GEA WS Juice-Brochure
GEA WS Juice-Brochure
GEA WS Juice-Brochure
4 6 6 7 7 8 9 10 12 13 15 15 15 16 16 18 19 20 21 21 22 24 24 26 26 26 2. Fruit and Vegetables as Raw Materials and vegetables 2.1 The anatomy and physiology of fruit 2.2 Definition of raw material 2.2.1 Fruit and vegetable juice Production of Fruit and Berry Juices separation technology and dynamic filtration 3.1 Production of apple juice by centrifugal 1. Introduction 26 27 27 29 31 32 36 37 37 38 38 40 5.3.1 Banana juice 5.3.2 Banana pure 5.4 Pomegranate Production of Vegetable Juices Carrot juice 6.1
29 6.
6.2 Producing beetroot juice 6.3 Producing pulp concentrate and juices with a defined pulp fraction Secondary Plant Metabolites from Natural Raw Materials Herb Extracts/Special Juices/ Nutraceuticals Systems for the Juice-Making Industry
8 3.
34 7. 35 8. 36 9.
3.1.1 Milling apples before extracting the juice 3.1.2 Producing natural cloudy apple juice (single strength) enzymes for producing clear concentrate of juice from apples 3.1.3 Producing apple juice by applying 3.1.4 GEA Westfalia Separator frupex process 3.1.5 Performance data for decanter extraction 3.1.6 Yield 3.2 Production of grape juice 3.3 Plum/date and cherry as examples of stone fruits feed yeasts 3.3.1 Date juice concentrate/liquid sugar/ 3.3.2 Cherry 3.4 Currants and strawberries as examples of berry fruits Special Applications 3.5 Production of pure 4.1 Processing residuals 4.2 Treating trub using decanters or separators 4.3 Concentrating retentate Tropical Fruits 5.1 Pineapple 5.1.1 Processing beverage juice 5.1.2 Mill juice production 5.2 Mango 5.3 Banana
9.1 Decanters 9.1.1 GEA Westfalia Separator varipond reliable mastery of solids concentration 9.1.2 Drive systems 9.2 Clarifiers high product quality and yield and hydry machines cover the full capacity range 9.2.1 GEA Westfalia Separator hyvol
9.2.2 GEA Westfalia Separator ecoplus separators for economic production of juice in the low capacity range
40 41 43 44 46
9.3 Rotary brush strainer and hydrocyclone 9.4 Ceramic membrane filtration 9.5 Line and control system better from a single source
21 4.
24 5.
1. Introduction
The fruit juice industry is a comparatively young sector. Juice has only been produced on a large industrial scale since the 1940s, when the first evaporator for citrus juices was developed in the USA. As hygiene standards became stricter, the products acquired a longer and longer shelf life a key condition for the continuous growth of the manufacturing companies. While markets in China, India and Eastern Europe are still growing today, the Western markets of Europe and North America are now experiencing cutthroat competition. In these saturated markets, niche products such as those made from tropical fruits or so-called superfruits, premium juices (NFC not from concentrate), pure, organic juices or products focusing on secondary plant metabolites are now becoming more and more important. If you look around the beverage section of a supermarket these days, you will discover a fascinating variety of fruit and vegetable juices. Virtually no other segment in the food industry is characterized by such a high degree of product diversification. A healthy diet is more of an issue than ever. This explains the current success of superfruits such as acai, goji berries, acerola, cowberries, cranberries and buckthorn berries.
Juices are made from these fruits not just because of taste, but primarily because of their nutritional values. The high level of antioxidants, which are ascribed a prophylactic effect against cancer, and other diseases, promises added value which is causing more and more consumers to reach for these products. These innovative products have resulted in new demands on an industry in which high yield has always had absolute priority. The focus is increasingly on machines which are easy to clean, sealed for maximum hygiene, processing without oxygen to reduce oxidation and particularly rapid, yet gentle juice extraction. GEA Westfalia Separator supplies customized processes and process lines for these and many other challenges. Centrifugal separation technology is still at the heart of cost-conscious production of high quality juice. It ensures optimum initial clarification before filtration, with minimal loss of juice. GEA Westfalia Separator hy dry and hy vol centrifuges provide the right concept for every requirement, depending on whether high yield or maximum throughputs are required. The GEA Westfalia Separator frupex method shows how it is possible to combine a gentle manufacturing process with maximum economy.
The perfect complement is membrane filtration using ceramic elements. It has proven its worth in the most difficult applications and its rugged filter membranes and minimal costs are convincing. As the solids are concentrated to the maximum, product losses are extremely slight. Retentates no longer require follow-up treatment. This modern filtering technique has a very wide variety of applications with colored juices, too and is successful wherever centrifugal separation technology reaches its natural boundaries. Further potential applications include peeling water clarification and processing of excess product from the canning industry or from the fresh fruit and vegetable trade.
5 3 4 4
7 8 9 11 12 10 14
6 GEA Westfalia Separator
Fig 3 Anatomy of apple tissue a: Cross-section; b: Electron microscope image, freeze-dried material; c: Peel; p: Flesh
100 m a
10 m
Microfibrils made of cellulose for wall stability are embedded in pectins, proteins and hemicelluloses of very different structures. These hydrocolloids form the basic amorphous structure which facilitates the metabolic processes of the cell. If fruit contains a lot of pectin (currants, for example, but also certain types of grape), this has a great deal of water bound in it and this makes it more difficult to obtain liquid from the vacuoles. To obtain juice economically, it is normally beneficial to break the pectin down using enzymes. To extract the juice from fruit and vegetables, the cell walls have to be broken open at a minimum of one point. In practice, this is usually achieved by a combination of mechanical and enzymatic measures, supported by high temperatures with certain products. Heating mashes makes the cell membranes permeable to juice. Some of the pectins are hydrolyzed by heat in this process. In process technology terms, the actual juice extraction which follows destruction of the cells is a separation of solid and liquid into serum and pulp or juice and pomace. If the phases are separated in presses, the active principle is the difference in pressure. The juice finds a way out through the insoluble constituents of the mash. With decanters, the active principle of separation is centrifugal force, which separates the liquid and solids on the basis of their differing densities. Depending on how the fruit has been pretreated and the phase separation technique, the juice obtained contains a certain quantity of trub substances. The particle size of these trub substances ranges from the colloidal to the coarsely-dispersed, in other words from less than a micron to several millimeters. The particles are essentially made up of fragments of cell wall, mainly skin, and accordingly contain high quantities of pectin, cellulose, minerals, proteins, lipids and tannins. As in natural cloudy apple juice, they can also include reaction products that originate from the cell compartmentalization being broken up in the milling stage. Some or all of these particles are removed as processing continues.
milled and then feeds a macerator in the immediate vicinity within the sealed system; the macerator has an interchangeable hole plate and cutting head. The number of cutting plates in the macerator varies. This allows individual adjustments to be made to suit the state of the fruit. Ripe apples need to be coarsely cut; underripe apples need a more intensive milling process. The hopper above the eccentric screw pump maintains throughput at a constant level. If necessary, it is fed via a metal detector and it controls its filling level by means of min./max. sensors. A mash buffer tank is consequently not required on the short route to phase separation. Following milling, further treatment of the mash depends on operational objectives. The variants below are found in the field: Direct juice extraction without mash stacking or storage, usually to produce single-strength juices Addition of enzymes to the mash in the cold state Addition of enzymes to the mash at heightened temperature (approx. 45C) Total liquefaction In practice, these options are combined with the addition of ascorbic acid to prevent browning.
The key factor in the production of natural cloudy juices is rapid processing. Pasteurization must follow immediately after extraction of juice to inactivate the natural enzymes in apple. Fig. 7 shows the change in particle sizes due to the effect of an added pectolytic enzyme. Damage to the hydrocolloid sheath of the particles causes the particles to agglomerate. This results in clarification of the juice. A similar reaction is caused by the fruits own enzymes contained in the juice when it is left to stand. To produce a juice high in trub content, a regular milling step can be followed by an ultrafine milling step. A variety of systems is in use, the following results were obtained in the field with a GCE 535 with Westfalia Separator varipond in combination with a toothed colloid mill.
10 Percent proportion by volume related to the total volume of all particles 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0.1 1 10 100 Particle size [m]
52.68 0
size [ m]
T ime
.] [min
The whole of the sealed process, from milling the apples to the trub-intensive apple juice, ideally takes only a few minutes. Investigations at Wdenswil College in Switzerland showed that the apple flavor starts developing immediately after milling. The flavor initially becomes more intense until the desired fresh apple note is lost after a while.
It was not possible to match this reaction/subjective perception to a specific chemical compound. The result recorded was that the most intensive and best flavor is achieved about ten minutes after the apple has been milled. These processes should then be inhibited by thermal pasteurization.
The proportion of stable turbidity is higher than with conventional pressing technology. Viscosity, on the other hand, is in the usual range between 1.5 and 2 cStokes. If a particularly high-viscosity juice with values of over 3 cStokes is to be produced, it is necessary to heat the mash to 4550C. Light-colored juices with stable and not overly intensive turbidity require ascorbic acid be added to the mash before centrifugation. At no time can the mash stand and come in contact with air. Under certain circumstances, a protective gas blanket can be used over the process line. Prognosis for stable juice turbidity in the bottle It is possible to predict the subsequent turbidity of the juice using a simple prognosis test. Changes in comparison to the level of turbidity directly after juicing are due to sedimentation of coarse particles and changes in structure during subsequent development.
Turbidity stability is measured by a centrifugation test. Turbidity stability (percent T) is given in the form of the turbidity of the supernatant following centrifugation (Tz) as a percentage related to the turbidity of the juice before centrifugation (To). This test is based on the match between the turbidity in the supernatant of the centrifuged juice and the turbidity in a juice which has been stored in a bottle for a year. The following holds true:
T0 = turbidity measured in turbidity units (TE/F) in the shaken sample of juice. T z = turbidity in the supernatant following centrifugation (15 min. at 4200 g in TE/F). % T = turbidity stability = proportion of turbidity in the supernatant related to the original turbidity in the shaken sample of juice. Fig. 10 shows the turbidity and turbidity stability of two apple juices, comparing production by press and decanter.
Fig. 10 Turbidity and turbidity stability of two apple juices, comparing production by press and decanter
These data show that with both techniques, around half the original turbidity will remain stable in suspension, but the decanter juice has three times greater turbidity intensity compared to press juice.
In addition, they may contain amylase, cellulase and protease activities. Pectolytic mash enzymes primarily hydrolyze the somewhat less esterified pectins of the central lamella. Addition of enzymes to the mash speeds up juice extraction and increases yields. Ripe and usually very soft apples, in particular, are virtually impossible to press and juice economically without the addition of enzymes. Apple mash to which enzymes have been added is particularly easy to juice using a decanter. The reduction in viscosity achieved by the action of the enzymes together with the elevated temperature lead to higher outputs and better degrees of clarification in the production of juices. The 1-stage process combines high yields with good juice quality, though it is virtually impossible to produce cloudy juices when enzymes are added to the mash.
The technical equipment required to produce juice by adding enzymes to the mash consists of an apple mill, mash temperature control device, enzyme-dispensing station and a dwell tank for the enzymatic reactions. Subsequent phase separation with the decanter enables yields of 90 percent and over to be achieved. A finisher separates off bits of peel, pips and core, allowing the throughput of the processing line to be increased. The parameters which affect yield and quality are the activities of the enzymes used, dwell time and temperature. The combined use of pectinases and cellulases finally leads to liquefaction of the mash. Complete hydrolysis of sugar-containing macromolecules causes the sugar content of the juice to rise considerably, along with the yield. The mash liquefaction process is legally permitted only in certain countries.
3.1.4 GEA Westfalia Separator frupex process for making clear concentrate
Clear apple juice is usually produced by rediluting concentrate. To this end, apple juice is produced and then evaporated to the desired Brix content of 70 to 72Brix following fining and filtration. In the GEA Westfalia Separator frupex process (see page 14), the apple mash is juiced in 2-stages using decanters. The first decanter stage corresponds to the production of natural cloudy juices. Rapid processing (with or without the use of enzymes) creates a premium juice of uniformly high quality. The pomace with much of its moisture removed is diluted with vapor condensate from the evaporator immediately. It is discharged from decanter I and is heated to a temperature of about 45 50C. Following a reaction period, phase separation is carried out again in decanter II. Adding enzymes during the reaction period increases yield and throughput. The second juice does not have the quality of the primary juice and is not usually suitable for the production of cloudy juices. Ideally, it is processed into clear concentrate.
Fig. 12 shows a GEA Westfalia Separator frupex line with reaction tanks for degradation of pectin by enzymes. The downstream separator is for follow-up clarification. In the initial evaporation stages, the flavor is removed from the juice obtained in this way, and evaporation is continued to create a semiconcentrate of approx 20Brix. The semiconcentrate from which the flavor has been removed has to be stabilized to prevent subsequent turbidity due to reactions between phenolic compounds and proteins. Fining agents (such as bentonite, gelatine and Kieselsol) and/or enzymes are usually used for this. Precise trials need to be conducted beforehand to achieve the best possible effect. Decanter juices have to be treated differently than pressed juices because of the different type of structure and concentration of colloidal and coarsely dispersed trub substances. Over the past few years, ultrafiltration has become established as the method for polishing the stable supernatant produced during fining. Use of the ceramic membrane has a range of benefits here, particularly the option of concentrating the retentate to a solids content of up to 90 percent by volume.
Raw material in
Other advantages include mechanical stability to pressures of up to 100 bar and temperatures of over 100C. The many advantages of this system, in addition to its technology and engineering, are described separately in Section 9.4. Finally the semiconcentrate is adjusted to the desired Brix content in the evaporator. Fig. 13 shows concepts for GEA Westfalia Separator frupex lines with the different machine types for different processing outputs. Different outputs are possible with different machine configurations.
The outputs quoted are based on yields of 90 percent or more for mashes to which enzymes have been added.
Adding enzymes to the mash of white grapes before phase separation can increase the yield and improve the degree of clarity of the juice produced. The juice then has the flavor removed, is subjected to an initial concentration process and the semiconcentrate is fined and clarified by ultrafiltration. To prevent subsequent precipitation of cream of tartrate, the contact method is used in conjunction with the GEA Westfalia Separator separation process. Following this tartrate stabilization process, the preconcentrated grape juice can be evaporated to the desired Brix content. The process for the production of red grape juice is modified to extract the valuable phenolic compounds, namely colors and tannins, from the cells of the skins. For this purpose, with red grapes, for example, the mash is heated to 80 85 C for 2 6 minutes and is then fed directly to the decanter without any time to stand. The hot juice is then vigorously exchanged with cold mash on the countercurrent principle and cooled down by a further cooling unit. In the case of particularly pectin-rich varieties such as the Concord grape, for example (Hot Concord process), it is recommended that enzymes be added to the mash following heating and cooling but before it is passed to the decanter. The following applications may arise for separators and decanters in conjunction with ultrafiltration during the production of grape juice: Extracting juice from the grape mash Clarifying the freshly obtained juice Polishing the juice clarified and stabilized by means of enzymes or by fining agents Clarifying the retentate in conjunction with ultrafiltration Ultrafiltration Cream of tartrate separation
15 GEA Westfalia Separator
3.1.6 Yield
Since raw material is often expensive, the juice must be obtained economically and at a high quality. The easiest way to represent the yield from extraction of juice from apples is to figure how many kg of juice have been obtained from 100 kg of mash. Yields of 90 percent or more can be achieved in the 2-stage GEA Westfalia Separator frupex process. However, in order to get a rapid overview of yield, it is possible to determine the dry substance in the pomace discharged. These values can be determined by using an infrared drying lamp within 20 30 minutes.
The production of grape juice by decanter has both qualitative and economic benefits compared to the conventional process: Gentle method Better sensory quality No filtration auxiliaries required For red grapes, there are additional benefits: Higher color yield Continuous process Simple cleaning Flexible and reliable Simple and space-saving
3.3 Plum/date and cherry as examples of stone fruits 3.3.1 Date juice concentrate/ liquid sugar/feed yeasts
The growing requirement for foods means that raw agricultural materials which were once used only little or only locally are being processed into usable, high-quality products. The special decomposition method and centrifugal separation mean that it is not only possible to obtain juice, but also by-products for food and animal feed or primary materials for biotechnology and chemistry.
Feed belt
Heating tanks
Other applications for date processing include: Addition of yeast to raw juices to create baking and feed yeasts Production of liquid sugar Production of vitamins by fermenting sugar Pharmaceutical products Production of alcohol or vinegar
Description of line
Dates are cleaned intensively in a washing device and fed via an inspection belt to either a tank heater with stirrer or to a continuous steaming screw. The stones are removed from the heated dates which are then routed to the continuous diffusion process. To this end, a partial-flow of cooked date juice (second extraction stage for sugar recovery) and fresh water (can be water vapor) is added to the diffusion volume in a particular ratio. After the required reaction time, the hot date mash is passed to the first decanter process stage for juicing and phase separation. After being returned to the mash via agitator tanks and heated for follow-up extraction (cooked juice), the juiced solid phase passes through the second decanter stage.
The extracted raw juice of the first stage (approx. 18 20Brix) is routed via a buffer tank straight to the downstream clarifier for the juice-polishing stage. The subsequently clarified raw juice is taken to the evaporator for concentration via a CrossFlow Filtration system. The concentrate (approx. 70Brix) is processed further by the mixing unit and the tube heater downstream for sterile filling or tank storage.
3.3.2 Cherry
To make cherry juice, the washed fruits can be processed in different ways. Stone removers/ finishers can be used first to prevent a blockage in the tubular heat exchanger downstream. Heating is performed either by tubular heat exchangers or by steam screw (blancher). When juice is extracted by a decanter, it is not absolutely essential to remove stones, but the supply tank which feeds the decanter should be equipped with a stirrer to prevent sedimentation of the stones and to ensure a homogeneous feed. No tannins or cyanogens are extracted in the decanter itself. The flavor is then removed from the juice obtained, it is initially concentrated and enzymes are added.
The fining process which follows addition of the enzymes is responsible for color stability and intensity and trub quantity. An ultrafiltration unit with ceramic filter elements is now used for polishing. The juices filtered with these membranes show that color loss can be virtually ruled out in contrast to polymer membranes. Following polishing, the next step is the evaporation process to the desired Brix content. In addition to the two types of stone fruit already mentioned, peaches, apricots, sloes or Cornelian cherries can also be juiced with equal success. The necessary process technology should be modified accordingly.
Heat exchanger
Raw material in
Milling Decanter
Addition of enzymes/fining
Cross-Flow Filtration
Raw material in
2-stage milling
Heat exchanger
Addition of enzymes/fining
Cross-Flow Filtration
However, the machine parameters and fining sequence need to be adapted to the particular type of berry. Ultrafiltration is increasingly being performed with the aid of a Cross-Flow unit, displacing the traditional DE filtration. It is important here to select the correct pore size. The ceramic membrane with a very fine pore size has become established in practice. The key benefit of the ceramic membrane is its ability to concentrate the solids in the retentate to up to 90 percent. This minimizes juice losses and renders awkward diafiltration unnecessary. Compared to plastic membranes, discoloration is reduced as well. This saves time and money for the subsequent evaporation step. Further comments about filtration with ceramic membranes are summarized in Section 9.4.
Decanter type GCE 535 is fitted with GEA Westfalia Separator varipond. Outputs in line with Fig. 18 can be achieved with this setup.
This task can likewise be performed with the decanter. The focus here is not on maximum clarification, but on classification. By selecting suitable machine parameters, the undesired constituents of the fruit can be selectively discharged at a high level of dry substance. Alternatively, a pure can be made with a finisher, though there is almost no possibility in this case of adjusting the consistency of the pure. If you combine a finisher and a decanter, pures of any specification can be produced. Concentrated pures with a solid consistency are just as possible as a more juice-like, liquid pure. The processing line can then also be used to make juice.
Finisher Fruit
Sterile filling
KZE Abb. 19 Production diagram for making juice and pures from apricots
4. Special Applications
4.1 Processing residuals
In addition to the production of juices, a whole series of other products such as fruit cocktails are also obtained from fruit. The canning industry - factories processing pineapple or carrots, for example - produces peeling waste and tops and tails. Like second-quality produce (non-standard growth), these constituents cannot be processed by the factories directly. Yet these parts of the fruit contain considerable recoverable quantities of sugar and extract and are therefore juiced like the fruit itself. Preparation of the mash is generally modified and adapted to suit the requirements in question. Fig. 20 shows the processing output of pear residues. The use of decanter technology allows parts which used to be discarded to be processed for further extraction.
Optimizing trub processing Sixty to eighty percent of this trub sediment consists of recoverable juice. Phase separation can be performed continuously by decanter without auxiliaries and in a sealed system. The option of processing very quickly maintains the juice at optimum quality. Eighty-five to ninety-eight percent of the solids are separated off, guaranteeing that the juice returns directly to the main flow. The solids themselves can be dumped. It is important that the trub which forms is processed fresh and has not started to ferment. If the trub has started to ferment, this can considerably reduce the clarifying performance of the decanter as a result of the carbon dioxide which forms (trub floats).
Cleaning cycles are determined by the formation of a layer coating the membranes. If a separator is used in the secondary current to the retentate circuit, cleaning intervals and permeate output can be considerably improved. At a secondary current output of 10 20 percent of the circulation output of the retentate, solids are continuously separated and too great a concentration is prevented. A similar effect can be achieved if the separator is installed in the feed to the operating tank of the ultrafiltration unit and initial clarification is carried out on the whole of the juice batch. In this case, the separator output has to be adapted to the permeate output. With secondary current separation in the retentate circuit, the centrifuge can be smaller.
The solids from the centrifuge can be disposed of with the pomace, so do not form a separate waste flow. However, retentate is still produced in the filter, even if in considerably smaller quantities. As an alternative to the separator, the decanter can also be used. It is more tolerant of abrasive media such as bentonite and is also suitable for elevated trub content in the juice. 2. Concentrating the retentate in batches using a decanter A further option for processing retentate is to collect it in a separate tank at the end of filtration and to clarify it in parallel with regular daily tasks.
The retentate is diluted with water, then heated to 80 85C and clarified in the decanter. The clarified juice then has a residual solids content of approx. 0.5 percent by vol. and can be routed back into current production. The hard solids can likewise be disposed of with the pomace again. The dry substance of the solids is in the range of up to 30 percent D.S. As a result of this process running in parallel with the regular juicing operation, the hourly rate of this line can be relatively small and investment consequently low.
5. Tropical Fruits
5.1 Pineapple
Both decanters and separators are used to process pineapples into juice. In principle, two different products are obtained so-called mill juice (from pineapple skin) and beverage juice from flesh components. Beverage juice is used as juice; mill juice is used purely for clear toppings in the canning industry. broken down into three components: cylindrical flesh (the cylinders are then sliced as typically done for canned fruit), peel and juice material. This consists of the pineapple core, and the flesh obtained from between the skin and the cylinder. Some factories divert some of this material to produce crushed pineapple a kind of pineapple pure. The fruit is juiced by the traditional screw presses which generate a high proportion of solids in the juice. Screw presses are used in a 3- or even 4-stage arrangement.
The discharging juice has 1213Brix and a solids content of up to 35 percent by volume. It may contain undesired solids such as bits of peel. As an end product, it is supposed to have a solids content of 812 percent by volume for low-pulp juice. For high-pulp juice, solids contents of 12 18 percent by volume are usual. Clarification normally takes place at elevated temperatures. There are two process technology variants.
Initial clarification is performed by finishers (strainers) which remove all coarse fibers. The juice is then clarified by separators. Solids contents in the juice produced may be set to between 218 percent by volume or lower.
The juice coming from the separator can be set to the desired solids content by controlling the throughput. Alternatively, the juice can also be clarified by decanter. This makes it possible to reduce considerably the number of process stages required for clarification because the finishers (strainer units) are omitted. The juice produced in this way is evaporated to the desired concentration in multi-stage falling film evaporators. A specific variant for producing high-quality pineapple juice is to use decanters with a 2-gear drive to extract juice directly from the pineapple mash. This process is based on the GEA Westfalia Separator frupex method which uses fewer machines. The potential savings are considerable here, and the quality of the end product can also be improved, as the process time at elevated temperature is shorter and associated heat damage and oxidation are reduced considerably.
If the raw pure is very heavily loaded with fragments of stone because of either poor equipment or processing varieties which have stones which fracture easily, it may make sense to put in a separator downstream of the decanter to remove the fragments entirely.
5.3 Banana
A small proportion of the worlds banana harvest is processed into long-life products on an industrial scale processing primarily banana juice and pure. The objective during processing is to avoid oxidation and discoloration by blanketing with CO and/or adding vitamin C. The mash is then brought to a temperature for adding enzymes using tubular heaters. In order to prevent polyphenol oxidase activity at this stage, the mash can be heated to the relevant inactivation temperature and then cooled down to enzyme reaction temperature. The appropriate enzymes allow a drastic reduction in viscosity to be achieved. Once prepared in this way, the mash is then easy to separate in a decanter. There are two slightly differing process variants depending on the end product required.
5.2 Mango
Mangos are almost always processed into pures or concentrated pures. To do this, the fruit is washed, possibly treated with steam and subjected to a subsequent maturing process. The fruit is then coarsely milled and heated in a heated screw. In countries where it is grown, the fruit is often stored until fully ripe and then cut up by hand. The stones are then removed by a 2-stage finisher (strainer) and the flesh strained. The pure is heated and the classification process in the decanter removes undesired solids. Fragments of stone, brown specks and black specks can also be removed by this process. The decanter also protects the evaporator downstream from blockages due to solids. Mango pure can only be produced in a practical way without a decanter if cultivation conditions are ideal and if virtually fiber-free varieties (e.g. Kensington, Alfonso) are processed and there is no concentration in the evaporator (single-strength pure).
Initial evaporation
Decanter Clarifier
5.4 Pomegranate
The pomegranate originates from Western and Central Asia, but this fruit has also been cultivated in the Mediterranean region for hundreds of years. Years ago, its high number of seeds was thought to be responsible for its healthy properties, today we know that this effect is due to a high content of polyphenols and other bioactive substances. Under the thick skin are up to 7 compartments enclosed by membranes which contain the numerous seeds. Each seed is surrounded by a soft, fleshy, transparent pink to dark red aril.
Following the obligatory cleaning and picking over of the fruit, the first step is to break open and remove the outer skin. The juicy fruit cells thus obtained are gently opened in a squeezing device and pumped into the decanter by an eccentric screw pump. The decanter separates the juice from the seeds and remaining solids. This separation process is very gentle on the product as it involves juicing very quickly in a sealed space. The very gentle treatment of the seeds, which are hardly damaged at all, ensures that extraction of undesired polyphenols (e.g. tannins) can be reduced to a minimum. Directly after juicing, the juice is pasteurized to inactivate microorganisms and the enzymes in the fruit. The subsequent fining, filtration and possibly evaporation steps are performed under customary fruit processing conditions, though taking account of fruit-specific requirements.
Evaporation Juice
The process shown with intensive milling is aiming to extract as many secondary plant metabolites as possible. As the conventional press technology requires a coarser degree of milling to allow phase separation through drainage routes in the pomace cake, the decanter can process extremely fine particles. As a result, there is more intensive extraction of valuable constituents like betacarotene in the decanter. The carotenoids of the carrot can be found in chromoplasts and are present in the form of crystalline structures. As the carotenoids are extracted more intensively, the juices from decanters are much more intensely colored than comparable press juices. The pomace itself is correspondingly less intensely colored. Carrot juices are characterized by a high total carotene content. Depending on variety, the concentration fluctuates between 3 and 16 mg of carotene per 100 g fresh weight. The main proportion of these total carotenoids is represented by beta-carotene, which makes up between 60 and 90 percent of total carotene. Beta-carotene has nutritional significance as provitamin A and a natural antioxidant, which interrupts the free radical chain reaction and thus prevents new free radicals from forming. Another form of the carrot is the black carrot. This has a higher sugar content and a higher content of anthocyanogens. These anthocyanogens belong to the group of secondary plant constituents and have many potential uses. In principle, this type of carrot is processed under the same conditions as those for conventional orange carrots.
Another process technology benefit of using a decanter is the direct adjustment of the pulp fraction in the juice. Commercial juices are supplied with a pulp fraction content of between 2 and 15 percent by volume. When conventional press technology is used, vegetable pulp has to be produced in a separate process in which enzymes are then added and the pulp is mixed into the low-trub juice. There is a direct link between pulp fraction, the torque of the screw, the dry substance in the pomace and the differential speed of rotation between the bowl and the scroll. The latter determines the dwell time of the mash in the bowl and thus the dry substance in the pomace. It is set to the ideal level at the start of processing as a function of process and product and regulates itself automatically as conditions change. Pulp fraction (trub) in the clear phase is clearly dependent on torque. In producing clear juice, on the other hand, scroll torque is minimized. If a higher pulp fraction is required, this can be achieved by increasing torque.
Stone/earth removal
Initial wash
Product in
Steam peeler
Inspection belt
The product is given a shelf life and stored under sterile conditions by the conventional method. Various processing routes are used to make vegetable products, depending on the raw material in question. Individual factories have various different methods of preparation, mash production, obtaining the juice and completing the product.
6.3 Producing pulp concentrate and juices with a defined pulp fraction
As already described under item 3.5 Production of pure, a pure or pulp can also be prepared from vegetables. The pulp has a fine homogeneous and pasty consistency and has a great many applications. Vegetable pulp products like tomato pure, for example, reach the consumer as products in their own right. In many cases, pulp products and especially vegetable pulp concentrates are used in various branches of the food industry as semifinished products. Vegetable juices are often mixed with a defined pulp fraction to create high-quality independent products. For example, carrot juices with a pulp content of 5 15 percent are sold (see Section 6.1). The job of separation technology is now to separate off undesired particles such as pips, peel, seeds or hard pieces of tissue. Vegetable pulp is thus a homogeneous vegetable product with a comparatively high proportion of solids. With conventional press technology, two process lines and the corresponding supplementary units are required to produce juices with a high trub content. The first production line makes pressed juices with a low trub content; the second line makes vegetable pulp. The intermediate products are then mixed in an additional step. If a high-performance decanter with torquedependent differential speed control is used to make these products, one process line is sufficient. If the decanter parameters are set appropriately, it is possible to add defined pulp fractions (fine fractions) continuously to the juice while the vegetable mash is being juiced. As a consequence of the common processing and storage of both product components, there are benefits such as: Simplification of the process Reduced costs Improved quality
The use of decanters on the modified serum principle allows production processes to be optimized in the production of pulp concentrates. Once the raw material has been prepared, the mash obtained is treated with heat and with enzymes. Enzymatic maceration is intended to improve the phase separation of serum and pulp (the solid part of the pulp). Following activation of the enzymes by heat, the mash is strained and fed to a decanter. The centrifugal forces discharge the solid (pulp) and the liquid (serum) from the decanter separately, allowing them to be processed separately (cf. Fig. 32). The serum is then concentrated in suitable evaporators and the flavor is recovered. The serum and flavor concentrate obtained in this way are mixed back into the pulp from the decanter. This process results in a whole series of benefits compared to the conventional processes: Low thermal stress means gentle concentration of the serum (liquid fraction) Flavor recovered from the serum fraction and returned to the product in full Gentle concentration of the pulp fraction (solid) Concentrate line operates for a long time (reduced loading with solids) and is consequently economical As flavor is completely returned and thermal load is less, the sensory quality of the product (color, smell, taste) is improved.
Raw material
Addition of enzymes
Pulp concentrate
Extraction of air
Sterile storage
Disc angle, disc diameter and number of discs have to be matched to the different products. At a relatively high loading with solids in the feed, e.g. in fruit juice clarification, effective capacity also depends on the size of the solids chamber and possible ejection frequency. Effects on clarification Many factors influence the efficiency of centrifugal clarification. Both product- specific and mechanical parameters have an effect. The first group includes particle size, specific density, viscosity and the proportion of solids in the liquid to be clarified. In mechanical terms, it is primarily g-force, equivalent clarification area and the solids storage volume of the bowl which are the key factors. On a specified separator, there are options for improving degree of clarification. Measures frequently used include: Reducing capacity Adding fining agents to form particles Increasing temperature to reduce viscosity Diluting with water to reduce density and viscosity
9.2.1 The GEA Westfalia Separator hyvol and hydry generations of machines cover the full capacity range
Both hy vol and hy dry machines cover the full range of capacities in the beverage industry with optimum machine sizes for each application. The separators have been optimized in terms of customer benefit and rapid integration in a users individual process. The principle of GEA Westfalia Separator hyvol is to provide maximum effective capacity for the specified volume of investment. GEA Westfalia Separator hyvol is what GEA Westfalia Separator calls separators with an ejection system for piston valves. Use of the hydrohermetic feed minimizes the negative impact of shear forces and guarantees optimum separating efficiency.
Separation performance and product quality are consequently ideal. The hydrohermetic seal prevents the product from becoming contaminated by ambient air. This seal simultaneously combines optimum compatibility for CIP with no need for maintenance. A final feature shared by all GEA Westfalia Separator hy vol systems is their very fast ejection valves. The focus with these machines is on a very high hourly output. The focus in developing GEA Westfalia Separator hydry separators was on achieving the greatest possible dry substance content in the solids. With these machines, the greatest
content of dry substance is in the normal range thanks to the GEA Westfalia Separator hydrostop ejection principle. The optimum solids concentration is reflected in very short pay-back times, especially if, as in the juice industry, large quantities of liquid have to be processed. Product losses are extremely low. All GEA Westfalia Separator hy dry and hy vol separators are equipped with belt drives. They are characterized by their ability to be put to multifunctional use. The benefits of GEA Westfalia Separator hydry separators become particularly clear when the objective is to clarify high-quality products. The minimized product losses can lead to a short pay-back time for the lines.
Fig. 38 Clarifier GSC 150 with GEA Westfalia Separator hydrostop system
9.2.2 GEA Westfalia Separator ecoplus separators for economic production of juice in the low capacity range
GEA Westfalia Separator has developed a new generation of separators for small-scale production. This range of machines, sold under the name GEA Westfalia Separator eco plus Economy and more represents a good-value alternative to existing solid/liquid separation systems in the juice industry. The type GSC 15 and GSC 25 separators, in particular, have been optimized for smaller factories and specialized products. These machines, developed in accordance with the new standardization concept, can be used in capacity ranges of between 500 l/h and 3000 l/h. The basic models have many of the features which have made GEA Westfalia Separator machines irreplaceable in juice manufacture. Part of the new development concept is the traditional GEA Westfalia Separator hydro stop system. This system takes spun particles of solids out of the machine in a particularly dry state. The advantage for the juice industry is maximum juice yield. No other separator system can be used to create so much value. Another highlight is the hydrohermetic liquid seal which prevents the product coming into contact with the outside air and thus absorbing oxygen.
Filtrate/ permeate
Cloudy juice
The volume of filtrate which flows off is replaced by cloudy juice. The feed pump puts cloudy juice into the filtration circuit. Part of the flow of retentate is passed back into the process tank. In the course of filtration, the solids become concentrated in the retentate circuit. Ceramic membrane The core element of these units are ceramic membranes with a pore size of 20 to 200 nm. They are extremely resistant to temperature, pressure and chemicals, easy to clean and, compared to polymer membranes, have a very long service life. Over 1000 lines supplied all over the world, many of them in the fruit juice industry, have already been working at a constantly high output for twenty years. Only a ceramic membrane makes it possible to concentrate retentate until there is no free juice left, as illustrated in Fig. 42. This allows operators to extend filter cycles considerably and to minimize product loss.
Filtration of colored juices GEA Westfalia Separator also uses the same ceramic filter membrane employed for apple juice for filtering colored juices. However, the fundamentally complex filtration properties of colored juices such as elderberry juice, mean that output is reduced. The ceramic membrane has key advantages from the choice of material to start with. It is unable to adsorb coloring constituents, as the material is completely inert. On the other hand, its pore size is much smaller than that of a polymer membrane, so that particles can only penetrate the pore opening to a very limited extent. This means that formation of a coating on the surface is reduced, achieving a much higher specific flux per unit surface area. The use of fining agents such as activated carbon and bentonite is likewise possible. Line parameters and dispensing quantities of the fining agents should be taken into account here. Fig. 43 shows a filtration line for processing apple juice and colored juices. The output with apple juice is 10,000 l/h. A further characteristic of the ceramic membrane is that filtration performance is stable throughout the filtration cycle and only decreases slightly towards the end of filtration.
Combining filtration equipment with centrifuges Combination with centrifugal separation technology allows product losses to be minimized. A separator or decanter is operated in a by-pass circuit to filtration. This machine separates spundried solids and thus slows down concentration of solids in the retentate. This topic is discussed in more detail in Section 4.3Concentrating retentate. However, in this connection it should also be pointed out that the individual combination of filter and centrifuge depends on the overall configuration of the processing line.
A variety of components is used which can be flexibly designed to suit customer requirements. Our automation department then has the task of working out the ideal automation solution from process, machine, drive and control technology. The more complex a line, the greater the demands placed on automation.
10. Summary
Separation of solid and liquid phases has played a pivotal role in the production of fruit and vegetable juices. Mechanical separation technology from GEA Westfalia Separator supports all processes and methods. Highly-pure premium juices are manufactured as reliably as natural cloudy vegetable juices, trend products made from superfruits or designer juices from secondary plant metabolites. Process management can be flexibly adjusted to suit the product required. The GEA Westfalia Separator frupex process represents an important step forward. For decades, juice was clarified exclusively after traditional pressing of the different types of fruit. GEA Westfalia Separator frupex has now rendered the conventional pressing method, with its many disadvantages, redundant. For the first time, the process allows decanters and separators to be used in a complete processing line. Continuous process management is adapted on an individual basis to cover every step, from juicing the mash to clarifying the retentate. Besides increasing yield, the key benefits of the process are its reliability, flexibility and production of premium quality product. Fruit is handled much more gently with GEA Westfalia Separator frupex than is possible with conventional press methods. The fruits valuable constituents are largely retained. In order to be able to remove particles <1m from the juice and thus achieve juices of perfect clarity, GEA Westfalia Separator has added membrane filtration using ceramic elements to the centrifugation step. Centrifuges and membrane filters can be combined in an overall process to form high-performance Westfalia Separator hybrid solutions. Separation technology from GEA Westfalia Separator has been proven in the production of vegetable juices, too. In this instance, the use of our decanters leads to rapid, continuous and lowoxidation juice extraction.
High yields of high-quality vegetable juices can be obtained under hygienic conditions. The gentle processing method maintains valuable constituents and thus supports a health- giving effect. In addition to obtaining juice, mechanical separation technology from GEA Westfalia Separator is also used to process secondary quality products and deal with waste water treatment. The advantages are recovery of high-quality constituents and reduced disposal costs. The product range also includes components such as hydrocyclones and rotary brush strainers, putting GEA Westfalia Separator in a position to supply complete process lines with all the necessary elements. To give juice producers additional flexibility, mechanical separation technology can be installed on mobile systems. The mobile containers can be used directly where the fruit or vegetables are harvested, avoiding long distances and high costs for transport.
11. Literature
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Authors of this technical/scientific documentation: Dr. Stefan Pecoroni Rdiger Flocke Wolfgang Gnnewig Ingo Schmitt
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Westfalia, Westfalia Separator, frupex, varipond, hydry, and hyvol are registered trademarks of GEA Westfalia Separator GmbH. 2486