Electric Charges and Electric Fields: Chapter A

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Chapter A

Electric Charges and Electric Fields

Blinn College - Physics 2426 - Terry Honan

A.1 - Electric Charge

Properties of Charge
There are two types of electric charge. Like charges repel and unlike attract.
We can label the types with signs. The choice of positive and negative is arbitrary.

Electric charge is conserved.

The other fundamentally conserved quantities are: energy, linear momentum and angular momentum; these were discussed in the first semester mechanics course. A conserved quantity cannot be created or destroyed. To charge a body one can add charges to it or remove charges from it.

Electric charge is quantized.

Any charge is an integer multiple of the fundamental charge e. The unit of charge is C = Coulombs, which is considered a fundamental unit in the SI system.

Q = n e, where e = 1.602 10-19 C

The definition of the Coulomb will be given later, when we discuss the magnetic force between two conductors. Take the value of the fundamental charge e as our tentative definition. Normal matter consists of protons, neutrons and electrons with charges shown here.

Particle Charge proton +e neutron 0 electron -e

It is clear that any combination of these will satisfy the charge quantization rule Q = n e.

Aside on Quarks
Quarks are particles with fractional charge that combine to form a class of particles called hadrons, which includes protons and neutrons. Normal matter consists of combinations of two quarks: the up quark u and the down quark d. The electron is not made up of quarks and is believed to be fundamental.

Quark Charge u d +3 e -3 e
1 2

The existence of fractionally charged quarks only occur in integer charged combinations in nature. Combinations with three quarks form a class of particles called baryons, neutrons and protons are examples. In addition to quarks there are antiquarks, which are the antiparticle counterpart of quarks; antiparticles are particles of the same mass but have the opposite charge. Three antiquarks make antibaryons. Also, a quark q and an antiquark q combine to form a class of particles called mesons.

Particle proton neutron antiproton

Quark Content uud udd uud

Chapter A - Electric Charges and Fields

antineutron positive pion negative pion

udd ud ud

In addition to the up and down quarks there are four more quarks: the strange quark s, the charmed quark c, the bottom quark b and the top quark t. The charmed and top have the same charge as the up quark and the strange and bottom have the came charge as the down. These exotic quarks do not occur in usual matter but may be created by sufficiently powerful accelerators.

A.2 - Coulombs Law

The first understood of the fundamental forces was gravity, which was described by Newton with his law of universal gravitation. Coulomb successfully described the electrostatic force between charges by analogy to gravity.

Review of Gravity
Newton's law of gravity is an inverse square law between point masses. If m1 and m2 are point masses separated by distance r the magnitude of the force between them is


m1 m2 r2
m1 m2
2 r12 m1 m2 3 r12

This can be written as a vector expression. Let r12 be the vector from mass 1 to mass 2 and let F 12 be the force on mass 2 due to mass 1.

F 12 = -G = -G

` r12 r12

m1 ` r12

r12 F 12


Note that a unit vector is denoted by a " ^ " placed over the symbol and a vector has a "1" over it. A vector A divided by its magnitude ` A ` A = A is a unit vector A = . So it follows that the unit radial vector r is the position vector divided by r, its magnitude. The two vector

expressions above are equivalent because

` r r ` r r= = r r2 r3

Coulomb's Law
Coulomb found the force law for electrostatics by analogy to gravity. Mass is the gravitational analog of charge. There are two key differences between the electric and gravitational cases. Electric charge can be positive or negative but mass is always positive. The force between two masses is attractive but the force between like charges is repulsive. The electric force is an inverse square law between point charges. The magnitude of the force is

F = ke

Q1 Q2 r2

where the absolute values guarantee a positive result. The constant ke is a universal constant, like Newton's gravitational constant G. It is related to another constant 0 , which is usually taken as more fundamental.

0 = 8.85 10-12 ke 1 4 p 0

C2 N m2 N m2 C2

= 8.99 109

Chapter A - Electric Charges and Fields

Example A.1 - Gravititational versus Electrical Attraction for a Hydrogen Atom

In addition to the attractive electric force between a proton and an electron there is also gravitational attraction as well. Is it important to consider gravity when studying the physics of the hydrogen atom? What is the ratio of the gravitational to electric attraction between a proton and an electron?

The values of the relevant constants are :

ke = 8.99 109 N m2 C2 G = 6.673 10-11 N m2 kg2 e = 1.602 10-19 C melectron = 9.11 10-31 kg mproton = 1.673 10-27 kg
The electric and gravitational forces have magnitudes :

Felec = ke Fgrav = G

Q1 Q2 r2

= ke e2 r2

m1 m2 r2

= G melectron mproton r2

We now take the ratio. Note that because both forces vary as inverse square laws, the ratio does not depend on the distance between particles, r.

Fgrav Felec

G melectron mproton r2 ke e r
2 2

G melectron mproton ke e2

= 4.41 10-40

The above number is dimensionless and is thus independent of units. This small numeric value shows that unless 40 digit accuracy is needed, we can ignore gravity when studying the hydrogen atom. The smallness of this value poses a fundamental question : How does some underlying theory that unifies gravity with the other forces, the strong nuclear force and the electroweak force, give rise to such a small dimensionless number. There is no such unified theory now but it is considered an ultimate goal of physics.

To get a vector expression for the force we must include both possibilities, attractive and repulsive. In the case of like charges Q1 Q2 > 0 and unlike charges give Q1 Q2 < 0.

F 12 = ke = ke

Q1 Q2
2 r12

` r12 r12

Q1 Q2
3 r12

Q1 ` r12

r12 F 12 Q 1 Q 2 <0

Q2 F 12 Q 1 Q 2 >0

Note that the above expressions differ from the gravitational result by a sign. This is because in the gravitational case there are only like "charges" (mass is positive) and it is attractive but in the electric case, like charges repel. To find the force on a charge due to a distribution of charge one adds the forces due to each charge in the distribution. Force is a vector and this addition is then vector addition..

Example - Two Point Charges

An 80 mC is at H3 m, 0L and a -50 mC is at H0, -2 mL. What is the force on the -50 mC charge?

Chapter A - Electric Charges and Fields

The vector from Q1 = 80 mC to Q2 = -50 mC is r = X-3 m, -2m\, where we choose the vector form the other charge to the charge we are calculating the force on. Two equivalent forms of Coulombs force law are

F = ke Q1 Q2

` r r2

and F = ke Q1 Q2

r r3

Since these are equivalent one should choose the form that is easiest. If the vector r is along an axis then the unit vector form is ` ` easier. As an example, if r is in the negative y direction then, r = -y = X0, -1\. If r is in some other direction, then ` r = r r = r r is awkward. This is the case here, since r = X-3 m, -2m\.

F = ke Q1 Q2 = 9.0 109

r r3 Nm2 C2

I80 10-6 CM I-50 10-6 CM

X-3 m,-2 m\ AH3 mL2 +H2 mL2 E


= X2.30, 1.54\ N

A.3 - The Electric Field

The gravitational analog of electric field E is the gravitational field g. To define the gravitational field, we find the force F on a test mass m0 and divide the test mass into it.


F m0

We define the electric field similarly. Find the force F on a test charge q0 and divide the test charge into it.


F q0

The direction of the electric field is the direction of the force on a positive test charge; thus, it points toward negative charges and away from positive charges.

Field of a Point Charge

The electric field for a point charge Q can be found using the prescription above. Take the vector r to be the vector from Q to some point P. To get E due to Q at P, first find the force on a test charge q0 placed at P using Coulomb's law.

F = ke
Dividing by q0 gives

Q q0 ` Q q0 r = ke r r2 r3 ` r r2 r r3

E = ke Q
The magnitude of the field is given by

= ke Q

E = E = ke

Q r2

` where the absolute value of the charge forces the result to be positive, as the magnitude of a vector must. Since r is the radial unit vector ` (pointing away from the charge) then the direction of E is given by r, where is sign is the same as for Q.

Principle of Superposition
To find the field for more complex charge configurations we use the principle of superposition. A charge distribution may be viewed as a collection of point charges. The electric field due to that distribution is the sum (or integral) over the fields due to point charges. We will consider first the case of a discrete distribution, where there is a collection of point charges, and then the case of a continuous distribution, where the charge is spread continuously over a line, surface or a volume.

Chapter A - Electric Charges and Fields

To find the field for more complex charge configurations we use the principle of superposition. A charge distribution may be viewed as a collection of point charges. The electric field due to that distribution is the sum (or integral) over the fields due to point charges. We will consider first the case of a discrete distribution, where there is a collection of point charges, and then the case of a continuous distribution, where the charge is spread continuously over a line, surface or a volume.

Discrete Distribution
We want the field at a point P due to charges Qi . Take the vector ri to be the vector from Qi to P. The field is

E = ke Qi

` ri ri2

= ke Qi

ri ri3

Example - Two Point Charges (Continued)

An 80 mC is at H3 m, 0L and a -50 mC is at H0, -2 mL. What is the electric field at H-1 m, 0L?

P is the point where we evaluate the field, so here: P = H-1 m, 0L. The vector from Q1 = 80 mC to P is r1 = X-4 m, 0\ and from Q2 = -50 mC to P we have r2 = X-1 m, 2m\. where we choose the vector form the other charge to the charge we are calculating the force on. The equivalent forms of the the inverse square law for Ei are

E i = ke Qi

` ri ri2

= ke Qi

ri ri3

Of the equivalent forms we choose the easiest. Since the vector r1 is along an axis then the unit vector form is easier for it.

` r1 ` ` r1 = X-4 m, 0\ r1 = X-1, 0\ = -x and r1 = 4 m E 1 = ke Q1 2 r1

r2 is not along an axis so the ri ri3 form is easiest.

r2 r2 = X-1 m, 2m\ E 2 = ke Q2 3 r2
Summing E1 and E2 gives the total electric field.
` r1
2 r1

E = E 1 + E 2 = ke Q1 = 9.0 109
Nm2 C2

+ ke Q2

3 r2

I80 10-6 CM
Nm C2

X-1, 0\ H4 mL2 X-1 m, 2 m\ AH1 mL2 +H2 mL2 E


+9.0 109

I-50 10-6 CM

= X-45 000, 0\ N C + X40 250, -80 500\ N C = X-4750, -80 500\ N C

Continuous Distribution
We want the field at a point P due to a continuous distribution of charge. In this case we break up the distribution into an infinite number of infinitesimal pieces, where the charge of an infinitesimal piece is q.

Chapter A - Electric Charges and Fields

Interactive FIgure

Summing over the q consists of evaluating an integral. Take Q to be the total charge; writing this as the sum over all q gives

Q = q.
Take the vector r to be the vector from q to P. The field is

E = ke

` r r2

q = ke

r r3


The above integrals, although they look like indefinite integrals, are vaguely defined definite integrals, where the integration variables and limits must be determined on a case by case basis.

Using Integrals to Calculate Electric FIelds

1. Mathematically break up the distribution into an infinite number of infinesimal pieces. This requires choosing an integration variable and its limits. 2. Find q, the infinesimal charge of each infinesimal piece. You must write the q in terms of the differential of the integration variable. 3. Write an expression for r, the vector from q to the point P where the value of the field is wanted. Note that r is the magnitude of r. 4. Put the pieces together to form a properly-defined definite integral and evaluate the integral.

Example - Uniform Line of Charge

y y0 Pb r = X-x,y0 \ ` r = Hx0 -xL x - L2 x x + x L2 x0 Pa x

Interactive FIgure

Consider a line of uniform charge Q along the x-axis from -L 2 to L 2.

Chapter A - Electric Charges and Fields

(a) What is the electric field along the x-axis at x0 , where x0 > L 2?

Choose x as the integration variable with limits: - x .
2 2 L L Q

The charge between x and x + x is: q = x. L ` ` ` The vector from q (at x) to x0 is: r = x Hx0 - xL. Thus: r = x and r = r = x0 - x = x0 - x

E = ke

` r r2

q = ke

` Q L2 x x = x ke -L2 H x0 - xL2 L L -L2 Hx0 - xL2


` x

(b) What is the electric field along the positive y-axis at y0 ?

It is the same charge distribution so the first two steps are the same: - x
2 L L 2

and q =



` ` The vector from q (at x) to y0 is: r = y y0 - x x = X-x, y0 \.

E = ke

r r3


q = ke

X-x, y0 \ + y2 0M


-L2 I x2

By symmetry the integral for the x-component is zero, leaving only the y-component.
L2 x ` Q E = y ke y0 -L2 I x2 + y2 M32 L 0

Example - Ring of Uniform Charge

Interactive FIgure

Consider a thin ring of radius R with uniform charge Q in the xy-plane with the center at the origin (a) What is the electric field at the origin?

Because of symmetry E = 0.

Chapter A - Electric Charges and Fields

(b) What is the electric field along the positive z-axis at z0 ?

Because of symmetry we can conclude that the field must be in the z-direction.

E = ke ` = z ke z0 IR2 + z2 0M

r r

` q = z Ez z0 ` q = z ke z0 Q IR2 + z2 0M

` q = z ke

IR2 + z2 0M


Example - Disk of Uniform Charge

Consider a thin disk of radius R with uniform charge Q in the xy-plane with the center at the origin

Interactive FIgure

Field Diagrams
The electric field is a vector field. This means that at each position in space there is a vector. The usual way of representing a general vector field is to draw a grid with a vector at each point in the grid.

Point Charge Field - Vectors on a Grid

Such diagrams, however, can get quite complicated in the case of electric fields; one gets a tangled mess of overlapping arrows. The convention that is used is to draw continuous curves showing only the direction of the field at some position. The field lines begin at positive charges and end at negative charges. We will see that the density of lines is a measure of the strength (magnitude) of the field.

Chapter A - Electric Charges and Fields

Such diagrams, however, can get quite complicated in the case of electric fields; one gets a tangled mess of overlapping arrows. The convention that is used is to draw continuous curves showing only the direction of the field at some position. The field lines begin at positive charges and end at negative charges. We will see that the density of lines is a measure of the strength (magnitude) of the field. Consider the field of a positive point charge; the field lines point radially away from the charge.

Point Charge Field - Continuous Curves

Different concentric spheres with the charge at the center will have the same number of lines passing through it. The area of a sphere is A = 4 p r2 , so if we take the number of lines per area we get:

# of lines Area

1 r2
1 r2

where " " is the proportional symbol. The electric field magnitude is also proportional to

. It follows that

mag of field = E

# of lines Area

This gives the graphical interpretation of the magnitude of the field. When the lines are close together the field is strong and when they are far apart it is weak.

Electric Dipole
QL = -Q is the charge on the left and QR = +Q is the charge on the right.



Two Positive Charges

QL > 0 is the charge on the left and QR > 0 is the charge on the right. Also QL < QR .


Chapter A - Electric Charges and Fields



One Positive, One Negative, Net Charge Negative

QL < 0 is the charge on the left and QR > 0 is the charge on the right. Also QL + QR < 0.



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