale and complex systems). Likewise, the essential thinking around
productivity matters has emerged through systemic, strategic,
humanistic and now integral patterns and organizing paradigms. The
"profound knowledge" as described by Dr. Edward Deming is just now
becoming clear to many who applied only surface-level and tentative
versions of his massive work. We now recognize that micro-scale
solutions depend heavily on both meso-scale and macro-scale insights
and that all three must be meshed in the whole-scale application.
Never before has the planet earth carried such a rich tapestry of
human differences in the form of individuals and groups. The end of
the Cold War brought the thawing of the bi-polar ice sheet that covered
the entire planet as the deep ethnic cores began to bubble and boil
once again. Decades of deconstructionism and egalitarianism in
academic and popular cultural circles released the bent-up entities and
interests that had been subdued by European-Western hierarchies of
power and control. The microchip places an immense amount of
influence in the choice making of single individuals. DNA analyses now
make possible the specific identity of every person on the planet. Mass
customization efforts are able to target each person, and even specify
names on the inside of weekly magazines. It is as if the entire
psychological history of our species from Day One is being replayed in
real time and carried live on CNN. What an amazing time!
Most people know the story of the "Six Blind Men and the Elephant."
One discovered the tail, another the trunk, while the others felt the leg,
side, tusk, and ear. Each was totally convinced he had discovered the
"truth" based on the direct experience. Of course, each observer was
"right" about the elephant, but only about a part; none was able to
sense the whole. This can also be said about the various political,
economic, religious, educational, child-rearing, and technological
theories of our own day. This also includes the various listings of
worldviews or Weltanschauungen, or the numerous psychological
packages, leadership initiatives, or managerial mandates that continue
to be popular, or have been discarded in societal dust bins. The various
and often heated debates heard at the United Nations, or in national
assembles, senates, and parliaments, will, likewise, reflect these
different views of "the elephant." Rather than continue to pit the vast
array of differences against one another in an adversarial manner, or
suffer the consequences when the conflicts surface in the form of
belligerence or warfare, might it not be useful to find a way to
construct a synthesis that can explain why each emerged, where it is
useful, and how it can contribute to the total Global Mesh?
In our recent work we have fused the Graves Technology with the
fledging science of memetics, noting that each of the worldviews is in
fact a "valuesMEME", a coding mechanism that inculcates every aspect
of society. Graves work identified eight distinct worldviews or
vMEMES, with the ninth on the horizon. Yet, all of the previously
awakened systems still exist. These deep level tectonic-like
psychological plates create surface level tensions as we ratchet
through time.
Third World societies are dealing, for the most part, with issues within
the Level 1 through Level 3 zone, thus higher rates of violence and
poverty. Staying alive, finding safety, and dealing with feudal age
conditions matter most. Second World societies are characterized by
authoritarian (Blue) one-party states, whether from the right or the left.
Makes no difference. So called First World nations and groupings
have achieved high levels of affluence, with lower birth rates, and
more expansive use of technology. While centered in the strategic,
free-market driven, and individual liberty focused perspective -- all
traits of the Level 5 (Orange) worldview -- new vMEMETICS (Green,
Yellow, and Turquoise) are emerging in the "post-modern" age. Yet, we
have no language for anything beyond First World, believing that is the
final state, the "end of history." Further, there is a serious question as
to whether the billions of people who are now exiting Second and Third
World life styles can anticipate the same level of affluence as they see
on First World (Orange) television screens. Now that expectations have
been raised by visiting "Paree," how do we expect to "keep them down
on the farm?"
Michael Hammer and his colleagues who were well known for the
entire re-engineering movement, had to make the major confession
after "down-sizing," brutalizing, and ripping apart many traditional
systems, that they had totally ignored the importance of people in
their activities. Big surprise. Those with the Orange vMeme virus in
their minds see nothing beyond profit, perks, and privilege. It became
apparent to many that people, indeed, were critical to any long-term
and effective effort that could sustain itself over time. A great amount
of historical knowledge was lost in companies because of both the
imposition of meritocracies and the assumption that systems –
business, technological, and strategic – would, by themselves, produce
the results that everybody designed. They did not. They could not.
The celebrated and romantic Age of Aquarius ended forever with the
crash of the World Trade Center towers in New York City on September
11, 2001. The Age of Fragmentation was at its high water mark, its
zenith following the end of the Cold War. Many of these identical issues
are, likewise, appearing in corporate suites, on shop floors, in trading
centers, and in business schools – from Harvard, Stanford, and the
London Business School to smaller educational/training programs
literally around the world. Witness, now, the rise of The Integral Age.
The intent here will be to discuss the ramifications of this new epoch to
the general area of productivity, with a focus on redesign rather than
fine-tuning, on transformation rather than reformation or renewal, and
on open, flow-state dynamical systems rather than closed-in, boxed-in,
and rigid, final-state models and methodologies. Here are several of
the basic assumptions and processes that implement the Integral
Actually, the Integral Age is based on the 7th and 8th Level Value
Systems, the YELLOW and TURQUOISE ZONES in terms of the Spiral
Dynamics' conceptual system. The approaches to productivity in these
zones tend to favor the macro or whole-systems scale perspectives. If
these are "set right" at the very beginning, many of the micro and
meso issues and concerns will naturally follow suit. This will of
necessity unblock the constraints that have prevented the productivity
measures in the BLUE, ORANGE, and GREEN domains from actually
producing the results they desired. I worked for a number of years with
Middelburg Steel & Alloys company in the Eastern Transvaal in South
Africa. This heavy-industry organization was light years ahead of others
in that productivity efforts, and even safety-measures, were built into
the design of the total system rather than imposed as separate items
over the entire structure, operating codes, and output requirements.
Everything connected to everything else. All the decision-makers were
involved in all of the developmental programs. The requirements for
productivity improvement, safety regulation, and even diversity
development were featured on the evaluation forms for everybody. The
company was saturated with innovative versions of Value
Engineering/Value Management, and it extended from the executive
suite to the shop floor, and across all functions. This company and its
executives and staff played a major and defining role in the entire
South African transformation out of apartheid, as these principles were
applied in the Middelburg community and even into the National Peace
Finally, we are now constructing a method for assessing the core Value
Systems in entire cultures and societies so that we can detect major
tension zones, stress points, and early evidence of major changes on
the horizon.