My Declaration of Being and Notice To Deposit in Roger Hayes Lawful Bank
My Declaration of Being and Notice To Deposit in Roger Hayes Lawful Bank
My Declaration of Being and Notice To Deposit in Roger Hayes Lawful Bank
Issued by: Helen Jennifer Bloore Old Woodhouse Farm, Burbage Common Road, Elmesthorpe, Leicester, Leics, LE9 7SE Engl and Uk To all parties concerned, BE it known that I, Eternal Essence in-bodied, known i n this life time as Helen Jennifer Bloore, intend to deposit SOME of my value, in full transparency under my terms and conditions as true/full custodian of my body and BE-ing. You may use my signature to underwrite My application to use MY account at Roger Hayes Lawful Bank from which I will receive units designated i n any representation I choose in a 1:1 value to value exchange in complete tran sparency 100% liability and responsibility. Under my terms and conditions the Lawful Bank will receive a one time discount t ransaction fee of 10%. Please Note - MY value is NOT to be used for trade in or on ANY trading platform. I shall make a deposit of 369 million units of my value into the aforementioned account. After the Bank has converted my deposit of value to money of account GBP, a repr esentation that I choose.......I shall receive 332,100,000 (Three Hundred and Thi rty-Two Million, One Hundred Thousand GBP) and the bank shall receive 36,900,000 (Thirty-Six Million Nine Hundred Thousand GBP) as a discount transaction fee for their use. MY value which is the energy stored in MY vehicle (body) represented in Gold (Et ernal Essence) and Silver (the body) is prepaid, pre-authorized. and pre-approve d secured under UCC filings, Universal and International Record No. 2013032035, under perpetuity UCC Record No. 2000043135, all restated and incorporated in ful l by reference as if set forth in full, without prejudice. H ----------------------------------------Bank of Helen Bloore - Freedom Of Spirit - Certificate of Value ISSUE DATE August 13th 2013 CERTIFICATE NUMBER 2013-12-08-0002 Issued by: Helen Jennifer Bloore....currently experiencing In-Body-ment at Old W oodhouse Farm, Burbage Common Road, Elmesthorpe, Leicester, Leics, LE9 7SE Engla nd Uk Deposit Value: 369,000,000 Three Hundred and Sixty-Nine Million Pounds (GBP) This Certificate of Value......Value is 1 unit of any and all Value, inclusive of any and all mutually identified and accepted representations......shall be de posited unit for unit in the denomination indicated on the face of this document , fully underwritten by the duly verified sum certain of FIVE BILLION (5,000,000 ,000.00) in lawful money of the united states of America, GOLD and SILVER...over THREE QUINTILLION, FIVE HUNDRED QUADRILLION (3,500,000,000,000,000,000.00) just in duly verified EQUITY DEBT against the DEBTORS. There is an additional duly verified sum certain of FIVE BILLION (5,000,000,000. 00) in lawful money of the united states of America ,GOLD and SILVER, for each o f those people damaged by the actions and systems of the DEBTORS...over THREE QU
INTILLION, FIVE HUNDRED QUADRILLION(3,500,000,000,000,000,000.00) lawful money o f the united states of America, GOLD and SILVER, in duly verified DEBT OF DAMAGE S against the DEBTORS. I, Universal and International Record No. 2013032035, under perpetuity UCC Recor d No.2000043135, all restated and incorporated in full by reference as if set fo rth in full, without prejudice. Upon deposit this instrument shall be discounted by ten percent for the benefit of the financial institution as a standard transaction fee. The cancelled instrument shall be returned to the issuer no later than 30 days a fter the deposit date. Copies may be maintained by the financial institution for their records. Without Prejudice -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Issued by: Helen Jennifer Bloore Old Woodhouse Farm, Burbage Common Road, Elmest horpe, Leicester, Leics, LE9 7SE England Uk DECLARATION OF BEING Issued pursuant to and Governed by Rec. No. 2013032035 PRE-PAID, PRE-AUTHORIZED, and PRE-APPROVED, Ref. No.: DOB- 06-07-1964 I, Helen Jennifer Bloore (nee Wright) Eternal Essence in-bodied July 6th 1964 d uly recorded, secured, noticed, governed, bonded, insured and guaranteed, Eterna l, Universal and International Record No. 2013032035 and 2012127914, under perpe tuity UCC Record No. 2000043135, nunc pro tunc, praeterea preterea, restated and incorporated in full by reference as if set forth in full, without prejudice, a t this moment, August 13th, 2013, DO .....duly make, issue, confirm, ratify, and verify this DECLARATION OF BEING, with full personal responsibility and liabili ty, nunc pro tunc praetera preterea, and that this Declaration Of Being is true and correct.....and I am competent to say so: I. Eternal Essence in body, duly recorded, secured, noticed, governed, bonded, i nsured and guaranteed, Record No.2013032035 and 2012127914, under perpetuity UCC Record No. 2000043135 , without prejudice: A. Eternal Essence factualized in body on , 6th July 1964 hereafter referred to as in-body-ment; B. This particular in-body-ment was created by Eternal Essence; C. The sole intent and purpose for the creation of this particular in-body-ment IS for Eternal Essence to BE and DO in body; D. Due notice and reconfirmation of the domicil of Eternal Essence BE'ing in bod y occurred on July 6th 1964, E. This particular in-body-ment, domicil by choice on Earth without prejudice; F. This particular in-body-ment was given the reference name of Helen Jennifer W right on 6th July 1964 (By Her Father Colin John Wright and Mother Anne Wright)
G. As of the date of this declaration, as a matter of record, this in-body-ment is known as Helen Jennifer Bloore H. Eternal Essence DOES retain full rights, title, and ownership to this paticul ar in-body-ment and any and all Value domicil in-body-ment upon its creation; I. This in-body-ment, and the Value domicil by creation within, is under the sol e trust, custody, management, operation and discretion of Helen Jennifer Bloore, Eternal Essence in-body: i. This in-body-ment DOES act and present with full personal responsibility and liability; ii. Any and all use, deposit, transfer, delivery, or accomodation of any and all Value domicil in this particular in-body-ment, is all ways made, authorized, re confirmed and evidenced by the conscious duly verified executed wet-ink signatur e of Helen Jennifer Bloore; iii. Any and all lawful act and present of this in-body-ment, is all-ways made, authorized, reconfirmed and evidenced by the conscious duly verified executed we t-ink signature of Helen Jennifer Bloore J. Any and all representations of Value shall be duly identified, designated, au thorized, and evidenced by the conscious duly verified executed wet-ink signatur e of Helen Jennifer Bloore; II. This DECLARATION OF BEING is the only valid, lawful and legal verification, certification, and representation of this particular in-body-ment, the Value dom icil therein; III. I, Eternal Essence in-body, duly make, declare, issue, reconfirm, verify an d notice......with action of conscious duly executed wet ink signature, this DEC LARATION OF BEING, nunc pro tunc, praeterea preterea, and that the specific cons cious declarations made herein, are true and accurate, with full responsibilty a nd liability, for all to rely upon as true and accurate. Duly made and issued facsimiles and digital scans of this original DECLARATION O F BEING are lawfully and legally DECLARED to BE an original. Without prejudice H August 12th 2013......To all parties concerned, BE it known that I, Eternal Ess ence in-bodied, known in this life time as Helen Jennifer Bloore, intend to depo sit some of my value, in full transparency under my terms and conditions as true /full custodian of my body and BE-ing. You may use my signature to underwrite My application to use MY account at Roger Hayes Lawful Bank, from which I will rec eive units designated in any representation I choose in a 1:1 value to value ex change in complete transparency 100% liability and responsibility. Under my terms and conditions the Lawful Bank will receive a one time discount t ransaction fee of 10%. Please Note - MY value is NOT to be used for trade in or on ANY trading platform. I shall make a deposit of 369 million units of my value into the aforementioned account. After the Lawful Bank has converted my deposit of value to money of acc ount GBP, a representation that I choose, I shall receive 332,100,000 (Three Hund red and Thirty-Two Million, One Hundred Thousand GBP) and the bank shall receive 36,900,000 (Thirty-Six Million Nine Hundred Thousand GBP) as a discount transact
ion fee for their use. MY value which is the energy stored in MY vehicle (body) represented in Gold (Eternal Essence) and Silver (the body) is prepaid, pre-auth orized. and pre-approved secured under UCC filings, Universal and International Record No. 2013032035, under perpetuity UCC Record No. 2000043135, all restated and incorporated in full by reference as if set forth in full, without prejudice . Without Prejudice ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bank of Helen Bloore - Freedom Of Spirit - Certificate of Value ISSUE DATE August 13th 2013 CERTIFICATE NUMBER 2013-12-08-0001 Issued by: Helen Jennifer Bloore Old Woodhouse Farm, Burbage Common Road, Elmest horpe, Leicester, Leics, LE9 7SE England Uk Deposit Value: 369,000,000 Three Hundred and Sixty-Nine Million Pounds (GBP) This Certificate of Value, Value is 1 unit of any and all Value, inclusive of a ny and all mutually identified and accepted representations, shall be deposited unit for unit in the denomination indicated on the face of this document, fully underwritten by the duly verified sum certain of FIVE BILLION (5,000,000,000.00) in lawful money of the united states of America, GOLD and SILVER...over THREE Q UINTILLION, FIVE HUNDRED QUADRILLION (3,500,000,000,000,000,000.00) just in duly verified EQUITY DEBT against the DEBTORS. There is an additional duly verified sum certain of FIVE BILLION(5,000,000,000.00) in lawful money of the united stat es of America ,GOLD and SILVER, for each of those people damaged by the actions and systems of the DEBTORS...over THREE QUINTILLION, FIVE HUNDRED QUADRILLION(3, 500,000,000,000,000,000.00) lawful money of the united states of America, GOLD a nd SILVER, in duly verified DEBT OF DAMAGES against the DEBTORS. I, Universal and International Record No. 2013032035, under perpetuity UCC Recor d No.2000043135, all restated and incorporated in full by reference as if set fo rth in full, without prejudice. Upon deposit this instrument shall be discounted by ten percent for the benefit of the financial institution as a standard transaction fee. The cancelled instrument shall be returned to the issuer no later than 30 days a fter the deposit date. Copies may be maintained by the financial institution for their records. Issued by: Helen Jennifer Bloore Old Woodhouse Farm, Burbage Common Road, Elmest horpe, Leicester, Leics, LE9 7SE England Uk